RwSTfel r-i ," nKfrny; - "J- ojjrw-,1 I - ' ) THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 100& It yv h NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to the Sciniiton Tilbuno. Monti osc, Aug. 2S. Attorney nnil JMts. V. E. Scott, ot Sciniiton, were BUests of i clatlves In this place the jlrst of the week. Miss Ella Jacobs, of Sciniiton, nml Miss Muiidie Burnett, of Plttston, who liuto been the guests ot County Com missioner It. II. Ilitiiington for sevctnl iluvs returned to their respective homes on Tuesday, Attorney Wlllard Bunnell, of .Scian ton, sp.ent .Sunday with friends and lelatlve's In this place. Van Gnashed; Mutigor. of Hnllstend, Hpent Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mis. E. P. Munger on Lake avenue. Mr. and Mis. A. P. Scott, nnd Mr. mid Mis. L. II. ailflls, aie on an cx cuislon to Nlagant Kails. School opens next Tuesday In this place. Thomas Cow aid and daughter, Mls Helen, after spending a few days In this place, i etui nod on Tuesday to their Iiomc in West Plttston. A meeting or the Village Independent society will be held at Village hall on Tuofcduy evening next, commencing at 7.30 o'clock. The question of a public paik will be discussed. At the annual meeting Wednesday the following of ficers were elected: Piesldcnt, AV. AV. Anisbry; fit st vice-president, A. U. Smith; second leo-picsldcnt, .Mis. H. AV. Seailo; secietary, Miss Louise Jos Eupj tteusuier, II. P. Head; c.ecutie committee, Mis. S. W. Stewnrt, Mis. I. It. McCollum, It. J. McCauslnnd, II. I' Beaidsley, M. S. Allen and V. II. Wui iier. Mr. and Mis. A. B. Hums, and daugh ter, Mis. Bessie Bostwlek, and giand Bon, Itobcit Unstwick, weie guests at C. E. Tltswoith's In Susquehanna, Mon day. Robert Raynsfoid, of Ithaca, is a Bucst at the home of his mother, Mis. IMary Ituynsfoid. Mr. and Mis. Chailes Lines, of Gieat Bend, have been visiting in this place. D. G., of Waveily, X. Y wiio holds u position as secietary of a huge furnltuie establishment in that place, was a guest over Sunday of his p.uents, Mr. and Mia. AV. II. Staik. Chailes Bcssell has almost entirely recoveied fiom ills recent sickness. One of the most intoiestlng ball games of the season, on the giounds In this place, occuued Wednesday between the Tiltons, of Tunkhannoek, and the home team. The game was very close nnd the teams evenly matched, the score being 3-2 in fax or of the visitors. This makes two doleats out of lliiee games between Monti oso nnd Tunk hannoek, that the Monti ose team has sustained. Veiy little difficulty was experienced in icgaid to the decisions of the umpiie and all went smoothly with few exceptions. The attendance as quite large about 700 people wit nessing the contest. Charles Read, of Washington, D. C, was a guest of his uncle, H. P. Read, or a few dajs recently. Miss Molllo Sillier is on a trip to etoryvllle and Scianton, visiting le- Etlves. Mis. Hyde Ciocker, (nee Miss Ann Caskey) died at her home on Hill street, after a bilcf illness on Saturday, Aug. l23, aged 69 eais. She was born in Deckel town, N. J., in 1S3J, and is sui Ived by two daughteis, Misses Jessie ''nnd Mary. Deceased was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal chuieh of tills place and was beloved by all who know her. The f uncial was held from the homo Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. W. Cooper, her pastor, ofllciatlng. A quartette com posed of Mrs. E. F. Wilinot, Miss Eva Hcckman, Joseph E. Barney and L. R. Tltsworth, Joseph 15. Barney nnd L. R. The pall-beat eis wcio D. C., D. A. Tltsworth, J. M. Jeffers, H. F. Man lier, E. D. Bionson and W. C. Cruser. The lenmins wcic borne to the Mont rose cemetery for Intel ment and Rev. Cooper conducted a shot t sei vice at the grave. , TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Suantou Tilluinc. Tunkhannoek, Aug. L'S. William J. Baundeis, of Sunbuiy, is the young man "who taljcs the place of Pi of. Rite. Ho is a graduate of Lebanon Valley col lege, at Annvllle and comes veiy highly recommended. Mis. Geoigo S. Kluncr Is visiting her parents at Freeland, Pa., this week. Miss Nellie Meade, who is employed In New Yoik city. Is spending her vaca tion with her patents at this place. Miss Jeannette Fassett, of Homer, N. Y., who has been the guest of Misses Nellie and Jc3slo Billings, on East Tioga sticct, has ictuined to licr home. Mrs. Uisulti Scott, of Port Jeivls, Is stopping with filends and relatives at this place, Mrs. By i on Kelley is visiting friends nnd relatives at Sayre and Towandn, this week. The annual leunlon of the descend ants of the pioneer, Samuel AVllbur, occurred In McKuno's gioe, about two miles noith of Nicholson, on Wednes day last, About 150 mctnbeis of the family were In attendance, and the day being perfect, a very enjoyable time was had. Besides those living In the immediate vicinity, thcio wcie a num ber present fiom Scrauton, Rlnghnm ton, Monti osc, and other places, The Wilbur family Is of Connecticut stock, Samuel AVllbur having emlgiated thence about the beginning of the nine teenth centuiy, and settled wheie Nidi olson now stands, Ho was one of the sons of Oliver AVllbur, a captain In tho Continental aimy, and saw some ber xlce himself as a soldier in tho AVar of 1812. The descendants of the family aie numerous and scattcird all over tho country, Attorney O, Smith Klnner and wife weie In attendance from this place. Misses Mai Ion nnd Eleanor Metcalt mo enteitalnlng ft lends fioui Phllndel phia this week, at their home on Xlur rlson stieet, The Mlb&es nggleston, of AVIIkes Barre, who have been visiting MUs Boy Cured of Colic After Physician's Treatment Had Failed, My boy when four yeats old was taken with colic mid crumps in his 6tomac)t. I sent for the doctor nnd lie Injected iiioiphlite, but the child kept Betting vvoise. I then gave lilm half a teaspoonful of Chanibei Iain's Colic, Choleru and Dlanhoeu Itemedy, and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon lecoveied. F, L. AVIIklns, Shell Luke, AVIs. Mr. AVIlklps Is bookkeeper for tho Shell Lake Lumber Co. For sale by ull drufglsts. Lntira Stclte, on Third street, returned home on Wednesday. WIMMERS. Special to tho Scianton Tilbuno. AVImiuers, Aug. 27. The Carey re union took place at Mnplcwood today. Those plcsent weie: Mr. nnd Mis. C. M. Williams and daughter, of Plalns- vllle; Mis. C. Smith, ot Wllkes-Barrc; Mr. James Carey, Scinntonj Mr. Ellas Cai oy, Grncedale, Luzerne county; Mis. J. E. Wairon, While Haven; Mrs. Stella Williamson, Grncevllle; Scott B. Carey, Miss Ruth Wheeler and Miss Jennie Wilder, Elmhurst; Mr. George AVheder, Jtr. and Mrs. Sumner Meirlng and five ehlldien, Mr. Robeit House, Dunmore; Bcntt Ice Carey. A'lnson Carey, John Caiey. Ditlton: Daniel Carey, Jerniyn; Mrs. Sumucl Caiey, Benson Carey, Mis. Geoige Ingle, Lizzie Kellnm, Mis. Smith and Daughter Tllllc, Jubilee; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellatn, Katie Cross, Tunk hannoek; II. D. Carey, Scianton; Mis. B.uclay, Wliniuers; Mis. Barbara Caiey. Carey cornets; Mis. J. E. Mead and Phllotus Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Caiey, Ellas Mead, Alice Mead Floyd Mead, Lucins Mead, Goidon McLaln, William Andeison, wife and daughter Florence, Ellen Carey, Mr. nnd Mis, Kindt ell, Mrs. Sarah Welch, Levi Welch, Harry Welch, Arthur Welch, C.ules Welch, Henry Welch, Levi AVelch jr., Sarah Welch, daughter ot Hamil ton H. Carey, Miss Cot a Maddox, Mr. AVestbrook Men lug, Mr. and Mrs. AVnyne Morilng, Mr. and Mrs. o. D. Secor, Peckvlllo; Mrs. Jos. Slckler nnd daughteis, Lidla and Pearl, Peekvllle; Mr. nnd Mrs. AV. J. A'anslekle, Mrs. E. II. Sampson nnd daughter, Mrs. AA'ar ner, Seranton; Mrs. Isaac Jones, Jermyn; Dr. Owen Caiey, 319 Mulberry sttcet, Seranton; Robeit nnd Ramond Johnson, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mis. Geoige Fields, Hamilton; Mr. and Mis. O. S. AA'Ilcox, Piovldence; Mr. Turner and daughter, Scott; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Oakley, t'aibondale; Mildred and Leon Oakley, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Oak ley, Scianton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kel lam, daughter and son; David Gtlffln, Honesdalt'; Mr. and Mis. William Stevens, Scott: Hamilton Eaton, Du pont; Gussie Twehan, Seranton; Mis. L. Bronson, AVImmers; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Wmslekle, Mr. Samuel Hadden, Dun nioi e. The Ladles' Aid met at tho home of Mis. L. Brown. Aug 21, quilted one quilt nnd took dinner, had singing, bible lecitations and leading. Miss Jlinnlo Bovel, of Jeisey City; Miss Cora Mas teis, MKs Rose Ciamer Miss Mm tie Aney, Miss Miller, Mrs. William Mas leis, Mis. Fied Dcnnlck, Mis. George Black, weie present. m H0PB0TT0M. Special to the Scianton Tilbune Hopbollom, Aug. 2S Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tingley ictuined to their home in C.ubondnle today. Miss Inola Dunbar has returned to her home in New Yoik, after spending the summer as the guest of Mrs. O. D. Robert". The Rev. L. L. Lewis accom panied her. Mis. Moirls, of Niagara Falls, is vis iting her mother, Mis. Rosella Carpen ter. Miss Dora Cruise, of New York, and, Miss Edna Brown spent AVodnesday as guests of R. P. Llndley, of'Factory ville. Mr. and Mis Sidney Loonils returned to their home in LaGrange, 111., today. Don't foiget the excursion to Nay Aug paik, Fildny, August 29. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Biith, of tills place, and Frank Janaushek, of Oswegd, to take place AVednesday, September 3. E. M, Tiffany made a business trip to Binghnmton today. Chailes Teiwilliger nnd family have returned to their homo in Scianton. Tho Kellum fishermen loturned fiom Card pond today with a load of forty bass. Mis. Eunice Titus died nt tho homo of her son, A. L. Titus, in Lenox, AVed nesday afternoon. HARFORD. Special to tho Scianton Tilbune, Ilni ford, Aug. 28. Bev. F. M. Daven poit pleached In the Congregational chuieh Sunday mottling. The Hatfotd people ate always glad to welcome Mr. Davenpott, Mis. Joseph Swoctscr and daughter, of Seranton, aie visiting friends hcie. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Doelman, of Buf falo, N. Y weie calling on E. M. AVat- son, Fildny Miss Addle Jeffeis will ) etui n to Now leiry Satuiday, wheie she has been Bet engaged to teach for nnother year. E. E. Jones left this morning for a tilp to New Yoik. Tho mnrilagc of Calvin Chambeilln to Julia, oldest daughter of Mr, and Mis. Fiank Peck, of this plnce, occurred at ninghumton, N, Y August 27. Pi of. nnd Jits. Jnmcs Adams have re turned to New A'ork state, wheie Prof. Adnms will enter upon his duties us piiuclpal of schools. Howard Bobbinsyoungest son of II. A. Bobbins, Is seilously ill with brain fever, and grave feats are entei mined for his leiovciy. The niembets of the Picsbytorlan chinch will welcome Bov. M, J. AA'at klns, of Hallstcad, as their supply, Sunday, August 31, Jits. II. A. Bin mud nnd son, of Hur ilsbuig, leturned to her home Fildny, after spending several weeks with her patents, Mr, and Mis, DcFofest Bain aid, Mis, M. I. Jones Is visiting friends In Seranton this week. MOOSIC. Tho Moosio high school will reopen for the ensuing tenn, Tuesday, Septem her, 2. Edward Mucklow, ot Charleston, AA Ai Is visiting his sister, Mis. Frank Snyder, The extensive lepalrs at No. 2 public school at areenwood nio neailiig com pletion nnd the building will be ready for use September 2. Mis. Chailes Snyder is seriously 111 at the homo of her mother on Nprth Muln stieet. Mlsse3 lieno Wallace and lima Sny der, of Blukely, spent AVednesday at tho hitter's giundpaients, Mr. and Mia. S. J. Hinds. . LAKE WINOLA. Special to tho Scianton Trlbuno. Lake AVInolu, Aug. 28. Tho usual large cioiva attended the reception AYednesihty evening at the Hotel Cliff ton. On Saturday evening. August 30, tho Inst of the scries of hops Wilt be held nt the Hotel Clifton. The Usual good music will be In attendance, and till those who attend ore nssured of n good time. The Clifton will be open to Us patrons until the last of October. September nnd October nio the months to ca tell bass and pickerel at Lake AVInola. Many huge bass tiro caught dally. Among tho guests at Hotel Clifton this week aie: Pciry Caltim, of Etta Mcrven, Mexico; F. V. Ui Inker, A', F. Shurtlcff nnd R. D. Rlttcnhouse, of Seranton; Lieutenant W. F. Ilannuin, United States nimy; Mrs. Claude Krouse nnd daughter, Ruth; Miss 15. Maude DoPuo, of Seranton; Miss C. Lnuer and Miss Stella Rose, of Seran ton; A. P. Gavin nnd P. J. Gnllngher; C. M. Johnson, of Blootnllcld, N. J.; AV. F. Boyd, jr., nnd wife, of Scianton; Mis. living MeCorninck nnd family, of Seranton. THE MARKETS Wall Street Itarlev. New A'ork, Aug. 28. Thcio was a con sldeiublo fuithcr conM action of activity in tlic stock maikct today and the anima tion which had shown mi the pluvious dns ot this week wns lacking. The spec ulative disappointment caused by jester day's 1 eduction of the dividend on Read ing Mist ptefened nnd the anslcty over continued depletion ot banking lescives thioiigh tho Intel loi demand for tur luncy wcio responsible for the pnuno in the speculative activity. It was appaient that some shuip losses weie Inclined by tho plunging hi Reading cstcidny bcfoio tho dividend l eduction wns announced and In Atchison on the day befoic, pre vious to tile repoit ot tlic hiiiuikueo in July net earnings. Thcio was some fur ther soiling in these stocks today nnd Il linois Central lenctcd shaiply fiom es toi day's show of stieugth. After the picssure to sell by disgusted holdeis on mnigln had lcluxcd, pilccs weie pushed up hole and thcio with a lather sus taining cfTcct on the lest of the maiket. No stocks of tho Hist gi.ide weie con cerned in this movement, which was con llncd to minor liilhond stocks nnd to some larely active specialties notably the Gas stocks and the express stocks. Talk of consolidation nccompanled tlic rise in both cases. Sloss-Shef field Steel's 3ticngth was uucxplnlnxd. The upvvaul movement In Canadlnn Pacific seemed to bo duo to lepoits of the lcdemptlon of the com pany's land giant bonds, Coloiado Fuel's eaily bleak on tho proclamation of ic novved hostilities between the contending Intel ests In the propoity was followed by a violent lecoveiy and again by lo.ic tlon. Tho mulct tone of the market was decidedly impioved after the c.uly piess uie iclnxpil, but theio was no disposition towaul tho levlval of enthusiasm with which stocks have recently boon bought. Total sale, ij"l.70O "haips. Tho bond m.u- Kot was ins active toduv and inegiilnr. Total sales, par value, t.'.GUI.nOO United States old Is advanced ',4 per cent, on tno last call. Tho following quotations are furnished The Trlbuno by Haight & Ficoso Co , 314 315 Mcars Building. W. D. Run j on, man ager. Open High. Low Uloso. . W,j, Hi,.. i,r,i8 (,i,i; Copper ... Am. C. At r American Ice .. Am. Ice, Pr ... Am. Locomotive Am. Loco , Pr .. Am. S & B. Co . .Jl'c. .14" . ;u 33, If lJi. IFi EU :!.:-i 9"s 41.', l.!la 12' 4!'& 07-& B'i ::iii 9ii lil'i ll'j 94''. i1 .1!7 9li 4l)',8 11J 91 10!, lli'K l.7S 110 r.4Ta 4! .IPs ISh 1811. si-. slit 17X 97 2J)i 11 7(1 r,7 91 171 is lil 111 1I7"4 2J. .!1Vk lilii, lli, 11,1 Sugar ....liJ'6 AtchKon 91Vi la Aiciuson. I'r iop Bait. ,t Ohio in Biook. B. T mVj. Ciiiuidlan Pacific Clips & Ohio DIK, Chicago & Alton .... IPfe Chic. & G. AV !l c, at. & St. p isi.i'i C, R. I. ,t P 1S1 Col. Fuel & lion SJ 10.PA KM lll'4 H8 1,7'f. 1,1 .!9'4 r.i'i 4i;s 11 Ki 1S1 Ml '' '."8 511A ITS 94 ',A 2,14 41'i 703, r-'. 111'h 4l'4 .H'i 1StVB ISJ SI i', .11 r,nj 179 i 9" 2jy, 41i V0?H r,7'i Col. A: Southein .... .IP; Col. &. South , 2d Pr. M'. Del. & Hud Den. & II. O .... Dettoit Southein Kilo Bile, 1st Pr ..1?JU .. 9", . 2.'-'; .. 41 .. 70t Elie. 2d Pr Tib's Hocking A'nlley lonu Illinois Centinl 17JH Kon. City A South.. iS'i I"".'2 VI 17J4 171 SVt Hi' NOUIS As JN11SI1 1,1 .Manhattan lv. r,i 15.1M ir.ij 114'i 147 20V4 M 1.1. lli,!. 7p; 4Jn Met. St. Bv Mexican Centinl . Mo , K. & Tex ... Mo , K. A- T Pr , Mo Pacific N. Y. Centinl Norfolk .fc AVest .. Out. & AA'est Pacific Mall Penn.i. B B People's Gas Piespd Steel Car. Beading Beading, 1st Pr ., Rending, 2d Pr ... Rppuhllc Steel .... Ropiiblic Steel, Pi St. L. &. Sin F ... St. L. So. W Southern Pacific . Southein R. ... . .147sk 117 -")& 2T ... Ml'. ...117 " ...lftP'. ... 71i ... r, ... u-, ...1JA ...104H ... 51 ... i.nj ... Vli'.'j ... 71-1 ... 21U .. 7Sf. ... J2l4 . . :t7 ... 7i& 1,7 117 liil 7JIJ 3.V lij'l -Q 4J1. ii. i ll.. 10414 lft7H 101 rji r.iiA i.s !li l.S Sl.H IH sou 7 Jl't 20 21 7S4 7'i 7sVi K0 70 V) .17". .17 XV. 77'4 70'i 7i. 40 ::i7a ;.,07H On'A It, W, 71 " 70 70 r,j' r,2'i B'v, H2 iim inn 9'.1'. 9','4 f.I" .. IT ll'i 1!V'. . .7 S7i R7M 4Ps 10 0 90 S0 90 :n :vA ,v.7' IS'i IS 4Sli 91 91 97 2SI 2744 2S 30 29' s 30'i in Southein R. R.. Pr Oil Tenn , CotI & lion... 701'- Texas H Paelfie KP'. I'nlnn Pacific 111 lTnlnn Pacific, Pr .... 91'i V. S Leather 11 'i V. S Leather, Pr,. S7H IT. S. Steel mi V. S. Steel, Pr no AVnhash ;i) AVabash, Pi 1S''. AV'Pstein Fnlon 94K. AVIicpI & L E 274 AVIs. Central 29'i Total sales, (i7.',2oo shaics. Jloney, S1! per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN & PROA'ISION. AA'HEAT. Soptember December . CORN Septomber December . Open. High. Low. Close. 701, 70i tmi 00 07 r.t.ii E 3.1'i SOVj 17.17 10 7.' 1017 b0 r.i,'. 42 MA 42 r.o 42t'; 31 304 ltj 05 10 .10 9 07 JaArsr- ,,, J uocenTber' :0 OATS December "0 30V. SO PORK September , LARD Septombcr , RIB8 Septctnbcr NEW YORK . 17.17 17.17 10 9j . 10.72 10 7.' 10 30 . 10 17 10 17 0.70 COTTON MARKET, Open. High. Low. Close. Alicust h.r,T SI,J S.I2 K 12 September Su9 b.ll 8 JO 8 30 HISTORICAL PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho plctuies appearing on this page each day, diaw a pencil mink mound the bidden obJr savo thorn until battit clay, thou send them or tako them to Tho Tilbuno oflFin nn ouvelopp nddiossed to Puzzlo Dcnnitmont." ilncloso In tho cnvolono your nnine, ago atiu uuuress. 'ino bojs and gltls who coueetly mink tho Blx nnd whoso answers am Hist lecolved, will Tribune Monday morning. v CrnAK Hcneral JIaiion In conference with u British otllcer. Find the Biltlsh com mander and his adjutant. October ...n. .,,,, 8X1 December ,...,., 830 8 37 8 31 8 30 8.25 8 25 Seranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK'S. 111(1. Asltcd. Lackawanna Dnlry Co , Pr..i, CO County Bitv. Hank & Trust Co 300 riist Nat, Hank (Caibondalo), ,.. Thtid rational Bank ,.., r50 Dime Dep & Bis. Bank 300 IVnnnmv I.. It. & P. CO.,..,. ... coo 40 Flist National Bank isoo Lnck. Tiust a Bnfn Deti. Co .. Clark Si Hnover Co, Pr .. Scianton Savings Hank Tindeis' National Dank ...... Hcinntnn Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank BONDS. Rcrnnton Packing Co Scianton I'assenger Rnllvvay, Hist mortgaKC, duo 10J0 pnnin'o Htioet rtalhvav. Hist 19- i:.i ron 125 135 35 115 moitgagp. duo HIS 115 People's Sticct Rnllwav. Gen- oial mortgage, duo Scianton Tine. Co , o per cent. Economy L, II. i P. Co N. JeiHoy & Pocono Ice Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co 115 ... 115 ... 87 07 ... 105 Seranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lucka. Ave.) FIoui-$l.40. , , , Butter Iicsh cicamery, 23c; fresh dalty, 2Jc. Cheese Unlike. Eggs Neat by, 22c: western, 2lc. Mniiovv Benns Per bushel. 5J U5a2.40. Giecn Pons Per bushel, $2.25. Onions Per bushel, 00c New Potatoes Me per bushel, Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Aug. 28 -Wheat-Contract guide, August, closed 7J1ia71c. Coin No. 2 cllow on tl.ick. OSaOOc. Oats New Iso. 2 while clipped, l.'c Butlei-Etia west cm eienmeiv. lOVic; do. ucaibv pilnts, 21c. Eggs I'iesh iic.uby, 21c: do. west ern, 21e.: do. southwestern, 19.120c; do. Houthoin, ll,al7c Cheese Now Yoik full neam1". pilmo small, WalOilc; do. do. do., fair to good, lOilOVic llcllned Sitg nis Steady; unchanged. Cotton Steady, unchanged; spot nc. Tallow Steady; city pi lino in tlpices, diinOHc; cotmtiy do. do , hmirls, Cid'ftc; do. dark do. do, bands, ri5u.Vf,c; cakes, clni,54c. Live Poultiv Fowls, 12'Aillc: old loosteis, Oc; spring chickens, utAiiUo.: spilng ducks, lie; nlfl rln in.illn. 1)irs.qpd 1'Ollltl V FoW IS. choice western, l.Uc; do. southern and "outhwestctn. lie; do fair to good, Un 12Jc: old loosteis, 9.i9",ic; biollcis near by large, lrmlTc: western do, l.uge, 11.1 15c. Receipts Flour. 2.1.18 bands nnd 1. Ih17, !00 pounds In sacks; wheat, lOii.itiS bushels; com, 2,270 bushels; oats, Bi.SiiO bushels. Shipments-Wheat. 2 OIJO bush els; coin, 2.7J0 bushels ; oats, lO.SSii bushels. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Aug. 2S -Blight weather gon eially was tho beaiish factor In giains to dav. All ceicals suffeied the stmt on geneial nnd fice liquidation by longs and for some time bents had fieo leln. Later thcio was somethluB of a natuial icnctlon .especially In oats. I he close, bowovpi. was weak In the main, September wheat, .ilc. down; bcpicm ber coin Pic. lower and September oats 'Ac. highei: September piovislons closed o"ft li to S:c. Cash quotations weie as follows: Flour-Steady; No. 2 spiing wheat. 71c; No :s, 09c ; No. 2 red, i0J4a 7-l'4c; No 2 coin, 50c; No 2 yellow, U)c: No J oat. 20al0c; No. 2 white. ; No. II white, 32.i3i.V4c; No. 2 lye. u0V4i Dl'cc: good feeding bailey, : fair to choice malting. CSimJc; No. 1 ilnx seed, Jl.ll; No 1 noithwostein. $1.4,; pilmo tlm otliv seed, $4.10; moss polk, per binel. Jli; OOali, 0",; hud, por 100 pounds, $10 1i 10 'fl; shoit ilbs, $0 sra9 1".: houldois, 8Vi !TaC ; shoit clear sides, 10alo;sc. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East Buffalo, Aug. 2S Cattle-Rccolpts, light: no demaiul; veals, steady. logs Receipts. 2,."i00: slow; heavy. $ sOai.&i; two docks at $7.97, and mixed, $7.70a(.S0; pigs, $7 40a7."i0; iough. Slittd 7,0; slags. ?,i r. .10; gi assets, $7.10i7 01; closing wcalc. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,100: dull: 0a21c. lovvoi: top lambs, $3 Ciau.Y.i: one load. $.100: fair to good, $.121a1 lOjculls to common. $17.1a4; jenillng". $lal-''.: vvoth et, $l.73n1; sheep, top mixed, JI2.ia3rjO; fair to good. $.:a'20: culls to common, ?1.73a2 73; ewes, f., 2111.1 50. New York Grain and Produce Market New A'oik, Aug. 2S-FIoui-QuIct and easier at a slight decline on top guides; winter stiaights, $.! 40aJ 50 j Minnesota, pat ent. $JS0a4. AVlicut Receipts, Ul,5i3; ex poits, 210,500; spot, easier. No 2 led, iUbC elevator: No. 2 led, 71a7.1l!;c. f. o. b.; No. 1 noithein Duliith. MVlc. L o. b alloat; options closed weak at an'sc. net lowei; May dosed 7lV4c; September, 71',ic: DccembPi. 72"ic Coin-Spot casici ; No. 2. tbVc. elevator nnd l7'ic f. o b. alloat; options weak; May dosed lic.; Septcmhci, UPjc; December, ',871c. Oats Spot dull: ti.iok white, SJalSc.; ti.ick mixed western. SlnS'c ; options weak: Oc tober closed hS;c.; December, 83 c.; May, ;i'04c. Buttei allglitlv lltmei; tieamciy, liliilOc; fnctoiy, lJallKc; icnovntcd li 17',Sc; Imitation cioumeiv. ll'jiliVAc; state tlaliy. 13alslc. Cheese aiaikot weak to steady: now stato full cieam, sinall cnloied fancy, 10'8.il0K.c : small white, 10ulOV&c; huge colored. U44a9c.; l.u ge white. 9,a9c. Eggs Film; state and Pemisjlvanln. 20H.a.'lc: wcsiein can dled, ISa.Oc; western uncanidled, lOalSVic. Chicago Xive Stock. Chicago, Aug. 2S Cattle Receipts, 5 SOO, Including 3,000 w osteins; steady; good to Pilmo stcois, JSaS71; poor to medium, $la 7 21: stockots ant leodets, $.M0a121; tows, J130a3 50; hclfeis, $J30a(i; canneis. $1.10.1 210: bulls, $'2.1n5 50: calves, $2.7.1a7.21; Texas fed steois. $Ja1; vvestcin stceis, 5tar,8.1. Hogs Receipts today, 1S0iX); to nioitow, 1,300: left ovei,; slow, clos ing lowei; mixed and butcheis, i7.3.1a7.S.l; good to choice! heavy .$7.i,0i7 90; lough heavy, $7.21n7 51; light, $7 11.17.70: bills ot sales. $7.41a7 ul, Sheep Rptolpts, 20.0UO; shpep and lambs. 10c. lower: good to cholco wetheis, $.1.10.14; lair to cholco mixed, $2 30.U3fl; natlvo lambs, $150.13 00. East Liberty Live Stock. East Llbeity. Aug. 2S Cattle-Lower: choice, $7,30a7.73; pilme, $7a7.21; good, $0 M) nil 00. Hogs Lowei; inline heavies, $7.MU 7.Ki; mediums, J7S0: liony A'oikeis, $7.71.1 7.80; light do. $7 1.3.17,70; pigs. $7.53a7.ifl; loughs. $ua7.23. Sheep Dull: best vvotb eis, $.lS3a4: culls ntul common, Sl.iOaJ; tohlce lambs, $3.73ali; veal calves, $7.50aS. Oil Market. Oil Cltv, Aug. 2S. Ctedlt balances, 122; certificate, no bid: shipments, W.729 bni rols; nvciago, 80,411 bauds; rims, 102,21.7 barrels; avetage, 77,301 bauds, plctuios nppc.uiiiB during tlio wocK. havo their names published in The ' THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. Tor Bent. FOB IlENT-Bcautlful ten-room single house, completely fuinlabod, with nil Impiovenicnts, centuilly located, on Spillce Btleet. lnciilro J. C. Uiltleh, icul cstato biokcr, 617 Lackawatma avenue. A BEAUTIFUL houso fur lent, tilnu looms and all model n Itnpiovcmcnts, ,nt Pill! Adams iivcnuc. Viuant now. Lot Vo feet fiont, with shade Hops nnd beau tiful .void In lear. At veiy teiiKonablu lent. Call nnd see J. C. Hurllloh, 517 Lack iiwaunii avenue. HOUSES for rent, 8 looms, 909 Monioe; nlniost new, Comcgys. NINE-ROOM house. Mlllbeiiy .street, conveniences. Comcgs, Council Blclg. THItEE handsome furnished houses fpr lent: also furnished looms for light housekeeping. Come nnd see us. 'Phono 109, Comcgys, 709 Council Building. FOB HENT-From September 1, 9-toom house, 911 at eon Rldgo sticof, modem Impiovemelits; steam heat freo; location veiy convenient, BABBEB SHOP for rent: nearly now building; uood location; tlty wntor, etc. Just vacated. An exceptionally good oiiportunlty to continue n well estab lished business. C. N. Wood, New MII foul, Pa. FOB BENT Two furnished cottages nt Lnko Shoildnn; dry and healthy loca tion: good shade and finest placo for a week or a month's outing In Northern Pennsylvania. Addicss II. L. Hauling, Fnctoiyvillo, Pa. . For Sale. LARGE furnished house for lent to a suitable patty. The landladv mav keep a few looms. Comegjs, Council building. FOR SALE Sound hoisp, R veils old, combination saddler and drliet, can be seen at Smith Gorman's lively, Spruco stieet. Suitable for lady or gentleman. FOR SALE Cheap, ono laigo new gio coty wagon, coining capacity 1.100 pounds; also ono lnige coffoo gilnder; can be uiu bv motoi or hand power. Ap ply to U Moses, 518 Lackawanna avciiuu FOR SALE A fiist class meat maiket. Owner will woik for pailj. Addicss 131 Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa. Help Wanted. AVE AVANT opeiiltois for shlit factoiv. Steadv woik and good pa v. Ao will pav tianspoitatlon to Ficehold, N. J., and guaiantee boa id to those who will como and take positions with us. A Henry Rothschild Co, Ficehold. N. J. Furnished Hooma Wnnted. AYANTED ruinlsbed looms for light housekeeping. J. B. Tribune office Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST Between Claik's Giecn and Chin chilla, a black silk jacket. Finder re wnidcd If left at Place's stoic, or Bun nell's stoio at Claik's Summit. Mae Couitright, Clink's Giecn, Pa. Room for Rent. FRONT ROOM for Adams avenue. lent; desirable, 424 Wanted. AVANTED A fow shales Title Guarantee and Tiust Co. stock. Addicss AV , Tribune office. Wanted To Rent. AVANTED A small house or fiat, profor- auiy luimsneu, in ucsitamc location. To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Bo's 327. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck, stialght loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to B per cent. Coll on N. V. AValker. 314-315 Conndl bulldlhg. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOMSoT'nmtmodorn Improvements; piivato family; gen tlemen pieferred, at 537 Adams avenuo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlomen pio ferred, at 539 Adams avenue. Wanted To Hire. AA'ANTED TO HIRE-A hoiso for light dellveiy dining Septcmbet. Sciniiton Bedding Co., 000 Lackawanna avenue. LEGAL. IN RE: Estato of Cathniino Mlttnii, lato of tho Boiough of AVaveily, deceased, Letteis of nclmlnlhtintlon o. t. a. In tho nbovo ostato having been gi anted to tho undoi signed, all poisons having claims against same will piesent thorn for pay ment, id all poisons Indebted theicto will ma.j Immediate pavment to D. AV. M1TTAN, t,t , Administrator C. T. A. FRED C. HAN YEN, Attotnoy tor Estate,, J29 Washington avenue. r a BASEBALL, j American League. At Chicago first gome R.II.E Philadelphia 000010000 l 1 3 Cllli ago 000J0100X I !i 3 Battel ics-Hustings und Powers; Pat terson and MoFarlund. Umplte-John-btouo and Cnrutheis. Second game R.H.E. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 ,1 12 3 Chicago 100 12 00001 ii a Batteries Wiuldell and Schiookenwixt. Pintt and MoFarlund. Umpltcs John stono nud Cut tubers. At Cleveland R.H.E. Washington 0 00300000 J 7 i WrtVdutid 00 3 00 0 20.x 512 o Battel It s Carrick and Claik: .loss im.i Bemis. Umpire Connolly, At Detroit jj.ji -4 Boston , 00 00 00 0000 2 Eliiolt .., ,,.0011 0000 1 .X 1 ti J BntU-iles-Sp.uks ami Warner; Metcer and Endow, Umplro-O'Loughlln. At Bt, Louis ten Innings R.H.E. Baltimore! ,, 000000000000 1 1 St Louis HO 110001)00 1 I S-l natleiies-Katoll anil Smith; Donohuo and Kuhoe. llniplte Sherldun, National League. At I'lttbbuig- R.H.E. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 i) jj 3 Chtongu i-iusiiurg ..y.,,.,,,,10 U S 1 00 lx-U 17 3 Battel les-Tnylor and Kllngj PJiliippi and Smith. Umplie-Iivvln. Other clubs not scheduled. Eastern League, At Newurk AVorcester, 1: Newark. 1. At Jersey City-Jersey City, 3; Provl deuce, 1. At Buffalo Buffalo, 5; Rochester, 2. At Toi onto Montreal, 10; Toronto, 6. No Order Accepted Tor Less Tlinn 10 Cents. Branch WANT Office Want Advertisements Will Bo , Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ. corner Mul- oerty street nnd Avclisicr nvo, ITRTA1J Tilr.tir.T ,'rn A.litma avenue. West Side GEO. YV. JBNKINS, 101 South Main avenuo. South Seranton FRBD L. TERPPE. avenuo. 729 Cedar North Seranton GEO. AV. DAVIS, corner North Main avenuo and Market stieet. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1357 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo , stieet. C." LORHNJi. coiner AVnshlngton avenuo and Marlon sticct. Petersburg AV. II. KNEPrEL, avenue. 1017 Irvlns Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Wanted To Purchase. ANTBD-MTuTtc7iTiei months old, color, hi hullo piefoiieil: puce must bo lcasonablu. Coachman, ,',.9 Costello coin t. Help Wnnted Male. l'OBB e.xpeiienced Diamond Diill i im neis, good wages, steady omplovmuit to lii st class men. Applv at the office of John Jlulihend Ai Son, Plttston, Pa. Help Wanted Female. AVANTBD A gooTTooirT'mTisrboweTl leeommcnded. Mis. A. B. Blair, 401 Jeffetson avenue. AVANTED Ghl for geneial houscvvoik. Apply at 415 Madison avenue. HELP AVANTBD-An expcilenced sales lady. Address below slating wheie emplojcd and salary expected. Addicss 'Lackawanna Ave," cue Tiihuno office. Business Opportunity. 1' OR SALE A lino geneial .stoic in good locality with horsis, wagons, llxtiues, etc. Stock Inventoilod in Apill ne.uly $i.000 and business will run fiom $33,000 to $40,000 per jenr. Piollts will i tin 20 per cent, to 21 per cent. Reason ot sale, ill health. Fin fin ther lnroimatlou wiilo to P. O. Bo.x 337, Scianton, Pa. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS -nlth-out delay. AA'ilto for our special mai ket letter. Froo on application. S. M. Hlbbnid & Co, membois N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, 44 and 4il Broadway, Now York. Estibllshcd 1S6I Long DIstanco 'Phone 21SS Broad. Real Estate. LOTS, houses and faim3 foi sale. J. C. Zurflieh. Sen FOR SALE-Elcgnnt sites for homos In upper Green Rldgo; cholco neighbor hood; most destinblo locnlltv for homo In Lnckawanna county. J. A. Mai vine. 1730 Sanderson avenuo. Dissolution of Partnership. TH E PAItTN ERSrHTfTrirr Stono nnd F. C. AValteis, doing business under tho nnmo of tho New Kcnovallntr Com pany, was dissolved on May 14, 1(2. L. H. STONE Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRA', Dunmoro, launders shlits at Sc each and collars and cuffs at lc. each. PffOFS0V4I., Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAUI.DING. C. P. A.. 3 Ttaders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1S0I Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B, Real Estato E.xchungo Bldg , 12ii Wash ington avo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. BILENBERGBR, PAUL.I building, Spiuco stroot, Seranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 115 AVYOMING avo. Pire Insurance. SCHLAGEB & CO., Ttndois Bank Bldj Patent Attorneys, DA TC MTC Inallcountrles KM I LIM I O of the Globe. Tho only licensed and equipped p.itont solicitor In tho city. No thnigo for In foi uintlon on patentability; ovor ten yeais experience. Rcplogic & Co., JMcars Blclg-. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK Un avenue. Bates icasonablo, P. SS1EGLBU, Pioprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L tz W. PiiBsonger depot, Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. A'letor Koch. Propilotor. Scavenger, ATB7BRlda"s CLEANS PIUVY A'ABLTS and cess pools; no odor; only tmpiocd pumps used. A. B. Bilggs, piopilator, Leavo oideis 1100 Noilh Mala uvoimo. or ElcWo b di tig stoio, cm nor Adams and Mulbeiry, Both telephones, Wire Scieens, JOSEPH Kl'ETTUU REAR 311 LACKA, avo, Scianton, mfrs. of AVlto Scroons. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEE BHOS.. PRINTERS' SEP. plloj, envelopes, paper bags, twlno. Watehouse, 113 AVashlugton avenue, THE WILKES.BABRB RECORD CAN bo had In Scianton nt the now a sfind of Reisman Bios, 4W ripiuc-o and W Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avo.; I, S. Schutzei, 211 Hpiuce stioit. Boarders Wanted, BOARDEItS AVANTED-WII1 tako sum mer bom dei s; tlueo laigu ally looms nud good table bouicl. Addiess O, K Dalton, Pn. Board and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE suite ofnK)i"wlth first clnss tablo boatd, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. DIRECTORY. BUSIHES5 OPPMfUKIIIES. RSfll ESTHTE Only Half a Cnt a Word. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTEI)-lly a boy II ..J'.0"1?' 'd In of Ike 01 stole. Address Dickson avenue. SrirATION WANTED-By a ynung lady Jo do light houscvvoik or sccoiiii girl. Addioss ai, .At, P., no Elm Btrect. SITUATION AVANTED-Bv boy nged 17 .veins; would llkn to dilvo hoiso or woik In knitting milt; good rcfei euros. Addicss Chailes Miller, 911 Slocttm street, city. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnro, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1002. Trains loavo Scianton for Now yoik At 3 20, 0 03. 7,50 and 10 10 n. in.; 12 10. J 140. 3 S3 p. m. Tot Now A'oik nnd Phlla-dclphla-i M. 10 in a. m and 12.40 und 3 31 p. m, For Gouldsboio At 0 10 p. m. For Buffalo l.M, :. nnd 0 00 a. m.i 13.1, (151 nnd 11,10 p. m. For BliiRhnmton. Eltnlia nnd way stations 10 2.1 n. m 101 p. m. 1 or Oswego, Svincuso nnd Utlcn 1,15 and 0 22 n. in. j l .v. p. in. Oswego, Syincuso nnd I'tlca tialn nt 0 22 a. in. dally, except Stindny. For Monti osc-9 CO n. m.i 1.01 nnd 0 50 p. m. Nicholson nccominodatton I 00 and C.13 n m. Bloomsbuig Division For Nnrthumbor Innd. nt 0 31 and 10 10 a. in.: 153 and 0.10 p. m For Plymouth, nt 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 0 01 p jn. Sundnv Trnlns-For Now A'ork, 1.10, 121. 0 0.. 1010 n m.; .40 and 3 31 n. in. For ButTnlo 1 15 and C22 a. in.; 1.51. 0 50 nnd 11.10 p. in. For Kbnlia nnd way stntlons 102, a. m For Blimhnmtnn nnd way sta tions, noo a. nt. nionmsbttig Dlvlnlon Lcavo Sciniiton, 1010 n m. and 010 p. m Lehigh Valley Kallroad. Ju Eftect Juno 15, 1!W2. Tialns l.oavu Scianton. rpr Philadelphia and Now Yoik via D. & H. R. R., nt 7.11. tin nugh P.uloi Car nnc Day Coach Cnibomlnlo to Now Yolk nnd 0 47 n. in. with L V. Coach C.iibon ilnlo to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4 J5 (Black Diamond Ex-moss), und 11 49 p. in. Sun ,,,.5M' Eft " B R , 1 .IS, 0 17 p m. i or v hlto Haven, llnzlelon and pilnci pal points In the coal icgloiib. via D : U,..I,,..I1' M- -IS unci 4J1 p. m. For Pottsvillo. 7.11 a. in For Bethlehem. Knton, Rending, Hai ilsbtug and piliulpil intormcdlato stn lns. via D ,M It. R. R. 7.11, 9 47 a. m : 2 IS, IT., (Rlnclr nininnnd Expiess), 11,49 p. "is ;Jll1li(lnJ', D- & H B Jl, 9 3S n. m.; For Tunkhnnnnek, Tnvvnnrin, Klmlia, ith.icn, Geneva nnd pilnclpal hiteimediato stntlons via D , L t AY. R. R , OKJ a. m. and 1 51 p. in. For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo. Nlag fiia 1-allB. Chicago and all points west via D. rr. R. R, 12 0! p m.: 3.23 (Black Diamond Exmcss), 10 II. 11.49 n m Sun- cums i. a 11. 15. n. 1203, 9.17 p. in Pullmnn pallor and sleeping or LoIiIqIi vallov Pallor 0.11s on nil ti.ilns betwpon AAlllses-Bniro and Now A'ork. Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bildgo. IIOLLIN 11. AV1LBUR. Gon. Supt . 20 Coitland Etront, Now A'oik. CHARLES S. I.EE. Gon Pass. Agt , 23 Coitlnnd stioct, Now A'oik. A W. NONEarACITER, Dlv. Pass. Agt. South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Ptilltmn reservations npply to cltv ticket nlllco, 69 Public Square. WIIkes-Bai 1 0, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Centinl Railroad of New Jersey, in Effect Junu 29, 1902. Stations In Now York, foot Liberty stieet and South Fony, N. R Tialns leave Seranton for New A'oik, Philadelphia, Enston, BetWohom, Allen town., Jlnuch Chunk. White Haven, Ash ley, AV'ilkes-Bono and Plttston at 7 30 a. m . 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. Quaker City Expiess leaves Scianton 7 30 n 111., tluougli solid vestibule tinln with Pullman Buffet Pallor Cai for Phil ndolphln with onlv ono chiingo of cars for Baltlmmo and Washington, D. C, and all pilnclpal points south nnd west. For Avoen, Plttston nnd AVilkes-Bane, 1 p m. and 1 p. 111 Sunday, 2 10 p. m. For Long Blanch, Ocean Giovo, etc., 7.30 a in. and 1 p m. For Rending, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allcntown nt 7 30 n m , 1 p. m. and 4 p m. Sundnv. 2 10 p m. For Tnmnqun and Pottsvillo, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p m. and 4 p m For lates and tickets apply to agent at station W. G BESSLER. Gen Manager. C. M. BITRT. Gon. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Sehodulo In Eliect June 10, 1902. Tialns loavo Scianton: (! ,S n. 111 , vvcolc days, tluougli vestibule tinin fiom Wilkes-Banc. Pullman buffet pailnr car and coaches to Phll.idelph! 1, via Potts villo; stops at pilnclpal Intoi mediate stn tlons Also connects foi Sunbuiy, Ilnr lisbuig. Philadelphia, Baltimore. AVash lngton and foi Pittslmig and the AA'eal. 9 17 n. 111 . wools d ivs, for Siinhury. Hnr 1 Isliiug, Philadelphia, Ealtimoic, AVnsjh ington and Pltthbuig and tho West. 1.12 p in., week dnv's, (Sundays. 1 5S p. 111.), for Sunbuiy Haiilsbuig, PhllHdel uhln, Ilaltininio, Washington nnd Pitts buig nnd tho AVest. 3 2S p. 111.. week las, llnmmli vestlbulo train fiom WHkes-Bniio. Piillmun buffot puloi c.u pud coiches to Philadelphia via Pottsvillo. Slops at pilnclpal Intermedi ate stations 131 p in,, week dnv. foi Hiulcton, Sun buiy, Ilniilsbuig, Philadelphia and Pltts- U,K' J. B. TIFTCHIN'SON. Gcil. Mgr. J. 11. AVOOD. Gen. Pass. Act. Delnwnro nnd Hudson. In Kflect Juno 10, 1902. Tialns lor Caibondalo leavo Scianton at 0 14. 7 3li, t.w, 10 U n. m: 12 05, 1.12, 2 11, 3 fill! 5 29, 123, !21, 9 13, 10 01 p. 111.; 12 IS, l' For' 1013 a. m.; 2.11 and C ) p. in. Foi AVUkcs-B.ll 1 0 B IS. 7.41. S41. 9 47, 10.53 n. m.i 12 01, 142, 2.1S, 3 2S, 4 33, 010, 7 IS. 10 41, 11,49 in. For L. V. B. B. Polnts-7.11, 9.47 a. m.: n IS. 4 33 and 11.49 p. m. For Pennsylvania It, R. Points 0 33, 9.47 n. in ; 1.42, 3 2S and I 35 p. in. For Albany nnd all points 1101 th 7.33 a. m. and 3 50 p m. m. di-NDAV TRAINS. For C.ubondnle S 50, 11.33 a. m; 2.11, 3 50. 5 52 and 11.17 P. ni. Vni- WllkPS-BlllO-9 3S n. m.; 12.03, 1,53, 3 2S, fi 32 mill 9,17 P. Ill , ., For Albnnv and points noith 3 56 p, in. For Honi'sdale S 50 u. m.; 113.1 nnd J 53 V' w'. , PRA'OR, D P A , Seranton. Pa. Erie Rnllioad Wyoming Division, In Effect July 30th, 1902, Tialns leavo Scuuiton for Hnwloy End local Matlous nt 7 20 and S 13 a. 111 ; I 31 and 5 20 p m. Siuidajs 9 no a. m and 13.1 p in For Now A'oik. Newhurgh and Intel modlato points at 7.20 a. in. and-lJj n 111, Suudavs, 1.11 p. 111 For Iloncsilala 1 33 and 5 20 P m. Tialns uiilvo at Scianton ? 20, 10 4t n. m : 3 00 and 0.13 p, m, Sundays, 1.00 and ts.15 p. 111. New Yoik, Ontario and Western, 'lima Tablo la Kfteit Sunday, June 13.-1903 NORTH BOUND TRAINS. ' Leavu Leavu Atiiva Tialns, Scianton, Ciuboudulo, Culosla. No, l 103011, in. 1110a. in. lonp.m. No, 3 ,4 00p. 111. Ill p. in liOOn. m. No. 7 0IO11. 111 Ar.CaiboiidnloOlupni SOUTH BOUND. Leavo Leave Airlva Tialns. No, ii , No. 4 ., Cadosia, C.uboiidnlo. Seranton. ,, 0.51111,111, 7.21 a.-m. ,8.10a. 111, 1001 a, m, 10,40n,-m, . 2.13 11. 111. I 00 11 111. 1 13 nln. No. 2 SUNDAYS ONLY. NORTH HOUND. Loavo Loavo Arilvo Tialns. Scianton. Ciubondale. Cndosln. No. 9 s 30 11, in, 9 10 11. tu 10 II a. .111, No, 5 7 OOP SOUTH BOUND, '. Leavo Leavu Ariivo Tialns. Cudosla, Carbondalo. Seranton. No. 1; ii50u, 111. 7.2ia:m. No 10 4 so p. m, 0 Oij i. m. c 43 p. m, Trnlns Nos, 1 oil week dujs, ond 9 on Siiudiija lounect foi Now A'oik city. Mid aietovvu. AVulUni. Noiwlch, Oneida, Os wogo and all points west, Tiulu 3 for Po) niello, AVnlton, Delhi, Sidney, Noiwlch und all Now lleillu buincli points. Tialn No. 0, with "ijunker City E"c press" nt Scrnntoii. via R. R. of N. J , for Philadelphia, Atluntlo City, Baltlmoro. Waulilnulon utul Pomibylvuula state points. Seo tlmo-lnblo and consult ticket agents for connections with other lints. J. C. ANDERSON. O. p. A . Now York. J. E. AVELSH, T P. A., Seranton. Pa. 1 l l J.t,tss'ffiki&h-!xv Jl.4!! -v. JMJ&iAfeACAJ ) p-i ? t i -i . ,'t v