The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 27, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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?v ir5.:zAMvp&Qi ra im&mxyitPimr-KmaaEW&sn"- if?x QVi&wsisr. Airs v. i mm ' v? a ,a
. .. i ' I I ' l I i ii in ii i .. n
Declares That Arbltiatlon Is Not the
Solution to tho Problem Says the
. Operators Aro Only Doing Their
Plain Duty In Declining to Arbi
trate a Question Which Is in the
Domain of Conscience nnd Involves
tho Personal iiborty of the Indi
vidual. At Har JJiiibor, Me., Monday, Abiam
S. Hewitt!' ex-mavor of New York, was
naked w'helhcr aibltratlon was the only
means that tcnulncd wheicby tho
Brent niitliraclto strike might be
ended, and whether or not It was an
ciiuilablc solution of tlio dlfllculty. Ho
You ask whether tho time has not ar
iled foi atbltiatton in oidci to end the
coal atllkc in the antliiacltc lesion. I
think tho time has anlcd when tho plain
tiuth should bo told, ni well to the stillc
iiiB mlnois n3 to tho public, fiom some
lCLORtilzcd advcuito ot Undo oiganU.i
tloni as iirctkIus foi the Im
luovcment oC tho condition ot woiklns
liion. Fen a quai tei of n tontui y 1 liavo
inilfoinilv maintained tho light and tho
duty of association, both on the pa it of
cinploNcis and employ. Such oiganl
rations, liowevti, must bo foi lawful pur
poses and must look to tho accomplish
ment of icsulls louniUd on Justice When
claims aio made tontiaiy to tho fiintla
mctital conditions upon which society is
founded thc must bo leslstcd at all h i.
aids I am clear1 that tho claims of Mr.
Mitchell and ine in,. i
ho piesldes nio in contravention of tho
pilnelples of fiee i?oei anient and Of tho
ilKhts of men to earn tbcli living in any
lawful way, without Intoifeionro fiom
oijjanlzed laboi 01 oignnlzecl capital.
Tho unhappj contioNcis now clstlnB
is not based upon am ic.ison.ible claim
which labui can in ike foi shoitci horns
01 bettci w ikcs it Is tmc that All
Mitchell iilleni's this to bo tho object of
the Htilke but as n nnttci of fact it is
notoiiotis that the leal obiect Is to seciuo
tho lccofintllon of his national oigmU.i
tlim as an authoiity entitled to docldo
upon the utcs ol wages and tho condi
tion of laboi In tho coal Holds wheievor
situated. If this demand bo conceded It
will not be possible foi mis man not hold
ing a union cud to secuic emploment
in the coal Holds This will amount to ti
denial of tho lights of ecij man to toll
his labm In a ficc lnuket Uhc cone"s-f-lon
of this demand will make Ml Mitch
ell the dictate i of the coal business and
put him In tontiol of otes enough to
deeido the nct election
Tho light to laboi Is inbeiont in eeiv
human being and cannot bo siniendoiecl
without tho sTciillcp of individual liberty
and of piivato piopeitv. It thciof)ie
cannot be uibitiated any moio than tho
light of a man to his own home if it
t.liall be el limed b an outbldoi who piot
fcis in bin ition An offoi ot aibltiatlon
is alw.ivs atti active, but theio aio many
things which c miiot be submitted to ai
bltiatlon, and among tliem none is ho lm
poitant to tho woikingman as the light
to bell his liboi in a fiee maikct 'tho
opciatois cannot vield this point with
out being dlslnval to the ovvnois of tho
piopeity and to tho woikmon who cairy
on the opeiatlons
reason rort not AnnrrnATiNG.
It would bo fin bcttei to abandon the
business ot mining -intlu.icilo eoal thin
to concede the dem ind of unv m m oi set
of men to clenv the lights ot omplojmcnt
and of 1 iboi upon which the whole stiuc
luio of lice government Is founded, and
to which this count! v owes phenomenal
piogiess In niv judgment, theiefoie, tho
opciatois .ue onlv doing tbcli pi iln elutv
In declining to aibltiato n question winch
is In the domain of conscience and In
volves tho peibonil llbcity ot tho liull
lelii.ii Tho onlv solution of the trouble is for
Mi Mitchell to older tho btilko off with
out deluj AVlieii this Is done, It theio
be giicv.incos to bo abitcd they will bo
ptomptlv adjusted between the local op
ciatois and tho local unions Tho light
ot association is not in question '1 his Is
admitted b both emplojois and em
ploves 'What Is denied, and piopeily so,
Is tho power, b tho Issue of union cauls,
to lefuso cmplovmcnt to non-union men,
and thus, condemn them to osti.iclsm,
starvation and death Such a icsiilt is
nbhoiiont to justice and is fatal to poi
sonal libcity.
It Is claimed In some qu.utcis, and al
leged to bo tho geucial opinion, that tho
opciatois ought to lesumo woik without
rcgnid to tho menacing conditions with
which tho anthiaelto coal mines aro now
Furioundcd. Such a nosltton does not
appear to mo to bo icasouablc As tho
How Mrs. Bruco, a Noted Opera
Singer, Escaped au Operation.
Proof That Many Operations
for Ovarian Troubles aro Un
necessary. "JDcAit Mns. riNKHA.ii : Travelling
or years on tho loud, with irregular
meals and sleep and damp beds, broko
down my health so completely two
years ago that the physician advised a
complete rest, and when I had gained
Mns. a. imuci:.
uftlc)ent vitality, an operation for
ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful
prospect, to bo sure. I, however, waa
Blvised to try Lyclii E, Plnlchnm's
Vegotablo Compound ami Sivn
ntlvo "VuhU; I did so, fortunately
for me. liefore a month had passed I
felt that my general health had im
proved; in three months more I was
cured, and I have been in perfect
health since. I did not lose an engage
ment or miss alnoal.
Your Vegotable Compound is cer
tainly wonderful, and well worthy the
praise your admiring friends who have
been cured are ready to give you. I
always speak highly of it, and you
will admit I have good reason to da
so." Mns. Q. Buuce, Lansing, Mich.
95000 farfclf If o6tu testimonial la net gtnulnt.
The fullest counsel on this
lubject can be secured without
cost by writing to Mrs Plnkbam,
Lynn, Mass, Your letter will bo
entirely confidential
M ml J KSa,iv "Til I M I k
owners tt ptopertyi tho operatois Un
doubtedly owe a duty io the community,
which In Buffering gicat loss from the
seal city of fuel. Tho right of piivato
property, guatantceii by tho constitution,
Is always subject to tho tintlei lying piln
clple that It is to bo used so as not to
dattingo socloty,
Any claim of tho operators, therefore,
that thev can do with their own as they
see fit, docs not rest upon a Bound foun
dation. If, however, In tho iceognltlon
of their duty to the publlu they aio com
pelled to icspcct other fundamental con
ditions equally, If not mote, Impoitant to
tho public welfate, they would bo fnloo to
their duty If they should jleld to clamor
and pleasure from those who hnvo not
caicfully considered tho consequences of
such action. There Is a pilnclplo moio
Impoitant than tho obligation of piivato
piopcrty to suboulluato itself to the gen
eral welfare. The demand of any man or
set of men not occupying public
ofllco, to decide upon tho conditions upon
which labor shall hcolc Its living, and to
make it subject to a license ficni lno
sponsible lcadcis, whether icpioscntlng
capital or labor, Is In effect, a claim to
tho power of life and death, and can
never bo conceded without a bilbo Mli
render of duty to giecd.
The coal opciatois, theiefoie, aio not
fighting so much for the contiol of their
own propel ty as foi tho light of the citi
zen to labor whole ho may llnd employ
ment without Intel ference from oiganUa
tlons or men who have no light to con
trol his fiecdom of action.
Dually, the .claim of the United Mlno
Woikois' oiganlzatlon to contiol the en
tire coal Industiv of tho count! y Is based
upon nn impracticable Idea. Voiy llltlo
knowledge Is, neccss.ny to show that tho
coal legions of tho United States differ
so much fiom each otliei that tho policy
which Is adapted to one Is utteily im
sulted to another. Motcovci, tho aiious
mines differ fiom each other in condi
tions, lequlilng caicful adjustment In tho
wages of laboi, and In some respects in
tho boms neceshiiy to keep thorn in
w oi king oi del. All that a national oi
ganlzatlon could possibly do would be to
suppoit the claim of woikmen who for
any lenson nio dls3atlslied with tho con
ditions which prevail in any p.utlciilar
locality or mine
Hut to call a gencial Instead of a locil
stilko when a local gilevanee is not ad
justed in a sitlsfactoiy way is an otit
lage of such vast piopoitlons that It can
not for a moment bo tolerated bv a fieo
people Moieovoi, in this clij of fiee dis
cussion and the publicity of all the fncts
thiough the nevvsp.ipeis, theie Is no pos
sibility that anv coil opeiator could oi
would leslst demands which are founded
upon lustlce. Tho coal mines aro all nu
clei ofllelal inspection, gencially bv ofll
ceis who sv mp.ithlze, and piopeilv so,
with the mlneis Any roil giiev.inee,
theiefoie, will not only be piomptly made
known, but will be as piomptly receipted,
when tho questions at Issue aio dl&clissocl
wtlh good tcmpei and fioo fiom the p is
slons which aie excited 1 a geneial
stiiko tin owing thousands of men out of
lho consequences of such stiikes aie
so dlsastious, not merely to the pailles
dlieetly concerned, but to the whole com
munltj, that evci effort should be mudo
as soon as the existing stiiko has been
called off and the excitement Is abated
to pi event, by appiopilate legislation, tho
lecuiience of such calamitous conflicts,
wheicby eveijbodj Is lnjuied and no one
is benefited.
Tho enactment of such legislation will
not bo attended with moio cllfllcult than
In tho case of othei disputes, now legu
lated by law and Mibject to the adjudica
tion of the couits, when tho mineis sh ill
icallzc that they aio making war upon
theii own lights seemed b ccntuiies of
conflicts and saeilfleca and that at pies
ent vlctoij will icsiilt in dcpilvlng them
of all pcison.iI fieeclom. Such dlsastious
conflicts will cease to lecui and aiblti i
tlon maj then well be invoked to settle
local disputes
Tho hope of the woiking classes In tho
futiiic, as in the past, foi bettoi condi
tions icsts upon peisonal libcitj and tho
.seeuiitj of pinpeitj The Engllbh speak
ing mlnois nuclei kttuid this pioposlthm
pcifectly well, but foi tho time being they
aie pov.cilcss in the picseneo of bad lead
ership and tho state of teuoi which pie
alls In the coil region subjecting them
to obloqii, violence and death, by which
1iiu willing aequlefcccnco is enfoieed
wnai is wanicci io cnu ims ucstiuetlvo
confliet is not aibltiatlon, but tho stein
lopiesslon of violence and tho assiucct
pioteetlon of tlio mineis wlio deslio to
cam a livelihood foi themselves and thcii
families. To tills piotcctioa thev .no en
titled, and tho government vvhirh falls
to affoid it is a lcpioach to icpublic m
The demand foi aibltiatlon comes with
an ill giaeo fiom a leudci who began tho
conflict with an older calling on tho en
gineeis, th onion and pumpmen to ulun
elon theii task, thus tho mines
to uttci liiin. It this oi del had been
obccrt tho it sumption of woik would
have been indellnltelv postponed and tho
helpless victims of this despeiato expe
dient ledueed to hopeless povcity.
"To I nits oi lulu" is not a policy which
commends it.sclf to tho Anieilcin people
who believe in tlio old lashloncd nile,
that ho who demands eipilty must Hist do
IJst of leltcis lemalnlng uncalled foi at
tho beiantou, Pa , postolllee. Align .t J7,
!)0- Poisons calling loi mi mo will pleuso
bay advcitlsed and glvo d ito of list
. U 11. Ripple, Postmastci.
Anthony, Claieiiee Long, Mi. Jacob
'' , , . I.ockiaj, Miss Jcn-
Tlainaid C. A. nle.
lleiau, F. T.cnvov, Capt W. S.
liienii.imau, Goi-J.evene, Ml. S.
tiuilo. I.oteiuc, I' C.
llinvvu, Mr. Win. I.ovUs. S U.
Hnelimau. Mr, ejus. Jloian, Ml. Joe.
Pollock, tlio.
Jlasoii, Iivin.
Malionoj, Mis, K.
Maugan, Mis
Miilonev. Mi. O. V.
MeOlath John.
Nichols, ijelward S
Oustciliout, Miss
lluttei, Mis. John
Itlome, Mi.s, John S
Pligoi, S.
Peck, J. W.
Colomaii, Mis,
Coleman, Mi.
t'aspci. Dank.
Cook, Miss Nolllo.
Chamboi.s Mi.L'has O'llmo, Miss Maine.
Conioy, JIis, Thos, O'HovIe, P, J,
Dugan, Suslo. O'Malj, Matny.
DoiiKheit, Mrs. Phillips, Alfoid (spo-
Coliu. clul).
lloucl. Mrs C. IT. P.uintt, Mis TIios,
llveihart, Mr, W, IMtandolph, Run on
Ihigllsli, M, r,
Ihiturs. II. J. ,M. D.RiinMn.MiH. Mumlo,
roisjthe, John Rnsar Putei T.
rullei, Mr. P, M. Robeitfcoii, Tiacy,
Fennottl. Miss Kato.RiihltiKon. J. D,
niecnvvald, Allss Ida.Rudv, Miss Alice.
Oalnghei.MIss Kate.Rlchaids, Miss Mar
(lagc, M, gaiot ',
Gllfethei, Miss Jo- Shaskl, Miss Mug-
hc plilne gle,
Hook, Mis. I', Kuail. A, C
Hoiidllclc, Mis. A. Hpltzer, J, M. II. 2.
Heath. Ceo
Ktiaug Ui. Audi aw
Hen Ilk, Mi. G. II.
Ilebeigei, Mis J,
Ilajes, Mis, Win
Hanvon, "Will II.
Hauls Mis A,
Jones, Mi, Win, T,
Jones. Mlbs lone.
opiizei, JU , A II,
Stevens, Allss Rtlth,
Ktil I win Ml. John
Scoot. Mi, Allan P,
Salt, Miss Saiah II,
Smith, Roso M
Sojmoie. Mis Robt,
nmiiu, miss pollv.
Jones, Mis. Wm. R. Sciauton Cor
jucigo, Air. i-eiei r, mni.
Kluuldy, Geo Slnims, Miss.
KeiuiHV, W If. Wright, l
Leo, Mr, Chas AVatklus, Miss Hol-
Ijilirlse, Mi. Henry, en T.
I.add. Mr. Iloiaeo, Wulkti. U. S
I.lller, James. Yoik, S Kutz.
I.oftus, Michael, Young, J, C.
I.oftus, Mi. Mai tin,
West Scranton Station.
Carl Allen Andotson. Mlbs Slla Iiuckloy,
Chailes l'lotche-r, Miss Kate Lewis. Miss
Kate McQiavv,
The examinations for entrance to the
Bcranton high school and for advanced
standing, will be held in the high school
building, Thursday, August 28. This
examination is also for those from
grammar "A," who are entitled to a
second examination. Candidates will
present themselves at room i at 8 30 a.
nu .V. C, Josltn, principal.
New Feature Substituted for the
Gossips Whom Manager Dixie Did
Not Consider the Kind of Talent
He Wanted Regular Season at the
Lyceum Will Open on Tuesday
Night with tho Production of
"Nathan Hale" Another New
Theatre for Next Season.
There was a change in tho pro
gramme at the Dixie theatre last night,
whole a well-pleased audience enjoyed
the vaudeville features of the new
playhouse. Chailes Ornpewln's Gos
sips weie icplaced by the Tanakas, an
nounced as a team of "Oriental wonder
woi leers and champion top spinners."
The act Is known as tho most ex
pensively dressed neiformanco of its
kind In America today.
The Tanakas' work was thoroughly
appreciated. Manager Dixie was hard
ly satisfied with the woik of thp Gos
sips, Monday night, and immediately
canceled the act after the perfoimance,
and had the Tanakas brought on from
New Yoik, going down personally to
engage them.
Another New Theater.
Manager Harrington of the Star
theater Is authoiity for tho statement
that at the close of this season the
present Star theater will disappear cn
tliely and on the site will be erected one
of the pieitlest builesquo houses In this
patt of the count! y.
The Star will open for the season
next Monday with the "Moonlight
Maids" the company which opened the
Dewey theater In New Yoik last Mon
day night. This year the Star Is a
member of the Emplie clicuit which
Is made up of the best audeville houses
in the leading cities of the countiy.
Opens Next Tuesday.
The tegular amubement season at the
Lyceum w 111 open not Tuesday night
when "Nathan Hale" will be pre
sented, While no very notable changes have
been made In the house dining the year,
it has been gieatlv bilghtened and em
bellished and still holds Its place as
one of tho most atti active theateis anv
wheie in this legion.
Eleanor Dtisc is to supplement her
Ameilcin tour with one through Aus
tialla. This will permit her to give
perfoimances in the laiger cities of the
Pacific coast.
13dvv.ud Milton Royle and Mis. Royle
have been induced to leave vaudeville,
and will be staned next season in a
new comedy, undei the management of
Ben Stein
"Euieka" is the name of tho musi
cal c omedy about completed by Hugh
P. McNally. H. L. Hcaitz, the com
poser of the music for "Miss Sim
plicity" and The Show Gill," furnished
the scoie
The piece in which Mis. James Blown
Potter is to make her debut In musical
comedy. Is lepoitcd to be called "The
Gill fiom Kay's," by the autlioi of
"The Geisha Gill" and "Floiodout."
Mai Ion Chlldeis, who placed last
season la Viiglnla Hained's "Alice of
Old "Vinceiines," has been dlschaigccl
fiom a New Yoik hospital as cuied,
wheie she undeiwent a dangeious opei
atlon. '
Some of those engaged for the cast of
"When Johnny Comes Matching
Home" aie William G. Stu.ut, Maui ice
Daicy, Will H. Biay, Fied II. Peiry,
Miss Maude Lambcit, Lucille Saun
dcis, Zolti Kennedy and Julia Giffoid.
Joseph Hint has wiltten thtee new
bongs for "Foxy Giandpa." They are
entitled, "Polly, Pietty Polly," "Dlf
f oi cut AVnvs of Pioposing," and "I
Wondei If He Knew tho Reason TV'hj."
Tho heason of "Foxy Giandpa" began
August 11 at Atlantic City.
The Jacobs Stock company dievv big
and gie.itly pleased audiences at the
Academy of Music yebteiday afternoon
and last night. The company vv III be
at the theater for tho lemaindcr of the
week, at tei noons and nights.
Intel esting Stoiy of tho New Chinese
Ministers Couitcsy.
It Is geneially piophc&led by those
who know that Sir Liang Chen Tung,
the now ChlncbP minister, will bo even
a gi cater favmite with Americans than
Wu Ting-fang has been, for it Is b.ilcl
that ho has all of Wu'b piogiesblveiie&s
without any of his pijlng iiuiulsltlvc As one lady, who met Liang In Lon
don, oxpiobse.s It: "In addition to being
an enteipilslng man ho also has inan
nns," Illustiating this fact she tells nn In
tel esting little anecdote of the new
Chinese diplomat, says the Satuiday
K veiling Post. Liang was attending an
aftcinoou tea In an InipoitaiU Loudon
house. The ho.stcss liiadvcttently put a
lump of sugar and cieam In Liang's
cup. Now tho Chinese under oidinaiy
clicuinstanccs would no moio offend
his palate by putting cieam and sugar
In tea than a Get man would by putting
It in beei. This fact was well known
to the husband of the hostess, who
happened to be talking to Liang when
tho malticated tea was handed him.
"My deal," said the husband, "I am
afijjld you have made a mistake. Tea
should always bo solved plain to thoso
who know how to dilnk It,"
"Not at all," Intel posed Liang with a
most charming bow, "Theie aio occa
sions when its finest flavor is bi ought
out by tho judicious admlxtuio of
cieam and sugai," and ho emptied his
cup to the veiy dtegs.
;Now, that was heroic," declared tlio
Washington lady in telling tlio story,
"and worthy of a Chesteuield."
The New Education.
A btiggestlon to prevent tho slipping
of rugs on polished floors Is vwnth pas
sing on, us this is often a suico not
only of niuioyance, but of positive dan
ger by causing falls. A man who sells
rugs at one of the laigo shops In New
Yoik sas that if a lug is thoroughly
wet on the wiong side and put face
downwaul till dry, it vl not slip. The
explanation Is that the wetting mois
tens usefully tho slightly gummy sub
stanco with which tho wiong side of
the rug is diessed, und which, becom
ing too dry, causes it to slip. Obvious
ly this suggestion is .only of vulue in
case of tugs that have a wrong side.
Harpei's Bazar,
Political Suggestions,
My fiiend was teaching the primary
class In a city Sunday school. The les
son wits the story of the wandering
Isiaclltcs Who were miraculously fed
Upon manna,
"I don't know," sho said, In n soft
aside to me, "Just what manna looks
like, but 1 have this tittle bottle of
homeopathic pills for an illustration,"
taking from her pocket a tiny phial and
slinking it lightly.
She made tltc stoiy Interesting, nnd
every-little face was turned upward
expectantly as she proceeded. Sho
told of tho cloud by day and pillar ot
lire at night, tho coming of the quails
and tho fall of matma, then nrpldly re
viewed the whole, asking questions to
test the attention of her audience.
"And what did the Loid feed tho ehll
dion of Istacl upon?" she asked.
"Plllst" they all shouted, without a
dissenting voice, Hat per's Mugazlnc,
Wall Street Review.
Now Yoik, Aug. 2(5 Tho volumo ot
dealings hi stocks ioso well over a million
shares today. Tho maikct showed gieat
animation at dlffeiont times during tho
day and gave an impicssion ol sticngtli,
owing to the enormous buying on au up
ward range of a few stocks, but tho spec
ulative pioflt taking under cover of this
strength was peislstcnt and widespread.
Tho maikct becamo so honcj combed by
tho closing out of holdings by powerful
speculative interests that It showed a
decidedly crumbling tendency In tho clos
ing houis. Pi Ices fell back lather vio
lently to below last night and In only two
Instances was any appieclablu net gain
left. Theio was no leason to accompany
tho relapse anv more than theio was to
account foi tho previous notable ad
vances. Thoto was no mole concern over
tho money maiket than has been ex
piessed by warning cautions for sumo
time and cspeclallv the maiket took on
the present piopoitlons of tho speculation
It is highly piobable. nevertheless, tint
tho laigc opciatois in stocks aio alive
to tho tiosslbllitie.s of moiiov difficulties
and aie (let Irons of making their success
ful tuin bofoie actual stiingency sets in
As n mattei of fact there weie no fuithei
tiansfcis of euiiency today to tho Inte
ilor thiough tho sub-treasury and loan
bills weio nulto fieelv negotiated In tho
foielgn exchange maikct Total sales, 1,
'."W,r)00 shaies Tho piinclptl activity in
the bond mutket was In the Union Pacific
convei tlbles, which moved In sympathy
with tho stock, as did othei coaveitlblo
Issues Total sales, par value. $4, i"0,000
I'nlted States old 4s advanced Vs and tho
Js, Js and 5s 't per cent on tho last call.
The following quotations are furnished
Tho Tribuno bv Haight & Freese Co , 314
315 Moais Building W. D. Run j on, man
ager. Open High Low .Close,
Amal Copper Ih'A t' w'4 Ut'i
Am C. & F :it4 14't .111, SI!
Anieilcan lee U 1 l: l.'Jt
Am Locomotive .. . "(3 ..i's 3! .U'i
Am. Loco. P IV's tri'i 94ra Si's
Am S &. R Co ... . 41,'fc 4b5& H,'i luU
Amciican Sugar ,...UIV 13J'b l,."i 1.5.2 )i
Anaconda Copper ...104 101 lon4 101
Atchison lli 0-, fli38 9is
ivicnison, it lU-i'j, iim iuj'4 km
Bait i: Ohio U'ti HYJi U3Ts 1141J
urooa k T urv&
Canadian Pacific ....140
dies & Ohio 0IS
Chicago S. Alton .... 4J",
Chic & C W 14
C, M. &. St P 1S7
C, R I & P 18.!i
Col Fuel & lion. ... 771
Col. &, Southern k5?8
Col. & South . L'd Pi . M
Del & Hud 17SU 17SJ 17S'i
Den & R G IJifc IVfe 9VS
Detiolt South 'SI 2! 2J;8
Eilo 41'i 413i 41
Bile, 1st Pr 703,, 70 70i
Biie. L'd Pr 37 B7 r.biA
Hocking Valley ...,100'A I00'4 D1"4
Illinois Ccntial .... 170Vi 170'i IhOa. 170
Kan. City & South.. uO ID 2S L'S!A
Louis & Nash 1W& lob'S 53't 134U
Manhattan n nn 3"H 1 IV)
flier at. Jiy H7i 147 (i
Mexican . . By. 21
Mo , K. &. Tox .... i.'ig J.JV-.
Mo, K H T, Pi .. (,7 1.3 "
Mo Pacific 117 11S.
N Y Ccntin! lhi i,-,ij
Noifolk & West .... il 7JI4
Ont & West 'i, a,!.
Pacific Mall 41U 4I'
Penna R R Ihj Ibi'g
People's Gas 10P. 10")
Piessed Steel C.ii.. . r,l "l
Reading dSi'j uS
3 Hi
741 i
71 Vi
10' 'a
iccaeiing, jsc i-i . ... k,
Reading. 2d Pi 7P!
Rcpunblie Stool JP4
21 1 4
73 !
St L & San V 7D'A
St Louis, So W .... !7'i
Bouinetn l'aciuc .... ii'a ,cn
Sntithcin R R . ... W 10i,
Southein R R , Pi.. ri7 97''.
Tenn Coal cfe lion.. 70". 71'8
ieas ti i-aciuc ... r,l'. ni i.'78
Union Paeilic 11 iv jiiij jii
.iitiru x mi mi; ....... .' ,"K ', J"i
I', o J.v.llllC'l I ,' I,''.
V S Leather, Pi .. S7 S78
I' S Steel IP4 4l'i
l' S Steel, Pi 90'', 90".
Wabash 'iliB .'l;s
Wabash, Pi 48". 41
Western Union - 1714
Wheel X- L V JS 2S'S
Wis Cp11t1.1l .. . . T,i 9'i
Total sales. 1,!0J ono bhnres
juoncy, JVi per cent.
WIH5AT. Onon. High. Low. Close
oi'ineiniu'r ,jl8
December bS'i
Seiitembcr .Wi
Deecmber 4JT
September :,!",
December m.
September 17 10
Sciitember 10 90
September 10 23
Gi'a U7
140 159
DS'4 rr,',i
43'8 43' i
Sf, ,i4f,
lb7U 1S'.
183 1M
7014 71,18
31s, .5V4
3178 IJlTs
1(1 S7
10 9"!
Open. High. Low Close.
August 830 .Sb.1 SVI Rbl
September 8 3J 8 41 S.SJ Sll
October S Si Sit 8 23 S"!t
December 81b 8 Jii sib
Scianton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lackawanna Dahy Co . Pr,
Bid Asked.
bU ...
County Siv. Rank S. Tiust Co 300
1 list Nat. Hank (cnrDoiiuaio). ...
'Ihliel national Hank 330
Dimo Dcp &. DIs Rank 300
Rconomy L, II. & P. Co
Piist National Rank UOO
Lack. Tiust ii S.ifo Dop, Co . IO",
C'laik & Snovoi Co, Pr is
Seinnton Savings Rank con
Tiadois' National Rank 221
Seinnton Rolt & Nut Co 123
People's Rank , , 133
Scianton Packing Co
Seinnton Passenger Railway,
that moitgago, duo ID.'U 115
Pooplo's Sticot Railway, Hist
moitgago, duo 1918 113
Pcoplo's Sti cot Railway, Gen
cial mortgage, duo 19J1 in
Seinnton Tiac. Co , b per cent, 113
Reouomy L, II, tc P. Co.,,,,, ,,,
N, Jcrsoy &. Pocono leo Co,.., ,,,
Consolidated Water Supply Co ,,,
Scianton Wholesale Market.
(Conected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka
rioui-$4 40
liuttei Fiesh cicameiy, SJc;
f 1 call
unuy, z.'c.
Cliccso llall'c.
L'ggs Neuiby, 22e.j western, 2lc.
Mm low Beans Per bushol. jJUaS.W.
Oieen Peas Pel bushel, JJ 25.
Onions Per bushol, 90c
New Potatoes 50o pel bushol.
Philadelphia Grain and Bioduce.
Philadelphia. 'Aug. 2b Wheat Coatiact
guide, August, TJftaTlc. Cot 11 bSaiAlO.
for No. 2 jollow on tiack. Oats Steady;
No 2 .white clipped, 41a42c, Buttei
Steady; extia. western cieamciy, 1914c.,'
extia ueaihy pi hits, 21c, lJggs resh
neai by, 21c; loss off do western, sle.j do,
do. ficsh southwestern, lOc.j do. do. south
enu, ltal7c. Cheese Kit m; now small New
Yoik full cicams, 10V4c; now do, fair to
good, fJfculOWc. Live Poultiy-Sttaely;
fowls. 13c,j old loostcrs.'Se.; spring chlck
ens, 13al4c,; sining ducks, lie; old ducks,
lO.illc. Diessed Poultiy Bteady; fowls,
westcin, He,; do. southern and south
western. ij',ic.; 110. ruir to good, I21ianc.j
iwh.ii, vjmwii ifiuiiuio iicuruyt
Huge. lbalTc: do do. medium. Ui.1,- tin
fancy laigo Illinois, I4ul5c; do, oilier
westeiu. Re.; do medium bIsco. i.'aUc
Reeelpts-Xlour, 2.498 barrels and 3,tW,t37
7-78 71 '-
t-S'4 uiVi
1,0 r,7-4
41 U
iri's ' 514
M 3u
17.1 J lb S7
10 93 10 87
10 23 10 13
pounds In sacks! wheat, 28,590 bushels;
coin, 2,400 bushels! oats, 33,191 bushels,
BhlpmcnlH Wheat, 41,676 bushels: com.
2.400 bushels; oats, 30,070 biiHhcls. Rcllned
Sugar Unchanged pi Ices. Cotton Utiady
nnd mm.
New York drain nnd Product) Market
, Kow York, Aug. 2(1 Klotir Steady but
less active. Wheat Stmt easy; No. J red,
7bl4c. clcvatoi; No. 2 icd, 77'4a7i"!tic. f, o.
b, alloat; No, 1 Noithcru Duiuth, 8.114c ,f.
o, b. alloat; options closed weak at 7411-40,
net loss; Ainy closed 7114c, t September,
73140,; December, 7J'&o, Coin Spot easy;
No. 2, bSe, elevator and l1ip. f, o, b.
alloat; options closed 'Sale, net lower.
May closed Hc; September, u"V4o.: De
cember, 488e. Oats Spot steady; No 2,
noe.! No. a, 33c; Nn. 2 white, 40c; No. 3
white, 37c; track mWctt wcstein, 4bal7c;
track white, 3Sa4bc; options weak, Mav
closed 33c; December, S'nlillic, closed
STOHe. Battel Barely steady: westo.-n
eienmcry, n,tiilc.; factoiy, llairi'Jc; icii
ovatcd, il!al7V4c; imitation n camel v, Ha
17c; stato daliy, lSaisc,. Cheese Klrm;
now stato full ctcam, smnll coloicd fanev,
10a1014c; small white. 10)ial014c; lingo
colored, 10c; largo while, 10c l!pgs
riim; Htato and Pennsylvania, 201a.!lc'.;
westcin candled, !Sa20c; westen uncan
died, lOalSltc.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Aug. 20 Alt maikcts had a
downwind trend today. Pine weather In
tho notthwest wheio the spring wheat
hai vests are eoitlng a big Influence nn
woi Id prices and tho possibility of in
ci cased movement woikcd tho edgo oft of
wheat. Corn seemed to have boon ovoi
bought on the fear ot scaicltv for near
conttacts Good ciop ropoits did tho icst
and sympathy Inlltionccd down turns In
other pits. At tho close September wheat
was "Wiic lowei; Septcmboi coin, l'4c
off nnd September oats, 9,c down. P10
lslons closed 714c up to 3c down. Cash
quotations weio as follows" Ploui
Steady; No. 2 spilng wheat, 7!c; No. 3,
70t71c ; No. 2 led, 71V4a7214c; No 2 com,
(..'c; No. 2 yellow, ; No 2 oats. 231411
2914c; No 2 white, ; No 1 white, J2a37c ;
No. 2 ivp, file; good feeding bnilcv, !
fair to choice mnltlng, S.'nWJc; No 1 flax
seed, $1 41; No 1 1101 thw ostein, $1 47; pilmo
tlmothv seed, Si 40, mess 1101 k, per ban el,
$lG83nlb90: luid per 100 pounds, SlCVm
10 8714! shoit libs, sides, $UH10",c : shoul
deis, SiJnSc ; shoit clem sides, 10c
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Rast Ruffalo, Aug 20 Cattle Receipts,
; nothing doing, tendency lovvoi, veals,
23c; tops, J7.7", 18: fair to good, $7a
7 30; common to light, $wib73 Hogs Re
ceipts, 4,000, active, BulQp highci : heavy,
J7.70.i7.73; mled, $7 (0 i7.70. pigs, $7IOi7 3(),
loughs $011,40: stugs, $3a3 2"i, giassois
$7 30a7 30, closing stiong Sheep and
Lambs Receipts, 2,330, slieep. slow ,
lambs 23c lowei ; top lambs, fjbab 13, fair
to good, $3 73.15 '13; culls to common, ?la3;
1 callings, SI 30a4 73, wetheis, $1 il 23: owes,
?.123a3 30; sheep, top mixed, $.S3ja!70. fall
to good, $3 23a.; 40; culls to common, $173i
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Aug 20 Cattle Receipts, 3 300,
Including 2 000 westcin: slow; good to
prime stceis, ?7.73iS73; pool to medium, $1
a723, stoekeis and loceleis, $230a323,
cows SJi'iOafiT), helfeis, $2 30 lb, eanneis,
J130u'."0, bulls. $230i3, calves, $273a7 23;
Tonus ted steel s, $3a3; westei 11 stce rs, $4a
(1 Hogs Receipts today 11,000, tomoiiow,
23 000, left over, 1 300, 10i20e hlghpi , mlN"d
and buteheis $7 23.i7S0, good to choice
heavy, 7fi0t7 93; lough heavj, $7a7 73,
light, $7 23,17 80, bulk ot siles. $7 10i(k3
Sheep Receipts ls,000, stendj ; Iambs,
stiong, good to choice wetheis, S5 30a4,
fall to choice mixed, $2 50a3 30, native
lambs, ?3a0 00
East Liberty Live Stock.
Hast Llbeitv, Aug. 20 Cattle Slow;
choice, $7 30a7 33, pilmo, S7a7 23, good, $i, 30
a0 90 Hogs Illghei , pilme heavies, $7 73
a780, mediums and heavy Yoikois, $770i
7 73: light do, $7b3i7 70. pigs, $7.13a7 33,
loughs $0i7 23 Sheep Slowei , best weth
eis, $3 90i4; cubs and common, $1 30a2;
choice Iambs, $3 73nG, cal calves, $7 30aS
Oil Market.
Oil City, Aug 20 Ci edit balances, 122,
ecitlflcates no bid: shipments, 107,S.!S li.n
icls; aveiago, 87,721 buiels; tuns, 19,019
bands; aveiagc, 73,2b9 battels
Capital, $200,000
fu!racd! $ 6 O O O O O
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
flflT.if HP flm
nUOOIES and WAOONS of all klncU; also
Mouses and Hulldlnpr 1Mb at bargains
Lackawanna Carriage Works.
Homo Office, 203 200 Mears Bulldlnj.
We ari maturing bhain cadi minth ulilch
(how a net train to the inc4tnr nf about li
per cent. We loan money. Wo also Ijsuo
I'VUt rail) STOCK $inoou per elurc, inter
est payable semi anmullj,
AMlhlvr IUIL. Seerctaiy,
n rtur oil lar-Kananna aienur, manufacturer oi
4 Nlre fccreeni of all kind:,; full pripire-d (or
wit, bprin? season we mafcc an biniis oi
porcli ecreens, etc.
Crneral Contractor, Jluildcr ami Dealer In
Hiilldiug Ftone, Ceiientins ol tilUis a cp..
cialty, Tilephono UWJ.
Offkc, S27 Washington aenue
The scranton Vitrified Brick
Maleen of l'aI llrlck, etc. Ji. II. Pale,
General Sale Agent, Office 32J Washington
aie. Works at haj Aus, l'a , K. 1. W. V. it 11.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufac tui lug Co., Scranton
and Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
-'.A'fifcr. fcpjn Pvt
) ts I For Today's L Bnalness
Our August
Prices Mean Economy
In Shopping
10c Ginghams
For school dresses or boys' waists; colorings the
most desirable kinds, all stripe designs, broken f Ar
and plain effects, a yard "
59c Pongee Silk
Black, green and red
leno stripe weaves; very firm weave and stylish 2Qsr
when made up. Earlier 59c, to close out, a yard ?''
Mack's Peach Heal
Endorsed by Boston's leading chemist, the late
Prof. James F. Babcock. Very harmless; it does not con
tain any oily substance. A healing toilet preparation and
perfect substitution for soap, regular price 25c, (r
now I VW
Wash Goods
The last days of August and the last of all our sum
mer goods at half earlier prices.
A Silk Finish Gingham, a plain weave and plain col
ors of pink; shades of blue, grey and linen, also lace
stripe ot white, edged with black, woven on ground of
pink and old rose colors. Included in this lot are a few
mousselines. Every piece was marked earlier OC-r
at 50 cents a yard. To close out 0
Percale, Yard Wide, at 12jc
The ideal fabric for boys' waists, children's dresses
and house wrappers. Fall patterns, the best.
Yarns, Germantown, 12c
All the soft and pretty shades, full length and
weight, smooth finish, a yarn that so many like to knit
Booms 1 nnd 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
Made at Mooslc and Uushdalc Works.
Laflin & Band Powder Co.'s
Electric llJllcrics, Klcctrlo Dxploders, Ex.
ploding blasts, Sifcly l'lisc
A few days can ho pleasantly spent
in a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
ft om Pier 20, Noith HIver, foot of
Beach street, Now Yoik.
Tickets, including meals and state
room accommodations, $3.00 ono way,
$ia,00 round trip, and upwards.
Send stamp for illustrated book,
81 Beach Sheet, New Yoik, "N. Y,
Tiaillo Managoi, J. J. BROWN,
Geneial Passenger Agent.
General Agent for the Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Ulnlng, Blasting, Sporting, Fmokclca and the
Itepauno Chemical Comptuy'
Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploder. Itoom (01 Cou
ncil Dulldln.- .Scnitou.
JOHN' n SMITH t. SO.V riiTOOuth
K. W. MULLIGAN ..., , Wilkcj Cute
for 39c Yard
dots, corded pin stripes and
Incandescent ,.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Penn Avenue.
Mannftioturors of
Old Stock .
jt 9j& (ft M T Wt 9m6 tp tM HH Ijf M ip
nSE, Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phone, 333i,
New 'Plions, 2935,
Second Annual
Reduction Sale
of Umbrellas
nibt lilack. steel i oil, bollel Cranio, 2a-ln.
tJmliicllab. e. l-'ast black, stool loel,
sollel fiaino, .S-ln. Umbrellas. Xio. Vina
twtllcel Qloila, .O'lii. liiv. riue twllloei
n.,".ii!i' S',,81: K'lio plcco-ilyeel Union
Taffeta bl IK Umbi pilau of all eolois. our
iliolco of tlio illicit poail. bom ami iory
silver tiiinmed liauillos, ji.ia.
i s m
ma Spiuce Street.
K v.
J -