? " , . ' lv-K r Tlr- ( Vail THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1U02. ii n V NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. Special to the Sci anion Tilljunc. Plttslon, Auk. 26.-Mlchael Sullivan, of Market street, was united In mar riage tills cvcnliiR at eight o'clock to Miss Gertrude Miller, of West Plttston. The cctcniony was performed In tho parochial lesldenee of St. John's Cath olic church, by Nov. Father O'Malloy. The bilde was attended by Miss Lizzie Gallagher and tho gi oom's best man was his brother, Edwurd Sullivan. Mr. and Mis. Sullivan will lcsldo In looms on Muln stieot. The groom Is the pop ular di Ivor of the Niagara Engine com pany's team. Eagle Hose company and dilll siiund will attend the centennial celebration at Bloomsburg on Friday of this week, the latter expecting to participate In the drill contest. At Eagle Hose company's alley ball com t tomorrow evening there will bo a match game for the championship of Coxton Yards and a bide bet of $10, be tween these two teams: John W. Hop per and r. II. McDonnell, against Jumes Tlghc and William Redding. Mrs. Sylvlna G. Ilyun, aged 8t yenis, died ycsteulny afternoon at the homo of her sister, Mrs. William Slocum, In Exeter boiough. For the past llc or .W vn.ii'H the deceased had made her liome with her daughter, Mis. Maxwell Chapman, of Gicen nidge, Su anion. Tho funeral will take place fiom the Slocum homestead, WcdnoMlay morn ing at 10 30 o'clock and the lemalns will be taken on the 12 SO Dclnwaie, Lackawanna and Wcstetn tialn to Tioga for Intciment. N. D. Smith, who resigned from the local superintendeney of the People's Telephone company, today relinquished his position and leaves tomonow for Jackson, Tenn., where he takes a posi tion with a new telephone company In which Plttston capitalists are Interest ed. Wlllard Felts, a lineman, will have charge of the exhange until a successor to Mr. Smith Is appointed. James Burke, of Philadelphia, Is visiting his father John Burke, of George stt eet, for a few weeks. Miss Kate Moian, of Scianton, Is tho guest of Miss Francis O'Boylc, of tho Eleventh waul. Miss Irene Mulllns, of Scranton, is a guest of the Loughney family on Market stieet. Mis. Ch.ules Law received severe in Juiles a few nights ago in falling town a night of stairs at her home, .he Is lecoveiing nicely, however. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tilbune. Tunkhannock, Aug. 2C Judge H. W. Bardwcll and Asa S. Keeler attended the funeral of the late A. Jackson Mowiy, at Meshoppon, on Tuesday af ternoon. A hue crowd of our people took the special tialn for Monti ose to attend the ball game on Tuesday. "The Citizen's National Bank" is tho style of the new banking institution to bo started at this place in tho near fu i ture, capital, $30,000. Tho necessary stock was subsciibed In less than two days. Tho Billings building, on tho south side of Tioga street, will ptob ably be secured for the new bank building. Miss Nellie Little has icturncd homo after a long sojourn at her summer cottage at Lake Wlnola. Joseph Wood Piatt sat as auditor In the Hunter estate on Tuesday. County Commissioner Case T. Vaughn will make no cffoit to secuie a re nomlnatlon to the offlce: both tho other tommisMoncis are candidates for a second term. Bradley W. Lewis lias returned fiom his vacation, spent at Lake Caiey. Mrs. Jennie Haydcn, of New Yoik, Is visiting fi lends in town. This Is tho last week before the Re publican county convention, and dhe candidates are doing their best to Im prove their opportunities. George "W. Giay has placed an ele gant new sign on his place of busi ness, "Gray's Candy Kitchen," on Warren stieeet. Dr. C. Klaer Is away, spending his vacation, NEW MILFORD. Special to tho Scianton Tilbune. New Milfoid, Aug. 26. A. F. Heltz man entertained his sister, Miss Manic Heltzman, of Blnghamton, one day last week. Mis. F. H. Millard, of the township, announces tho coming marriage of her daughter, Henrietta, toFicdeiick Tour ner, of Now Milfoid. Tho cei oniony will take place September 2. The funeial sei vices of Mrs. Knther lne Brow or, of Gibson, were conducted In the Methodist chuich in this place last Monrtaj-. Mrs. Allen Waid and daughter, of Hnllstead, called on friends heio last Wednesday. Mrs. Maiy Packard, of Scianton, la Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Will iam Ransom, of tho township, Mrs. T. Gillespie, of Blnghamton, N. Y,p spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillespie. Miss May Bradley, of Spilngvllle, visited her patents In town last week. Mrs, D. W. linger Is entertaining her grandchildren fiom Blnghumton. MI&S Minnie Bradlci-, Mis, F, H. Mll- lrti-d nnd daughter, of New Mllfutd: Wellington Decker, of Tinglcy, and J. V. Axtell, of Stevens Point, were among the vlsltois at Beaver Meadow faun this, week. liONESDALE, SpeclnJ 'to tho Scianton Tilbune. HonesdalP, Aug. 25, Eliza J, Watson, wife of Rev. William II. Swift, D, D died at her home about 1 o'clock on Monday moinlng, Aungust 25. Deceased had been confined to her bed since last January, dining which time she had been a patient sufferer, She was born In New Yotk city, Oct. 15, 1S45 nnd was A Sure Cure for Diarrhoea, Coming as It does, in the busiest sen son, when a man can least afford to lose time, euro and quick cure for dlanhoea Is very desliable. Anyono who has given It a trial will tell you that the quickest, suiest and most pleasant remedy In use for this disease Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. There Is no loss of time vvhen It Is used, as one or two doses of jt will c-uie any oidlnaiy ut tack. It never falls, not even in the moat severe and dangerous cases, For Ue by all dlUgglstS, married Nov. 20, 1873. She Is survived by her husband and five children, Hes slo, Edith, Kntlmilno and Walter, at home, and William Jr., of Now York city. The funeral services will bo held at the late home, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Itev. J, 1 Crane, of the Haw ley Pi esbyterlan chinch will of llclate. Intel inent In Glendyberry cem etery. Deceased was lovingly devoted to her home and family, was seldom away from them, except to attend her chinch and Sunday duties, whole she will bu greatty missed as well as In the family circle. Tho family have tho deep sympathy .of scores of ft lends In their sad nffllctlon, TAYLOR. The following Is the score of tho rlflo shooting match between the Wllkcs Il.il i c 'Gun club and the William Tell Hide club of this town, In which tho latter team was vlctotlous on Satur day. Tho contest was with a team of seven men: Willlnin Tell Itlllo club A. Mooic, 1CJ; J. Horger, 10; J. Dotn iiilnger, ICO; C. Frutlgar, 117; H. Wels pniluh, 131; A. Wolsenlluh, 115; N. Hoi gcr, 1S3; total, 1,049. Wilkes-Banc Gun club J. .1. Miller, 160; F. Innes, 137; A. Miller, 105; II. Kllngls, 6S; M. Moffat, 112; B. Carmody, 40; W. Banlicld, 114; total, 766. The cloths of this boiough and tho cloiks of Old Forgo will play the sec ond game of the series this afternoon on the Rcndhnin grounds. The local del ks were successful In the first game, one week ago, and won by a scote of 22-12. Tho Old Forgo cleiks have greatly strengthened their team since nnd are confident of victory in today's contest. An lmpoitant meeting of tho Junior Order United American Mechanics, No. 81, will be held tomorrow evening in their rooms in Red Men's hall. AH members are urged to bo present. The schools of this biugh will re open on Tuesday, September 2, after a three months' vacation. Minooka tribe, No. 247, Improved Order of Red Men, will meet this even ing in regular session, Misses Ethel and Jennie Davis, of Peckville, aie visiting iclatlves in this place. Thomas Griffiths and niece, Miss Alice Hariis, of North Taj lor, visited in West Scianton yesterday. Operator It. W. Nye is home from a visit to Tamaqua. Mis. Alfied Price, of Plainsville, is visiting at tho home of Mrs. John Thomas, of Glove stieet. Taj lor lodge, No. 462, Knights of Pythlap, will meet this evening, when Representative AVatkins will give his icpoit of the grand lodge session. Miss Jennie Hariis, of Main street, Is enteitaining Miss Mabel Allen, of Avoci. Pi of. D. L Jones and family are spending two weeks at Lower lake, near Biughamton, N. Y. David J. Davis, of California, is vis iting his bi other, Heniy S. Davis, of Grove stieot. The Taylor Reds would like to ar range a game with any flist team of Lackawanna or Luzeino counties, on the Taylor giounds, Thursday aftei noon. Flist answer accepted. G. E. Davis, manager. Conti actor M. P. Judge, of South Scranton, was a business caller in town yesteiday. AVOCA. The maniage of Mrs. Genevieve Calla han, of Spilng street, and Patiick all ien, of New Yoik city, which was solemnized some time ago has lecently been made public. They aie at present in New Yoik ehj Bom To Mr. and Mrs. John Lynett, uf the West Side, a daughter. Hat old Hollister leturncd yesterday fiom Coining, N. Y. Mrs. Keith and daughter, Jennie, aie visiting fi lends in Owego, N. Y. Miss Floienco Yanow, a missionary fiom Honolulu, is the guest of her sis ter, Mis. S. S. Toir. Miss Jessie Moiton has again assum ed tho duties of postmistiess, after several week's visit in New York city. Mis. D. M. Rosser and son, Chailes, of Kingston, aie visiting at the Clans ton residence. Edwaid Dunleavj-. of Vino street, was called to Hoboken yesteiday on ac count of the death of his hi other. Joseph Connollj-, employed as black smith at Toulilll's foundiy, had two of his llngeis so badly smashed that am putation was neccssaiy. MOOSIC. Miss Pearl Shifter has returned after spending two weeks In town. Miss Ethel Tiegellas Is visiting fi lends In Wilkcs-Barie. Beit Lewis left List evening for Trinidad, Col,, called theio by tho ill ness of his uncle, James Whitehead, llbrailan for tho free public llbraiy which Is about to bo established In MoosIc, has iccoived a letter fiom George Reed, of Hniris burg, bt.Ulng that he will foiwaid tho llbtaiy to MoosIc ii an eaily dute. As ho has no magazines at piosent, ho hopes lliu community will bo glad to furnish them, Mr. Whitehead has also ireehed a letter from Congiessman Wllllr.ni Connell, stating he will assist us and will icquest tho very best books he has standing to his credit forwarded to us at an early date. PECKVILLE. Miss Gertrude Clink, of Nicholson, Is visiting her bi other, Geoigo Clark, of Biook stieet. Mis. P. It. Stieet and Mis. W, D. Lewis, of Green Ridge, spent yesterday at the home of the hitter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John U. Williams, of Main street. Mis, Schuffer and Mrs, Webster, of Hickory stieet, were callers In Arch bald yesterday, Miss Myitis Rlttcr. of North Main stieet, was a culler In Scianton, Mon day, Miss Floieiuo Malnes, of Jermyn, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Biong, of Bell place. A large number of our people pic nicked at Luke Chupman yesteiday. Rev. F, Gendall, pastor of tho Metho dlst Episcopal chuich, died at his homo on Main street last evening, about 6.30 o'clock, of bionchlal trouble. Funeral announcement later, Theodore Static and Miss Hun let Hasley spent Sunday at Crystal lake.' The following have retumed from a week's outing lit Luke Chapman; The Misses Fiances Williams, Lutle Will iams, Jeannette Kingsley, Mabel Ful- mer-j Mildred Howe und Lizzie Wwing. IN A PANAMA FOREST. Some of the Feats Which Make Traveling Unpleasant on the Isth musNature Beveling In Prodi gality. Ocorge II. l'alno In the Bun. Gnme Is In profusion: waterfowl In the mat shea and along tho i Ivors, with occasionally n cnyman; In the bush, monkeys, deer (smaller, but otherwise like our own of the Eastern states) pheasants, peccaries, parrots, pigeons, nnd a multitude of other forms, many of them with an appetizing sound, to the American oar, and many others, Just ns nutritious pet haps and common enough on the local hill of fare, but nauseating In name nnd nspect. To "live off the country" would be a sim ple matter, weio It not that nil game must bo eaten within nil hour or two of being killed and is consequently tough. "Jerking" Ib nn unknown ait In those latitudes and Is ptobnbly Im practicable because of tho prevailing humidity; nor does salt (Which Is soon found to be a luxury ns the bush Is penetrated) nppoar to act as nn effec tive rostralnor on insect attack. The absence of Ice, tho gieal modern pre servative, Is tho only leal hardship to a Northerner, and Is felt In many wnys. So far as the potability of warm water Is concerned, one gets used to It after the (list two or three days, but tho thought of tho cold mottling plunge, which one longs for, di earns of even, nnd yet cannot possibly have, Is a posi tive tortuie at times. Everywheie. along the trails and on tho Infrequent savannas, Is vegetable food for man and beast If Its identity could only be know n to any but a nnt uiallst. So "touch not, handle not" must be the motto of the casual stt anger. Reach out, In passing, to Idly break a slender vine and with only a slight twitch, tho finger is cut to the bone, followed by an open and Irri tating soie for a fortnight. And there aie other, quite as good, reasons for letting things alone. Lean thoughtless ly against a fallen tiee and, If you are lucky and have quick ejes, you will be nble to escape a sting from a lurking, bark-colored centipede or scoiplon, Brush carelessly against a low-hanging bough and presently you are a crawling mass of paiasltes, almost microscopic, who will bury their effect ive little heads or their surc-to-hatch little eggs under your skin; they yield to an alcohol or keiosene "rub," but are not the less provoking on that score and are tho mortal pest of domestic cattle. When the soit which buries Its head first takes hold it Is not larger than the head of a very small pin, but shottly you shall see It grow to the size of a veiy large bean; a few dozen, In tho folds of the skin or the external ear of a horse or steer, If not attended to, may literally woiry the animal to death. Hence the cattle, which draw the mahogany logs fiom the hills to the stienms, are geneiously sprayed with keiosene. The streams are full of fish; not very good eating to one who is accustomed to our firm-fleshed, toothsome ttout, bass and whltefish, since their tropical congenets are flabby and bonj'. Never theless, thoj- aie sometimes a pleasant change fiom the otherwise endless iter ation of veiy tough game or very salt meat. If you aie a native, you aie not an anglei. In the flist place, you have not hook, and secondlj", to angle In volves an appiociable amount of con tinuous eftoit and attention. So, in stead, you stilp seveial aimfuls of bark from a certain common treee, allow it to dry in tho sun, pulverize It In a large wooden mortar, and then, when you want fish, spicad a few handfuls ever a pool, and, presently, -our fish will rise, stupefied, to the top of the water. Scrambling up the sides, sliding down the sides of gullies at angles which seem impossible to anything without wings until it is nctiiallv accom- plislied;dodgIng a tico heio, jumping a log theie, ducking to avoid a low limb which over-stretches the trail. Some times clinging to tho pommel, some times to the cantle of j-our saddle, to prevent being shot over your pony's ears or left behind by way of his tail, and alwajs suriounded by objects of novelty or beautj-. Oichld blossoms in such plenty that a bushel might be gatheted in an hour,; an anaconda glides acioss the naiiow tiall, too quickly and silently for you' to do moie than observe its tiemendous length and beautiful coloring of yellow and black; a doer pauses an instant in full sight and then dashes awaj'. If it is the lalny season, you will ride for nn hour In a brilliant and scorching tun, nnd, with sc.ucely any warning not moie than five minutes at the most, of thunder-like cannonading, lightning and datkenlng sky find youiself in a drenching downpour only just short of n solid mass of water. These aie a few of the varieties of an excursion In ' the "bush." NATIVES OF PANAMA. Not Religious or Moral, but They Havo an Easy Time. Geoigo II, Paine, In tho Sim. Although these natives nto neither religious or moiul (accoidlng to our standuid) they nro the .kindest, jolllest PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES -Cut out tho pictutes appealing on this page, each day, dtnvy a pencil mink mound tho hidden object, save thorn until Satuiday, then send them or talto them to Tho Tribune ofilco in an cnvolopo addiessed to PiM4la Denqitment." Eneloso In tho cnvelopo jour nnmo, ago nndiiddiess. Tho boj-s and glilb who lottectly mink tho six pictutes appealing during tho week, and whoso answois nio flist iccoived, will havo their names published In Tho Tilbune Monday morning, I fjii Find the brother of one ( PAIN IN THE BACK. A Sure Sign of Kidney Trouble. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy will cure you. Pain in the back is a never failing sign of kidney disease ; nnolher sure sign Is the condition of the urine ; if you have a pain in tho back then look to tho condition of your urine. Tako a glass tumbler and fill it with urlno ; nftcr it has stood 24 hours, if ithna a sediment, if itis milky or cloudy, paleordiscolorcd, stringyorropy, your kidneys nnd bladder are in a danger ous condition and need immediate atten tion, orthe consequences may prove fatal. F. C. Wllcox-of 059 New Biitain ave., Hartford, Conn., says: "I had a frightful pain in my back, the result of kidney trouble. My physician seemed powerless to relievo mo. I determined to try Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy ; it helped me wonderfully, and In a short time cured me completely." Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is the one medicine that really cures all diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder nnd blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic constipation. It is wonderful how it makes that pain in tho back disappear, how it relieves tho desire to urinate often, especially at night, nnd drives away that scalding pain in passing water nud makes you well and strong. It is for sale by all druggists in the Now BO Oent Ssxo and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Randout, N. Y. Dr. Dsrld Kennedy's IIosc Jellr radical euro Catarrli, Hay Fctci nud Cold In Head. COc. lot; they toll not, neither do they spin, yet Solomon In all his glory might well have envied their state of contentment with things ns they find them. In one icspect, nt least, society In tho "bush" nppioaches that of Heaven, since theie Is little manlago or giving In maniage. Anangements, more or less permanent, aie entered Into be tween two pei sons of opposite sex, which peisist only during the pleasure of both pai ties. As a consequence, since both ate fiee, there Is seldom any bickering and the wiiter heard not a single angry word while he was among them; the babies seem not to crj1 or the motheis to scold. Theie is one veiy sad side, however; tho late of mortal ity must be tiPiiicndous, since there is no inciCHse in the population and this, tob, in face of the fact that most girls aie motheis by the time they aie fif teen ye.us old. One word about drunkenness; con- reive them suuounded by all sorts and kinds of vegetation from which they make intoxicating liquors with the gieatest ease and yet they aie almost unlvei sally tober; piacticallj-, the only drunkards aie foielgncis. m LOCATION OF INDUSTRIES. Percentage of Products as Indicated by Census Bulletin Bureau. Ilj Kxthr-Ive W lie fiom the Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 26. The census buieait today issued a bulletin on the localization of Indttstiles, which shows that, mensuted by the value of pio ducts, moie 'than S3 per cent, of the collar nnd cuff manufactuie is carried on in Tioy, N. Y moie than 01 per cent, of the oj-stei canning industry In Kaltimoie, Aid., moie than 74 per cent, of the manufactuie of gloves in tho cities of Glovei.sville and Johnstown, N Y,, mote than 4S net cent, of the coke manufactuie in tho Connollsville, Pa, distilct; moie than 47 per cent, ot the manufactuie of biassware in Watetburj-, Conn.; moie than 43 per cent, of the manufacture of c.upets In Philadelphia; moie than 45 per cent, of the manufactuie of jewelry In Piovl dence, It. I., and the adjoining towns of Attleboro and Noith Attleboio, Alass.; inoic than 3G per cent, ot tho sllverwaie manufactuie In Piovldcnce, It. I,; moie than 33 per cent, of tho slaughteiing und meat packing indus try In Chicago; moie than 32 per cent, of the manufactuie of pluted and Bil tnnnlci waie in Alerideu, Conn.; more than '2i per cent, of the agricultural implement industry in Chicago and moie than 21 per cent, of the silk In- dustiy in Pateison, N. J. D., L. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY. . Tho following is the make-up of tho Delawaio, Lackawanna and Western board for today: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. Summits Webt S a. in., C.inlgg. Pusheis 7 it. m, C. Baitltnloinevv; S a. m Mutiny; 11.43 a, in., Coslai ; 7J0 p. m, Latimer; 9 p, m., Cuso. llclpcis 1.30 a. m,, JIcGovetn; 7 a. m, Gaffney; 10 a. m., Secor; 3,13 p. m., Lamp ing. NOTICE. Doheity and cicw will run 11.30 p. m. extra cast, Ttic.sduj', Aug. 23. Golden and cicw will run S a. m. extia cist, WerineMlny, Aug. 27. llaggcity and ctew will tun 3,13 p. in. extia east, vvednebilaj-, Aug, 2,, of these girls and his dog. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. Forwent. FOR RENT-Bedronm and sitting looms ptlvnto family. At. 1,, Ttlbtino ofilco. llOUfir.H for tent, 8 looms, 003 Momoo; almost new. CnmegyH. NIN12-HOOA1 house, Mulbeity stiret, cnmcnlcncos. Unmegys, Council Jlltlg, THRKII handsome furnished houses for lent; also furnished tonms for light housekeeping, Coran ami urn us. 'I'hono lot, Comi'gjs, 709 Council Uullitiug. Von IlUNT-l-'iom September 1, 3-ioom hoiine, Dll aieen Hlilgp Btiect; nioiloin ImpiovemontHi steam heat frco; location veiy convenient. FOU nnNT-Soptember 1st, hmiso on Madison avenue with modern lmpiovo monts. Inquire at I2J Madison avenue. UAIinmt SHOP for rent; nenrly now building; good location; city water, etc. Just vacated. An exceptionally good opnoitimlty to continue a well estab lished business. C. N. Wood, Now Mil foid, Pa. Ton IU3NT Two furnlshod cottages at I.ako Bhci Irian; dry and healthy loca tion: good simile nnd finest nlaco for a week or a month's outing in Noithern Pennsylvania. Adiliej-s II. L. Haidlns, rnctoryvillo, P.i. For Sale. FOR SALli Cheap, one laico new gio ceiy wagon, canjlng capacity A mi pounds; alno one huge coffee grlndoi ; enn be run hy motor or hnnd power. .Ap ply to U. Moics, 31S Lackawanna avenue. TOR SALE A flist class meat niaikct. Owner will vvoilc for patty. Address 131 Chestnut stieet, Dunmoio, Pa. Wanted. WANTED-A few shales Title Gantantee and Tmst Co. stock. Addicss W., Tilbune of lice. Wanted To Rent. WANTED A small house or flat, picfor nbly furnished, in desirable location. To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box 327. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulck, stiafght loans or Building and Loan. At ftom 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connell building. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FUnNISIIEDOollSoT'rentriitodjrn In'pro-.ements; private family; gen tlemen piofeircd, at 537 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pio f erred, at 539 Adams avenuo. LEGAL. THE ANNUAL meeting of tho slockhold eis of the Scianton Foiglng Company for the election of Dliectois, and the Uaii'-actlon of other business, will bo held at tho office of the Company in the City of Scianton, on Wednesd.i-, August 27, 1002, at J o'clock p m. E. P. CHAAIUERLIN, Secrctaiy. TRUSTEES Sale of Real Estate. In Bankiuptcy. The undei signed, tius tco In bankiuptcy for tho Scianton Lum bei Co, limited, in nccoiduneu with an older oi tlie Refciee In Bunkiuptcy ot the United Sl.itos, Distilct Coiut. will, on Monday, the luth day of Seplcmbei, at 10 a. in , on tho pi emiscs, No. -07 East Mar ket stieet, Scianton. expose lor sale to the highest hldrici all the ical cstato of tho aboe named bankiupts. Said ical estate Is desctibed as follows: Being lots numneiod 8, 13, 10, 2J, 21, 23 and 20, upon tho Tiipp plot of land upon E Matket stieet nnd Ros.innn avenue. Im piovcd with a planing mill, containing engine, boiler nnd other macitlnciv, lum ber sheds and offlco building. Said ical estate vvll be sold lice tiom nil encum liiances. HUGH II. ANDREWS, Tiusteo in Bankiuptcy lor Scianton Lum ber Co , Limltrd. W. II. JESSUP, Attorney. IN RE: Estate of Cnthailnc Mlttnn. Into of tho Boiough of Waverly, decciibcd. Lotteis of ndmlnlstiation c. t. a. In tho nboo estate having been gi anted to tho undcislgned, nil pcibous having claims against same will present them for pay ment, and nil peihons Indebted theicto will mako Immediate pavment to D. W. MITTAN, Admlnlstiator C. T. A. TRED C. IIANYEN, Attorney foi Estate,, 32915 AVashinglon avenuo. BASEBALL. J National Iiengue. At Pittsburg first game R.H.E. Bobtou 0 0000000 11 9 0 Plttslnug 0 0 J0O0G0X ,S H 3 Batteries Plttinger and Aloran; Chcs bio and Zlmnier. Umpire Irwin, Second game R.H.E. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 3 Pittsburg 00 1 000 20 x 3 10 1 Battel leu Willis and Blouin; Doheny and Klnimcr. Umplie liwln. At Cincinnati R.H.E. Now Yoik 1 0 0 1 0300 1 G 11 0 Cincinnati o o o o o o 0 o o o s u Battel le.s Jlatthcweon and Bowermnn; Thellmuu and Bet gen. Umpire Eniblle, At St. Louls-Phlladolphln-St. Louis; rain. Brookl.vn-Chlcago; no scheduled. League. At Boston R.H.E. St. Louis 2000000 0 02 5 S Boston 0S0 0 2 1 2 0X-13 13 3 Butteries Powell, Kitno and Kahoe; Young and Ctlger, Umplie O'Louuhllii, At Philadelphia- H.H.L'. Cleveland ,.000200000-212 2 Philadelphia 2 1 0 0 3 a 1 0 x 1 1 IS 1 Battciies nets and Bimls; Plank and belli eckengost. Umpli c Shot Idan. At Baltimore R.H.E. Chicugo 1130 00011-1013 0 Baltimoio ,,,0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0-0 $ 2 Battel Ich Gut vin and AluFurlaud; How ell mid Smith. Umpire Connolly. At Washington- R.H.E. Detiolt ,,,,,, 3000001307 9 1 Washington 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 Ox-8 12 S Baltciles-JlcCnrthy und AlcAlllsler; Patten nud Clatk, Umplie Cm uthers niul Johnstone. Eastern League. Monti cat, 2; Toiunlo, 0. Piovldencc 0; Nuwuik, 5 (Mist gamo), Piovldcnce, 10; No win k, 4 (second gamo) Woiccster, Jjj Joiscy Cltj', 3. Buffalo. 10; Rochcatci, 0. Coroner's Jury Approves Lynching, Ily Kxtluahc u iic from 'flic .UtoUaled 1'rcsi: Churlotte, N. C, Aug. 26. The coioner's Jury In tho cas.o of Tom Joiyts, tho negro who usgnulted and futullyiXjini-cil Mr. Smith, and who was lyucHpestcrday, has approved tho uct of tt'JSrichcrii. No Order Accented Tor Less Tluin to cents. Branoli WANT Cfficas. Want Advertisements Will Bo Kecolved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SClItlLTZ, corner Mul beity stieet nnd Webster nvo. OUSTAV PIC1113L, UK) Adams avenuo. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenuo. South Scranton PIIED L. TDHPPE. avenuo. 729 Cedar North Scranton GEO W. DAVIS, Alain nvonuo btiect. corner North and Maikct Green Ridge CIIAUIjES P. JONES, 1537 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Greon PJdgo stt rot. C. LOHEN55. coiner Washington nvonuo and Atailon stieet. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, avenue. 1017 Irving Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED-Smull hoiibO, or furnished looms, for light housekeeping. Ad dress G. II. It, Ttlbnno office. Help Wanted Male. YOUNG men wanted, any distance, copj lcttois, liomc evenings and icturn lo us Wo pav $10 per thousand, send nd ritcssed envelope, pai tic-Hints nnd copy. F. M. C. Dept. 4'0, Box 1111, Philadelphia. Help Wanted Female. YOUNG ladles wanted, anj' dlstnnco, copy lcttois. home evenings and icturn lo ns Wo pay $10 per thousand, send nd dtesscrt envelope, particulate! and copy. F M. C. Dept 42G, Box 1111, Philadelphia. WANTED Gill for genet nl housework. Applj' at 413 Madison avenue. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-By a joung lady to do light housowoik or second gill. Addicss JI. M. D , 111! Elm street. SITUATION WANTED-By boy aged 17 j-oats; would like to dtivo hoiso or woik in knitting mill; good lcfetcnrcs. Addicss Chailes Allllcr, 911 Slocum stieot, city. SITUATION WANTED-By coloied gen tleman, a position dilvlng for doctor or waiter In hotel. Addicss Chailes Elselc, tear 331 Phelps street. Real Estate. LOTS, houses and fatxns for sale. J. C. Zurflleti. Sco FOR SALTS Elegant sites for homos in upper Gieon Rldgo; cholco neighbor hood; most dcshablo locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvine, 173G Sanderson nvonue. Dissolution of Partnership. THE PARTNERSHIP of L II. Stone and F. C. Waltcis, doing business under tho name of the New Renovating Com- pany, was dissolv ed on Atay 14, 1D0J. V L II. STONEV Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dumnoro, laundeis shhts nt 8c. each and collars nnd cuffs at l'.ic. each. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Tiaders" Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG1. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B., Real Estato Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash ington nvo. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 72G CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER. PAULI building, Spiuco stieot, Scianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMING ave. Tire Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO., Tiaders Bank Bldg. Patent Attorneys. nftTC IMTC In all countries KM I C.IM I O of the Globe. Tho only licensed nnd equipped pntont solicitor In tho city. No chaigo for In formation on patentability; over ton years experience Kcploglc & Co., Wears Illclg-. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 ANU 127 FRANK Itll uvcliuo. Rates lcutonablo, P, iHEGLElt, Pioprlotor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L S. W. Pnsscngcr depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan, Victor Koch. Ptopilotor. Scavenger. A. B. BRJads CLEANS PrT'V VAULTS and cats pools; no odor; only impiocd pumps used, A. B. Biiggs. piopiletoi. Lcavo oidois 1100 Not 111 Main uveuue. or Elcko's ding btoio. cot nor Adams and Mulbcuy. Both telephones. yWire.Scieens, JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 311 LACKA. avo Scranton, mtis. of Wiro Scrcons, Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' BIJP. plies, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Wutohousc, IM Washington nvonuo. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had In Scianton nt the nows stand of Rtlsm.iii Bios, 400 Spiuco und C0J Linden; M. Noiton. 322 Lackuwilnua ave.; I, 8. Schutzor, 211 tipruco sttest. Boarders i Wanted. BOAltDERS WANTED-Wlll take sum mcr bo.i i dei h; tluco luigo ally looms nnd good Ulilo bourd. Addicss O. K., Daltou, Pa. Board and Rooms. VEItY DESIRABLE suito of-loom3 with flrbt clam; table boatd, can bo obUllmd at AJJ Jeffcison ""i DIRECTORS in Only Half a Cent a Word. Business Opportunity, STOCK AND WHEAT TltADEItS wlth out delnj. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. 8. M. Illblmtd & Co., mombets N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Mock Exchange, 41 nnd it Ilrondwny, Now York. Established 1861. Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 2.1S8 Uroad. Room for Rent. FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, .421 jvuains avenuo. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Juno 1, 1902. Trains Icavo Sriitnton for Now York At IN). 3 20, 0 03. 7.00 and 10.10 a. m.; 12 40, :i 40, 3 ;i. p m. For Now York nnd Phlla dolphla 7.D0, 1010 a. m., nnd U 40 and .1.15 p. in. For Gouldsboro At G 10 p. m. For ButTnlo-1,15, 0.22 and 9 00 a. m.; 1.53. 6 59 and U.10 p m. For Blnghamton, KImlrn. and way stations 10 2" a. in.. 1.03 p. in. For Oswego, Byinciiso nud Utlca 1.13 nnd 0.22 a. in.; 1.53 p. m. Oswego, Sj'racuso and Utlca tinln nt 0 22 n. m. dally, except Sundnv. For Montioso 9 00 a. m ; 103 and C r,0 n in. Nicholson accommodation, 4 oo nnd G is n. m. Bloomsbuig Division For Northumber land, at G33 and 1010 n. m.i 1.33 nnd 010 P m Tor Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3 40 and 9 0", p in, Sundnv Tinlns For Now Yoik, 1 50, 125, G03. 10 10 n. tii.; 3 10 nnd 3 33 p. in. l'or Buffalo 1.15 nnd G22 a. m.; IB", OK) and 11.10 p m. For Elmlra and way statlons 10 2", a. m. Tor Blnghamton nnd way sta tlons, 9 00 n. m. Blnomsbuig Dlvlslon Leavo Scianton, 10 10 a m. and 6.10 p. is Lehigh Valley Railroad. Ill Effect Juno 13, 11902. Trains Leave Scianton. Tor Philadelphia and Now Yoik via D & II. It. R, ut 7.11, thiough Pallor Cat and Day Coach Ciithondalo to Now York and 9 17 n. in . with L. V. Coach Cnibon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 1 ,13 (Blncl: Dlnmond Expiess), -and 11.49 p. m Sun diijs, D & If. R. r, i.-,s 017 p. m. For Whlto Haven, Hnssleton nnd princi pal points in tho coal regions, via D As II. R. r., 7 4t. 218 and 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7.41 n. m For Bethlehem, Eastnn, Reading, Hnr rlsburg and ptlnrip.il Intci medlnto sta tions, via D. ft II. R. R.. 7 41. 9 47 ft. m ; 2.IS, 4 33 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p. m. Sundajs, 'D. & II. R. R , 9 3S a. m ; 1 W, 9 17 p m. ror Tunkhannock, Townnda, Elmlra, Itnncn, Geneva nnd prlnclptl intermedltito stations via D., L. & W. R. R , G 33 a. nt. and 1 im p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlns nia Falls, Chlcngo nnd all points west v! v D & IT. n. R, 1201 p m.: 3 2S (Black Dlnmond Express), 10 41. 11.49 n. m Sun days. D. & II. R. R , 12 03, 9 17 p. in. Pullman parlor and Bleeping or Lehlsh Vallov Pallor caiB on nil tinlns betwpen Wllkes-Barro nnd Now York. Philadel phia, Buffnlo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt.,- M Cortland street. Now Yoik. A. W. NONEAIACHER, DiV. Pass Agt , South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullmnn reservations apply to city ticket office, 69 Public Square, Wilkes-Banc, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Effect Juno 29. 1902. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street nnd South Feny, N. It. Tinlns leave Scianton for New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town. Alauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash-loj-, Wllkes-Barro and Plttston at 7.30 a. m., 1 n. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. Quaker City Express leaves Scianton 7.20 a. m , thiough solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Tailor Car for Phil adelphia with only ono change of cars for Baltimoio nnd Washington, D. C, and nil piinclpal points south and west. TT,y- Annnn DUIntrtn rand "Wrttlrnn- Dn fp m, and 4 pm. Sunday, 2 10 p. m. For Long Bianch, Ocean Grove, etc, 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. Foi Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg v la Allentown at 7.30 a. m , 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m. 1 p. m. nnd 4pm For rates and tickets apply to agent at station W. G. BESSLER. Gen Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schcdulo In Effect Juno 16, 1902. Trains lcavo Scranton: G33 a. m., weoli days, thiough vestibule train from WilUes-Bnn-e. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbuiy, Har llsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash, ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9 47 a. m . week days, for Sunbury, Han rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash) Ington and Pittsburg nnd tho West. 1.42 p. m , week days, (Sundays, 1 b3 r m ), for Sunbury. Harrlshurg, Phlladeh pbla, Baltimoio, Washington and Pitts, burg nnd tho West. 3 28 p. m., week days, through vestibule trnln from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet pai lor car end coaches to Philadelphia H Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal intermedi ate stations. 4 33 p. m , week divs. for Ilnzleton, Sun bm j', Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts burg. J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. JIgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. . t Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Juno 10, 1902. Trains for Cmbondalo leavo Scianton at 6 41. 7 36, S2G, 1013 n. m.: 12 03, 1.12, 211, 3 Do! D29, b23, 8 21. 9.15, 10 04 p. m.; 12.13, 'ForIIo'ncsdalo-0 41, 1013 a. m.; 2.11 and n "0 n in. For Wllkcs-Bniro-6 3S. 7.41. 8 41. 9 47, 10W a. m.i l-'OJ. 1,12, 218. 3.2S, 4 33, 6.10, 7.JS. 10 41. 11.49 J), m. .. . . For L. V. It. It. Points 7.41, 9.47 a. m.; 2.1S, 4 33 nnd 11.19 P. in. For Pennsylvania R, R. Points 6 38, 9 47 a. m ; 1.1-'. 3-'S nnd 4.33 p. m. l'or Albany nnd all points noith 7.36 a. m. and 3 06 p. m. m. roi" cJuNDAY TRAINS. For Carhondnlp SCO, 11 3J a. m.J 211, 3 EH. CD2 nnd 11.17 p. m. For Wllkcs-Biire-9 3S a. m.J 12.03, 153, 3 2S, 0 32 and 9 17 n. m. For Albany and points north 3 56 p, m. For Honesdnlc S DO a, m,; 11.33 and 3 53 P' W," L. TRYOR, D, P. A' , Scranton, Pa. Erie Railroad Wyoming Division! In Effect July 30th, 1902. Tinlns lcavo Scianton lor Hawley and local stntlons nt 7.20 upd 8 43 a. m.;'1.3i and 0 20 p. in. 'Sundajs, 9 no a. m and 133 p. m. For Now Yoik. Nowbuigh and Intel medlnto points nt 7 20 a. m. and 1.33 p. in, Sundajs, 1.UI p m For HoncMlnlo 1.33 and B20 p. m. Tinlns nulvo at Scranton 8.20, 10 II n. in.: 3 06 and 915 p. m. Sundajs, 1.00 nnc S 13 p. in. New. York, Ontnrlo raid Western. Tinio Table i.i Effect Sundaj-, Juno 13, 1903 NORTH BOUND TltAINS. Leiivu Lcavo Arrlv Tinlns. No, L .. No. 3 ., No. 7 .. Scranton. C.iibond.Uo. Cndosln. 10 20 a. in. U.10 a. m. l.oo p. in. 400 p. m. i il p. in. Gooivrm. 6 10 p in Ai C.u himduls 6 46 P m SOUTH BOUND. ' -. Lcavo Lcavo Arrfva Tinlns. Cadosla. C.u bnudalo. Scianton, No, u ,,,... lifiOa, m, 7.21 a-jm. No. I 8.10a.m. lootn.m, I040n.m, No. 2 2.15 P m. I 00 p. m. 4 45 p tn. SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND. Leavo Leavo Anlva Tinlns, No. a ... No. 5 ,,. Scianton, Caibondalo Cndoxla, K 30 11, 111. 9 10 p. III. 10 45 nrjn. 7 00 p m.Ar.Cailinudalo7.tj ptn Leave I.oavu Airlva Tinlns. Cadoslu. Caibondalo. Scianton, No, C 650a. in. T.'J'iti. m. No. 10 4 30 p. m. t oa i. m. 0 43 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 on week dnjs, nnd 9 on Sundujs connect foi New York tltjMld. illotown. Walton, Not w Ich, Ouulda, Os wego apd all iolnts west. Tialn 3 for Pojntello. Walton, Delhi, Bldnoy, Noiwlch nnd nil Now Ilcilln biancli points. Tialn No. 0, with 'clunker City Ex mess" at Scianton, via C. It. R of N. J, for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Jiiltlmoie. Washington and Pennsylvania state points. Sco tlme-tnblo and consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON, O. P. A.. New York. J. E. WELSH, T P. JW Scrauton.n'a: M h hM - !S ?. 'Si s& 2 if? t' M r. i '4 Hr -r n v? J vt A, A , -,ik. j t-