The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 27, 1902, Image 1

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r. iS
, fl-"t
. ,- flH Ia. M ffgPy.
T.3 Passed Throuah Three States
and Delivered ElQht Speeches
Mr. Koosevelt Eeceives the Plaudits
of a Quarter Million People The
Day's Journey Marked by Interest
ing Incidents A North Dakota
Cow Puncher Greets His Old
Friend of tho Plains Many Gifts
Aie Handed the President.
Bpcclnl to Hie Scinnton Tilliune.
Augusta, amine. Aug. 20. President
Itoobcvelt today passed through thieo
states, deliveied eiylit speeches and re
ceived tho plaudits of .1 quaiter million
people. The gi opting which has marked
his thipugh New England has
been llatteilng In the extiemc. and
today's expedience demonstrated his
popuiuiity pel haps moie than ever be
foie. Everyvvhete at the legulai stops
nnd the smaller stations along the road
the people eie stienuous in the tf
foi Is to catch a glimpse of him or to
hear him speak, and at Haverhill,
Muss, this deslic assumed such a foun
that the crowds completely oerrode
the police and sunounded the
dent's cairi.ige, making it difficult for
it to advance.
The day's journey was not without
its Incidents. As the president was
about to boaid his car at South Law
lence, Mass., after delivering his ad
diess, the leader of the band stepped
up and made himself known to him.
lie fcald his name was Banan, a foimer
cow-puncher and barber at Meduia, N.
D, whoie the president's ranch is
located. The president Immediately
lecognized him and gieetcd him as an
old friend. The man, evidently desir
ing the president to know that he had
piollted by his advice given some years
ago, said to him:
"You told 1110 to got married and
settle down, and 1 did. I hdve got six
children myself," which affoided the
president no little amusement. While
on his way tluough the sttepts of Pott
land his carilage was btopped and he
was mesented with an album contain
ing views of the city. He stood up in
his caiMage and biielly thanked the
donor, Captain t'hailes If. Dam. He
hnu been the ltclpient of many floral
gifts, and wheie the admit 01 s wetc un
able to got near enough peisonally to
hand them to him, thev tlnew them
ovii the heads of the ciowd Into his
Mr. Littlefield Is Evasive.
Conspicuous uniong those who boat ti
ed the train at Old Otchaid to extend
r welcome to the ptesident was Con
Brtbsman Littlelleld of Rockland. His
vibit was brlct, and the conversation
turned on other hiibjcctb than ttusts.
Sir. Littlclleld declined to lomment on
the piiblilent's last night's bpeech,
pleading that he had not llulbhed lead
ing it.
When Danville Junction was 1 cached,
the piosldcnc wtib gtcotcd by Postmas
ter tioncial and Mis. Payne, Mis. Gar
rett A. Holiatt and Mis. C'liailos Emory
Smith. Mi. Payne accompanied thu
picsldent to Lewlstou.
Some stops weio made which wcie not
on the itlneiuiy. At Lisbon, Lisbon
Falls and Ilrunswlck, Maine, Immense
ciowdb gatheied and tho piesldcnt, In
rcsponte to thelt clamotous calls was
obliged to appear on the rear ptattuuu
and say a few woids.
Although the day had been a puitleu
laily huid one 011 him, the piebldent
gave but blight signs of tallguc. To
night lie Is the guest ot Governor Hill,
who met hlin at the depot ami cseoitcd
him to hlh icsldeiKP wheie the picsl
dent made a shott addiess.
Tho Koveinoi'h lioiibc lias become hls
toilo becaii'-e of the tact that It was
the home of James G. Mlnine, and the
piebldent occupies tonight the identical
uedioom ubed by that btatesnian.
High Compliments for Ex-Speaker
Thomas B, Reed A Review of
His Brilliant Achievements.
fly Exclusive ire I10111 'the Asclaled 'ns5.
Port.und, Maine, Aug. 20. It was ten
minutes after two when the pieslden
Uul paity leached heie. As tho train
aulved at Union btsitlon, a salute of 21
guns wab Hied by tho Portland naval
jeseryes. President Roosevelt was met
by Mayor Hoothby and was introduced
to a delegation of citizens. The presi
dent was escorted to it talsed platform
jiibt outside the tialn shed and spoko
for IS minutes to a ciowd that tilled
tho gieut squat e.
The piesldent said;
Mr, Muor, and Yon, My Follow Clll
ens, Men and Women of Malao;
1 wish to say a woid to you In iceog
nltlun of a stent soivlco icndcied, not
only to all out country but to the cntliu
peoplo of dcmociutlo government through
out the wot Id, by ono of our cltlzeiu,
Tho best Institutions ui 110 good If they
won't woilc. I do not caio how beautiful
a tlteoiy lb, If t won't lit In with tho
facts It Is no good, If you build tho
handsomest engine und It won't uo, it's
tsofulness would be limited. Well, that
is just ubout tho way that congress had
becomo when Thomas Biackett Itecd was
elected speuker, Yo, had all the ma
vhlnoiy, but it did not woik. That wus
tho tiouble, and jou hud to llnd some
powerful man who would dlsresuid tho
stotm of olilofiu, He to bo moused by
what ho did td 1 t to wollc. Such a
man was found' jn Tom Heed was
made speaker, i, wo may differ
among oinsclves I ) policy. We may
differ among outsei'es ns to what couise
government should follow, but It we pos
sess any Intelligence we must be a unit.
If government cannot go on It Is no gov
ernment. If the leglslatuie cannot enact
laws, then thcio In 110 use of misnaming
It legislative body, and If It Is ticcoidlng
to ptlnclplo the majotlty Is to 1 tile, somu
method by which It can uilo must bo pio
vltlcil. Goveinment bv the mitjotlty la
congtess had pt.ietlcally come to a stop
when Mr. Heod hoc amp spoukei. Mr.
Reed, at the cost of Intlultc labor, at the
cost of llctce attacks, succeeded In ic
stoilng that old piltulple, and now
thiough congiess wo can do as well as HI
nccoidlng as the people demand, but at
any late we cm do something. We will
bo that much ahead and we owe It mote
tlintt to any other one man, to jour fel
low citizen. Mi. Heed. And It Is a gtcat
thing for the city, a great thing for any
man to be able to feel that In some
cilsls ho left his mark deeoly footed
fot good In the hlsloty of his country,
and Tom Itecd Ins the tight to that feel
ing. Men Who Were at Gettysburg.
Now, a woid ot two mote 1 was gieet
ed heie not only by join mayoi, not only
by other men standing high, but bj 1011,
genet al (tinning to CSeueutl Joshua L.
Ch.imbPilaln) to whom Its was given, at
the bupteme moment of tho win, to win
the suptemu tewaid of a soldlet. All
honor to the man, and may we keep our
selves Irom cnviug because to whom
came the supiemc good foitune of whi
ning the medal ol honor for mighty
deeds done In the mightiest battle that
the nineteenth ceiitiny saw Gettjsbuig
1 ste even wheie 1 stop In Maine, as in
Miis'-aelui'-ett'', New Hamphlsre and Con
necticut, men, who In the times that ttied
the nation's woith toso leel to the na
tion's need and offetcd up lile gladly to
the nation's altai, the men who fought
In the gioat chll wai ftom 'id to "il"
Thev taught us much by their life In win
time and thev have taught lib as much bv
their Ille eei since Now, gcne1.1l, and
ou and 1011 (pointing) who wear the but
ton, when jou came down to thp loot of
things In wai time sou had to depe.ul
upon tho qualities of manhood which had
made good soklieis ftom the dtjs when
the chtldicn ot Isi.tol rmuched out of
Egipt down. Rifles now Instead of bows
then, but the man behind the lille Is moie
mpoilnnt than the lllle itself.
So with our l.iw-. Wp need good laws.
Wo need a wise admlnlstiatlon of the
law, an uptight and fearless admlnlstia
tlon of law. But the best law ever de
iscd by the wit of man. and the best
laws that oei wcie put on the btatuto
books will not avail to b.ue us if the
aveiage citizen has not in him tho loot of
light lllng.
About tho woist quality 3011 can have
In a soldier Is hjsteiics or nnj tiling ap
pi cinching it, and It Is pictty neatly tho quality in chll life I3cty now
and then the chance ionics to lender
Home such gieat bcnlco us I told on
about Tom Heed's I'cmU 1 iugi .some bitch
mm Ice,, as au lcndeicd at Get
thbuig, but, noimall, what wo want is
not genius but the lacully ot seeing
we Know how to apply tho copbook
molalities that we wtite down; and as
long as wc think of ibein 011U as lit for
tho (opbnok tleie Is not itiudi lisp In us.
We need In out public life as in our pii
.ite life the ittties that eveiy one could
ptactlce if he would
Now,, 1 was a veiy little time
In inj win; (itwpeii long time la oms
1 did not see much lighting, but I siw a
lot of human iiatine. I tecollcet olio
joung fellow who came down to join a
i.iahy ipglntiMit. Aftei tlueo das the
oung man (,ime down to me mid said,
"Colonel, I wish to make it complaint,
.sir. I lame down heio to light tor my
(oiuitrv, and the captain has put 1110 to
woik digging kite lien hlliks."
1 uskod the captain about It and ho
i-.ild, "jcs." The captain explained to
that joutli that lie would go on digging
kitchen sinks mid that when the light
ing camo liu would hitp all tho llBhtlng
thi'io wits, but at piesppt his duty was to
dig kiti lieu blnl.b In other woids hu
had lo do Mti.ill dutlis that wcie done,
and tluicby lust lit blm.solf to do tho big
dutlis that might mine In the liitiuc,
So It Is with us in tho woilc of oety
day litl.enshlp I liellevo that tills 1111
llor. will Use level to iinv gieat cinot
gemy that innj meet It, bat It will only
ho because now, In out 01 dimity wotkaday
life. In the limes of peine, in tho tluips
wlipti no gieat uMh Is upon us, wo school
otnselPS bv (onstiiut puictico in tho com
monplace, in ei -day ludispeiisihlo duties,
so that when the tlmo 111 we shall
show Unit wo lmp lent tied alight tho ptl
niary lebsous of good citizenship 1 thank
C.u Wages were then taken for a dilvo
to points of Inleiest about the city.
Mayor IJoothby rodo with the piebldent,
and 11 number of city and state digni
taries followed in 1 an luges. At 4 30,
Iho picbidMit boat ded his train and tho
paitv wus off for I.cwlston llo 111 1 mites
At Lewiston.
l.owlstown. Mo,, Aug, 26, Piesldent
Jtoosevcll was given 11 most cmdlal re
ception tonight by the citizens of
I.ewlHton and Auburn 011 his visit to
tho twin cities, The piesldent an I veil
in Auburn at 6 o'clock und was escort
ed to city piu It, I.cwlston, wheie from
n platform he deliveied a brief addiebs.
The piesldent wus next Int induced to
the Invited guests and then escorted to
the Maine Central station In Lewiston,
wheie lie depaited for Augustu,
In Kennebec Valley,
Augusta, Me., Aug. 20. The Kenne
bec! vullej's icceptlon to Piesldent
Hoosovelt tonight was 11 brilliant one,
F10111 tho station to the old filalno
mansion the btieets were ablaze with
light. Although tho tialn did not ar
rlvo until SG5, the piesldent, in jesponso
to tugent jequests, spoke ftom 11 plat
form ciccied near the fiont of the
Ulalne tesldenei', 11 place hlstoilciilly
associated with speeches made thero by
Heading Supevintendent's Private
Engine Jumps the Track.
Uy Ksclusbe W he from 'Iho AwcIatcU V(Ui.
Iteiullng, Pa., Aug. 26 The Reading
Railroad company's nilvate endue, the
Ariel, was wiecked in u cut at Mor
tonville, thiee miles south of CoatPH.
vllle, on the Wilmington und Noithein
lnlhoad, nt noon today, It Jumped the
ti auk, while going at tho into of forty
miles nn hour. General Superintendent
W. A, Garrett and Superintendent
James K. Tmk, of the Rending und
Columbia division, of this city, weie on
their way to Wilmington. They were
seated in the front part of tho engine
nnd were hurled to the floor. John II.
Bradford was the engineer, nnd George
W. Rockthusel the llrcinnn. They were
pinned fast In the wicck nnd both are
considerably Injured nnd scnlded.
Messrs. Garrett and Turk, while cut
and bruised, weie able to walk. In tho
meantime, Mr. Gaiictt communicated
with Reading, nnd while It was Inti
mated that their escape from death
was legnrded as miraculous, he stated
that no one was seriously hurt.
Superintendent Turk, Engineer Brad
ford nnd Fireman Rockthnsel were
brought to Reading later In the after
noon and removed to their homes. Mr.
Garrett was taken to his homo, near
Jenklntown, 011 a special train, Tho
little engine was badly used up. What
caused the engine to leave the rails Is
not known.
Information received tonight fioin
Coatesvllle says that Engineer Brad
ford's condition is serious. Fireman
Rockthasel is teirlbly scalded. General
Superintendent Gaiiett suffeied fiom
severe body bruises and cuts about the
face and head.
Two Persons Killed and Three Injur
ed in Automobile Accident.
Plunges Off Bridge.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Long Binnch, N. J., Aug. 26. Two
weie killed and three Injured in an
automobile accident at the Patk avenue
bildge over the New Yoik and Long
Blanch raihoad tracks today. In try
ing to avoid 1 tinning down a man,
Fiank J. Matthews, piesldent of the
Realty Tiust company, of Jeisey City,
lost control of his machine and it
plunged against the 1 ailing, broke
thiough and diopped to the lalls 3"i
feet below. Mr. Matthews was Instant
ly killed, the heay machine falling
upon him. Mis. J. H. Cobb, of Rich
mond, Va one of his guests, died later
at the Monmouth Memorinl hlspital and
Mrs. Louis Plzzinl her blstei -m-law Is
believed to bp dying. Rev. Father
Giant, of the Paullst church, New York,
suffers fiom shock and biulses. The
chauffeur, Rudolph Myer, ebcaped
with slight injuiles as he leaped to the
bildge just as the machine plunged
over the side.
Mr. Matthews had been sutnmeilng
nt Allenhurst. Today he called at the
Hathaway Inn and took the two ladies
and Father Grant for ,1 tilp along the
coast. They had gone but a shoit dis
tani ; when the accident took place.
William H. Havens, a g.iidncr, was
crossing the bildge, which spans the
railroad tt.icks and was close to the
end fiom which the automobile was ap
pioaching. Theie is an up giado and
the power of tho machine was tinned
on full foice to leach the bildge.
Havens was diteetly in fiont ol It. Mr.
Matthews was at the lev or and sweived
to avoid 111 111 and In an instant the
heavy machine Hashed against the 1 ail
ing and plunged over the bildge with
four of Its occupants.
Mrs. Cobb, Mis Plzzinl and Father
Grant fell ileal of the machine. Mr.
Matthews fell under it, his deatli being
Instantaneous. .Mis Cobb and Mis.
PUzlni weio utuanseious when picked
ui). Father Giant was merely stunned
and dazed. The women wcie huriled
heio on the ilist train and sent to the
hobpltal, but Mis. Cobb died soon attei
waids. Mib. Plizlnl legulned conscious
ness and has a fair chance of iciovery,
although It is feaied she is lujuied lu
tein. illy. Father Giant was placed on
a car and taken to Allenhuist. Ho ap
pealed tonight to suffer only fiom
shock, although Intel nnl injuiicb may
develop later, his physician sais.
Mr. Matthews was 10 yeins of age.
In addition to being piesldent of the
Realty Tiust company, he was one ot
the commlbbloneih ot the Jeisey City
sinking tuml, a dliector of the Third
National bank of Jeisey City and pay
master of tho Fourth regiment, Now
Jeibpy National Guard, He was a
member ol the Union league,- of Jersey
City and tho Cartel ot and Palmu clubs.
Ho Is burvlved by ono son and one
Killed While Hunting Hedgo Hogs.
II) Km IihIvc Ire (tutu 'Hie AtMxhti il I'rcos.
AUontown, Pa,, Aug. : Untitles
llot was accidentally shot and Instantly
Killed this evening on Lehigh mountain
by cv.-Councllman Uliailo.s A, Rachman
whllo hunting hedgo hogs, lialllct wus
lying In a thicket unknown to liachmau
who thought tho itistlliig of tho leaves
was duo to hedgo hogs, lluchmiiii culled
but Rttlllet's heating being impel tect ho
tailed to heed thu warning, Huchnian
Ih id stilklng Ralllet In tho head, Ralllet
was llfty yeais old,
Appeal in the Wilcox Case,
U) i:cluidw Wile from 1 lie Associated Tress.
Raleigh, N, C Aug. 2i The appeal In
the Wilcox case, In which a new tllol Is
asked for James Wilcox, sentenced to bo
hanged for tho nun iter of Nelllo Uiopsoy
at Elizabeth City, wus lteaul today by tho
state supictno (oiut. The giounds of ap
peal aio that tho plulntltT's did not have
sufficient evldenco to go to tho Juiy or
wariant a conviction; that tho testimony
was not In pioper slmpo theio
weio c'linis In the Judgo's chaigo. Decis
ion leseived.
Steamship Airivals.
lb. llxcluslio Wire fromTlio Associated Press.
Now York, Aug. Si).-Airved: Frcldorlch
dPr Grosse, Bremen. Cleared: Oceanic,
Llveipool; Philadelphia. Southampton,
Balled: Kionprlnz Wllhclm, Jiremen via
Plymouth and Uheibourg; Pallida, Ham
burg via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Ply.
inouth-Anlved; Kalseiln Murla Theresla,
New York for Cherbourg und Bremen
(and proceeded), Rotterdum Airlved:
Ryndum, New York via Dulogne 8ur Mcr.
Bremen Arrived; liohenzollerii, Now
, Fiom Chicago to Kiuger,
By Kxclushe Wire Irom flio Associated l'rM.
The Hague, Aug. Stl. Robert II. Van
Seliuuk, treasurer of the Holland society,
of Chicago, has arrived hero to visit for
mer President Krugcr and the Boer generals.
Gllmax ot Sensational Paclno
Reached In the Great Park
Brew $10,000 Stake.
He Is Piloted to Victory in Three
Straight Heats by Ed. Geers.
Twinkle Breaks Under the Wire.
Twelve Thousand People Are Wild
with Enthusiasm.
By Inclusive W Ire from Tho Associated Press.
Providence, R. I., Aug. 26. The cli
max of sensational pacing races was
reached in the gieat Purk Blew $10,000
stakes at Natiagansett park this af
tei noon. Ed. Geeis piloted Dlicct Hal
to victory in thiee straight heats and
the black stallion's record was lowered
to 2.01. In the second heat, Scott Hud
son made a lush down tho sttetch with
Twinkle nnd would have beaten any
body but Geeis. It was such a dilve
home that Twinkle went off her feet
nnd broke almost under the wire, while
Dliect Hal won In 2.04M. The last half
was paced in 1.01 flat, with the last
quarter In 2!) seconds. Twelve thousand
people saw the race and they went wild
with enthusiasm. Sumimuy:
2 20 class pace: purse, $1,000
Junius 3 111
Josh .' 1 ;i 2
Miss Willlamont S 2 2 4
Cubauola, Pan Michael, Orln B.. Sul
tana, Mnry Anna, Knox's Gelatine, Queen
und Bora Rosle also started.
Time. 2 09& 2.1J'.i. 2 07, -' OS
2.1C class tiottlng; two in three; purse,
Kelmont r. 1 n 1
Silver Glow 9 b 1 2
AlvandPt 1 b 0 o
AMellol. i:ulah Mae, Millard Suunders,
Miss Johnson, Pixie, Kamates, Yadda
alo staitcd
Time. 2.12". 2 13",. 2 lji'i. 2 141,.
The Park Blew, 210 class; puibc, $10,000;
DlreU Hal Ill
Prince Direct 2 3 7
Lou Vaughn " ' 2
Twinkle 12 2 12
Daphne Dallas, Tetrill S, John T., You
Bet, Dandy C. Sophia. Star Pugh, Donna
McGregor also Mm ted
Time, JOoVi. 2 01V.. 2 ft'!.
2 13 class trotting; two In thiee; puise,
$1,000 unliiitblicd
The King 3 1
Aggie Medium 1 t
Hawthorne 2 2
Daiwln, Flush Lightning, A. J. D , Bes
sie Owens, Ptomlbe, Pug. Aloy, Ida High
wood, Henry S, Phoebe Onwaid, Red
Ptlneess, Maty D, Conlcssoi, Monte Cai
lo and Miilbom also started.
Time, J.lOVi, 2.11',
Dy i:ulune W ire from The Assoclatid Press.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2i!.-ChaiIcb Lbbetts,
of the Btooklyn National Leuguo club,
thiough Ft auk llallor, of Plttsbuig, to
night olfeted "Rube" Waddell, the star
pitcher of the Philadelphia Amcilcan
League club, u litmus of $1,000 to Jump his
euntuiet for this season, und $500 11 mouth
s-ulury lor the balauin ot tho season. Ho
also cftcied him an additional $1,000 bonus
to sign a Uiookliu contitict for tho bea
son of 100J, with a balari ot $500 per
Waddell declined all tho ofTptb and In
fornipd Manager Mack of Mr. Kbbott's
(latteilng Inducements. Waddell left tor
Cleveland tonight with tho Philadelphia
Amcilcan Leuguo club. This latter club
holds Wuddell'b contiact lor 130J.
Watson Will Opposo Sibley.
Dy Kvcluslve Wlte from lhu ArsoiLtid Press.
Walton, I'a., Aug. 20 Tho Domociatlc
congtesslonal conleiecs of the Twenty
eighth congic.sbional distiitt met this af
tei noon at the Hotel Stiutcheis, in this
city, tq place In nomination a candidate
to opposo Joseph C, Sibley for congiess.
J. 15. Watson, of Maiienvlllo, and Dr.
Salem llcilmau, ot Shiiion, wero placed
lu nomination Ml. Watson seemed the
voles ot tho delegates Lorn Hlk, Foiest
and Venango counties, whllo Meteor nnd
Win 1 en counties voted for Dr. llcilmau,
tho voles stood nine to st in favor of
Watbon, who Is a bilef bpeech of accept
ance acknowledged that all he hoped to
accomplish was a huge 1 eduction of Mr,
Sibley's plmallty.
Union Ticket at Bedford.
Uy I:cIujIvc Wlte tiom 'Hie Associated Press.
Bcdfoid, Pa Aug, 20. Today the Union
paity of Bedford county met at Bedford
and nominated a full Union party ticket.
Tho convention udoptcd resolutions con
demning tho tot nipt practices of the
prc.ent administration and the methods
of tho Quay muchlno politics, and In
structed tho delegates to tho state con
vention for Paulson, Quthrlo and Coray,
Italian Annichists Arrested.
Uy I'xelii'.ivc ire ftom 'I lit" Ai-aiiatcil I'll'".
London, Aug, 27, In a dispatch from
Geneva, tho coriespoudcnt of tho Dully
Mall lepaits tho attest of twenty-tlueo
Italians supposed to ho nuaichlsts, in
connection with nn alleged plot to derull
tho tiuln healing King Victor L'tnman
uel to Berlin.
Canada's Premier in France.
Py Exclusive w ire from The Associated Press.
Pails, Aug, 20. Tho piemier of Cannda,
Sir Wllftid Lautlcr, and the Canadian
minister of finance, W, L. Fielding, vis
ited Piesldent Loubot at Hamboulllet this
morning and icmalued there to luncheon,
nt which tho minister of foielirn af
fuhs, M, Delcosse, and Bui on d'L'slour
nlles do Constant, tho Ficnch deputy and
diplomat who visited tho United States
lecently, weio also present.
Colorado Law Void,
liy Kxclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
St. Paul, Aug. 20 Judge Sanborn, of
the United Htutcs cotut of appeals In de
ciding tho caso of Anion Keysor vs. John
W, Lowell, lit ought heio on an appeal
fiom tho circuit couit of the United
States for tho Dlstilct of Colorndo, held
that the Colorado statute of limitations
is void and in violation of the constitu
tion of tho United States.
Tho Battleship Does Not Fulfill Con
tract In Matter of Speed.
Special lo tho Set anion Tribune.
Washington, Aug. 26. Although the
measured speed of the new battleship
Maine, which had her trial trip over the
Capo Ann course last Saturday, was
only 17.06 knots, 18 knots being her con
tract speed, no doubt is entertained nt
the department that when her tidal
allowance Is measured out, U will be
found that she has appreciably exceed
ed 18 knots.
It is known that the HJe was against
her. Under the terms of the contract
with her builders, however, she must
bo accepted If she makes over 17 knots,
subject to n penalty at the rate of $25,
000 for each quarter knot below IS.
Two Persons Asphyxiated by Illumi
nating Gas in New York.
By Exclusive AVIrc Irnni The Associated l're.
New York, Aug. 26. Mrs. Josephine
Vollmer, 61 yeurs old, and her 12-year-old
niece, Mary Miller, were found dead
in bed at their home today.
They had been asphyxiated, by Illu
minating gas, which poured into their
bedroom from a fixture intended for
both stove and gas jot, and a coroner,
who made an investigation, sold tho
case was ono of homicide and suicide.
Itelativcs of the dead woman believe
that she was demented.
The Connecticut and Louisana Will
Carry the Most Powerful in
the World.
By Kxclulc Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 26. The Connecti
cut and Loulsanna, the two new battle
ships authorized by the last naval ap
piopriation bill, will carry the most
poweiful guns, measured by calibre in
the world. With the building of each
new set of battleships, Admiral O'Neil,
chief of the bureau of ordinance, has
tried to Increase the power of the main
batteries and for the Connecticut and
Louisana he intends to Incieasc the
length of the big tunet guns to 43-call-bie.
Heietofore, the longest naval guns
built have been only 40 times their cali
bie. Not only will this lenghtening of,
the guns Inciense their efficiency ns to
range and velocity, (and, theiefore,
penetrating power,) but it will consti
tute a distinct advantage to the ships.
The muzzle of guns ot 40-cullbie when
sw ung broadsIde-'-just renelj- the- lail
and the side blast when fired prevents
the use of secondaiy guns Immediately
below. By inci easing the length to 45
calibres, the muzzles of the guns aie
eairled well out boaid. Some impiove
nients also will bo made to secuie high
er Initial velocity.
The Thirty-Seventh Annual Conven
tion Held at Williamspoit.
Hi Kvcliblvc W ire Irom The Awtiijletl Picas.
Williamspoit, Aug. 26. The thlity
beventh annual convention of the Pa
tiiotic Order, Sons of Amcilca, con
vened in Association hall this morning.
The 650 delegates weie welcomed by
Mai or John F. Lacdlicn. The addicts
of welcome was icsponded to by Statel
Piesldent William J. Noll.
At the conclusion of tho president's
response, the convention went into ex
ecutive session. Reports of the piesl
dent, secictary, tieasuier and audltois
weio read, and nominations for tho
vaiious oftices made.
Williamspoit, Pa., Aug. 26. Tho elec
tion boaid finished 1 diluting the bullotb
for tho four principal olllccs at a late
hour tonight and posted the following
list of successful candidates:
State piesldent, William G. Thomas,
Camp 252, Lansford, Pa.; state vlee
piebldent, D. J. Gciihemer, Camp 49,
Pine Gtove, Pa.; state Inseptor, L. W.
Beiber, Camp 229, Watbontown, Pa.;
state camp trustees, H, J. Stager, Camp
7, Philadelphia: It. II. Koch, Camp 14,
Pottsvllle; D, S, Biumback, Camp 230,
Lawrence, Pa,
Broken Trolley Wire Caused It Ono
Dead, Seven Hurt.
Hi Kveliislie Ire from 'Hie As-oclaUd Press.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 26. One person
was killed and beven we're injuied in a
tiolley accident heie "last evening. Mis.
Newton E. Mouls was killed and Mis.
F. M. Watson, of Pleasant Hill, Miss.,
is In the hospital with a wienched
shoulder and Internal injuries.
The trolley wlie broke In fiont of the
car and flew mound It llko a whip. A
panic was caused by the crackling nnd
flashing eleeti lelty, und the passengeis
made a rush for the rear door, Con
ductor Jones was swept off the plat
form and the passengeis wero piled In
a heap on the ground. Mrs, Moirla was
picked up unconbdous und died befoie
an ambulance could reach her, Mis.
Watson was taken to the City hospital,
where it is thought that she will ic
cover. Chief of Police Killed.
By Kxcluslvc Wire from The Associated Press.
Blueileld, W, Va., Aug, 20. At Cooper,
a mining town, about fouiteou miles west
of heie, W. A. Fanning, chief of police,
was shot and Itibtnutly killed by some un
known pei sou, Funning was enteilng Ills
home for tho nisht when ho was lit oil
Jumped from Brooklyn Bridge,
'Now Yoik, Aug. L0 A young coloted
man, said by tho police to bo Flunk Cody,
whoso addiess s not known. Jumped fiom
the Biooklyn bridge tonight. Ho was
picked up unconscious nnd taken to the
Biooklyn hospital, wheie It wus said ho
would piobably die.
King of Italy Leaves for Berlin,
Rome, Aug, 20. King Victor Finmutuiel
left Rucconlgt this mottling for Bcilln.
His majesty, who was uccompanled by a
numcious suite, was given u hearty fare
well by tho crowds. Hlgnor Piiucttl, the
minister of .foreign uffulrs, will Join tho
king later on
Village Now in Possession of Troops
of the Provisional Government.
Battlo at Marmelade.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Cape Haytlen, Aug. 26. The village
of Llmbe, eighty-two miles 1101 th o
Port-au-Prince, has been attacked and
re-enptured by troops of the provisional
government. Limbo was in the posses
sion of Firmlnlst soldiers from the Ar
tobonlte dlstilct. The fighting wus
hard and lasted fiom midnight last
night to midday today. Many men on
both sides were killed. The town wns
completely destroyed by fire.
The defendeis of Llmbe were reln
foiced by marines landed fiom the
gunboat Crote-a-Pelnot, which is In
the Flrmlnlte service. General Alexis
Nord has gone fonvaid to take com
mand of the troops of the provisional
A battle also took place today at
Marmelade, but details of this engage
ment are lacking. Cape Haytlen Is
The United States cruiser Cincinnati
arilved hero this morning from La
Guiara, Venezuela.
Gen. Gobin Visits Wilkes-Barre Pre
parations for Resumption.
By Kxcluslvc V iro from The Associated Press.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Aug. 26. General
Gobin, in command of the state troops
in the Shuylklll region stopped off In
Wilkes-Baire while enrouto to Sara
toga to attend the meeting of the Na
tional Bar association. While In this
city the general was the guest of Col.
Doughetty of the Ninth regiment.
Active operations are going on in
seveial of the mines In the Wyoming
legion looking to an early resumption
of mining. Despite denial fiomthe
strike headquarters It Is learned that
theie aie a number of experienced mln
eis at woik In the Avondnle mine of
the Delawaie, Lackwanna and Western
company and today several miners weie
engaged to go to work In the Dorrance
Judge P. P. Smith, of the Pennsyl
vania superior couit, was one of Presi
dent Mitchell's callers toduy.
They Take Places of Strikers, Who
Are Greatly Aroused.
Hi Inclusive Wire ftom 'the Aiiocutcil I'tcss.
Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 26 The Amcilcan
It on and Steel M.mufactuilng company
tonight stinted a set of rolling mills
with negio laboieis imported from
Reading and othei places. Tho thiee
plants have been idle bince May 1, the
company 1 of using to grant an lncreabe
to the puddleib.
One thousand men btruck and fully
twice that number weie thrown out of
woik by the shut-down of the mills,
The new men aio being lodged and fed
In tho mills. The stiikeis aio gieatly
aroused over tho new turn of affalis
and tiouble is apprehended by the citi
zens of the town.
Terrible Results of Lighting the Fire
with Kerosene in Cheyenne.
H i:tliishc Wiie fiom'llie .UouatuI Press.
Cheieniie, Wyo., Aug. 26. In a fire
nt Gehiing. Neb, six people lost their
lives. S. II. MeCumpsey, stinted a. file
with kerosene. The can exploded, ignit
ing the clothes of MeCumpsey, his wife,
two chlldien aged one year and four
days lespectlvely 'and two otheis lit
tle gills.
Tho patents lomnlned In the burning
house trying to have the chlldien and
all pcilshed.
Negroes Charged with Murder.
Uy KxLliblic Vi lie- fiom 'lite Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2(. Two coloicd
men ch.uged with nun dec weio aiiebtcd
lioio today, mid a thhd who was ariesled
a few dais ago, left tonight for Limber
ton, S, C, In chargo of Sheilff Scaibo
rough, of Darlington county, Tho two
men ai tested today tuo Andiow Hurklns,
wanted lu Tuitlo Cteek, Allegheny coun
ty, Pa., for killing a laboior, and Finnic
Jnidau, who Is wanted in Cltiiksbuig, V.
Va to answer a minder chaise. Tho
man taken to Lumbcitou is Cicoigo Mu
Faddcn, who is ch.ugod with thu minder
of L'llzabeth Smith, coloied, two icais
Tioops Ordered to Gettysburg,
lly llxilirslvc W Ire from Iho As-oclaicd Pics.
Washington, Aug, 20 Ouleis havo been
Issued by tho war dopaitnieut dliectlng
thnt tho band and two tioops of tho Sec
ond 1 avail y and tho Fourth cavaliy. Hold
aitlllety, now stationed tit Foit .Myer,
Va , shall match to aottysbiug, Pa,, to
Pnitlclpatu In tho cui emonlcs upon tho
battlefield theio on Soptembcr 19 and 20,
Incident to tho dedication of a monument
hi honor of tho Into Major Gcneinl Henry
W, Slocuni.
Johnston's Defeat Conceded.
By Exclusive Wire from 'I he Associated Press.
Biimlnghain, Ala., Aug, 20 Returns
fiom neuily oveiy amity in tho stuto
show that Governor Jelks hns cm led tho
btato pilmailes by 13,000 ovor Johnston,
whoso defeat Is conceded by hlt fi lends,
Cunningham bus beaten Walter for lieu
tenant govoiuoi, A second primary may
bo nccessaiy to decide nominations In tho
inco for attorney gencnnl, sccietiuy of
stuto and supeilnteudent of lusmuuc?.
Postmaster Shoots Burglar,
Uy l'.xclulc Wire fromTlio Associated Press.
Buffulo, Aug. 20. Postmaster Payne, of
Jeddo, surprised two burglars in tho post
olllco lust night. They ran, but Payne
fired, filling the back of ono, Gcorgo
Clark, with buckshot. Tho Injuries aro
piobubly fatal. As Pay no threatened to
11 ro ugalu the other surrendered. He gave
his name as Joseph M. Ryer,
Ciudad Bolivar Is Captured bu
the Government War
They Have Requested That a War
ship of Great Britain Be Sent for
Their Protection It I3 Alleged
That Atrocities Have Been Com
mitted at Ciudad Bolivar by Both
Revolutionists nnd Government.
No Foreign Warships in the
Orinocco River.
By Kxclmtia Wire fromTlio Associated Press.
Caracas, Venezuela, Aug. 26. Culdad
Bolivar, capital of the state of Boli
var, has been bombarded by a' Vene
zuelan government warship and many
persons wero killed or wounded. The
place has a large British population,
and the British subjects have requested
that a warship oC Great Britain be sent
for their protection. It is alleged that
atrocities have been committed at Ciu
dad Bolivar by both the government
troops and the revolutionists,
Ciudad Bolivar Is still in the power of
the revolutionists. The town was fired
upon day and night by the gunboats
Bolivar and Restaurdor, which attempted-to
land forces to reoccupy the place.
About six hundred shells were fired into
tho city. When the ammunition of the
.Restaurdor was exhausted, she left for
La Guiara to obtain additional supplies,
after which the bombardment will bo
There are no foreign warships in tho
Orinocco river to protect the interests
of the powers, and the British govern
ment Is being blumccT in-ccrtaln quar-
ters for abandoning the 3,000 subjects of
Gieat Britain who reside in the district
of Ciudad Bolivar.
Spirited Events of the Hudson and
Mohawk Valley Circuit.
By IXcluslie Wire from '1 he Assoehtcd Press.
Newbuigh, N. Y., Aug. 26. The first
day's racing of a lour days' meeting on
the Hudson and Mohawk Valley elicuit
was held this afternoon on the half
mile track of the Nevvburgh Driving
park. The racing was spirited. Alice
Mapes, a grand circuit perfoimer, was
a heavily backed favoilte in tho 2.13
pace and was distanced. The sum
maries: 2 35 class, trotting; purse, $100. V
Momeuto 112 1
Mom 3 2 12
PilncoC 2 4 4 J
Amarottn. Antoinette, Cairlo B. nlbo
fatal ted. Time, 2.22'4, 2.21',, 2.20K, 2.21,.
2 30 class, pacu; puisc, $100.
Governor Plngico 1 1 2 1 1
Kitty G y. 12 14 5
Jeibey Wood 5 D 5 2 2
Mabel Beck, Nancy Bush, Cullbtus and
Mabel Gioy also staitcd. Time, 2.22U,
2 2.1&, 2 21., 2 2114. 2 25.
2.1J class, pace; puise, $100.
Fred M 6 6 111
Gessncr 3 2 3 2 2
Rhody 13 4 3 3
ZIhU.i, Alice Mapes and Leo S. also
staitcd. Time, 2.11K-, 21I1U, 2 12', 2.1S&
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Sorrento, Maine, Aug. 26. Miss Julia
Lomont, daughter of Daniel S. Lumont.
former secretary of war, died at her
father's cottage hero this evening. Mies
Laniont has been 111 slneo Feb! wiry, and
It was thought sho hud practically re
coveiPd until a rclnpso camo yesterday,
Rochester, N. Y Aug. 20, A special
dispatch to tho Demooint and Chronicle
fiom Wutklns, says that ex-Governor
Georgo Hoadley, of Ohio, died at that
placo this evening, aged 70 years. Ho and
his family had been at Watklns for sov-i
eial weeks.
Doheity Wins Tennis Championship.
By Exclusive Who from The Associated Press.
Newpoit, R. I.. Aug. 26.-R. F. Do.
hcity won tho national lawn tennis cham
pionship from M. D. Whitman today.
Whitman vvas In poor form and Doierty
did almost as ho pleased, Summiuy;
Championship singles, final match: R. F,
Doehi ty beat M. D. .Whitman, 6-1, 3-0, 0-1,
Boer Refugees Killed. r
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Bloemfontoln, Orange River Colony,
Aug, 20. A shunting cnglno crashed into
n train conveying refugees to Johannes,
buig yestciduy, Tho fiont cars wer
wiecked and a number of women and
chlldien wero killed.
" " ' '
Local data for August 26, 1902.
Highest temperature ,,.,,,,,,.,.,80 degrees
Lovvcbt tempeinturo ,, ,.,.,,,61 degrees
Relative humidity:
S a. in .,.,.,.;,,, ...SO per cent,
$ p. 111. .,...0S per cent.
Ftecipltatlon, 24 hours ended lp.ul,
none. j
Washington, Aug. 20. Forecast
for Wednesday und Thuisday:
Eastern Pennsilvanlu Paitly
cloudy Wednesday and Thuisday
with probably local 111 1 113 In tho
evening; light vailable 'winds.
-"- 1 1 1 it - -f - a
11 wJ
- ;i
4 'L'i '
!$.' !im&m -,
;? - ... 4&
ils , i...n jt -mSS JMl-Ai-t'
.tt. At- i-v.