The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Bpeclal to tlio Scranton Tribune.
TUnnlrnMC. Aim. 23. Ml', nlld MI'S. l
r tt. nnvnnr. of Carbuiulnlc, who have
Hren guests ot Rev. and Mrs. J. W.
iinynor, returned Friuny evening to
heir homo In Unit iilnco. Florctta Jnckson has returnel
'rum t two weeks' visit nt Klngsloy.
iinirn Miincer. of Chicago, Is a guest
it tho homo of his purcnls, Mr. and
Mrs. I'!. P. Milliner, on hake avenue.
Miss Llln Gngo Is visiting in nnu-
Miss Letltln Whitney, of Blooms-
aurg, Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. C.
i. Winder.
Mr. nml Mrs. Lynn Foster und sen,
at Elmirn, arc visiting relatives and
friends In Montrose and vicinity.
Colonel Edward R. Warner nnd John
XI. Mtinger wen; on a trip to Blng-
iiamton Wednesday.
Mrs. S. 13. Newton Is visiting at
Providence and Crescent Park, R. 1.
Mrs. A. II. Mack, of Blnghnmton,
is a guest at air. and Mrs. l. r: Ainu a
sldonee, on Church street.
Mrs. Walter Carpenter, of Wilkos-
4arre, who is spending the summer at
ake Carey, was a guest ot Mrs. J. P.
Taylor Wednesday.
Henry Fredericks, of Phllndoiphin, is
on a fortnight's visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Dennis.
Mis. Pearl Kresgo, of Scranton, and
Miss Nellie Gregory, of Sayro, who
liave been guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W.
Jordan, returned Friday morning.
Misses Olive and Maud Ulrtley. of
RVest Scranton, who wore visiting at
BCIngsley, were guests nt the home of
W. W. Nash, on South Main street,
last week.
On Thursday nfternoon, the funeral
Cf W. Perry Smith, of Owego, whose
dath occurred at that place Mondny
evening, after n sickness of but a few
'liours, was held at the home of his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Smith,
"en Lathrop street. A sad coincidence
In connection with his departure from
this life was the fact that the date of
the funeral was precisely on the anni
versary of his twenty-seventh birth
lay, new A. W. Cooper conducted the
uneral services, both at the house and
jravo. A quartette, consisting ot Mrs.
lean Wllmot, Miss Eva Hockmnn, J.
Barney and L. R. Tltsworth, ren
dered npppropriato selection. The pall
bearers were three members ot the
Btcd Men's lodge and three members of
the lire company nt Owego, both of
kvhlch organizations ho was a popu
lar member. The young man was uni
versally liked and although for several
ears he has resided In Owego, his
nome-comings have ever been n source
if pleasure to his numerous friends,
Ind his loss is lamented by all who
nnw him.
The semi-annual meeting of the Sus-
Ijui'lianna County Historical society
Ivlll be hold at Hopbottom Friday,
Kept. 19.
Mrs. Charles F. Delong is seriously
Montrose, Fire company, No. 2, will
lttend the firemen's celebration 'at Me-
choppon, Monday, Sept. 1.
The third annual tennis tournament
of the I.mkesldc Country club will be
I .'held on the club grounds Monday,
I Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 25, 26
nnd 27. A silver cup Is offered as the
llrst prize. Contestants are entered
from Scranton, Great Bond and other
jilaces, and an exciting tournament is
Mrs. C. A. Van Wormcr and mother,
Mrs. Joel Lyons, returned to Scranton
rldny, after spending several weeks
In tills place.
I Miss Julie Cruser, a popular elocut
ionist of this place, will give an en-
rrtulnmeiit at the Blrehardvllle Pap
ist church next Thursday evening, for
lie benefit of that church. Miss Cru-
h-'s melodious voice and graceful poses
ave won for her an enviable reputa-
q,j'f and she Is very popular as a re
lief and reader throughout this sec
Ton of the state and in New York.
Samuel Smith, colored, who pleaded
xullly to larceny, wan sentenced to a
year mid seven months In the Eastern
penitentiary by Judge Scarle this
The well known and famous Brothers
J, team of PIttston played a hotly-con
tested game of nail in tins place Tiiiirr
day nfternon. They enmo with n re
cord of twenty-eight victories and one
defeat, but after the game another de
feat had been added. Susquphanna had
been defeated badly nt two games pre
vious and they assured the visiting
nine that they would have an easy
thing of It having lost the games by a
score of 17-7 and S-2. But Montrose
was In excellent condition and won the
same easily, the score being 121. Cur
ran, of the Montrose team, made a
lionie run and brought In two runs, be
sides scoring himself; Holllster brought
In two runs by a fine hit, and Conk
lln's work behind the but and Hoover's
pitching was superb. The vanquished
took their defeat pleasantly and wore
effusive in their compliments to our
boys, which were reciprocated. The
receipts of the game were about $.10.
Irunkhnnnock will play hero Tuesday
nfternoon, and a very warm game 3
Tho thirty-first annual encampment
h,f the Slisquehanna County Veterans'
issociatlon will bo held In tho fair
grounds In this plnco on September 2,
and I. There will bo reduced rates
In all roads leading to Montrose during
Ihe encampment, and reduced terms at
Following are the teachers who will
n.struct the pupils In the Montrose
iJtRh school the coming year, begin
ning Sept, 2; Principal, C. H. Win
ter; nsslstnnt principal, Miss Clara K.
vvlnans, of Meshoppen: assistants, Mrs.
Edith Jones and Miss nose Judge, of
Mansfield,' A grammar room Miss
.aura ,T. Williams, Franklin Forks. B
srnmiwir Sara Dlceroad, Bloomsburg.
intermediate Mary A, Carlln, Spiing-
viije, A primary Josephine Blakesloe,
A Sure Cure for Diarrhoea,
Coming as It does. In tho busiest Feu-
ion, when a man can least afford to
lose time, sure and quick tiuru for
lllarrhoea, b very desirable. Anyone
iviio has given it u trial will tell you
inai me qmcisest, surest ana most
kleasant remedy In use for this disease
cnaniberiain's colic, Cholera and
Warrhoea Remedy, There Is no loss of
:lme when It Is used, us ouo or two
loses of It will cure any ordinary at-
ncK. it never falls, not even In the
nost ever und dangerous cases. For
,ale by ul druggists.
Blakoslce, Pa. U primary Lola M.
Shiiltz, Hohrsbitrg, Pn, C primary
Miss Ellen Scarle. All those whoso
places of residence nro not stated re
side In Montrose,
Mrs. N. C. Warner (neo Miss Flor
ence Kerrigan) died nt her homo on
Cherry street at about G o'clock Fri
day afternoon, after nn Illness from
acute tuberculosis dating from May.
Tho deceased was united In marriage
to Nelson Clarke Warner on January
S, 1002. Sho was tho only nnd accom
plished daughter of Dennis Kerrigan,
by whom sho Is survived, nnd one
brother, Joseph, Her education was re
ceived at tho Montrose High school nnd
nt the St. Joseph's academy, Blnghnm
ton, from which sho was a graduate.
Socially, sho was one of the leading
spirits of the town, nwd her pleasant
manner and happy face will be missed
by all. Tho funeral will bo held from
St. Mary's church at 11 o'clock Mon
day morning.
Thomas Coward, of West PIttston, Is
a guest of his cousin, Mrs. Frances
Altkun, at her homo on South Main
Dr. Frank E. McGulrc, a successful
Binghamton osteopathlst, is profes
sionally engaged In this place for a
few days.
Special to the Scranton Tritiunt.
Towandn, Aug. 23. Jerry Shay, of
Lock Haven, has been nppolnted us
road superintendent of the Susquehanna
nnd New York railroad. He succeeds
H. H. Bentley, who has served the for
mer company, known as Barclay, for
many years.
The firemen of Waverly, Snyre and
Athens, have formed an association and
elected the following ofllcers: Presi
dent, C. II. Manning, of Waverly; vice
president, J. J. Keefe, of Athens; sec
retary, D. D. Tillman, of Waverly;
treasurer, J. A. Wilklng, of Sayre. The
first convention will be held at Waver
ly In September.
Two corps of surveyors are engaged
in laying out the route of the new rail
road, which will be an extension of the
Barclay railroad, now owned by the
Susquehanna and New York Railroad
company, and will connect Towanda
with the Northern Central. It crosses
Sullivan county about eight miles from
Canton and passes through some of the
finest tracts of timber land in the
The Bradford County Women's Chris
tian Temperance union will hold Its
annual convention at Troy on Wednes
day nnd Thursday.
Captain Richmond P. Hobson, the
Spanish-American naval hero, is book
ed as one of the lecturers at the teach
ers' annual Institute in October.
Mrs. Eliza Hodgson, wife of Dr. Wil
liam Thompson, died at her home in
Towanda township last week, aged
eighty-six years.
The soldiers' and sailors' encamp
ment closed on Thursday evening with
a campfire, Including all address by
State Commnndcr R. P. Scott, of But
ler. The officers chosen - for tho en
suing .-year are: Commander, J. A.
Bosworth, of LeRoysvllle; senior vice
commander, A. E. Benjamin, of New
Albany; junior vice-commander, L. H.
Stege, of Towanda; quartermaster, M.
W. Shores, of Towanda; officers of the
day, G. H. Terry, of New Albany; of
ficer of the guard, A. C. Schcufler, of
Towanda; surgeon. Dr. L. B. Smith, of
Big Pond; chaplain. Rev. J. B. Davis,
of T'Ister; chief of artillery, B. Kane,
of Athens; chief of cavalry, A. V. Fair
child, of Dushore; auditors, J. W.
Hurst, of Camptown, J. T. Hosted, ot
New Albany, J. N. Weaver, of Sayre.
J. B. Smith, representing the Edison
Manufacturing company, photographed
the Black Diamond Express, near Wy
sox a few days ago, when the train was
going at the usual rapid rate of speed.
The Republicans of this county held
their primaries In the different districts
on Saturdny, The main strife wns In
the commlsslonership and trensurershlp.
As far as tho reports show the follow
ing were successful: Sheriff, S. F.
Robinson; prnthonotnry. J. A. Wilt;
register and recorder, W. J. McCabe;
treasurer, W. K. Marshall; commission
ers. K, D. Harkness, J. D. Kinney;
legislature, J. E. Hamilton, F. F.
Lomax; auditors, II. A. Bosworth, T.
T. Card. Tho convention will bo held In
Towanda on Thursday.
Dr. George G. Bcrbyck, well known
In Southern Bradford, who formerly
resided In Meshoppen, died on Thursdny
at his home In Salt Lake City, of ty
phoid fever. A widow and one son sur
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Dunduff, Aug 23, Mrs. George and
Mrs. W. Giifflu, of Providence, Pa are
visiting at tho Purple cottage.
Our village school will open on Mon
day, Sept. 1, Miss Jennie Sprang,
Miss Sharpless, a celebrated singer of
Philadelphia, sang at tho morning ser
vices In tho First Pnptlst church on
Sunday Inst. Miss Sharpless Is a( very
pleasing soioisi aim nn unjoyeu nenrmg
Mr, F. A. Davis who was our candi
date for register and recorder, tnndo a
very good Bhowlng at the, Republican
convention at Montrose last week but
was not quite nblo to make it, Wo ex
tend our congratulations on the good
showing und would eay try again
Tho Baptist Sunday school will picnic
nt Crystal lake on Tuesday of this
week and the Methodist school will pic
nic on Wednesday following at the
same place, Would It not be a good
Idea to hold a union picnic nnd all go
tho same day?
The fifth annual reunion of the
Georgo Lowry family took place on
Aug. 20 nt tho home of Mr, II. W, Lowry
of this place. The day was nil that we
could n3lt for brlglit and clear. Tables
were arranged upon the lawn under the
trees und nt tho noon hour were laden
wlt'l'i good things to eat. After dinner
there came the business of the reunion,
this was opened by nil singing "All Hull
the Power of Jesus Name," E. E. Wells
presided at tho organ. Prayer wns of
fered by the Rev, Lynn Drake, pastor
of Elkdale church". At this time a
short entertainment was given. Reci
tations by (he little folks, music etc.
Miss Rena Cqbh recited very nicely
"Rocks of AgeB," E, E. Wdla snug u
sacred solo, after which Mrs. E. E.
Wells recited, then came tho history of
tho Lowry family by Dr. W. J. Loivry,
of Carbondale; Mrs. AVrlght-Lowry, of
Green Grove, the secretary then read
some yery Interesting communications
from various relatives, not present, In
regards to the Lowry family, after
which Mrs. Clark Lowry, of Scranton,
!'n sang with sympathy, "Whore Is
My Boy Tonight." Then came nn ad
dress by Prof, ,T. E. Williams, which
wns very interesting, following thto re
marks were given by Jnmos W. Lowry,
Elhdnlo, and Mr, flrlswnld, of Potts
vllte, Pa., und others, then E. E. Wells
snug by request, "Mother's Prayer."
After the entertainment the nfllcers
were elected ns follows for tho omitting
yenrs Dr. W. J, Lowry, presi
dent! Prof. J, E. Williams, vlco-presl-dcnli
Mrs. J. 15. Williams, necrottiry;
Mrs. Wrlght-Lowry, nsslstnnt scero
tnry. Crystal lake wns chosen as the
next place of meeting.
Ep'cUl to ttic Scranton Tribune.
Honesdnle, Aug. 25. The Erie will
run nn excursion to Ulnghnintoii on
Labor day. Fare from Honcsdalo, $1.25.
The annual mooting of tho Wayne
Baptist associations will be hold in tho
Clinton church, Wednesday and Thurs
day of the present week.
M. T. Church, of Carbondale, sipcnt
Sunday with Honcsdalo friends.
County Superintendent David L.
Hower and bride have arrived In
Honesdnle. They will reside on Race
Kreltner Bros., .who have the con
tract for a two-story brick building for
L. Grnmbs, on the vacant lot on Main
street next to tho opera house, com
menced excnvatlng for the foundation
Monday morning.
One of the most Interesting games of
base ball ever played In Honesdalo was
enjoyed by a large gathering on Sat
urday. It Is seldom teams so evenly
matched as tho Jorinyn nnd Honesdnle
ever come together. The ninth Inning
closed without a run for either side,
and not until the last of the tenth In
ning, with Honcsdalo at the bat, was
a score recorded. This closed tho game
with 1-0 In favor of Honesdnle. Spencer
umpired. Not a dispute marred tho
game. Billy Miller pitched for Hones
dale, and Curtis for dermyn.
Visitors in Glen Dyberry cemetery,
that beautiful city of the dead, will
notice that very many of the monu
ments and grave markers bear names
that are familiar In Scranton, families
whose ancestors were once residents of
Honesdnle. Among the names that may
be found nre Dlmmlck, Torry, Watts,
Hand, Blair, Henwood, Fuller, Weston,
Goldsmith, Cohen, Levy, and many
others. There are also many families
whose descendants are now residents
of Scranton, who were among the first
settlers in Honesdnle.
Benjamin W. Fitch, foreman In the
Honesdnle Citizen office, died at his
home on upper East street, Friday
night, after a brief illness. Deceased
was born in Honesdnle, where he had
always resided, August 3, 1S66. He Is
survived by his wife, who wns Kath
arine Brown; two little daughters,
Edith nnd Katharine, and a largo
number of relatives. Deceased was for
about twenty years employed in the
Citizen ofllce. He wns a member and
secretary of the Honesdnle Fire com
pany. The funeral was held Monday
afternoon from his late residence. The
services were conducted by Rev. G. A.
Place. Interment in Glen Dyberry. Tho
Fire company attended tho funeral in
uniform. Members of the company
were pall-bearers.
Tho community was saddened by tho
announcement of the death of Mrs.
Swift, wife of Rev. William II. Swift,
which occurred at her home, early
aionuay morning.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Sprlngvllle, Aug. 23. James Rlsley
and family, of Gibson, former residents
of the township, nro visiting relatives
at East Lynn.
Austin Emmons and wife have se
cured rooms with Mrs. H. K. Sherman
for the fall and winter. Mr. Emmons
moved here from Auburn Corners, and
Is engaged with D. D. Layton in the
grocery and meat trade.
The band will hold a festival and re
ception at the residence of S. O. Cul
ver In the evening of September 3, to
which all nre Invited. The veterans of
Company C, Two Hundred and Third
regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, will
meet on the same day ut the same
place, and a good time Is looked for nil
Tho band will go to Tunkhannock on
Thursday, September 4, to make music
for the Odd Fellows of Wyoming
county. They will hold a picnic on that
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hendershot nnd
W. L. Messerole nre taking their out
ing nt Wellsville, N. Y.
Mrs. Normandy, wife of John Oak
ley, of Strickland hill, departed this
life on Tuesday afternoon last, at the
age of 78 years. For fifty years this
worthy couple had lived on the farm
where she died, and during all that
time none could say aught but cond nf
her, nnd ninny were tho kindly ofllces
performed by the hands that are now
cold in dentil. The funeral wus held at
the Strickland hill church on Thursday
afternoon, with burial in same ceme
tery. The husband, two sons and one
daughter survive her.
Mrs. Churchill hns moved to Keuka
Park, N. Y where her son, Carl, has
been since early in tho spring. Sprlng
vllle people very much regret her de
FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark uroiuul tho hidden object, save them until Saturday,
then send them or tuko them to Tho Tribune office In an envelope addressed to
"Puzzle Department." Entioso In tho envelope your name, ago and address. Tho
uoys and girls who correctly mnrk the Blx pictures appearing during tho week,
and whoso answers nro first received, will havo their names published In Tho
'tribune Monday morning.
John Paul Jonea leading the fight with
lutter's taptnln.
parture, ns sho wns esteemed by all
with whom flhc associated.
StUnrt Riley lost a valuable cow last
week from milk fever.
Stonomen nre plensed over tile pros
pect of having a standard gunge rail
road here, ns It will gave them hun
dreds of dollars every year In the way
of reshlpplng,
Compared with years ngo, few peo
ple go to Dlmnck camp meeting. In
times pnst It was nothing uncommon to
see one hundred nml fifty tennis go
through hero on Sunday. Now, lltty
will probably cover them all.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Aug. 25. Robert Adams
has returned to this place to spend a
short time with friends, after being
absent sevcrnl years,
Misses Vina and Bessie Qualley, spent
a few days with Binghamton friends
tho Inst of tho week.
A picnic ut Cruzy Nook cottngo was
enjwyed by the following people on
Friday lust: Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Tif
fany. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs.
M. M. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. JoiTers
and daughter, Miss Mne Muloney, Miss
Edna Brown, Miss Mabel Jeffcrs, Rev.
Lewis Tracy Brown and Lyman Kel
lum of this place, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Kollum and Miss Clara Terrwllllger, of
Scranton; Miss Dora Crulso and Inola
Dunbar, of New York city; Miss Myra
Jnckson, of Newark Valley, N. Y.
Dinner wns served and a pleasant day
wus spent In boating, fishing, quoit
pitching nnd hunting.
Mrs. E. M. Tiffany gave a dinner of
twelve covers to the following on Satur
day: Mrs. S. B. Eldrldge nnd daughter,
Edna, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Leroy Bacon,
Mrs. Hattie Bacon, Mrs. Frank Baker,
of Nicholson; Miss Dora Cruise, of
New York; Miss Emma Eldrldge and
Mrs. McKee, of Scranton; Miss Edna
Brown nnd Miss Lillian Byron, ot this
place. Music, both vocal and Instru
mental was enjoyed and a pleasant day
was spent.
Miss Clara Terrwllllger, of Scranton,
Is spending a few days as the guest of
Charles Kellum.
Miss Helen Smith spent Sunday with
friends In Blnghnmton.
Miss Myra Jnckson, of Newark, Val
ley, N. Y., visited at W. E. Brown's
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Carpenter, of
Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs. Giles Car
penter, of New Milford; Mr. and Mrs.
William carpenter and daughter, of
Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Car
penter and Mr. and Mrs. Manning Car
penter, of Niagara Falls, attended the
funeral of Vera Fassatt, Sunday.
Miss Cassie Waters Is visiting at D.
W. Wright's home.
An excursion will go to Nay Aug
park from this place, Friday, Aug. 29.
Rates for adults, G3 cents; children, 45
cents. All are invited. Apply to E. M.
Tiffany or O. D. Roberts, for further
Lyman Kellum recently caught at
Card pond a bass weighing four and
one-half pounds. Mr. Kelum holds the
championship for fishermen, It being the
largest fish caught this season.
D. W. Wright is in Scranton today.
Miss Inola Dunbar spent the last ot
the week at Edward Aiuey's in Lathrop.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Leo King, of Brooklyn, Pa.,
spent Saturday and Sunday at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. William
Misses Lou and Daisy Eggleston
closed their dressmaking establishment,
on Main street, Saturday Inst, prepara
tory to teaching In the graded schools
nt Hallstead and Great Bend. Miss
Lou Eggleston will teach In the Great
Bend school and Miss Daisy in the
Hallstead school.
Mrs. James Deakin and son, Arthur,
spent Sundny with relatives In town.
H. H. Crozler, of Upsonville, called
at the'home of James Perry Sunday.
The Hallstead and Great Bend chap
ters of the Epworth League and the
Baptist and Presbyterian societies of
Christian Endeavor will hold a union
table picnic at DuBois grove Thurs
dav, Aug. 2S. or on the 20th If the
weather of the 2Sth proves unfavor
Mrs. Louis Cohen, of Susquehanna,
spent Friday and Saturday at tho
home of Mrs. J. J. Compton, Sho wns
accompanied homo by Miss Lillian
Compton, who will spend a fow days.
Miss Lizzie McCormlck is visiting
friends in Scranton.
James Hutchlngs, of Honesdale, a
former Hallstead resident, was shaking
hands with his many friends Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Smith, of Bing
hamton, were business callers in town
Dan Hnnrahan and Bert Wnterman
wore Binghamton visitors Saturday.
S. S. Wright and family, of Mont
rose, were entertained at the home of
Hon. and Mrs. James T. DuBois Satur
day. Hallstead, Aug. 25, Tho pulpit of the
Methodist church was occupied Sunday
morning by O. J. Brush, of' Mountain
Valley, and Barney Phillips, of tills
place. There were no services In tho
evening. Rev. Dalr, ot Dansvllle, oc-
the British ship Serapls. Find the
'I 1UI1 IlLflllUf
Only Half a Cent a Word.
JTor Rent.
FOR ttKNT From Soul ember 1 ,0-room
house, ft!7 Green Rlclgo street; modern
'Improvements; steam heat free! location
very convenient.
FOR RKNT-From September 1, 0-room
house, Ml Green Ridge street; modern
Improvements; steam heat free; location
very convenient.
Fort RKNT September 1st, holiso on
MaillKon uvcmio with modern Improve
ments. Inquire nt 4:2 Madison avenue.
BARBER SHOP for rant; nearly now
building; good locntlon; city .water,
etc. Just vacated. An exceptionally good
opportunity to continue a well catiiii
llshed business. C. N. Wood, Now Ml,
fotd, Pn.
FOR RENT Two furnished cottages nt
Lake Hhoiidnn; dry and healthy loca
tion: good shade nnd finest place for a
week or n month's outing In Northern
Pennsylvania. Address II. L. Harding,
Fnctoryvlllo, Pn.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED A smn.ll hnn'so or flat, nrofor-
ably furnished, In dcslrablo location.
To gain attention, stato terms. P. O. Box
Money to Loan.
Qulck, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
VTisnKSnooMStor rent, modorn
Improvements; prlvnto family; gen
tlemen preferred, nt 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen ,pre
fcrrcd, at G39 Adams avenue.
NOTICE is hereby given that an appli
cation will be made to the Governor ot
the Stato of Pennsylvania on Wednesday,
the 17th day of September, 1002, by James
Gillespie, Meyer Stein and Adolph
Elcholz, under the Act ot Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
"An Act to provide for Incorporation and
regulation of certain corporations," ap
proved April 29. 1S74, and tho supplements
thereto, iov- the charter of an Intended
corporation to be called "Lackawanna
Light, Heat, and Power Company," the
character and object of which Is sup
plying light, heat and power or any ot
them, by means of electricity, to the pub
lic In tho city of Scranton, In the county
of Lackawanna, Stato of Pennsylvania,
and to such persons, partnerships and
corporations residing therein, or adjacent
thereto as may desire tho same, and for
this purpose to have, possess and enpoy
all the rights, benefits and privileges of
the said Act of Assembly and Its supple
NOTICE Is hereby given that tho annual
meeting of the stockholders of tho Scran
ton Axle Works will bo held at the fac
tory, in the city of Scranton, Pa., on
Tuesday, September 2. at 3 o'clock p. m.,
for the election of oftleers for the ensu
ing year, and tho transaction of such
other business ns may properly como bo
fore tho meetings.
NOTICE. Tho Borough of Taylor in
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania,
offers for sale, to tho highest responsible
bidder, the following securities, to wit:
Twenty-eight (28) municipal Improve
ment coupon bonds, each of the par valuo
of Five Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, and
bearing Interest at 5 per cent, per annum,
dated August 1st, 1902, with accrued In
terest, Interest payable semi-annually on
tho first day of February and August of
each year, at tho office of tho Treas
urer in the Borough of Taylor.
These bonds mature as follows, to wit:
Numbers one to ten. both Inclusive, on
the first day of August A. D 1908. Num
bers eleven to twenty, both Inclusive, on
the llrst day of August A. D 1914, and
numbers twenty-one to twenty-eight, both
Inclusive, on the first day of August A.
D 1922. Bids may be sent by mail to
the Secretary of tho Town Council. Mr.
Georgo Marsh, Taylor, Pa. The bonds
may be examined nnd further Informa
tion given by calling at the office of the
Borough Solicitor, nt No. 021 Connell
Building. Scranton, tin., or by addressing
communications to tho undersigned,
No. 021 Connell Building.
Scranton, Pa.
cupled tho pulpit In the Presbyterian
church, both morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chichester, of
Binghamton, visited friends In town
tho latter part of last week,
Mrs. Louis Sprout and Mrs. Saxon
Wilson, of Montrose, spent Saturday at
the homos of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hen
dricks nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Hendiick.
Van G. Munger visited his parents at
Montrose Sunday.
American Xengue,
At Wnshlngton-llrst game R.1T.E.
Detroit 1 1 03 0001 0 G 13 3
Washington 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 x S 7 4
Batteries Yeager and McGuiro; Cnrrlck
and Drill. Umpires Caruthers and John
ston, Second game R.If.E.
Detroit 0120400007 7 2
Washington 2 10 0 3 0 0 1 x-10 Hi o
Batteries Mullen and McAllister; Orth
nnd Clark. Umpires Johnston and Caru
thcrs. At Boston- R.H.E.
St. Louis 0000000000 5 1
Boston 2000000UX S Q 2
Hatteiios Donoliuo.and Sugden; Dlneoen
r.ud ctigor. umpire u'l.ougiuin.
At Philadelphia- R.H.E.
Cleveland 0 0 10 0 10 10-3 9 3
Philadelphia I o o o o 2 o 2 x-7 11 1
Butteries Joss and Ucnils; Mitchell und
Schrerkingost, Umpire Sheridan,
Batteries-Giifllth, Lellner and MuFnr
land; WUtso and Smith. Umpire Con
nolly. National League,
At Pittsburg- R.H.E.
Brooklyn 000010014 till 7
Pittsburg 50 0 1 2 0 00.V-S13 1
Batteries Kltsou and l.atthucr; Tanno
hill und iCImmcr, Umpire Irwin.
At Chicago twelve Innings R.H.E.
Boston ,,,,,,,,00 0 100 102 00 04 S 2
Chicago 0 (I 0 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 0 1- S 10 fi
Batteries Eason und Moran; Lundgrcu
ami Kllng, Umpires Cuutllllon und Lu
At Cincinnati- R.H.E.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1-3 S l
Cincinnati , 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 x 3 S 2
Batteries White and Dooluj llahn and
Bergen. Umpires O'Day and Brown.
New York-St. Louis; not scheduled.
Eastern League.
At Newark Newark, 4; Providence, 1.
At Montreul Montreal, 0; Toronto, 4.
At Jersey City Jersey City, 13; Worces.
ter, C.
At Rochester Rochester, 9; Buffalo, S.
No Order
Ucccptcrt for Less
Tlimi lo Cents.
Branoli WANT Gfto
Want Advertisements Will Do
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALHEllT BCHULTZ. corner Mut
borry street and Webster avo.
" GUSTAV P1CIIEL, 030 Adams
West Side
aE?; .W- JENKINS, 101 South
Slain nvonuo.
South Scranton
29 Cedar
North Scranton
Mnln nvonuo
corner North
and Market
Green Ridge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dlck-
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS. 920 Green Rldgo
C. LOP.EN55. corner Washington
nvonuo and Marion street.
1017 Irving
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
A ANTED-Small house, or furnished
rooms, for light housekeeping. Ad
dress G. II. rt Tribune office.
Help Wanted.
HOME AVORK-JTO monthly copying lit-
particulars. Hick's Supply Co., 3031 Hal
sted St., Chicago.
Help Wanted remaie.
WANTED Ghi for general touTewor
Apply at 413 Madison avenue.
For Sale.
'uit ctAiiU i;neap, ono largo new gro
cery wagon, currying capacity
pounds; also ono largo coffee grinder;
can bo run by motor or hand power. Ap
ply to B. Mosoh, 31S Lackawanna avenue.
FOR SALE A first class meat market.
... 9.wnor wl" work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmoro, Pa.
Situations Wanted.
jl-ium; woum iiko to urivo horse or
work In knitting mill; good references.
Address Charles Miller, 911 Slocum street,
tleman, a position diivlug for doctor
or waiter In hotel. Address Charles
Eisele, rear 331 Phelps street.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and farms for salo.
j. u. zurnicn.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes in
upper Green Ridge; choico neighbor
hood; most desirablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna countv. J. A. Mnrvlns.
1736 Sanderson avenue.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE PARTWRMnPoTli. II. Stone and
F. C. Walters, doing business under
tho name of tho New Renovating Com
pany, was dissolved on May 11, 1902.
launders shirts at So. each and collars
and cuffs at l',c. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building; Old 'phono 1S04.
Real Estate Exchungo Bids., 120 Wash
ington avo.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruco street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
BCIILAGER & CO., Traders Bank Bldg.
Patont Attorneys.
DATE" MTC luallcouiitrics
KM I LIN I OaftlicOlobc.
Tho only licensed nnd equipped patent
solicitor in tho city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; ovor ten years
Ucploglc & Co., Mcars Bldg.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lln avonuo. Rates reasonable.
P. 541EGLEH, Proprietor.
Passenger depot, Conducted on the Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor,
nnd eesa pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used. A. B. Biiggs. proprietor.
Leavo oi'dors 1100 North Alain nvonuo.
or Eicko's drug store, enrnor Adams and
Mulborry, Both tolophonen.
Wire Screens.
avo., Scranton, infra, of Who Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bugs, tuino.
Warehouse, 13J Washington avenue.
bo had In Scrunton ut tho nowa utand
of Relsmau Bros., 400 Spruco und CU'J
Linden; M. Norton, 3.'2 Lackawanna
avo.;. I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruco strait.
Boarders Wanted.
ilOARUEBS AVANTED-VVill "tnko sum
mer boarders; three largo ulry roonir,
Riul good table bourd. Address O. K.,
Dalton, Pa.
Board and Rooms.
VEflY DESIRABLE suite of room3 with
llrst class tnblo board, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenue.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Business Opportunity.
out. delay, Wrlto for our special mar
ket letter. Froo on application. S. M.
Hlbbnrd Ss Co., members N, Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange. 44 nnd 48
Broadway. Now York. Established 1S0I.
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 2.1SS Broad.
Room for Rent.
FRONT ROOM for rent: desirable, 421
auams avenue.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York
At 1.50. 3.20. li.03. 7.50 unci 10.10 n. m,l 12.40,
3.40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York and Phlla
delphla i.W, 10.10 it, in., nnd 12.40 und 3.33
p. m. For Gollldsboro-At li.10 p. m. Far
Ktiftalo 1.15, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.; l.Ki. fl.51
and 11. 10 p. m. For RltiKhnmton, Ettnlra
nnd wny stations 10.25 a. in.. 1.03 p. m.
For Oswego,' Syracuse and Utlca 1.15 and
0.22 a. in.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego, Syracuso
nnd Utlca train at ii.22 n. m. dally, except
Sunday. for Montrose 9.00 a. m.: 1.05
and .50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation
1.00 nnd fl.13 n. m.
, BloomBburg Division For Northumbor
land.NU 0.33 nnd 10.10 a. m.; 1.53 and 0.10
p. in. For Plymouth, at 8.10 n. m.; 3.43
and 9.05 p :n.
Sunday Trains For Now York, 1.50, 3 21.
0 05. 10.10 a. m.; 3.10 nnd 3.35 n. m. For
Bnffnto 1,13 nnd C.22 a. m.; 1.55. 0..'.') and
11.10 p. in. For Elnilra and way stations
in.:.-, a. in. For Blnclinmlon nnd way ntn
tlnns, 0.00 n. m, Blnomnburg Division
Leavo Srrnnton, 10.10 a m. nntl (1.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Kftpct Juno 13, 1902.
Trains Leave Scranton.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& If. It. B ut 7.11, tliioui?h Parlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondale to Now York
nnd 9.17 n. m.. with L. V. Conch Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4X,(Black
Dlnmo'id Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
day.", D. & n. n. R., 1.5$. 9.17 p. m.
For Whltn Haven, Mazlolon nnd princi
pal points in the coal regions, via D. &
If. R. Ft., 7.41. 2.1S nnd 4.33 p. m. For
Pottsvlllc. 7.41 n. m.
For Bethlehem. Emdon. Rending, Hnr
rlBlmrg and principal Intermediate .it.i
tlons. via D. k 11. u. n.. 7.11. 9.17 .a. m :
-IS. 4 35 (Hlack Diamond Exmcss). 11.49 "p.
in. Sundays, D. & H. n. II.. 9.33 a. m.;
1.51. 9.17 p. in.
For Tunkhannock, Townndn, Elmlrn,
Tthucn, Geneva nnd principal Intermedlatn
stations via D., I.. & W. R. It., 0.33 a. m.
and 1.55 p. in.
For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all poliits west via
D. & 11. it, r.. ij.03 p m.: 3.23 (Black
Diamond Express), 10.41. 11.49 n. ni. Sun
days. D. & If. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 n. m.
Pullmnn parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
alloy Parlor cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Barro and Now York. Phlladol
nhin, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLTN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20
Cortlnnd street. Now York.
CHARLES S. T.ER Gen. Pass. Agt., 20
Cortlnnd street, New York.
A. AY. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For tickets and Pullmnn reservations
apply to city ticket nfuce, 69 Public
Square, Wllkcs-Bnrro, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations In New York, foot Llborty
street and South Fdrry, N. R.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Bnrre and PIttston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City 'Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule trnln
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only one change ot cars
for Bnltlmoro and Washington, D. C, and
all principal points south and west.
For Avoca. PIttston and Wllkes-Barre.
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 a. m. nnd 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Ilnrrlsburg
via Allontown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
" For Tamaqua and Pottsvillo, 7.30 a. m.:
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m.
For rates nnd tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedulo In Ell'ect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton: C.3S n. rn., week
days, through vestibule train from
Wllkos-Bano. Pullman buffet parlor car
and conches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Ilnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tho West.
9.17 n. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Har
lisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the AVcst.
1.42 p. in., week days, (Sundays. 1.53 p.
m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsbiirg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg nnd tho West.
3.2S p. m., week days, through vestlbulu
train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet
parlor cur end coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvillo. Stops at principal Intermedi
ate stations.
4.33 p. m.. week days, for Hnzloton. Sun
bury, Ilnrrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pltts-
bU'S' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. 11. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton nt
C44 7.30, 8.30, 10.13 II. ni.; 12.03, 1.12, 2.11.
3.5; D.29; C.23, 8.21, 9.13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.15.
'For', 10.13 a. m.j 2.11 and
n n n. 111.
For AVUkes-Bnrre-G.39, 7.41. 8.11. 9.47,
10.53 a. m.: 12.03. 1.12, 2.1S, 3.28, 4.33, 6.10.
7 IS 10.11. 11.49 p. ill.
For L. V. It. R. Polnts-7.41, 9.47 a. m,:
2.1S, 4.35 and 11.49 p. in.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Tolnts G.33,
9 17 a. m.i 1.12. 3.2S and 4.35 p, ni.
For Albany nnd nil points north 7.30 a,
m. nnd 3.00 p. m.
m. aim o jL,NDAy TRAINS.
For Carbondale S.Wi. 11.33 n. m.: 2.11,
3.50. 5.52 and 11.17 p. in.
irv,.. wiikpa.nnrra 9.3S n. m.! 12.03. 1.53.
3.2S, 0.32 nnd 9.17.P. 111.
For Albany ami points norui j.u p. m.
For Honcsdalo 8.00 n. m.i 11.33 and 3.53
P' AV.' L. PRYOR. D. P. A.. Scranton. Pa.
Erie Railroad Wyoming; Division.
Ill Effect July 30th, 1902. "
TrnluB leavo Scranton Tor Hawley and
local stations at 7.20 and s.13 a. m.; 1.83
and 5.20 p. in. Suudnys, O.oo n, m. nnd
1.35 p. 111. For Now York, Nowburgh nnd
Intermediate points nt 7.20 u. m. and. 1.33
p. in. Sundays, 1.35 iv ni.
For Honesdnle 1.35 nnd 5 20 p. m. .
Trains arrive ut Scranton S.20, 10.11;n.
111,: 3.00 nnd 9.13 p. 111. Sundays, l.OO and
S.13 p. in, 1
Now York, Ontario and Western.
Tlmo Table in Effect Sunday, June 15, 1003
'Leavo Leavo Arrlvo
Trains. Sernntou. Carbondalo. Cadosla,
No. 1 10.3011. 111. ll.ioa. in. 1.00 p, m.
No, 3 400p.m. 4.11p.m. O.fWp.m,
No, 7 U.lop. lii.Ar.Cnrbondale G.ltJ n.iri
Leavo Leave ArrlVa
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scranton,
No, U 0.5un. in, 7,23n.,m.
No. 4 ,,,.,. S.40n. m. 10.01 a. ni, io,4fla.;in.
No. 2 2.15p.m. i.OOp. in,
Leavo Leave Arrive
Trains. Scrunton. Carbondale. Cadosla,
No, 9 ,,,,,, S.30 n, 111. 9.10 p, 111. 10.43 n. m.
No. 5 7.00 p. m.Ar.Carbondala 7,13 p.m
Leavo I.cnyn Arrlvo
Trains, Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scrantpn.
No, 0 0.50a, 111. 7.25a,ju.
No. 10 4.30p.m. ti.ttip. m. 6.4Xpjn.
Trains Nos. 1 on week dnya, and U on
Sundays connect for Now York city, aild
dlotown. Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego and all points wo.t.
Train 3 for Poyntello, AA'alton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all Now Berlin
branch points.
Train No. B, with "Clinker City Ex
pros" t Scranton, via C. R, R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Baltimore,
Washington and Pennsylvania stato
Seo tlmctablo and consult ticket agdnts
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A., Now York.
J. E. AYELS1I, T P. A., Scranton, Pu. .'
w vf
I jtAt I
Hf-v. Mft- .,. . j..
' . -'. i.