The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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John W. Woodbridge Terribly Beaten Last
Night because He Is Working at the
Oxford Several Arrests Made.
John M. "vVoodbrldgc appeared before 1 lug lieoplo, nnd who nttcmptcd to stab
am..,,, 1-im'inu ir.Mi nvnnlmr and tho officer, after being plated under
swore titil a warrant for the arrest ot
John llurko, Walter Mnllu, ot 1027
Price atrect, and Andrew Dorsey, or
North Ninth street, on tho charge of
felonious wounding. Woodbridge, who
lives In llennessy court, has been
working for some time pant us a rnek
innu nt tho Oxford mine, and ho claims
that while returning from the homo ot
his mother last evening- about S.SO, ho
was sot upon by tho defendants and
BPilously wounded.
Voodbrldgc's face Is In a terrible
condition, tho skin on the nose und
chin Is badly cut, and ho bus a wound
on the right side of his head. Ills head
Is so completely swathed In bandages
that only one eye, one cheek and his
rnouUi arc visible.
John Burke and Walter Malla were
arrested late last evening and given a
hearing in the police station. Both tho
defendants denied that they wore con
cerned In the affair, and in tho absence
of witnesses, tho hearing was put over
until this morning, each being being
plnced under $800 ball, which they were
unable to furnish. Tho police are out
after Dorsey, but expect to have him
this morning in time for tho hearing,
Woodbridge is tho father of six
small children, the oldest being about
13 years of ago. Tho father stated that
on account of tho strike ho was unable
to provide for his family and so went
to work.
Two Funerals.
' The funeral of tho late George Oour,
of 1917 Elizabeth street, Tripp Park,
who died on Friday, after an Illness of
a week, was held from the Providence
Lithuanian church at 9 o'clock yester
day morning. After a mass, the fu
neral cortege moved to tho Cathedral
cemetery, where interment was made.
The funeral of Allen, the 4-months-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Evans,
of 331 North Hyde Park avenue, was
held from the homo yesterday after
noon. Rev. Hugh Davis had charge of
the services at tho home, after which
the little casket was taken to the
Washburn street cemetery nnd In
terred. Four little girls, dressed in
white, acted as the pall bearers.
arrest, was given a hearing yesterday
morning in police court and lincu ?io,
which he paid,
Patrolman Thomas swore out a war
rant for the nrrost ot Joseph Nanock,
who attempted to release tho prisoner.
Patrolmen McDonald and nradshaw
served the warrant and placed him
under arrest. Ho was given a hearing
yesterday afternoon and fined $10,whlch
ho paid. The woman who was con
cerned In the affair has not as yet been
Sherman Avenue Mission.
One of the most progressive church
missions In AVcst Scrunton Is the Sher
man avenue. Last Sunday the Sun
day school numbered 200, and 103 of
that number were little folks In the
Infant department, under tho charge of
Superintendent Phillips. The commit
tee on picnic gave In their report, which
showed that after all bills had been
paid the school had a balance of $5 In
tho treasury.
This Is exceptionally fine, taking Into
consideration tho fact that tho school
gave free transportation to tho pink,
and also furnished them with Ico cream,
cake, and tho Infant department with
free rides on tho merry-go-round.
nut street bridge, Is lo be paved with
cobble stone. The work will bo started
this morning, nnd will be under tho
direction of the bureau of highways.
The cost' of paving will be stood by
tho city. At the point where tho pave
will be Inld tho street Is very narrow
and wagons are compelled to go Into
the gutter Ho allow cars to pass, this
soon causes a rut nnd constant Using
makes tho street almost Itnpnssnble.
Last year the city paid over $200 for
having crushed Btone put on tho road
bed and rolled down. Although this
stood the test for a while It soon gave
away, nnd now the street Is as bud
as ever. The cost of paving will bo
about $250 nnd In tho Interests of econ
omy It was thought best to have tho
Work done. '
The work of macadamizing Garfield
avenue, Is being steudlly pushed and
soon tho street will boast of a broad
level roadway. It has been many years
since any work has been done on
Fourteenth street, nnd the city decided
to fill It In and bring It up to grade
and then roll It.
Would-be Stabber Fined.
Joe Dudcck, who was arrested on
Sunday evening by Patrolman James
Thomas, at Langstaff avenue and Jack
son street, for being drunk and follow-
Ths Best Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sal? by
101 S. Main ave.
Knights of Fythias.
Past Commander Joseph Oliver, of
lodge No. 306; Past Commander Mor
gan Thomas, of lodge No. 313; and
David D. Lewis, of lodge 320, Knights
of Pythias have just returned from the
sessions of the grand lodge which con
vened In Sunbury on Tuesday, Wed
nesday nnd Thursday of last week.
They elected grand officers as follows:
Grand chancellor, George W. Fletcher,
No. 327, Erie; vice grand chancellor,
Calvin Tomllnson, Newton; grand pre
late, W. E. Fultz, No. 159, Chambers-
burg; grand keeper of records and seal,
George Hawkes, No. 126, Philadelphia;
grand master of records, Julius Mount
ney, No. 166, Philadelphia; grand master-at-arms,
Willis H. Faber, No. 199
Wllllamsport; grand inner guard,
Thomas W. Conway, No. 433, Gawley;
grand Inner guard, C. W. Brodhead, No.
473, Montrose; grand trustees, William
B. Hart, No. 46, Philadelphia; I. A.
Levy, No. 399, Pittsburg.
Frank Phillips, son of City Engineer
Joseph P. Phillips, of Swetland street,
was honored with the appointment, by
the grand lodge, of grand district
deputy of district No. 2, In Lackawanna
county. Tomorrow evening all dele
gates will submit their reports to their
respective lodges. The next meeting o
the grand lodge will be held In Carbon
dale, the second Tuesday in August,
Elected Officers.
At a recent meeting of Electric City
Coniniandcry, No. 177, Knights of Mal
ta, tho following ofllccrs wore elected;
Sir knight commander, Sir John It.
Thomas; sir knight generalissimo, Sir
William J. Hughes; sir knight captain
general, Sir Charles llolley; sir knight
prelate, Sir George Shoen, P. C.j sen
ior warden, Sir Charles Johnson; sir
knight recorder, Sir David IS. Wil
liams: sir knight assistant recorder,
Sir James Williamson; sir knight treas
urer, Sir David J. Jones, P. C.
Bunaway on West Market Street.
Institute Programme Other
Interesting Notes.
An exciting runaway occurred on
West Market street at 3 o'clock yester
day afternoon, when a horse attached
to a buggy started down the street
at break neck pace. Tho driver was
watering tho animal at the snuaro and
In some manner or other, tho horse
beenme frightened nnd started down
tho 'street. The driver leaped and
caught hold of the bridle but was
thrown aside.
Tho horse In turning around pulled
the buggy trough the trough and con
tinued his night until In front ot Con
nolly's livery, where tho horse collided
with a wagon and was brought to a
standstill. The damages to the outfit
were slight.
During tho exltement the driver lost
his watch but It was found and re
turned to hlnv later.
Bepairing the Streets.
West Linden street, on the north side
from tho Ninth street bridge to Chest-
-3 U dlili ill!ill!A lAiillii ilillA4
We Have Not
Said Much About
Silks for aWhile
Reason Why There was no need for it .
3 We're closing the most successful season we have
v-3 ever had in our Silk Department and there is not a
iil rtrartt Hool loft tV-iot ntar ha J-hrirr nurmr it- !-. D- "
' iwui uv.ui H.11 uiui 111.1.U ui uuuwii away in uic oai jg;
a gain Counter. :
I This Will Be Clean-up
Week or Bargain Week
All the remnants, odds and ends, broken assort- s.
ment lots, and Wash Silks will be offered at
5 Tremendous Reductions Si
3 From former prices, as we can well afford to
j3 make the sacrifice. Here are a few sample values:
On. e
yt e
19-inch Cord Wash Silks
5 Nice range of patterns and shadings,
jg Choice of all that's left in stock, the yard....
- I11VII A 1UII1 TT M0II 4-71 HVa '
S &
ig in white and colors. These are of the highest 6
2 quality made and an extraordinary bar- "2 "71 6
g gain at 'Z2C 8
3 3 Foulard Silk Bargains
'0 W
Tjie 65c Silks are now 35c
The 85c Silks are now 50c
The $1,00 and 1,25 Silks are now 69c
Other Silks at similar Bargain Prices. The Sale
is lor inis ween uniy, nowever,
Globe Warehote?.
This evening In their cosy club rooms
on Jackson street, tho members ot tho
Klectrlu City Wheelmen will enjoy a
clam bake and social.
Anthony Nevlck. the 18-months-oId
child of Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Nevlck, ot
li!S Morris court, died Sunday morning
at 0 o'clock of cholera Infantum, after
nn Illness of about three weeks. The
father, Frank Nevlck, Is In tho bitum
inous coal regions.
William Dcckelnlck, the well known
South Main avenue hotel proprietor,
and Bowen Brothers, tho marble deal
ers, left for a two month's trip to Ger
many. They went via the Krownland,
of tho Bed Star line.
The Christian Workers' league will
hold a meeting at the AUIs mission, on
Luzerne street, this evening, at 8
o'clock. Charles Volz will lead tho
meeting. Everybody is Invited to
come. Take Luzerne street car to end
of line and walk out Luzerne street two
blocks. ,
J. P. Baker, tho well known veter
inary dentist, has just arived home
from a trip to Atlantic City, while away
the "doc" purchased a fine looking
horse with a record of IMS.
There will be a regular meeting of
Team Drivers' local, No. 220, at Buub's
hall this evening.
The members of the First Baptist
church held an Interesting business
meeting last evening, business of un
usual Interest being transacted.
Tho Misses Maud and Ollle Birtlcy,
of 1137 Hock street, are home from their
vacation, spent at Kingsley ahd Mont
rose. Miss Anna Williams, of 1139 Rock
street, is home from Moscow.
Miss Ida Wheeler, of Bath, N. Y.,
who has been visiting Mrs. William
Wheeler, of South Hyde Park avenue,
will return home this morning.
Mrs. R. W. HIgglns and daughter,
Mary, and niece, Miss May Fox, of
Eagle Pass, Tex,, and Miss Julia Fox,
of Clinton, N. Y are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Walsh, of Hampton street.
Miss Edith Davis, of Division street,
is home from Carbondale.
Mrs. L. M. Keone and son, Ray, of
Jackson street, arrived home Saturday
night from Lake Winola, where they
have been spending the summer. They
were summoned home on account of the
Illness of L. M. Keene, who Is slowly
improving. Yesterday ho was able to
walk a little about his room.
Earl Watson, of Otego, has returned
heme; after a few weeks visit alt the
home of C. E. Tobey.
Mrs. Harry Pratt, of Glen Cove, L.
I., Is spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. E. S. Pratt, of Green Ridge
Misses Madge and Bertha Patterson,
of La Plume, are spending the week
with Green Rldgo friends.
Mrs. D. Prltchnrd, of Green Ridge
street, has been called to Jersey City,
on account of the serious illness of her
mother, Mrs. Williams.
Miss Ethel Colvln, of Sunset avenue,
has returned from spending a few
days In West Ablngton.
Miss Maud Capwell, of Dalton, who
has been spending the summer with
friends here, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hitchcock, of
Mousey avenue, have returned from
Fred AVnrren, of Marlon street, Is
spending his vacation in Honesdale.
Mrs. 10. R. Simpson and daughter,
Esther, have returned from summer
ing at La Plume.
Dr. and Mrs. G, Lent, of San
derson avenue, are entertaining the
doctor's mother and sister, of AVelles-boro.
Preparing for Winter Term.
Plans arc being perfected by tho
managers of the North Scranton Insti
tute ot Human development for the fall
and winter terin, which will bo opened
on Sept. 2. Many new additions will
be added to the Institute.
Besides the physical department,
which will be Iniproved considerable
with now material and apparatus, there
will be a number of Interesting classes
In American and English literature and
the kindergarten department. Several
go'od Instructors have been secured to
teach bookkeeping and parliamentary
law. Plans are being perfected to form
a mechanical drawing class.
Tho work In thc' gymnasium will bo
continued under the competent Instruc
tions of Dr. Young, who will be back
from his vacation In time for the opening.
were very thankful to the conductor
for lils daring and timely rescue.
Swift nro
friends In
Mrs. Gordon Hines, of East Market
street, has returned homo from a visit
at Chapman's lake, where she has been
visiting relatives.
Miss Lulu Simons, of Green street, is
spending her vacation at Harvey's
Miss Margaret Lee, ot Bloomsburg,
returned home yesterday, after spend
ing a week with her mother on School
William Clegg and Arthur Case, have
returned from a visit with Tompkins
ville and Brown Hollow friends.
Rev. George A, Cure, of the Provi
dence Methodist church, hns resumed
his duties after spending his vacation
at Tompkinsvlllc.
Thomas Davis, of William street, left
yesterday for a visit to Hartford, Conn.,
and New York city.
Ralph MacDonalcI, who Is spending
his vacation at Lake Chapman, spent
Sunday In town.
Denlns Ruddy, of West Market street,
has returned home from a visit at
Ithaca, N. Y.
Domlnick Mulherin and family, of
West Market street, are enjoying their
summer at Lake Winola.
Mrs. Albert H. Smith and family, of
Oak street, who have been spending
their vacations at Lily lake have re
turned home.
Master Handel Coursen, of Peckville,
has returned home after a visit with
North Main avenue friends.
Cards are out announcing tho com
ing marriage of Adolph Feldman, the
popular shoe dealer, of West Market
street, and Miss Tessle Schwartz, a
charming young lady from New York
Prof. H. J. Cousins, of North Main
avenue, has been reappointed musical
instructor of the Dickson and Throop
public schools. His work last year was
very successful.
Miss Helen Murtaugh, ot Oak street,
is spending her vacation at Lake Ariel.
Miss Alice McHale and Miss Kate
Moran, attended a trolley ride to Pitts
ton, Sunday evening.
The Misses Emma nnd Mary Marte
and William Harte, of Diamond avenue,
are enjoying their vacations at Lake
Mrs. Harry Palmer and daughter,
Helen, of Margaret nvenue, are visiting
Kingston friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John E,
spending some time with
Born To Mr. nnd Mrs.
swingle, a dnughter.
Mrs, Clarence Jackson and family of
East Drinker street, have returned
from a stay of several weeks at Lake
John Brown, of Drinker street, has
returned from a week's stay at Now
York and nlcghborlng watering places.
Mr. and .Mrs. A, M. Bingham, of
Blakcly street nnd Mr. and Mrs, Frank
nlnghain, leave tbday for a week's sluy
at Luke .Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Webber, and
son, Clayton, arc enjoying tho sea
breezes at Boston, Mass,
Tho Women's Christian Temperance
union, of Duninore, will hold their an
nual picnic at Nay Aug park, Friday,
Aug. 20, The ladles ot tho society will
have for sale Ice cream, lunches and
regular dinner. A cordial Invitation Is
extended to every union throughout tho
The cuke which was presented lo tho
Fourtecen Friends for their excursion
last week and was won by Miss Loh
inauii, has been carried to Wllkes-Bnrro
by the winner. Tonight she will give
u, party to observe tho occasion.
Miss Mamie Nolan, of Philadelphia,
who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs,
James Best, on Cedar avenue, returned
homo yesterday.
Mrs, John Lontcs and her daughter,
Mrs. Jacob Ballus, are spending their
summer vacation with Peter Faust, In
Henry Wugner, of I'lttston nvenue,
was bitten on the lip by a pet dog yes
terday. The wound, which was not
serious, was treated by Dr. Kolb.
Anthony Welnschank and daughter,
Miss D. L. Welnschank. are the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. Kolb, on Cedar ave
nue. There will bo a meeting of the Hooded
property ownersof the South Sldo on
Wednesday evening, Aug. 27, at 7.30
o'clock, at Smith's hall, South Wash
ington avenue. Business of Importance.
Meldrum, Scott & Co
126 Wyoming Avenue.
65 YARD.
K. kt t. it ft fc ft ft fc . t t . It t It ft fc v . K It ft It l
Keller Brothers' Piano
Is a Home Product.
People of tho Borough Agitated Over
the Fact That the Sewer Contract
Is Not Awarded.
North Scranton Murderer Committed
Without Bail Given n Hearing
Before Alderman Fidler.
Wlndislaw KoiiBtantnowltz, who was
arrested in Detroit, charged with the
murder of Joseph Benov'iteh In North
Scranton, was given a hearing before
Alderman Fldler ut 2.30 o'clock yester
day afternoon. He entered a plea of
guilty nnd was committed to jull, with
out bail, to await trial.
A true bill was returned against hm
by the- grand Jury nearly a year ngo,
und ho will have to answer to the
charge of murder at the next term of
court. Tho prisoner was received at
the county jail shortly after 3 o'clock,
and appeared to be very downcast, Ho
tulies his tu-rest very seriouHly,
Shah Arrives in Paris.
Hy Kipliiilvp Wire (roiu The .V3clatec 1'icss,
Parlft Aug. 2J.-The bluili of Persia ar
rived here at U o'clock tonight. Ho re
ceived an ovation at the station and was
escorted to his hotel by a mounted de
tuchmeiit of tho republican guard.
w. biuiuicu icmmuK, is me prescription o;
w..u u, io wcai minium pnysicians an
tiurses n tho United 8tnfPs n,i H i,."
used sixty years with never.falllng sue,
5?,byr,ml irn?.of "'others for their chili
dren. During tho process of teething its
value Is Incalculable. It relieves the ch 4
from pain, cures diarrhoea, wiping In th
X' and wind-colic. By giving &aitg
lo tho child it rests tho mother. Price
twenty.flve cents a bottla. ' " '
Tho question of sewer is a matter
that is agitating a large number ot
people in this borough at present. The
council nre apparently deadlocked very
securely on the matter of awarding tho
contract, three favoring the bid of M.
J. Gibbons, for $74,770.73, and three
wanting to award it to O'Boyle &
Donohue, for $GS,3ai.60.
As has been stated In this column be
fore, the difference between the bids Is
mainly in tho matter of rock to be re
moved which all bidders have figured
as 48,000 feet, the estlnmte made by
ex-Borough Knglneer Knight. The bid
of Gibbons for rock wus 60 cents per
foot making a total ot $2S,800; O'Boyle
& Donahue's at 35 cents per foot was
$16,600, Tho mutter that the general
public cannot satisfactorily understand
Is why the bid of the Joseph Hendler
Construction company whose price for
rock wus 18 cents per foot or a total
of $13,440 for the rock work, does not
merit the votes of at least some ot the
councllmen. Their totul bid for the
sewer complete was $61,575.75, about
$4,000 less than their nearest competi
tor. It would seem that th'e star chamber
decision of the sewer committee that
they were not responsible bidders wus
somewhat presumptlous In the face ot
the fact that their certified check for
$500 accompanied their bid, to be for
feited In the uvent of their failure to
execute a contract an1 (lie a bond of
$20,000 Within ten days,
CHARLES HOUCK, age 34 years,
died yesterday morning at his home
323 Penn avenue. He is survived by his
wife and one daughter and his father
and mother nnd the following brothers
and sisters, A. C, William Houck, and
Mrs. James B. Hess, all of this city.
The funeral will be held Thursday at
2.30 p. in. Services wil be held in St.
Luke's church und Interment in Forest
Hill cemetery.
EDWARD EARLY, an aged resident
of Green Ridge, died suddenly at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon at his
home, 1330 Albright avenue. Heart
failure was the cause of death. De
ceased is survived by two daughters
and ' two sons, Nellie, Mary, Thomas
W. and Edward. The funeral services
will be held at St. Paul's church.
Green Kldge, Thursday morning at 9.30
o'clock. Interment will be made In St.
Mary's cemetery, Dunmore.
MRS. ADELIA LUCE, wife of the
lute R. W. Luce, died at 9.50 o'clock
last night at her home, 818 Mulberry
street, after a two months' illness. She
was 71 years of age, and Is survived
by the following sons and daughters:
Mrs. Anna E. Courtrlght, of Philadel
phia; John S. Luce, of this city, nnd
Rev. H. W. Luce, of Tung Chow, China.
A brother, John Tledrlck, of South
Eaton, also survives her. Mrs. Luce
wus born at Lackawanna, and was tho
daughter of John Tledrlck. She mar
ried R. W. Luce in 1853, and had lived
here since then. She was well known
In this city, and universally respected
nnd esteemed. For the past twenty
flve years she had been an active mem
ber of the Home for the Friendless
board of managers. No arrangements
have been yet made for the funeral.
ington township, aged SO years, for
merly a member of the Luzerne county
bar, died at his homo yesterday. De
ceased was one of the oldest and best
known men In the township. The
funeral will occur todnv.
ELLEN LANGAN. the 1-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lan
gan, of 524 Cherry street, died nt 10
o'clock last night. Tho funeral will bo
held at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Interment will be made in the Cathe
dral cemetery,
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Forest City, Aug. 25. Miss Elizabeth
Hartuug spent Sunday In Carbondale.
C. H. Tiffany, of Brooklyn, this
county, was a Forest City visitor last
A. J. Lowrie Is In Scranton.
The thirty-third annual meeting of
the Wayne Baptist association will
meet at the Clinton Baptist church on
tho 26th, 27th and 28 th of this month.
Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Maxey are home
from a trip to Newark Valley, N, Y.
Mrs. Coyle died ut the homo of her
daughter, Mrs. H. J, Orce, on Susque
hanna street, Friday, The funeral was
held Saturday.with Interment at Union
dale, Rev. H. J. Crane, of that place,
preached the sermon, taking us his
text, "I havo fought the light: I have
finished mv course,"
The Misses Holllnshed, of Now York
city, nro tho guests of their parents,
Rev. and Mrs. v, Holllnshed.
J, M, Brown and family are visiting
relatives at Stroudsburg,
VERY PIANO leaving ourfac-
tory made under personal su
pervision of Mr. Joseph Kel
ler, who has had over thirty years'
experience In Piano making, and
has manufactured the popular
1882. Mr. Keller is not only an
expert Piano maker, but a musi
cian of repute as well, and It is not
strange If in quality of tone we can
guarantee something very fine. We
hestitate at no expense to produce
a piano of the very highest grade,
and we beileve that we have reach
ed that stage of perfection, as we have on file In our office hundreds of
unsolicited testimonials from experts using the Keller Bros.' Pianos.
Our pianos are guaranteed for ten years, and there Is not one dissatisfied
customer, as far as we know.
Come to our factory and we will prove to you
beyond a doubt that nowhere can you buy as good a
Piano for as little money.
PianosSoId on Easy Payments,
Old Instruments Taken in Exchange.
Keller & VanDyke
1043 to 1051 Capouse Avenue.
list Lndlcs Aid. An effo"t will bo
made to provide pleasing entertainment
and several different kinds of cream
will bo served.
Tho schools will ooen Sept. 1. The
teachers for nearly all of the schools
in tho town were continued at the last
director's meeting. Mr. Wlnlleld Green
will teach the Fleetvllle school.
Conductor's Brave Conduct.
What threatened to be i serious run
away accident wus fortunately prevent
ed about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
by the brave nnd quick action of Con
ductor L. H. Harris, of Throop car, No.
19. Just as tho cur reached the "cor
ners" two horses attachejl to a delivery
wagon belonging to E. A. Stevens,
dashed madly down Bhikely street,
At the same moment a light carriage
containing two ludies came down
Drinker street and spectators thought
a terrible collision was certain to fol
low but Mr, Harris seeing the great
danger in which' the ladles were placed,
jumped from the car, seized tho run
uwuy horses und brought them to u
stop. No duihage resulted. The ladies
Rev. Mr. Dickey, who has been
preaching at tho Universalis! church
this summer, preached his farewell ser
mon Sunday evening, Aug, 1", Rev,
Mr, Lewis, of Nicholson, will supply in
the future,
Tho Buptlst Sunday school held their
annual plcnlu last Thursduy .n Pain
illse Bench at Lake Sheridan, Most of
tli picnickers remained to witness the
carnival, held In tho evening, Bauer's
band furnished the music.
A spirited young team of Mr, Robert
Clark's last Thursday became unman
ageable and ran away, throwing their
driver from the wagon, but doing no
serious dumuge.
Andrew Wells, who bus beeen ser
iously 111, is slowly Improving,
An ico cream social will be held nt
the home of A, W. Brundage Saturday
evening,' under the auspices of tho Bup-
Miss Edna Dunning has nearly re
covered from her recent accident and Is
able to be out again.
A. B. Williams is on a western busi
ness trip.
Rev. G. H. Cole will return from his
vacation this week, and will preach as
usual in the Baptist church next Sun
day. A large force of men are engaged in
erecting the new residence of F. A.
Page on the East Side, nnd it will be
ready for occupancy about September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. S, A. Wilcox, Mr. and
Mrs. Jeremiah AVllcox, Mrs. Kate Will
iams and Mrs. Ketcham attended tho
funeral of Mrs. Roy Pelton, at Sulem,
on Sunday.
James G. Dunning and daughter,
Miss Lou, left on Sunday for Bridge
port, Conn., where they will be tho
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. Robinson.
Miss Bessie Buckingham will leave
today for a visit with friends In La
Plume and other points.
Miss Mamie Dunning, who was oper
ated upon for appendicitis at Moses
Taylor hospital last Friday, Is doing
nicely, and her many friends hope to
see her at home again soon.
Mrs. Rudolph Presch and children re
turned Saturday evening from a three
weeks' visit In New York.
Rev, and Mrs. George Grelss, of
Allentown, and Rev, and Mrs, Weldy
tuwl three children, of Portland, are
the guests of Dr. und Airs. J. W. Kned
ler. Miss Isabel Page spent last week
with friends at Duninore,
Miss Mildred Shoemaker spent Fri
day and Saturday at Montrose,
Pror. and Mrs, E. H. Rogers aro vis
iting friends at Harford, Pa,
Miss Nellie Benjamin, of Providence,
was the guest of Miss Nettle Evans
last wok,
Washington camp. No. 2S0, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, will hold their
annual plcnlu In the grove on Friday
afternoon nnd evening.
Quito a number from this place at
tended the veterans' reunion at Nay
Aug'park last Wednesday.
Academy of Mush
M. Reis, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manage
Jacobs' Stock Co.
i-rercniuig n series ot first class nnl
cltictloiis. Opening Monday Night witl
me new realistic drama,
Written on the escape and death of til
j'nmous Hiaeiio Hratliers.
Prices 10, 20 and SO cents.
Mntinoo prices 10 ami 20 cents.
Diagram opuns this morning at'
Hatchets, Kazors and Knives Are
Used with Fearful Effect.
Ily Inclusive Wire from The Assoclutrd I'icsa,
Indianapolis, Aug. 25. Six negroes
were badly cut In a street light hero
this afternoon. Hatchets, raaors and
knives were used and threp of the
negroes are fearfully cut about the
arms, faces and bodies.
Charles Sanford, who was carried
uwuy before the arrival of the police
Is said to be fatally Injured.
This signature is on every box of tho gvnut-
Laxative Bromo-QuinineTobiets
-,?TT,Tn-li i remedy that cures u coIU lit ouo Oay.
Dixie's Theatre!
Lessee and Manager,
Always the Best In Vnudovllle.
All Week, Commencing
Grapewin's Gossip;
And 7 Strong Acts.
Two Performances Dally 2.30 and S.ll
PRICKS 13, 23. a. 30. Special Mattnel
From any cluonlc dlseaHo or doformltl
Green Ridge Sanitarium, 1330 N. Wash
Ington Avenue,
Carter Hhlg, Cor, Adams Avenue anq
l.lmk-u Street.
S. J, Full rm an & Bn
Manufacturers ot
Our celebrated
Strap Holler fol
Awnings a Specialty
328 Lackawanna Aye., Scranton, Pa
kX-."V. MJW..Jt,:
J-j- trlfl "t-f'i