The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 26, 1902, Image 1

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:?33ilEigKMS!WWnl!ly vfBPamig!g'-'r mry
nterfistlna Address Upon the Sub
ject Delivered Before Bos
ton Citizens.
Attention Is Called to the Polly of
People Who Become Strangers to
the Administration of Affairs, by
Remaining' Away from the Polls
for Years, and Then Suddenly De
mand Immediate Reform of Some
Peature of Government The Speak
er Believes the Trusts Should Be
Regulated Wise Laws Are to Be
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Boston, Aug. 25. The week's work
for President Roosevelt In his trip
through New England begun In earnest
this afternoon when he departed from
the summer home of the junior senator
of Massachusetts, Hon Henry Cabot
Lodge, at Nahant, and, amid the en
thusiasm of the greatest number of
people he has faced since the Pitts
burg visit on July 4, rode Into Lynn
under cavalry escort and spoke from a
platform at city hall. Then he was
taken to Boston by a special train and
on arrival went to Symphony hall,
there addressing a great gathering of
Boston business men. His speech here
was devoted almost entirely to consider
ation of the trust question.
The President's Speech.
Governor Crane, Mayor Collins, Men and
Women of Boston:
I am glad to have the chance of saying
a few words to you this evening. There
are several matters that I should like to
discuss, and I can say In all sincerity
that when t corno here to New England,
when 1 come to Boston, I like to go over
as many subjects as possible, so that I
can get light on them. ' ,
I have great faith In your Judgment" I
want to take up this evening the general
question of our economic and social rela
tions with specific refer e'nee to that prob
lem with which I. think our people ara
greatly concerning themselves the prob
lem of our complex social condition as
Intensified by the existence of the great
corporations which wo rather loosely de
signate as trusts. But r wish to say one
or two things as preliminary. In the Mrst
place, I have not come here to say that
I have discovered a patent cure-all for
the trusts.
When people's minds are greatly agi
tated on any subject nwj especially when
they feel deeply but rather vaguely that
conditions are not right. It is far pleas
nnter in addressing them to lie in
different as to what you proml-e, but is
much less pleasant afterward.
In the first place, if a man is honest, he
will try just as hard to keep a promise
made on the stump as one made off the
stump. In the second place, if the people
keep their heads they won't wish prom
ises to be made which are Impossible of
The Majority Must Do Right.
Mankind goes ahead but slowly unci It
govs ahead mostly through each of the
majoilty of us trying to do the best that
lfc In him and doing It In the must Intel
ligent and sanest way. V founded our
republic on the theory that the average
man will as a rule, do the right thin,;;
that In the long run the majority are go
ing to decide for what Is sane and whole,
tnme. If our fathers were mistaken In
that theory; If ever the mass of the pen
plo do what Is unwholesome, what Is
wrong; then the republic cannot stand.
In the long run, we aro going to go up or
go down according as the average stand
ard ol our citizenship does or docs not
wait ip growth and grace.
Now, when wo come to the question of
good citizenship, the Ilrst requisite Is
that the man shall do the homely, every
day hum-drum duties well, A man is not
n good citizen, 1 do not care how lofty
Us thoughts uio about citizenship 111 the
ubstract, If In tho concrete his actions do
not hear them out, Ho has sot to be a
good bread winner; ho has got to tako
care of ills wife and children; ho has
got to be a neighbor whom his neighbors
can trust.
But ho must do mote than that. In this
country of ours the average citizen has
got to devote a good deal of thought and
time to tho affairs of state as a whole or
thoao affairs mo going to go backward.
That tlmu must bo devoted steadily and
Intelligently, The man or woman who
makes up for ten days' indifference to
duty by a eleven days' morbid repentance
about that Indifference, is of very scant
utu In the wpiid.
Sudden Reform Is Difficult.
Now in tho sumo way, It Is of no possl
blo use to decline to go through all tho
ordinary duties uf citizenship for a long
space of time and then maidenly get up
nnd feci angry about something or sonio
body, not clearly detiued In one's mind
nnd demand reform as If it was a con
crete substance and could bo bunded, out
It Is woiso than useless for any of us
to (all at or regret tho great growth In
Industrial civilization of tho last half eon.
tury. Speaking acudemlually wo can, tic
rordlng to our several temperaments, re
gard that tho old lights have vanished or
,not as wo choose, Boston and tho thriv
ing cities of Massachusetts have been
built up as a result of thoso forces. There
Is bat llttln usu hi regretting that things
have not shaped themselves differently.
3'ho practical thing to do la to faco tho
conditions us they are and see If wo can
not get the best there Is In them out of
Ihem. We aio not going to gel any com.
plcto or perfect solution for nil of the
evils which come to our minds when wo
think of the trusts by any single action
on our part, A good many actions In a
ood many different ways will be re
julred before wo cet many of thoso
ivlls oven partially remedied.
It Is a llttlo illflleu'i to set clearly bo
loro us nil of tho evils, but I think that
hose gentlemen nnd especially those gon,
llemcn of largo means who deny that tho
vlls exist are acting with great folly. I
in far from being against property when
I ask that tho q jn of trusts bo taken
up. I am acting .jo moHt eonsorvntlvo
sense In propervys Interest. When a
great corporation Is sued for violating tho
anti-trust law, It Is not a move against
property; It Is a move In favor of prop
erty because when you can make It evi
dent that all men, big and small, havo
to obey the law, you are putting the safe
guard of law around all men. When you
make It evident that no man shall be ex
cused for violating the law. you make It
evident that every mini will be protected
from violation of the law. I am Inclined
to think that much the greatest trouble
In any Immediate handling of the ques
tion of trust comes from outs system of
government. If what we read In the pa
pers Is two they are speaking of a num
ber of International trusts now.
Should Have Fixed Policy.
It would bo very difficult for any
set of laws, on our part, t'o deal com
pletely with a problem which becomes In
ternational In Its bearlncs but a u'reut
deal can bo done In vnrloua ways. A
great deal Is being done and a great deal
more can bo done If wo can see that tho
power Is put somewhero to do It. On tho
whole our system of government has
worked morvelously well, tho system of
dividing the functions of government, of
arranging a scheme under which Maine,
Louisiana, Oregon, Idaho, New York and
South Carolina can all come In together
for certain purposes and yet each be al
lowed to work its salvation as It desires;
along certain lines. But while I most
firmly believe In fixity of policy, I do not
bellcvo that that policy should be fossil
ized, and If It Is to be changed we must
change our governmental method to meet
I believe with all my heart In the New
England town meeting, but you cannot
work the New England town meeting in
Boston. You have got to try something
else. Now when this government was
founded, there wcro no great individual
or corporate fortunes. Everything has
been revolutionized In tho business world
and the progress of civilization from be
ing a trickle has become a torrent. There
was no particular thing at that time to
bother as to whether the nation or the
state had control of the corporations.
Now, however, the exact reversG is the
case and remember 1 say, "corporations."
1 do not say merely trusts, merely com
binations of corporations under certain
peculiar conditions. For Instnnce eonie
time ago the attorney general took ac
tion against a certain trust. There has
been considerable discussion as to wheth
er the trust aimed at would seek to get
out from under the law by becoming a
single corporation.
I want laws to enable us to deal with
It. no matter what shape It takes. I want
to see the government able to get at It
TleTlnltely, so that the'-nctlon of the gov
ernment cannot be evaded by any turn
ing, within or without federal or state
statutes. At present we have really no
efficient control over a big corporation
which docs business in more than one
state. 1 do not think you can get ac
tion by any state, action by all the states,
that will give us satisfactory control of
the trusts or big corporations.
""Of co'urse, It is a mere truism that the
corporation is the creature of the state;
that the state Is sovereign.. Now I want
to make a real and not a nomlnalsover
elgn; to have some one sovereign to
which the corporation shall be really, and
Reckless Law Making.
At present If we pass laws nobody can
tell whether they will amount to any
thing. Now that has two bad effects. In
the first place the corporation becomes
indifferent to the law making body and In
the next place, gentlemen, the law-making
body gets into that most pernicious
custom of passing a law, not with refer
ence to what will be done under it. but
with reference to Its effects on the opin
ions of the votcis. That Is a bad thing.
When any body of law-makers passes a
law not solely with reference to whether
that law will do good or 111, but with the
knowledge that not much will coma of
It, and yet that, perhaps, the people, as a
whole, will likely think It was good It
does not speak well for tho law-makers
and It does not speak very well for tho
people, either. What I hope to see Is
power given to the national legislature
which shad make tho control real, It
would bo an excellent thing if wo could
havo all tho states act on somewhat sim
ilar lines, so that It would bo unnecessary
for tho national government to act, but
all of you know perfectly well that states
will not act on sumowhat similar lines.
Nothing has been dono In the direction
of Intelligent dealing by the states as a
collective body with these great corpora
tlons. Here In Massachusetts you havo
what I regard as on tho whole, excellent
corporation laws. I think that moat of
our difficulties would bo In a fair way of
solution if wu had the power to put on
the national statute books laws for tho
nation much like those you havo hero, on
tho subject of coiporatlons In Massachus
etts. Publicity Wanted.
Tho Ilrst thing wc want Is publicity ond
1 do not mean publicity as a favor by
sonio corporations, I mean It as a right
from all corporations affected by tho law.
As far as thu anti-trust laws go they will
bo enforced. No suit will bo undertaken
lor tho sake of seeming to iindertnko It,
livery suit that Is undertaken will bo
begun because tho great lawyer and up
right man whom wo uro so fortunate as
to havo ii3 attorney genernl, Mr, Knox,
believes that there is n violation of tho
law which wo can get at, and when tho
suit Is undertaken It won't lie compro
mised excepting on thu basis that tho gov.
eminent wins,
AVIso laws can do something and wo
nro not to bo exorcised If wo fall to In
sist upon those wlso laws, Honest admin
istration of tho laws can do aimcthlng
more, mid still less aro wo to ho excused,
as 'a people, If wo condoiio or connlvo at
a failure to administer tho laws by tho
public servants of tho people, After those
laws havo been enacted, aftor thoy iiavo
been ouforced. It will remain true, hero In
this contiiry, as It has been truo In every
century throughout history, that tho fun
damental factor in each man's success In
llfo must bo that man's own, character;
the total mini of tho qualities of truth
fulness, earnestness, energy, thrift and
business ability on his part. Tho state
cannot do as much for you as you can
do for the state, f man falls. 1 urn sorry
for him, I will help him as far as possl
hie, I will lift hint up If ho stumbles hut
1 will not try to carry him for thut is
neither helping him nor helping me.
From tho hall the president went to
Hotel Tourulne, where a little later In
the evening he wus the guest of Gover
nor Crane at dinner.
Tomorrow lllornlllcr thu iirnatilnuthil
party will start for Mulne.
The Man Supposed to Have Been
Drowned at Coney Island Res
cued by a Pishing Smack.
By Exclusive Wire (rom The Associated l'rcs.
Now York, Aug. 25. Henry W. Hol
lenberg, vho disappeared from Coney
Island two weeks ngo, and who was
supposed to havo drowned arrived nt
his homo in Now Noohellc today. He
said he was landed there early this
morning by n Hailing smack by which'
ho had been picked up at sea. Only
members of his family nnd a physician
wore allowed to see him. The doctor
said that Ilollenberg was In no con
dition to seo 8trangers nt present.
Hollenberg's story Is that ho was
carried out to sen by the undertow
while In swlmlng. Ills cries for help
attracted no attention from the crowds
on the beach nnd he had been carried
out a long distance when he managed
to get hold of a piece of wreckage
that drifted towards him and by means
of this supported himself until rescued
by tho fishing smack. He was dressed
In an old suit of clothes which he
said had been given him by the enp
taln of the vessel. The name of the
smack Is not known nor Is any details
of Hollenberg's strange experience ob
tainable at present.
A man named Gray was drowned nt
Coney Island on the day of Hollen
berg's disappearance. His body was
recovered. Before It was found the
police entertained a theory that Gray
nnd Hollenberg had gone away to
gether and had left suits of clothing In
a bathing house to give the Impression
that they had been drowned.
Will Officially Inform the Democratic
State Candidates of Their
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 25. Hon. Rob
ert E. Wright, of this city, who pre
sided at the Democratic state conven
tion at Erie, June 23, this afternoon
appointed a. committee to ofllelally
notify Candidates Pattlson, Guthrie
and Nolan of their nomination. The
notification will take place at the
Mount Penn house, Heading, Septem
ber 4, at 2 p. in. A banquet will follow
at the Neverstnk mountain house. The
committee consists of one member from
each senatorial district, as follows:
John H. Keenan, Thomas J. Ryan,
Matthew Dlttman, William F. Harrlty,
Thomas Delahunty, James Gay Gordon,
A. N. Ladner, Charles P. Donnelly, all of
Philadelphia; O. B. Dickinson, Chester;
Hnrman Yevkes, Doylestg,wnr.. Janies-Ni,
Ermentrout, Reading; CharleB E. In
gersoll, Penulyn; William U. Hensel,
Lancaster; V. Hayes Grler, Columbia;
Vance McCormlck, Harrlsburg; Ed
ward Harvey, Allentown; S. P. Light,
Lebanon; Howard Mutchler, Easton;
H. Frank Ralston, Chester Springs;
Frank J. Fitzsimmons, Scranton; John
M. Gnrman, Nnntlcoke; L. H. Barber,
Mauch Chunk; Asa S. Keeler, Tunk
hnnnock; J. Henry Cochran, Williams,
port; T. AV. Costello, Bradford; George
S. Purdy, Honesdale; H. E. Davis,
Sunbury; John W. Bittenger, York;
James AV. Ryan, Pottsville; AVIlllam A.
Marr, Ashland; 'Robert S. McMeen,
Mlftllntown; AA'illiam Penn Lloyd, Me
chanicsburg; AV. R. GUlen, Chambers
burg; AVIlllam D. Bigler, Clearfield;
Warren AVorth Bailey, Johnstown; A,
H. Coffroth, Somerset; Samuel States,
Brookvllle; J. K. P. Hall, Rldgway;
Richard Coulter, jr., Greensburg; Rob
ert Crawford, AVaynesburg; Calvin
Reyburn, Klttannlng; David T. AVat
Ron, AV. J. Brennan, James M. Guffey
and F. P. lams, Pittsburg; AVIlllam R.
Dunlap, AA'est Brldgewater; John G.
McConaghy, New Castle; AVIlllam Hns
son, Oil City; George A. Allen, Erie,
and John Fortlg, Tltusville.
Accused of Being the Slayer of His
Brother Hillman.
By Exclusive Wire (rom The As-oci.itiil Press.
Tlfton, Ga., Aug. 25. Mack Paulk,
brother of Hillman Pnulk, the farmer
who was found murdered in the road
near here yesterday, was arrested to
day on the charge of being the slayer.
Ho has been committed without ball.
Officers aro looking for John AValker, a
young white man, who is suspected of
being an accessory to the murder,
A witness appeared before tho coro
ner's jury and testified that he passed
Hllhnan and Mack Paulk about a mile
from Tlfton, They were riding In
Mack's buggy and leading Hlllman's
horse. That was the last seen of Hill
man alive.
An examination of the body showed
signs of a severe struggle. The mouth
was bruised and on the throat there
were signs of teeth, is If he had bpen
bitten, Tho body was punctured by
four bullets, three of which had ap
parently been tired after he had fallen,
By Kxclutlrc Wire from The Assoc! itnl I'resi.
Philadelphia, Aug, 23,-Johu C, Bullllt,
a prominent lawyer, who for many years
was closely Identified with public affairs
died today of apoplexy at his summer
homo In Paoll, near here. Ho was 78
yearn old and had been ill only a wepk,
Mr, Bullitt was a life-long Democrat, and
framed tho present Philadelphia city
chailer, which is commonly known as
tho "Bullitt bill." Mr. Bullitt was a na
tlvo of Jefferson county, Kentucky, He
wus graduated from Centre college, that
state, ond began tho practice of law In
Louisville. lio came to this city in 1SI9,
For many years ho was a recognized nu
thorlty on commercial law, Mr, Bullitt
was connected as counsel with many
famous I..W cases. JIo had churgo of the
settlement of tho estate of Jay Cooke;
was counsel for General Fltz-Johu I'ortor
In tho memorable trial that was held at
AVest Point.
William Toasts Mark of Brandenburg
Hy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Berlin, Aug. 23. At a Brandenburg din
ner given at the now palace at Potsdam
tonight, KmpeTor AVIlllam made an elo
fluent speech of welcome to tho represen
tatives of Brandenburg and tousled tho
.Mark of Brandenburg as tio solid pillar
upon which tho whola fubrio of thu cm
plro rested.
Grand Circuit Opens with a Gar
nival o? Record-Break-Ino
Every Hent Winner Breaks It's Re
cordSensational Time Is Made in
the 2:08 Pace When a New 2:05
Performer Is Uncovered in Nathan
Strauss Driven by Jocky Curry.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Press.
Providence, R. I., Aug. 25. The track
at Narragansett park was lightning
fast this afternoon and the grand cir
cuit opened with a carnival of record
breaking. Every heat winner broke Its
record. Sensational time was made In
the 2,08 pace when a new 2.05 per
former was uncovered in Nathan
Strauss, driven by Jack Curry. This
fast son of Director easily outstepped
the Readvllle winners with marks
around 2.07 and won the race in two
straight heats, making a record of
2.05. The following are the sum
maries: 2.20 class, pacing: purse, $2,500.
Gold Brick 1 S 1 8 1
Dandy Chimes ;! 1 S 1 3
Albert 2 2 2 5 5
King Charles, Dick AVIlson, Free Ad-
vice, Deacon, Greenllne, Fuzzy nnd Sister
Hattlo also started. Time, 2.0SU, 2.07'A
2.10, 2.10V4. 2.UVJ.
2.2IS class, trotting; purse, $2,500.
Baron Deshay 1 1 1
Patchen Maid 2 3 4
Maxlno .'. I S 2
Zephyr, Katrlnka G., Invader, Betsy
Tell, Oxford Chimes, The Quaker, Nanlta
and Alfred Starr also started. Time,
2.12U, 2.10U, 2.0S-"U. ,
2.0S class, pacing; purse, $1,000; two la
Nathan Strauss 1 1
Effie Powers 5 2
Billy H 2 S
Sphinx S., Terrace Queen, Louise C,
Major Muscovite, Sir Albert S The
Bishop and New Richmond also started.
Time, 2.05U, 2.0fitf.
2.19 class, trotting; two in three; purse,
Prince of Orange I 1
Baron Bell .' 2 5
Kwanon , 0 -
"Aii3tln Boy, Allalirleve, Kalevala,- The
Rajah. Ralph AVIcki M. M. D., Betsey
Ross and Hall Fryo also sterted. Time,
2.13U, 2.10&.
General Botha Is Unanimously Des
ignated Puture Leader of
the Boers.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
London, Aug. 26. Cabling from Brus
sels, tho correspondent of the Dally
Telegraph says he hears that as a re
sult of the conference between former
President Kruger and the Boer generals
Do AA'et, Botha and Delarey, Mr. Kru
ger Is to resign the leadership of tho
Hoer people.
General Botha, adds tho correspond
ent, was unanimously designated future
leader of tho Boers.
One Person Dead and Seven Injured
at Memphis.
By Kxelu'hc Wire from The Associated l're.-s.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 25, One per
son dead and seven injured Is the re
sult of a trolley accident here today.
Sirs. Newton E. Morris, of 308 Col
orado avenue, was killed.
As a south-bound car for Jackson
Mound park neared the crossing of
Georgia and Kentucky avenue, the
trolley wire broke In front of It. The
wire Hew around tho car like a whip.
The noise made by the burning wire
caused a panic, and the passengers
made a mad rush for the rear door.
Conductor Jones was on tho platform
and was swept off by the frantlu rush
of men and women. Tho passengers
piled In a heap on the ground. Mrs.
Morris wus picked up unconscious, She
died before an ambulance could reach
her. The Injuries of the others aro not
By Inclusive wire from Hie Associated Press,
Boston, Aug, 23. AVith reforouco to the
statement that Lloutcnant General Miles
Is going to tho Philippine Islands, Secre
tary Oortolyou sain tonight:
"Lieutenant General Allies Is going to
tho Phlllpplno islands with tho permis
sion of tho president, to Inspect army con
ditions there,"
Steamship Arrivals,
By ttxcliitho Wire from The Associated Tress.
Now York, Aug, 23. Arrived: Ethiopia,
Glusgow; Blucher, Hamburg, Ilouloguo
and Southampton, Cleared; Krouprlms
WUholm, Bremen via Plymouth and Cher
bourg; rtottci'dum, Rotterdam; Patricia,
Hamburg via Plymouth and Cherbourg,
Brcmerhavon Arrived;' Grosser Kur
furst, Now York. Prawlo Point Passed;
Ryiidam, Now York for Boulogne, and
Rotterdam. Antweri Arrived; Vador
land, Now York-.
Drowned While Repairing Yacht.
By Hxcluiho Wire from The Associated I'rraj.
Stamford, Conn., Aug, 23. Charles Mil
ler, aged 30, was drowned tonight In the
harbor while repairing his yacht AVIlllam.
Miller was on tho boat repairing tho ma
chinery mid In sonio manner lio lost his
balaneo and fell overboard. In falling his
head struck tho metal work of the boat
and ho was stunned. Ills body roso to
the surfaco ouco and then sunk to tho
bottom, it was recovered
Conditions Are Exceedingly War
Like in the Ports of New Loudon.
By Exclusive Wire from The Amocttilecl Tress.
New London, Conn., Aug. 25. Condi
tions are exceedingly warlike In the
forts of the New London district In
preparation for the nrmy and navy
manoeuvres, which begin nt midnight
Friday and are to bo carried out on the
plans adopted today by tho respective
Colonel Davis, of Fort Trumblc, tho
commanding officer of this district, Is
directing the movements of prepar
ation. He Is nsslstcd by the signul
corps, under commund of Captnln Rus
sell and by Major Powell, who Is In
charge of this engineer district.
Before the beginning of the manoeu
vres of the navy, which terminated
with the defeat of Plllsbury by Hlg
glnaon, the ships of the North Atlantic
were frequent visitors In this vicinity.
It was suspected their presence was to
secure knowledge that would be useful
In the manoeuvres that are to coine.
This Is apparently the view taken by
the nrmy ofllcers, for since the ships'
departure more troops have arrived,
and a number of rnpid-firc guns, six
pounders and Gntllngs have been re
colved and distributed to points known
only to the army men. They are In
tended to prevent the landing of men
from the ships of the enemy.
General Greely, chief of the signal
officers, arrived here today and will
command that branch of tho service.
Every scheme known to the signal ser
vice. Including balloons, will be em
ployed. DID NOT SeTmrTmORGAN
Three Young Men from the Mining
Regions Pail to Secure an Inter
view with the Magnate.
By exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
New York, Aug. 23. Shortly before
noon a committee of three young men
from the mining region called at the
office of J. Plerpont Morgan & Co., but
Mr. Morgan had not arrived at his
office at that time, and the committee
left without seeing nny member of the
llrm. Neither of the young men would
speak of himself or the purpose of his
visit, but It Is understood that they
constitute the committee of the People's
Alliance of Hazleton, Pa., which is said
to have a plan for the settlement of the
There was no appreciable change in
the coal situation here today. Hard
coal continues to be sold by the retail
dealers to their customers at the rate
of $10 a ton which Is the highest gen
eral price so far. Exceptional cases
show hPA'ever, that- coal has been sold
wholesale as high as $11.50 a ton, and
that the retail price had reached $12.30.
A. G.
Mitchell Leaps from Steamer
Coptic and Is Lost.
By Kxcluslrc Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Honolulu, Aug. 18. Via San Francis
co, Cal., August 23. A. G. Mitchell,
reputed to be a millionaire from Michi
gan, a passenger on the steamer Cop
tie, committed suicide, August 12, when
the vessel was three days out from San
Francisco. Mitchell, who was accom
panied by Dr. C, K. Miller and a nurse,
was reported to be on a trip around
the world for his health.
On the morning of his death he was
talking to two ladles on the promenade
deck. Suddenly he ran to the side of
the vessel and sprang overboard. The
steamer stopped and a boat was low
ered, but there was no trace of Mitchell,
His mind, It was thought was unbal
anced by illness,
Bi-ennial Convention of the Pennsyl
vania Jurisdiction at Atlantic City.
By Kxclu-be Wire from The Associated Tress.
Atlantic City, N. J Aug, 25. The
delegates to the biennial convention of
the Pennsylvania Jurisdiction of the
Young Men's Institute adjourned tills
afternoon, after deciding to meet hero
again two years hence. The following
officers were elected at the final ses
sion: Grand president, B,. J. Cawley, Pitts
burg; first vice-president, James Roche,
Scranton; second vice-president, Joseph
Modlspacker, Pittsburg; treasurer, J.
T. Herbert, Altoona; secretary, P, II.
McGuIre, Homestead; grand marshal,
AVIlllam AVeaUland, Cambria county;
grund chaplain, Rev. Father Thomas
AV. AValsh, Pittsburg.
National Roque Tournament.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated TrcM,.
Norwich, Conn., Aug, 23. Tho national
ronub tournament eamo to an end hero
tonight when Sacketl L. Duryca, of
AVashlngton, won tho championship hy
winning from AV. II, AVhaloy, of AVash
lngton, In tho second division, llogetand,
of Philadelphia, took first place, Hunis
and II, Duryoa were tied for second and
tho latter won out on tho play off.
On Bartholin's Trail,
By tixrluklte Who from The Associated Tress,
Chicago. Aug. 23,-Chlef of Police
O'Neil today received Information Unit
leads nlm to believe that AVIlllam J. Bar
tholin, tho suspected murderer, was In
Chicago, August 1(1. lie said he thought
tho fugitive was not dead and that ho
was seen with a vallso and probably left
the city two days after tho discovery of
tho body of his murdered mother In her
Uy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
Wllkcs-Uarro, Aug, 23 George S. A'csey,
of New York, had a two hours' confer
ence with President Mitchell tonight. Af
ter tho coiiferenco neither Mr, Mitchell or
Mr. Vesey would ho interviewed,
Havana Strikers Return to Work,
By Kiclushc Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
Havana, Aug. 25. Representatives of
tho striking dock laborers and their em
ployers were In confereneo all day today.
An agreement was reached to pay labor
ers discharging coal at the rate of SO
cents ttton Instead of by tho day, Tho
strikers wjll probably return to work tomorrow.
President of Mine Workers Is Re
quested to Take a Stand for
Law and Order.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Tress.
AVIlkes-Barro, Aug. 23. N. AV. An
thony, president of the North Ameri
can Coal company, Scranton, addressed
a letter to President Mitchell, of tho
United Mine AVorkers, today, request
Ing him to Issue a proclamation to his
followers warning them not to inter
fere with the operation of the com
pony's washery, when work Is started
on tho 27th Inst. It Is not likely that
a proclamation will be issued.
The letter has been referred to the
district officers of the United aline
AVorkers at Scranton.
The citizens of Plymouth got up a
syndicate and bought a car-load of
Hour for the striking miners employed
nt the AVoodward and Avondale mines
of the Delaware, Lackawanna, and
AVesterh company. The flour will be
distributed this week. It was reported
that the Avondale mine of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany resumed operations on a small
scale today. A small amount of coal
was run through the breaker.
He Accepted the Invitation of
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Peoria, 111., Aug. 25. "President
Roosevelt ' has honored labor," said
Grand Secretary-Treasurer Frank AV.
Arnold, of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen today.
"I Just received a letter sent Acting
Grand Master Hannahan by the presi
dent. In which the latter accepts the
Invitation we extended a few days ago
in person and he will surely be at the
bl-ennial session of' our brotherhood at
Tho acceptance of President Roose
velt Is as follows:
Oyrter Bay, N. Y Aug. 22, 1902.
j My uear sir: Keterrmg to me inrsr-
vlew had by Mr. Arnold and you wltn tno
president yesterday, I am directed by tho
president to say that he has concluded
to accept the kind Invitation ol tno
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to bo
present at their bl-ennial convention at
Chatttanooga, Tenn., on September S'
next, and that it will give him great
pleasure to be present.
A'ery truly yours,
William Loeb, Jr.,
Assistant Secretary to the President.
To Mr. John CY Hannahan, Acting Grand
Master, Brotherhood of Locomotive
l'Viemen, Peoria, 111.
Beginning September X, New Mail
Pacilities Will Be Established.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trees.
London, Aug. 25. Beginning Sept 1,
the postofflce of Great Britain will ac
cept parcels for transmission to the
United States. The various attempts
of the British government to conclude
a parcels post arrangement with the
United States having resulted In fail
ure, the British postal department has
arranged this independent service.
The Cunard and AVhlte Star lines will
convey the parcels to the United States
and the American Express company
will deliver them In that country. Tho
charges will be twenty-four cents for
each three pound package, and seventy-two
cents for packages weighing
fiom seven to eleven pounds, to princi
pal points In the United States, with an
additional charge of twenty-four cents
for a British customs clearance fee.
The United States customs fees will
also be added. A- similar parcels post
service Is to be inaugurated from the
United States to Great Britain.
Sensational Incident of Vermont
High License Campaign.
By Esehisbe Wire from The Associated Tiess.
llruttleboro, A"t Aug. 25. The most
sfiiisutlonal Incident In the present state
campaign, occurred here tonight,
when a rally in the Interest of Perclval
AV, Clement, high license and,local op
tion candidate for governor, cniuo
abruptly to an end by reason of the
collapse of Rev, Samuel Small, the
chief speaker,
The rally opened In the usual style,
and Rev, air. Small was introduced,
lie made Incoherent remarks mid was
led from tho platform, collapsing as ho
reached tho floor. At a late hour, phy
sicians could not make any explicit
explanation of Mr, Small's condition,
Wire Workers on Strike.
By Exclusive Who from The Associated Tress.
Philadelphia, Aug, 25. About two hun
dred electricians nnd who workers unit
work today, pending tho adjustment of
the qiieNtioii of the employment of helpers
and iinu-iinlnii workers In tho shops, Tho
rate of wages and tho hours to constitute
a day's work arc not Involved In tho dis
pute, Scull Race at Baltlmoro,
By llxcliiihc Wire from The Associated Tress,
Baltimore. Aug. 23.-1 larry Vail, of
Cumbrlge, Mass., defeated James A. Ten
Ryck, ol AVoiccster, In their two mile
single scull rnco of tho Putapsco, for a
purse of $300 ond a sldo bet, A'ull won
caily by three length. No tlmu was
Eighty-Three Horses Burned.
Philadelphia, Aug. 23. Eighty-three
horses wcro burned to death tonight, In a
(Iro nt tho stablo of Peoples Brothers,
general contractors, at Thirtieth und
Spring Gulden streets. Tho loss Is catl
mutcd at about $20,000.
Three Thousand Strikers Gather
and Prevent the Resump
tion of a Colliery.
August Sheuch, Aged 56, In the En
deavor to Rescue His Son, 19
Roughly Handled by the Mo"h Tha
Clothing Is Torn from Young
Sheuch's Body in the Struggle.
Warrants Out for the Arrest ofl
the Strikers Pickets Plentiful afl
Tamaqua. , j
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 25. A mob ot
3,000 strikers gathered here this morn
ing and prevented the resumption of
work at the Lehigh company's colliery,
No. 40, with a gang of about 250 non
union men which the company had ob
tained for the purpose. A special
policeman was stabbed in an encountec
with the strikers.
August Sheuch, aged C6 years, a spe
cial policeman in the service of the Lc
high Valley Coal company, was at
tempting to rescue his son, 'William
Sheuch, a non-union workman emplyed
at the company's No. 40 colliery, from
a mob.
A majority of the non-union men
were taken to the workings in a special
train, with which the strikers did not
attempt to interfere. "William Sheuch,
who lives in this city, walked from hla
home toward the colliery, and thus fell
Into the hands of the pickets. Most of
the clothing was torn from his back in
the struggle which followed. When
Sheuch's father rushed to his aid the
mob set upon the elder Sheuch. He
was rescued Anally by a mine foreman
and removed to the miners' hospital.
Sheuch was stabbed In the breast and
on each hip, kicked In the abdomen
and struck on the head with a stone.
His injuries are not very serious.- Tho
knife which sunk lnto-hls breast struck
a rib and that fact probably saved his
The report of a resumption at the
Cranberry colliery of A. Pardee & Co.
caused about 500 men to gather near
the mine today, but no attempt was
made to start work.
Warrants have been sworn out for
the arrest of many of the strikers who
participated lnsthe riot at No. 40 shaft.
Pickets at Tamaqua.
Tamaqua, Pa., Aug. 23. Not since tho
Inauguration of the anthracite coal
miners' strike have the United Mine
AA'orkers had so many pickets patrol
lng the Panther Creek Aralley as was
the case today. Every road and path
leading to the collieries was guarded in
an effort to persuade the non-union
men not1 to go to work. No new re
cruits were added to the working force,
and quite a number were turned back.
The extra vigilance was duo to tho
rumor that It Is the intention of tho
Lehigh Coal and Navigation company
to cut coal as soon as sufficient men
can be secured.
No Call for Troops.
Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 25. Colonel
Clement, of tho Twelfth regiment, who
Is In command here during the ab
sence of General Gobln says that no
call for troops has come to him from
Hazleton or nny other part of the
region today. As far ns ho has been
able to learn things are very quiet
all over tho region tonight. General
Gobln has gono to Saratoga to attend
the American Bar association meeting
and will be absent for a few days.
Teachers Removed Because Families
Were Employed in Mines.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Shenandoah, Pn Aug. 25. The school
board of Mahanoy township today re
moved six of tho oldest teachers In the
township. Tho reason given was that
members: of the families of these teach,
crs were non-union mine employes.
Among thoso affected is Miss Anno
Heddall, sister of Joseph Beddall, who
was killed during the riot here July 30,
The board unanimously decided that
applicants In any way connected with
non-union workmen should not receive
Electrical Workers Strike.
By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Associated Press.
Boston, Aug, 23. More than 250 elec.
trleal workers struck hero today for W s
day, for eight hours' work for Journey,
men, and 2 a day for helpers, Tho elcc
tilcal workers have been under a nine,
hour day and come time ngo sent hi a
request for an eight-hour day, which wa
refused by their employers.
, Tf s;
Local data for August 23, 1003.
Highest temperuturo ,.,,.. ,,76 degreed
Lowest teuiperaturo ,,, ,,,,59 degrees
Relative humidity;
S a, m, ,.,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,S1 per cent,
8 p. m. ., , .....70 per cent,
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p, m.,
none. u
-f -V
AVashlngton, Aug. 21. Forecast
for Tuesday and AVcdncsday: East
ern Pennsylvania Fair Tuesday;
local rains AVcdnesday; light varl-
amo wiuns sinning to cast.
,t . r-.-tttt.t..Tt. t..t
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