fa- - g - -?- f 'iiSoi y iiynA y?rw j :5js V, rsj' "v: i-!.--"-." iWV-in 'JSt T' V -V"::-?V, Wl, fV p "ffiVi"" ' W H V THJil gCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1902. - t Everything in Camera and Kodak Supplies, 4 Hornbaker's, 211 Washington Ave. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Y "They Draw Well." j Morris' Magnet Cigars X TIip best vnltio for f cents. V Try one and you will smoke, no A other. . . X All the lpmllng brands of no. clfinta nt J1.73 per box, or 6 for 2oc. A Tho larpcst variety ot Pipes and X Tobaccos In town. E. C. MORRIS, X The Cigar Man a 325 Washington Avenue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In and About ,. The City xyej Excursion to Lake Poyntelle. Tho P. Quad club, composed of some of tho most prominent men of the city, will have Its excursion to l.ake Poyn tollo Sunday. The Lawrence band will give a concert. Chapman Reunion. The fouith nTlmi.il reunion of the Chap man family will take place at the homo of Frances Chapman, near Lake Clcmo, September 12, 100.'. All tho relatives are lcnucsted to bo present. Voluntary Bankrupt. Adolph Simon, of Meshoppen, "Wyo ming county, Hied a voluntary petition in bankrupty with tho United States court yesterday. Ills liabilities arc $18,-SOC.S-', and assets, $i,rS2.01. Excursion to Heart Lake. The Sunday school of tho North Main Avenue Baptist church enjoyed their an nual excursion yesterday. Tho day was spent at Heart Lake, Susquehanna coun ty, which is a delightful pleasure res,oit. Coyne Strikes Sack. School Tax Collector John J. Coyne, of Lackawanna township, through Attorney V. J. Fitzslmmons yesterday ubked for a rule on tho township auditors to show cause why an attachment against should Issue. Monohnn Held for Court. Thomas Casey, Hugh Padden and An thony Jloran yesterday lodged informa tion with Alderman M. J. Ruddy, which icsultcd In tho arrest ot Peter Mono han, who they claimed interfered with them and acted In a disoiderly manner while they were doing wotk for Junk man Jacob Smith, of Penn avenue. Mon ohan was held In $300 ball. Dog Was Shot. A' little brown dog crawled under a Delaware and Hudson freight car yeslcr JWy morning and before the animal reached a place of safety tho car was moved and tho dog's hind leg cut off. A patrolman was summoned to put tho cur out of misery, but his aim was bad, and several draymen, freight handlers and others fired at tho dog before; killing it. Defendant Was Discharged. The case of Mrs. Klla Shine, of G2S Min eral street, against Mrs. Anna Mcllnle, her neighbor, on tho charge of disoiderly 'conduct, was heard before Alderman Ilowo yesterday morning and tho defend ant discharged owing to lack of evidence. Contract for Grading. Burke Brothers have been awarded the contract for grading tho alto of the pro posed new Lackawanna railroad car shops in tho Kcyscr Valley, AVorlc on tho foun dations may bo commenced within a fow weeks, but building operations will bo held until next spring, Meeting of Creditors. Tho flist meeting of creditors in tho bankruptcy case of Otto D. Myers, of Scranton, will bo held nt tho oftico oC Ileferco Van AVormer on September 2 nt 10 n. m at which timo the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint u trustee, cxumltio tlvi bankrupt, and transact such other business as may como before them. dlienp Dry Goods. On accnunt of tho great miners' strfke we unci our departments over stocked with fine goods. Wo offer them nt a big cut in prices, see our advertisement on another page of this .pitper. Mears & Hagen. . . . The P. Quads. Next Sunday at Lake Poyntollc, EXAMINING THE RESERVOIRS CITY OFFICIALS INSPECTED THE WATER SUPPLY, They Visited the High Pressure Ro servoir at Dunmore, and the Others at No. 7, Elmhurst, Oak Run, Wil liams Bridge and Lake Scranton. Much Pleased with tho Result of tho Trip Rodo Over the New Roads to and from Mt. Anonymous. Iteconlcr w. U Connell, Director of Public Safety P. L. Wormser, Dr. W. E. Allen, superintendent of the bureau of health, and City Solicitor George M. Watson yesterday Inspected the reser voir ot the Scranton Gas and Water company on the mountain emit of tho city, and at Klnihurst. They were ac companied by Colonel 13. H. nipple, Kobert Ileeves, superintendent ot the company, and representatives of the press. The first visit was to the high pres sure reservoir at Dunmore, which sup plies the high places ot the. city, and has a capacity of storing two million gallons. From there the party went to the other distributing reservoir at No. 7, which has n capacity of eighty mil lion gallons, and from which the great er part of the city Is supplied. Tho straining system at this place was ex amined with much Interest, and the general condition of this reservoir and the manner In which the wnter is drawn from It to the different parts of the city wns minutely Inquired into. ELMHUHST RKSEIIVOIR. The next point visited wns the gieat dam at Elmhurst, with a capacity ot fourteen hundred million gallons. The retaining walls on either side of the dam have within the last few months been raised from two to five feet to prevent damage to the Delaware, Liick awanna and Western and Erie tracks, such as happened during the floods ot last spring. Above Elmhurst toward Lake Ariel, Is the Oak Run reservoir, with a storage capacity of 320 million gallons. Into the Elmhurst reservoir can also be turned water from Lake Henry at Moscow and the headwaters ot the Le high river, assuring a never falling supply. From Elmhurst the party crossed the mountain to the Williams bridge dam, which during the year was raised five feet and its storage capacity in creased seventy million gallons, mak ing the total capacity 3G0 million gal lons. The high pressure reservoir at Dunmore is supplied from Williams bridge and Lake Scranton, which was the next point to receive attention. In that body twenty-six hundred million gallons are stored. VERY SATISFACTORY. The Inspection was highly satisfac tory to the officials who expressed themselves as greatly pleased with the condition in which they found that part of the city's water supply. The com pany owns ten thousand acres of land to protect the water shed from which it draws Its supply for the reservoirs in Scranton. Before returning to the city the In spection party went over tho new roads leading to and from Mt. Anony mous, a high peak overlooking Lake Scranton. The roads are about two miles In length and are about the best yet laid out by tho Gas and Water company. The" view as the roads wind up the mountain Is magnificent and prepares one for the grandeur of the view when the summit is reached. Gravelled paths have also been laid out to make it easy for pedestrians to reach the summit, where a fifty foot observatory is to be built. Altogether the Gas and Water company now has fourteen miles of roads In the region about Lake Scranton, which are not surpassed by any roads In this part of the state. Men who like to hear good oratory and who believe In the principles of no intoxicants for their children will take their families to Nay Aug park on August 29 and take part In the big temperance rally. Dr. Silas C. Swallow and Lee L. Grumblno as well as others of national reputation will be present and address tho meeting. The office of A. D. Preston, Dentist, will be closed until Sept. 8th. Sunday Excursions. During the summer season, tho Erie Railroad company will sell Sunday ex cursion tickets to Maplowood and" Lake Ariel at rate of one way faro for round trip from stntions on Wyoming division. Rate from Scranton to Mnplewood, 55 cents; to Lake Ariel, 75 cents. m Get "The Lackawanna Finish" on your linen It's different. 308-310 Penn avenue, A. B. Wurman. The P. Quads. Next Sunday at Lake Poyntelle. A Point to Insist On. There are endless numbers of travel ing people who go regularly from New York to Chicago and vice versa several times a month, who have never gone over any other road but tho Luke Shore & Michigan Southern, because this road Is good enough for them, It's good enough for anybody, the fastest, safest, most convenient and most com fortable road in America. Once you travel over the Lake Shore and you will not want to experiment with any other road, People who know tho comforts and discomforts of traveling, and what they have a right to expect, always insist on their tickets reading by way ot the Lake Shore. So should you. Scranton Business College BUCK & VVHITHORE, Proprietors Students in great demand. Watch this space. A different letter every day, Wllliumsporl Staple Company t tt n i , . "... Wllllamsport, Pa., May 5, 1902. Prof, H, D. Buck. In caio of Scranton Business College: We, shall bo In need o( an nsslstunt bookkeeper by tho beginning ot next week, and would be glud to have you udvlso us promptly If you liavo u young man you can thoroughly recommend for tho position. One of our offlco men expects to leave our employ noxt wock, find wo shall advance another to fill his position and advance Herman Schmaltz to the next higher position, which will necessitate lining his position, Wo pay the assistant bookkeeper 110.00 per week, but do not wish anyone for thut position who would not have tho light niiulillciitions for adyuaiiknieot when a vacancy occurs. Please udvlsu priSlH,IUjki ir "X0"'? , sincerely, CHAB. C. KROUSK. -!.?. e;iTlh? JIrnwn,8chmalt8 mentioned had been sont by the college but a short tlmo beforo thltf, - v Day and evening sessions reopen Tuesday, September 2nd. A Whole Year's Instruction Id Mnsic for Ten Dollars, Special Classes. Mr. Alfred Wooler will open classes at his studio for those who desire to PREPARE for piano study. These classes for children "who intend later to study the plnno, or any other musical instrument, The instruction will so equip the pupil with a knowledgo of the principles of MUSIC, that rapid advancement will be the result when PIANO study is Undertaken. TUITION $10 per year, payable $5 on registering and $5 Jan uary 1st, 1003. Forty lessons, one per week, constitutes a full year's course. Tho first class begins Monday, Sept. 8th, 1002. LESSON HOUR 4 p. m. to G p. m. SIGHT SINGING CLASS FOB ADULTS Begins Monday even ing, Sept. 15. Tuition $10 per year. Philadelphia, Kcb. 10th, 1S0S, My Dear Mr. Wooler. I will bo pleased to testify to your musical attainments lit nny time. T feel sura that you nio In every respect thoroughly quiilllled to fill tiny responsible position where musical knowledgo Is required Sincerely yours, It. A. OLAWvK, Mui D., ' Prof, of Music University ot Ponna. Studio opens Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, when pupils may register. STUDIO 217 Carter Building, (Second Floor), 604 Linden Street, Scranton Pa. Address during August Alfred Wooler, care Wlnola House,Lako Winola, Pa. THAT LINDEN STREET SEWER. Why It Is Flooded When There Are Heavy Rains. After a several days' absence from the city, Director of Public Works John 10, Roche wns yesterday back at his office In the city building, attending to n mnss of routine business, which had accumulated, while he was away. In discussing the Hooded condition of some of the ultv streets on last Tues day, Mr. Itoche declared that these conditions did not at all substantiate the theory advanced at the time that there wns 11 paucity of sewer basins, notably on Linden street. lie does claim, however, thnt what Is really needed Is the additional sewer system on that street, which wns pro vided for In the city bond ordinance. An appropriation of $30,000 wns made, but owing to the refusal ot Huyes & Sons to take tho bonds, the prospect of a new sewer Is postponed. Said Mr. Itoche: "None of the basins were blocked Thursday, and the sewer was doing Its full duty, but was unable to cope with that rainfall, which wns the heaviest of the season. "The sewer Is only supposed to carry off one Inch ot downpour in twenty four hours, and on tills occasion we had elghty-flvo one-hundredths of an Inch In thirteen minutes. In view of these conditions, no nddltlonnl number of basins would have at all affected the situation. The sewer could mot enrry away more wnter than It did, and the cxccrs ot courso had to find some overflow, "Additional basins are, however, a necessity, under ordinary conditions, for keeping tho streets' In proper shape. I certainly cannot see In tiny event, why this department Is to bo censured for a luck ot tho proper number of basins, The appropriation given us docs not make any allownnco for the building ot basins which properly conies under the head ot Improvements. The only Item wo are given consists of an allowance for repairs and clean ing. Thut this appropriation Is pretty well exhausted, without any further drain upon It is shown by the fact thnt we have an unexpended balance of only $1.81 from last year. "Councils must take all action tor the creating of now bnslns. We need live new ones in the Fourteenth ward, at present, and ordinances had to bo In troduced In councils before we could secure them." WantedA first class man, with proper recommendations; can obtain profitable employment as district agent for 11 largo Insurance company wish ing to Increase Us business; nn ex perienced person preferred. Address, INSURANCE, Box 549, Scranton, Pa. Reduced Rates to' the West. Commencing September 1st, and dally thereafter, until October 31st, 1002, the Wisconsin Central railroad will sell Settlers' tickets from Chicago to points In Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washing ton and British Columbia, at greatly reduced rates. For detailed Information Inquire of nearest ticket agent, or ad dress W. II. Allen, D. P.. A., GUI Park building, Pittsburg, Pa or James C. Pond, general passenger agent, Mil waukee, Wis. 30-THIRTY STAMPS--30 WITH A DOLLAR PURCHASE. On Saturday and Monday, August 23, 25, we will hold a I Great Miners' Strike Sale of Best Dry Goods ! On account of the great miners' strike we have a large stock of Summer Goods which we offer at the jL greatest cut prices ever given in this city. j Cut out the coupon attached to the bottom of this advertisement purchase one dollar's, worth of goods A and you will receive 30 stamps. t Linings 12'ic Fast Black Percaltnc 9c 15c Fast Black Percallno 12Viu 15c Biisht Shades Pcrcallnu Sc 4flc Black Moreno Skirting, nil wool 2."c 33c Mercerized Linings, bright shades l'Jc Silks r,Sc Foulard Silks ,.... 33c 73( Foulard Silks Cheney Bros' 49c $1.00 Foulard Silks Cheney Bros.' G'Jc 73c Taffetas, fancy stripes and figures, suitable for Waists anil linings 39c 30c Cord Wash Silks, beautiful shades 33c Black Taffeta Silk, yard wide, guaranteed J1.00 Black Taffeta Silk, waterproof S1.23 Black Satin Duchess Cheney Bros.' 69c Colored Taffetas In all shades 48c Dress Goods 73c Homespun Cheviots, all wool, 54 inch G9c $1.00 New Basket Cheviots, black and navy 75c ?1.2: New Black Ariuure, basket effects and cords. 75c $1.00 Black Mistrel, 50 inch 79c $2.00 Covert Tweed Suiting $1.50 Skirtings, black and navy, hair-line of white 75c $1.00 Suitings, Coverts, Poplins, AVhlpcords 75c Silk Stiipe Wool Challies, solid colors 29c New Stiipe Walstiugs, a beautiful selection. 50c and 75c Table Linens 33c Cream Table Linen 2Pe 40c Cream Table Linen 33c 03c Cream Damask, pure linen 55c 90c Cream Damask, pure linen 73c $1.2.", Cream Damask, extra heavy ....,$1.00 63c Snow White Damask 53c 69c Snow Whale Damask 59c 89c Snow White Damask 79c $1.2- Snow White Damask $1.00 Andiew Iteed's $2.25 Damask ....$1.75 Silver Bleached German Napkins .'....$1.25 German Dice Pattern Napkins, all linen 7c $2.73 Irish Cream Double Damask Napkins $2,25 Snow White Napkins, special ."$1.29 Snow White Napkins, large size $1.48 $2.23 Snow White Napkins, special $1.73 $3,75 Best Double Damask Napkins $3,00 White Goods 20c India Linen 15c 13o India Linen . 12'4u 15o Lace Stripe AVash Goods , 10c 23c Lace Stripe Pique 15c 33c White P. K. Welt, black stiipe 19c New Mprceii.Pd Stripe White Waistlng 23c and 33c 20o White Skirting Ducks 15c Notions Mennen's Talcum Powder, box ;... 14c Shetland Floss, Lion brand, Sc 13 for $1,00 Midnight Gerumntown Zephyr 6c Saxony Yarns, Lion brand 9c Cushion Tops, oil paintings ISu Mo Klnstle S'ltin and Leather Bolts , 23c 25c Turnover Silk mid Linen lOniby Collars 0o 15c Fancy Neck Hlbbons 10c 15c Black Chuntlllo Luce , 80 $1.75 Parasols $1.00 Sewing .Machine OH, lurgo bottle 8c 15c Lace Fdgo Handkerchiefs 10c Embroidered Handkerchiefs , ,.,,12'c 15c White Pearl Waist Buttons 10c White Pearl Waist Buttons 5c Fast Black Umbiellus , 39c 39u White Silk Gloves , 25c 25d Luce Gloves ,.,, ,..,.,.. 19c ISc Grey and Tun Lisle Gloves .,,..,,.,. 10c Corsets Corsets, formerly sold for $1.00 and $1,50, for COc Flexltone, P. N,, J. B M, H Jackson AValsts, Muslin Underwear Corset Covers , t,,, ,..,...,,,,,,,.,.,., ,,18c to $2.00 Drawers ,,...,,... ,,, ,...,. ,23o to $2.00 Gowns and Skirts ,,.,..,, ...,,. ,..,,,,, ,45e to $9.50 jj Cut Out This Coupon Purchase $1.00 worth of goods and you will receive 30 stamps. , Aueust 33. 3.1 and ac. A.. 1 KOTBMIBBKMa I ' J MEARS & HAOEN. Shirt Waists 75c and $1.00 Gingham and Percale AValsts 59c v $1.50 and $2.30 Mercerized AValsts $1.00 $3.00 to $3.50 AA'hite Lawn AVaists $2.00 $2.00 White Lawn AVaists $1,00 X $1.00 White Lawn Waists 49c Dress Skirts, Etc. Pnlka Dot Duck Skirts 98c $7.30 All-AVool Homespun Twill Skirls $4.95 T Ladies' Full Suits at special prices. V Ladies' AVash Suits at about the cost of material. $1.25 Kimonas, fine Batiste 75c k $1.00 Klmonns, pretty Lawns 75c $1.30 Light Lawn Percale AVrappers $1.00 $1.25 Light Lawn Percale AVrappers 75c A $3.50 AVhite and Black China Silk AVaists $2.50 Y Hosiery and Underwear 4 Ladies' ?5c Swiss Lace A'csts 19c Ladles' 50c Fine Lisle Arests 41c Ladles' 15c Bibbed A'csts 12V2c Ladles' 13c Bibbed A'ests 10c J Ladles' 10c Ribbed A'csts 8c Ladies' Fine Open Striped Hose 15c Ladies' 13c Black Hose 10c jT Ladies' 10c Black Hose 3 for 25c W Misses' 23c Polka Dot Hose 12.c Misses' 25c Mercerised lied Hose 15c a Men's 13c Seamless Hose 3 for 23e r Men's 15c Open Stiipe Black Hobe lie Men's 15c Open Stripe Bed Hose Ho f Men's 15e Open Stripe Blue Hose lie Boy's 75c Heavy Bicycle Hose 19c Wash Goods 12'c Duck, blue and black, white dot or stripe... Slfcc O 12'c Covert and Homespun Skirtings 10c A Bate's Seersucker,' best goods made 10c a 15c New Dress Ginghams 10c V 8c Seersucker Ginghams fi'c 25c Kgyptlnn Shear Ginghams 15c yv 45o Silk Warp Ginghams 23c V 25c Plain Morcmiiicd Ginghams 35c :2jc Lawns, Batistes and Dimities "-' 15c Swiss, Lappets, Batistes and Organdies 10c 2jT Flannellottes, full yard wide ,,... 9c 4r 00c Kmbroldcred Swisses, Silk Ginghams, Printed Muslin de Sole .'... 19c X Domestics 10c Outing Flannels Sc a 7c Outing Flannels 6c V 20c Kxtra Heavy Ticking 15c 15c Best Amosjvoag Ticking 12Kc jb He Best Straw Ticking Do J fie Indigo Blue Prints, gold figures 4o 5c Good Dark Pints 3 Vic 6c Cream Shaker Flannel , 4c IT flu Cream Shaker Flannel 7u 7c Best Apron Glughums, blown check 5c 9c Bleached Canton Flannel 7c ,. 10c Unbleached Canton Flannel Sc V 6c Unbleached Muslin, yard wide 5a So Unbleached Sheeting Oc k 6c Good Bleached Muslin , 5o 9u Best Hill Muslin 7c 42-lnch Lockwood Pillow Casing , llo 45-lucli Lockwood Pillow Casing 12a Y 48. Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing 13o 54-Inch Lockwood Pillow Casing,,,.,..., , He A S-4 Sheeting , 17c X 9-4 Sheeting , 19c NT 10-4 Sheeting 21o V 42-Inch Bleached Lockwood Pillow Casing 12o jfk 45-Inch 'Bleached Lockwood Pillow Casing 13o V f 0-Inch Bleached Lockwood Pillow Casing,,,,,,,.,, 14c 54-Inch Bleached Lockwood Pillow Casing,,,, 15o tv 8-1 Bleached Lockwood Shouting, loo 0-1 Bleached Lockwood Sheeting,.., , ,,, 21n J 10-4 Bleached Lockwood Sheeting,,., ,,,..,. 23o dfr Wears & Hagen 415 and 417 Lackawanna Aye, 0, KUKMKMUKKMc:unuKKnKxnMU9i KH Interest Grows Daily in the New Autumn Goodsthe Waist Cloths Aio much ndmlred and In fact nro already being worn during tho cool hours of the fast shortening davs. Rops Cord Waistings, Persian Embroidered Albatross Cloth, Black and White Stripe Crepes, Fancy Silk and Wool Persians, Persian Stripe Granite Cloths, Plain and Fancy Stripe Challies v.w.., ui.n tlMUIIHU ...1.1 uirvillllllHUIIIjj IIIIJI'IS) UUl UIUIU 3 g vim-ia juu limy 11KU UUllL'l Prices from 15c the Yard Up. The Persian Flannels . Aro worth looking at. They're the proper thing for Dressing Sucqucs, House Gowns, Waists, Etc. Two Weights Iflr OtlH 1 Cr- The Yard Are Shown at UC dHU IjL This Week. See the window display. These flannels with their beautiful color harmonies In stripes and fancy Oriental borders, represent the most beautiful fabric, ut the prices asked, ever shown In this or any other S city. Advance Styles in Dress Goods Are ready for your Inspection, although our full line Is not yet open McCoanell & Co., J? The Satisfactory Store. uiux Lackawanna venue. 5) 5 ml KM0UKSO:50nJ0SKKUKKK500KK Why Should You Worry and Fret MONEY FOR YOU! 1 MONEY FOR YOU! Why Don't You Borrow Honey On Your Household Furniture. Why? Because you can pay ns Just whenever you know you will. have the money to spare. You pay in small easy instalments, either weekly or monthly. You may have the loan for one month or for a whole year. The cheapest way to get out of financial trouble is to get a small loan from us. We will tell you at first exactly what a loan for any, amount for any length of time will cost. We charge only a mod erate rate for the use of the money, and you will be surprised to find how very low our charges are. You pay only'for the actual time you keep the money. This company does not charge compound interest at all, nor are there any extra charges of any kind. No publicity, no questions are asked among your friends or neigh bors. No endorsement of papers here. Everything fair and square. FROM $10 TO $300 LOANED. Tor 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 0 months and 12 months time. To he returned in weekly or monthly instalments as best suits the borrower. Private Rooms for Free Consultation. Remember that there is no compound interest to pay and that you pay us whenever it is most convenient. Scranton Loan Guaranty Co. 207 Wyoming Avenue. Business Hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays: 8 a. m. to io p. m. Squire's Building Near Cor. Spruce. J yjJEESS si 0 flijf liii"U;X nr 1 The frequent changes of temperature during- a trying- season like this, demand the occasional use of a pure stimulent Green Valley Rye Whiskey Saves doctor bills.' A Quart Bottle for $1.25 at Old 'Phone 2162. .ceyBroM 0 g1 Smes Department-& sit .. Lackawanna Ave.Scramton & New Thone 2974, f,y..,...i wpn li,,iii;ILII I iMfy W-T I No. 211 Washington Ave, No, 211 Washington Ave, Griffin Art Shop SU WASHINGTON AVENUE, Prettier in a Frame AND THEN A DAINTY GOLD FRAME IS SO MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN THE OTHER KIND, WHY NOT PURCHASE ONE OF THESE BEAUTIFUL FRAMES NOW ON EXHIBITION, AND PROTECT THE PHOTOS OF YOUR BSST FRIENDS ? THE PRICE-WSLL IT IS SO LOW THAT YOU CAN GET THE GEN UINE FOR THE COST OF THE IMITATION, PRIOES ARE FROM SBC UP, , A Specially rretty une at so uenis. NOTE THE WINDOW DISPLAY, J ii -i 1 1 V Ml r UV- J. ?! ., j.i hif .