;ne T! w ' V'ISfiSS ? .Sr? t v l-W V ' J ! THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1902. V J ; . xv kr . v ffiQ : -News of Cat bondale. v! 1 p -1 X ,' 'DEFEAT GREB&RIDGE I lb ( The Locnla Gain n Victory by On .? Run Fltinnory, Rosier, Tlorney , nnd Loftus Played Brilliantly. t The Cioncenls of this city defeated the 'Greed nidge' Amateurs In a very ilntdrcMlnfir jlutiio on Duffy's field .' ttcrdity ntlcrnoon. The CicRcents played 1 a fiilrly good gnine, hut It was very ' Hloppy tit times. k The Biuiie Htm ted out well, the Crcs T cents puttlnt; the Amateurs out In one, "two, thieo order, aicAntirow himhiuk "iouI the two flist butters. The Ctes ', cento, In their luilf, hutted Kit Is nt will, "hltthiK the bull for four cleun hltrf und ' nmklnir live mm with two men out. .The next run wits innde In the nlxtli v Inning, when Curf led out with a pret l tv 'single, followed by singles fiom VMtiiwgWiin and Tortus, driving In two more inn. At the beginning of the Vnlnth the scoie was 10 to 9 hi the Anin- touW favor. Mtiriuy reuched Hist on 'an otior, nnd Hosier butted u pretty .tcrlllre, udvunelng Muriuy to second, 'nnd Tleincy Unoelted out u thice bag ger In tight field und came home on an oveitlnow to third base. 1 Tleincv mude several nice plns and v'hlt the lutll for two pietty singles und a thieo bagger. Venbcllelder flnnnery also played tin elegant gnitio, nuiklng fM.lnowH to the home pluto. shutting on, two urns. .Monughun played shoit Mop. und except the two hind i-hunees which he look, played good bull. Phl 'geon hud hind luil:, making two euois. The Giern Uldge team pluyed good ,-bnll. They hit MeAndiew pietty hard dm Ins the gunie. Thomas. Spen cer and fc'punow look the honins for the vlsltoix. Hut wc wort, und nt lust the hoodoo Is lifted. Ecry Cuibondnll.in N veiy huppy today. The hoys woiked hind 1for the game, but they hud liuiil hick. The nolo bv Innings: Vei.inUm 0 tOOl I I V, 0-10 Ciirbomkile ." ) 0 0 0 2 l l 2-1I The fio'cents will pluy t)ie stiong Kuiekii team the 24th, nt Duffy's. On Aug. 27 they will journey to hnUe Lo doic. wheie they will play the Sunsets of Aichuuld, und on Sutuiday, Aug. SO, the riuy of the -ilk mill exclusion, will aguln go to the lake, wheie they will meet the South Su anion team for the thhd time. FIRE THREATENS MINE WORKINGS A Raging Fire Is Consuming a Mam moth "Rock Dump" Near tho Pow derly Mine Within a Shoit Dis tance of Air Shaft. Theie is much concern felt among the Delawaie and Hudson officials in tills city over the danger tliieutening their coal piopeily on llie South Side by flic The huge "dump" of lock slate near tho Powdeily mine l binning fleicely nnd today was lepoited to bp within the fuel ol the fan house at that point and necpstai ily close on the till shaft lending to their Hupp wins of coal. The flie h.w been bin niug since befoie the strike was lnaiiguuited and within lie last lew weeks hus caused the neatest anxiety on account of its in lenslty und the company's Inability to seeuie men to light It. The Hie nt the surface coveis space of nbout six feet wide and the depth at some points exceeds fifteen und twenty feet. It is Imped th.it company will hp able to check liie advance of the (lie beloie It leuclips the mine woik iiiK. In the event of the latter con tinienc v the lit o would shut off the iraln heading and mute an Indefinite suspension of nil woiK and gieat ex pense in subduing it. THE TALKED OF WAR AS THEY FOUND IT CcL John McCcmb Was with tho Ex i Union J?iisonei3 Association nnd Delivoied the First Addiess The C:ibondnle Veteians Proud of Their Eloquent Commander. I-ns-t year at t.uKe I.odoie when the iieuu County Veteians Association held their reunion one of the most inteiest llig routines of the d,i was the gathei Iiik of i:.-l'nlon PilsoiiPis nt War. On that occasion Col. McCoiub wns tho 111 ft speaker on the piogiam, und by him was ghen a talk which tin filed the veteians with the (lie which they jolt In their veins when they nffeicd their young lives In defense of our gn eminent when socpssIiui was ram pant. As a fitting pei inntlon ho l ceiled nu nilglual poem which dealt with the lionois of lite and death In confedciute prison pens. Lust Wednesday In Nuy Aug pink, nt Hcinuton, the same nigaiilutlon held tf ipunlnn In (he inoiiiiug, befoio the doings of the Seven County Veteians ,ur?oclnlon began. ThevJP',1 wnv bejd In a lnigo tent RUSlMlHt'COMVLAINT. Proper Food Will Prevent It. naWhen'thei bowels go wrong In adults oriohlldren, Miult till "food but Urape NutsHindu little cieam or milk. Tho mxpeilence of one woninu lll bo read with dnteieat by many mothcr.s who pass anxious days over little ones unci become) nlurmed because the food does 'not pagree with baby nnd ho dally nasravrni hJIib. W. II. Mennens, of Mttlu Fulls, tMlnn., writes, "I wont to tell you the BOod'Grapp-Nuts Food has, done for my babyboy, When ho wns 10 mouths old ho 'was taken with summer complaint .andiltcould'not find any prepaid! food tthttb 'agreed with him. I was giving blnu doctor's medicine nil tho time but he-continued to lose In weight until he only weighed IS pounds, halng weighed "t pounds before ho was tak en BicU. Finally tho doctor told me that unless I could set some real nour ishing -food far hlni he could not live many days and he advised me to get I uruiiemuia -vuuu kiiii;u uiu, una in jlva days ho gained 4 ounces and In five weeks he weighed just SO pounds. , 4f any motner reading this letter Svanta to, write to rno personally I wilt gladly answer and tell her the. full particulars regaidlng baby's, sickness nd, the AOd frupe-qts did for him," nnd was presided oer by Halaey La tin ope. After, the address of welcome, Commander MeComb wna the (list veteran to tnke purl In the day's doings and he was cqunt to the tequlrcments of the uccdnlon, uh the hundreds of llstenois In and about the tent will gladly testify. Not only did Mie lullt about war as It was In the sixties, but ho talked of the urn who fought In It, nnd tho'te who suffeied the pangs of starvation and disease "as the conse quences of getting too nenr the enemy In the ebb and tlow of sanguinary bat tles. Intel psllng talks woie given by Com i ado Xlmineiman, of Aichbald; Com Hide I'leice, of Seranton: Comrade Howmnn, of Wllkes-Buire, nnd Presi dent Lathi ope. Songs weie sung by Comrade -Tjler, of Ulnghuiuton, and Comiado Kvans, of Plttston, A poem was read by Mis. Powell, of Wilkes Haiie. It was a fine product of her pen. Following nn the beautiful verses from the pen of our talented citizen which will be lead with a keen lellsh by those who uppieclnte what wns done by the men 'Who helped to save the union: OUR BATTLEFIELD SOLDIERS. BV COLONKL JOHX M'COMB. The soldleiH or the Union wai, which hud four eais' duiatlon, Weie liaidy when, In 'SIMy-onc, the South sought scpaiatlcn: The l allied to her icscue ot tho Hag that we adinhc. And met the foo on many fields heio men weie tiled by the. Uefoie tiie echo of the shots that bat tel ed Su Intel's loit llevei belated o'er this lund, wo knew but onc,ieoit; For the challenge was defiant, fiom those (ontumiiciuus guns. Which ttpoku with Tieason's vetslon to mil Nation's loyal sons. And the thunder or those camion hud hnidl.x died away, Jicfoiu they foinied In teglments, ull in gei lor the fiay; And the pu'i th liegnn to tieinble Horn tho iMtPinceluu stilfe, When they met to test their piowess by taking human lite. Hullets. shells uml subies, dleuse, and loutsomo piiscm pen, Took lctlms by the thousands, each week fiom loal men Good citluiii fiom lamlltea whete do mestic hIKs wns found Who heal d tho cull ot duty In Ilia war chums' llu filing sound! Thej Inoke away Horn loving fi lends, all conscious of the cost To fiitmo geiiPiutlons, If the causa they loved weie lost; They did It with acknowledge that the loe, hi theli afegi c-slon, Weie bent upon desli action to accom plish lank secession. Hut tho learned as they glow older, and the months i oiled Into jtais. That ibeto was moio than llglithiB lor our gallunt oluutccis; The excitement ot u battle is an Inci dent ot suite, But getting to and fiom the field Is Just as ha id us lite. The dash of aims, the battle's smoke, the luilil Hush the toai! Mu make a mini lot get himself -while thinking of his corps; Hut the stiulii ot tic'ivc and tendon, It he suihcs the tight. Will impair the ital lotces that nothing can put tight. 'J'hli ty-sl jeais of peuceful life which we hae lled to .see Weie not iccpilied to demonstiato tho loss of encig ; Foi those who suixed In action met an- othei- foe as well. In the changes ot the climate that has often tolled a Knell. A million lhes weie tinctuied with in sidious baleful t;ei ms That never hud been heuid of as piepar Ing food foi woims, And the cemeleiles fatten on tho nuns ot oiii host Who hae stinggled fiom tho column and hae Icldcd up the ghost. For this count! 's Institutions they put all they had at stake, And the sncilllce they offered was the giiMtest they could make, Not only sell was given when the pulses bounded stiong. But tilt! fi lends at homo all suffeied for tho banner ot our song. And that banner now lesplendent, with its five and foity stats, Is a smbol of the gumdest peace that ever followed wins; Tho liluity of colois, and the beauty of design, Shed a histie on achievements of tho I'nlou heioine. The women nnd tho childieu In that con flict hud a pail, And their deft and tender labois touched tho nigged soldiers' heat t ; For they rented tho haul homo duties which the luck of men imposed, And In Unit mighty contest u gieat for titude disclosed, Neai fields wheie blood was ebbing fast they ministered to pain, And their gieatest Institution was the Sanltaiy tiain; Tho giandeur of their actions was at tested munv vviijh, And for their HPlf-dcnvlug zeal, old sol dleis speak in luulsc, In tho long nnd bloody struggle, those' men on either side, Who saw each othois' valor hi tho suigo of battles' tide. Conceived u stiong opinion that tho sol- (IIpis nf this land Had the elements of hctocs, with pic- poudctauco of "sand." Their matchless inlicpldlty lovcnled their couruge high; And when tho war was over they could glvo n leason why This people should ho Dimly bound hi ono amalgamation, And Noith and South In unison com poso a huppy tuition. In amity to mingle; In finteinlty to dwell; Depending on each other, distill bailees to quell; And should n foielgn potentate encionch upon our il.iht, Then touch their lojnl elbows In foi ma- tlou for a fight, COUNTER SUITS. Mrs. Tina Bloomer Appeals Against Willard Ciocker Vice Veisa. An interesting case was field befoie Aldeiinun Uelevan, of tho Fifth ward, Thursday afternoon, Tho piosecutor was Mis. Tina Bloomer and Urn de fendant Willard Crocker, both of Simp son, The cluuges weie mullclous mis chief and lurceny. Mrs. Crocker was held In $100 ball on each citnige. Mr. Ciocker was determined to even up on Mrs. Bloomer and nccoidlngly ho caused her appeal ante at Alderman Delovan's office last night, chaiglng her with malicious prosecution. The evidence furnished, however, wns In sufficient to hold Mrs, Illoomcr and Bho wns discharged. QOINO TO HOLY CROSS. Walter Qulnn to Enter That Famous Institution, Walter Qulnn, of Follbrook Btreet, who secured the honor o,f valedictorian of this year's graduation class In the high school will enter the nhove college tit Worcester, Mass., to pursue a full collegiate course. The many friends of this brilliant young man predict for him every success obtainable through diligence and pet severance. Hit by Bobbin. Edward Maze, of Canaan street, had nn accident happen him Wednesday af ternoon which will compel him to bo Idle for a few days. Mr. Mure was nttendlng to his duties In the Bobbin works on Dundafr street, when n bob bin fiew off the spindle, sti Iking him In the head, It made n very ugly wound. NEWS IN BRIEF. The strlKcis have succcded in getting tho workmen at the Itacketbiook wash ery to quit work. Tho washcry Is be ing operated by foi emeu and other bosses. A number of well-known ladles en joyed a drive to Crystal lake Friday. Among those In tin? party were Mr. and Mis. Samuel Vnll, Mrs. Kuthorlno May, Miss Anna Stevens, Mts. Samuel Vnll nnd Mis. Irwin Vnll. Uov. D. It. Roberts, of Providence, will preach In the Welsh Methodist church, South Church street. Sunday nt 10,30 a. m. nud at C o'clock p. in. Rev. Mr. Roberts Is a forcible speaker and will no doubt please all who have tho good foi tune to hear hint. Miss Elsie Roeslger, of South Wyo ming stteet, a graduate of the Scran ton Business college, has leslgned her position with the Northeastern Mutual Life Insurance company, nt Scianton, to accept n hotter one with the Title Outuantee and Ttust company of the samp city. Caibondale horses aio still distin guishing themselves on the lace tracks of New Yoik stnte. Wotd was tc relved hole yesteiday that Henry I'letee's speeder "Almokln" had won flist money In the 2.2!l class at the Schenevus race; also won the green i ace, In which tltete were six staiters. THE PASSING THRONO. Misses Cecelia and Gabrlelle Coleman are the guests of telatlves In Plttston. Miss F.llabeth McDermott, of West Plttston, is the guest of Miss May Bo land, of Washington stieet. Mr. and Mis. Charles Costcllo, of Now York city, ate tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gllgallon, on Brooklyn stieet. Dr. II. C. Wheeler, who recently be came convalescent, after n siege of pneumonia, Is now at Windsor, N. Y., trying to lecuperate. He is affected with u cough, which annoys him veiy much, nnd he Is hopeful that a change of air with telaxatlon from business cares, w ill benefit him. Miss CVIIa Coleman is visiting friends In Plttston. John AVynn, of Dunmore, is visiting Hairy ColPtnon, at his home on Wayne street. Mrs. Sara Vanatsdale, of Hnndley, W. Va., is visiting nt the home of Mr. David hew Is, on Pike sheet. "Larry" Gi.idy. the welt known North Main street haiber, who with Chi is Batetnnn has conducted a barber shop under the Ameilcan house for the past few yeais, left yesterday morning for Schenectady, where he will go Into the business. Mr. Batetnnn put chased his shate In the shop on Main street. Patiolman Fred Huddy, wife and son, Ftank, of this city, are spending a week at New Yoik-clty. Miss Beatilce Glynn Is visiting Bel mont stieet ft lends. ailss Isabella Thompson, of Claik avenue. Is very 111 at her home, with typhoid fever. Mr. nnd Mis. Jesse Dllts, of New Yoik, and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Delevnn, of New Yoik, are spending a few- davs heie. Mrs. Cat lie Pooie, nee Honey, of Prlceburg, foi met ly of this city, spent yesterday at the home of her mother on Belmont stieet. Mis. Chatlotte Hlsted is visiting fi lends at Waymart. Daniel Deegan, of West Viiglnla, is visiting his brother, John Deegan, of Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Francis Dougher, of Plttston, spent Thursday at the home of her patents on Chestnut avenue. The Misses Bildget and Belle Roonpy, 1A.7.p Gllgallon und Lizzie Deegan vis ited Jerinyn ft lends Thursday evening. Samuel Harvey, Martin O'Nell, Titos. Coleman nnd WUllnm Brennnn attend ed a dance In Plttston last evening. Mis. C. D. Smith and family, nnd Miss Lottie Andiew me expected homo this morning fiom Silver Lake, N. Y where they spent the past week. John nnd Dwlght Mills left yester day for Cooperstow n, whore they will spend a few dnj.s, J. P. Collins is spending his vaca tion at Atlantic City. Frank Krantz left yesteiday morning for Ifimlra, N. Y. James Com tney and John Downing left yesteiday mottling on their annu al vacation. They vyill spend a poitlon of It nt Atlantic City. John Morrison left yesterday for To ledo nnd Cleveland, and will visit Mar tin T. O'Malley, who Is spending his vacation in Ohio. Miss Cora Wedeman loft yesteiday for Blnghuiuton, wheie she will spend a few days. Miss Blanche Whitney, nf Honesdnle, Is visiting Miss F.dlth Court! Ight, on Wavne street. Miss Mary O'Neill, of New Yoik city, Is visiting at the homo of her father on Biooklyn stieot. Miss Noiu Gallagher, of Crjstal Luke, Is visiting In town. peckvuZe. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Williams and family have letuined from a visit with friends hi the count! y. Mrs. A, W. Biundage and son, Paul, uio visiting lelatlves at Oiu'uge, N, J, Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of a Doctor, "I am Just up from a hard spell of tho flux" (dysentoiy) suys Mr, T. A, Pinner, u well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. "I used ono small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Dlai rhoea Remedy and was ciucd without having a doctor. I consider It the best cholera medicine In the woild." Theie Is no need of employing a doctor when this lemedy is used, for no doctor can piescrlbo a better medicine for bowel complaint in any form either for chil dren or adults. It never falls and is pleasant to take. Far sale by all druggists, STOP THAT HEAD COLD tit 10 Minutes. Or It will develop Into chronic Cninirh. Dr. ARtiow'n Catarrhal Powder stops cold In the hcful In 10 minutes, ittut iclleven tnost.Hcutn and deep seated Catarrh after one 'application, dues quickly and per manently, -l imvo used Dr. Agnow's Ca lm ihul Powder with best iohiiHs. It Is n great lotncdy and t never ceaso tcrom incndliig It, John II. Dell, rankling, O. Dr. Aznew'4 Heart Cure Isthe belt renedy of (he age for nervei, aenrt and tomch. 1 U Sold by Wm. a. Clatk nnd II. C. Sanderson. Mr. A. Hnrvey and John XX. Williams of Green Ridge, were callers In town Thuisday evening. Mrs. B. T. Evans nnd son, Gordon, of Plymouth, have returned home after spending two weeks with her bi other, Mr. M. M. Hughes, of North Main street. Miss Ruth Hughes hns returned homo after spending a few, weeks at Wllkes Barro and Plymouth. F. A. Beck and wife, Mrs. Georgo Stevens, and daughter, Mrs. F. M.Ben scoter, left yesterday for Asbury Park whore they wil spend several days. Postmaster U. V. Mace, who has been seriously ill for the past week was reported to bo n little better last evening. ' The funeral of Oscar Derringer, who died nt Niagara, ot typhoid fever, was held at the Peckvllle Baptist church, Thuisday afternoon and was unusually largely nttended. Piesbytetinn church Rev. S. H. Moon, D. D pnslor. Sei vices Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. Subject in tho morning, "The Ends Accomplished by the Msteries ot Providence." Even ing. "A Self-Mnde Man." Methodist Episcopal church Rev. F. Gendnll, pastor. Services Sunday ut 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. nt. Sunday school nt 2.30 p. in. J. E. Bone will preuch In the morning nnd Rev. Henry Chapman In the evening. Peckvllle Baptist church Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Services next Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Morning subject, "The Thoughts ot God." Even ing subject, "The Heaven's Do Rule." Miss Emma Carpenter was tendered a pleasant sutpilse nt the homo of her uncle, Mr. F. L. Taylor on Tuesday evening. Those present enjoyed the evening playing games and other amusements. Refreshments were serv ed. Those present were: Miss Coia Sampson, May English, Mable Day, Nora Pickering, Lulla Kennedy, Edith Henry, Myrtje Rltter, Flossie Warfleld, Maggie Jones, Bessie Thompson, Glen neth Williams nnd Mis. Pearl Taylor, Messis. Stanford Reese, Herman Van Wert, Evan Griffiths, William Jones, Edward Lochlln, Joseph English, Stan ley Evans, Claude Claik and Gilbert Taylor. The out of town guests were: MKs Blanche Caipenter, of Craig; Flossie Blake, of Bethany; Harriet Steele, of Steelton; Messrs. M. J. Hef fron, Henry Bleaker, Edvvnrd Muriay, Edward Ford, of Marshwood, Ralph Landmesser, of Wllkes-Barre; Atchle Nichols and Nicholas Klnback, of Atch bald. Repiesentative J. I. Worell from Sheridan Lodge No. 210 Knights of Pythias left Sundny after the conven tion for Harrisburg and Gettysbuig, to spend a few days. 30 STAMPS GIVEN AWAY. See our advertisement on the local page of this paper. Blears & Hagen. JERiiYN AND MAYFIELD. Mrs. Thomas Dotithwaite nnd chll dien, of West Muyfield, are spending the week at Bayonne, N. J. Editor Hauls, of the Press, has re turned home from his trip to Atlantic City and other points. Monday evening the Epworth League meeting at the Methodist Episcopal church will be led by William Khk patrlek. The topic will be "Freedom for Service." Prof, and Mrs. Bairett have returned home fiom their vacation, spent In Susauehanna county. Mr. and Mrs. Bauett, of Mount Car niel, are the guests of their niece, Mis. John Maynard, of South Main street. Miss Sadie Spettlgue, of Honesdnle, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Mary Spettlgue, of Cemetery stieet. Mr. Brodhead, the newly elected principal of the Bkikely schools, is the guest of his brother, Rev. I. p. Brod head, of Second stieet. During the fall and winter months, shoit services on Frldny evenings, commencing at 7.30 o'clock, will be held In St. James' church, and lectures will be given by the .rector, more especially for the benefit of the candidates for confirmation. The- fiist service was held last evening, Philip Baker continues to slowly im prove fiom his seveie Illness, 30 STAMPS GIVEN AWAY. Seo our advertisement on tho local page of this paper, Meats & Hagen. ARCHBALD. Miss B. L. Kelly, of Scianton, is visit ing In town. Miss Matgaret Cosgrove was a caller in Maylleld jesterday. Mrs. R. B. Nlcol called on friends in Carbondnle yesteiday. A slight (lie occun-cd at the Ontario and Western vvashery jesteiday morn ing. Excitement prevailed for a time. Hose company No. 1 responded and the blaze was quickly extinguished. Miss Boss Callaway has returned home, after an extended visit at Scian ton. Mrs, Bertram Muo Donald, of Green Ridge, Is visiting In town. Mis. II. C. Lindeimnn, of Main street, is visiting in Chatham, N, J, Miss Elizabeth Butteuberg, of Jer inyn, was a laller In town yesterday. N 30 STAMPS GIVEN AWAY. See our advertisement on the local page ot this paper. Meats & Hagen, D ALTON. A Inisliu'RS meeting of the Lnrtlea Alii society ot tho EuntlHt chinch na hehl In the L'liuicli on Wednesday, Tho following olllceis uctn elected for the ensuing year; President, Jlrs. S, n. Finn: Mist vice jnesldent, Mis. P. M, Colvln; second vko inesUlcnt, Mis, Joseph Noithup; seeiettuy, Mis. Nlles Bmith; tieuKuier, Mis. Ira Kresgo; collector, Mis. W, A. Dean and Mis. Prank Crooks, Dr, J, C, Nlles and daughter, Carrie, who have been visiting In Tunkhun nock, have returned to the home of Mrs. a. i:, Finn, Services will be held In the churches of this nluie, at tho usual houis, morn. Ing and evening, on Sunday, In the moinlng, Rev, A. J. Van Cleft, pas tor of the Baptist chuich will pi each on "Companionship with Christ," and In tho evening tils subject will be "Chuich Attendance." At tho Baptist church, tho pastor will preach in the j Connolly & Wallace Scrantois Shopping; Center Quality is a question of manu facture, price a question of mer chandising. A right combination of the two makes the successful store. J Shirt Waists, 25c Ts A few, not over five dozen, regular $1.00 Waists are to be closed out today and Saturday inornjng at 25c. They are mostly white, although there are a few colors araoug the lot. quiring about anyway. I Pearl Buttons Buttons are not talked about often in our ads, but this is not an ordinary A button sale. ' 2,000 cards of fine white Pearl Buttons at 10c a card, two dozen but- tons on a card, in the regular small and medium sizes, suitable for underwear a waists, dresses, etc, The New Flannelettes The new flannelettes are here and in greater variety than we have ever had them before. 1 2Jc for Eclipse Flannels A soft, fine cotton ings; almost like a French X Outing Flannels c and Sc a yard, equal to the grades sold in otlier stores at 8c and 10c. Our 5c outings have become one of the standards of the store. For Wrappers, Night Gowns, Pajamas, Children's Dresses and a thousand and one other purposes. We can hardly get them from the mill fast enough. I Connolly & Wallace f WWW WW W V WV V WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Life Discover ed by Famous Doctor-Scientist Tlmt CuresEvery Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Are Effected That Seem Like Miracles Per formed The Secret or Long Life of Olden Times Revived. The Remedy Is Tree to All Send Name and Address. Who Alter jcars ot patient etudy, and riclwni; into tho dusty rctmd ot the past, as well ns (ullow ing lnodcin experiments in the realms of medi cal science, Ilr. Junes V. Kldd, 1075 Ilaltcs huilditip;, Tort Wajne, Ind., iiiJkis the startling untiouiicemcnt that he luu suiely dis nn. javi:s wii.uasi kiwi. corned the clltir "t I"L'. 'Hut ho U ulric with the a hi ol a nijsti'ilouj lumptHiml, Juiimn unly to hiuiii'll, produced us u rciilt ol tho fjts he lui simt In Siurililri,: foi tills puuous lite khIuk boon, to cms uny ami iury UUaso that is known tc the human body, 'ihuo Is no duubt of tho Unttur't earnestness in making bis tlalm and the itiiinrkalilo tures that lm Is dally iIIcUHiK bum. iu ui-.ii nun nit uy eiioiiki). Hi. tluory which hu adiunces Is one or nason uml based on suuwl ciiivriMito In a tiudkal piac. ike ut nun muis. It icats nothing to try lili remarkable "i:iilr ol Mfe," as ho nils it, fur lie KiiiiU it trie to undone ulio is u suffirer, in Butiaimt ini.iiitlth, to com line ot Hi, ability to line, ro thuo U ubtoluuly no liik to run borne ol the i una ilted ure wry rem irkable, and but toi nlijblu wltiui') would baldly be crullt td. 'ihe laino liute thrown away iruuhi. and walked about ulhr two or tluee trials ol tho liiiudy, the ikk, Kiun up by bona doetors, lue lucii u.torid to their lainilies und triiinlj In pirtitt Iu Jltli. lthi'uiuati.in, iieuiaUia, btom ath, heart, liter, kidney, blood and .kin dUea.e. und bladder troubles iuapieai us by mai;lc. lliMdailick, tiaikaihia, mituibiitii, leMrs, con kuiiiiitkni, inuh'hs, i olds, utliiua, rataiih, broil chilli and all ulliitloiis o tho throat, luiifa 01 uny ital oiwaus are easily miiioine In u .pact of time that i, simply ntartlous. I'aitia) iara).li, lm;oiiiotar atusla, dronv, gum, tciofula and piUs au ijuklily und piriin nenlly umocd. It purifies the uitlu- system, blood and (Issues, rt stuns iiuiinul nirvu power, elreulation und a Mate of pirleet health Is pio dined ut once. To th doctor nil sy.teiiu alt (like und equally ulhctfd b this Kiiat "I.IUli ol MIc," Si nd for tho lemedy today, It It flit to every sullen r, Stats what uu want to be cured of and tho luie remedy toi it will bit sent yuu free by return null. morning on "The Thief on the Cioss," and In the evening his theme will be "Stealing," Sei vices will bo held In the SiX'PrlnclpIe Baptist church, Sunday evening, under the lcuilctalilp of the pastor, Bev. F, J, Caterer. 30 STAMPS CUVEN AWAY. See our advertisement on the local page of this, nanar. Meats & Hagen M ill The Store Closes at Noon Not all sizes, but still we may flannel, printed in the most beautiful designs and color- flannel. ff Secure the benefit of 50 Years Experience by Using Ehret's Slag Roofing Guaranteed 10 Years. Warren 'Eh ret Company 321 WASHINGTON AVE. 44,,i4,4 "l,,H,4' Labor Day - Lake Under the SCRANTON CENTRAL LABOR UNION Trains leave hour from 8.45 a. Fare Adults, 75c ,' children, 45c. Pennsylvania Railroad, In Connection with tho Delaware and Hudson Rallrond, 1 2-Day Sea Shore Excursion Atlantic City, Sea Isle City, Wildwood, Anglesea, Caps May, Ocean City, Holly Beach, Avalon Thursday, August 28, 1902. $5,00-Forthe Round Trip-$5,00 Tlckots good only on train leaving Sornnton at 6.38 a. m. rassoiiKers for Atlantic City may use regular trains fiom Broad Stieet Station, Philadelphia, via the DELAWARE RIVER BRIDGE ROUTE, Alii RAIL LINE. stop-over allowed at Philadelphia In each dlieotlon within limit qf ticket, ' Tluougli coaches Scranton to Philadelphia. J, B, Hutchinson, Gen. Manager. J, K Gen, Tribune Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns We smile at some of the old fashioned shops in Scranton. No doubt some of our methods will raise a smile a decade or two hence. Saturday. , have your size; worth en- i 4. 4. j. . 4. $ f 4, 4, 4, 4. .j. ,j. 4' i"'H 'i EftursioD TO - Ariel auspices of Erie depot every m. ; Wood, Pass. Agt, Geo, W, Boyd Asst. Gin. Pass, Agl, fe 4 .i. , i ,i