The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    WfaUBWifan jxitfwsAfll iMPw,:&. WP
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Judge Wheaton, Before Whom the
Case Was Tried, Decides That the
Evidence in the Case Is Not Suffi
cient to Warrant Him In Contln
ing Preliminary Injunction Wo
man Asks for a Divorce from a Man
to Whom She Says She is Wife
No. 2 An Ejectment Suit.
An opinion was filed yestoidny by
Judge F. W. Wheaton, ot Wilkes-Banc,
with Prothonotury John Copeland, In
the equity case of J. W. Guernsey, In
which ho refuses to continue the pre
liminary injunction lestrnlnlng M. W.
Guernsey from using the word "Guern
sey" on pianos. The opinion follows:
The preliminary Injunction enjoins the
defendant from soiling, lcawlng or hand
ling In any manner pianos with tho name
Guernsey stenciled on them.
Uoth plaintiff and defendant have for
many eaii been dealers In plnnos, or
igins nnd musical supplies In the city of
Scranton. They are not related to each
other. , . , .,
The plaintiff has never traded under the
Dingle name of Gucrnev, hut at different
limes as J. W. Gtietnsey, as the Colum
bus Music store, J. W. Guernsey pioprle
tor; Guernsey Hall, J. W. Guernsey, pro
prietor. The defendant has traded under
the name of M. W. Guernsey and Gucrn
bev Brothers. ,
The plaintiff has never been a manufac
tuier of pianos; the defendnnt, as Ouern
nev Brothers was from 18H0 to 1S91 en
gngod in the manufacture of pianos.
About one year ago the defendant be
gun selling, leasing and handling an up
iIrIU piano htcnclled "Guernsey." This
piano was a modification, nnd, It is
elalmcd, nn Improvement on the piano
former! v mnnufaetuied by the defendant.
It Is manufnetiucd in New York by a
third partv, accoullng to plans nnd de
hIriis, elalmed to be to omo extent orlgl
ii. il, dclsed bv William Guernsey, a
Jn other ot the defendnnt, who testified
that the name "Guernsey," stenciled
theieon, I his (William's) own name nnd
ti ado-mark, put there by Ids authoilty to
indicate the designer and Inventor ot this
particular Kind of piano. William Guern
sey Is not a piitv to the bill.
On the in-.lde of this pl.iho, In raised
letters, are the wonls "Guernsey Broth
ers," or "Guernsey Bros."
Tho plaintiff neer sold. leased or han
dled a piano. orgun or other musical In
strument upon which the name Guernsey
nlono was placid cither by stencil or
otherwise. '
12on If I wcto to reject the testimony
or William Guernsey, and It Is not con
tiadictory, nnd ecn If the plaintiff had
used the name Gueinsev. either by sten
cil or otheiwlbe as a distlnctle mnik for
n piano sold etc . bv him, the use of tho
word Gueinsev bv the defendant without
nunc would not warrant the contlnunnte
of the preliminary injunction.
The mere name or a. pcton or of a
place cannot, as,n lido, be nppio
pilited as a trade-mark; at least not In
the sense of pi eventing another pcr-on
lining the same name or residing in tho
Mime plate, from using It. So in a. con
test between poisons of the same name,
"DailliiRtnu" the Supienie eouit bas:
"Had thev." the plaintiffs, "used meielv
Mie name "Darlington," anv other per
pnn of that name could h.ue stamped
his hutlcr as Darlington's butter."
(Pratt's Appeal, 117 Pa., p. 111). (Sec also
C.irmlclincl s. Latllnior, II It. T.. SO";
Turtnn s. Turton, 1. R.. 42lIi. Div. 12S).
The plaintiff does not dispute this as a
peneial proposition of law. but alleges
that the defendant Is within the excep
tion to the mle which will not peimit a
man to use een his own name in a
fiaudulent manner to the damage of an
other of the s,nme name.
Cases defining the exception nio as mi
meious nnd ns clear, as c.t-os defining the
rule. "They lest upon a fradulcnt use of
a name."
I fall to find nnywhcie In the evidence
any misrepresentation bv tho defendant
In this caso in the selling, leasing or
handling of a single one of tho pianos
stenciled Gueinsev. and theicfoio noth
ing fraudulent, unless the mere use of
the name, perhaps with a malicious mo
tive, amounts to a fi.iud. It does not ap
pear that at any time or to nnjbody the
defendant has leprescntcil that the plain
tiff had anything to do with the "Guern
sey" piano, or was In any way responsi
ble for It, If It tinned out badly or en
titled to any ciedlt, If It turned out well.
Instead of this, the plaintiff's proof, if
believed, would tend to establish a malic
ious motive on tho part of the defendant,
nnd for that purpose tho door was opened
cry wide. If, however, the defendant
lias a right to use his own name, then Its
mero use by him Is n lawful act, and
does not become actionable, although It
may proceed from a malicious motive,
rurchaseis may bo mistaken, but unless
they nro dcceled by talso representa
tions, equity will not enjoin against tell
ing trio tiuth. (Glendor Grow Co. vs. Uli
ler, 75 Pn p. 471).
As I have already said. I find no evi
dence of false icpresentntlons by the de
fendant connected with tho salo or leas
ing of tho Guernsey piano. By amend
ment plaintiff added parties defendant,
..L.J!iW-Ll-L.l...uMT.fitf.timgJa,lUJ:AJ.lS ....' )i"...'iift
For Friday only, we offer a
(like cut), size 36 inches wide and
hooks and a rrench plate diamond
not less than 1.50, Friday's special price,
59c. ,
322 Lackawanna Avenue,
Xhe Store That
and by additional prayer asks court to en
Join the defendant from Impersonating
tho plaintiff, and from representing and
holding himself out ns J. W. Guernsey,
or Guernsey, and from making further
sales of pianos, organs and muslcat In
struments under tho name, stylo and title
of Guernsey, Kvldenco of Impersonation
Is confined to a single Instance which
happened more than throe years ago, In
connection with tho teasing of an organ,
If thcro had been sufficient evidence of
hnhltual and threatened fraud upon the
plaintiff by way of Impersonation, or It
had been shown that defendant frequent
ly represented himself as J, W Guern
sey for the purpose of defrauding plain
tiff In the salo of pianos, organ and
musical Instruments, nnd threatened to
continue such fraudulent practices, f
should feel disposed to enjoin him from
so doing, If upon Investigation t should
find that .equity had Jurisdiction of tho
case. Under tho evidence, however, I do
not find enough to warrant mo In enlarg
ing the Injunction applied for, or In con
tinuing the Injunction heretofore grunted,
even in modified form.
Tho motion to continue tho piellmlnnrv
Injunction In this coie is refused, and tho
injunction heretofore granted Is dissolved.
Applications for Divorces.
Emory P. Andrews, a fugitive from
justice, was yesterduy made the re
spondent In a divorce proceedings be
gun against him by Mrs. Myrtella An
drews, formerly Miss Kromer, who
claims to bo wife No. 2. They were
married In this city Jan. 1C, 1899, by
Rev. J. B. Sweet, and some time later
Mrs. Andrews learned that Match 15,
1S93, her husband hud married a Miss
Mary Welch.of Wltllumsport, at Horse
heads, N. Y., who Is still nllvo and from
whom her husband has not been di
vorced. After discovering the perfidy of her
husband, Mrs. Andrews had him ar
rested on charges of bigamy, adultery
and perjury, and after a hearing before
Alderman Kasson he was committed to
jail In default of ball. He escaped
from the constable, who was lnti usted
with him and has not since been seen.
Allen Smith alleges that his wife,
Sarah Smith, deserted him and he filed
an application yesterday for a divorce
from her. They were married Oct. 22,
1887, and on Sept. 1, 1898, Smith alleges
that his wife left him to return no
Dispute Over Ownership of Land.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company claims It Is the own
er of the ground on West Lackawanna
avenue, which Is ocupled by part of
the meut house of Ira Bennett & Co.,
and yesterday began an action against
Ira Bennett and George Hotchkiss to
lecover possession of the land.
The company alleges that In 1793 a
laige amount of land, of which the
piece in dispute was a part, was con
veyed to Providence township for
school pui poses. This land was subse
quently leased to Joseph Fellows for
999 years, und the plaintiff subsequent
ly leased from Fellows the land In
question. Wlllaid, Warren & Knapp
represent the company.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
Anthony Bordogn.i Scianton
Giuscppma Tedcsco Foicst City
John Silgan Scianton
Muiy Rlndas Talor
Chailes Cwilct Suahlon
Josephine S. Floie Scianton
The following is the make-up of tho
Delaware, Laikawunna and Western
board for today;
Summits West 8 a. m, Catilgg.
Pushers 7 a. m., C. Baitholomow; 8 a.
m , Housor; 11 13 a. m , Coslai ; 7 30 p in ,
Mm phy; 9pm, AV. II. Bai tholomcw.
Helpeis 1 JO a. m. Case; 7 a. m,
Lamping; 10 a. m., Lattimci; 313 p. m,
Golden and Ciew will nm 11 30 p. m. cx
tl.i cast. Thuisdiiy, Aug. 21.
Baxter and crew will nm No. 50, Fil
day, Aug. '-'.'. and ciew will run No. 02, Fil
day, Aug. 2J
Staples and crew will lun No. 54, Fri
day. Aug. 22.
Lconaid and ciew will run No. 51, Fil
day. Aug. 22.
Allen and new will run No. 57, Filday,
Aug. 22.
This and That.
Fted F. Scott has been appointed
f i eight and ticket agent for the Lacka
wanna ralhoad at Northumberland,
vice R. S. Scott, retlied.
F. H. Samson has been appointed
agent for the Lackawanna Railroad
company at Duryea, vile M. J. Kelly,
Those Who Are Participating in the
Tho meeting Wednesday opened fa
vorably with a missionary meeting, In
charge of tho Women's Foteign Mls-
mahogany-finished Hall Rack
12 inches high, wilh eight brass
shaped mirror. The value is
Saves You Money,"
Third Week of the
August Trade Sale.
Enrique Oak ftoekers.
A special purchase of 100 of these cane seated sewing chairs at a ridiculously low
figure permits us td make this remarkable offer on Friday. Choice of oak or mahog
any finish.
g;M mm m
slonnry society, Mrs. A. F. Chaffee pre
siding. Rev. Mr. Hughes, for several
years In active missionary work In
South Africa, gave a very helpful ad
dress. The evening service was very help
ful. The sermon by Brother Chaffee
was timely und an excellent leader. "VVe
were cheeied by the arrival of JProf.
Ruck, an Inspiring leader In song, and
Rev. John Norberry, of Grosvonor
Dale, Conn., an evangelist of great
power. The giounds will not be open
to the public on Sunday. On all other
days they are Invited.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Aug. 21. Active speculative
liquidation became manifest la today's
stock muikct and at the close the selling
movement was mgent and somewhat
precipitated. Dm lug the earlier pait of
the day some htatul was made against
the tendeniy to depression, and a lew
stoiks weie pushed up at dlfteient times
as 11 sustaining inlluence upon the mar
ket, but the sellng to leullze elsewhere
la the mm Ice t was steadily going on all
the time. At the last, the liquldatloa
heemrd to have procieded to such an ex
tent, that the effoits to suppoit the mar
ket weie withdrawn and all semnlance
of leslstnnce to the weakness dlsap
peaied. The stocks which weie notably
btiong jcsteiday and foi home time pie
lously staitcd out at declines this morn
ing nnd showed the laigest effect of tho
selling piessuie at the last. Some smull
gains weie letdlncd oven at the last In a
few of tho stocks which had lison earllci,
but la othcis the gains weie moie than
wiped out. The upwnid movement In the
Denvei nnd Rio Gi.mde stocks which de
veloped dining the day after a pmlod of
quiet, was the most conspicuous, but
Denver and Rio Grande closed with a
.substantial net loss. Louisville and
Nashville was notably weak and fell
back at one time thice points The ad
vance in Western Union was said to be
due to piessuie upon the shoits, the
demand for the stock In tho loan ciowd
being such as to Lommand n. piemlum
With the exception of Texas and Pacillc
and Ontatio and Western, the other dem
onstrations of stiength weie In minor
lain oad and industilal stoiks. The acute
weakness of Coloiado Fuel which car
lied it down In the late dealings S points,
was also an unsettling Influence upon the
whole maikct. The f.illuie of the specu
lative opciator who has led the advance
In tho Htoik to obtain contiol of the
pinpoitv lias lesulted In heavy speculative
liquidation Tbeic wns a notable absence
of demand at the close oven fiom the
piofesslonal Intel est. which must have
been active on the downwind course of
pi ices dining the day and tho closing
tone wns distinctly weak. Thoie was no
nctual new development to account for
the .sudden disposition to .sell stocks Tnit
thcio was a vciy matcilal change In sen
timent, which iiuscd an alteicd view of
the same conditions ns existed yesterday.
Tho sentimental chaiacter of yesterday's
llse, and that which had pieceded it for
seveial dajs. left a great piobabillty of
a miction. Kxtiavagant as wcio the ex
pectations ns to tho piomfUltude and ex
tent of tho mensuio which Mr. Morgan
would take to Improve tho situation, there
was some disappointment this moinlng
over tho delaj. Tho hopo seemed to ho
that Mr. Moigan's huiiled visit to his
office Immediately upon landing fiom the
steamer would icsult In tho settlement off
hand of all tho vuilous piohlcms which
have accumulated dining his absence of
sevei al months. Total sales, 8& r30 shares.
Bonds weie (inltd actlvo and became
casv In sympathy with stocks. Total
sales, par value, $J,5S.i,(KX. United States
new Is and old Is advanced J4 per lent,
on tho last ialK
Tho following quotations aro furnished
Tho Tribuno by Ilalght & Kieeso Co., 311
315 Meais Building. W. D. Runjon, man
ager. Open.HIgh.Low.Close.
Amal. Copper Ij'Ai dti'i t'"'i (&
Am. C. & V 3l4 3 3l, 34Vi
Ameilcan Ico 13 11 1- 12k
Am. lie, Pr 44 44 4! 4!
Am. Locomotive ... .1Jai 3.1 S2V S'3's
Am. S. & R. Co 4bVj 4dVi 4Vi 4GJ
American Sugar ....1J2?, 132 131V4 132
Anaconda Copper ...103Vi 10.1U 101 103
Atchison !)-') 03 0-' 92'i,
Atchison. Pr 10JJ& 10jya loili loi't
Bait. & Ohio 110 110 101 't 101
Biook. R. T fi7t& hVf bb?t CGH
Canadian Pacillc ....1J9' 1405 13si,i USft
dies. & Ohio 5PJ, Dl 51H 53'J,
Chicago & Alton .... I li 41K- 43J 4!va
Chic. & G. W 31 34 34 34V'a
C, M. & St. P 18'a lMH 1S471 184
C, R. I. & P IS) lb.! lRJ?i 1S3
Col. Fuel & Iron.... 82ij 8Ji. 7o 7l!
Col. & South 34 3P,5 33 3.1
Co & South., 2d Pr. f.2?i M M B2
Del. & Hud 17916 179H 179 179
Den. & R. G 9JVi SM 9", O'.Vl
Dotiolt South 23 23 22', 22'j
Rrlo 40 40Vi 39?A 39i
Rrle, 1st Pr 1.916 iiMs i9 U)
Rile, 2d Pr r,l El r.ivi r.tvi
Hocking Valley ....101 101 100 100
Illinois Ccntinl ICT',4 It". 107 lus
Kan. City &. South.. 37 37,6 37 37
Louis. & Nash LIS 13S 114H 1"4H
Manhattan lfi 13V 4 134y 131-1
Met. St. Ry 147V6 147 147V6 147V6
Mexican Ceutial .... 29 29 29 29
Mo., K. & T 32 321 32U 32'4
Mo., K, & T Pr .... 11 H4 Cm l fittf
Mo. Pacillc 11711 117 lie. lira
N. V. Ccntinl Id 114 101 1U1 1KH4
Norfolk & West .... 70 70 1,9 C9
Ont. & West 33 Jil 31 31
Pacific Mall 41 44'. 42 43
Ponna. R. R UiO'l H.0 1,9 159H
People's Ons 104 101 101 101
Pressed Steel Car.,,, m H M TO1,
Reading 08 fis 07 07
Reading. 1st Pr R1i Rh14 80 ri,
Reading, 2d Pr 74 71 73 73
Republic Steel 20 20 19 19
Republic Steel. Pr ., 77 7711 77U 77'A
St. L. & San F 80 R0 Mil K0U
St. Louis, So. W .... 3S 3S 38 3S
Southern Puciflc ,,. "ill 74 7! Tift
Southed! R. R 41 41W. 40
Southern R. R.. Pr., 9S 9S 07 DS
Twin. Coal & lion,, 1.9 09 i,s as
Texas & Pacillc KJ fil r2 r24.
Union P.iclilo ,, loin 10914 ias ios
Union Pnclllo 93 9! 92 02
II. S. Leather ru4 l". 13 jj"
U. S. Leather, Pi'.,. 87 87 S 80
II. S. Steel ....,, 41 41V, 40 41
II. S. Steel, Pr 90 90 R9 R9
Wabash :tl 3.14 33 33
Wali.ish, Pr ., 4811 49 47 47
Weatoin Union , 91 9Vt 91 04
Wheel. & L. n 21 31 21 2f!
Wis. Centinl 30 '50 2914 59
Total sales. 8G1.200 shares,
Money, 3 per cent.
n WHEAT, Open. High. Low. Close.
September 70 72 70 71
December ,.,' 07 OS 07 07
September ,,,.... BRli f,73i D3U 57
December ,,.,.,,, 4l 43 4Mt 43
September , 33 31 33 34
December , 30 31 30 30
Sontember ,.(,.. 1032 1090 1833 16S5
September ,10 62 1097 1002 1097
Soptember ,,..,.. 10 03 10 20 10 03 1012
Open. High. Low. Close.
August ,., 8 SI 8 5.1 it 46 S 45
September .,,,..., 8 M 8 07 8 0.1 8 03
October ,,...1 7 91 7 91 7.S9 7S9
December ,,,.,.,, A 7.87 7 87 7.81 7-S1
But One to Each Customer.
Credit you?
Certainly !
Wyoming Avenue.
Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchnnge
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Far of 100. v
STOCKS. Did Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co, Pr.... CO
County Sav. Bank & Ti list Co 3u0
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalc). ... 500
Third Untional Bank 550
Dime Dcp. & DIs. Bank 300
Economy L , II. & V. Co 45
First National Bank 1300
Lack. Tiust & Safe Dep. Co . 195
Clark & Snover Co , Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank 500
Traders' National Bank 223
Scianton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 135 ...
Scranton Packing Co 35
Scranton Passenger Railway,
flrst mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Street Railway, flist
mortgage, due 1918 115 ...
People's Stieet Railway. Gen-
oial mortgage, due 1921 115
Scranton Tine. Co , 0 per cent. Ill
Economy L., II. & P. Co 97
N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Conected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Floui-$4 40.
Butter Flesh cieameiy, 23c; fresh
dairy, 22c.
Cheese llallc
Eggs Neaibv, 22c; western, 21c
Mai low Beans Per bushel. J2.35a2.40.
Gicen Peas Per bushel, $2.23
Onions Per buhel, 90c.
New Potatoes 50c per bushel.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Aug. 21.-Flour Firmly held
again and moie active. Wheat Spot
lhm: No. 2 led, 7(,c. elevator; No. 2 red,
77a77)4c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 1101 them
Duluth, 83c. f. o. b. afloat. After open
ing easy, wheat tinned stiong and ad
vanced sharply. The close was lhm at
tvKc. net advance. May closed 74c;
September, 75c; December, 73c. Coin
Spot flimer; No. 2. blVic. elevator and
M9ic. f. o. b. afloat; option m.uket de
veloped a good deal of strength with a
violent advance In Sepetmber on man
ipulation, poor ciop tetuins and higher
cables. September closed 2c. net high
era nd otheis alc. highei. Mav closed
41?4c; September, (!3c.; December, 47c.
Oats Receipts, 102,000; spot luegular;
new No. 2 ,11c; No. 2 white new, 5.Jc;
nominal; track mixed western, new, 33a
S8c; tiack white western, new to old, 42
n(,4c; tiack white state, new to old, 12
aiVIc; option m.uket was falily active,
higher and firmer, with com, tho light ic
oj!ipts nnd the poor quality. May closed
3Cc; December. 3oa'!fiHc., closed 3(.c.
Butter Unsettled: cieamery, 11al9c;
do. factoiy. 13al.1c; lenovated, 1.1a
17c; Imitation iieamcry, 11al7c; state
dnliv, 13al8c. Cheese Largo weak;
small firm; new state full cieam. small
colored fancy, 10c; small while, 10c;
laigo coloied, 9a9)4c ; laige white, 9-i
g'Uc. Eggs Steady; state and Pennsvl
vnnia, 20a20c; western candled, 17a
19c; western uncandled, 13al7c.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Wheat-Firm;
contiact giadc August. 713lu7lc. Corn
Quiet, steady; No. 2 jcllovv on tiack. bCa
67c. Oats Dull and weak; new No. 2
white clipped, 41c Flour Finn nnd
spring wheat, SalOc per ban el higher.
Butter c. lowei; extra western cieam
eiy. 19c; do. nearby pilnts, 21c. Eggs
Steady, fiesh nearby, 21c; loss off do,
western, 21c; do. do. do. southwestern,
19c; do do. do. southern, 10al7c Cheese
Firm: New Yoik full cicams prime small,
10V4al0c: do .do. do. fair to good, 9al0c.
Refined Sugais Steady, quiet. Cotton
Unchanged. Tallow Quiet; city piimo In
In tieices, (iViaGa8C.; country do do., bar
rels, dabc; do. daik, do , E,a.1c; cakes,
fiabc Live Poulti y Quiet but steady;
fowls,,; 13al3c; old loostcis, 9a9c.
spilng chickens, llaltc: spilng ducks, lla
12c ; old do , lOallc. Diessed Poultry
Quiet an da shade easlei : fowls, choice
western, 14c; do. southern nnd south
western, 13c; do. fair to good, 12al3c:
old old loosteis, 9c; biolleis nciaby
laige, 10al7c; small and medium do ,
14al5c; westrm do., laige, 14al5c: do.
small and medium, 12al.!c Receipts
Flour, 2,400 ban els nnd 2,121,000 pounds In
sacks; wheat, 37.000 bushels; corn, 2,400
bushels; oats, 49,000 bushels. Shipments
Wheat. 23,000 bushels; com, 4,000 bush
els; oats, 19,000 bushels,
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Aug. 21. Today was a wild one
In gialns. The letuin of manipulation,
which began to make Itself felt a week
ago, made all the pits a storm center.
Coin shoits suffeicd worst, September op
tions In every pit felt tho effect of scarc
ity of contiact guides. Wheat got a
whh 1, shoits in oats saw no hopo ot con
tract stocks and tho big packers put their
shouldeis under piovlsions. As usual,
the fortunate longs unloaded somo of
their holdings for pioflts and thero were
slight icccsslons fiom top prices late in
the day. At tho close, however, overy
thlngs was stiong, September corn closed
4c. higher; September wheat c. up and
September oats lalc. higher; Septem
ber provisions closed 22a70c. higher.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
Quiet and steady; No, 2 spring wheat, 72a
73c; No. 3 ,09c; No. S led. 70Ua72c; No.
2 corn. ; No. 2 vellow, Glc. ; No. 2 oats,
30a32c; No. 2 white. ; No. 3 whlto, 35
a3Sc; No. 2 rye, 51a!ilc; good feeding
bailey, ; fair to cholco malting, 51aU3c;
No. 1 llax seed, $1 39; No. 1 northwestern,
$1.43; prlmo timothy seed, $3; mess pork,
per panel, $lH.71al0 80: laid, per 100
pounds, $10 85.110.87: shoit libs, sides,
$10al010; shouldeis, S?in8c; shoit clear
sides, 10al0c.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago. Aug, 21. Cattle Receipts, 10,
000, including 100 Texans, 5,000 westerns;
dull and lower; good to pilmo slcois, $Sa
8.73: poor to medium, $I.25a7.25; stackers
and feedeis, $2 30a5 25; cows, $150.15 50;
heifers, $2.25aC0; cannors, $l.50a2 50; hulls,
$2 23a5; calves, $2D0.v7; Texas fed steois,
$Ja5; western steois. $4,50a6, Hogs Re
ceipts today, 20,000: tomonow, 18,000: lott
over. 1,000: mostly 10c higher; mixed and
butcheis, $G.10a7.33; good to cholco heavy,
$7a7 35: lough heavy, $ti.40a0 90; light, Ju'fl)
ii7.23: bulk of sales. $0 S0.i7.10. Sheep and
Ijimbs Receipts, 13,000: steady: shade
lower; god to choice wetheis, $3 50al; fair
to cholco mixed, $2 50a3 50; native lambs,
Buffalo live Stock Market.
East Ruffalo, Aug. 21.-Cattle-Rccelpts,
150; easier; veals, stiong, 10a25c. higher;
tops. $7.75a8l2; a few at $8 50; fair to
good, $G.73a7.50; common to light, 6$ 50a
0 50. Hogs Receipts. 1,400 head; active:
mixed. $7.30a7.35; Yoikois. light do,, and
pigs. $7.20a7.30; loughs, $5 50aG; stags. $4.75
ii5 25; grassers. $7n7.15; closing firm. Sheep
and Lambs Receipts, l,(J50 head: sheep,
dull; lambs, Arm; top lambs, $5 75aU,11;
fair to good, $5 50a5 tr: culls to common,
$4 50a5; yeaillngs, $4 25a4CO ;wethers, $4u
4 50: sheep, mixed, $3,75a4; fair to good,
$3 25a3 G3; culls to common, $1.75a3; evvus,
3 23uJ 75. 1
East Liberty Live Stock.
East Liberty, Aug. 21. Cattle Steady:
cholco. $7.7ua8; prime, $7.15a7.70; good, $G 00
a7. Hogs Higher: mlmo heavies, $7,20u
7 23; mediums, $7.2u; heavy and light
Yoikcis. nnd pigs, $7.15a7.20; roughs, $5 50
aG.70. Sheep About steady; best weth
ers, $1 10j4 2u; culls and common, $1.50a2;
cholco lambs, $5.75u6; veal calves, SuS 50.
Oil Market
Oil City, Aug. Sl.-Crodlt balances, 122;
cei tlflcates, no bid; shipments, 5U.769 bai
rols; aveiage, 88,551 barrels; runs, 107,872
bauds; average, 70,900 bariula.
Store Closes at
5 O'clock Today.
Capital, $200,000
Mass $600,000
Pays 396 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8.30.
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
K.S1. Scranton, Pa.
Old 'Phone, 3331.
New 'Phone, 293S.
Booms 1 and 2
enn a Krrrn'M' t&
uwva, .ux. , a.i.
Made at Moosic 2nd ltushdala Worki
Laflin & Band Powder Co.'a
Electric Batteries, Electric Evplodcrs, Ex
ploding Blasts. Safety Fuse.
General Agent for the Wyoming District tor
Dupont's Powder
Ulnlng, Blastln?, Sporllnff, Smokeless and the
Bepauno Chemical Company')
Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Iloom 401 Cob
nell Building .Scranton.
JOHN B SMITH & SON riymoulh
E. W. MULUQAN Wlltca Barre
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps,
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 rem. Avenue.
m m
SALE NO. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock.
id. (far
J & t 4DI ,,.
pVm . UlUhU
l 6. . ' "
gr best
dredges, just for three pennies you can buy either of these Items -for
one horn Frlduy at c
At ty- cents. Sale of Mason Quart Jnrs, each 3c
At 7c Sale of fine China plates nnd Fruit Sattceis, handsomely dec
orated; Lunch Boxes, Market 'or ShoppiiiK Bags, Potato Mashers, Fly
Tiapn, Wire Dish Covers, Hat Brushes, B0 feet ClothPS Line, rjr
Chair Seats. Choose either Item and pay for each Item only '
At 5c Sale of Table Knives. Coeobola handles, ready for fj
use, and Mrs. Potts' handles, each c
At 53c Sale of Sauce Pots and Kettles. Fine blue and white enamel
steel; size 6 quarts, with enamel covers, highest grade; It has a smooth
haul finish; actual value 90 cents. Friday hour buy same pan or r..
kettle for DOC
At $1.50 Sale of Lamps. Choice of twelve handsome sewing or read
ing lamps, complete with shade; value at any other time, $3.50. . en
Friday hour I.OU
Good Groceries Fresh and Fine.f
S.ilo of Sugar at less than actual cost. This Is the best domestic fine
gianulatcd sugar; we shall limit quantity to 20 pounds to a cus- Aln
tomei. Friday hour 10 pounds for S tsC
Sale of Cheese Full cieam and as fine as there Is sold. Buy ,
It Friday for hour, per pound IXC
Sale of Buffalo Washing Powder. Regular size package and jc;
full 4-pound. For this Filday hour, 2 for C
Sale of Blueing Best quality, full pint bottle. Filday for Jr
sixty minutes buy it at "
Sale of Ammonia Half gallon bottle, has rubber coik to keep It from
evaporating; legularly It would cost you 25c For sixty minutes . (
Filday, per bottle '
Sale of Soap The famous Mohawk Brand, always sells for 9 'jejr.
for 25c Fi Iday, one hour, 12 cakes for oc
' Sale of Cider Vinegar Pure goods, strictly so, otherwise j -
wouldn't be here. For one hour today buy It, per gallon, at ,JC
SALE NO. 2 Begins
Y s, Tvn iivlll ,.
m grade,
er, two
Hi ... ni-
If I il
UfeS sf i 'Hi
and shams Regular size open woik: Is oddly cut out In various de
signs and has embroidery stitching, in loops and sciolls, deep hem. Reg
ular 29c. make.; an inexpensive covering for diesber or stand in oc
bedroom. Priced for one hour Friday, at "'
Sale of Wall Paper On tho third floor. This combination will give
you enough paper to cover a room size 12x12; 7 rolls and 16 yards of bor
der, choice selection from our 15c. lino, actual price for this lot c7r.
Is $1.37. Friday Hour oyc
Salo of Ribbons Never tired of telling you about these 1 hour ribbon
sales, this lot on sale today are all silk taffeta, 4 inches wide, n
nice soft finish, a good 19c value. Friday Hour at l"-
Sale of White Coirugated Curtain Poles, 4 foot long, complete with
fixtuies and a pair of cotton curtain loops or choose a brass extension
rod that extends from 30 to 54 inches and a pair of curtain loops either
combination is legulaily sold at 20 cents. Friday on the second c
floor buy them at lw
Sale of Misses' Sklits and Wash Suits, made from cholco linen. White
Pique and Duck, a clean up of all our summer llpe. Prices at $1.50 to
$2.88. All of them well made and at today's pilce will pay you to
look them over. One hour, buy them on the Second Floor at, o"r
each yc
Sale of Men's Wot king Shirts Made fiom black cheviot, narrow pin
stripes of white, stamped on the black ground. Full length and vjr.
all sizes. Regulaily priced 50c Today, each "v
Sale of Tooth Brushes and Tooth PowderThe blush is a 4 low px
tra French bilstle, vailous shaped handles; the tooth ponder Is the
Clara Llpman's; her life-long preparation; scented with sassafras. Reg
ular pilce of brush Is 10 cents; of tooth powder, 23c. Friday Hour 0r
only, both for '. w
Sale of Bed Quilts This Quilt comes ready for use, already hemmed,
so no caso needed at this point, a vaiiety of odd designs to select 07
from. Size 81x92. Pi Iced usually at $1.25. Friday "'
SALE NO. 3s Begins
' Jl V
ji W second
mnniincn in. tmliiv. Made f i on!
w wTf
season's styles, Included In this lot are 25 sepaiato sklits, materials
aio linen, duck, silk and linen, either item for one hour today c pa
at , ' '
Regular price, $4.00 and $3.00.
Sale of Women's Handkerchiefs One-half and one-Inch border, plain
white and colored, quantity limited to a dozen to a customer. For3lZc
one hour, each 2
Salo of Women's Finn Muslin Diawers (on tho second floor) Thiee
and one-half inch hemstitched ruffle: also hemstitched band above ruf
fle, yoko band, good width, and made fiom good muslin. Fridny, jp
one hour t
Sale of Men's Balbilggan Shirts Flno quality, all sizes, a sanitary
elastic lib, double cuff, felled senilis, One of tho best Friday q- nt Shno rirohslno- IVIilttomnrn's. tho world stlllldaid.
Elite," for box calf, kid, vlcl kid and
also u I'tencn gloss, juc, is me
bottle ,
Salo of Fall Dress ainghams
pietty sttlpes In blue, light and
UllU llWUt IWMHJ ,V ,,,,,..,,,,,,(,,
n . tit t ,, , ltnrln n
high back, low In front, taped finish,
again wuuiil cuai hvilu iiiu jiin-u
i;ach ,,,,, ,,,,,,,
Jonas Long's Son:
I JONA9 LONQ'9 90N&. h S
At lc. Sale of 1 dozen clothes pins
kitchen pairing knives, package of mat
ting tacks. When the two o'clock bell
rintrs von can bnv either of
ii. .. - 1
uciiis ai iv
Al '(. Cnlr, nt AInen.i Vi'..-t- T.,
"" v-,",v- "l Ultiaun J. 1I1L JlilB,
blown slicll tumblers, pie crimpers,
quality shelf paper, glass, salt and
shakers, apple covers, flour
Promptly at 3 O'clock.
Sale of Porch Rockers on the
v fourth floor. About the last time this
JbKv ;f. ...111 nnnmr rt tliic rn-irr. Mi rrVl
ii uc.. uk una v ,v. ...-., .
very comlortablc high back rock
men posting ana wide arm rest,
r1n.,! - .1. ..,,,,n (M-iinn nt mr vhjiiiji uv-avc. uun.t w. v.u,
green or natural, worth (" -)q
ip.L'n. Friday hour 4Z.ZO
Sale of Irish Point Scarfs, covers
Promptly at 4 O'clock,
Sale of White Goods Here is a
s. temptation in a sale ot nook told India
v 1 inmi flifif rrm will unf Innvn trr l- nirA
k(fc jwv, ,,, ,ww ., , Jw jj , ..
even weave. One hour
',... -. f-.. i.r
touay uuy it tor uw
Sale of Women's Wash Suits on
floor. We counted in suits.
are you to be numbered among the 15
customers who will be made happy in a
cliuiiibi a v. batiste, polka (lot; this
nil black clnome tanned leal
ri'Kuiur ihilc. i-tuji .,",
Thirty Inches wide, all fust
dark. Usually som for i-'c. yi
,,, ,, .". ".. ...' t-t- ......
nn.l nlr.f.,1 11,1,1 llHVR 11 I Tl I ul
To duplicate this est and letl
o,vv., IV.K..J " -- o.. ........
' ', ,.
of Facts Only.
nnA1' h4-.