The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 21, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Plttston, Aug. 20. Jits. Henry L.
Evans, of West Plttston, who left hero
last week, expecting to make her homo
permanently nt Bruddock, Pa., whoro
her husband has secured employment,
hns been compelled to return to this
place, tho climatic conditions not
agreeing with her health.
J. J. Hon ell, ot Warren street, who
had iccovcrcd from a severe Illness,
suffered a relapse this morning and Is
ngaln confined to his bed.
Thomas William, a well-known
young machinist of tho West Side, has
gone to Hnllfltead, Pa., whele ho has
secured a position.
Edgar Piobyn, tho popular baritone
singer, will leave here Monday for
Now YoiU city, having secured em
ployment with tho Scianton School of
Judge Whctiton today handed down
nn opinion dissolving tho Injunction re
straining tho "cannon ball" tiollcy
company fiom building Its linos on the
streets of this city. A preliminary in
junction lmd been granted scveial
months ago, and the work of tho com
pany hus been held up. Tho lcfusnl
of Judge Wheaton to make the Injunc
tion poimanent Is taken to mean that
It Is not necessary for the company to
secure a fianchlse from tho city. Wotk
will doubtless be rushed on the now
' line henceforth.
Thomas Hopkins, of Jenkins town
ship, and Miss Belinda Pcudergast, of
Searle sticcf, woio united In 111:111 luge
this afternoon In St. John's Roman
Catholic Hhuich by Father O'Mnlloy.
Tho brldo was attended by Miss Jose
phine McCuc, and Attorney W. L.
race was best man. After a biief
honeymoon, Mr. and Mis. Hopkins will
reside on Sc.ulo street.
John Dillon, of Pott GiifiUh, an aged
man, died hibt night, after an illness
'of paralysis. The funetal will take
place Filday niomiiig at 0.30 o'clock.
Eagle Hose coinpn.iy, of this city,
will attend the centennial at Blooms
burg next week.
Duilng tho stoim heio yesteid.iy,
lightning stiuck a barn on the prop
erty of Fied Boos, on Henley stieet,
Hughestown, killing a pig, and sot tho
bam afiic. The home of James Roche,
on Washington Teirace, -was, struck by
the lightning, but the dumage was
' -
Special to tho Scranton Tiibune.
Honesdale, Aug. 20. Pi of. Thomas S.
March, fnmerly piinclpal of the Hones
dale schools has been elected piincipal
of the schfols at Susuchanna.
Messrs. Guning and Mycis arc in
creasing the capacity of their axe fac
tory plant by tho addition of the equip
ment fiom an abandoned plant In
Rev. C. Li. Percy, will conduct the
usual ' services In the Baptist church
- next Sunday. The pastors of the Epis
copal, PiesbyterIan and Methodist
churches aie still on their vacations.
Rev. Mr. Bell will occupy the Methodist
pulpit. No services In the Episcopal
'and Presbyterian churches expect tho
Sunday school and young peoples' meet
ing. The Honesdale team at Port Jervls
iplayed the latter team with a score of
9-6 in favor of 'Honesdale.
Excavation was commenced on Tues
day near the Durland Thompson Shoe
factory for the water main of the Con
burners' Water company, of Honesdale,
which will bring water direct fiom
Cajaw lake. A poitlon of the pipe Is
on the giound and an order has been
placed for the lcmalnder to make con
nection w it'll the lake.
Mr. Augustus Thompson will vacate
the Jenkins,' residence and take posses
sion of Mrs. Hamlin's residence on up
per Main stieet, Oct. 1. Mis. Hamlin
will co with relatives nt Syracuse.
Some important real estate transac
tions aie taking place in Honesdale
and vicinity, Mr. Manto Jacobs, of
New York, has purchased the valuable
William H. Stanton iesldenco on Third
street opposite Cential paik and will
take possession next January. The
Murray farm located near Cajaw lake,
has been purchased by a Hebrew family
llso of New York city.
Honesdale Comet band concert In
Russell pnik this evening.
Manager W. J. Sllverstone has vvoik
nen engaged placing in a now floor and
naklng other impiovements In the
Opeia houbo.
Mrs. Charles Weston, of Gloversvllle,
N. Y., Is visiting Honcbdalo relatives.
Conductor Knapp, of the Erie Hones
dale branch Is enjoying a well earned
vacation. Conductor James P. Kelly is
In charge of the ttain.
x Mr. Homer Giecno and family -yw 111
(spend tho coming month at Atlantia
The Ladles' Impiovement asoclntlon
have engaged tho Maple City band to
give two out door conceits in the near
Hon. George S, Puidy will spend tho
next few weeks at Valley Junction,
At tho Heptasoph exclusion to Lake
Ariel on Friday, an exciting gamo of
hall Is promised by the Honchdulo and
Scianton teams.
Attorney and Mis, A, T, Seaile, ara
n a trip in Vermont and New Hamp
Special to the Scianton Tilbutie.
Hallstcad, Aug. 20, J. E. "Davis, of
Sidney, N. Y was in town Saturday,
Mis, 0, W, Wind, of Buffalo, N, Y
is visiting fi lends In town,
Rev, Mr, Moon, of Peckvillc, preached
In the Presbyterlun chut eh Sunday
morning and evening.
Miss Winifred Tlngley has returned
to Cohoes, N. Y,, after spending three
weeks with her parents In this place.
Rev. L, W, Chuitii spent Saturday
and Sunday at Upsotivllle,
Ms. C, J, Cordis spent Monday In
The Baptist Sunday school will hold
their annual picnic Thui3diiy, In Du
Bols grove,
Mis. Hutfield nnd Maud Trowbridge
Mrs. Mollle Allen, of South Fotk,
Ky says she has pt evented attacks of
cholera moibus by taking Chamber
Jain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when
sho felt nn attack coming on. Such at
tacks ne usually caused by Indigestion
and these Tablets ate Just what Is need.
1 ed to cleanse the stomach and waid otf
-the appro xchbig attack. Attacks of
unions colic may bo piev'ented In the
Uwuio way. For sale bv oil drucclsts. I
will entertain thf ladles of' the Pres
byterian church, Friday evening, nt tho
home of Mis. Hatfield,
Mrs, Barbara Rnndall, of Bay City,
Mich., Is visiting Mrs. W. F. Sliurcll.
Rev. i. W. T.lnabory preached his
faiewell sermon Sundoy evening.
Willie Lynn, ot West Plttston, and
Harry ICnpp, of Sullivan county, are
spending the week with George Hat
flcld. W. F. Sinn ell and C. W, Bankes were
In Montrose Tuesday,
Mis. Ruth A. Kirpp, of Michigan, Is
visiting hen daughter, Mrs. G, Y. Hat
field. E. J. Matthews, 11. T. Blrchnrd, G. S.
Tlngley, (J. R. Bairott and A. D. Hard
ing, of Susquchnnna, woio In town
Geoige Larinbce, of Noith Jackson,
and a. L. Foster, of Thompson, visited
In town the Jlrst of tho week.
Special to tho Scranton Tilbunc.
Harford, Aug. 20. Mr. William Doyle,
of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Dvvight Estnbrook, of
Kansas and Miss Cartle Maish and
nephew, Lcwellyn Gere, of Hullstoad,
visited Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Estabiook.
Mlbs Gladys' McConncll who has
boon visiting her sister In Wilkes
Baue, hus retuincd homo.
The Union picnic that was hold on
tho fair grounds Aug. 15, was a giand
success. Over two hundred people took
F. P. Tlngley nnd family attended the
Titus and Jeffers gathering at Nlchol-
bon, Aug. 20
Miss Clyde Puttoison spent Sunday
with her bi other In Scranton.
Mis. L. W. Moore and daughter.
Nina, aie now occupying rooms In W.
Osteihout'shouse. Wc are glad to wel
come Mrs. Mooie and Nina to our town
Mis. Edwntd Miller and son, Glen, of
New York, aie heie to uttend tho Guile
Dr. Frank Gieen, of Illinois, is visit
ing his slsteis and friends here.
Mr. and Mis. S. S. Caipenter, of Bos
ton, aie visiting her slbter, Mrs. Betsy
Dai low.
E. E. Jones and E. M. Watson were
delegates to tho county convention at
Montrose, Tuesday.
Mrs. Hany Palmer and daughter, of
Scianton, aie guests of H. A. Bobbins.
Epwoith League will hold an ice
cream social Aug. 22, at the homo of
Benton Swcctzcr. Klngsley oichestra
will fuinlsh music.
Rev. Dals occupied the pulpit In tho
M. E. church Sunday evening. Mr.
Davis Is the guest of Dr. and Mis.
Dr. Low icy, of Caibondale, spent
Sunday with his family heie. Mis.
Lowrcy and children aie staying with
her mother, Mrs. Aba Hammond.
Miss Ruth Ransom, of Clark Summit,
is visiting old friends in town. -
W. B. Guile and wife, have moved
and settled in their new home.
Mrs. Sp.iuldlng, of Blnghaniton, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Alpha Car
penter. Ilaiford schools will begin Monda',
Aug. 23.
Mr. and Mis, Andrews are visiting
their son, Hugh, In Scranton.
Mrs. W. B. Hammond left Wednes
day for Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Maynaid ond
Mr. and Mis. Hugh McConnell attend
ed tho Titus and Jeffers gathering at
Nicholson, Aug. 20.
Jennie Dauow, of Blnghamton, Is
spending her vacation with her mother.
A pietty mauinge was solemnized at
the paisonage of the Clival y Baptist
church jesterday moinlng at 8 30
o'clock, when Miss Anna Jones and Mr.
Louis Kochler, both poplar young peo
ple of this town, were united. Rev.
Dr. H. H. Hauls, officiated. Miss Ella
Jones attended the btlde and Thomas
L. Jones was the bebt man. The newly
wedded couple left on a wedding tour
to New York. On their ieturn they
will icslde with the btide's mother.
The Sunday school of the Primitive
Methodist church of the Aiohbald en-,
joyed a pleasant day's outing at'Nay
Aug paik yesterday.
An Intel estlng game of ball will be
played this afternoon, when the Reds
will have as their opponents the des
cents of Pine Btook which aie consider
ed a stiong nggiegatlon. Young
Welbouduh v11' twill for the home
team. Stone will receive him. Game
will commence at 3.30 p. 111.
The new building of J. Mllford Mor
gans, on South Main street, Is neaily
completed, The structuie will be a
handsome one,
William, 12-months old son, of Mr.
nnd Mis. William Edmunds, of Union
street, died on Tuesday. The funeral
will bo held this afternoon, Interment
in tho Forest Homo cemetery.
Fted Courtrlght and William Goodwin
visited friends In Factoryvlllo the fore
pait of the week.
Tho Archb.ild mine local, No. lfilO.
United Mine Workets of Amoilca will
meet this afternoon nt the Odd Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reed, are homo
from their trip to Berwick, Pa.
Lackawanna Valley Council, No, SI,
Jounlor O. U. A. M will meet this
evening In regular session.
Mis. John E, Davis and Mrs. James
Powell, jr., ofNoith Main stieet, visit
ed Mrs. Wllllrfm Watklns, at Old Foigo
The Ladles' Missionary society of
the Methodist Episcopal chuich will
meet this afternoon at the home of
Mis, A, P. Holllster.
The Home Missionary society of the
Prlmltlvo Methodist chuich will meet
at 3 o'clock this ufternoon at the home
off Mis. Daytd James, of the West
Mr, and Mrs, Ebeuezer Frue re
turned home this week after a three
months' visit with friends in Scot
laud, William Rosser, of Taylor, Is the
guest of Gavin Butt, of South Main
The matiiage of Miss Julia, daugh
ter of Mr. und Mrs. Thomas McCar
thy, of tho West Side, und James
O'Mulley, of Olyphant, wus solemn
ized In St, Mary's church wth a nup
tial mass, Rev, J, V. Moylan, uncle of
the gloom, being celebiant. At 8.30
o'clock, tho btldal patty enteied the
church to the strains of the "Lohen.
grin" wedding match, played by Miss
Elizabeth Muinhy. The natural chaims
of tho bride w-cie consldeiably en-
hanccd by the beauty of her gown,
which was Paris niiislln, with medal
lion and white satin ribbon trimmings,
Her maid, Mrs. Cello. Morrlssey, wvas
similarly attlredi Tho groom was
waited upon by Dr. Walker, of Oly
phant. Joseph O'Malley, a student of
theology, was master of ceremonies nt
tho mass. After the ceremony, break
fast was served at the homo, of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. O'Mnlley
left on the afternoon train, to visit
severnl Eastern cities. They will re
side In a handsomely furnished home
in Olyphant.
The matrlage of Miss Cclla Lough
rcy, off Giovo stieet, and Peter Kilt
ner, of McAlpInc street, was solemn
ized lit St. Mary's church Inst even
ing by TtcV. M. F. Crane. The brldo
and her sister, Miss Margaret, woto
beautifully designed gowns "of while
rhlffon, with white satin trimming".
The wedding march was played by the
bride's cousin, Miss Elizabeth Mui
phy. Tho groom was waited upon by
Joseph Rutlrdge, of South Mnln street.
A lci'cptlon was given at the homo of
tho bride's parents after the cere
money. Mr. nnd Mis. Krltner will re
side on Grove stieet.
Mis. T. J. O'Malley has returned
from Newport News, wheio she has
been for some time at the bedside of
her son, John, who Is lecoverlng from
typhoid fever.
Hugh Giaham has returned from
Miss Anna Hustle Is visiting friends
in Sunbury.
Miss Helen Murtagh, of Providence,
is, the giiest of Miss Kato Gllhoolcy.
T. P. McGioll has returned home, af
ter spending several days In Wllllnms
port. "
Miss Mary Murphy, of Wllllamsport,
is the guest of Mrs. John Flannery.
Mr. Stephen Edsall and daughter
Minnie, of Loioyvllle, have been visit
ing nt the home of Mr. Lewis Edsall,
the past week.
Mr. Uttlcy, of Elmlta, spent Sunday
with his sister, Mis. G. C. Jacobs.
Misses Wealthy and May Broadhead,
lie spending their vacation at Ocean
Miss Schoonover, of Milton, N. J.,
Is visiting her cousin, Mis. Bon Reed.
Mrs. Alfied Aveiy and, daughter of
Kings Forty, Is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mis. E. Diake.
Quartet ly meeting services will bo
held at the Biick chuich, Sunday morn
ing. A house belonging to Mr. William
Carey was destiojcd by file last week.
A vcty enjoyable time was had at
the Junior League social on Filday
Miss Lydla Reed, of Scianton. is visit
ing her patents.
A party of young ladles have left
for Lake Catcy to spend a couple of
w ceks.
Mrs. Et win Biodhcad and chlldien,
of Jeitnyn, woio visiting at the homo of
Mr. Samuel Brodhead, the past week.
Mr. Walter Nayloi loot a valuable
hoi so on Tuesday mottling. This Is the
second hoise Mr. Nay lor has lost In the
past year.
Mis. Hurty Dean is vibitlng ft lends
In Cambiidgc, N. Y.
The young people of the Baptist
chuich will serve a, supper in tho
chuich on Filday evening, beginning
at 5 30 o'clock. The pi ice of tho sup
per will be 13 cents. Ice cream will also
be sold.
S. S. Taylor, of Factoiyvllle, is act
ing as clerk In the postoftlce here for a
Samuel G. Shoemaker has letumed
home from an extended tour on his
wheel, in New Jeisey. He visited all
the seaside resoits nlong tho Jersey
coast, from Seabrlght to Atlantic City.
Nelon Dershlmer and mother have
1 etui tied home fiom a week's sojourn
at Ocean Giove.
Mis. Iia Johnson . entei taincd her
ginndmother and sister, of Btooklyn,
Pa., on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N, T. Puidy hae re
turned from tholr western tiip.
The Methodist Sunday school will
picnic at Luke Shetldan, on Friday of
tills week.
Rev. Chailes Nowing, pt Dunmore,
formerly pastor of the Methodist
church lieic, visited among old friends
in this place, Monday,
Miss Minnie Ball, of Blnghamton, vis
ited her brother, Albeit Ball, last week.
Mr. and Mis. Heniy Decker and
daughter are visiting in Coopeistown,
N. Y.
Morton Purdy Is spending a week
among relatives at Lake Alio!,
Fied Race, of Scianton, visited
among fi lends here yesteidav.
Miss Ethel Can- Is spending a week
in Moutiose,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Du Bols are en
tertaining their son, Edwin, of New
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tollcs left last
week on a wheeling tour to Connecticut.
They ai lived safely at their destina
tion. T. J. Foster Is spending some time
at Ocean Giove with Mis. Foster, who
is bojourning theie,
Mr. and Mis. John Potter and
daughter, Grace, of Phoenix, R. I and
Miss Edith Bates, of Hope, R. i are
spending some time with Mis, Muhoney
and Miss Relpli.
FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cut out tho pit tines appealing on tnis pago each
day, diaw a pencil mink aiound tho hidden object, savo them until Biutuday,
then send them or tako them to Tho Trlbuno office In an cnvclopa addiosaed to
"Puzzlo Department." Encloso In the envelope your name, ago and addiess. The
bojs and sills who concctly mark tho six plctuies appealing during tho woek,
and whoso answers are first recclvod, will have their names published In The
TrlbunaJkJonday morning.
mi ' rr-, ,
This young lady has taught three fish. Find tliem,
Scranton People Receiv
ing the Full Benefit.
There have been many cases like the
following In Scranton. Everyone 10
lates the experience of people we know.
These plain straightforward statements
will do much townul relieving the suf
fering of thousands. Such testimony
will bo lead with Inlerpst by many peo
ple. Mr. A. W. KlotK, of 1514 Lafayetto
street, painter by trade, says: "Flo
years ago I took a so vote cold which
settled In my bladder. Ever, after ray
kidneys ttoublcd mo n gieat deal. I
used many different remedies and took
medicine from a doctor who pronounc
ed the trouble catatrh of the bladder,
but I got little If any reller. My con
dition wus continually growing wot so
and theto was a constant dull puln
across my back when sitting down or
on getting up and tinning about tho
pain became very shaip. I had to
woik often In a stooped position and
If I straightened up my back felt us
though It Would snap In two. Tho
kidney sectetlons weio irregular of a
high color and a disagreeable odor and
accompanied bv loo frequent action. I
was nnnlly laid up, unable to do any
wotk. At this time a friend lecom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to 1110. I
had not much faith In them but I
went to Matthew's Bios. drug stoto
and got a box. I tecehed so much
benefit from this that I continued tho
tieatment until well."
For sale by all dealers; pi Ice 50 cents.
Fostci-Mllbutn Co, Buffulo, N. Y.,
solo agents for the U. S. ,
Remember the, name Doan's and
take no substitutes.
Devotee of the Game Tells Pierpont
What Fun He Has Missed.
J. Pierpont Motgan Is quoted as
having said that poker should not bo
termed our national game; that It Is
based on deceit and bluff and is wicked.
The following vctses are compiled from
the data furnished by a gentleman who
seems conveisnnt with the game under
discussion, says the BaUlmote Amoii-"
Oh, Mr. Pieipont Moigan, what a lot of
tun ou'c missed
The Jov of seeing aces four big aces in
our list;
The glud sensation when you split your
best and only p.ili
To make a sti night and diaw oiir card
and Unci tho light one theie!
Oh, Mr. rioipont Moigan, it may bo an
awful sin.
But poker Isn't simply luck; it's scionco
when -ou win.
Oh. Mi. ricipont Moigan, jou have dal
lied some with ships,
And et jou glow icontfully when some
one chlp.i
You'e made a jackpot of the mines and
sweetened It with stoiks
And fed tho kitty day and night with
l.illiond slnnes in block",
Yet with all this you'o misled the tin 111
that tills jou in the hush
That comes when some ono lalses you
and you havo made a flush.
Oil, Mr. Pieipont Moigan, you may -view
it as j ou choose,
But pokei's liko some other games-It's
wicked when jou lose.
When people shuffle stocks and bonds
.... .1 , itl.m. .1. ol.lna .1.1, . t I lu
illllt llllllUini, OUIW .11.1. ,!!-', .
Tt'w TYinnh Ihn sm-nn ns wlmn tho ir.imo do-'
pend3 on how ono fills.
Yet when the poker cauls go round the
backs aie at the top.
And be who has the smallest stack may
make the otheis diop.
Oh, Mr. Pieipont Moigan, It's a bad
game, that is ti ue.
But every nno may not Indulgo in such
big games ns jou,
And majbe bonie one gets as much fun
out of two small lacks
As ou do wlmn jou win a load with
miles and miles of tiacks,
And, hh is hinted hoietofoio, it is an aw-
lid sin,
But poker Isn't simply luck; It's science,
when j'ou win.
The following is the make-up of tho
Delawaic, Lackawanna and Western
board for today: .
Summits WestS a. m, Fiounfolker.
Pusheis 7 a. m , C. Baitholomew; 8 a
m , Ilotmci ; 11.15 n. m , Coslai ; 7U0 p. m ,
Muiphy; 0 p. m., W. II. TJ.utholomewv
Uelpeis 130 a. m , Cuso; 7 a. m,
Lamping; 10 u. m , Lattimcr; 3 15 p. m.,
O. Kearney and ciew will inn 1130 p,
m , oxtia cast, Wednesday, Aug, 20.
Thompson and ciew will inn S a. m. cx
tia east, Thuisduy, August 21.
Lai kin and ciew will iiin 3.41 p. m. ex
tra east, Thuthdny, Augunt 21.
J. (lenity and ciew will lun No. CI,
Thuisd.ij', Aug. 21,
A'. E. AVIImot and crew will run No. !!,
Thin sdny, August 21.
H. Smith and ciuw will lun No, 53,
Thill sday, August 'l.
u u. vvuniot unu'cicw win run no, m,
Thin sday, Aug. 21,
C.iunndy and ciew will run No. 37,
Thursday, August 21.
I IUII llblllUI
Only Half a Ctnt Word.
Tot Bent.
FOIt Itr.NT-Four looms heated, Hist
Iloor, 701 Qtilney avenue, city.
roil ItENT-Soptenibcr 1st, house on
Madison avrnuo with model mlmprove
ments. Inquire at 4J2 Madison nvoniio.
BAItnnn SHOP for lent! nearly now
building; good location; city water,
etc. Just vacated. An exceptionally' good
opportunity to continue n. well estab
lished business. C. N. Wood, New Ml!
foul, Pa. . t
FOH ItBNT-Two furnished ttuges at
Lalin Shoildan; dty and healthy loca
tion; Rood shade nnd finest nlnee.for a
week or n month's outing In Noithcrn
FcnnsMvnnla. Address II. L. Hnidlng,
Fnrtoryvlllc, Pn.
LOST Pocltetbook nt Nay Aug park
Wednesday. Bow aid IE ictuincd to
police licadquaitcts.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED A small house or flat, profit
ably furnished, In desirable location.
To gain attention, stato'teims. P. O. Box
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FURNISHED ROOMS for lent, modorn
impro. cments; prlvuto family; gen
tlemen prefcrrod, at 537 Adams avonuo.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pio
fcrrcd, at 530 Adams avenuo.
For Sale.
I'OR SALE A good i!0-horsc power hoil
zontal boiler. C. W. Ktikpatilck, 113
Council building.
TOR SALE A 111. st class meat niaiket.
Owner will woik for paity. Addics3
131 Chestnut street, Dunmoic,, Pu.
Wanted To Buy.
WANTED to buj tlneo or four dozen
second-hand hull chubs. Box 11J,
Scranton, Pa.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At ftom 1 to C per cent. Coll on
N. V. Walker. 3H-31S Connell building.
late ot the city of Scianton, county of
Lackawanna, deceased.
Letteis of adminlstiatlon upon the
above named estate IiaUug been gi anted
to the undersigned, all pel sons basing
claims or demands against the same will
piescnt them for payment, and all thoso
indebted theicto will mnko immediate
pajment to
Connell Building, Scianton, Pa.
Attoinej's for Estate.
IN RE: Estato of John Jeimyn, lute of
the City of Scianton. Pa . deceusud.
Letteis tcstamcutuiy in the above C3
tato having been giantcd to the under
signed, all pci sons h.nhig claims or judg
ments against the same will piesent them
lor pajment, arid all pel sons indebted
theicto will make Immediate payment to
Execntois and Exerutilx.
WELLES & TOHREY, Attorneys
NOTICE Tho Boiough of Tnvlor in
Lackawanna countv, Pennsj lvania,
offois loi sale, to the highest lesponsible
biddoi, the following spcuiltles, to wit:
Twentj-eiglit U'S) municipal Impiove
ment coupon bonds', each ot tho p.u value
of Five Handled ($300 00) Dollais, and
beailng inleiest at 3 pel cent, pgi annum,
dated August 1st, 190.', with accinod In
teiest, intcicst pajablo semi-annually on
the lirst day of Februaiy and August of
each jear, at tho olllco of the Tieas
xn er In the Boiough of Taylor.
These bonds matin c as lollovvs, to wit:
Numbcis ono to ten. both Inclusive, on
tho tlis-t day of Augiibt A. D., 1908 Num
beis ojeven to twciilj', both Inclusive, on
the flint day of August A. D , 1911, and
numbeis twenty-one to tvvcntv -eight, both
Inclusive, on the that day ot August A.
D, 19JJ, Bids mav be sent bj" mall to
the Societal v of the Town Council, Mr.
Georgo Muish, Tnvlor, P.i. The bondj
m,tj- be examined and fiuther lnfoima
lion given bv calling at tho office of the
Borough Solicitor, ut No (,.i Connell
Building, Scianton, Ua., or by uddiesslng
communications to the undei signed.
No. 0J1 Council Building.
Scianton, Pa.
National League.
At St. Louis (Hibt game)- R.H.E.
Boston 0000000 10-1 0 1
St. Lqills 0O0000U00 0 I 1
Batteiies Pittlnger and Moian; Ycikes
and Rjan. L'mplic Emallo.
Second gamo R.H.E.
Boston 0 10000100-2 S a
St. Louis 0 1110000" 3 U 1
Batteiles-Willls and Klttildgc; Cuulo
and Umplic Eniblle.
At Cincinnati (first game) R.H.E.
Brooklyn ..0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 .' 11 4
Cincinnati 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 10 11 2
Batteiies Newton and Fancll; Phillips
and Beigeu. Umplica livvln and Blown,
Second gamo R.H.E,
liiooklvu OOOOfOflOO 1 S 1
Cincinnati 0 2 3 0 0 I 0 t -13 21 0
Batteiies Hughes und Fan ell; Poolo
and Botgen. Umplics livvlu and Blown.
At Pittshuig Plttsbuig-Ncw
At Chicago- R.H.E.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0-I 9 1
Chicago 10 00 1000 02 9 U
Buttoms Finbcr and Douglass; Lund
CI en aim Kling, Umphe Ciiiitllllon.
American League.
At Bostoui- R.1I.R.
Cleveland ,., 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 U 0 .1
Boston 00010100 1 u 'J 1
Batteiies Monio and AVoods; Spaiks
and AVatner, Umpire McLaughlin.
At Philadelphia R.H.E,
St. Louis ,,,,,',,00 00 0 0 0101 S 0
Philadelphia ,,, 00003010 4 9 1
Battoiles Powell nnd Kahno; Hustings
and Poweis. Umphe Shcildaii,
At Baltimore RH.E,
Dottolt ,,,.,,. 20 000000 4-C 10 0
ll.iltlmoio 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 7 1J 2
Batteiies Vein eg nnd McAllister; AVllt
so and Robinson. Umphe-Connolly,
At AA'aMdiigton R.H.E.
Chicago , 1104 10 000-10 13 1
AVashlngtOll 03000000 1 li 10 1
Uuttoilcs Cnlahnn, Pattoison and Mc
Failaud; Canlck and Clink. Umplics
Caiuthcis and-Johnstone.
Ameiican League.
Jeifccy City, 3; Rochester, 1.
Piovldenco, 3; Monti ail, (ftiut game).
llon(reul, 1; Piovldenco, 0 (second
Buffalo, j CNowaik, 4 (lltst game).
Buffalo, '.'; Ncvvuik, 1 (second game).
AVoiccster, 2; Toionti), 0 (thst game).
Toronto, 4; AVorccnter, 3 (second gumo)
No Order
Accepted for Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offices.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Becolvcd at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
benv street nnd Webster ao,
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avonuo.
South Scranton
72!) Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comor North
Main avenuo and Maikot
Green Bldge
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 93) Green Rldgo
C. LORENZ, coiner Washington
avenuo und Million stieet.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED A j'outig man ns bookkeeper.
Addles, stating age, refcicnccs and
salary expected, caie of Tribune.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Two bright, wide awnko,
com toons and up-to-date girls In
Scianton ns clciks In a high class lotall
stoic. An excellent opening is offeicd
to light pintles. Addiess Retail, caie
of Scianton Tiibune office.
Situations Wanted.
EXPERIENCED lady stenogiapher and
double cntiy bookkeeper desues per
manent position Refeienccs furnished.
Addiess box 10, Tilbunc.
to do dining loom woik In Hotel or
light housework. Addiess 110 E. Elm
stieet, Scranton, Pa.
SITUATION WANTED-Glll for gcncial
hotisewoik in small famllj-. Call or
write U18 Hollow stieet, Piovldenco, Pa.
SITPATION AVANTED-By expert Iniin-diess-
to take washing home. Addiess
Laundicss, Tilbuno office.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and faims for salo.
J. C. Zurflleh.
FOR SALE Elogint sites for homos In
upper Green Rldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most dcsiiablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvine,
173G Sanderson avenue.
$3 00 RFArARD Packngo containing
biacelet and-locket addiessed Stephen
D. Engle, Hazleton, Pa. Geoige W. Finn.
New 'phono 90S.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE PAltTOIRniPiDrLTTlT Stono and
F. C. AA'nltois, doing business under
tho name of tho New Renovating Company-,
was dissolved on May II, 1902
laitndeis shirts at Sc. each and collais
nnd cuffs ut lc. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadcis' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4.
Real Estato Exchange Bldg., 120 AVash
lngton avo. and Mining Engineers.
building, Spiuco street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance,
SCIILAGER & CO., Tiadcis Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
PA I C.IN I Oof the Globe.
Tho only llconscd and equipped patont
colicltor In tho city. No chaigo for in
foimatlon on patentability; ovoi ten years
Rcplojrle & Co., Mcars Blclgr.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
1 ,
lln avenuo. Kates lcasonabla.
I'. ZIEGLElt. PioprJotor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu
lopeun plan. Victor Koch, Propiletor.
nnd cebj pools; no odor; only improcd
pumps used, A. B. Bllggs. piopiiotor,
Leavo oidois 1100 Noith Main nvonuo,
or Elcke'u dtug utotu, comor Adams and
Mulbetiy. Both tolophones.
Wire Screens,
avu , Scianton, mfis. of Wlro Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bags, tvvlno.
Warehouse, 1!J AVaslunBton uvonuo.
bii had In Scianton at tho iiovvb stand
of Reisuutn Bios,, 406 Spruce and cat
Llndon; in. Noiton, 32'i LacUawunna
ave.; I, S. Schutzer, 211 Sptueg utioit.
Boaiders Wanted,
mar boaideis; tinea laigo ally looms
and good tublo board, AUdicst. O. 1C,
Daltoii, I'o.
Board 'and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of looms with
first class table board, can bo obtained
v at Zii Jefferson avenuo.
Only lialf a Cent a Word.
Business Oppbrtunity.
out delay. Writo for our special mar
ket letter. Frcoon application. S; M.
Hlbbaid & Co,, mombeis N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 44
llrondway, Now York. Established 1E6C
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono S3S8 Broad.
Boom for Bent.
FRONT ROOM for rent; desltable, Hi
Ainims avenuo.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 190J.
Trains lravoVScrnnton for Now York
At 1X0. 3 20, (J 03, 7.30 and 1010 a. m.i IS 40,
3 40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York nnd Phila
delphia 7.50. 1010 n. m., and 12 40 and 3 33
P. m. For Oouldsboro At G.10 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.15, 0 22 and 9 00 a. m,; 163, H59
nnd 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlra
and way stations 10 23 a. m 1.0.1 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca 1.13 nnd
0 22; l.fiuSp. m, Oswego, Syracuso
nnd mica tialn at 0 22 tx. m. dally, except
Sundny. For Monti osc 9 00 n. m.; 103
and C 60 p. m. Nicholson accommodation ,
t 00 nnd 6 is n m. '
Bloomsburg Division For, Northumber
land, at 0 33 nnd 1010 a. m.: 1.33 and 010
p. m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3 40
and 9 03 r m.
Sunday Tralns-For Now Yoik, 1.30, 3 20,
0 0... 10 10 a. in.; 3 40 and 3 3". n. in. For
Buffalo 1.11 ond 0 22 m m.; 133. CM nnd
11.10 p. in. For Elmlra nnd way statlonn
10 2) a. m. For Binghnmlon and way sta
tions, 9 00 a. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlslon
Leavo Scianton, 10 10 a in. nnd 610 p m.
Lehigh Valley Ballroad.
In Ettect Juno J3, 1901.
Tiulus Leavo Scianton.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& H. R. R, ut 7.11, thtough Pallor Car
unci Dny Coach Caibondale to New Yoil:
and 9 47 n. m.. with L. A'. Coach Carbon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2 IS, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.10 p m. Sun
dnj s, D. & H, n. R , 1 3S. 9 17 p. m.
ior AA hltn Haven, Hazleton and princi
pal points In the coal icglons. via D. As
" It-,R-. 7.11, 2.18 and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.11 a. m.
For Bethlehem, Boston, Reading, Har
llsburg and piinclpal intermediate sta
Jlons. via D. & H. R. R.. 7.41. 9 47 a. m ;
218, 4 3,, (Black Diamond Emuos), 11.43 p.
- Sundnjs. D. & 11. R. R , OSS a. m ;
13S. D17 p. m.
For Tiinkhannock, Towandn, Elmlra.
illiaca, Geneva nnd pilncinal lutcrmediato
niiiiiiins imu.i,, & AV. K. R , fc.35 a. m.
and 1 m p m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo. Nlag
oia tolls, Chicago and all points west via
D & If R. n, 1201 p hi.: 3 23 (Black
Diamond Expicss), 10 41, 11.49 n, m. Sun-dav-s.
D. & II, R. R , 12 m, 9 17 p. m.
, Pullman parlor and Sleeping or Lehlsh
XS!!e-v Pmlor cais on' all tiulus between
AVilke--Bano nnd Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffnlo and Suspension Bridge. v
ROLL1N II. AVILBUR Gen. Supt . 23
Cortland street. New Yoik.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 23
Cortland street, New Yoik.
A. W. NONEMACHBR, Dlv. Pass. Agt,
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For tickets and Pullman reservations
npply to city ticket office, 69 Public
Square. AVilkes-Bm re, Ta.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 20, 1903.
Stations In New Yoik. foot Jiiborty
stieet and South Ferry, N. R
Tiains leavo Scranton for New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem. Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, AVblto Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkcs-Bni re and Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m , l"p m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
Quaker City Expiess leaves Scianton
7 30 a. m thtough solid vestibule tialn
with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil
adelphia with only one change of cars
for Baltimore and AVashlngton, D. C , and
ull principal points south nnd west.
For Avoea. Plttston and WIIkcs-Bano,
lpm. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m.
Tor Long Branch. Ocean Giove, etc.,
7.30 n.-m. and 1 p.-m.
For Reading, Lobanon and Harrtsburg
via Allentown at 7 30 a. m,, 1 p. m. and 4
p m. Sunday, 210 p m.
For Tamnnua and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Mnnagor.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains leave Scianton: 0.38 a. m., week
daj's, thtough vestibule train from
AVI Ikes-Bane. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches toxThiladelphla, via Potts
vllle; stops at piinclpal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Har
i Ishnrcr. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Wash.
Ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9 47 a. m . week days, for Sunbury, Har
llsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho AVest.
1 12 p. m., week days, (Sundays. 1 53 p.
m.). for Sunbury. Hairlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltlmoio, AA'ashington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3 2S p. m., week daj-s, through vestlbula
train fiom Wllkes-Baire. Pullman buffet
parlor car end coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal intermedi
ate! stations.
4 33 p. m woek divs, for Hazleton, Sun.
bury, Harilsbutg, Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. ' ,
J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware nnd Hudson.
In Effect Juno 16. 1902.
Trains for Caibondale leave Scranton al
0 41. 7.30, 8 30, 1013 n. m: 12.05, 1.12, 2 11,
3Bii! 3 29, 6.25. 8.24. 0.15, 10.04 p. m.; 12.13,
' For' Honesdale 0.4.4, 10.13 n. m.j 2.11 and
r,l ii m.
For AVllkcs-Barro-6.38, 7.41. 8 41, 9 47,
10 OJ la. m.; 1.-.08. 1,42, 2.1S, 3.28, 4 3q, 6.10,
7 48. 10 41, 11.49 p. m.
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7., 0.47 a. m.;
2.18. 4.33 nnd 11.49 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 0.33,
9.47 a. m.; 142. 3 28 and 4 33 p. m.
For Albany and all points noith 738 a.
For Caibondalc-8C0, 11,33 a, m.! 2.11,
3.r.0. 5D2 and 1117 p. m.
For AVUkcs-Bnrro-D3S a. m; 12,03, LC3,
3.2S, 0 32 and 9.17 p. m.
l'or Ainany ami i"uiu iiujm o uo if. m.
For Honesdale 8 50 a. m,; 1133 and 3 53
P AV.' L. PRYOR, D. P. A' Scranton, Pa.
' -
Erie Bailroad Wyoming DivfsloQ,
111 Effect July. 30th, 1902.
Tinlns leavo Scranton ror Hawley and
local stations at 7.20 and 8 45 a. m.; L31
and 5 20 p m. Sunilays, 9 00 a, m. and
l.n p. in. For Now Yoik. Nawburgh Rnd
Intcrmeilinto points at 7.20 a. m. and 1.33
p. m: Sundays, 133 p, in, "
For Honosilalo 1,33 and 5 20 p. m. -Tiolns
nrrlvo at Scianton ?.20, 1011 a.
m.j a 00 and 9,13 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 and
8.1s p, m.
New York, Ontario nnd Western,,
Time T.xblo In Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1001
, Leavo Leave Arrive
Trains. Scianton. Caibondale. Cndosla.
No. l ,,,,,,iu .sua. in, ji.iua.m, i.uup,m.
No. 3 too p.m. 4 41 p. in. ooonm.
No. 7 ...... 010 p. rn.Ar.Cuiboiulal9 6 4fln.rn
Lenve Leavo Airlva
Tinlns, Cadosla, Cnrhondalo, Scuiiilpu,
No. U .,,,.. ii&Ou, m, 7,20a. m.
No. 4 ,',..., 8 io a. m. lo ot a. m. 10.40 a. m.
No, 2 2 15 p. m. 4 00 p. in, 4 45 p. m.
, Leavo Leavo Aulvo
Tiains, Scianton. Caibondale. Cadosla,
No. 0 ,,,,,. S 30 a, in. 9 lq p. m. 10.41 n. in.
No. 5 ,,,.., 700 p. m.Ar.Caiboudalo7.t3p,m
Leavo Leavo Aulvo
Tiains, Cadosla, Caibondale, Scinntqn.
No, 0 ,,.,,, 0 50 a, m, 7.2.1
No. 10 4 30 p.m. (-00 p. m, 6 43 p.m.
Tiains Nos. 1 on week days, nnd 9 on
Sunduys connect for New Yoik city, Mid
dletown, Walton. Noivvleh, Oneida, Os
vvego und all points west.
Ttulti i for Pojntello, AA'olton, Dolhl,
Sidney, Nmvvlch and all New Bellln
blanch points. , ,
Tialn No, 0, wlth'Quuker Cltv Ev.
pi ess" ut Scranton. via 0. R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City. Baltlmoie.
AViibhiugton und Pennsylvania state
Seo time-table and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A- Now York.
J, E. AYELSU, T P, A., Scranton, PoN
' h
. i