The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 19, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 it? , v j- ' ijVT"; ' -f
The News of
3Tho School Term for Ensuing Year
3 Fixed it Ten Months Prof. Thos.
j V. loftus, of High School Faculty,
Placed In Position Made Vilcnnt by
Heslgnntlon of Miss Lucy Joslin.
The CarbonUalc schol bourd was In
jcsbIoii last evening at their rooms In
the High school building. The meet
ing was called at S.10 o'clock, with all
the inonibpis present.
President Kerwln lead the bills
against the school board nnd they weie
oidcrcd paid. They consisted of one
i-fiom John Booth, - hlcli amounted to
ifi.T2! Kulllvun and Ryan, $110.14; A.
TJ. Wylle, $G.48; Airs. Monlson, for
team hlilng, $S; William Hughes nnd
'Patrick McCtie, for fifteen days labor
at No. S school, J22 50 each. Mr. Kd
inunrts then Btnted ho had leoeived a
check amounting to $1,000 fiom W.
13. Watts, as the 1901 duplicate; also
that John Uildgett had made a mis
take In the amount of damage done
to School No. 7 by lightning some few
'weeks ugo. The difference amounted
' to $27. V
A motion was then m.ide and enr
lled that they place the teatheis for
the coming jcar.
' Superintendent Gair stated that
isomo gentleman teacher should have
charge of the discipline of the lower
' lloors. air. Geary w as chosen to (HI
this position. Thomas W. Loftus was
elected to fill vacancy caused by the
lcslgnatlon of Hiss Lucy Joslin. The
Ninth nnd eighth grades were left the
same as lust yeai. Miss Alice Rnsh
lelgh was elected to fill the office of
ptinclpal of No. 2 school In Janet Bry
den's place and Miss Mabel Edwards
was chosen to fill Miss Rashleigh's
plnce in No. S school. Miss Anna Ste
vens was also nominated for the posi
tion, but u -vote was taken,
resulting in the following: Messis.
Copeland, Hughes, Kerwln and Van
nan oting for Miss Kdwaids, and
Gallaghy for Miss Stevens. Misses
Lolly and Stevens weie elected as sub
stitute teachers.
Superintendent Garr then made a
statement concerning the time to start
school, that if school started on Sept.
?. and have, ten months' schooling,
which would 'end June 2S, making a to
tal of 192 teaching days and giv
ing the students a holiday Thanksgiv
ing, Good Friday, Good Thuisday, first
week in December, and Chiistmas and
New Yeai's. It was moved and sec
onded by the board that school start on
Sept. 12 and end Juno 28.
The board also decided to advertise
for a tax codllector and to have all
bids in by Satuiday evening. They
then adjourned to meet next Saturday
The teachers for the coming jear arc:
High school Ptinclpal, W. D. Biv
den, A. "Wilson Geaiy, Thomas W. Lof
tus, Katlujn E. Pace, C. W. Lesher.
1-Jarrlet Hutchins, Coia Estabrook, An
gela Biis, Sat ah Swlgeit.
Ninth gtade Ann Berty Pton, Nota
Murphy, Janet Brynden.
High th giadc rtalb Collins, Julia
rK!lhullen, Helen Kllleen.
No. 1 school Ann Dunstdn, ptinclpal;
Elizabeth Thompson, Nellie Shetret,
, Anna Mutphy.
No. 2 school Alice V. Rashleigh,
principal; Jennie Foe, Maty Mutphy,
Ella Hatte.
No. 3 school Thomas L. Gllmattln,
ptinclpal; K.ithtyn AValsh, Annie Par
rell, Ella Hot an, Btidget E. Gilmartln.
No. 4 school Margatet McAndtew,
Lydla Gilmartln.
' No. 5 school Mary Coogan, ptinclpal;
Mary McLean.
No. 6 school P. M. Bicnnnn, ptincl
pal; Tighe, Anna Loftus, Kath
lyn Kelly.
No. 7 school Amelia Peukcrt, ptin
clpal; Katie Scott, Kathtjn Gethlns,
Alice Connot, Ldla Monlsgn, Lizle
R.Wnlsh, Jennie Kearney, Maty Con
nnughton. No. S school Kathryn Jay, ptinclpal;
Mabel Kdwaids, Margatet Flnnctan,
Emma Banott, May Pengelly, Hettie
W1H ox. Gabtlella Coleman, Elizabeth
Hot t, Annt McLean.
No 9 school Ella Malono, ptinclpal;
,M. Louise Davis, R, Helen Passmote,
Llbblc L. Butke.
Substitutes Maty Lally and Anna
Thf salatles of the teacliets weie
,not taken up. They will adjust them
at their next meeting, on Satuiday
Some Changes in the Ciescent Per
sonnel Fiomised,
Thete was a meeting of the Ctcbcent
base ball team last night in their club
rooms on Main stieet. The meeting
was for the put pore of ie-ndjusting the
playing sttengtri of the nine, who have
been so pctslstently losing lately. Man
ager Tuppan lnfotmcd a Tttbuue limn
that thete would be some new faces on
the roster next week, when the nine
will play the sttong Eutekas of Provl-
!..,? -,.Ttd It Ninety Bays.
TJjeaiLjsonc casa on iccord wheto
iGttCin had a good easy time of It while
JWtT'w Ife wus uway und she tells the
I'i "Circumstances ipado it necessary for
j mo to leave husband, for a month to
j pursue his bachcloidom as best lie
! could. He tesolved to give Grape-Nuts
j it thorough ttlal as he had for jeuis
been subject to bilious attacks and In
Duilng my absence he gained in
j weight nd his health seemed perfect,
therefore i, give you (or the benefit of
HufteruiE-Hwm In particular, and women
j iij genjtal.vhls menu for the 90 dujs:
I four teaspoanfuls of Grape-Nuts sptln
' ! kled wjltjv u Jlttlo salt and coveted with
i good cpeani, one slice of bread and but
i ter, onq large cup of Postum Cetcal
Coffee (made according to dhectlons)
. aiid all tho fruit he wanted.
Uilio worked during .the time pine
(fours a day and never realized he pos
ed a stomach. This diet my hus-
earnestly recommends to oflleo
jnen.1.etud.ents and to all rjeople of sed
entary habits eepeclully, and let me
tell It to all wives, this meal can be
prepared by an Inexperienced servant,
v young son or daughter, thereby sav
ngr yourself houra of labor. Try It.
ilt will mako your work lighter, your
i purse heavier, your body healthier and
?ll of ypu happier." Name given by
ihe Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
dence. Many other matters of much
Interest to the team wns also discussed.
It has been ascertained that the park
policemen will have their grievances
adjusted before the next game.
The Members of tho Township Board
Meet and Elect Teachers.
There was a meeting of Fell town
ship school bonrd, held at Simpson lust
night. The session consisted of the
election of teachers. The corps that
did such valuable service the past
school term were ie-clcctcd as follows:
John V. DoLaney, supervising ptincl
pal; the Misses Brcunnn, Bits, Judge,
Dtcnnan, Murphy, Llewellyn, McDon
nell, Gethlns, Henley, Boyle and Shree
hnn. The suits that the MlBses Lally
and Fun ell have Instituted to recover
wages alleged to bo due them, was
rof cried to the boatd's nttorncv, Oiu
met, for adjustment. The boaid will
meet on Monday to fix salaries of tho
The Funerals of Three Children
Held Yesterday.
Mr. and Mis. Neville Atthur, of No.
4, nre mounting the death of their fif
teen months' old child, who passed
away Satuiday evening utter a week's
Illness of pneumonia. The funeral was
held yesterdny afternoon at two o'clock
from the home. Itev. M. D. Fuller, of
the Jetmyn M. 13. church, officiated.
Burial was made in Maplewood ceme
tery. Nellie, the infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Runner, of Simpson,
passed awny yesterday of convulsion.
The funeral was held yesterday after
noon, burial being made In St. Rose
cemeteiy in the afternoon.
A Reminder of the Gravity Removed
This Week.
The mammoth snow plow that was
such a conspicuous factor along the
line of the "old gravity" railroad for
yeats, was lemoved from the switch,
near the Look-out, where it has stood
for a gteat many joais. The plow was
of great propoition and was designed
and built-in the old gtavlty car shops,
near Noith Main sticct, especially for
the requhements of tho famous old
tailtoad. It was piopclled by the
Mujor Sykes locomotive.
He Will Address the Medical Society
This Evening.
Dr. F. E. Jenkins has teturned fiom
a fchort visit In the New England
states, where he has been visiting his
relatives. Ho Intends to leave for his
post at Fot t Motgau about the fltst
of September. He will addtess the
Medical society this evening, and his
address piomlses to be a eiy Inteicst
Ing one, op It is to cover his expetlences
In the Philippines and China.
A Dance This Evening.
A social will be held In Butke's hall
this evening under tho auspices of the
Bon Ton Social club. The club which
has as its membeis some of tho most
populai joung men of the town, has
conducted a number of successful
dances and will tt to make this one
even moie successful than the pieced
ing ones. The Bon Ton's will wear
white shht waists and their colots,
which ate put pie and white. Pi of.
Fhth will bo the musician. A good time
is assuied the Bon Tons and all their
, An Original Event.
Ftldny evening the Misses Swlgert,
of Spring stieet, gave a paity In honor
of Miss Llla Beiwholdei, of Lancustei,
and Miss Sat a Von S. Daun. The first
patt of the piogiam consisted of an
old-fashioned spelling bee and a geo
graphical contest. Dining recess re
freshments wete served, consisting of
Ice cicam, cake and bon bons. The
latter patt of the progtam was made
up of contests In literature and botany.
Opeiated on at Emergency Hospital.
Mis. Jean Shaffer, of Cherry avenue,
was opeiated on at the Emetgency hos
pital yestPtday afternoon at 3 o'clock
lor appendicitis. Dis. Haipei und
Nlles pel fainted the opetatlon. In
stead of, finding the appendicitis they
found a latge tumor In the light side.
At a late hour last evening the patient
was testing vety nicely.
Visited the Lake.
The following well-known people
constituted a patty that enjojed a
dtlve to Crystal Lake Sunday after
noon, wheto they had utt enjoyable af
ternoon: Misses Annie Lynott, Mni
gatet Gethlns, Annie Shannon, Annie
Clune, Nora Btennnn, Messrs. James
Moian, Daniel Foley, John McDonnell.
Needs Protection.
A couple of w ell-Known young ladles
of the West Side weie apptoaclied by
a fitntnge-looklng man in the shudows
of Seventh avenue station Satuiday
night. Bcfoio he was able to grasp
them, they fled. The police aie watch
ing the loafets at this point.
Slight Blaze.
Thi'te was an early motnlng nlnim of
(lie Sunday motnlng. Tho Columblas
icspondcd and found u slight blaze op
the i oof of ono of the houses near the
Seventh avenue station. It was soon
put under contiol,
A New Walk.
T. C. Robinson has just completed a
fine lmpiovement along the line of his
piopeity on upper Belmont stieot. A
stone sidewalk hus been laid thut ex
tends to the O. & W. inllroad crossing.
An Enjoyable Outing,
John Beck nnd family, of Mills stieet,
and Cail Scioeder and family, of Salem
avenue, have j etui tied fiom a camping
expedition' ut Crystal lake,
Special Trains.
Special trains for the Englnecis' clam
'bake at Lake Poyntelle on Tluusduy
will leave ut 9.30 and 11.10 a. m.
Home Again.
Thomas Cuminlngs, of Povvdeily
street, has returned fiom the lumber
region of Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Mrsv Colwell Injured,
Mrs. Colwell, un aged lady, living
with her son, Fred, ut his home on
Wyoming street, sustained a seilous
accident last evening ut 0 30 o'clock ua
she was descending the stono steps in
ft out of tho house. She was carrying
a small child In her aims at the time,
when she suddenly tripped and fell
headlong down tho steps. The baby
was unharmed, but Mrs. Colwell broke
her light shoulder blade and collar
A Crowd of Popular Young People
to Have an Outing.
A number of the best-known young
men In tow n have ni ranged for an en
joyable event, to bo held on Thuisday
evening. It will be in tho form of a
liollcy paity to Scranton via special
tiolley car, at which place they will
enjoy the delights of the terpslchorean
nrt In Fiank Slegel's dancing parlor.
Tho car leaves heie about 7 p. m.
Mr. Graft's Prize.
Druggist B. A. Kelly, Saturday was
presented with a large-sized ciane
which was bhot nt Newton lake by
that well known sportsman, Richard
Craft. This is the first blid of this
species that has been seen in this sec
tion In yeais. On account of their
ratlty they aie highly prized. It is
Mr. Kelly's intention to have the bird
W. C. T. V. Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the W. C.
T. U. nt W. W. Watt's hall. Tuesday,
Aug. 19, at 3 p. m. All members ure
requested to be present as the election
of officers will take place at that time.
Geimania's Picnic.
Tho members of the Germanla Sing
ing society and seveial scor6 of ft lends
enjoyed the society's annual family
outing which took place at Poyntelle
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Scurry are
both 'very ill at their home on Wash
ington stieet. The patients aie in the
caie of two expeiienced nuises and it
was stated today that the malady had
developed into typhoid fever.
Miss Mary Jenkins, the trained nurse,
Is caring for an appendicitis patient at
White Vnlley.
Edwatd Delaney leaves this morning
on a business tiip to Montrose.
John Williams and Harry Robinson,
of this city, spent last evening in
Geotge Eaton, of Scranton, was a
Catbondalo visitor over Sunday.
Walter Loftus spent Sunday In Hones
dale. Richard Ciaft, jr., a well known
young man aiound town, had the good
luck to shoot and kill a crane at New
ton lake, Friday morning. "Dick' was
tiaveling aiound the lake looking for
ducks as he usually does when he is
camping and caught sight of the crane.
"Dick" was eager to kill him and broke
both the crane's legs the first shot, but
the next one took! off pait of the
ciane's head and finished him.
Rose and Maty O'Malley, of Plttston,
have returned home after a two week's
visit with lelatlves heie. They weio
accompanied by Miss Gabilel Coleman,
of Vine stieet.
Domiuick Evans and Thomas Dug
gan, of Scranton, spent Sunday in this
The Misses Anna Grier, of Dickson
City, and Winnie Walsh, of Plttston,
weie In town lust night.
Gertrude MeAndrew, of the Tair
stote has teturned after a two weeks'
Miss Kittle nunnery and Harriet
Ward, of Scianton, weie visiting in
tow n last w eek.
Kate and Miss XI, Mulveliill, of New
Yoik city, have t etui tied home, after
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mis.
Chntles Cavanaugh, on Dundnff stieet.
Miss Nellie O'Byine, of West Scian
ton, visited Miss Matgaict Duffy, on
the West Side Sunday.
Mr. and Mis. Call Roeslger left
Monday for a ttlp to Philadelphia and
Atlantic City, Mr. Roeslger will ic
tum In about ten duys, but Mrs. Roes
oger will, bofoie returning to this city,
enjoy a ttlp to Allentown.
Mis. Chniles Avery Is spending a
week In Wuvmait. i
D. Moses, of Scianton, has teturned
home, after a visit with the Singer
family at Ctystal Lake.
Misses Minnie Bowen and Alice Rash
leigh have letumed fiom a ten dajs'
visit at Atlantic city.
J. W, Scott and wife, of Bloomsbmg,
nie guests 'of Mi. and Mrs. W. G. Giles,
on Lincoln avenue,
F. M. Bauchforil, of the Cuibondale
Machine company, has teturned fiom a
ten ihxyt,' vacation,
Muster David Conneiton Is spending
a few weeks In Chciry Ridge.
Mathew Blown and Edwaid Garden,
have teturned fiom Providence, L, j.
Miss Minnie Welles, of Scianton, Is
visiting Mis. Chailes Lumoreaux, on
Eighth avenue,
Mis'. Geoige W. Cioss has letuined
home, after u week's visit to her par
ents, Mr. and Mis. Charles Law, of
Luzeine avenue,
Miss Tittle Nealon Ieftv Satuiday for
New Yoik city, where she will spend
some time.
Meude Tijon, who has been visiting
his parents In this city, has letuined to
his homo in Trenton, N, J,
Engineer J, II. Llngfelter and wife
Not Over-Wise.
Tlieie is un old allegorical picture of
a bit) seated at u Biass-hopper, but In
tho act of heedlessly tteudlng on a
snake. This is puiulleled by the man
who spends a largo sum of money
building a cyclone cellar, but neglects
to piovlde his family with a bottle of
Chambei Iain's Colic, Clioleia und Diar
rhoea Remedy as a safeguaid against
bowel complaints, whoso victims out
number those of tho cyclone a bundled
to one. This remedy Is everywhere
recognized as the most prompt and re
liable medicine in use for these dis
eases. For sale by all druggists.
will happen t Tfut't why your watch
work should he protected by a ttrong cttu
Gold Alone it soft And bends easily. It's
toed for ihow only. The JAS. BOSS
resists far and Jolt Keeps out the jfcist.
Reduces the expense of repair. Adds
many years to the life of your watch.
Every JAS. BOSS CASE is guaranteed
for 25 years by a Keystone Trade-mark
stamped inside. You must '
look for this trade-mark.
Consult the Jeweler.
Write ui for booklet.
are on a trip' to Albany, and will nlso
take u ttlp down the Hudson to the
Miss May Uhnor is, spending her va
cation at Waveiiy, N. Y und Lake
Mr. and Mis. Fred S. Wilson and
child, and Mr. nnd Mis. John D. Rob
inson and children spent Sunday nt
Crystal Lake.
Eurl Stanton, of Roseile, N. J., Is
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mis.
R. Udy, on Wyoming street.
Misses Maty Erne und Rose Galla
gher, of Scranton, aie guests of Miss
Genevieve Kelly, on South Main street.
Miss Stella Shaw, of West Scranton,
Is tho guest of Miss Marcy Coon, of
Canaan street.
Miss Josie Watson, of Pateison, N.
J., is the guest of Miss Norah O'Heain.
Miss Gertiude McCullough, of Scran
ton, is the guest of Miss Katie Murray.
Mis. W. T. Blah, who spent tho past
tlnee weeks, visiting ft lends in tills
city, has returned to her home in Wy
Mr. and Mrs. George Mntthews and
child, and Mis. Matthews' sister, ar
llved yesteiday morning from England
on a visit to the former's fathei, Alfred
T. Matthews, of South Main street.
Mr. T. B. Crawford, aslstant super
intendent of the Methodist Episcopal
Sunday school, has been elected super
intendent to All the vacancy caused by
the death of the late C. D. Winter. Mr.
C. A. Battenberg, was elected assistant
Mr. and Mrs. John Glbbs, spent Sun
day at BInghamton.
Miss Irene Delahunty, of West Pitts
ton, is the guests of Miss Dorothy
Tennis, of Main street.
Rev. M. E. Lynott, of Kingston, was
a caller In town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bovard were
the guests of Jormjn friends yesterday.
Prof. R. II. Martin and family, of
Scranton, who have been sojourning at
Lake Chapman, will return to their
homo today.
J. W. Grant, of South Main street,
Is spending his vacation in the western
part of the state.
John J. McCarty, of Mnj field, will
leave Thuisday for Atlantic City, where
he will lepresent Excelsior Council, 171,
Y. M. I. at the biennial convention.
Miss Giace Vail, of Third stieet,
spent Sunday in Clifford.
Mr. W. E. Davis preached in the
Congiegatlonul church Sunday evening.
.tie is a great lavonte among tne con
gicgatlon to whom his sermons ate
always acceptable.
There was a slight Improvement yes
terday In the condition of Mr. Philip
Baker, who has been ill of typhoid
fever for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stratfoid, Mrs
Isaac Benjamin, of Vandllng, and Miss
Han op, of Plttston, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. GiifTlths, of North
Main street.
Mis. Samuel Noble, of Btadford, Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. An
drew Lindsay, of Main street.
Miss iTaiy Svvick and Miss Gertrude
Davis, of Second street, left yesterday
foi a two week's visit in western New
Mis. J. P. Follett and Mrs. Emerson
Follett, of Hoopeston, HI., aie the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roberts,
of Main stieet.
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Jones have re
turned from a visit In Moscow.
A number of young people of this
place attended a shirt waist social in
Providence last evening1.
Mis. A. F. Cians left yesterday for
Moraine, Ohio.
Mi. William Adair and sons, Elmer
and Chester, letuined fiom Luke Idle
wild yesteiday.
Mi. and Mis. M. K. Harnden spent
Sunday at BInghamton.
Miss Annie Patten, of Delavvaie
stieet, Is entei tntnlng Miss Floieneo
Jones, of Bioomsbuig.
Miss Kathcilne James, of Scianton,
Is visiting fi lends In town.
TVank Jones rfnd 13111s Buckingham
letuined to Noiwleh, utter spending
a. few days in town.
'Ihe Infant child of Jacob Jenkins, of
Susquehanna stieet, died yesterday
morning. The funeral vvll ituke plaeo
tomoirow afternon fiom the family
lesldenc-c. Interment TWll be made In
Union cemetery.
Miss Uzilo Iteese, of Susquehanna
stieot, who has been visiting 1 datives
in Qicendeld, letuined home Sunday.
John Steed has 1 canned fiom a tilp
to South Wales.
Miss May Feiguson returned homo
yestciduy, after an extended visit to
New Yoik.
Miss Mary Gun ell, of Scranton, I3
the guest of Mrs. Joseph Muhon.
Miss Kate James, of West Scranton,
hpent Sunday with her filend, Miss
Elizabeth Wining, of Main stieet.
Miss Mlldied Howe, or Scrnnton, spent
yesterday ut tho Kenyon homestead.
Mr, Hairy Itlchards, of Orunge, N. J
Is visiting filonds and tela lives here.
Miss C. A, Kenyon has teturned home
from Huivard, N
Miss Weaton, of Carbondale, Is visit
ing Miss Fiancls Ollyeudike, of Bell
Mlsa Peail Tieverton, of Green Bldge,
Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. D. B,
Lnthropc, of Pleasant avenue,
Miss Coin Hendricks has 1 etui lied
fiom a visit with friends ut Glenwood.
Mr, and Mis. M. Cullender and family,
of Pjttsbuig, are visiting the formers
parents, Mis. and Mrs. J. D, Callender,
of Bell place,
Mis. C. H, Betty und family, Jtave
icturncd from Ashbuiy Purk.
Mlsa Anna Alby, of Green Bldge,
spent Sunday In town.
Miss Katie Mains, of Academy street,
has returned fiom a visit with relatives
at Dunmoie.
Mr, N, H. Johnson, of Main street,
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping: Center
If you see something in our
ads. to Interest you, you may
count on being still more, inter
ested when you come to the
It Is tho business of a business man to get now experiences every year If ho wants to keep his business
at tho front. Acting under Instructions, our buyers, during tho past spring and summer, havo penetrated the
farthest markets and searched and sifted tho producing world for the best things suitable to American retail
ing. The map of the world's work places becomes more and more Interesting each year. New blood and
new methods and new machinery are supplanting tho antiquated, crude and costly methods of a score of years
ago. Our buyers report many new and better sources of supply, of which we have availed ourselves (his year.
To offer to Scrantonlans the most complete stock of Dry Goods In the city Is our ambition.
J Golf, Vests Are in
A A little early, perhnpsv but the. cool weather
X has created a demand for them.
Plain colors, single breasted, $1.75.
Plain colors, double breasted, Jersey back,
X $3.50.
Fancy, double breasted, $2.50,
Fancy, double breasted,
X Golf Jacket, with sleeves,
Y effect, $3-75.
50c Black Serge, French,
A inches wide,
50c Heavy Black Serge, 40 inches wide.
50c Black Cheviot, 40 inches. ,
65c Black Serge and Cheviot, 52 inches.
75c Black Serge, 54 inches.
85c Black Serge, 54 inches. y
85c Black Cheviot, 54 inches.
$1.00 Panama Cheviot, 54 inches.
$1.00 Black Serge and Cheviot, 54 inches.
The Hosiery Sale Attracts Buyers
J Ladies' Drop Stitch and lace Lisle Stockings, fast black, regular 25 cent goods at 19c n
v pair, or 3 pairs for OUC 0
Children's and Misses' Ribbed Lisle, fine, liaht and strong, double knees, spliced
soles, toes and heels, and 01 course fast black 14c to x5C A
according to size. Regular prices were from 20c to 45c.
. . 1 a.
! Connolly & Wallace !
who has been suffering from typhoid
fever was reported much better yester
day. Miss Jessie Campbell, of Scianton, Is
visiting relatives here.
Dr. and Mrs. Newton, of Nicholson,
spent Sunday with the lattor's patents,
Postmuster and Mrs. W. V. Mace.
Mr. Hugh Strick. proprietor of the
Central hotel, of Muhanoy City, hus re
turned home after spending the week
with Mr. Fred Howell and William
Dikeman, of West Peckvllle.
Mrs. William Shager, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Levi Howell,
of tho West Side, has returned home.
Miss Marrllla Strick, of Muhanoy
City, will spend a few months with her
aunt, Mrs. William Dikeman.
Condolatoiy resolutions adopted at a
special meeting of the Anthracite Glee
club, of Talor, on Friday, August, 15,
1902, upon the lamentable occasion of
the death of Thomas DeWitt Edwards:
Whereus, It has pleased Almighty
God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy,
to remove from our midst our dear
fiiend and companion, Thomas DeWitt
Ed w aids, who departed this life on
Wednesday, the 13th day of August, A.
D 1902. and
Whereas, The Antluaclte Glee club,
of which the deceased was so useful
and valuable a member, deshes to place
on recoid Its piofound expression of
deep sol low and affliction It has inex
piessibly suffeied, and the great be
leavement and incalculable loss it has
hiistalned In the death of our dearly be
loved biothei; for "He hath borne his
faculties so meek, bath been so clear
In his conduct." and so friendly and
hoclablo in his companionship, that
his memoiy shall over icnialn gieen in
our heuits, und abldo with us until time
shull be no more.
Resolved, That in the untimely death
of our filend and bi other, we have un
dergone Inetilevnblo loss, which will
be difllcult to lepluce, His admirable
and soul-still lug voice; his peicnnlnl
smile; his genial countenance; his hap
py and obliging manuei; his pleasant
and Joyful aspect; his checiful disposi
tion; his icudy and keen wit und his
thoughtful and sustained humor have
eudcuied him to our heaits.
Duilng his sojourn among us we havo
learned to love him for his many
estimable qualities and his cver-ieti call
ing amiability, Ho came to us a
uti anger fathei less, motheiless und
alone; ho goes to his heavenly lewaul
thilco blessed and ci owned with the
gintltude, love und affection of a gilef
stricken und sorrowing community,
"ills life wus gentle, and the elements
So inlNCii In Mini, thut natuio might stand
And tay to all tho vv 01 Id This is a man."
Resolved, Thut these 1 evolutions be
spread upon the minutes of the society,
published lit the public pi ess and thut
a copy be pie&euted to the family of
Mi, Alfied Bueknnm, with whom tho
deceased leslded and spent so many
happy yeais,
James Moirls,
David D. GillTlths,
James K. WutMiiu,
Tho clciks of this boiough and the
cleiks of Old Foi go have aiianged to
contest for base ball honois and havo
decided to play a series of three games.
Flist, to bo ployed on tho homo grounds
on Wednesday, Aug. 20. Second game
to be played on Old Foige grounds on
Aug. 27. The llnul gamo If necessary
will piobably be plujed oil the home
giouuds. Tomoirow 'a game will com
mence at 2 o'clock sharp.
John Moigans Is home from his trip
to Buffalo, N. Y,
The funeial of the lute Silas Randall,
of Old Foi Be, took place yesterday
afternoon and wus largely attended
It is not only that you see the
new things first ut Connolly &
Wallaces, but that you see things
that you see nowhere else at any
tithe. They are exclusive.
Jersey back,
plain colors,blouse
New Black Goods
fine twill, 45
1 uese dmck
uncommon values.
j If It's Ehret's
it's the Best
Slag Roofing.
WmrPGn-Ehret Gompm
$$ $ 4 tS 41 $ S
Services were held at the house. Rev.
J. I.,. Race, officiated. Interment was
made in tho Maicy cemetery.
The Prohibition alliance of Taylor,
will meet this evening at the home of
Mrs. Hatton, of Main street. Oiganizer
Gomer D. Reese, of Scranton, will be
present. All nie Invited.
Mis. William Fox and three daugh
ters, of Giovo stieet, and their guest,
Miss Gertna Puicell, of North Scianton,
aie spending a two week's visit wfth
friends ut Buttermilk Falls.
Miss Leone Fnmham, of Green Ridge,
Is spending a few days with her filend,
Miss Bessie Buckingham.
Mis. Bealey is entei tabling her sis
ter fiom Lewlsburg.
Mis. White and daughter, Miss Hat
1 tat, left yesterday for their home at
Yonkers, after 11 thtee week's visit at
the home of Mr. and M13. A. B. Wil
liams. Miss Bertha Oi lines spent Sunday
with her patents heie.
Rev. and Mis. G. N. HerUog, who
have been the guests of Dr. and Mis.
Knedlor, left on Ftldny for their home
tit Cednrville, N. J.
Mis. Bvion Buckingham spent Satur
day with fi lends at Glenbutn.
Miss Alberta Snvder, of Rhlnebeck.
N. Y is visiting at tho homo of her
uncle, Mr. J. H. Snyder, nt "Fein
Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Ilolllsteiville,
pteuched In tho Baptist chuich Sunday
moinlng and evening.
Over ono hundeid puiticlpatcd In tho
enjoyment of tho Baptist Sunday bchool
i, ir. ni Vhv aiict naik last Thuisday.
The day was perfect, tho boulevaid vvus
In fine condition aim 1110 uuu n -
llghtful. No accidents befell any mem
ber of the paity and the day will bo
long leiuenibeicd by the chlldien at
least. .
"Tho Wild ReiV' quits New Yoik for
tho load August SO, and tho othei blur
cities will have an oppoituulty to soo
liiMiu Uentloy In tho best pait hIio hus
linil In her cnieci.
Tlmnuis KeoiiBh Is out with tho on
nouiiceineiit thut ho lias puiclmsed fiom
Mis. Gemgo 8. Knight tho lights to tho
play, "Uaiou Rudolph," and muy btar in
tho pleco this beubou.
Neuily ovniy uctiess has a hobby,
Huu Riibsell, aiitomoblllng; Helen Grant'
ly, ping poi'BS Maude Adams, her llbiaiy;
Viola Allen, hoiseback ildlng, and Aunto
Russell, painting.
Diet Unite. Is wild to have spoilt tho
lust duH of his life woiUlug on a comic
oiiei.i with tho unique title of "Alkali
Ike." The scenes mo laid In I'.uls and
1110 said to bo veiy funny. Music for
tho pleco wus wiltteu by Bnmmiel Mull,
It. A. IS.unct, who wioto "119.'," hiiB
Just completed a now musical comedy
Y7rXrif1a0,ii remedy
The Yarn Stock Is Ready J
Shetland Floss, 7c skein, 80c for a pound of Z
12 skeins. Y
Germantown Zephyr, 10c skein, $1.40 for a V
pound of 16 skeins.
Saxony Wool, 7c skein, $1.30 for a pound
of 20 skeins.
Spanish Wool, isc skein, 95c for a pound X
of 8 skeins. Y
German Knitting, 25c skein, 90c for a pound
of 4 skeins. W
The famous Golden Fleece brand.
50c to $1.50 A full line of Canvas Etamines p.
40 to 50 inches wide.
$1.00 Venetian, 52 inches. a
$1.50 Venetian, 54 inches.
$2.00 Venetian,. 54 inches. 4
$1.00 to $3.00 A full line of Broadcloths,
50 to 54 inches. Y
cjuuus are an new guous aim .
4. 4. if. 4. 4. $ 4 v .51 r;,
4 "I i i "i 'i "l 4 5' "S1 4 &
called "Baion Humbug." It will bo pre
sented in Boston by tho Bank Ofliccif'
association of that city und, the.i bo
tinned over to tho piofcssionals.
Jeauetto Lovviic is to havo a prominent
part In "King High Ball" when given It3
llrst presentation In New York. Mlsi
Lowrlo hi piivato II Co Is tho wife o
Thomas Q. Soabrooke, and w.ib ono of
labt season's Angela In "Floiodoia," scoi
lng a big success with tho pait.
Captain Basil Hood, tho lEngllsh play
vviiglit, is hind at woik on a play for
four AmciUan actors with London re
pute. They aie Mudgo Leading, James B.
Sullivan, Fiank Mills and Holbiook
Bltnn. Tho piece, when finished, will be
called "Gilff's Gill," tlio scenes beins
laid in England and Aubtialla.
Tho following Is the make-up of tho
Delawaio, Lackawanna and Western
boaid for today:
Summits West S a. m., Carrlgg wif
Hennigan'.s crow.
Puslieis 7 a. m , C. Bartholomew; S a.
in , Ifouspi ; 11 13 a. m., Coslar; 7.J0 p, m ,
Murphy; 9 p. m., W. II. Baitholomovv.
iielpeis I.JO a. m., Case; 7 a. m ,
Lamping; 10 a. m , Lattlmcr; 3 15 p, m ,
Tho Scianton division crows in tho
slow Hobukcn pool will lay off four
lound flips. Tho last crew out beforo
this takes effect Is Fellows on 11 30 p, ni.
Monday, Aug. Jfc. Notlco will bo given
when they nro to go to work.
Ketclium and crew will run second No.
51 Tuesday, Aug. 19, ono week.
J. L. Ross and ciow will uin No. 53
Tuesday, Ausust in.
E. Stuck nnd cievv will run No. Cl
Tuesday, Ausust 19.
1', Allen and crow will run Nn. C7
Tuesday, August 19,
II. Uohcrty and cievv will run S a. m.
extra east, Tuesday, Aug. 19,
r. L. Rngois and crow will run No. BJ
Tuesday, Aug, 19.
Jnines ainley and crew will run No. 5'
Tuesday, Aug, 19.
The A. O. H. at Wllkes-Barre.
D) KxclnsUo Who from llio Associated Prcaj.
Wllkcs-n.iiio, Aug. 18 A laigo numbe
of delegates havo ai lived In tho city to
attend the annual stato convention of tho
Ancient Oidor of Hlbciuluus, which holds
Its ill si session In this city toniouow.
Tho convention will bo In session throi
dajs, Tho Ladles' nuxlliaiy of tho An.
dent Oidor of Hibernians was In session
today, Only loutlno business was tians.
ai ted, Tlieie was about 10O women dele
gates In uttendunce,
Musketeer Breaks Records,
lly I'xcIujIvo ire from 'flio Abioclitcil Prcsj.
Suiatoga. N, Y., Aug. 18 -The Must
Uetccr broko a vvoild's lecoid In the sec
ond laco at Saiafoga today. Ho lun the
soveu fiuloiiBS In 125 flit. Ill 1801 nt
Coney Island Cllffoul established the
tecoid at the distance on a circular tract
I 23 2-5.
Thtsslgnaturols on overy box of the genua.
Laxative BromivQuinineTabict-
that cures a colrt lu ouo itcj
iMifri& miyvftd?