The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 12, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Ingrain Carpets
Women's Black Taffeta Gloves always a jQ
25c article. Green Tag Sale, a pair ''
Kid Gloves
Women's Colored Gloves, 2-clasp style
and a black kid, a 75c value. Green Tag Sale, AQr
a pair . 4'7L'
Standard make, 65 cent kind. Green Tag A Qr
Sale, a yard , fv
Good value In Jolntless China Matting, tic i(r
the regular prjce. Green Tag Sale, a yard
3, a yard vv
25c kind,
Green Tag Sale, a yard 16c
I . - . . -
K ' ' ' ' .. .
(r - Green Tag L Sale
The right sale at the right time, A sale of unusually low prices. A Mid-Summer event that will attract your immediate attention. Broken lots of
merchandise and regular stock selected for this sale and ticketed with priced cards which tell in their own figures of a merciless reduction.
Sale begins Tuesday morning, August 12.
Look for the Green Tag and Vou Will Find Bargains
ST This
Green Tag Sale
The Greatest
Ever Known
in This City.
Jonas Long's Sons
Millinery Items
Women's White Duck, Hats, very
stylish, large bow of white
duck, $1.25 value. Green nC
Tag Sale VOC
Children's and Misses'
Flats, very nobby. Green
Tag Sale IOC
Flowers and Foliage, choose from a
lot of 25c kind at Green Tag -,
Sale Price lUC
29c Silk Mull, pink, blue, yellow,
old rose and cardinal. Green -.
Tag Sale Price, a yard 1 UC
Chiffon, assorted colors,
75c quality. Green Tag -
Sale Price XoC
Women's Handkerchiefs. .
Green Tag Sale, each 4C
Women's Colored Edge
Turnover Ties. Green Tag
Sale OC
P. K. Collar and Cuffs.
Green Tag Sale oC
Torchon Lace. Green i
Tag Sale.yard OC
Point de Paris Lace.
Green Tag Sale 7 C
17c Embroidery. Green t
Tag Sale 1 ZC
Men's 25c Shield Bow
Ties. Green Tag Sale,2 for ZOC
All Silk Gros Grain Satin
Ribbon. Green Tag Sale . .
' All Silk Gros Grain Satin
Ribbon. Greek Tag Sale..
Also a lot of Taffeta,
Skirts Jackets, Capes and Tailor-Made Suits
At Astonishing Low Prices.
$5.00 Tallor-Made Sults.made from
Homespun, jacket Eton, flounce1 skirt,
trimmed nicely. Green . 0
Tag Sale $2,9o
$4,00 Wash Summer Suits, made
of lawn, batiste, duck, many colors.
Gibson Waist. Green Tag a, 0
Sale Jpl.yO
$3.50 Black and White China Silk
Waists, tucked and open a,- ,
work. Green Tag Sale . f)2,2)
$5.00 Black Silk Capes, richly
trimmed with lace and Q
ribbon. Green Tag Sale, p5.VO
$12.50 Tallor-Made Suit, made
from cheviot and serge, black, brown
and blue, also greys, eton and doublo
breasted jacket, full flare .
skirt. Green Tag Sale. $0.75
$10.00 Walking Skirts, all styles,
stitched and corded, made of Melton,
Homespun, Camel's Hair, black, blue,
tan, brown and oxford
greys. Green Tag Sale pO5U
$3.00 Misses' Walking Skirts, Mjel
ton and Cheviot, black
and oxford greys. Green j
Tag Sale pl,7y
I Green I
I Tag I
I Sale
Child's Fast Black Ribbed Hose,
were 15 cents. Green Tag
Sale llC
Men's Fancy Hose, all . colors,
good quality. Green Tag
Sale .
" Women's All Black Hose and
black with white feet. Green
TagSale 1ZC
Women's Fancy Hose,
were 25 cents. To close -
out, Green Tag Sale 1 5C
The Celebrated Stocking.
Green Tag Sale, pair 1 9 C
Blue Decorated Cup and Saucer,
with plate to match, value t
20 cents. Green Tag Sale. IDC
Good Size Lunch Boxes.
Green Tag Sale C
59c Hammocks. Green
TagSale 39C
Iron Coal Screen, ioc and iac,
I Green I
I Tag I
I Sale
Children's Wear
Corded Waists, all sizes. ,J
Green Tag Sale, each jC
Colored Outing Flannel Skirts,
with bodices. Green Tag
Sale , 1 OC
Pique Reefers, sailor col
lar, were $1 .50. Green Tag 0
Sale 9oC
Infants' Wear
Long White Slips, lace trimmed,
were 59 cents. Green Tag
Sale 39C
Kid Shoes, all colors.
Green Tag Sale, pair 2t l'C
50c and 69c Children's and Misses'
Colored Wash Dresses, all sizes, also
white aprons Green Tag
Sale 39C
Boys' Clothing
Double-Breasted Suit, size
8 to 15 years VOC
Knee Pants, ' medium
weight, 3 to 14 years 1C
Brownie Overalls, good
Denim, 5 to 15 years lyC
Toilet Department
Lyon's Tooth Powder.
Green Tag Sale 1 5C
Buttermilk Soap. Green
Tag Sale OC
Perrs' Unscented Soap.i t
Green TagSale ltlC
Half Pint Witch Hazel.
Green Tag Sale 9C
Cold Cream In jars. Green ,
TagSale QC
Best Blue Calico. Green
Tag Sale, yard '. ....
Silver Grey Calico. Green
Tag Sale, yard
8-cent Gingham. Green
Tag Sale . . . j
1 5c Gingham. 32 Inches
wide. Green Tag Sale, yard
9-4 Unbleached Sheeting,
Green Tag Sale, yard
Square Top Trunks, sizes 28 and
30. Price $2.75, $2.98.
Heavy Canvas Covered, sizes 18
and 20, Price 59c and 69c.
Fancy Colored Calico. 7
Green Tag Sale 3sC
Furniture or Drapery Cat-
Ico, good patterns. Green .1
Tag Sale, yard OC
Shaker Flannel. Green 3
' Tag Sale! 34C
10c Ghevlot, dark colors,
checks, Green Tag Sale . . 5C
One Yard Bleached Muslin, good
value, 6c kind. Green Tag .
Sale 4C
I Green I
I Tag I
1 Sale I
Wftt lAric Need Articles
ftUllOllS at Small Prices.
Best paper Pins, Green TagSale 4c
Large size Hair Pins, Green Tng Sale, each 4c
Hair Curlers, good size, Green Tag Sale, each 4c
Hook and Eyes, black and white, Green Tag Sale, card 2c
Seam Binding and Set of Stays, Green Tag Sale, each 3c
Waist Belting, Green Tag Sale, a vard 2c
Machine Oil, the best, Green Tag Sale, bottle 4c
200 ard Spool of Machine Cotton, Green Tag Sale 2c
39: Summer Net Corsets, all sizes, one to a customer, Green
Tag Sale: y 5C
Women's and Misses' 50c Girdle Corset, straight and medium-
lengths, Green Tag Sale 39C
Sonnette Corset, white and black, were S2.25 and $3,50 each, 0
Green Tag Sale o5C
Black Dress Goods
Our entire line of 50c Dress Goods, Serges, Cashmeres, Whip-
cords, Cheviots, Poplins, etc. Gr een Tag Sale 39
Hams, mild sugar cured 1
per pound 1 52C
Campbell's Catsup. 15c
kind, sale lUC
Lion Coffee, package ioc
Grano, coflee substitute,
package 19
Small package 12c
Shredded Cocoanut, pound. 15c
Mexican Coffee, our well
known blend, i-lb package X 1 C
I Green I
I Sa,e I
0 w
This V.
Green Tag Sale
The Greatest
Ever Known
In This City
Jonas Long's Sons
Oxford Ties
Women's Fine Dongola, patent
and kid tips, welt and turned soles.
Were $1.50, $2,00 and $$2.50 pair.
Green Tag Sale, $1.09, $1.50 and
$1.98 pair.
Dress Goods
54 and 56-inch All-wool Mel
ton Skirtings, Cheviots and Vig
ou'reux for this sale,6sc, 75c, $1.00
and $1.25 yard.
Candy 2 pound box ot assort
ed Candy, Green Tag
Sale, box 1 OC
Cambric Lining All colors 3
and black, Green Tag Sale.vd 04C
Shrunk Canvas For skirt
stiffening. Green Tag Sale, 1
yard 9C
Good Quality Percallne Q
Green Tag Sale, yard O
Cushion Tops 50c lilnd; pretty
designs. Green Tag Sale,
each oy
Cushion Tops Lot of odds and
ends; 25c kind. Green Tag' -.
Sale, each lU
Women's Vests Made of good
cotton yarn. Green Tag
Sale, each 1UC
Children's Vests Low neck, no
sleeves, 15c kind. Green n
Tag Sale, each ll'
Women's Union Suits Were
29c. Green Tag Sale, t
each ,. 19
Boys' Balbriggdn Drawers
Were 25c Green Tag
Sale..... 17C
1 - 1
:. . I 1 . -
wmmmmmmmmammmmmmr n.L: n
Wall Street Review.
New York, Aug. 11. Tlicro were not
linking toduy echoes or last week s ex
illed surmises regiiidlng the supposed 10
iiUJuxtmunt ot lelutlons In tho southern
and southwestern rulltoud woild but
tlio ontlio absenco or tiny official
loiroborutlon or countenanco for tho
Illinois caused a pause In tho spec
ulation bused upon them. Tho ne
cessity for somo arrangomont to Uar
moiilzo perfectly tho now order pf
tilings by reason of change of control la
tho l.oulsvillo and Nashville and tho pass
ing of tho Chicago and Kastcru Illinois
to tho 'Jrlbco Is generally recognized. At
tention was diverted anow to tho money
market toduy In view of tho heavy Inroad
upon tho surplus leservea ot tho banko
lovcaled by the (Saturday bank statu
mont. Jlany glowing lopoits wero re
ceived In Wall street of tho promise of
tho harvest tho laigo trafllo moving on
the railroads and the Indication for an
unusually largo fall trudu In all branches,
Tlio present high level of prices for gruln
larrylng ralltoads is tho result of former
buying to discount these very conditions.
It is ccituln, also, that tho more active
business is tho more demand tlicio will be
for push In tho country's circulation thus
diuwlng It from bank rcseives. Call
money rates rose above 3 per cent, today
as a result ot these conditions on' the
part of tho lenders of money and time
money rates were also tinner, Dining tlio
Until hour the pressure to sell became
urgent and prices declined sharply
throughout the list. St. I.ouls Southwest
ern preferred, and Norfolk were conspic
uously strong In thp early dealings hut
they lost moat of their gains In tho later
icuittou. St. Louis stiffened suddenly to
the best at the last. Tho closing gener
ally was Irregular. Total sales today,
110,100 shares. Selling to realize made tho
bond maiket easier, Total sules, pur
-value, $1,700,000. United States 3s ad
vanced 4 per cent, on the last call.
The following quotations are furnished
The Tribune by Kulght & Frecso Co., 3U
SIS Meurs liulldlng, W, D. Itunyon, man.
'Amal. Copper C7i CSHJ 7 07
jm. u. ac !' m iuvti m
.,., 1U4 111 1W
.... MY
. I,,, 1174
American Ico ,,,,
Am, Ice, l'r
Am, Locomotive
Am. Loco.. Pr ...
Am, S. & R. Co
Amerlcun Sugur
Aicnison ...
A tntitnnn Tin
Bait. & Ohio'!!!!
Ilrook. R. T , KS:
Canadlun Pacllln ,..US
i;nus. a. uuin ,,,,
Chicago & Alton ,
ciiic. (c a. w i
C, M. &.St. P ...
C R. I. & P ...,
Col. Fuel & iron
Col. & Southern
4U M i'J
32 3l?i 31
9M tuii W,?
ml ml ml
vml i3iu i3iii
9j'T WA 91
m v7n v-Ti
V4 ilO',i IIKI JUS
Vl bSii C7T4 68
1S8U Wl M6
M U.,-4 Dl5i DVV
. Mi, Wk W li
, ml 3nl mil siu
,1874 1S7H ,1KH, 1Sii
,1M lWi lSSvi ISSVi
, S9i OOU 89H 90
. Wj 8i 53V5 K
Col. & South., 2d Pr. r,2 M',i C2 r2'A
Del. & Hud 179V6 17Ss 173,4 1797i
Den. & R. G., Pr.... 9J',i 93U 9J Si
Urlo ..; .,... 40 aoVi HS 38'i
Krlo, 1st Pr 5111 W KIVs KP,i
Hocking Vulloy 100H 1001 D7Vi 98'A
Illinois Central 170 170 1US 1CSW
Kan. City & South.. M?i 3G?i 30 3tVi
Louis. & Nash 149 149',4 1477i 147?i
Manhattan KH Vim 134 1335
Mexican Central ,...-29Ta 29T& W 23
Jlo. Kan. & Tex .... 31 HHi 31? 31
Mo., K. & T Pr .... G!7i lil 03 GJ
Mo. Paclllo 117i 117'i UW 110
N. Y. Central 104 1CIV4 lu3i lOSii
Norfolk & West .... 0S',i 70V 0S 03
Out. & West 34Vi aiVi 33 33
Pacific Mall 10',$ 40Hi 40',i 40V4
Pennsylvania R. It..lKrjJ 100V4 1M lMli
Peoplo's Gas 100 100',8 lffiU lOoii
Pressed Steel Car ... 4SVj 4SV& 47 48
Reading 07',i Im tti Cii
Rending, 1st Pr SOU MP,; hGU M
Reiidlng, 2d Pt 7,1 73U- 7.1 73
Republic Steel 19 19 19 19
St. It, Hz San P Sl 82V4 81 b2',i
St, L, & So. W 37?i 3S 37H 7'i
Southern Paclllo .... US 09 usi tsJ
Southern R. R 40V. 40v'3 39 39'i
Southern R. R.. Pr, 97 9S 97 97
Tenn, Coal & Iron... 0S?I GS'i 07 b7"i
Texas & Paclllo .... -JDJ 43 4SV4 49'S
Union Pacltlc ins ios',1 107 107
Union Pacltlc. Pr.... 32 32 01 01
XI, 8, Leather 13 11 13 13
XI. S, Leather, Pr .. SOW SU'j SOU 8',,&
X', 8. Steel 40tt 40',i 39K 39
XI. 8, Steel, Pr 83$ i3Vi Bi)l MVi
Wabash 31 31 30 30'i
Wnbash, Pr 47 47 46 Al
Western Union 88?1 90 88 80
Wis. Central 28 2SU 28 2S
Total sules, 000,000 shares.
WHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close.
September 07W os 07 u7
December ,, M 07 Ci!4 05
September rl 51 no no
December ,,, 39 29 314 33
September SO 30 29 29
December ,. 2S 28',; 27 27
September ,...,,,. 16.20 10. M 1S.0O 10.00
September ,.,,.,,. 10.75 10.73 19.53 10.55
September ,,,,,,,. 9,77 9.S2 9,75 9.77
Open. High. Low. Close,
August mm,,,. 8.33 8.40 8.28 8.40
September ,.,..,.. 7,73 T.Si 7,83 7.W
October ..,,..,,,,,. 7,70 7.73 7.70 7.70
December ..,..., 7.03 7.08 7.CJ 7.03
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100,
STOCKS. Bid.Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr,.., 60
County 8av. Bank & Trust Co 300 .!.
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... C00
Third Uatlonal Bank 530 .
Dime Dop. & Dig. Bank , 300
Economy L., II. & P. Co.,,,,, ... ja
First National Bank ".; 1300 ...
Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co . 193 .!!
piark it Baover Co., Pr.,.M,., 125 ,..
500 ...
123 ...
135 ...
"3 ..."
113 ...
115 ...
113 ...
... 105
Scranton Savings Bank
Traders' Natlonul Rank
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co
Peoplo's Bunk
Scranton Packing Co
Scumton Passenger Railway,
llrst mortgage, duo 1920
Peoplo's Street Railway, llrst
mortgage, duo 1918
People's Street Railway. Gen
oral mortgage, duo 1921
Scranton Tine. Co,, 0 per cent.
Economy L., II. & P. Co
N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co....
Consolidated Wator Supply Co
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lucka. Ave.)
Flour ?4.40.
Butter Fresh creamer', SStgc: fresh
dairy, 22Hc
Cheese UtillVic.
Eggs Nearby, 22c.; western, 21e.
Marrow Beuns Per bushel, $2.35a2,l0.
Green Pens Per biibhol, J2.23.
Onions Per bushel, 90c.n$l,o0.
Now Potatoes-50aC0e. per buuhel.
New York Grain and Produce Market
New York, Aug. 11. Flour Market was
caster and cptlet. Wheat Spot easlor;
No. 2 red, 74Vc elevator; No, 2 red, 74i'.
f, o, b. atlout. Anticipating a bearish ciop
report and affected also by lower cables,
favorable crop uows and modoiate liqui
dation wheat was weak and heaVy all
day, closing ac. net lower; May closed
73c.j September, 72c; December, 71o.
Corn Spot eusy; No, 2, 73c, elevator and
74c. f. o. b. alloat; option mnrkut broke
sharply in fnco of frost tulk, being I11II11
enccd by lower foreign markets, prospects
for 11 bearish crop report, liquidation and
light demand, Tho close was H.alc. not
lowor; May closed Mc; Septernbor.
55e.; December, 43c, Outs Spot market
nominal; No, 2 oats, 02c, UBked for old
and 50c, for new; No. 3 nominal, ; No.
2 white, 03c, for old; C3aC0c. for new; No;
3 white, nominal; truck mixed western,
nomlnul; track white western, nominal;
Hack white state, nominal; option market
was generally weak and lower with other
markets. Butter Steady; creamery, l'u
20l$e.; do. factory, MHalOr&c.; renovated,
10al8c; imitation cieumory, lWat7,.c;
stuto dairy, 17a20c. Cheese Firm on
largo, quiet on small; smull colored new,
state full crea'm, fancy, fce,; smull white,
9c: iurge colored, 9a9c,: largo white.
9a3c. Eggs-Burely steady; state and
Pennsylvania, SOViaSIc; western candled,
18a20a; western uncuudled, ISalSc.
Buffalo live Stock Market.
East Buffalo. Aug. lB.-Cattle Receipts,
3,300; active, 15u25c. higher on all grades
except bulls, which wero dull and lower;
prime steers, $8.i8.25; choice 1,200 to 1,300
pound steers. $0.55a7.23: fair to good, JCu
6.60; choice 1,000 to 1,150 pounds, 3.00aii;:
fair to good, J5.25.i3 50; choice heifers. 0.2"
S.ti.i?:r(ulr- Jo.Bood, $5a.l; light helfern.
J0.25a6.50: fair to good, 3aB: light to fair.
3uf 60: best fat cows, JI.75.U.23; fulr to
good, t3.75a4.70; rauners to fulr, Sl.G0a3: ex.
port bulls, ?l.Wu5; butchers' bulls, f).50a
iip. i.n,Ann i,..Ha Mn .4 rft. AeVi nnwQ nnrl
1.,,; uuiuyiui uiiiiD, o,.ww. . "w '.""'"-
springers, strong; goon 10 cnoicc, juuhu-j,
medium to good, $33a3: common. $-'2a2i;
feeders. J4.23a4.73: stock heifers, J3.25a3.7j.
Veals Receipts, 823 head; He. lower; tops,
J7.23a7.50; fair to good, J.50a7; common to
light, JoaG: grass, JJ.50 a 4. Hogs Re-
30c. on others: heavy, J7.70a7.S0: mixed me
dium, jT.ooav.iu: oruei-H. i.iom.jJi umii
and pigs, J7.40a7.50; roughs. J3.i5aG; stags.
$5.23a5.73: grnssers, J7.23a7.30. Sheep nnd
Lambs-Rccolnts, 5,100; sheep, steady:
lambs, 23c. higher; top lambs, receipts,
5,100: sheep steady; lambs, 23c. higher;
top lambs, JG.23afl.50: fair to good, Jo.ioao;
culls to common, Jt.75a5.23; yearlings, J4.!m
n5.23; wethera, J4 G3a4.75: sheep, top mixed,
J4.23n4.50; fair to good. J4a4.25; culls to
common, J2.25a3.50; owes, J4a4.23.
Chicago Grain Markot.
Chicago, Aug. 11, Gruln traders had
only momentarily relief today from thu
selling pressure which put nil the mar
kets on tho toboggan last week. Follow
ing an enrly frost reports from tho north
west prices began- sinking again and so
general was tho eellng that covering fur
short accounts could nnt off&ot tho de
clines. At tho close Sobtember wheat was
c. off; September corn, ac.; lower,
and September oats, lc. down. Provis
ions wero erratic nnd plosed 12a43c. low
er. Cash quotations wero as follows:
Flour Easy: No, 2 spring wheat, 7lc;
No. 3, W)a71c.: No. 2 red, iKViaOOVlc,;
No. 2 corn, 5lvu.Ve,; No. 2 yellow, 57Vsu
68c,; No. 2 oats, 23'4a40o., No, 2 white, -;
No. 3 white, 20al7c; No. 2 ryo. '43V4o50c, ;
good feeding barley, ; fulr to choice
malting, 58aUlc; No. 1 flax seed, Jl.40; No,
1 northwestern. JI.44; prime timothy seed,
; mess pork. J15.90al5,93; lard, J10.43al0.50;
short ribs, J9.50a9.o0: shoulders, 9a9Vic;
short clear sides, llall',;c.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Aug, 11. Cattle Receipts, 20,
000, Including 1,000 Texans, 3,000 western;
choice steady; others steady to weak;
good to prime steers, JSaB.SO; poor to me
dium, J4.50a7.50: Htockeis and feeders. $2.50
05.25; cows. Jl,50a5.75: heifers, J2.50a0.23;
canners, J1.50a2.5O: hulls, J2.23a5.40: calves,
J2.00a5.72; Texas fed steers. J3.25u5; west
ern steers, J4,75a0.93. Hogs Receipts to
day, 30,000; tomorrow. 18.000; left ovor,
4,000; J0a20c. lowor; mixed and butchers,
J0.00a7,43; good to choice heavy, J7.10.i7.43;
roughs, heavy. Jtl.50a7; light, J6.50a7,30;
bulk of sales. Jfl.75aT.10. Shoe;) Receipts,
17.000; sheep, lOuloc; higher: lambs. 15a23c,
higher; good to chdlco wethers, JJ.50a4.50;
western sheep, J2.50a4.60: nutive lumbs,
J3.50a6.23; western lambs, J0.2ja0.50.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Aug. lJ.-Credlt balances. 122;
certltlcates no bid: shipments, 143.88.! bar
rels; avtmge. 80,223 burrels: runs, 100,202
barrels; avoage, 81,493 barrels.
Capital, $200,000
tiSSSffi $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Opeu Saturday eveainga
from 7.30 to 8,30.
Spencer Trask & Co.
2t & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No 57 Broadway, New York City,
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pemi Avcillio.
J Fire, Water, Steam and J
j Acid Proofv-
j Ehret's
j Slag Roofing
The Roof with a Bonaflde 10
Year Guarantee, J
Warren-Ehret E j
4. 8S1 Washington Ave,
Roofing and Building Papers.
Manufacturers of
Old Stock
N. seventh bt
Old 'Phone, a33i.
New 'Phone, 2935,
. Scranton,Pa.
311 Spruce St. Scranton, Pa
All Acute nnd Clironlo Diseases of Men,
Women unit C'lilldreii. K12RVOUS.
roiisullutlon nnd exumlnatloii fice. Oft
Ilea liourb, dally uwd Hunduy, i a. m. t
S d. la.
ll . r
Iw V
. JBJ-A i'lJmt-J:ji4,i.', Ji,5ViW.w. ',w A..1 j, v.jA Yamna.
V . g .Ti&?J