rTTifttifi FTTtjxr, 4ti,' wjfSjT isv&r&rif riWT&fwSWwW!! r?) " . - r k ,?. . " i - w. ;,''' LAV j ., A . Wi s ' I' ? kl v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1002. 8 LUCK OF LUM. EAltk DAVESItAM was giving a ilnnce and the great ballroom of his houso wna (lllcd with a glit tering crowd. At one end a man of nbout thirty-nvo was sitting with a young and pretty girl. His eye roamed over the brilliant scone, and a hall emtio played about his mouth. "Lucky, lucky girl!" he murmured. His companion looked up at him In quiringly. There was a Blight spot of color on her cheek. Austin Drysdale Indicated the huge room with a slight movement of his hand. "All yourst" he said softly. "To bo had, not for tlio asking, but for Just consenting to accept It. A title, Im mense wealth, as husband an amiable man of middle ago and Irreproachable character. Wonderful!" The Hush deepened on tho girl s face, and she turned her head away.. "What nonsense you talk, Austin! she remarked. He laughed. "Being your cousin, I'm privileged. Besides, I've always made a point of being frank with you. So let us discuss tho Earl. Hero," he rattled one, "we have a most useful member of the arts-, tocracy sober, Industrious and given to thinking seriously. He has drifted on to middle age without having fallen In love tho despair of nil titled moth ers with marriageable daughters. At length he sees you, Miss Beryl Heath cote, a delightful young creature, and straightway determines to make up for lost time. And tonight It will be set tled, my dear, I'm absolutely certain ho will propose tonight I'm never wrong In these matters and tomorrow you will be referred to In every bou doir as the most designing young per son In all London. In other words, you will have succeeded where they failed." The girl was looking at the edge of 'her fan thoughtfully. "I d'on't think I have tried," she said. Drysdale laughed. "Then you are more lucky than you deserve to be. The Earl will be a model husband, and, continuing to be frank, Is a marvelous prize in the ma trimonial market. "Are you going to talk nonsense all evening, Austin?" she remarked. He shrugged his shoulders. "It was mere cousinly exuberance of spirits at your good fortune." He paused. "Do you know," he added, glancing at her quizzically, "I rather thought you were a little interested in Lumsden last year." "Did you?" she said, calmly. Her hands were fingering the tassle of her fan. "Yes," he continued. "But when he went off to the war, and you didn't seem to mind, we decided we were wrong." He paused for a moment, but the girl said nothing. "Anyway," he went on, "it's just cy well we were since he's done for now, poor old chap!" She looked up quickly. "Done for?" she said. "Didn't you hear?" he cried. "He was sniped In the leg, and has has got a bad limp for the rest of his life. No more soldiering. Haven't you seen him?" "No, no!" she said In a low tone. "How could I?" "He came back two days ago, and Wardlaw insisted on dragging him here tonight." "Here?" she exclaimed. He nodded. "I saw him a little time ago playing cards In the smoking room. You see, he can't dance now. He's cut off from most things, and still a young man. It's pretty rough to see him hobbling about painfully with a big stick. Poor old Lum! His luck was bad." The girl was staring straight ahead of her. She seemed to have hardly heard his last words. Drysdale glanced at her, then gave a 'little laugh as he noticed a man making his way toward them. "Ah, here comes the paragon of all tho virtues and tho possessor of 70, 000 a year an interesting if somewhat unusual combination your partner for tho next dance!" ho said. "And, inci dentally, for life also!" ho added with a smile. He got up from his seat leisurely, as Earl Davesham came up to them. He was a grave looking man of about forty, his hair Just tinged with gray. "Our dance, is it not?" he asked, with a quiet smile. She rose and took his arm. The music had started, and they began to waltz. A good many eyes were focused on tho Bedate looking man and his beautiful partner. They went around the room twice. The Earl made a few common place remarks, to which she replied somewhat listlessly. There was a far away look in her eyes. "Shall wo sit out the rest?" he asked at length. Something In his tone roused her. She glanced at him nnd saw that his eyes were fastened on her face. She felt a slight shiver run through her. He did not notice that she went a Bhndo pale. "It's my favorite waltz," sho said In a low, quick tone. "Do you mind If wo dance lt through?" she added, forcing a smile. "By all means!" he said, courteously. And away they wont again. "But our next dance?" ho said grave ly a moment later, "You will sit out that with mo? I have something to nay to you something of the greatest Importance to me." A feeling of helplessness crept over her. "Vfiry well, then," sho said trembling ly. "Our next dance." Presently when the waltz was over.ho had to leave her. Austin Drysdale tauntered across to her, and at her re- A Little Girl's Life Saved by Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Eemedy. Majel, the three-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blue, of Itlch land, Oregon, was ill with cholera In fantum, so ill in fact that the local physician hud given her up. Mr, and Mrs. We8"0 Saunders were at tho houso at tho time when the doctor told them that their little daughter would not recover, Mr, Saunders told his wife that he know Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy would cure the child and he at once secured a bo'ttle and with the consent of her parents gave the little sufferer a dose of It, The baby at once wen,t to Bleep nnd when ehe awoke the next morning was out bf danger. This happened al most three years ago. The child Is liv ing and well today, and Mr. and Mrs. Blue feel yery grateful towards the manufacturers of this great remedy. I( i for wue oy ai qruKgisia, . quest took her to a scat In one of tho corridors. "I want to bo quiet for a moment or so!" she exclaimed, "So plcnsc don't talk much, Austin. Mr. Drummond Is my next partner." He looked ni her Inquiringly. "Why didn't tho paragon take you Into tho conservatory?" ho asked ban-torlngly. I She gave a little sigh. "Oh, the conservatory Is duo with our next dance," she replied, and re lapsed Into silence. A door a few yards away from them opened a few inches, nnd tho sound of men's voices broke upon their ears. "I Just came along from Cranston's dinner party, and we had quite a dra matic little scenel" cried one. "Young Klvlngton, who has been Invalided home, was there and a lot ot other chaps. He drank champagne rather heavily, and not being strong yet It went to his head nnd he got excited. Of course there was a lot of war talk and Shcnton, the painter chap, mode some asinine, sneering remark about our fellows' work said that If ever a man did a brave notion It was only because he hoped to get tho V. C. for It." The voice pascd for a moment. Dry- dale glanced ut Beryl and saw sho was listening to every wosU. The voice went on: 'Then young Rlvlngton sprang up, his face aflame, and told Shcnton ho was as good as a liar; said thcro were hundreds of cases where men did big things and kept It to themselves. Shen ton laughed. Bivvy grew madder still, and said he himself could give an In stance. They were out at Modder River doing patrol work, and coming Into contact with the enemy had to get under cover as best they could. It was a fast thing, and in the scramble back one of tho subalterns fell and twisted his ankle. It wasn't noticed for some little time. Then a captain, finding it out, went back In the open md brought him away under a storm of bullets. He got badly hit himself, but managed to do the trick. Only Rlvvy and the subaltern knew what had happened, and the chap who did it bound them oyer to secrecy and made them promise to say nothing about it. He only gave out th"at he had been hit by a stray shot." The voice came to a stop. "The dramatic part was that Rlvvy in his excitement let out the name. Who do you think It was? Why, old Lum, who's somewhere about hero to night, and the subaltern was young tVrchle Heathcote." "By Jove!" muttered Drysdale sud denly. Ho looked at Beryl and saw that she had gone pale, but there was a sparkle in her eye. "What do you think of that?" cried tho voice in the room. "Splendid!" murmured the girl out side, clasping her hands. Prom the ballroom they heard the sound of the music starting again. A young man came and looked down the corridor, then walked up to them. It was Cecil Drummond, her partner, a nervous youth wllo stood in consider able awe of her. She went ore and danced with him. She hardly spoke and seemed deep in thought. Sudden ly a soft smile lighted up her features. The wondering Drummond thought she looked radiantly beautiful, and at once came to a conclusion the Earl had proposed to her. What girl would not look happy under such circum stances? She asked him to take her to tho conservatory, which he did. There was only one occupant a man at the far end, who was hobbling across to a chair. A light came Into the girl's eyes as sho saw him. She turned to young Drummond with a smile. "Would you mind i I left you, Mr. Drummond? I want to speak to Cap tain Lumsden a moment. He is an old friend." Cecil Drummond gaped in astonish ment, then muttering a reply turned and vanished. Left alone, Beryl walk ed with a light step down the conser vatory. Lumsden had Just settled himself, with his stick beside his chair, when she came upon him. He looked up and saw a glorious vision in white. He recognized her the one woman ho had ever loved. She was smiling and holding out her hand to htm. "Don't rise," she said as he attempt ed to move. They looked at one another for a mo ment without speaking. Then she dropped into a seat by his side. 'I'm so sorry," she said softly. Sho fingered the stick meditatively. "Will it bo forever?" "Yes," he said between his teeth. "forever. No more soldiering. All there's left for me Is to hobble through life as best I can on a few hundreds a year private money and a wound pension. The chances of war, you know," ho said forcing a smile. "It's only what we bargain for tho game we play," She turned to him Impulsively. There was n bright tear glistening on her eyelash. "I heard tonight, by chance, how It happened how you risked your life to save Archlo's," sho said In trembling tones. "Why wouldn't you let him speak?" she added gently. Ho had gone rather white. "How did you hear?" he stammered. Archie promised faithfully." "It was not Archie," she said quickly. "I'll tell you some other time how It happened. All I wa'nt to remember now Is that you saved Archie, and I shall be grateful to you all my life," sho finished In n low tone. He shifted his foot uneasily, but could find no words to speak. Ho felt his head was in a whirl. "Do you remember thut night before you loft England?" sho went on. "Wo misunderstood one another. You must have thought mo cruel." "No, not cruel," ho murmured. "I didn't know then" Her voire came to a stop. Ho turned his head suddenly and looked Into her eyes, Ho saw something In them that made the blood courso through his veins. He understood. For a moment ho hesitated, then with an effort pulled himself together, "No, no, Beryl! 'You must not do It!" ho cried hoarsely, "Think what It means you, tied to a cripple; a long, dull life; perhaps In a small country town; very little nioney, yery little fun!" he finished with a gulp. "Perhaps the fun that money brings Is not the fun I want," she said softly, "You, with your youth, your bril liant chances! No, dearest, I can't let you make such a sacrifice. Besides, I wouldn't take advantage of your grati tude. That's why I forbade Archie to speak. I would not have you marry laid out of pity," ho said unevenly, .Cubanola cigars have no drugs y A H nor i lavorlngslwhich f givo Bw H flB Hl heartburn and interfere mP. H fl H with health and - f V H ML H digestion "'' L 1 1 I IH- IMPERIAL CIGAR CO.. THE She laid a hand on his arm. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shining with a light that could only menn one thing. "Not pity; It's love," she whispered. "I thought I understood women," so liloquized Austin Drysdale a few days later, "but I don't. Fancy a modern girl deliberately refusing a title and seventy thousand a year, and insisting upon giving up her life to a poor devil with a limp, who didn't expect It and who can do nothing but make, her su premely happy! Wonderful!" Then a smile crept over his face. "After all, Lam's luck wasn't so bad not so bad considering he deserved it." New York Mall and Express. BEHIND THE TIMES. New York City's Postal Facilities Aro Eeally Much Poorer Than They Should Be. W. E. Curtis, In Chicago Rccoid-Hcrald. The local mall service about New York city Is very much behind the times. The people of London, Berlin, Paris, St. Petersburg, Rome Vienna and other European cities have a de cided advantage of us in this respect. Over there the collections and deliv eries are so frequent that a person can get an answer to a letter the same day that It is written. You can write from any place in London to any part of that city, and if your correspondent answers promptly the reply will be re ceived within six hours. Tho same is true In all of the other cities I have named. Housewives order their mar keting by post card. If they mall an order to the butcher or the grocer be fore 9 o'clock In the morning the goods will be delivered before luncheon. This, of course, Is a great convenience and economy, which wc do not enjoy In American cities, and during my pres ent stay around New York I have been struck with the delay and Inefficiency of the service here. A letter mailed in "Washington any time before 9 o'clock In the evening reaches New York by 7 o'clock the next, morning, but it not delivered north of Twenty-third street before 11 o'clock, and In tho residence district up-town, not until after noon. A letter mailed at Washington with a special delivery stamp upon It will reach Its destination perhaps an hour earlier. Oyster Bay is an hour and twenty minutes from New York, yet a letter posted there by the 4.14 train, with a special delivery stamp upon it, is not delivered at the New York Herald building earlier than 9.30. A passenger can make the trip from Oyster Bay to the New York Herald building in an hour and a half, but It takes a letter live hours and a half, by actual experi ence. Therefore the newspaper corre spondents ut Oyster Bay are compelled to hire a messenger and send him to New York with their dispatches be cause they dare not trust the mails. Tho same is true of letters from Man hattan Beach, which Is only forty min utes from New York city and fifty min utes from tho New York Herald build ing. A letter 'mailed at the Waldorf Astoria In the afternoon will not reach Oyster Bay or Manhattan Beach until tho next morning, although the former Is only an hour and a half distant and the latter fifty minutes. The trains run frequently up till midnight; to Man hattan Beach they run every hour. A letter mailed In Atlantic City nt 3 o'clock In tho afternoon reaches New York about 6. If It has a special deliv ery stamp upon It It will be delivered somewhere about 10 o'clock at night. If It bears tho ordlnnry stamp It will not be delivered until the next morning. This Is my personal experience, and tho local deliveries In New York city aro oven slower. If a letter addressed to any place In the city reaches Its des tination tho same duy it Is mailed It is fortunate, but that does not occur fre quently. Not long ago I mailed a letter at tho Waldorf hotel about 3 o'clock In tho afternoon to a book store within five minutes' wulk. It was not deliv ered until tho early mall tho next morning. It was taken up in the 4 o'clock collection, carried to the post oillce, three or. four miles away, and then brought back the next morning. The postotllco authorities explain that they cannot, deliver malls uny more promptly, be'eause thoy lack the facil ities, but congress appropriates some thing over $100,000,000 a year to provide facilities, and the money Is all expend ed. Postmaster General Payne should send Postmaster Van Cott of Now York to England, Germany or France, so that he can learn how to run a post ofltce. MINES IN SEVENTH DISTRICT. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre). Shamokln, Aug, 10. Edward Hrcmiun, of this place, state inspector of the Sev enth anthracite district, In an Interview this evening Mild overy ono of the fifty collleiles In this district would bo in con dition for operation when the stilko end ed. The fow Hooded upper lovols can bo operated and eventually all the levels. He estimates 7 nor rent, of tho men will bo ublo to procure work at onco when tho collieries uro reopened und tho ro malndor within a month or two. Ho thinks tho total dumaso to collieries caused by tho strike will reach between ?G0,0C0 and (100,000. ONLY Wholesale Tobacconists 109 Lacks. Ave. CORONATION OP KING EDWARD Concluded from Page 1. talking to the Duke of Sparta that he seemed not to notice the crowd. The Prince of Wales also seemed Indiffer ent and stolid, but the Princess of Wales bowed and smiled constantly. It was not till the king's procession came that there was any show of en thusiasm. Lord Kitchener, Admiral Seymour and General Gaselece, as they rode together, of course came In for much attention, but they all seemed to look straight ahead and pay little at tention to tho people along the route. Lord Kitchener, in tho resplendent full dress uniform of a general, also looked unfamiliar, and many persons did not recognize him. The Indians were undoubtedly tho most picturesque feature of tho 'proces sion. The state coach of the king was drawn by the fat Hanoverian horses which figured in all of the late Queen Victoria's processions. The progress of the royal procession was marked by no special Incident, with the exception of an accident to Lord Edward Pelham Clinton, one of the grooms In waiting. The march reached Its climax on the arrival at the Abbey, where there was a scene of un paralleled enthusiasm, which did not cease until their majesties disappeared in the annex. The accident to Lord Pelham Clinton created considerable excitement In tho Mall. Tho groom In waiting, In a closed carriage, was passing York Steps when his conveyance collided with another royal carriage going at high speed in an opposite direction. The horses fell, and there appeared to be serious trouble. Tho police extri cated the teams with some difficulty, and Lord Pelham Clinton, wlp was only slightly hurt, proceeded. The procession follows: First Tho Grand Duko of llcckllnburg Strelltz, Princess Alice of Albany, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Frederick. Second Princess Andrew and George of Grecco and Princesses Victoria and Louise of Battcnberg. Third Princes Maurice, Leopold nnd Alexander of Battcnberg, Princess Vic toria Eugenic of Battonberg and the Prin cess Beatrice. Fourth Tho Duchess of Albany, tho Duchess of Argyl and the Crown Plinco and Crown Piincess of Roumanla. Fifth Princess Louise and Augusta Victoria of Schleswlg-Holstein, Princess Victoria Patilcla nnd Princess Christian of Schleswlg-Holstein. Sixth Tho Duko of Sparta, Princess Margaret of Connnitght, tho Duchess of Connaught nnd tho Grand Duke of Hcsso. Seventh Tho Duchess of Sparta, tho Crown Plinco of Donmnrk and Prlnco and Piinces3 Henry of Prussia. Eighth, drawn by six black horses Tho Crown Princess Chnrles of Denmnrk, Lady Alexandra Duff, Princess Victoria and tho Duchess of Fife. In tho king's procession were: First carriage A. V. Spencer and II. E. Spencer, pages of honor, and tho Hon. Mnry Dyko und the Hon. Sylvia Edwards, malts of honor to tho queen. Second Lord Knollys. tho king's pri vate secretary; Sir D, M. Probyn, keeper of tho king's privy purse, and Sldnoy Robert Grevlllc. Third Lord Colvllle of Cujross, lord chamberlain to tho queen; Lord Chelms ford, Vlco Admiral Culmo-Seymour and tho Hon. Charlotte Knollys. lady of tho bedchamber to her majesty. Fourth Viscount Churchill, a lord In walling; tho Earl of Pembroke, lord steward f his majesty's household; tho Dowager Countess of Lytton, lady ot tho bedchamber to tho queen, and the Duchess of Bucclcuch, the mistress of tho robes. King's Gift to the Nation. London, Aug. 10. King Edward has signalized his coronation In a memor able manner byi the munificent gift to tho nution of the Osborne house, ono of the favorite residences of the late Queen Victoria. The gift Is mude In the following message to his people, addressed to Prime Minister Balfour, For reasons apparent in the document Itself, his majesty makes his Intention public: Under tho will of tho king's much be loved mother, the Osborno houso estate Is, as Mr. Balfour is aware, tho private estate of the sovereign. Having to spend a considerable part ot the year in tho capital of this Icipudom and in Its neighborhood, at Windsor, and having also strong home tics in the county ot Norfolk, which have existed now for nearly forty years, tho king feels ho will bo unable to maka adequate uso ot Os borno houso as a royal residence and lie, accordingly has determined to offer the property In tho Islo of Wight us a gift to tho nation. As Osborno houso Is sacred to tho memory of tho late queen it is tho king's wish that with tho exception of thoso apartments which wero In tho per sonal occupation ot her majesty, his peo ple Bhall always have access to the house which must ever bo associated with her beloved name, As regards tho rest of tho building tho king hopes it may bo devoted to national purposes mid bo con verted Into a convalescent homo for offi cers of tho navy and army whose health has bcon impaired in rendering service to their country. If, in older to give full legal effect to tho king's wishes It Is found that application to parliament bo necessary tho king trusts that Mr, Bal four will sco that tho necessary steps aro in due courso taken." i Coronation Services. St. Johns, N. F.. Aug. 10. Coronation services were held In all tho churches here today, DISTRIBUTORS OF C'JBANOLA CIGARS Semi-Annual ion Sale Big Bargains in All Departments. All the 2.00 and $3.00 Straw Hats Reduced to 412 SPRUCE STREET. SOD LACKAWANNA AVENUE. .Try Our Special lOo Linen Collars. FINANCIAL. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 SURPLUS (Earned.) $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday- evenings from 7.30 to S.30. WBiBMOJMSSBk THE MARKETS Scranton Board of Trade Ejicha'nge Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Uld.Askeu, Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... on County Bav. Bank & Trust Co SOO First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... 500 Third Uatlonul Bank C30 Dime Dep. & Vn. Bunk SOO Kconomy I... II. & P. Co a First National Bank 1S00 Lack. Trust & Sato Dop. Co . 103 Clark & Snovor Co., Pr 1.5 Scranton Savings Bank nan Traders' National Bank 2J3 Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123 People's Bank 13 j ... BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Scranton Passenger Railway, llrst moitgngc, duo llfio 115 People's Stieet Railway, first moi'tgugo, duo 1918 115 People's Strcot Railway, Gen eral mortgage, duo lt21 115 Scranton Trae. Co., (1 por cent. 113 Kconomy U, II. & P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 10J Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by It. O. Dale, 27 Lacku. Avo.) Flour-J-1.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 23&u.; fresh dairy, 22&e, Cheese Halite. Eggs Nearby, 22c.; western, 21c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2.33d'. 10. areen Peas Per bushel, $2.23. Onions Per bushel, 90c.a51.00. Now Potatoes OOauOc, per bushel. Philadelphia Live Stock. Philadelphia, Aug. 10. I.lvo stock re ceipts for tho week; Cattle, 1,781; sheo, S.4SS; hogs, 2.15S. Stockcrs. generally un changed ; steers, best, $J.U2.i7,75; choice, J7.37a7.C0i medium, $5.50aU; bulls, ?:),B0aJ; cows, fJ.C0al.EO; thin cows. Jl.43al.75i owes, heavy fat, JU2aU2; lambs, SViaCUo,; me dium, Ea.Vfic.i extra, C?ic Hogs "Western, lOWalOJio. Dressed stock Steers, 10al2Vic; sheep, 7ttDVie.i cows, 7',uSc. Veal calves, 9'4al0c.j hogs, lllic KINO OSCAR A LIPE SAVER. The Swedish King Rescues Victims of a Bridge Collapse. By Eicliuite Who ((oiu 'llic Aisoclitcd Press. Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 10. Whllo King Oscar was yachting Saturday near tho Murstrand bildgc, which was crowd ed with women and children, tho struct ure collapsed, throwing its occupants into tho wutor, Tho king threw off his coat and assisted In tho rcbcuo of twtnty-threo persons, who were taken aboard the yacht. ;:,;&, ( " For Today's Ll Business 700 Yards Dress Goods of 38-inch all wool Scotch Plaid Nov elties and a lot of black and white crieck dress goods. It will soon be time to send the girls to school. The above goods are desirable in every way for a school dress. Today, a Yard, 29c 1,000 Yards Dress Goods Double Fold Plain Dress Goods. Figured Novelties and Novelty Plaids, suitable for chil- 2Lc dren's dresses. Today, a yard W Furniture and Housefurni&hings Sale Continues All Week. . . Extra additions to this sale daily. You will form a better opinion of the many bargains mentioned after you have looked them over. Domestics Assorted colors in a fancy callco,a 6c kind, for 4jc Blue Calico, fast color, good pattern, a yard 4c 31 -Inch Double-Fold Percale, dots, stripes and figures, 8c kind. . . 6c Hill Muslin, one yard wide, bleached. Today, yard 7c Ticking, narrow, blue and white stripe. .Today, yard 6y3c Shaker Flannel "' '3MC Canton Flannel 4lM 60 Inch Table Linen: Today, a yard 23c Sheets, ready for use, good muslin. Today 44c Pillow Cases, size 45x36, 2-Inch hem. Today iac Cotton Twill Towelling, a yard 3C The Moosic Powcle ft Rooms 1 nnd Z .ft.. Commonwealth Bldg. w SOBANTON, PA. te MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Hade at Mooslc and UushtJalo Works. Laflln & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Ucctrlc Batteries. Electric Kxplodera, Ex ploding niasts, Safety Fuse. BEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. SHORT SEA A fow days can bo pleasantly spent in a trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE Steamers sail dally except Sunday from Pier 20, North River, foot of Beach street, New York. Tickets, including meals and state room accommodations, JS.OO ono way, $13,00 round trip, and upwards, Send stamp for Illustrated book. OLD DOMINION STEAriSHIP CO. 81 Bench Street, New York, N. Y. H. B. WALKER, Tiafilo Manager, J, J. BROWN, General Passenger Agent, HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent (or tho Wjromic; District (41 Dupont's Powder Uinlnff, Dlutin;, Sporllnj, Smofcelta and tbt Repuuno Chemical Ccrapiua HIGH EXPLOSIVES, Ealety Fuse, Cap and Exploder. Room iOl Coo Deli Uulldlnif ,Scraaton. AQb'NCICS. JOHN n. SMITH k SOU ,.,.,, Plymouth K. V MULLIUAN ,.....,., ,VUkuDjjM " Ey TntS m TRIPS. pyr-pr DOHIIIM mtmiKmmmmmmmmmBBfia Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY! Kern Incandescent 1 Gas Lamp. Gunster&Forsyth 253-327 Fenn Avenue. i- Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock l PILSNER i n.SE. Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phono, 2935, Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. Robinsons m ' fM y ? t y ,t