The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 11, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Candidates for Office Are Keeping the
Susquehanna Turnpike3 Hot A
Snake Discovered In the Church
Organ Ed. Cheeseman's Strange
Adventure Possible Petroleum
jpcclsl to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Aus. 10. In common
with many of his neighbors, Farmer
Conrad, of Glemvood, three years ago
Indulged In the popular fad of estab
lishing a carp pond upon his farm, and
he waited with feverish anxiety for the
glad hour when ho could take a hoe
and go out whenever he was a little
moist and dig up a ton-pound carp.
Farmer Conrad's most sanguine hopes
were more than fully realized, and the
family just revelled in carp. They had
carp for breakfast, dinner and supper,
and cold carp for luncheon. The llsh
were so numerous that the family cat
used to drag big ones from the pond up
through the meadow to the housn.
But the family eventually became
surfeited, and carp gave way to bone
less liver upon the bill of fare. It
dawned upon Farmer Conrad that he
had bought a gold brick. He was get
ting more quantity than quality.
He stopped feeding the fish and
gradually drained the pond. The dis
carded fish took refuge in a swamp be
low the pond, and made nightly incur
sions upon the vicinity fields for food,
after, denuding the swamp of vegetable
On Saturday night thousands of the
carp loft the swamp, ascended a bluff,
and fell upon an acre natch of early
rose1 potatoes, stripping every vine and
leaving the lot as barren as the Sahara
desert. The famished fish gorged them
selves 'and were unable to return to the
swamp. They fell into a deep and pro
found sleep.
On Sunday morning, while Farmer
Conrad and his hired man were search
ing for a lost cow, they discovered the
wrecked field and the, snoring carp.
Farmer Conrad sat upon a. rail fence,
cried tears and said things. Then the
men grasped clubs and fell upon the
carp, slaying them all. Not a fish in
all the field escaped the terrible massa
cre. Then the tired men resumed cow
hunting. Farmer Conrnd had lost an
acre of potatoes and gained four tons
of excellent fertilizer. There is no great
loss without some little gain.
The Great Bend club will tackle the
Stars, in Susquehanna, on Saturday
After going down 2,300 feet, without
striking anything vulnerable (except
experience), the prospectors at Frank
lin Forks have quit operations.
Candidates for county ofilces are
keeping the turnpikes red-hot. The
office doesn't stand half a chance to
"seek the man."
The Republican senatorial muddle
will surely be settled by the state com
mittee. There Is no other way in sight.
Miss Reckhow, of Great Bond, has
been elected assistant principal of the
Oakland graded school.
The Erie shopmen will run their ex
cursion to Shohola Glen, on Saturday,
August 23.
The Susauehanna Stars have won
seventeen games this season and lost,
three including the Carbondalo Sunday
"exhibition" game. Jumping Mosc3,
wnatafday that was!
At Conklln Forks on Sunday evening
there was an umjsual scene in the little
cross' roads church. As the organist
was playing n prelude she chanced to
look into the little mirror above her,
and she was horrified to see a largo
snake uncoil itself and crawl forth from
the music rack.
The organist promtly fainted and slip
was carried to the parsonage, where she
soon revived. Several of the braver
members of the congregation attacked
the snake and soon killed it.
It was a blacksnake, and measured
elx feet in length. It evidently crawl
ed Into the building when the church
was being renovated during the minis
ter's vacation.
Quito a largo number of our towns
people are resting from their vacations.
There 1h a good deal of unrest in .a va
cation, and most-' ,ursIons are exer
tions. ' ,y
Tho International oil combine prom
ises to be one of the smoothest of the
It can bo said of the boiler-makers
that we hear less of them when they
ure siriKing man at, any other time.
Tho average carpenter Is not a pugil
ist, but ho knows ull about boxing.
Southern railroads are reaching out
to secure Erie engineers.
Tho Prohibitionists of Susquehanna
county held a conference at New Mil
ford on Wednesday. Water'll tho har
vest ho?
The Free Methodist camp meeting at
Thompson will begin August 20 and
contlnuo until Sept. 1. iTho gates will
not bo ajar on Sunday,
The Susquehanna union will hold its
annual convention at Susquehanna,
September 2-3.
Family reunions are ripe In Susque
hanna county,
Even Hallstead hag a school board
The work of setting poles for tho Sus-quehanna-Great
Bond-Hallstead elec
tric lino is half completed. Three hun
State of Ohio, fflty of Toledo, Luea3
County, ru.:
Frank J, Cheney makes oath' that ho 13
tenloi- partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney
& Co.. doing business In the City of To
ledo, County and Htuto aforesaid, and
that eatd firm will puy tho sum of ono
hundred dollars' for each and ovory
caso of Caturrh that cannot bo cured by
tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed in
my presence, this Gtli duy of December,
A. .p., ISSo.
(Seal A. W. OLEASON.
. . . Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Suro is taken Intornully,
and acts directly on tho blood and nm
cous surfaces of thu system. Bead for
testimonials, frco,
c .. , j ... Toledo, O.
Bold by all druggists, 75c. .
HhI1 Family Pills aro tlio best.
dred and fifty poles arc required In the
It Is evening In tho park, (
And tho softly coming dark
" Sees tlio toad
Snapping up the helpless flies.
Each a dainty, Juicy prize,
In the road,
It is evening in the park,
And tho softly coming dark
Sees ri pair
Cuddled up upon a seat,
Talking tender, low and sweet,
While cradling oats, Ed. S. Cheese
man, of Gulf Summit, nnd-his dog
killed u blacksnake measuring eight
and one-half feet in length. Tho snake
crawled from beneath a stone wall,
wound itself around Cheeseman's body,
and would have squeezed him to death,
but for tho opportune arrival of the
bulldog, which furiously attacked tho
reptile and eventually killed it. In
thirty-five years, Checseman has killed
thousands of snakes, of different spe
Not bankruptcy, with Its sorrow,
Is tlio destined end of way:
If thou, In The Tribune tomorrow,
Put nn ndt and lot it stay.
If the coal strike doesn't end soon,
newspaper editors will bo urging their
correspondents to write their "copy"
on shingles.
The history of the rise and fall of tho
sparrow has not yet been written.
When a woman loves It Is because
'she can't help It; that's all.
A Klrkwood farmer put a dynamite
cap in a stove, to "see what It would
do." Ills funeral followed.
A man may expect to be bitten in a
dog trade.
The attention of Prohibitionists Is
called to tho fnet that tho moon is
sometimes full twice In a month.
Jeff and Fitz fought a light,
And would fight another:
They take tho boodlo half and half
And then they each other.
The Erie will soon put on a new fast
train, to run between New York and
Chicago in twenty-four hours.
Moody Relief corps, No. 12, Grand
Army of the Republic, will on Saturday
evening decorate the graves of Its de
ceased members.
Susquehanna Is well represented at
tho Carmol grove camp meeting.
The Susauehanna club loft Carbon
dale with "their lives, their fortunes
and their sacred honors."
The Brushville Baptist church will
apply for a letter of incorporation.
The Universalist church property is
for sale. No services have been held in
it for years.
Nearly all of the engine hostlers at
this station have been set to firing
switching engines. The Erie is re
trenching. At the Deep Hollow artesian wells, in
Great Bend township, a black, oily sub
stance, resembling petroleum, Issues
forth, and prospecting will continue.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Aug. 9. Mrs Genevieve
Stebbins is- ill with typhoid fever at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Emily G.
Mils, on Warren street.
The Republican county convention
will be held on Monday, September 1.
Edward S. Hinds, of Factoryville, is
an aspiradt for the nomination for
sheriff on the .Republican ticket at the
coming county convention. Newell A.
Doty, of Mehoopany, is also a candidate
for the same ofllce.
Mrs. Jacob Breldlnger, of Wilkes-
Barre, is visiting friends at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Morval Reynolds are
entertaining friends from Philadelphia,
at their home on Putnam street.
Miss Lull, of Sayre, is visiting her
cousins, Mlsse3 Nellie and Jessie Bil
ling, on West Tioga street.
W. II. Gullck, state engineer, is here
again working on the plans for the state
bridge across the Susquehanna river at
this point.
Frank J. Rpauldlng, of Forkston, was
doing business In town on Saturday.
Edward Mowry, of Meshoppen, was
a visitor In town on Saturday.
Walter Johnson, a prisoner at the
county jail, charged with burglary,
escuped from prison on Friday morning
by climbing over tho wall by means of
a rope which he had contrived from bed
clothing. No one saw him escape, and
his present whereabouts are unknown.
He halls from South Mountain In Fork
ston township.
Tho ball came on Sntiird.iv nftnmnnn
between the Tritons and the team from!
Luzerene borough resulted in success
for the homo team by a score of C-3.
Miss Mabel Packer, of Hazleton, is
visiting the family of Dr, A. B. Wood
ward, on Second street.
Thomas Gallagher, of Plttston, Is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boyce, at
this place.
Mrs. Stephen Robertson visited her
mother, Mrs. Margaret Lelpham, at
Russell Hill on Friday,
Special to tho Scranton Tribune
Towanda, Aug. 9. Tho twenty-fifth
annual encampment of the Bradford
County Soldiers and Sailors will bo
held on tho East Towanda fair grounds,
August 20 and 21. Tho principal speak
ers will bo Department Commander
Scott, Judge A. C. Framing, Rev. David
Craft, Rev. E. .J, Rosengrant und
Trouble has just started In tho col
lerles of Gunton und Murray la the
Bernlco coal region, Tho miners have
stopped work In the Gunton mines, and
demand an Increase In the price of each
car loaded, but last reports claim that
the operators refused to abldo with tho
request, A number of the employes of
tho Gunton mine 1bo went out on a
strike. At a meeting no definite de
cision was reached, The mines of the
State Line & Sullivan Railroad com
pany ut Bernlce, who are employing
non-union men, have met with no
trouble whatever and' are running on
full time, . N
The Father Mathow baseball club of
Elmlra defeated the Towanda club at
this place on Tuesday by a score of
The Lehigh Valley will run, ono of Its
popular excursions over tlio main, lino
from Waverly to Shawuneso lake next
Mrs. E. D. McKee was called to Phila
delphia this week by tho death of a
Miss Blanche Emery of West Plttston
has been a. guest at G. W. Blackman's.
Miss Anna Selsel and niece, of Scran j
ton, are visiting friends and relatives
lit Towanda. , I
Tho hot house on the Packer hospital
grounds has been leased by tho Lehigh
Valley, and hereafter the company will
start Its own foliage plants for the dif
ferent stations along Its lines,
A guard bank that cost when com
pleted $1,038.10 has Just boon built
along tho banks of tho Susquehanna
river at Athens. n
Tho survivors of tho famous Ono
Hundred and Forty-first regiment will
hold their nineteenth annual reunion
at Towanda on Aug, 27. It Is claimed
that this regiment was tho only ono on
record In both armies that lost at
Chanceltorsvlllo over fifty per cent, of
its men: while at Gettysburg, two
months later, Its losses wcro oven
greater, being 7C.2 per cent. Tho com
rades and families have been extended
an Invitation to attend tho memorable
An ordinance has been adopted by
tho Towanda' borough council, restrict
ing the speed of motor vehicles on tho
streets to ton miles an hour, and im
posing u fine of not loss than $3 or
more than $10 for each offense.
Mrs. C. E. Murphy and sister, Miss
Elizabeth McMahon, started yesterday
for an extended visit In Utah and
For not having complied with tho
law In removing tho loose stones from
tho public highway, tho township com
missioners of West Burlington have
been arrested and fined $3 and costs.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune
Forest City, Aug. 10. A party of For
est City people, composed of Rev. and
Mrs. J. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lee,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Mrs.
George Watkins, Mrs. Charles Melville,
Mrs. D. R. Hughes and D. J. Jones and
two children, camped at Newton lake
last week.
Edward C. Amerman, of Danville,
was the guest of G. W. Maxey tho past
few days. Mr. Amerman graduated
from Dickinson cnllegc this year and
was captain of the foot ball eleven.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Walker will be pleased to know that
their little daughter, who has been very
ill, is recovering.
Mrs. T. J. Pentecost Is visiting friends
near Honesdale.
The Episcopal Sunday school held its
picnic at Crystal lake on 'Thursday.
The Methodists will picnic at the same
place on Thursday next.
Tho third annual reunion of tho
Burns family will be held at Grange
hall, on Lyon street, August 26.
Miss Helen Dunnler is visiting in New
York cltv.
The band gave an open-air concert
from tho balcony of tho Fprest house,
Friday night, which was greatly en
joyed by a large number of people.
for Goldfish by a Man
Made a Water-Garden.
What shall we do with tho water
garden which appears so perfectly suit
ed for raising mosquitoes? Shall we
fill it up, drain it off or pour oil upon
its troubled waters? Ir his pond should
prove as great a source of pleasure to
the reader as mine has been to me, he
will bo loath to adopt any of these radi
cal measures. Repeated and diligent
search had failed to reveal tho presence
of any mosquito larvae in my pond,
and this seemed all the more strange
when, in the quiet waters of tho brook,
not fifty feet away, I discovered thous
ands of active "wrigglers." It seemed
probable that the goldfish were hold
ing the mosquitoes in check in the ar
tificial pond; while in the brook the
insects were breeding in comparative
To test the correctiveness of this
theory, I took from the pond a small
goldfish and placed it in an aquarium
where it could feed upon mosquito
larvae and under observation. The re
sult was as anticipated. Whenever
they were dropped into the water the
"wrigglers" disappeared in a short
When it is once understood that gold
fish are useful, as well as ornamental
and comparatively hardy, it Is to be
hoped that they will be introduced in
to many small bodies of water, Buch as
lily-ponds and water gardens, where
mosquitoes are likely to breed. In my
experience these fish can oaslly be reur
ed in any sheltered pond where the
water Is shoal and warm,
FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on this pago each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, savo them until Saturday,
then sond them or take them to Tho Trlbuno office in an envelope addressed to
"Puzzlo Department." Encloso in tho envelope your namo, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing during tho week,
and whoso answers aro llrst received, will have their names published ia Tho
Tribune Monday morning.
Last Week's
There woro only six correct answers re
ceived to last week's puzzles, Tlio most
difficult picture to find was tho dog In lust
Monday'H puzzle, while somo failed on
ono of tho hunters In Saturday's. Tho
correct answers and in the order in which
they wero received aro as follows;
Barbara Horner, 803 Qulncy avenuo.
Age, 10 years.
Anna Bell Dale, 129 West Market street,
Age, 5 years.
This young lady has been describing
the cunning tricks of her two cuts.
Find them.
Solutions for Last Week's Puzzles.
Monday, Aug. 4 The dog is between tlio
Jack-lntho box and tho tree trunk, wlillo
(ho cat is under tlio child's light hand.
Tuesday, Aug. B Burgoyne is under tho
dead man's head; Fraser Is uboye tho
skirts of stooping soldier,
Wednesday. Aug. ii Tho sister Is Invert
ed back of the girl's heud; the brother is
In tho branches back of the bird.
Would Not Insure Him.
x .
Insurance Companies would
not insure the Rev. J. W.
Yeisley because he had
Kidney Trouble.
Mr. Yeisley was much discouraged till
a friend recommended Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorlto Remedy and itcurcdhlra.
Mr, Yeisley writes:
"My kidneys and liver were In bad
condition awl I was anxious for relief.
I had tried many remedies without
success. I bought a bottle of 'Favor
ite Remedy,' which effectively proved
Its merit. The best proof that It has
completely cured mo is my recent ac
ceptance by four dllfercnt llfo Insur
ance companies."
Tho Rev. Mr, Yeisley is tho pastor of
tho First Reformed Church of St. Paris,
Ohio, and Is as well tho editor Of tho St.
Paris Dispatch.
There is no question that Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is tho best
and surest mcdlcHio In tho world for dis
eases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and
constipation, as well as the weaknesses
peculiar to women, It quickly relieves
and cures inability to hold urine and tho
necessity of getting up a number of times
during the night and puts an end to that
scalding pain when passing urine.
It is for sale by all druggists in the
Now SO Gent SSso and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a doso.
Sample bottle enough far trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. Dnrld Kennel;' Jingle Eyo Rah? for all
(incase or iuSaigui&tlons of tho Eye. J3c.
Edwin Stevens will create tho Hebrew
role in "Iris," In which Virginia Harned
is to star.
Klaw & Erlangcr have decided to call
tho new theater they will build on Forty
second street next season for tho Rogers
brothers, "Tho Liberty theater."
Nellie Beaumont, of tlio famoim Beau
mont Sisters, who wore ono of tho prom
inent features of Weber & Fields for
three seasons, has been engaged for a
principal part in '"My Antoinette."
"The Knickerbocker Girl," tho latest
musical comedy of Gotham life, under
tho direction of Aaron and Murray will
bo given a production the latter part of
November, at a Broadway theater.
Grace Belmont, last season prima-donna
of tho Frank Daniels "Miss Simplicity"
company, has been engaged in a similar
capacity for "My Antoinette,'" tho mus
ical comedy which ran for eight weeks
at the Walnut Street theater, Philadel
phia, last spring.
Martin Harvey will produce In Dublin,
Ireland, in September, "Tho Children of
tho Kings" with Humpcrdinck's music,
which will bo seoa later in tho fall in
New York. Mr. Harvey and his company
will sail for this country early in Octo
ber to begin his American tour.
Hall Calno will come to America to
witness tho opening presentations of "Tho
Eternal City." As ut present arranged,
tho initial presentation will tnko place
at tho National theater in Washington,
on Monday, October G. An early appear
ance in New York city will follow, where
it will probably remain the greater part
of the season. ' .
Klaw & Erlangcr will make indepen
dent stars of Harry Bulger und Joseph
Cawthorne in September, 1003. Botli these
comedians will remain with "Tho Sleep
ing Beauty and tho Beast" noxt season,
but the following year they will head
separato important comedy organizations,
presenting humorous musical pieces which
Klaw & Erlangcr are now having pro
pared for them.
"Peggy from Paris" Is the title of tho
latest work of the successful humorist,
George Ado for stageland and Henry W.
Savago is to mako tho production in tho
early autumn. As in all of Mr. Ade's
work thero is a delightful vein of satlro
discernible from tho beginning until the
end for ho sees human nature with ex
tremely good eyes and invariably finds
tho features which aro humorous.
Francis Wilson and his company in
""Tho Toreador" will, begin rehearsals
August IS. Mr. Wilson will return from
Europo tho third week in Aucust. His
present tour abroad, which began early in
May, will bo tho most extended ho ha3
over made. He landed at Gibraltar tho
latter part of May and after a trip
through Spain began an itinerary which
included tho largo cities of France, Ger
many and Russia,
Puzzle Solvers.
Luclnda Plnnoll, 121 West Drinker
street. Age, 10 years.
Gladys Birr. Ago, 7 years, "Visiting
my auntie, 7 Maple street, Carbondalo."
Raymond Madden, Vnndllng, Pa.
12 years.
"Dear Sir I found all tho pictures. My
namo Is Harry F. Gray, Honesdale, Pa,
Age, 7 years."
Thuisday, Aug, 7 Ono rabbit Is on fonco
rnll under tho man's arpi; tho other is
abovo ids loft arm.
Friday, Aug. 8 Maxwell Is abovo the
gnarled tree trunk, und the other Is lu
tho curve of tho officer's arm
Saturday, Aug. 9 Ono in lower left
hand comer of picture, and tho other un
der wolf's hind foot. .
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
FOIt RENT-Soptomber 1st, house on
iuuiiiflon avenue wiui mouern hujiiuvu
ments. lnqulro at 422 Madison avenue.
FOR RENT-Aflor September 1, eight
room house; all modern conveniences;
steam heat furnished. Kent moderate.
Apply at Tribune ofllce.
BARBER SHOP for rent; nearly now
building; good location; city water,
etc. Just vacated. An exceptionally good
opportunity to continue a well estab
lished business. C. N. Wood, Now Mil
ford, Pa.
FOn RENT Two furnished cottages at
, Lake Sheridan; dry and healthy loca
tion; good shndo and llncst placo for a
week or a month's outing In Northern
Pennsylvania. Address II. L. Harding,
Fnctoryvlllo, Pa.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTRD A smnll hnusn or Hat. nrcfor-
ably .furnished, In deslrablo location,
To gain attention, stato terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FTOSHaDKOOaTfor gentleman; with
or without board. Inqulio 610 Adams
FURNISHED BOOMS for -rent, modern
Improvements; prlvnto .family; gen
tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at 539 Adams avenuo.
Real Estate.
LOTS, houses and farms for salo. Soo
J. C. Zurllloh.
FOR SALE Elegant Bites for homos in
upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor
hood; most deslrablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviao,
1736 Sunderson avenue.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened in
the ofllce of tho City Recorder by tho
Director of tho Department of Public
Works at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, Au
gust IS, 1902, fur tho following named
work: System of sewers, Section "C,"
Seventeenth District, In tho Nineteenth
ward. Bidders shall oncloso with each
proposal, cash or certified check In tho
sum of threo hundred ($300) dollars as a
guarantee to execute a contract if award
ed the same. In cuso the Wader to whom
the contract shall have been awarded, re
fuses or omits to executo a contract for
the work in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor within ten
(10) days from tho dato of tho award tho
enclosure accompanying his proposal shall
bo forfeited to tho use of tho City of
System of Sowers, Section "D." Sev
enteenth District, Nineteenth ward, same
conditions as Section "C."
Lateral sower in Prospect avenuo, from
Alder street to Willow street, In the Nine
teenth ward. Bidders shall enclose with
each proposal, cash or certified check in
the sum of ono hundred ($100) dollars as
a guarantee to execute a contract if
awarded tho same. In caso tho bidder
to whom tho contract shall have been
awarded, refuses or omits to oxecuto a
contract for tho work in accordance with
tho plans and specifications therefor with
in ten (10) days from the dato of the
award, tho enclosure accompanying his
proposal shall bo forfeited to tho use of
the City of Scranton .
Plans and specifications aro on file and
can bo seen at the Bureau of Engineering.
Bidders will ho furnished with proposal
blanks nt tho Bureau of Engineering and
no others will be accepted.
aii proposals snau do inert wun tne
City Controller, in his offlco in tho City
Hall, Scranton, Pa., not later than 2.30
o'clock p. m. on Monday. August 18, 1902.
Tho city reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Public Works.
Scranton, Pa., August 9, 1902.
to Contractors.
Sealed proposals endorsed "Bids for
Second District Sower, etc.," and ad
dressed to tho undersigned, will bo re
ceived until 8 o'clock p. m.. on Mon
day, tho 11th day of August, 1902, for fur
nishing material and constructing sowers
in the Second Sewer District of tho Bo
rough of Dunmore, with the necessary
fixtures and appliances, in accordance
with tho plans and specifications on Wo
in the offlco of James F. Horan, borough
engineer, borough building, Dunmore, Pa.
Extent of proposed work Is approximately
7,000 foot of brick sower, 3.100 feet of
plpo' sewer, from 12 to 30 inches in diam
eter. Copies of specifications and in
structions to contractors may bo obtained
of tho borough engineer,
Each bid must bo accompanied by a
certified check for tho sum of live hun
dred ($500) dollars, made payable to Au
gust Wahlers, borough treasurer, as a
Kiinranteo to executo a contract If award
ed tho work, which sum shall bo forfeited
to tho borough In caso of tho refusal 'or
omissloa on the part of tho successful
bidder to oxecuto a contract within ton
(10) days after tho awarding of tho same.
Bidders .will bo furnished with proposal
blanks at tho said office of thu borough
engineer, nnd no others will bo accepted.
Bids received will bo opened at a meet
ing of- the borough council in tho bo
rough building, to bo hold on tho dato,
and hour abovo mentioned.
Tho Borough reserves tho right to re
ject any or all bids.
Borough Secretary,
702 E, Drinker St.. Dunmore. Pa.
American League,
At Detroit- R.H.E.
rioM-nit nninnnnnni 7 r.
Philadelphia 10 0 0 0 3 2 0 3-911 J
Batteries Mullen and Buelow; Hastings
and Power. Umpire Connolly. Attend
ance 3,000,
At Chicago- R.H.E,
Chicago ,..,' 0000 0 120 100-4 11 'J
Boston 0 000013000 1-filO 4
Butteries Buttcrson and Sullivan;
Young & Crlgcr. Umpire Sheridan. At
tendance 4,000,
At St. Louis- R.H.E.
St. Louts , 2 0030001 (i 10 1
Washington ,,..,,,.0003000003 U 4
Batteries Donohuo and Kuhoo; Orth
and Clark. Umpires Caruthcr3 und John
stoao. Attendance 9,000.
Eastern League,
Jersoy City, I; Newark, S.
Buffalo, 2; Montreal, 1,
Providence, 4; Worcester, 3.
Tho Stnr ba3o ball team, of tho South
Side", defeated tho Reliefs, of Petersburg,
by a seoro of 11 to 4 yesterduy. In tlio
lust half of tho second Inning tho Stars
had threo men on bases und tho Rclefa
throw up tho sponge, Frank Moran,. cap
tain, m
Fully His Equal.
David Lloyd-George, a member of par
liament from Wales, Mis u good story
on himself In connection with a dis
establishment meeting lu which ho bus
been taking part la WaleB. A few days
previous, It seems, thero had been a
church defenso meeting held 111 tho samo
place, at which a. certain prominent dlg
nUary of tlio establishment had spoken,
referring to whom Mr. LIoyd-Georgea
chairman observed; "In my opinion
that churchman is ono of tho biggest
(lura In North Wales, but,, thank gooa
ness, yo've, got a match for him hero
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offices.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
. ALBERT BCHULTZ, corner Mill
1 berry street and Wobstor avo.
West Side
GEO. Y, JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenuo. - .
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. XV. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Green Ridge
son avenuo.
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Groon Ridgo
C. LORENZ, corner Washington
avenuo and Marion Btrcet'.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
J. G. BONE" & SON.
Help Wanted Male.
GOVERNMENT positions In postofflces,
railway man, internal revenue, depart
ments at Washington, etc.; 10,000 appoint
ments yearly; examinations soon In every
state. Paiticulars freo of National Cor.
Institute, Dopt. 272, Washington, D. C.
HELP MALE An experienced and re
liable harness maker; steady position.
Apply at once. Gruber & Co., Mahanoy
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED by a young girl,
1C, as nurso girl or any kind of work;
no objections to going out of town. Call
or address Wlnnlo Flannghan, 531 Theo
dore street, Scranton, Pa.
TWO young girls, ago 17, deslro situation
out of town as dining room or kitchen
girls. Address 1B3I Cross street.
as housekeeper or anything, kitchen
or nursing. Address M. M., 141 Grant
avenue, city.
SITUATION WANTED By a neat young
man as traveling salesman. Must bo
a salaried position, best of reference ns
to honesty. Being in touch with business
people of this city for tho past threo
years. Address F. O. D., Times ofllce,
Scranton, Pa.
For Sale.
FOR SALE A first class meat market.
Owner will work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa.
Money to Loan.
Qulck, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 6 nor cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building.
$3.00 REWARD Packago containing
bracelet and locket addressed Stephen
D. Engle, Hazleton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn.
New 'phono 90S.
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED A few boarders for August
and September on a farm ;pleasantly
located; very healthy and a comfortable
homo. Mrs. George Waterson, Uswich,
Wayno county, Pa.
mer hoarders; threo largo airy rooms
and good table board. Address O. It,
Dalton, Pa.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
first class table board, can bo obtained
at 333 Jefferson avenuo.
launders shirts at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at l',c each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SGI.
Real Estato Exchange Bldg., 12U Wash
ington avo.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruco Btreet, Scranton,
Fire Insurance,
SCHLAGER & CO,, Traders Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and oqulpped patont
solicitor In tho city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten years
Kcplojrlc & Co., Alcars Bldg1.
Hotels and Restaurants.
Hn avenuo. Rates rcasonablo.
P, S5JEGLER, Proprlotor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tlio Eu
ropean plun, Victor Koch, Proprlotor,
and coss pools; no odor; only improved
pumps used. A. B. Briggs. proprlotor,
Leuvo ordors 1100 North Main avenuo.
or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens,
avo., Scranton, mfrs. of Wlro Screens.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, jjj Washington avenuo.
be had In Scranton at tho nows stand
of Rclsman Bros., 400 Spruco and 003
Linden; M. Norton. ' 322 Lackawanna
uve,; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruco street.
0nl7 Half a Cent a Word.
Business Opportunity.
HORSESHOEING shop for Bale! doing
I'n.K K.ImI .. ...... !,.. .. Z
,...j feuwu uuaiiii-, iifjni. worn, owner
retiring, a bargain. Address, Horse
.shoer, P. O. Box 1592. Philadelphia, Pa.
. .out domy. Wrlto for our special mar
hot lottor. Frco on application. B. M.
Illbbard & Co,, membors N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchango, 41 nnd 4
Broadway. Now York. Established 1861.
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 23S3 Broad.
Dolawaro, Lackawanna and Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trnlns leave Scranton for Now York
At 1.50. 3.20, 0.03, 7.50 and 10.10 a. m.i 12.40,
3.40, 3 35 p. in. For Now York and Phila
delphia 7.50. 10.10 a. m., nnd 12.40 und 3.33
p. m. For Gouldsboro At 0.10 p. m: For
BufTalo-1,15, 0.22 and 9.00 a. m.i 1.05, 0M
and 11.10 p. m, For Blnghamton, Elmlra
nnd wny stations 10.25 a. m., 1.03 p. m.
For Oswego, Syracuse und Iltlcn 1.15 and
G.J2 a. m.; 1,5j p. m. Oswego, Syracuso
and Utica train at 0.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03
and 0.50 p. in. Nicholson accommodation
1.00 nnd D.13 p. m.
, Bloomaburg Division Foi; Northumber
land, at 0.35 nnd 10.10 a. m.i 1.53 und U.10
p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.r 3,40
and 9.03 v. in,
Sunday Truins-For Now York, 1.50, 3.29.
g.0.1. 10.10 a.' m,! 3.40 nnd 3.33 p. m. For
Buffalo 1.13 nnd 0.22 n. m.i 1.53, 0.50 and
11.10 p. m. ForElmira nnd wny stations
10.2,1 u. m. For Blnchamton nnd way sta
tions, 9.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlslon
Lcavc Scranton,- 10.10 a .m. nnd 0.10 p. m,
Lehigh Valloy Railroad'.
I In Effect June 13, 1902.
1 Trnlns Leuvo Scranton.
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& H. R. R at 7.11. through Pallor Car
and Day Coacli Carbondalo to New York
and 9.47 a. m.. with L. V. Conch Carbon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, p. & ir. R. R 1.3$, 9.17 p. m.
l'or Whlto Havon, HazWton and princi
pal points in tho coal regions, via D. &
H- R.R.. 7.41, 2.1S and 4.35 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.41 n. m.
For Bethlehem. Enston-, Reading, Har
rlsburg and principal lntormcdlato sta
tions, via D. & H. R. R.. 7.41. 9.47 a. m.;
2.1S, 4.35 (Rlnck Dlnmond Express). 11.49 p.
"! ''I0"!'3' D'' & n. R. R., 9.33 a. m.;
l.iS. 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & XV. R. It., C.33 a. m.
and 1.5.1 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago ond all points west via
D. & H. R. R 203 p. m.; 3.28 (Black
Diamond Express), JW.41, 11.49 p. m. Sun
days. D. & H. R. R., 12.03. 9.17 p. in.
, Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
valley Parlor cars on nil trains botweon
Wllkes-Bnrro nn(1 No York.. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20
Cortland street. Now York.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt, 23
Cortlnnd street. New York.
A. W. NONEMACHER, DIv. Pass. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullmnn reservations
npply to city ticket offlco, 69 Public
Square, WIlkes-Barro, Pa.
Central Railroad pf New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations in Now York, foot Liberty
street and South F?rry, N. R.
Trains leave Scrqnton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mnuch Chunk, Whlto Havon, Ash
ley, Wilkcs-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule train
with Pullmnn Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono change of cars
for Baltlmoro nnd Washington, D. C, and
all principal points south nnd west1.
For Avoca. Plttston and Wllkes-Barre.
1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via AllentOwn at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m. and 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton: G.38 a. m., week
days, through vestibule train from
Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffot parlor car
and coaches to- Philadelphia, via Potts
villo; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg nnd tho West.
9.47 n. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoro, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West.
1.42 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.53 p.
m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltlmoro, Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3.2S p. m week days, through vestibule
train from Wilkes-Barro. Pullman buffot
parlor car end coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal lntormcdl
ato stations.
4.33 p. m., week days, for Hnzloton, Sun
bury. Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts
burg. J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD; Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
1)1 .lli:u. UllllU U, Au..
Trains for Carbondule leave Scranton at
0.41. 7.30, 8.30, 10.13 a. m.t 12.03, 1.12, 2.11,
3.5C, 5.29, 0.23, S.24, 9.15. 10.01 p. m.; 12.1$,
' For' Honesdale 0.44, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
'Wr' w'llkes-Barrc 0.38. 7.41. 8.41. 9.47,
10.53 a. m.! 32,03, 1,42, 2.1S, 3.28, 4.35, 6.10,
x in in 11 H A( m-t m
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.U, 9.47 a. m.;
2.18, 4.35 and 11,49 ,p, m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6.3S,
9.47 a. m.i 1.12, 3.28 and 4.35 p. in.
For Albany and all points north 7.36 a.
m. and 3.W p. m.
T.V.,. rnrliniulnlnSM. 11.23 II. m 2.11.'
3.50, C.52 nnd 11.17 P. m.
For Wllkes-Bnrro-9.3S a. m.J 12.03, 1.58.
3.28.. G.32 and 9.17 p. m.
For Albany nnd points north 3.5G p. m.
For Honesdale S.50 a. m.; 11.33 ana 3.53
P' W." L. PRYOR, D. P, A' Scranton, Pa.
Erie Railroad Wyoming Division.,
In Effect July 30th, 1902. i
Trains leavo Scranton for Hawloy and
local stations at 7.20 and S.45 a, in.; 1,35
and 5.20 p. in. Sundnys,, 9.00 n. m. and
1.33 p. m. For Now .York, Nowbtirgh and
lntormcdlato points at 7.20 u, m. und -1.33
p, m. Sundays. 1.33 p.,m.
For Honesdale 1.35 and B20 n. m.
Trains arrive nt Scranton 8.20, 10.41 .a.
m.j a.ou aim v.n p. m, Bunuays, i.uu ami
8.15 p. m.
New York, Ontario and Westerni
Tlmo Table lu Effect Sunday; Juno'lj. 1901
Leavo Leavo Arilve
Trains. Scranton. Carbondalo. Cadosla.
No. 1 ,,,,..10.30 n. m, 11,10a.m. l.OOp.-m.
No, 3 4.00 p. in. 4.41 p, m. coo p.m.
No, 7-,,,... B-10 p. m.Ar.Cnrbondalo 0.40 p.m
Leavo Leave Arrtva
Trains, Cadosla. Carbondalo, Scrunton.
No, u ...... ti.50o, in. 7,25a;-,ni.
No, t ,8.40 a.m. 10.01a.m. 10.40 acm.
No. 2 2.15 p. 111. 4.00 p. 111. 4.45 p. in.
Leavo Leave Arrive
Trains. Scranton. Carboadale; Cadosia.'
No. 9 ,,,,,, 8.30 u. in. DUO p. in. 10.45 u.'m,
No, 5 7.001). m.Ar.Curbondalo 7.13 n,m
Leavo Leuvu Arriyo
Trains. Cadosla, Carbondulo. Scranton.
No, u cooa, m. 7.23u."tn,
No. 10 .,,.. 4.S0 p. til, 6.00 p. m. 6.43 p. m.
Trains jsos, i on wms imys, nnu a on
Kimduvs connect for Now York city. Mid
dletown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego una an poinis west,
'I'mlii 3 for Povntollo. Walton. Delhi.
Sidney, Norwich and all New Burlln
brunch points.
Train No, C, with "Quaker City Ex.
prcsi": nt Scrunton. via 0. It. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia, 'Atlantic CltyBaltlmore,
Washington and Pennsylvania stato
points. v
Seo tlme-tablo and consult ticket agents
for connections with other-lines. i-
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. Now York.
J. B. WELSH, T, I A., Scranton, Pa,
yf JrIle J-W
.f. .-,.:
V !;