The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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" T T
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1 '!M V'l, -f ,
Bpeefnl to tho Sci anton Tribune. '
Honcsdnle, Aug. S.-Thc Seranton
'Alumnt nnd Honcsdnle bull teams will
cross bats on tho mound ot tho latter
this Saturday, at 2.30 p. m.
On the golf gioutlds, this Saturday
hftcrnoon tho gentlemen will servo re
freshments. Ico la being shipped via tho Ltle rail
road to tho Now York market, by tho
Lake Lodoo company.
There will bo no services on Sunday
In tho Methodist and Piesbytctlun
churches. Tho usual set vices will bo
held in tho other chutchos. At tho
Qraco Episcopal, Rev. O. C. Hall will
officiate. .,,
Tno publlo schools of Honcsdalc will
openon Tuesday, Sept. 2, under tho
direction of the now pilnclpal, llauy
A. O'Day.
Mr., and Mis. F. G. Toiw'llllBer hao
been spending the week with friends In
Auburn, N. Y. . , , . ,
G. F. Schwenker, superintendent ot
tho Scranton Tribune bindery, and his
wife, nro spending a week with tho for
mer's' brother, CJoorgo Schwenker, tho
baker. i
Tho hydrant water furnished the
Honesdale -people, which, Is taken from
tho creek or outlet of a swamp near
Body town, has been sevciely con
demned by them, and now thut tho
Honesdale Water company hae con
demned tho water of Cnjaw cieek, tho
announcement that water Is to be fut
nlshcd by piping dlicct to tho wateis
of Cajaw lake, will be gtatcfully le
celved. This lake is supplied wholly
by springs. Tho water is not contam
inated by outhouses, barn yatds and
surface wash, and will not need the fil
tering process before it can be used.
Mrs. John D. Weston and Mrs. Jo
sephine D. Whitney aic sojourning at
Bar Harbor and Kenncbunk poit,
Maine. , , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Petcy S. Colo and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Christian Bergman aic spend
ing two weeks at the Beech Lake house,
Beech Luke.
Mr. and Mis. Leonard Reogner, Mr.
and Mrs. G. F. Schwenker and Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Creiher composed a party
who spent jestetday at Adams' pond.
They lepott a good catch of llsh and
an enjoyable day.
Special to the Scranton Tilbune.
Hawley, Aug. 8. Miss Maiy A. Mur
ray is the guest of relathes in Wil
liamsport. Miss Ella rainier is entei tabling a
paity of friends at Big Pond.
Mr. and Mis. John Shlpman, of
Scianton, were calleis in town Monday.
Miss Louise Thompson, of Scianton,
.. is the guest of Miss Yolande A. Kll
"" lam, at Paupac.
Messrs. B. r. and A. L. Killam, of
Paupack, weie in Poit Jet vis, Monday.
Mis. Blttenbender and little son, of
Icrnnton, are the guests of the former's
Bister, Mis. A. Simons.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L Stilger and daugh
ter, Adelaide, and Mi. and Mis. Lot
Atkinson. me spending two weeks at
BJg ond, . , o -
""Wrcr'Knapp "was a caller in Scran
ton, Thuisday.
Miss Tillie Itenyon and little brother,
:f Ledgedale, are being entertained at
.he home of their sister, Mis. John
Geotge Wells has accepted a position
us coal cleik In the Erie station.
The Hawley Times will be under tho
management of Hon. T. J. Ham, until
an editor can be secured.
Mis. Donnelly retuined to her home
in Pittston, Thuisday, after several
weeks' visit at the home of her mother,
Mis. Mangan.
Miss Dora Baker, of Honesdale, and
Miss Chi roll, of Dunmoro, aro spending
some time with their grandparents.Mr.
and Mis. Alex Con ell.
Misses Maiy and Almira Taft, of
Dunmore, aie the guests of friends and
relatives here.
Misses Ida Adams and Lena Poppel
arc visiting at Trl-states.
T, F. Wall 'was in Dunmore, Thuis
clay. Thomas Crossley, jr., of Honesdale,
was a Hawley caller, Tuesday.
E. J. Holden, tiaveling salesman for
Emeison. Smith & Co., of Beaver Falls,
Pa , Is being entei talned at tho home
of his daughter. Mis. Joseph Fijer.
Mis. John Spruks and Miss Mao
Thoipe, of Honesdale, were In town,
Geoige Thompson and Loioy Rollison
are camping at Big Pond.
Miss Isabel Atkinson is the guest of
Miss Maiy Gieeley, In Scianton. .
The Methodist Episcopal choir and a
few Intimate friends were entertained
A strong Man
la strong nil over. No nihil can be
strong who is suffering from indigestion
or some other disease of the stomach and
its associated organs of digestion and
nutrition, i-or
when the stomach
v' is diseased there is
a. toss oi me nuirt
'tion contained in
food, which is
the source of nil
physical strength.
When a man
doesn't feel just
right, when he
doesn't sleep well,
has an uncomfort
able feeling in the
.stomach after eat
ing, is languid,
nervous and irrita
ble, he is losing the
nutrition needed
to make strength.
Such a mati needs
to use Dr, Plerce'a
Golden Medical
Discovery. It cures
diseases of theX,
eioniacii aim ower
organs of digestion
ntln tiiitrlflnn Tf
enriches the blood, stimulates the liver.
nourishes the nerves, and so gives health
and streugth to the whole body,
Mr. Thomas A. Bwnrts, of Sub. Station C,
Coluiutxu, Ohio, llox 103, writes. "I was taken
very .sick with eev etc headache, thou cramps m
the stomach aud my food would not digeut, then
kidney aud. liver trouble and my hart. ot weak
o I could scarcely get arouud. The more I doc
tored the worse I got until six years passed J
could only walk In the house by the aid of a
chair; and I had gntn up la die. Then one of
my neighbors cat J, 'Take my adice aud take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and
make a new man but of yourself.' The first hot.
tie helped rae aud after I had taken eight bot
tles in about six weeks I was weighed and fouud
J had gained twenty-seven (37) pounds, and I
am as stout aud healthy to-day, I think, as I
ever-was," V
Dr, Fierce' Pleasant Pellets cure con
ti nation.
nt tho home of Miss Etta Collins," last
Friday evening.
Jacob Heck, ot New Yoik, Is spend
ing his vacation with t datives In town.
Daniel Wllllatd, general manager of
Iho Erie; (.1. T. Slade, gcnciat superin
tendent, and C. W. lluckliolt, chief en
gineer, of Now Yoik city, and J. 11. W.
Davis, engineer of maintenance, of Jer
Bey City, came over the Wyoming divi
sion last Filday. They wore Joined
hole by J. C. Hood, tinlnmuster ot the
Delawuie division, and H. T. Palmer,
ngent or this place. Tho witty wont to
Honesdale, utter which they tetutned
to Now Yoik oily. '
Thuisday afternoon a train ot cats
bioko looso on tlio grade and inn back
thiough the town, and stopped so thnt
the upper and middle crossings woic
blocked until an engine coutd bo se
em ed to toinove them, which look about
twenty minutes.
Mr. and Mis. Charles Fiutly, of
Scianton, are guests at the homo of the
hitter's patents on Mutn sticct.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Uulondale, Aug. 8. Mis. Brewster
nnd two chlldien, of Heading, Pa, aic
vlslllngnt tho home "of Dr. F. L.
der. The Uulondale band held an ko cream
social on Davis' lawn, Tucsdny even
ing. There was a good attendance.
Music by the band was an enjo.iblo
featuio of the evening.
The piimnry school began, Monday,
August 4. Miss Edith It. Smith is the
Miss Edith Majnard, of Jormjn, Is
visiting her friend, Miss Jennie Vail.
Rev. N. G. Houston, of Kansas, lec
tuied In the Presbytetlan church last
Wednesday eening. Subject, "My Ttlp
in tho Holy Land."
Mr. and Mis. it a Churchill and
daughter, Blanche, spent Sunday with
fi lends in Orson.
E. G. Bm dick and family left for
Montrose on Thuisday, where they e
pect to spend their acatIon.
Prof, and Mis. H. II. Rounds and
chlldien, of AVinwood, hao lotuincd
home, after lslting Mi. and Mis. Isiael
Rounds. Pi of. Rounds has been ic
engjged to teach .mother year at Win
wood. It Is a compliment to tho Judg
ment of tho school bo.ud.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres
bjteilnn chuich met for tea on Thuis
day at the homo of Mis. Chailes Wedo
man. Ovoi slxtj guests weie piescnt,
and the excellent and abundant lepast
was enjojed by all.
Evangelist Chailes Newell pteached
in Thompson Inst Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Cat son, of Pleasant Mount,
was a isltoi nt the Methodist Episco
pal p.usoiidgo on Wednesday.
Miss Nettie Newell, of Scianton, is
visiting her father, Rev. J. V. Newell.
Miss Blanche Catpenter was the
happy recipient of a eiy attiactlve
and substantial lap-iobe last Monday
evening. It was tho wotkmanship of
many thoughtful ft lends
A very sweet solo was rendered by
iuih. -iureci lister, or scianton, in tho
Presbytetlan church last Sunday morr
Special to tho Scianton Tribune
Holllstervllle, Aug. 8 Tho joune
people of West Sterling Methodist
chuich gave an entcttalnment Wednes
day evening to a largo audience, which
was well lendeted. The following pio
gtamme was canied out: Singing by
congregation; prayer, Rev. M. Crump;
recltatlon.Homer Baisley; instrumental,
Ftank Gibson, mandolin; Miss Flor
ence Hooper, otgnnlst; leellatlon, Miss
Gi.tco Moote; duet, Mr. and Mis.
Thomas Hooper; lecitatlon, "The Last
Hymn," Miss Myttle Hoopoi ; duct,
Mis. Gibson and son Ftank; recitation,
Miss Emma Stevens; duet, Misses Flor
ence nnd Myttle Hooper; tecitation,
.imaa uiiiL-c xsuiier; uuet, ri.tnk Gib
son and Myitle Hoopoi; instiutnontal,
Ftank Gibson and Florence Hooper;
duet, Rev. Thomas Hooper and Mis.
Hooper. The tableau given, called "The
Cuban Spy," took well. Ite cream aud
cake wns scted on the lawn The pio
cecds will go towatds ienoatIng tho
chuich editlce.
Don't fot get the picnic on the 14th
Inst, at the Bortteo giove, under tho
auspices of the East Sterling Metho
dist Sunday school. There will bo sing
ing and speaking in the af tot noon. The
speakers for the occasion ate the Rev
D. Evans, of Sterling; Rev. James
Mooie, of Aoca, and Rev. Dr. Hughes,
of Scianton, a fot met- mloslonaty to
South Atrieu. ;
Mis. John Gollghtly and Mis. Ed
win d s, of Carbondnle, aie -visiting
the hitter's sistei, Mis. Thomas
Hoojier, at Holllstervllle.
The Ladles' Aid boclety of tho Hollls
teiville Methodist chuitli will meet in
tho parsonage 011 Wednesdny aftet
noon, Rev. Dr. Hughes will preach In the
Methodist church, East Stetling, Sun
day afternoon at a o'clock.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Fnctoryvlllc, Aug. S. The hour for
tho Sunday service at the old Baptist
chuich has been changed fiom 7,30 to
3 p. in. As theio Is no other s-eivlcu In
town at that hour, It Is hoped a laigo
congtegntloii will be piestnt to hoar
Rev. Cnteter, of Dalton, next Sunday.
The gipsy lawn social to bo hejd on the
pntnonagQ lawn Is Wednesday evening
AiiRiibt 13, instead of Thursduy, Aug
ust 1.', as stated this morning.
Mis. Emily Wlnans and daughter, of
niiighiiniton, n, Y aro visiting tho
foimct'8 niece, Mis. Huttla Capwell.
Special to tho Seranton Tilbuno.
Hopbottom, Aug, 8. Mis. O. D. Rob
erts Bpent a few days lit Ashley and
Nicholson, recently,
Miss Molln ntown nnd Miss Myrn
Jackson, of Nowuik Valley, N. J., ha
lted lelntives here this week.
Mis. C. II. Dunbar has tetutned to
her home In New Yoik, after spending
tho past month with friends at this
Mis. Kate Turner spent Monday In
Miss Vnnna Tiffany, of Dalton, Is
Biiujiumg mis vveeK with f 1 lends In
The Ladles' Aid society of the Unl
eisallst chinch will plcnio ut Lake
Jeffera on Wedncsduy, August 13. All
ate Invited to attend. Ladles will fur
nish dinner for the smuU sum of ten
Mr, and Mis. E. M. Tiffany, Mrs. M.
Mi Belt, Mr. nnd Mis. H. W, Kellum, of
Bcfnntoiii and Hitydcn Ilughcn nro en
Joying a house party at Jotters lnko
this week.
Miss lliisclln. Tluglr-y has relumed
home, after curing for her bi other, In
Hoi nnton, for the past thtee weeks,
Miss Jessie Lotd him lctmnul tu Hits
place, utter spending the summer In
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Pittston, Aug. 8. Homy Purncll, nt
Johnson slteet, who has been In Wash
ington, V. C, for tho past few days
with tho Sons of St. George, of this
city, ai lived home on an oatly mottl
ing tinln In a ciltlcal condition, having
been taken 111 vctv suddenly.
Thomas Bohaii, of Johnson street,
will leave In n few days for Brooklyn,
N. Y., liming seemed a position as n
machinist In the shlpyntds thoto. Ho
has been employed at the Vulcan lion
work, on tho West Side, for some
Twenty-six Impotts woro tecolvcd at
the Hutlet ivitshoiv of tho Erie com
pany last night. They will ptobably bo
used to take the places of the men who
have deseited within the past few das.
A number of the" city officials and
councllmcn woio at Wllkes-Batio jes
teiday, attending- the Injunction pro
ceedings of tho Ti action company s.
Pittston city, In which the company
UHks for a permanent Injunction to to
stinln the city employes rrom tenting
up tho unused ttacks of the company
on Paisonngc stteet. The company was
given the right of way on this slieet
sovetal yeats ago, with the undet stand
ing that ttacks be laid and oats oper
ated on tho line. Although tho tracks
arc In position, thete hae never been
cats tun on them, and the council has
lmitiucted the stteet commissioner to
tear out the tails, but this work wus
stopped by an injunction.
Conti actor Reese Isaacs Is dismant
ling the boiler plant at the Babjlon
colliery at Dm yea.
Messrs. Clink and McGtath, of Dur
yea, hno been aw aided the conttact
to grade South stteet In tint boiough.
The conttact pilec was $400 28.
A 2-eat-old daughter of Michael Mc
Ilale, of Wyoming avenue, West Side,
wns saed fiom a tcitlblc death, jes
teiday, by Diugglst J. L. Peck. The
little child phijed near a (lie, and her
clothes becoming ignited she was soon
enveloped in flumes. Air. Peck sttippeel
the binning clothes fiom tho child, and
she escaped with but slight bums.
Mis. Mai j J. Dnlly died last night at
tho homo of-her In other, Frank Fljnn,
on William stteet. The funoial will
take place Saturday .morning at 9
Thomas O'Haia, aged SS jcais. a
well-known man nbout town, died last
evening at tho home of his mother, on
Washington ten ace.
Manager Schmaltz contemplates the
election of a grandstand at the Btoth
oi b" base ball ground at Hamtown.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Ilallstead, Aug. S Mis. E. P. St.
John, of Now Yoik, Is the guest of
Mis. C. J. Langley.
Miss Mabel conklln, of Blnghamton,
Is visiting Tannic Reach.
Mrs Scales, or Blnghamton, spent
Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Chailes
Miss Jackson, of East Lemon, is tho
guest of Mis. Chailes Hawkins.
W. W. Adalt, sect etui y of tho Rall
load Young Men's Christian associa
tion of Scranton, w III speak at the fam
ily meeting at association hall, Sunday
at 3.30 p. m.; also at the union seivico
In the 1'iesbjteiian chuich In the even
ing. The Postal Tclegiaph people moved
to New Mllfoid, Tuebdaj.
B C. Read, wife, daughtei and Mis3
Mabel G'onklin attended the picnic at
Salt Spilngs, Thuisday.
MUs Winified Tingley is spending a
few dajs with her brother at New Mll
foid. On Wednesday next, the Young
Men's association will hold
their annual picnic.
The joung men of this place me
building a fine base ball diamond back
of Crook's shop on Main htieet.
Maty Petty spent Sunday In Sus
rjuehannn. Muicelld Nonnllo Is IMtlng In Blng
hamton, Miss Leah Wllmot It, on the sick list.
Miss Cecil Ross Is -v lolling in Lestct
shlic. Miss Isa Cone is the guest of her sis
ter, Mis. M. Malonoy.
Miss Blank, of Biandt, Is lsltlug at
the home of James Elvey.
Anna Tleincy Is lsit!ng in Scianton.
Sheriff Muxey was in town on Inibl, Wednesday,
Attorney William M. Poit and J. E.
O'Btlen, of Monti use, weie legisteted
at tho Mitchell house, Thuisday.
Mis. M. F. Kearney and .son, Thomas,
of Scianton, visited her patents, Mr.
and Mis. J. E. Tletney, last week.
Mis. B. W. iWuteuuuii has just te
tutned f 10111 spending u few dajs with
her patents In New Mllfotd.
Caulo Mead left Satuiday morning
fot n visit with ft lends at Livingston
Mi. aud Mis. G, Y. Pieston totuined
Friday fiom a thtee weeks' visit with
lelatlscs at Ohio.
FOR THE LITTLE ONES Cut out tho plctutos appealing on this pago ench
day, dinw a pencil mnilc iiiound the hidden objtct, bnvo them until Satuiday,
thou scud them 01 tnito thorn to Thu Tribune ofllco lu 1111 ouv elope addieed to
"Pu.zlo tment." Entloso In tho cnvelopo jour niimo, a,o and nddioss, Tho
bojs and gills who couectly nntlc tho six plctutos appealing tinting tho week,
ami whoso nnswcis 1110 Hist lecelvcd, will havo thcli namos published In The
Tilbuno Monday moinlng.
I IIMIIIMIIIIIIM11M, II IWi lull 11 MUM It 1 liliM mw lll.wi II ,ii II U MM 1,1 wiii II
Whcto ato the two
nulling this wolf?
Special to the Bcranttm Tribune.
Lake Wlttotn, Aug. 8. Tho members
of the Starlight ranch entertained a
row of their mends at dinner, Thurs
day evening, f overs wcio laid for
font teen. Tho following Wcro present!
Misses Isnbello Atkinson, Jessie Cavell,
Florence Ne, Jennotto Davis, Mary
Gieeley, Itettha Fellows, Mcssts. J.
Edwin Welsenlluh, Gcoigo Lewis, J.
Hitttion Smith, Beit Mi Ink, Francis
Stone, Robert SchultV, Stow at t Fatrlcs.
Mis. L. A. Lunge chiipctoncd.
Why Steel Imports
Are Increasing
Washington, Aug. 9.
N INCItEASn of $10,000,000 III Im
potts of lion nnd steel tnanufne
ttitea and 11 dccteiiso ot $1!,000,UOO
lit the o.poitH of that chihs of
m Holes, Is the moat striking chuiuctcr
Istlc of tho commence of tho cur Jiut
ended. The total ltiipot tn ot It on and
steel mumifucttius tu tho ilscnl eur Just
ended weie $J7,1S0,2", In uiluo against
$17,!s7 1.7S0 111 the piccedlng joar, while tho
cports of lion and nlcol niaiuifactiitcii
wcio 0S,K.,,,'KiJ against 117,313.!0 III tltu
ptecodlug jeiir. This mulct a the impoits
of the ear laigcr than those of any ptn
ccdlng jcai since IS'.U. Tills subject Is
dlscubscd us follows In tho umtual tcpoit
of thu chief of tho buicau of statistics
Just completed;
"Tho most tcniaikablo fcituto In the
3.uai's commoieo In manufactures bus
been Hint which 1 elates to tho movement
In tho manufnctiiics of Iron and steel.
In this clus of manufactures the cxpotts
have fallen olC Jll.OuO.WH), In loitnd IlguiPS,
and tho Imports havo Incioased $10,000,000
Pot many jcais pi lor to 1901 tho espoits
of ltHon and stcol had steadily Increased,
while Imports had ste idlly decieased.
Eportatlons of Irop nnd stool mnnufac
tiues tncionscd fiom $12,000,000 in Mtluc
In 1S0 to JUl.OOOOOO In 1000, whllo Impotts
of lion and stool decreased fiom 5117,000,
000 In 1S8J to $1J 000,000 In 1S09' 111 1001,
howovoi, tho exports of lion and steel
foil to $117,000,01)0 and In 1102 to $13,000,000,
while tho impoits of iion and stool in
dented to $J0,OGOO0O In 1000, nnd to tl,-
000,000 in 100J. Thus tho cpoits of lion
and stool In tho fiscal joar lust ended
ato $il00O000 bolow tho-e of 1900, and Iho
Impoits of iion nnd stool aio $11000,000
above those of ISO"), tho total Imnoits of
lion and btocl foi tho jcai IW J being
Kicatci than In Imj 5e.11 since 1R0. This
incioaso In Impoits of lion and stcol has
been gcnctal, piacllcally cvciy diss
blinwhitT mfich l.ngcr Hguics of Impoits
In 190-' than In I'M Tin plate, foi exam
ple, shows nu Incicnso ot over $.',000 000;
ingots, blooms, and bais ovoi a million
doll.tis, pig lion over a million, and
ntlici classes In about tho same piopor
tion 'The cause of tho icmaikable increase
In Impoits and docicaso in exports ot
lion and stool is stated bv tho sectct.tiy
of tho lion and Steel abbodation, Mr.
James M Swank, in his annual lopntt.
Issued lu 190.', as follows. 'A mat lad
chango has taken place In our foiolgn
ttitdc In lion and btocl sIiko this subjett
wus piomlncntlv lotenod to in our an
nual lepoits in P!99 and 1900 In 1S0D nnd
Immedlatclj piccodlng jcais the iton and
stcol Industilcs in But opt wcio oscoiition
all pinspoioi's, thcic was an nctlvu do
mnnd and pi Ices wcio high Jn the yens
just pi lor to 1810 tho juices of iion and
stool In tho United States wcio lower
than they had ovoi been Under those
conditions we natuially found oppoi Utili
ties to dispose of our sin plus lion nnd
stool pi mliicts in neuti il mailccts, and
oven In tho homo maikots of our Euio
penn comietltois But those conditions
have matetlnllv (hanged; the Euiopcnn
demand hnd E1110pc.n1 piices have de
clined and thu homo demand upon our
own lion nnd steel woiks has gieatly In
(iLisod while, 0111 pilcos havo advanced,
hence shaipci competition In neutial and
nil loteign mukots nnl inci eased foiclgn
cotnpetltlon In 0111 own maikots Tho
llgmos ot Indented Impoits and de-
(loasod cxpoits of lion and stool should
not bo hastily dlsmlbcd bv 0111 iton and
steel manuf.tctuirs Wo hope that they
will lead thorn, Instead to dismiss the
thought that the world's maikots for Iron
nnd stool nio to bo easily cnptiuod nnd
held Tho nctlvltv In out oxpoit tiado In
lion and stool In the last fovv jcais was
exceptional nnd abnoimal Not only is
Etitnpo ndoptliiR 0111 impiovod mothois
of manufnctuio, but It will nlvvavs have
cheap labor, and by these agencies It can
hold Its own niitltcts and actively and
nggrcsshcly contend foi the possession ot
noutinl maikots For our lion and steit
Industilcs, as wn ns foi all other do
mestic manufnetiulng industiles, our
home maikot must alwajs bo our best
111,11 Ket '
"It seems not Impiopoi to add to tho
above btatemont of tho ciiibos of 1 educ
tion In expoits of lion mil steel tint one
of the pilnclpal c.uibes of tlio low pilees
in foiolgn maikots seems llkolv to tennl
nate In tho near futiiie. Thcuo tediic
tlons In pilcos wcio, It Is statid on good
authoilty, duo In put to excessive expoi
latlons of lion nnd stool mnmiliirtutes
fiom Oeimanv, 111 u'o at unusually low
pilcos with the ptupobo of disposing of
an ncciimulnjpd suiplus caused bv ovei
pioduetlon and tho ipdueed homo demand
duo to the lecont tempoiaiy depicssloa
existing In tho Industiles of that countr.
This sui plus having boon hugely disposed
of and the depiosslou hiving nppuontlv
passed Its most acute stage, It Is believed
that tho expoits of lion and steel fiom
Cicimnnv will boon icmimo normal condi
tions, both nH to quantity and pilcos, nnd
that with this, opo of tho lmpiitnnt
causes of tho ledi'ctlou In prices of lion
and steel manufnctiiies In tho lorelgn
maikots will dlbiippcat and normal con
ditions In oui own cxpoit Undo bo ic
suincd," PUZZLE.
hutitcis who are
Only Half a Cent a Word.
for Bent.
rort miNT-
Jtouscs. $"',. tn $C".
J'lnts, $0 to $!0.
Stores, oftlcoH, bntli".
Eiiinlslicd houses, $73
The Retl EBtnto Broker.
1'Olt RENT Iloatitlf ul 4-ioom cottitRC,
eomplolely fmnlslicd wltli two noats
nnd (Islilng plor, $8 00 per wook. C'nl:
see J. C. Zmllleh, tho U.Untu bi
inii itnu
TOR HUNT After September 1, eight
loom house; Ml modem conveniences;
fdciim bent furnished. Rent modeiato.
Apply nt Tilbuno ofllco.
Hates lonsonublo County Savings
Hnnlt nnd Titist Co , MC, Spiucu sticet.
BAimntl SHOP for rnt; nonily new
building; good locntlon; city wnler.
rlc Just vacated. An exceptionally good
nppm Utility lo cnnllutio a well cstnb
llshod busiiioss. C. N. Wood, Now Mll
foid, Pa.
TOR RENT Two furnished cottages at
Lake Shoildnn; dry and healthy loca
tion; good shade nnd finest pluce foi a
week or a month's outing In Northern
Pcnnsjlvattln. Address II. L. Hauling,
rnctorvvlllc, Pn.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED A small house 01 Hat. piofor-
ably furnished, In dcsbablo location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box
Furnished. Booms for Bent.
rURNlsMETjnOOM for gentleman; with
or without board lnciuhc 010 Adams
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern
Improvements; private family: gon
tlemen proferiod, nt G37 Adams avenue
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pio
forred, at C39 Adams avenue.
For Sale.
TOlt SALE cheap, Columbia chalnlcss bl
cjcle; neatly new. "R ," Bqx 053,
TOR SALE A few equities In leal es
tate; batgalns. "Equity," Tribune of
fice. FOR SALE A handsome bnv boise com
ing live, well bloke double or single,
poifcctlv sound and kind, good diiver:
not afiaid of stenni or electric eats Welt
bied, sixteen hands, weight sure 10T,O
Pedlgieo of sire and clam, 2 loti and 223
Call Immediately. J. E Richmond,
Honesdale, Pa
FOR SALE A 111 st class meat market.
Ownei will woilc foi paity. Addiess
131 Chestnut sticet, Dunmoie, Pa.
Beal Estate.
Many properties for sale, here are a
$.',500 Modem house. West Side, good
lot aud nice fiuit.
$i,bOO F.ietoijvlllo house with live aeies
Wntoi In hoiibc.
$550 House, bain, and one aeie of land
in countiy.
$),000 rinest fnim Susquehanna Co lii
loom house, 2 bains, bpilng wa-
tei in house and bams, 170
act es, including 30 ucies of tlm-
$0,000 Glonbttrn steam heated house,
tin 00 acios, Tvitli good water,
lino lruit, etc.
$7,500 Beautiful home with lot 30 foot
wide on "the hill."
$1,000 Vine stieot house 10 rooms and
bith, open plumbing, etc.
$5,000 $7,000. nnd $10,000 Claj avenue ics-
$l,E0O Faim near Moscow, SO acies, good
land, good bain, lair hoiibo
$2,S0O West Side hoiihe Eight looms
and bath.
$20 500 rino business piopeity on Lacka
wanna avenue Bat gain.
$55,000 Business block, ccntial city, tents
foi $0,000 Snap
$3,000 Coiuoi lot with two houses, Clay
nvenuc Gteat.
$1,000 Lot 40xlb0 Hairlson acnue. Big
bat gain.
$3,300 New Modem hoiibc, 8 100ms nntl
bath. Lot 40 bj 100, near Vino
$2,700 New modem S-toom house near
Price Building.
LOTS, houses and fatms foi sale
J. C. SCutflioh.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In
upper Greon Rldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most dcsbablo locality for homo
Jn Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvino,
173G Sanderson avenue
WANTED An acre of land In Dnlton or
Waveilj; high elevation; no fancy
piice. Addiess II. M, Tilbuno ofllco.
Wanted To Buy.
A GOOD second hand phaeton; cheap;
stato pi leo and condition. Addrebs
Ti ibuno. Box- 50
to Contiuctois
Sealed piopos,ila ondotsed "Bids for
Second Distilct Sevvet, etc," and ad
diessed to tho undetslgncd, will bo 10
ccived until S o'clock p. in. 011 Mon
day, tho 11th day of August, 1902, foi fiu
nlshlng mateilal and constructing sevvcia
In tho Second Sower Distilct of tho Bo
tough of Dunmoie, with tho necehsaty
llxtuies and appliances in accordancu
with tlio nluns and sneellleatlons on lllo
in tho ofllco of James F, Hninii, boiough
engineer, boiough building, Dunmoie, Pa.
Extent of pioposed woik Is nppioxlmattlv
7,000 feet of bilek soet, .1.100 fcot of
plpo bower fiom 12 to 30 Inches lu dlam
etci. Copies of specifications and In
t.ti uctlons tn contrnetots nui bo obtained
of tho boiougli engineer.
Each bid must bo accompanied by a
cct tilled cheek foi tho sum of live hun
ched ($500) dolluiH, mndo pasiiblo to Au
gust Wahlois, boiough ttoasuior, as 11
gunianteu to executo r. coutinct If nwuid
ed tho woik, which sum shall bo foi felted
to tho boiough tn easo nt tho icfusal or
omission on the paif of tho suocesbful
bidder to exceuto 11 coutinct within ten
(10) ilns after the awaidlng of tho same
Blddcis will bo fuinlshcd with pioposnl
blanks at Iho bald ofllco of the boiough
ciiglueei, and no othois will bo accepted.
Bids icielved will bo opened ut a moot
ing of tho hoiofigh council in tho bo
iniigh building, tn bo held 011 tho ditto
and houi ubovo mentioned
Tlio lioiougii leseives tho right to ro
jeet any 01 nil bids
Rmniigh fiectetary.
702 E. Di inker St.. Dunmore. Pa.
Misses Nellie Olltoy and Letitia
Kearney uto visiting friends at Ueavei
J. J, Walsh was a caller In Scranton
Mis, J, Garvin and family huve le
turnccl homo, after spending sevetul
months lu Plltsbuig,
Misses Hcup and King; havo tclurnetl
'home, after u week's vacation In
Robett Oolden, ot Main street, Is en
joying his vacation at Lake. Winola.
M. J, Mcdnvvau, of the Thlid wutd,
Is out for delegate to tho Dcmociutlc
cuuiuy eunvciiiiuii, f
No Order
Accepted ror Less
Than lo Cents.
Branoli WANT Office
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Becolved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stoics Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALrjERT SCHULTZ, corner Mill-
hoi rv street nnd Webster nvo.
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar
a cnuo.
North Scranton
GEO AV. DAVIS, corner North
" Main avenub and Maikct
Green Bldge '
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Rldgo
C. LORBNZ, coiner Washington
avenue and Mm Ion stteet.
W. ir. KNEPrEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Eneigotlc salesman, school
supplies, countiy woilt; $100 snlaiy and
commlblon. II. O. Evans & Co , Chi
cago, III,
HELP MALE An expel lenced and to
llable harness makoi ; steady position.
Apply at once Gtubei & Co, Mahanoy
CIVIL SERVICE government positions
About 10,000 appointments made last
joai. Only common school education te
qultcd for examination, Saint les Inrge
Work easy. Catnlogues of Infoimatlon
free. Columbian Conespondenco Collogo,
Wnshlngton, D C.
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED by a xoung girl,
10, as muse girl or any kind of woik;
no objections to going out of town Call
or nddtess Winnie Flnnnghan, Wl Thoo
doie bticet, Scranton, Pn.
TWO joung girls, ago 17, desho situation
out of town a dining tcom 01 kitchen
gills. Addt ess lGHt Ctoss stteet.
as housekeepei or nn thing, kitchen
or musing. Addiess M. M ,-Hi Giant
avenue, city.
SITUATION WANTED Bv a neat joung
man as tiaveling salesman. Must be
a s.alaiicd position, best of lefeicnee ns
to honestv Being In touch with business
people of 'this city fot tho past thieo
ears Addiess 1 O D, Times of lice,
Scrnnton, Pa.
Honey to Loan.
Qulck, sttalght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to fl per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building.
$3 00 REWARD Pack.ago .containing
biacelct nnd locket addiessed Stephen
D Engle. Hnzleton, Pa. Gcoigo W. Finn.
New 'phono 908
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED A few boaiders for August
and September on a faim pleasantly
located; eiy healthy and a comfortnble
home. Mis. Geoige Wnteison, Uswlch,
Wnjnc county, Pa.
mer boaideis; tluee laigo ally looms
nnd good table boaid, Addiess O. K,
Dalton, Pn.
Board and Booms.
VERr DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with
first class table boaid, can bo obtained
at 333 Jeff ot son avenue.
laundois shirts at 8c. each and collars
and cuffs at l'c. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadots" Bank Building. Old 'phono 1801.
Real Estate Exchango Bldg., 120 Wash
ington nvo.
Civil and Mining; Engineers.
building, Sptuco Htteot, Scranton.
Eire Insurance.
SCHLAGHR & CO , Tinders Bank Bldg.
Fatont Attornoys.
In all countries
of the Globe.
The onlv licensed nnd coulnned nntcnt
solicltoi hi tho city. No chnigo for In
foimatlon on patentability; ovoi ton ears
Hcploglc & Co., Alcars Blclgr.
Hotels and Bestaurants.
lln avenuo. Hates tcasonablo.
P. ZlEaLHR, Ptoprlotor,
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu.
ropcan plan. Victor Koch, Ptoptlator.
and ceta pools; no odor: only improcd
pumps used. A. B Biiggs. nroprletoi,
Leave orders 1100 North Main uvoiuo.
or Elcko's dtug btote, cot nor Adams und
Mulbcity. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
ao, Scianton, mfrs. of Wlro Bcroons.
plies, envelopes, paper jags, tvvino.
Vaiehousc, U) Washington avenue.
bo bad in Scranton nt tho uqws bUuul
of ltelaman Bios , 4'Jt! Spruce and 003
Llndunj M. Norton, 322 Luclaiwanua
avc; I. S. Schutzer. 211 Sdiuco title jt.
hxi r
, imv sr-s
Only Hair a Cent a Word.
Buaineaa Opportunity.
MAKE MONEY by cnnVaRsIng for tho
l.jcoslte. Apply to Fred Wngnor, 611
Lackawanna avenue, Scrnnton.
. ej't dolny. Wrlto for our spuclal mav 1?rco n application. S. M.
Illbbnrd & Co, mcmbois N. Y. Consoll
dated nnd Stock Eicchnngo, 41 and'M
Utondwiiy, Now York. Established 1S61.
Long Dlstanco 'Phono 23SS Broad.
Dolaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
. In Effect Juno 1, 1902. , ''
Tialns loitvo Sr-t nnton for Ndw'Ydrft
At 100. 3 20, 0 05, 7 50 nnd 10.10 ft. m.t.iP40,
3 40, 333 p m. Tor Now Yoik and, Philadelphia-"
50. 1010 n. m, nnd 12.40 nd"fi!3
p. tn. For Gouldsboio At 010 p. m. Tor
Btifnilo 1.15. oia and 000 a. in.) IK!, B50
nnd 11.10 p. m. For BlnghnnttoU. Eluilia
nnd way stations 10 25 n. tn , 1 03 p m.
For Oswego. Svrncilso and Utlcft 1J3 arul
0 22 a.m.; 153 p. m Oswego,., Byrneuso
nnd Utlca tinln at 0 22 n. in. daily, except
Sundiiv. For Monti one D 00 a. m.; 101
nnd 0 CO p. m. Nicholson accommodation
I 00 nnd 0 15 n- m 1
Bloomsburg Division For Northttmber-land.-nt
0 33 nnd 1010 n. m.: 153 nnrt'tflO
p. m. For Plymouth, at S10 n. m.i .40
and 9 03 p m, . . . . ,
Siindnv Tialns-For New Yoik,1"! 50, 3 20.
no.,. 1010 11. m : 340 nnd 33." b fa. "For
Buffalo 115 and G22 a. m.; IBS. GG0nd
11.10 p. m. ForJllmltaiind way stnUons
ln2, a. in For'Ulnalminton and wny sta
tions. 0 00 a. m ' Bloomsburg TWIsloil
Leavo Scianton, 1010 a .m. and 10,p--m
Lehigh Valley Bailrond.
In Effect Juno 13, 1902.
Ttnlns Leave Scrnntbn.
I or Philadelphia and Now York vlit D.
& II- n R, nt 7.41. thiough Patlor Car
unci Day Conch Cnibondnle to New York
and 0 17 a m . with L V. Coach Cnlbon
dnle to Philadelphia, and 218 4;33 (Black
Diamond Express) and 11.41 p, m. Sun
thus. D. & H. R It, life 917 pm.
For White Havon, Hazloton and princi
pal points in tho coal regions, via D. e
H-,H. R, 7 41, 218 and 4 33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7 41 n. m.
For Bethlehem. Enston. Rending, 'Hnr
rlsburg nnd principal Intel media to sta
tions, via D fc H. R. R . 7.41. 0 47 a. m ;
2 18, 4 V, Rl iclc Diamond Express). 11,49 p.
"lo Sundays. D & II. R. R, 9 38 a. -m.;
1 5S 9 17 i m
For Tunkh.innoek, Tow.anda, Imlia,
Ithnca, Geneva nnd principal Intel media ta
Hint Inn xla D , L & W. R. R , 8 33 a. m.
and 1 in p m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D &. II. R. R 1203 p tn.: 3 28 (Black
Diamond Expiess), 10 41. 1149 p. m Sun
dns D. & H R. R. 12 03, 917 p in
Pullmnn parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Vn ov Parlor cars on all trains between
WIHces-Bairo nnd New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLL1N H WILBUR. Gen Supt , 20
Cortland street. Now York.
CHARLES S LEE Gen Pas Agt., 28
Cortland sticct, Now York
South Bethlehem, Pa
For tickets and Pullmnn reservations
apply to citv ticket nfllce, 69 Public
Square, WIlkcs-Bnrrc, Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29. 1902.
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
stieot and South Ferry, N. It.
Tialns leave Scianton for New York,
Philadelphia, Enston, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Mnuch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Baiie and Pittston at 7 30 a.
m . 1 p. m. and 4pm Sunday, 2 10 p. m
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7 30 a m , thiough solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono chango of cars
for Bnltlmoro and Washington, D. C , and
all pilnclpul points south nnd west.
For Avocal Pittston nnd Wllkes-Baire,
In m. nnd 4 n m Sundav. 2 in n m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7 30 and 1 p. m
For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg
la Allentown at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday. 2 10 p m
For and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m ;
lpm and 4 p. m. ,
For tatcs and tickets apply to agont at
station '
W. G BESSLER, Gen Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 16, 1902.
Ttnln3 leave Scranton: 0 38 a. m. , week
dnvs, thiough vestlbulo train from
Wllkcs-Bane. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
villo; stops at pilnclpal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbuiy, Har
llsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and fot Pittsburg and tho West.
9 47 a. m . week davs, for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and PlttHburg and tho West.
1 42 p m , week days, (Sundays. 1 B3 p.
m ), for Sunbury Hnrrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Bnltlmore. Washington and Flus
hing nnd tho West
3 L8 p m , week days, through vestibule
ttain fiom Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet
pallor car end coaches tq Philadelphia la
Pottsvllle. Stops nt pilnclpal Intermedi
ate stations.
4 35 p. m , week days, for Hnzleton. Sun
buiy, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
bl"S' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Tialns for Caibondalo leave Scranton at
0 41. 7 30. 8 30, 10 13 11. m : 12 05. 1.12, 2 11,
3W, 5 29, 6 25, 8 21, 9.1 0. 10 01 p. m.J 12 IS,
For' Honesdale 0 44, 1013 a. m.; 211 and
For Wilkcs-Bntto C3S. 7.41, 8-41, 9 47,
10 53 a. m ! 12 03, 1 42, 2.18, 3 28, 4 33, 6 10,
7.48, 10 11, 11.49 P 111.
Tor L V. It. R. Polnts-7.41, 9.47 a. m I
J in. liii aim 11. nt.
For Pennsylvania It. R. Points 6 38,.
9 47 a. m ; 1 42. 3 23 and Uip m
For Albany nnu an poincs noun n.
1. and 3 5i p m
For Carbondnle SM, 1133 a. m.; 211,
3 nil, G 52 and 11 17 p. in.
1 or VVlllces-iiiiiio u .jo u. ui.i i.;vot
3 28. C 32 nnd 9 17 11. m.
Foi Albany nnd points north 3U6 p. m
For Honesdale 8 50 a. m.; 1133 and J 53
P" W." I,. TRYOR. D. P. A . Scranton, Pa.
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Division.
In Effect July 30th, lIMi, 3JV
Tinlns )eaa Scranton for Hawley arrt
local stations nt 7.20 anil S.tllViV in ; ffi
nnd B'-O iv 1 m, Sundays, O.OOVi? m afld
1.31 p. in Foi New Yoik. Nbwhuigh liuil
Intoimedlnto points at 7 20 u. m: bnd 25
p m. Bundajs. 133 p. in. '-
For llonesdalo 1 33 nnd RlO-p.'m. ZZ
Tialns nulvo nt Seranton C20, 10 p
m ; 3 00 nnd 9.13rp. 111. ,Hnpdati,l 00 s&ul
8 15 p. m. ' a no ,Mir7 2r
New Y01U, Ontario -and iWfstern.'
Timo Table in Eltoet Sunday, Jiiim 15, lSiftj
Lcavo Loavo AiiH-n
No. 1 ..
No, 1 ,.
No. 7 ,..
Scianton. Caihondule, Cadoslu.
t,,10.Wti.iiU ll,10)i.iu. l.oo p in.
, I W l. ,11) 1 IUI. III. UlU I 'III,
ti 10 11 111 Ar Cniunndata 0 10 p ta
1 lu p in .r Liu unii
Bujj'i'ii tiuwru-i. . "
Lcavu Lcavo Atrifc
Cadosla. Catbonoifo.Soranttm;
Wa. in.' 7.2.U.&!
No. ti ,,
No. 4 ,,,
No 2 ...
s nt n. m. ju ui a. m, jiua.o.'Hi:
, 2 15 p in. .4 00 p. m. 4.43 ) m
l.eavo ieavo Aiiw
81 ranton, Cai bopdiilo CadoJA,
,,b30a, m. 910ptn loila.tnr;
, 7 00 p m Ar.C.rhbndnkr7,l3 Itin
Leave Lcavo' Arilva
Cadosla. C.uboiulule.'ScuiiitoU;
No. 9 ,,,,
No. 0 ....
No: a
ur.jn. m. k, -25a.jii
No 10 43pp.m. b aip m, -ciop.ttf;'
Ttnlns Nos. 1 on week das, and mn
Sundujs connect foi Now Yotk city, Midi
dletown, Walton, Noiwlch, Oneida, UijL
wcgo.und nil points west.
Tinln i for Pojntcllo. Walton, DolhL
Bldnoy, Noiwlch and nil Now Beilln
biuueli polntb. r.
Tinln. No. 0t viUi,i"Q'tnker City Ex.
picas" at Scianton; unX.'. R. R. of N. J,
for Philadelphia; AllantlU City, Baltimore,
pofnt!0" iP V3"V,yYa8fct'' bW
Sco tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agentt
for eonnoctlons. with othct lhns. v "
J. C. ANnERSbNMf.'PpAyANowOYorkSi
J. E. WEXSH, T. P. a'., Scranton. P.