fV ,4 n ;ii( " M ' ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1902. '3 i ktJV t-c- WtM JSioi'derly Houses Raided by the Police. Number of Persons Arrested Mrs. Sarah Smith Beat Her Husband. Lieutenant John Duvls nnd a squad jompoied of Patrolmen Morgan, Da vis, Lowry and Kvans, last night raided a disorderly house In Kolly'n patch, near Luzerne street. The place in run by Mrs. Van Dyke, and on ac count of the disturbance that was tak ing place, the neighbors sent word to ,thc police. Five men and two women were ar rested, but owing to the sickness of Mrs. Van Dyke, she was allowed to re main at home. Her husband, however, was arrested with the other Inmates. , At 10.30, the same squad descended on Cooper's block, on Scranton street, and arrested seven women and six men In the houses of Mrs. Jones, Myrtle Smith and Daisy Miller. Both places have very bad names, and the police have been gathering evidence, which .culminated In the thico raids which caught a total of eighteen disorderly persons. A hearing will be held In the case $ls morning. Owing to the lack of room In the police station, onc-lmlf the crowd were handcuffed two by two, loaded into a patrol wagon and sent to ike city hall for the night. Interesting Quoit Hatch. , Some time ago, John D. Richards, of the firm of Richards & Wlrth, Issued a challenge to Abel Davles, of North Garfield avenue, to pitch a game of quoits, the loser to pay for a dinner. The challenge was accepted by Mr. Davis, who selected John Hughes, of North Lincoln avenue, as his partner, .Mr. Richards selecting James Lewis, oi Lafayette street, to help him win tlte dinner. The game was played Thursday and the match was exceedingly Interest ing. Both Mr. Davis and Mr. Rlch rds, as well as their partners, arc ex pert quoit players, and, after a hard battle, the game was decided in favor Of Messrs. Davis & Hughes, with a Vsore of 61-40. Social Events. A birthday party was held at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Hopkln Maddock, of South Rebecca avenue, on Thursday evening, In honor of their daughter, ilary. The usual games were enjoyed, ' ntll a late hour, when Mrs. Maddock, assisted by the Misses Ellen Jones, Esther Hughes and Annie Junes, served lalnty refreshments to the happy oung folks. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Udgeway, daughter, Pearl, Mrs. Fred Tba Bt Fimllj Cough Remedy. Dufour's French Tar, For SiU by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Slain ave. &UAtAiritAlAtA)Attira Saturday Specials.. OTJR AST DEPARTMENT. Irish Point Center Pieces; 8 Inches square, with open work and fancy edges; nice assort- QO ment. 50c. kind for OOIj Batln Pillow Tops, with oxquistte floral designs In poppies, lilies, etc.; large size. Doc. qual- non ity for Iwv Cord and Tassels, 3 yards long: in all colors and combination of colors. Usually 50c. Sat- 9Q urday only uv CORSET DEPARTMENT Ladles' Summer Corsets; well cut and perfect titling. Extra spe cial for Saturday only OSn at wt Ladies' Summer Corsets a stand ard make that sells thu world over for 50 cents. Satur- QKo LADIES' NECKWEAR Genuine halt-dollar goods in Stocks or Four-ln-Hiimls: colors pink, blue, tan and fancy tlttn stripes. Saturday tV Plain and Fancy Koiir-ln-Hands, Stocks, otc, that sell regularly for 25 cents. Saturday! Ol n only 1 1731 KEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Whitu Laco Weavo Shirts nod Drawers, with full nioue silk .trimmings. JteKit owi lar made 50c. goods loi) M'ri's Hosiery, fine combed Maco yarn; smooth and toft as silk; fine samo; snllred heel 1 On i - and toe. 23c. kind at '"U " Men's Fancy Stocks in colors, polka dots, etc. All half OKn price. 00c, BtockH for.,,. SHIRT WAIST SALE All of our popular now "3c, and KJe. fancy Shirt Waists go in onp lot on Saturday. 0 ' Choice .., ,...,,. ' Ladles' Fir.o White Shirt Waists that sold for 1..V) nnd 91,75 each; 0 also high grado Fancy lUn , Waists. Full choice for v HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ' Ladies' Flno lllbhed Mercerized Vests; elegantly made and nlco Jy tilmmed. negulur 20c. Kiln quality at a for U" Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose; fast black; double knees ami soles; medium sizes enly, 23c. I "1t goods at ,,....,, lU Ladles' Fancy llot.0 In reds and blues: linn gauze and fust col. pro, Saturday, 23c, qual- ln Globe Warehotis?.! (ni?ii?i?ii!iwiwiiiiwijiiii(ni!i $ I SCRANTON OwcnB, Mrs. Otis Christinas, Mrs. Clcnrgc Jacoby, Mrs. William Quick and Mrs. Crcasle, were entertained at the "Plalnes," as the guests of Mrs. Hldgeway's father, Mr. Kshclman. Thuisday evening, Mrs.Wllllam Wag staff entertnlncd a large number of young people In honor of her dnughtcr, Miss Mandle Wngstuff. At a season able hour the charming hostess served a bountiful collation. A largo number of West Side young people enjoyed a trolley ride over the various lines of the Scranton Hallway company recently. After the ride they were entertained at the home of Miss Margaret Fleming. Before the Aldermen. Mrs. Kate Sturett, of 731 Brook street, South Scranton, appeared be fore Alderman Xoono and swore out a warrant for the urrcat of her husband, John Sturett. on the charge of disor derly conduct, John has not been ap pichcnded as yet. John Bcckwlth, of Hennessey court, swore out a warrant for the arrest of David Kvans, on the charge of larceny of a crowbar. At the hearing before Alderman John, It developed that the prosecutor and defendant had formerly worked together, and that Bcckwlth had left the crowbar with Kvans' tools. The defendant was discharged. Tramps in Trouble. The residents of Tripp's park have been much annoyed by tramps uho beg during the day and make social calls on their henneries at night. The knights of the road are known to have their boarding house In u. shanty In Keyset' Valley, so the West Side police did a little detective work and roped In David Roberts. In police court he was committed to the county jail by Magistrate Davles. Successful Fishing. George Payne and Clarence Everest, of Oxford street, have returned from a fishing trip to Loomls' lnke, near Foster. They succeeded In hooking seventy-five black bass and a large number of pickerel. . The fishing they say is unusually line, and a large number of West Siders aru enjoying it. Willi live bait, consisting of'dobsons, little cattisli and crabs, se cured from the small streams near Foster they say the bass bite almost as fast as the line can be put in the water. Stamp Collectors, Attention. At our great cut price sale of Dry Goods we will give double stamps, Sec our advertisement. Mcars & Hagen. Something New. A. Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Eynon street, was anestcd the other evening for giving her husband frequent thrashings. At the hearing, held yesterday morn- That will merit 1 your attention. Si WASH GARMENTS Ladles' Stilts In Hun Ginghams and Ijjwiir. A great mixed lot, with good thlnKS fotCO C early comers. Choice.. "P '", ' Ladles' Summer Pleasing Sacqucs nnd Klmonas. Kxtni tjood ft&o values, Saturday only IUj Children's pietty nnd service able Summer Dresses In Ducks and Piques; assorteOCl ku colois; sizes 6 to 10 yrtl'" 89c PARASOL SALE Aliases' IS-inch Fancy Couching Parasols In pink, hluo or white; sticks to match. Misses' Ib-lucli China Silk Paiasols, with pink ed rume; colors Hunt blue, pink nnd red. Children's lii-lnch China Silk Parasols; douhlo pinked nifties: colois red, light blue, pink and while, None of the above weio ever sold G(fl under J1.23. Choice OOKj THE GREAT WASH GOODS SALE 3,.VK) yards Ginghams In pink, oc blood. light and dark blue, etc. Host dress styles. Usual- C ly 7c. Saturday Qv 5,000. yuids i.neh Percales. Unlit ami linen color grounds. All the Rood patterns in tho best 12',ie. quality. Sat- C,, urday Oli Cotion ('hnllles In Hunt or dark grounds; several effects, Just the thing for comfoit J. covers , t 2,000 yardH beautiful Curded Lawns; light gt minds with dots, figures and stripes. To 11 n clear 3J 1,300 sards AlhatroHs Cloths and French fiatlste.s, Qualities that sold for 13c, nnd thoio- rin alioiits. To close,.,,, t 2,500 yaids Kalruluus. Amniotic, Lanaik. etc,-ull dainty, high grade goods; mostly btiiall effects, To close,,,,,,.,,,, tJl; 5,000 yaids Doited Swisses, Cord, rd and Satin Stilpo Dimities. MciccrUed, Foulards, Hatlu Stilpo Uatlstes. I.lnon Mutinies all the best colois and 1 lit designs. To close,. t "U l,3nn yards Tissue UliiKhums. Flemish l.ace snipes, Uuglish Chambinvs. plain and knotted effects: Cotton Ciope dn Chlnn. Knibroideied Ulz.iux. Kmhrotd eied Sutras, etcgoods that bold for 23c, the yard 1 01 , To clear ..,,, l-yV l.oul yaids Bilk ainuhams nnd : & & Si & nun Kmnroinered HvM8t.es; best colorings; nil high clubs in., ltto gUQIlS, JU WlUtiU ,,,,, Ing, she was released Upon her prom Ise to make application for entrance to the poor farm as her husband docs not support her. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Walsh, of Meridian Blreet, was burled yesterday afternoon, After brief set vices at the home, the little one was laid at .rest In tho Cathedral cemetery. Miss Iluth Acker, uf South Main nvenue, is spending the summer tit Luke Ariel. The members of St. Mark's Sabbath school enjoyed their annual picnic at Nay Aug park, yesterday. Arthur llcese Is recovering from a severe attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Hart Dunnn is quite 111 nt her homo on North Bromley avenue. Dr. Wllllnnia and Dr. Bums per formed n delicate operation on Ilobcrt Holly, of North Bromley avenue, at the West Side hospital, on Thursday. Miss Dcla Davis, of North Bromley avenue, Is nt Lake Wlnola. William Walsh, of Emmet street, was seriously burned about the neck, while employed at the Lackawanna car shops on Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Wheeler, of Luzerne stieel, Is visiting friends nt Wllkes Bnrre. The members of the choir, Division No. 4, auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians, held nn Important meet ing In Young Men's Institute hall last evening, Mrs, ricese and family have returned home from a week's visit to Lake Wlnola. Charles Miller, of North Hebccca avenue, nnd Charles Scheuster, of North Garfield avenue, are expected homo fiom their three ycHrs' service In the navy, In tho Philippines, China nnd other places. They have some great experiences to relate on their return home. They have two years yet to servo before receiving an honorable dlschnrge. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the funer al of the late I.obert Evans will be held from his late home, 533 North Sumner avenue. Interment In Forest Hill cemetery. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Meeting of the Round X Club Num ber of Matters Considered Other News Notes. The llountl X club, a society organ ized recently for social purposes, met in Saft's hotel parlors last evening. Routine business was transacted, after which it was agreed to conduct a clam bake outing, for members only, at Rob inson's grove, on Sunday, August 31. A ball will also be arranged for by the entertainment committee and it will lake place October 27. At the close of the' regular meeting, a social session was held, and refresh ments were abundantly supplied by Caterer Saft, Rudolph Kunz presided, and vuiious members were culled on for addresses. The big German carp near the Lackawanna brewery was dis cussed, and it was agreed, on a motion made by Messrs. Wirth and Conrad, that the club bhould make an effort to secure the lish, and they will prepare their fishing tackle, today, for an early trip tomorrow morning. Hurt While Picking Coal. Joseph Altman, a resident of Meadbw avenue, fell from a trestle on the old gravity road yesterday, a distance 6f about thirty feet, and sustained seri ous injuries. The young man was engaged in pick ing coal when the accident occurred. He was about to cross a trestle above No. 5, when he slipped and fell head long. Assistance was quickly rendered and the sufferer was taken home.where his Injuries were given attention by Dr. Wali-h. An examination showed, besides severe cuts on the head and fac, a broken collarbone, and other In ternal Injuries. Although severely hurt, All man's wounds are not necessarily fatal, but he will be laid up a long time. Laid at Rest. The funeral of Patrick Glennnn took p''jc:o yesterday in Minooka from the home of ,t relative. Services were held ill St. Joseph's church. Rev. Father C.inuvan olllclating. Interment was made in the Minooka Catholic ceme tery. The pall-bearers were James Sulli van. James Graham, Stephen Tennet, Michael Walsh, Richaid Joyce and James Tnnnery. More Strike Trouble. John ..irosa, of Kollerman court, had Joseph Saletyn nrrested on a charge of perjury, nnd the defendant wns given a hearing last evening before Alderman I.ontes. According to the evidence, Saletyn hud aj;osa arrested some time ago for culling him a scab and using abusive language. Karosa was tried before a city magistrate, 'and although he denied the charge, had to pay u fine, Saletyn, ho claims, committed per jury, hence the case last evening. The parties to the case are both foreigners, and each side produced a crowd of friends nnd 'witnesses. It was a severe task to sift the wheat from tho chaff, but Aldenrwn Lentes came to tho conclusion that tho defend ant perjured himself In the first case, and held him for court In $500. A re volver was taken from Saletyn In the court room, and he will be re-arrested today on the charge of carrying con cealed weapons. f Stamp Collectors, Attention. At ourt great cut price salo of Dry floods we will give double stamps. Sea our advertisement. Menrs & Hagen. NUBS OF NEWS. Final nii'imgomcntH havo been mado for tho iliat Joint exclusion of St, Mary's church societies which goes to Mountain park on Monday morning, August 11. A good lirogi anuna of bports Ii.ik been nr unified, nml an uluindauco of icfrcsh nu'iits will I mi bcrvcd. Tho funeial of Mrs. Mctlulro will titko place Monday morning at !M, m. Ser vices will bo held In St. Peter's cathedral, nnd Interment will bo mado in Uydo park. Mr. and Mis, Fiank Schumacher. Mrs. Charles Schumacher and Mia. Oeoigo Schumacher, of Mountain luke, leave to day for Atlantic City, Dr. Schley'B Lung Healing Paledm is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For salo by all dealers. Tho lalo Mrs. Durkln will bo laid at rest this morning at 9 o'clock, fiom the family i evidence on Stone avenue. AN OLD AND WElt-TRlED REMEBT, . MnS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINO SVRUP lor children teething. Is the prescription ol pno of the best female physicians and burses In the United States, and has beea used sixty years with naver-falllns suci cess by millions of mothers for their chlU dren. During th process of teethlnir its yalua !s Incalculable., it relieves the ch I from pain. curs diarrhoea, tjriping in th K'A"?,. ndc?,lcA. By Klvlng healtS to the child it rests th mother, Price. Iwaaty.av eant a betUa, rn " NORTHSGRANTON JOHN K. JONES, OF WALES STREET INJURED. Fell from a Stone Wagon' on Which ... . .. i.i as was Biding, and the Rear Wheels Passed Over Him Party in Honor of Miss Mary Davis, of Tioga County, at the Home of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Morris Y. W. C. A. Notes Other News Notes and Personal Paragraphs, John K. Jones, the stone dealer, of Wales Btreet, wbb seriously Injured while hauling stone to the central city, Thursday afternoon. The accident hap pened In front of O'Boylo's residence on West Market street, whore he fell from his wagon, nnd one of the rear wheels passed over his body. He was removed to his home, where It was found that he was suffering from Injuries to the abdomen and shoulder. Owing to his advanced nge his Injuries nrc quite serious. It Is not known whether he will survive. Pleasant Gathering. A very pleasant gathering was given In honor of Miss Mary Davis, of Tioga county, by Mr. and Mrs. William Mor ris, at their home on Williiim street, last evening. The time wns taken up with the usual party diversions, which weic Indulged In until a seasonable hour, when refreshments were scrVcd. Evun Thomas, the well known tenor singer, entertained the guests during the evening with several delightful solos. Among those present were: The Misses Margaret Thomas, Martha Thomas, Olive Thomas, May Davis, Carrie Slatton, Jennie Leonard, Mary Richards, Blodwyn Thomas, Lizzie Howells, Lizzie Thomas, Sadie Owons, Mary Davis, Gertrude Willis and Messrs. Richard Hughes, Elmer Jen kins, William Reese, Harry Reese, Hur ry Wutklns, Frank Coleman, Morgan Williams, Thomas , Howells, Evan Thomas, - Zachariah Williams, Ivor Danvers, Bert Evans, Rufus Richards and Walter Lewis. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Last evening's trolley party was most highly enjoyed by a large number of young women. The Outing club goes to Lake Scran ton this afternoon. It is hoped that a great many of the girls will take ad vantage of this outing. Tho rooms will be open all day to morrow. At 9.30 a praise service will be held. These afternoon services are proving very helpful. The young women are pleased to ac knowledge a donation of magazines from Mrs. Bert Klees. They make a very pleasing addition to the reading table. Stamp Collectors, Attention. At our great cut price salo of Dry Goods we will give double stamps. See our advertisement. Mcars & Hagen. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Miss Anna Jones, of Brick avenue, was quietly wedded tu Hugh Ilodliiini. uf Park place, at Bliighaiuton, Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Rodham will niaku their icsldcncc with the biide's parents on Brick avenue. AVord was icceivcd yesterday from Fac toryvillo stating that Michael Moran and Patrick Timlin, both of Ferdinand street, who were supposed to have been lost on the mountains while picking berries, are working on a farm at that place. Tho members of tho Keystono Literary and Dramatic; club, honoicd ono of their members, Martin AValsli, of West Market btreet, who was recently wedded, last Wednesday evening. A number of speeches were delivered, congratulating Mr. Walsh. Miss Nellie Thomas, of Reese street, is entertaining her cousin, Miss Gertrude Thomas, of Pittstou. An cxccllen tprogrammo will bo ren dered at the First Welsh Baptist church of West Market street Sunday, August 10, by the Juvenile choir. A number of solos nnd recitations will be rendered. Mrs. C. L. Whipple, of Adams avenue, is spending two weeks at Mnplowood. Mrs. William Hartshorn and daughter, of Spring street, ictutned home this ,murniug after spending three weeks at Lake Ariel. Thomas Martin, of Summit avenue, has accepted a position at Davis' drug stoic. Thomas Jones, of Taylor, Is visiting his bister, Mrs. John Jervis, of Wuync ave nue. Miss Blodwyn Richards, Mrs. Frank Richards nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James Cock ntn aro visiting Lyman Green, of Fleet vltle. Tho Nonpareils b.iso ball team defeat ed the Actives on Von Storcji's Held Wed nesday afternoon by a scoro of 11 to i. Murphy's pitching for thu Nonpareils, who struck out ten men, was tho feature of tho game. Miss Margaret and Llzzlo Evans, of Dimmoie, spent Thursduy evening with Putnam street frlonds. Daniel Regan, of Oak street, Is spending IiIh vacation in Atlantic City. Miss Nelllo Robinson, of Lcggett's htreot. Is visiting Wllkcs-Rarro friends, Mlhs Stella PUce, of Spring Brook, is vlbltlng Miss Cora Sheldon, of Deacon street. Mrs. Robert Merrick, of Green strcot, is entertaining her sister, Miss Alice Henry, of Jeimyn, Mrs, Gcorgo Caldwell, of West Market street, Is visiting fi lends In Nashua, N, II, Misses Madge Gannon and Slargarot Mulherln, of Jermyn, spent Thursduy with friends In town, A. T. Pcntlcoat, of Now York elty, is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Case, of Feidlnand street. Miss Mnry Roland, of Oak strcot, Is spending her vacation in New York and Boston. PUNWORE. Preaching morning nnd evening In tha Dudley Street Baptist church, Sunday school at IS o'clock. Young People's So ciety of ChiHthui Endeavor, G.45' p. m. Tho Young People's Society of Chris I la n Eudcavur of the Dudley Street Dap. tlit church will hold an entertainment In tho church Tuebijay evening, August IS, An excellent literary programme has been provided. Miss Jano tilmousoii wns tendered a very pleasant Mirprlso party at her home on Church street Tuesday evening, tho occasion being her beventeenth birthday, Games, muslo and other amusments weie Indulged In until a Into hour, when refrciumeiits weru served, after which flashlight pictures were taken, Thobo present wero tho .Mlst-cs Matttu Evans, Etta Toolcy, Muiguret liiurls. Lottie SlmoiiHou, Ida, Tina, Jano and ls'ath i yn Slmoiibou, Mary Puddcn; Messrs Garllcld Bhaw, Fred Young, Elmer Tuoley, William Johnson, Jessie Blaine, Benule Simoiuon, Wan en SIiiioiihoii, James Van Louvendcr. Refreshments were served by the Misses Kathryn Slniousou and Mary Paddcu. Miss Romalno Bruusoii, of Elm street, is tha guest of fi lends at Lake Wlnola, Stamp Collectors, Attention. At ourt great cut prlcn sale of Dry Goods we will gve doublo slumps. Se our advertisement. Meura & Hagen. STILL FURTHER PROOF Where Doctor's Fail to Oure Woman's Ills, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds. Mrs, Pauline Judson, Seoretary Sohermerhorn Golf 01ub( Brooklyn, N, Y,, Writes On TMb Subjeot, A woman best understands a woman's ills. How true this is, and how well proven in Mrs. Judson's letter which follows. How many thousands of letters Mrs. Pinkham is .constantly receding from women recounting their months, and sometimes years of treatment by physicians for some derangement of the female organs without obtaining a cure, or oven relief from their suffering, and how eventually they have been cured by her advice or medicine, or both, is almost beyond belief, Just think how Mrs. .Tudson was treated for months without success, and how quickly she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and Snnativo Wnsh. Is thero n sick woman on earth who will doubt tho power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound over womens' diseases in tho face of such proof ? Surely not. Any woman who is troubled with any form of female ills, painful men struation, backache, dizziness, bearing down feelings, ovarian Inflammation or any womb trouble should hasten to procure Lydia E. Plnkham'8 'Veg etable Compound, for no other medicino is so universally recommended by prominent women of all classes. MRS. PAULINE JUDSON. w Deab Mrs. Pinkham : Soon after my marriage two years ago I found myself in constant pain. The doctor said my womb was turned, and this caused the pain, with considerable inflammation. He prescribed for me for four months, when my husband became impatient because I frew worse instead of better, and in speaking to.the druggist he advised im to get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. How I wish I had taken that at first ; it would have saved me weeks of suffering.- It took threo long months to restore me, but it is a happy relief, and we are both most grateful to you. Your Compound has brought joy to our home and health to me." Mrs. Pauline Jud 60X, 47 Hoyt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. It would seem by this statement that women would save timo and much sickness if they would get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound at once. It might as well he understood first as last that no medicine in thu world is equal to it, and no druggists substitute will he satisfactory. Get it to-day ; don't wait. $5000 REWARD. We havo doposl ted with the National City Bank of Lynn. SIXMO, which will he paid to any person who can find that the above testimonial letter Is not ganulne, or was published before obtaining tho writer's special per mission. Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co.. Lynn, Mom. PRESSURE NOT HIGH ENOUGH (CoiiLludru fiom 1'jbc (1.) Said Director 'Worniser to it Tribune man, yesterday afternoon: "I certainly sea no uso -fn changing the, water ser vice in thebu purts, after thu results we have received from this. lent. Per sonally, I cannot approve any measure which advocates a change, which sure ly will not bo beneficial to the city's interests." On motion of Councilman Vaugliun the communication was referred to a. committee, Thursday night, with ti view to seeing If It would not bo pos sible to have at least some of the hy drants In question connected with the Gas and Water company's mains. ml PREEN RIDGE. Malviu Snyder, of Pcnn nvenue, will lcuvo today for a. few clays' stay at Luke Wlnola. J. H. Joncsf and family, of Columbia avenue, arn occuping their cottage at Crystal Lake. JIIphph Arlln Clrlflln, Nettio I.awrcneo and Bertha Sownrd aro gucxts nt the home of ftov. and Sirs. A. Qilfftn, of West I'lttston. Hentrlco lodge. No. 7. Daughters of Rcbeknh, held an Interesting meeting last evening in Masonic hull, Dickson nvenue, Jtlsslfolen Churchill, of .Marlon street, has returned homo after a mouth's so journ at Atlantic City, Capo May and Washington, D. c, Mrs, Mlsculy and daughter, llcrtha, who wcro guests of Mrs. W.llllam II, Peek and Miss Peek havo returned to their home in Notth Carolina. Putil Ynrkmun, Matthew Arhcutlco nnd Poter Swedish wcro biought before AN deimuu A. C, Uuylcy, of Dickson ave nue, last night, charged by John Wlilc tus with assault nnd battery, Tho as suult took pl.teo last Monday evening, when tho parly, who aro from Provi dence sci'tlini,. wero returning from a christening. T(io prosecutor was beaten with bottles and clubs by tho other three men and so budly cut and bruised that ho was uuulilo to appear against them he lora ycsteiduy anil Is bllll under thu euro of a physician. Alderman ilayley placed all tin ou under $V100 bail for appearance at couit, Jloiatlo M, Culc, who Is spending tho summer ut Montrose, visited his plueo of liutliiehH hero yesterday. Special pi lees for Saturday at Qreen Illdgo Cash Store, HIV Cupuuse avenue: Apples, per peck ,,,, ,,..,., ,,.S0o Potatoes, per peck ,,,,,, ,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,l$o Pino Creamery lluttcr ..., ,,,,,,u S Pounds Soda Cruekcl'3 We 4 Pounds Ulugcr Simps , ..,.:' Jo Icily 0 lasses, dozen ,,.,,..,ijc Cucumbers, Cauliflower, Celery, Squath, Radishes. Onions, Uects, Cut rots, Wax Beans, Pea, Melons, Peaches, etc. New 'phone, 9J7; old 'phone, 3M. ' Stamp Collectors, Attention. At ourt great cut prico salo of Dry Good wc nlll give doublo stamps. Pee our advertisement. Mtars & llugen. LEGAL. AMKNDMKNT TQ TIIK CONSTITU TION PROrOSUD TO TIIK CITIZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH KOfl THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENN SYLVANIA. PCRLISHED BY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH IN PURSUANCE OK ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section ten of article ono of the Constitution, so that u dlsehuigo of ti jury fur failure, to agree tir other necessary cuuso shall not work an aeiiulttal. Section 1. Be It icsolved by tho Sounto and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met. That tho following bo piopnsctl as an amendment to tho Con stitution: that is to say, that seetliiu ten of ni tick! one, which reads as follows: "No pel son slull, for any lndlctablo of fense, ho proceeded against criminally by Infm niiitlon, except in cases uiislug In the land or naval forces, or in tho militia, when In actual sen lee. In time of war or public danger, or by leave of thu court for oppression or misdemeanor In oflleo. No person siall, for tho snmu offense, bo twice put in jeopiudy of life or limb; nor shall inlvulo pioperty bo taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and without Just compensation being first mado or secured," bo amended so as to read as follows: No person shall, for any lndlctablo of fense, he pioeceded against criminally by information, except In ens-es arising in the land or naval forces, or In tho mtlilla, when In actual service In time of war or public danger, or by leave of tho court for oppression or mlsdomeanor hi ofllce, No person shall, for tho same offense be twice put In Jeopardy of life or limb; but a discharge of tho Jury for failure to agree, or other necessary cause, shnll not work nu acquittal, Nor shall private property be taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and with out just compensation being first mado or bceuied. A truo copy of tho Joint Resolution. W. W. OR1EST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH KOR TIII51R APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH IN PURSUANCE OK ARTICLE .Will OK THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Pinposlng an amendment to tho Constitu tion of tho Commonwealth. Section 1, Bo it resolved by the Senate and House of Remeseutatlves of tho' Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen. eial Assembly mot. That tho following is proposed as an amendment to tho Con stitution of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In necordanco with tho provj. slous of tho eighteenth nrtlclo thereof; Anundmeut. Add nt the end of section seven, article three, tho following woiils; "Unless bo foio It ahull bo Introduced In tho General Asseinblv, such proposed special or local law Khali have beep first submitted to a popular vote, at a general or special elec tion In tho locality or localities to bo af fected by Its operation, under nn order of tho court of common pleas of the re speetivo county after luMiiug nnd appli cation granted, and shall jtuvo been ap proved by a maloilty uf tho voters at bueh election: Piovlded. That no such election shall bo held until the decreo of court authorizing thu same shall havo been advertised for at least thlttv (&1) days lit tho locality or localities affected, in such manner us the court may illiect. A truo copy of tho Joint Resolution. . W. W, GRIEHT. Secretary of the Commonwealth. ....., When in Need : Of anything in tha Una o',J optical gooda wo can auppiy it J Spectacles i and Eye Glasses: Properly fitted by an axpart J optician, 9 From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of praserip tion work and repairing. ' ' J Mercereau & Connell, 133 Wyoming: Avenue. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterSForsytti 253327 Penn Avenne. The Difference You believe there are many .brands of Good Flour But after using the re liable "Snow White" You know it to be abso lutely the best. We only wholesale it Dickson Mill & Grain Co., Scranton and Olyphant. Kitchen utensils HAVINQ THIS m Trade Mark vUflAj AreSAFE: pmj fli-JETUi NO POISON ti used In the eaamtL SlSv Send for Our Nw Booklet Showing WHV. A lull iiortmrnt of tha jroods for sals tyalltti Iriullnir DK.l'ARTStKKT wdfi. IIOUSK FUIININIII.NO MOKES. ! "Lo!anco & Orosjean Mfg. CcTS 1 NEW TOOK, BOSTOX. CHICAGO. ' FOOTE & FULLER CO., 140-142 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SOBANTON, PA. Complete line of the genuine L. & G. Manufacturing Company's Agate Nickle Steel Ware. DR. DENSTEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 311 Spruce St, Scranton, Pa , All Acuta unit pluonlc Diseases of Men, Women and (')illdien. NKUVOU8. UilllUNia IIIIAIN, l-'EMAliK and WASTING Dltil-JAtiUS A SPKCIALTY Consultation and examination free. Of, ilea lioura, daily and Sunday, S a. m. to 9 p. in. I sBBm7rBB!uSfis-k rSSSSSSBBBslH 'ii i i';i 'K' i "J- fc A t & . ; J.l H j. Jjlfc ' iHte!lr 41l. MMS t 1jjJ-3, - VA'jta Vit. , -i Jj-Ml'in- uattrlirA LS ft.
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