The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1902, Image 1
SS&tt h'iuif If U t ' IV ' !" - cranton fl TE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST J), 1902. TEN PAGES TWO CENTJ8. i , Nta. .jm . TROOPERS RESCUE A PERSECUTEBAMILY Helpless Victims o? Strikers' Gruel- tu at Turkeu Run Are Taken to Place of Safety. BEDDALL'S ALLEGED ASSAILANTS IN JAIL Two Lithuanians Accused of Killing the Shenandoah merchant Commit ted Without Bail Police Officials Are Ferreting Out the Participants in the Blots, but Experience Much Difficulty in Gaining Information. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Shenandoah, Aug. 8. A platoon of the Governor's Troop of cavalry went to Turkey Run Hill today on an er land of mercy and rescued a small family from the violence of the neigh borns. There had been petty actH of violence from that teriltory nearly every day for a week. Today Briga dier General Gobln received a pathetic letter from the wife of a non-union workman who Is employed In the Gil berton colliery of the Reading com pany, in which she tells of the treat ment accorded her by strikers in that vicinity. Among other things, she said rocks had been tin own through the windows at night, one of them nearly striking her sleeping child; the' house damaged, and while she was out doors one night a bullet was fired at her. She also said that crowds gath ered around the house, hooted and Jeered at her and the children and hung crape on the door. Her husband, phe concluded, was compelled to stay In the mines In order to earn money to keep them from starving and as he could not leave his work, she asked the commanding officer of the troops here to protect her. Turkey Run II1I1 has no police protection and General Gobln decided to help the woman. He learned that she was not In the best of health, nnd it was decided that she had better be taken from the place to the Potts vllel hospital. To carry this out, the general ordered a platoon of cavalry to make a demonstration In that sec tion, and, while there, to escort the woman and children to vthe railroad station. This was done. The troops rode all over the territory and found that the population, which Is made up of many foreigners, was not in the best frame of mind. The soldiers weie hooted nnd jeered nnd called uncomplimentary names. Only one stone was thrown at the horsemen, and this was done by some one In a crowd on a high ridge, out of reach of the soldiers. The cavalry men stopped their horses and the crowd scattered instantly. Held for Beddall's Death. The two Lithuanians who were yes terday held repsonsible for the death of Joseph Bcddall In the riots of last week, were today committed without bail to the county jail at Pottsvllle, on the churgOv-of murder. Another Lith uanian, charged with rioting, was re leased on $2,000 bail. It Is understood that a large number of arrests will be made and more charges of murder will be brought. The police officials aie having much difficulty In ferreting out the participants In the llots. The for eigners are standing together and are not volunteering any Information. It was feared that an attempt would be made to rescue the two Lithuanians held for murder and the other charged with rioting from the little lockup eaily this morning. In consequence, a company of soldiers on guard duty, close at hand, kept in readiness to march. Extra guards are on duty at the borough building, In which the men are cnnllned. There was little of Interest In the (raiup of the troops today. The region remains very quiet and there was noth ing for the soldiers to do but go through the tou tine of, the camp. Biigudler General John W. Sehull, of the First lirlgudo, accompanied by General Weaver, of his staff, came hero from Philadelphia today and paid n visit to brigade headquarters. Ho left for Philadelphia this evening. Gen eral Gobln said General Schall was here merely on a social visit and that the question of calling out additional troops was not discussed, Washery Hesuraes Operations. Pottsvllle, Aug. 8. Tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company today began operations at tho Anchor" washery, In the Heckshervlllo valley, 1 Non-union men were employed, having been taken to the workings by a special train, under an armed guard, Tho men will sleep on tho train to night, protected by the deputies. Tho local boards of tho mine work ers' union In tho lower section of tho county held a meeting tonight and adopted resolutions denouncing Impos tors who nro collecting money, osten slly for tho relief of the mlnji workers, MR, MITCHELL SATISFIED. Operators Report That Increased Number of Miners Are Applying, By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wilkes-Dane, August 8. President Mitchell, In an Interview tills evening, said ho was satisfied with the situa tion n the hard coal region. Reports from tho district officers of the United Mine Woikers show that the misunder standing which prevulled a few weeks ago over tho distribution of the relief fund has now disappeared and ho strikers are more confident than ever that they are going to win. Mr. MltT chell was ulso of the opinion that tho ters must bo paid In proportion td . In other branchet ' J less this Is dl . miners who have n coal region to go th will never return. imount paid men ndustry, and un- imany of tho left the hard v umlnous fields Ik The superintendents -io Delaware, Lackawanna and Wciidxn company's collieries In the Wyoming district re port that an Increased number of men are applying dally for work. BLOWN TO ATOMS. Two Men and a Team of Horses Are Annihilated by Glycerine Near Bradford. , By Exclusive Wire from The Awoclatod Press. Bradford, Pa., Aug. 8. A terrific ex plosion today at Irvlnes mills, seven miles from this place, shook the earth over a wide radius and annihilated two human beings. A team of horses, a wagon and forty 10-quart cans of glyc erine went up also in the flash of Hie, and clouds of smoke that accompanied tho explosion. Joseph Gllson, aged 44 years, a resident of Bradford, and Os car Beigvall, tged 17 years, an office boy employed by the Pennsylvania Tor pedo company, were the human victims. Gllson and Bergvall were taking a loud of glycerine from the company's maga zine In Rice Brook to Olean. It is supposed a wheel of the wagon diopped into a rut of the road, causing the jar which brought on tire explosion. Nothing was left of the outfit but a small portion of one horse. UNFINISHED RACES OP GRAND CIRCUIT Two Events Run Off Before a Free Admission Crowd at Buffalo. By Etcludc Wire fiom The Associated floss. Buffalo, Aug. S The two unfinished races of the giand cb'cuit meeting at Fort Erie were run offvtoday before a free admission crowd composed mostly of bettors, whose wages were hanging In the balance. The fact that Chain Shot had beaten' the Monk In the flist heat Thursday, In the 2.08 trot, did not scare the followers of Geers, and The Monk luled about 2." to IT against the field. Geers had little difficulty in get ting two heuts and the race, forcing Chain Shot to a break one hundred feet from the wire In the first heat of the day and winning under a pull in the second. Re-elected in the 2.14 trot was a strong favorite at about 23 to 15 against the held. Re-elected won two beats yesterday and took the first heat and race today. The track was slow and the weather windy. Summary: 2.07 Hot, unfinished after Chain shot had won one heat yesterday; best two In thiee; parse, ?1.200. The Monk 2 11 Chain Shot 12 2 Dolly Dillon 3 3 3 Best time. 'J.Otnj. 2.14 trot, unfinished after two heats won yesteiduy by Re-elected. Re-elected Ill Blamboin 2 7 2 Prince of Change , 3 'j 3 Alice Curr b ,1 1 Klondike 4 (i 0 Allco Russell 5 5 5 A. J. D 7 ldr Best time, 2.11. Events at Elmira. KImlia, Aug, S. Owing to u large ontry list today scoring was slow. Anulo At. was tho favorite In tho unfinished 2.23 class, pacing, but was tint able to best lint Foster, who held close to the polo throughout the winning heat, Summary: 2.13 claws, p.ii-ing; piuse, $100 unfinished f 1 om Thursday). Hal Foster 3 2 2 111 Auuiu M 2 112 2 2 William I f3 13 3 3 Marvel B 9 li 3 3 5 J Vaiidu, Sliltz, Teddle Wilkes, Bessie Ol'r and Undo Tom also started. Best time. 8.151 . 2.21 class pacing; purse, 100. Olcary ,.., , 12 2 2 Houbrctto , ,., L' 3 3 I Mistletoe 17 5 3 Susanna 5 1 c 5 Edward W, Tlmovvood, Knox Gelatine, Mlncola, Little Datkuy and Upton Olrl ulso started. Best time, LlU7t. 2.20 class, tiottlug; purse, $400 (tinthi-) ished). Pacrnso ,, 2 14 12 Nellie T , 7 12 2 1 Faillllu K , 1 2 3 li 8 Louise C , C 5 1 3 4 Madeline) P licjslo Fuller and Eliza beth F, also slat ted. Best tlrno, 2.S0U. Steamship 'Arrivals, By Exclusive Wire from TI10 Awocialed Press. New York, Aug, 8. Arrived; Campania, Liverpool and Qucoiibtowu; Augusta Vic toria, llumburg. Cleared: Ktrurla, Liv erpool; Allor, Genoa nnd Naples; Georgle, Liverpool; Potsdam, Rotterdam via Bou logne; Filesland. Antwerp. Sailed; Georgle, Liverpool, Cherbourg Ai lived: Columbia, Now York. Southampton Sailed; Fuerst Blsmurck, Now York via Cherbourg, Quccnstown Arjlvcd: Lu cnnla, New Yoik for Liverpool and pro ceeded. Havre Al lived: La Oascogno, New York. Lizard Panted; Rotterdam, Rotterdam for Now York. Will Erect Statue of Frederick the Great. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Berlin, Au, 8 Professor ITphucs, tlto sculptor, by tho emperor's dlicctlon, will go to Washington in October to person ally superintend the election of tho statue of Frcdcitck tho Greut, The execution of a bronze copy of Professor Uphues' Pots dam statute of Frederick the Gieat bus been begun and the sculptor Is also hav ing bronze statuettes of that work made for persons In Amorlcu. anthracite mini' WASHINGTON PORTRAIT UNVEILED IN LONDON. Joseph Oho ate, the American Ambas sador, Presides Over Ceremonies. By Exclusive Wire from The Auoclttril Pre. London, Aug. 8. Joseph H. Choate, the American ambassador, this after noon unveiled a portrait of Washing ton in Masonic regalia, In the presence) of many Masons, In Free Masons' hull, Tho Karl of Warwick, the deputy grand master of the Free Masons of England, who presided, paid a tribute to Wash ington, In which he referred to tho great veneration In which the first American was held In England, and bis consistent remembrance of fellow Mnsons during the war for Independ ence. Other speakers were Consul General Evans, Deputy Consul General West cott and J. Ross Robertson, past grand master off the Masons of Canada. MUST GUARD FORESTS. Campers Locating Upon State Gronds Are Required to Protect Flics. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Harrlsburg, Aug. 8. The Pennsylva nia state forestry commission has di rected Its forest officers to afford proper facilities to parties camping on the state forest reservations and to per mit the campers to move their enmp from point to point on these lands with out hindrance, The commission has also Issued or ders to Us employes to remove Immedi ately all parties who take deer-running dogs on the "grounds, to kill the dogs when found In pursuit of depr and to remove all parties from the state lands who do not protect their camp or other fires. MORE RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS CLOSED Center of Interest Now Is the Little Localities of Saint Meen Le Fol- goet and Ploudaniel. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Breste, France, Aug. S. Several more religious schools in Finistere were closed this morning, despite protests by the Inhabitants, who weie held back by gendarmes. The chief center of In terest now Is the little localities of Saint Meen, Le Folgoet and Plouda niel, north of Brpste, where all the traditional fanaticism of the Bretons Is displayed. Eviction of the sisters wns expected there this morning and bodies of men and women guarded the schools throughout the night. The whole country, side-armed with cud gels, was afoot from 3 o'clock In the morning and barricades' of carts at tached by heavy chains were erected In the roads leading to the schools at Ploudaniel. A barricade of carts, coveied with thorns and brambles, de fends the entrance to the school at Saint Meen, Senator Ohamaillaid and County Councillor Vervlgny broke the official Vieals affixed to thiee religious schools In Qulmper. The government declares that it intends to prosecute all such offenses. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. Bright Prospects in the Agricultural Sections Outweigh Adverse In fluence of Labor Disputes. By Exclusive Wire from 'the Associated Press. New York, Aug. 8. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade, tomor row, will say: Bright prospects in ngilciiltural sec tions far outweigh the advcisu Influencu of labor disputes which aie still letatd ing tiude and niaiuitactiue. Conlldenco in the futuiu is unshaken, dealeis every wheio preparing for a heavy fall tltidu, while contiaets for distant deliveries run further into net year than is usual at this date. Activity has been nutuworthy In lumber legions. Aside fiom the luel scarcity and sumo congestion of tiatllc, the iron and steel situation continues propitious. Coke ovens in tho Conni'iells villo region maintain a weekly output of about 2.'i0,O0O tona and find ready buyers at full pi lees, Much more 1.011I1I bo us?ed to advantage. Conditions die indicated by the number of oulers going out of tlto country which domestic pioduccrs cannot undertake, Thus far the Imports have hod little Influence on domestic pilces, except as lo billots; which are freely offered below the home mnikct level. Now contracts for pig iron were placed this week coveilug dellveiles hi the sec ond quarter of VJttl and structural inato llal Is deslied for and buildings that will npt bo ieceled until oven more lemotn dates. Machinery and hardware trade is fully bustalned but theio Is Idle uuess at tho tin plate mills and class fuctoiles. Minor metals aie steady. Footwear factories aro well engaged on fall orders and spiing samples and tho tono of tho maiket Is firmer, although actual advances liavo been few. Dry goods buyers aro coming Into tills market to a considerable extent, yet without placing ordeis of any slue. Splendid glowing and harvesting con ditions have prevailed hi most sections of tho country; especially where the larger and jnoio Important crops nro raised. It Is now almost certain that tho ngrlcultiiial letuius will bo fur ubovo tho average us to quantity while tho low stocks at tho opening of tho season aro calculated to sustain prices and thoio Is llttlo prospect of a return to tho low quo tations of preceding years of bumper production. Failures for tho week num ber 190 in the United States airuliist 171 lust year and 14 In Canada against 31 last ear, Sunday Ball Approved. By Exclusive Who from The Associated I'resi. .Memphis, Aug, 8. The Shelby county giand Jury has ignored all tho bills of In dictment presented ugulast the. Memphis base ball club und visiting players 'for playing ball on Sunday. As this grund Jury holds until after the .close of the league season there will probably bo no more Interference, with Sunday bull hero. Doherty Bros, Defeat Ward and Davis By Excluive Who from Tho Asioclatf d Vicu. New York, Aug. 8. Tho famous Do herty brothers, former toniils chumpions. In doubles, of all-Fugland. defeated llol combe Ward and Dwight H. D.iyls todav In the doubles match on tho courts of tho Crctccnt Athletic club, Bay Rldgo, beforo 7,000 bpectutors, PLANS FOR CORONATION Chances In the Impressive Ser vices to Be Held In West-' minster Abbey. THE PROGRAMME AS ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY Modification of the Offices Are Made to Save the King nnd the Aged Dean of Westminster Fatigue Re cognition to Be Performed Once In stead of Four Times. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. London, Aug. 8. A number of Im portant changes In the coronation pro gramme were announced today. The recognition, in which the king Is pre sented to the people by tho Archbishop of Canterbury as the "undoubted king of the realm," will be performed but once Instead of four times. The litany which was to have followed the recog nition will not be said, the sermon will be omitted and the Te Deum, which was placed In the order of the service nfter the presenting of the Bible, will not be given at that time, but will be sung during the recess, at the close of the coronation office, when the king visits St. Edward's chapel. Owing to the age of the Very Rev. George Granville Bradley, the dean of Westminster, who Is 81 years old, the king has relieved him of the duty of placing the regalia on the altar, and this service will be performed by Canon Duckworth, but the dean will present the crown to the archbishop for the act of coronation and will present the communion cup to the king. Canon Duckworth will lay the am pulla and spoon on the altar, will place upon his majesty the coloblum sindonis and the supertunlca, or the close pall of cloth of gold, will deliver the spurs to the lord great chamberlain, will take the king's sword from the altar and hand It to his majesty, will put upon the king the urnillla and Imperial man tle, will take the orb with the cross from the altar and deliver It to the archbishop for presentation to the king and will receive the orb from the king, to be laid on the altar. The queen, looking (Particularly well, presided this afternoon at a meeting of the Soldleis' nnd Sailors' Families' association In Queen's hall. Announcement wns made that Lucas Tooth, the Australian, who presented $50v000to'' the king for the hospital fundThas given the queen a similar sum, which her majesty desired to de vote to the work of the association, and that the queen's appeal In January had bi ought In $1,500,000, making the total of public subscriptions to the associa tion during and since the war $6,500,000. Large crowds gathered on the route to and fiom the palace and warmly cheeied the queen. An Every Day Aspect. With the coronation less thari a day distant London njalntalns Its every day aspect. It is true that the short route of the procession is decorated at some points more brilliantly than before, but the loute is a mere speck In the great aiea of the city and even on the streets to be traversed by the procession there were few sightseers. The main thor oughfaies, miles of which were guy with Hugs and bunting In June are now stripped except for the Illumination fix tures, which were allowed to lemaln In place. Westminster is the center of what little activity London displays. The chief stands in the vicinity of St. Murgarets have been re-decorated and Piccadilly refurnished with crimson Venetian masts, supporting trophies and flags joined by streamers of gay bunt ing. The same general scheme prevails ,ln Pall Mall. Many club stands have dlsappeai ed. The 'private stands, re coveied In crimson, are doing a fair business, prices for seuts running from $10 to $50 with the cheaper classes sold out, Westminster Abbey today re ceived the precious regullu, which was taken under a strong guard from the tower, and also u, wealth of gold und silver plate from Buckingham Palace, all of which were guarded today by a strong detachment of life guards. De spite the announced departure of all tho special embassies the government bus been somewhat embarrassed to find a few of these guests still on hand. While Witeluw Held, tho special Ameri can umbassndor announced the formal dissolution of his embassy, General Wilson, E. L. Baylies and J. Pierpont Morgan, jr., aie now In London, and tho authorities who were decidedly doubtful us to whether they should recognize their presence, finally settled tho matter by sending all of them tic kets to tho Abbey, but emphasizing the fact that the courtesy wus extended In a strictly personal capacity. Tho Aineilcan embassy received a formal letter from the war office asking It to loan an American flag to decorate a balcony at the war office. The flug wus sent, and today It flew from tho balcony, Sir Thomas Llptoii received a special Invitation to the Abbey us tho guest of the king. The Procession, The first section of the procession to the Abbey will start from Buckingham Palace at 10.30 o'clock, and will consist of dress carriages and pairs, contain ing members of the roynl family, head ed by trumpeters, the royal harseguards band, the first life guards and the royal horse guards. After the foregoing will come the Prlnco of Wales procession, which will start from York house at 10.45. The advance guard will consist of a detachment of the royal horse guards, followed by two currlages containing official members of the Prince und Princess of Wales' household, the first troop of the royal horse guards, tho carriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the second troop of the roy al horse guards. The king's procession will leave Buckingham Palace at 11 o'clock, es corted by the royal horse guards, the king's bargemaster and twelve water men. Tho carriages will ttien follow. The carriages arc followed 'by the personal staff to the commander In chief, Lord Roberts, mounted; and aides do camp to the king, consisting of ten colonels of volunteer regiments, seven colonels of yeomanry regiments, and nine colonels of militia regiments. Nearly all the above aides are members of the peerage. Then comes the state coach, convey ing their majesties, attended by the Duke of Connaught and Prince Arthur of Connaught, followed by the royal standard, and nn escort. After these come the Duke of Duc cleuch, captain general of the royal company of archers; Early Watde grave, captain of the yeomen of the guard, and the Duke of Portland, mas ter of the horse guards, followed by the equerrles-ln-wnltlng and the roynl grooms. The rear division consists of an escort of the royal horse guards, and the reserves squadron of the sec ond life guards. THE ASSAULT ON MR. KNOX The Attorney General Tells of the Atlantic City Trouble. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preen. Oyster Bay, N. Y., Aug. 8. Attorney General Knox today confirmed the re port that he had had a personal diffi culty with a party of men In Atlantic City last Wednesday night. "It was one of those disagreeable In cidents," said he, "that sometimes oc cur in a restaurant or other public places. Accompanied by Mrs. Knox, my daughter and two or three friends, including District Attorney Youngs, of Pittsburg, I was dining in the restaur ant of the Garden hotel. A party of men, none of whom I knew, seated themselves at an adjoining table. Their conduct was unseemly and boisterous. They talked loudly, und their com ments upon members of my party and upon me were Insulting, to put It very mildly. "In the circumstance, accompanied as I wus by the ladles, I could not resent their actions or their words at that time. They evidently were seeking trouble, so, without attrnctlng any more attention than possible, I got my party out of the restaurant:" "Then I returned" continued Mr." Knox with a smile, "to see if the men really were looking for me. I think they were, for Fcarcely had I ap proached them when they sprang up. One of them aimed a blow at my stom ach, but It failed to reach me. I have no idea who he wus. What happened to him I nm not prepared to say. Those things occur very quickly. I am quite satisfied, however, that he does not feel as well today as I do. You will note that I am looking first rate." "You do not know who were In the party of your assailants?" the attorney general was asked. "Not. positively. I understand that John T. Schoen, of Philadelphia, and one of the Cramps, also of Philadelphia, were in the party, but even of that I am not at all positive. "What actuated them I do not know. A newspaper of today said that It has something to do with my attitude on the trust question, but that seems to be entirely unlikely. As they sat at the table In the restaurant they made no reference to the action which, as at torney general, I have taken against certain so-called trusts. Their remarks wore personal to me and to my family, and were of such a nature that I could do nothing but resent them. "I understand that after I left the restaurant at the conclusion of the difficulty, the waiters suppressed the crowd with some energy." The attorney general evidently was not in the least injured by his assail ants, and as he chatted about the trouble did not seem to regard It very seriously, NOTHING KNOWN OP FRIARS' LAND SALE Manila in Ignorance of the Beported Transfer of Heal Estate to an American Syndicate. By Exclmhe Wire from The Associated Press. Manila, Aug. S, Nothing Is known hero of tho reported sale of the lands of the friars to an American syndicate and that the statement that such a sule has been made Is' officially dis credited. The Dominicans transferred eight of their estates In the island of Luzon to the Philippine Sugar Instates Development company, In which cer tain Americans aro Interested, In Janu ary, 1001. dome property belonging to other re ligious oiders hero Is nominally outside of the control of the church, and judi cial action will probubly be necessary before the government purchases the friar lands. That there huye been re cent transfers of friar property Is doubt ed. The status of the holdings of the friars Is not believed to have changed since Governor Taft left the Philip pines for Washington last December, THE DEATH BOLL. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Brussels, Aug, S, Tho Petit Bleu an nounces the sudden death of the Boer Gcueial Lucas Meyer of heait disease. General Meyer was attacked several times with this Illness during tho war Jn South Afilca. Gloucester, Mats., Aug. 8. John IT. Twatchman, of New York, whoso fumo as a landscape painter, embraces both Ameilca and Fuiope, died at the Addi son Gllbeit hospital here today aged 4S years. Mr. Twatchman for several days had been iccclvlng ticatment for a com plication of dUeuses. Ho had received many honors as an artist. BRYAN SETTLES IT REGATTA AT WORCESTER First Day's Racing on Lake Quinsig- nmond Witnessed by an Immense Throng of Spectators. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 8. Under the most perfect conditions the first day's racing In the thirtieth annual regatta of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen was held at Lake Qulnslga mond, this afternoon. Never before has such a crowd witnessed the cham pionships. Kach of the races decided was at a mile and a half with a turn, except the elght-oared shell, which was rowed straightaway one-half miles less sixty yards. The heat races of today will have their finals tomorrow. Fol lowing are summaries of today's events; First heat of intermediate singles Er nest George, of Boston Athletic club, Bos ton, llrst; W. B. West, of West Philadel phia Boat club, Philadelphia, second. Both qualified. Time, 11.05. Intermediate four-oared shells Ariel Rowing club, of Baltimore, first; Penn sylvania Barge club, Philadelphia, sec ond; Atlanta Boat club, of New York, third. Time, 0.03. Senior paired shells Vesper Boat club, of Philadelphia, flist; Vesper Boat club, of Philadelphia, second. Time, 11.02. Intermediate single sculls, second heat M. N. Crowley, Wachusetts Boat club, first ;K. 13. Rivinus, Philadelphia, sec ond. Time, 10.43!4. .Intermediate pair oared shells Harlem Rowing club, of New York, first; Non pareils, of New York, second; Lone Star Boat club, of New York, third. Time, 11.31. Senior four-oared sculls Winnipeg Row ing club, of AVInnlpeb. Man., flist; Ves per Boat club, of Philadelphia, second. Time. S.55',4. Senior doubles Bohemian club, of New York, llrst; New York Athletic club, sec ond. Time, 9 St. First heat of intermediate elght-oared nice Pennsylvania Barge club, Philadel phia, fli-f-t: Falrmount Rowing associa tion, of Philadelphia, second; Massachu set Boat club, of Worcester, third. Time, EXPERIMENTS WITH WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Communication Between Washington and, Annapolis ,1s Established. To Be Tried on Warships. - By Kxeluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 8. Communication between Washington and Annapolis was established today by wireless tele graphy under the auspices of the navy department. Some months ago, Lieu tenant Hudglns, of the navy, was sent to Europe to procure the apparatus of as many different systems as possible for experimental purposes here. He returned about ten days ago with du plicate sets of apparatus of four sys tems, not Including the Marconi sys tem. Negotiations with Marconi for sample apparatus failed. By direction of Admlial Bradford, chief of the bu reau' of equipment, Lieutenant Hud glns proceeded to set up the appara tus at the Washington navy yard and at the naval academy In Annapolis, be tween which points It was decided to make tho tests. One of the systems was tested today signals being Inter changed for tho first time. The dis tance from Washington to Annapolis Is about thirty-live miles and the ex change of signals upon the first at tempt Is considered encouraging. In this Initial stage of the tests, the question of Interference from stray currents, which Is one of the principal purposes of the tests, remains unde termined. The other systems will be tested In succession, and a board, which Is to bo appointed shortly, will decldo the merits of the respective sys tems and report to the secretary of the navy. The various systems will be tried at sea upon tho warships, before a final conclusion is reached. Having selected a system, the board is to work out a general plan for the use of wire less telegraphy In the navy. This will include a plan for training electricians for operating the machines. FUNERAL OF SWEENEY. Attended by a Small Crowd at Nan- tlcoke Alliance Mass Meeting, By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated I'resj, Wllkcs-Barre, Aug. 8, The funeral of Daniel J, Sweeney, the mine watchman who was murdered last Tuesday night, took pluce today from his late homo In Nantlcoke, A squad of police was In attendance, but only a small crowd gathered to witness the obsequies. The United Mine Workers remained uway. The Publlo Alliance, an organization mude up of some merchants, profes sional men, mechanics and miners, held a mass meeting In the court house here tonight and passed strong resolutions In favor of arbitration of the miners' strike. Senators Quuy and Penrose were requested to use their Influence to bring about arbitration, BIO FIRE AT PORT-ATJ-PRINOE. By Exclusive Wiro from The Associated Press. Port-au-Prlnce, Iluytl, Aug, 8, A greut fire at midnight burned down sixty houses here, The damage Is estimated at $200,000. The people remained calm during the progress of the fire. Dulltan Surrenders. By Kxcluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Manila, Aug, 8. V'he surrender of Du lltun, a Mohammedan priest, who has been the leading opponent of tho Ameri can forces on tho Island of Mindanao will probubly Insure peace with tho Moros In tha Lako Lano 'listrlct of that tVand, Dulltan submitted to the American au thoiltlcs last Tuesday and he has prom ised tu Induco tho remainder of tho de fiant Moros to surrender. FOR ALL TIME Will Not Be Candidate For Pres ident on the Democratic Ticket in 1904. MASON CITY INTERVIEW WAS UNRELIABLE Will Not Promise Never to Be a Can didate Again, but Has No Plans for 1004 Perfectly Content to Do Work as a Private Citizen and Enjoy His Editorial Work Will Continue to Advocate Reforms with Tongue and Pen. i By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. , Muscatine, Iowa, Aug. 8. William J. Bryan settled for all time the rumors that he will be a candidate for presi dent In 1904, in an Interview today, while on the way to Danville, 111., where he spoke tonight. Colonel Bryan; when shown yesterday's reports that he might again be a candidate, was much nettled and expressed himself In no un certain manner. He said he wanted the matter settled right now, so there could be no further question. The Mason City Interview, he said, was unreliable, "I will not be a candidate for presi dent In 1904," said Mr. Bryan. "While I would not .promise never to be a can didate again under any circumstances, I have no plans looking to the future nomination for any office. I am per fectly 'content to do my work as a pri vate citizen and' enjoy my editorial work. I shall continue to advocate, with' tongue and-pen, reforms which I believe to be necessary." Talking of the Republican platform of Iowa, Mr. Bryan said: .i "I am glad to notice anilmprovement In Iowa politics. By the action of the recent state convention I am glad -to note that they realize and recognize, that behind the tariff lurks the great' monopolies and trusts of this country. Nine years ago I Introduced a bill 'Into congress exactly on those same lines,, taking the tariff off. trustmade' goods, and although the endorsement comes a little late, I am glad to note that, even after nine years, the Republicans of Iowa have come to my way of thinking. But the action of the Republican party will be of little effect In national poll tics, for the simple reason that those who control legislation are those who favor the trusts and monopolies of the country. People who furnish funds for the Republican party are'the ones who' name your attorney general and those having authority. They do not want your money out here. They want your votes. So I say that the plank In the Republican platform Is merely educa tional, that is all." TECUMSEH WINS. The American Challenger Successful in the Second Race. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. "Montreal, Aug. 8. Tecumseh, the American challenger, won the second race in-the Sewanhaka cup series to day, after a most Interesting contest, by 1 minute, 22 seconds. The course was three times around" a triangle, the first leg being a beat, the second a reach, the third a free run. The wind was never more than three quarter strength, falling oft somewhnt towards the end, while the sea was calm. It was Tecumseh's wenther and she defeated Trident, the Canadian de fender, by outfooting her. She was, however, outpointed and the result wns a race In doubt up to the end of th race. Time: Tecumseh, 2.27.25; Trl dent. 2.28.47. SCALDED TO DEATH. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Aug. 8. James Carr, aged 18, was fatally scalded today in n. tank of boiling water, while at tempting to rescue Joseph Carfartli, aged 17, who had fallen Into the tank. Carr died at a hospital and Garforth Is not expected to live. Tho youths wero playing base ball, nnd Garforth tripped and fell Into a sunken vat, used as a receptaclo for exhaust steam and water from a fac tory In the vicinity. Carr went to h,ls friend's assistance and wus dragged Into the scalding water. With mar velous heroism, he held's head above the .water until both wero rescued. m i i Northern Pacific Merger Hearings. By Exclusive Wire from The AssociitedPress. New York, Aug, S. The hearing In tho Northern Pacific merger case beforo spe cial xamtner Maybie was today ad journed until next Monday at the request of counsel for Camilla Woldennold, the broker, who was expected to testify t6 day, Peter Power, tho plajntlff ',ln tho case, was not present but his counsel, Cieorgo A. Lamb, stated that he hadcom munlcuted with Power. He assured tha opposing counsel that his client would bo produced within a few days, YESTERDAY'S WEATHEB. j Local data for August S, 1902: Highest temperature .,,.,,.,.,,. 73 degrees Lowest temperaturo ,, 63 degrees Relative humidity: 8 a. m. ,,,....,....,..,,,,.... 70 per cent, S p. m ( 7J per cent, Precipitation, 4 hours, ended 8 p. m.K 0.13 Inch. y ' V ---- -ft- f. f WEATHER FORECAST, ' Washlgnton, Aug. 8. Forecast -f for Saturday and Sunday: -W 4- cm Pennsylvania Fair Satuiday; -to showers Sunday; light vailablo -f) -f winds. u ry -SI . .'.-i-i rzi sM .M Jl I n f-i th t . to.