r'FTTif n fmMTSm. S-T :"f ,ijtesm m4Ifw J 1 j -r'vw-asi-sg'tjrs' ?"-.. if -T -3.iy . ; ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1902. '.fr " v"tti 13 t Goldsmith's Bazaar The August Sale Of Summer Goods Is Going On at a Lively Pace The last and deepest cuts have been made. What is here today may not be here tomorrow, so take ad vantage of today's opportunity and avoid disappoint ment. A Few of the ' Many Great Bargains , Children's Mull Hats that wcio 50c, reduced j- Ladies' Summer Ventilating Corsets, Closing out Q Ladies' Swiss Bibbed Vests, neatly trimmed, closing q out at "V- Lad'ies' Genuine Lisle Thiead Vests, the 36c kind q Ladies' White and Coloicd Shiit Waists, upwards AHr from TC Ladies' Kimona Diessing Sacques at 50c 70c Qfr Cleaning Up Sale of Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts Leather Belts that sold for 15c, Sale Price 10c Leather Belts in Black and colored, sold for 25c and 30c, q Sale Price 1 OC Leather Belts in black and coloied, sold for 50c and 65c, -j r Sale Pi ice idG Silk Ribbon Belts that sold for 25c and 35c, Q Sale Price I OL, Silk and Leather Belts that sold for 50c, Sale "E- Piice vJC Silk Belts with black and side pieces, sold for 50c and "? e -, 65c, Sale Price OOL- Silk and Elastic Belts with back and side pieces, sold Aff for 75c and $.100, Sale Pxice "Vt Silk and Bibbon Belts with back and side pieces that Oftr sold for $1.50 and ?1.75, Sale Price "Ol Gents' Furnishings Broken Lots of Neckwear, Shirts, Hoisery, Suspenders, etc., at greatly i educed prices. The Embioidery Sale still continues, but the different lots are diminishing very lapidly. x Lace Open Work Hosiery for Ladies, Misses and Children y g at 12 l-2c, 15c, 19c, and ZtDC I NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. Special to the Scianton Tribune Pittston, Aug. 7 Since the opening of the stilko extensive opeiatlons liao been cuirlod on about the vnilous ubindoned openings and outcioppfngs lii.ro with the lesult that the sulking woikmen wcio able to get hold of a good supply of coil that has mot with a icady sale Piobably the most etcnslo opeiatlons wcio those can led on at the bite of the old TompUns bieakei. Twcnti-Uve or thlity men have been busy ut woik thcie, and had gone bo far as to dtivo chumbcts In tiuo min ing fashion. Yestoid.iy, howovei, Su peilntendcnt Joplln and half a do.cn deputies swooped down on the men .it that point nnd made sovoial auests Tlio men will be glcn a healing within a tl iv or so. The mining tools of the men wore Eelzed by the deputies r Tlio meichunts of the city wuo visited today by u committee Jiom the mlnois eolicltlng money for the icllcf fund. The met chants do not take kindly to theli solicitations. A gieat deal of Inteicst is being awak ened heio in a gamo of baso ball which will take place next Thuisda afternoon between teams Horn tlio common and sc lect councils of tlio clt. Hoi beit Dais, of Emnoiln. Kan. nn old tlmo icsident of this city. Is visiting his niece, Mis. AV. F. Howell, of Ellu- bcth stiect. Rev. D, M. Gcoige, of this cltv, will occupy tho pulpit of the AVolsh Congic gational chuich at llvdo Pailc, next Sunday, In tho absence of tho pastoi, David Jones, who Is on a tout of AVnles. By defeating Old Foi go jestordny, the Biothcis' base ball team of Ilnmtowu won their twenty-llist vlttoiy, Di. David a. Evan' many fi lends In this city aio pleased to hear tint ho has been offered tho position of phvslcal dl jeetor of tho Voik Young .Men's Cliiisllun association and has decided to accept. Ho will asaiii(io his now duties on Octobct 1, Dr, Kvans, who Is now a piactlclng os teopath In Scianton, was formeily phy sical dlicctor of tho local association and is a gradunto of tho summer school foi phvslcal dlioctois at Ihuvaid college JIo Is a gnuluato of tho Atlantic School of Osteopathy at AVIlkes-Bauo and pie. Iouh to locating in Scianton had piac Iked In Eastnn Ml a, Vrltz W'ebei, oigunlbt of tho West Bldo Picsbvteilan cluuch, Is cilticnlly 1111 nt tho Van Tulo homo on tho West bide, whither she was takeli laBt Sunday mom. Jug fiom tho cluuch, ha!ig been seUcd "with a sovoio fainting spell. Miss Alaiv rttiodt, of this dty, and Viederlclt Caipcntei, a Rochestei plio togiapher, woio united In mauiagu heie Very Remarkable Cure of Diarihoen. "About six yeais ugo for tho flist time in my life I had' a sudden and se veio uttai.lt of diaiihoea," says Mis. lAUco Millet, of Moigan, Texas. "I got temporary tellef, hut It tamo baclt again nnd again, ami for six lone; years I huvo Buffeted moi e misery ami agony than I can tell. It was vvotse than death, My husband spent Inuidieds of dollars for physicians' jue&cilptlona and treat pieut without avail. Initially we moved to Bosque county, our piesent home, and ono day I happened to see an ad vertisement of Cliambei lulu's Colic, Choleia and Dlanhoea Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been imed by It, The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to tiy the remedy, The result wus wondoiful. I tould hardly realUo that I was well Bgaliii or believe It coujd be so after l-avlne suffered so long, but (hat one fcottlo of medicine, costing but a few ents, cutcd me." For sale by all drug gists, ' u "" Tucsdiy evening by tho Rev. Zuber. Tho maniage wab tho culmination of a pietty romance, the oung couplo having become acquainted only a few weeks ago tliiough a newspaper adveitisemcnt. Tho mnr ll.igo and all tho piolimlnailes leading up to the wedding woio can led on thiougli coirespondence They are at their futuiu home In Rochestei. HARFORD. Special to the Scianton Tribune. Hiirfoid, Aiipr 7. Leon Tlngloy and his siblci, Jlis. Aill Bennlng, of Connecti cut, aio vlbltlng their mother, Mib Geo. Tlngley. Mi. and Mrs. Newton, of Blngliamtou, aio the guoits of W. B. llanimond. Rev. Nicholson, vvlfo and daughter, of Wnveily, N. Y aio spendiim theli vaca tion with Mi. and Mis S J. Sophia Mi. Capion, of Iowa, who was a resi dent of Harford, sit-sl joars ago, is, tlio guest of his coiibln, Miss Nancy Stiecter. Mis. Not man Com ad nnd clilldien, of Fcranton, ore visiting her father, G. R. Rcsslgue. William Shaffer and wife, of Peekvllle, wcio ealleis in town lnu Satuiday. JIaiid Robbins, who Is taking a course at tho Lackawanna hospital, In Scianton, Is. spending hei vacation with her pai entH. Mis, B D. Sheiwood is visiting friends In Sviaciibe, unfsi'1 c iow en, or sei union, bpent Sun day with Miss Mnud Robbins, Mibb Ruth and Hairy Jackson of Scran ton, vvero visiting filcndb In town this week. Claia Watson is vlbltlng her giandpai cnts In New Mllfoid, W. L. Rogcis, vvlfo nnd dauglitci, of Scianton, have leturncd homo. They wcio accompanied by Mis. Rogeib' slstei, Mrs, RcddeM, of Chicago, Rev. and Mrs C. W. liuwkln left for Bangor, Ale,, Thursda moinlng, whero they will spend theli vacution. FACTORYVILLE. Special to tho Scmnton Trlbuno, ractoivvillo, Aug, 7, Miss Jennlo Wai ner, of Nlcholboii, wns tho guest ot lel allvps In town (lis llibt (if tho week, Atis. A. V Hush, of Vit Scranton, was calling on filemls, Wednesday. , Alls, ti, w, Hornhakci and family, uf Gietn Ridge, is spending a few das with relatives In town, Thcio will bo a gjpsy lawn social un del tho auspices ot tho Epwoith League, mi tho parsonngo lawn. Tliur.sduy even ing, Aug, 1J. ico cicum, cake, lemoiiude, li ult and hump-iimili) candles will be (-old hy g.vpsy nialdem, Tho gjpsv foitupo teller will nhn bu thcio. An Inteicstlng in obi amino will ho given freo of charge, bhoulil tho weuthei bu unpleasant the social will he hold In the church. Services at the old Baptist church every trlday and Sunduy evening. All ate cor dially Invited. Miss Lulu Rucliman, of Dundaff, la vis Itlug friends In town. OLYPHANT Services will bo conducted In St. Ocoigo's Episcopal mission In Callendei's hall, on Scott strtel, this evening, ut 7 20 o'clock, Rov. E. J, Huughton, of Duu moie, vvllr)mvo chaise. All. and Alls. W. P. Pany, Air, and Airs. David James and family, Alls. Ed ward Evans, Allsses Alelba Evans, Ethel and Alurtraret D.ivls Knnnt rvnwin ... Nay Aug Paik. Charccd with stenllnir linn f.,, ,v. Stcrrlck Creek breaker at 1'evkvllle, John Colak, a Hungurlun. was committed to tho county Jail on Wednesday night. Do luk was caught In tho act o taking tho lion Irnm the blacksmith shop, b tro - - '- ii carrying away eptkca from the Grassy Island breaker. Myron and Marlon Van Nort, Junk dealers, of Prlceburg, were charged with buvliig tho lion, but tho evidence produced was not mimclent to hold them, anil they weto discharged. Miss draco Pctllgrew left ycBtcrdny lo spend a work with friends In Cnrbondalo. Mr. and Mrs. T. I,. Williams and chil dren, of SiMquehniina street, returned homo j,oslerday, after a month's sojourn at Kilclln. Mrs. A. D. Haines and daughter, Jen nie, of Blakcly, have gone to llerrlck Centre, to spend two weeks. John Lloyd, of Wllkcs-Burre, was a vis itor In town yesterday. Miss llatrlet James, of Blake! v. Is en tertaining Miss Margaret Lowls, of Scrniiton, T. Trnnk Jordan lias lelurncd homo from a trip to Lnko l'oyntclle. J. V.. Wntklns and family, of Tnvlor, lsltcd Prof. T. W. Wntklns, yesterday. Mis. John aildca spent jestcrduy with relatives nt Aichbald. ' Mr. and Mis. William Carter and daughter, spent jestcrday at Nny Aug park. PECKV1LLE. Mls's Mabel Patten, of Carbondnle, has returned home, after a few dujs' visit with filcnds hi town. Mrs Robert Phlnncy and llltlo daugh ter spent Tliuisdny with Mrs. II. L. Thompson, of South Main street. The following joung Indies enjoved a day's outing at "Camp ldlewhlle" Wed nesday, at Lake Chapman: Mlscs Mjr tls Bitter, Mabel Williams, Jrnnlo Wil liams. Bessie Crnlg and Bess Thompson, all of this place, and Kbtclla Bond, of Honcsdala. Mr. and Mrs Ccorgo Locklln and little dauglitci, Maijorle, aio visiting tho for mer s parents at Lake Ariel. James Gillespie has returned home, af ter several weeks' stay In Yolk state. Mr. N. II. Johnson, of Main street, Is conllncd to his homo with typhoid fever. A nn prise party was tendered Miss I'lorenee Mnlncs, of Jermjn, who Is vis iting nt tho home of Mi. and Mrs. A. W. Jenkins, last evening. Tho oung people enjoyed themselves In games and other amubements until a seasonable hour, when lofreshments wcie solved. Trcd Benjamin was a callor In Mooslc, Tuesday evening. Mrs F. W. Wilson, of Scianton, was a caller In town. Wednesday. Miss Olive Murphy, of Blakcly, has re turned homo fiom a vlblt with friends at Strowlburg. Miss Ksttlla Bond, of Honesdale, who Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Susie Budd, of Main street. Is bpondlng a few dais with fi lends In I'oiest CItj Miss Sadlo Stage spent estciduy at Niy Aug. Miss Casslo U.ist returned home, after bpondlng a few dajs with Miss Jennie GesUud Miss Flossie Stage Ins retained home, aftei spending tho past blx weeks with hei giandpaicnts. Mi. and Mrs. Levi Stage. BASEBALL. National League. At Phluadclphia- R II E PiUsmns 10010 0000-J li 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J J 10 a Battel les I..ce or and femlth and O Con noi , DugRleby and Dooln and Uouglcbi, Umpire O Day. a At Boston R H E Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1-211 7 Boston J U 4 0 1 1 0 0 9 13 U Batteiles Phillips 'J hiclmnn and Bei gen; Pittlngei and Moian Umplies Uiovv and li v ill. At Now Yoik-i Chicago 10 0 000 2 0000 00-3 6 1 New Yoik.. 0000010020000 4 10 J Batteiles Williams and Kilns. Cionin, JIcGlnnlty and Bicsnahan Umplies Emsllc At Biookljn- RUE St I.ouls 2 0 2 15 10 00-1117 0 Biooklvn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 b J B.itteiics-ONeill and O Nelll; Dono van, Evans and Fairell. Umplie Ljnch American League. At Dotioit Detioit-Bnltimoic; inin. At Cleveland Clcv eland-Philadelphia, rain. At St Louis RUE Boston 1000000104 7 4 St Louis l 0 U 1 0 a 0 2 -U 13 I Battel lob Young, Spaiks and Ciigei; Donoliuo and Kahoe. Umpii es Joluibtono and Camthcis At Chicago R n.E Washington 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 14 S 2 Chlcngo OOOOOOlOU 1 I 1 Batteiles Oith and Claikc, Giivin, Gilftlth and JIcFailand Umplie Sheil dan. Eastern League. Toionto, C; Rochestei, 2. Buffalo, 7; Monti eal, 1. Pi evidence, 11; Worccstei, i. Newark, 10; Jcitey Cltv, 0. D,, X. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY. Following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: FRIDAY, AUGUST S Summits west 10 a. m, Cnulgg. Pushers 7 n. m , Wldner, ha. m , Ilousei ; 11.43 n. in, Aloran; 7 30 p. m, Aluiph) ; !) p m , AV. II. Bartholomew. Helpers 1 30 n. m , Alagovem; 7 a, m, Gaflney; 10 a, m , Sccoi; J 13 p. m., Stanton. HISTORICAL PUZZLE. TOR THE LITTLE ONES -Cut out tho plctuics appealing on this pago each day, duiw u pencil maik uioiuid tho hidden object, save them until Satuiday, then send thorn oi take thorn to Tho Trlbuno olflco In an envelope addicssud to "1'iuzlo Dopai tmont." Enclose In tho cnvclopo jour namo, ago and addicss The boja and ghls who correctly mails tho six plctuies appealing during tho weok, and whoso unsweis nio Hist received, will have their names published In The Tilbuno Atonday morning, i . jmsuJ Find Generals Knyphausen and Slax veil at the Rattle of Hrandyvvine, TlONtiWnRUTH Is like Playing with a loaded Gun. If you have Kid ney Trouble attend to it at once. It is easy to tell whether your Kidneys or bladder are diseased. Take n bottle or glnss tumbler and fill it with urine. If thcro is a sediment a powder-llko sub stance afterstnndlng a day and night, if it is pale or discolored, ropy or stringy, there is something wrong with tho Kid neys. Other sure signs of dlseaso nro a desire to urinate often, pain in the back, or if your urine stains llticn. Thcro Is no question that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the best and surest medlclno in the world for dis eases of tho Kldnoys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Chronic Constipation, and the sicknesses peculiar to women. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold urine and the necessity of getting up a number of times during the night, and puts an ond to tho scalding pain when passing urine. Tho Rev. Henry P. Miller, pastor Bap tist Church, Spartanburg, S. C, writes: "For years I suffered with Kidney, liver and heart troubles, swimming in the head, dull headache and numb ness of the limbs. Physicians pre scribed for mo and I took different medicines, but none of them did me any good. But Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy cured m in about two weeks." It Is for sale by all druggists in the Now BO Oont Slzo and the regular (1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Samflt bottU enough for trial, fret ty matt. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, flondout, N. Y. Dr. David Kinntdy'i Worm ffnip. most effective medicine of the kind known. 83c, Druggists. FIRST BLOOD FOR COMPANY Concluded from I'.igc 3 In no wise I elated. The defendant, some cars ago, was employed by the plaintiff, and when discharged for al leged unfaithfulness, fruitlessly biought suit to tecover on a contract under which he was engaged to woik a cei- taln term of jears at $3 000 a yeai. Out of this litigation glow a number of ciiminal cases, allegations being made that undue methods had been adopted in seeming or preventing the presen tation of evidence. These aie still pending Consideiablo testimony was piesented jestcrday in support of the plaintiff's allegations M. W. Guernsey, the de fendant, wab called as foi cioss-exami-nation and In answer to questions by Alujor Wau on admitted that he sold a piano, styled the "Gueinsej," which he alleged was made by his bi other. AIis. Mary E Evans, of BInghaniton, a female detective, and perfume! y agent, testified that the defendant had told her he Intended to luln J. W. Guernsey, and vvnnted her to engage herrelf In a scheme to entrap him. She refused to accept the proposition, and AI. AV. Guernsey, she sajs, then told her he would get some other woman to do the job. E. E. AVatson, a foimer employe of AI. AV. Guernsey, but is now engaged by J. AV. Guernsey, as janitor of Guoin bey hall, testified that the defendant told him he intended to luln the plain tiff bv putting out an Infeilor piano w Ith the name "Guernsey" on It. On, fuithei cioss-exnmination AI. W. Guernsey admitted that tho "Guern sev" piano, which ho had put on the mmket, cost him only $115 and that he sold them for $200 cash or $300 on monthly Installments. Rev. Leonaid D'Anna, pastor of the Italian mission of the Fhst Piesby teilan chuich, testified that ho sent his f i lend, Di. A'lllone, to J. AAr. Guernsey's to buy a piano, and that by mistake he got Into AI. AAr. Guernsey's place. AIis. Lizzie Doinley, of Taylor, told of having been given a note by a filend to a All. Tiavls, agent for J. AAr. Guern sey, that she by accident got Into AI. A Guernsey's place; that AI. AV, Guernsey took the note, baing Air. Tiavls was out, and that he old her an oigan, pajlng down $3. AA'hen the oigan was biought to the house und she dlscoveied It was not fiom J. AV. Guernsey's plnce, she refused to take It, and demanded the leturn of the $5, which was lefused. Alls. Dorun, who gave her the note to Agent Tiavls, and Air. Doinn, hei husband, corroborated hei testlmonj. Airs. John Aluckicth, of 20S AA'yoming avenue, testuicd that she bought a piano of J. Af. Guernsey for $475; that AI. AV. Guernsey called on her nnd lep resented that she paid $125 too much for It, and that he would sell her ono Just like It for $300. She nlso testified that AI. AV. Guernsey had made facti ous allegations against J. AAr. Guernsey and declined ho would have J. AV. In jail boforo long, nnd ho would then ho the only Guernsey In tho music busi ness In Scianton, The afternoon session was taken up with testimony by the plaintiff regard- THE TRIBUNE'S "WANF Only Half a Cent a Word. Tot Bent. SWVUVV KOlt ntJNT-Hcautlrill l-room cottage, completely furnished with two bouts and Mulling pier, J8 (K) per week. Call and aeo J, C, Zurllleli, tlio heal 12stato broker. roil IlENT-Aftor September 1, elalit room house; all modem tonvciilcii(.iBj steam heat furnished. Kent modoiatc. Apply at Trlbuno orilce. FURNISHED APATtTMI3NT3 Tor men. Rates lonsonnblc. County Bavlnsa Dank and Tiust Co , 000 Spruce atieet. BARUim SHOP for rent: nearly new bnlldlnc: good location; tlty water, etc. Jtmt vacated. An exceptionally Rood oppoitunlty to continue a well estab lished busiuc-a. C. N. Wood, Now Mil fold, Pa. FOR RENT Two furnished cottnnea at Lake Sheildan; thy and healthy loca tion: good shado nnd finest ularo for a week or a month's outing In Northern Pennsylvania. Address II. L. Hntdlng, Fnctoivvlllo, Pa. Wanted To Rent. WANTED A Btnall house or flat, prefor- auiy (iiinisncu, in ueslramo location To gain attention, otato terms P. O. Box 327. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISIiraROSoTntriiiodJrn Improvements; private family; gon tlcmen preferred, at G37 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS TOR RENT, with heat, pas and bath Rcntlomon pre ferred, at G39 Adams avenuo. Room Wanted. ArANTED A room with tabic and clinlis to accommodate eight men to do wilt ing Alust bo cheap and ccnttal. Box 200 Tilbuno office. LEGAL. THE ELECTION of officers and directors of tho Citizens' Building and Loan association will bo held at the office of tho association, No 414 Roatd of Tiade, on Tuebday, Aug 12, 190-', from S to 9 JO p. m. II. F. ZIEGLER, Sec EALJOPOSALS THE BOROUGH OF DUNAIORE-Notico to Contractois Sealed proposals endoised "Bids for Second Distilct Sevvei, etc," and ad dicbsed to tho undersigned, will be re ceived until 8 o clock p m. on Alon dav, tho 11th day of August, 190-', foi fur nishing matcilal and constructing seweis in the Second Sewer Distiict of the Bo lough of Dunmoie, with the necessary IKtuics und appliances in nccoi dance with tho plans nnd specifications on file In the office of James V. Hnum, boiough engineei, boiough building, Dunmore, Pa. Extent of pioposed woik is appioxlmatelv 7,000 feet of brick sevvei. .1,100 feet of pipe sowei Horn 12 to 30 inches In diam eter. Copies of specifications and In sti notions to contiactois may bo obtained of tho boiough engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by a cci tilled check foi tho sum of five han dled (?"0) dollais, mado paablc to Au gust Wahleis, boiough tieasuiei. as a giiniantee to execute a contract If awaid ed tlio woik, which sum shall be forfeited to tho boiough In caso of tho icfusal oi omission on the pint ol the successful luddei to execute a conttact within ten (10) dnjs after the nw aiding of the same Blddeis will be furnished with pioposal blanks at tho snld office of tho boiough engineei, and no otheis will be accepted Bids lcctlvod will bo opened at a meet ing of tho boioufh council in the bo rough building, to bo held on the dato and bom above mentioned Tho Borough leseives the light to le jeet any oi all bids HENRA' B GILLIGAN, Boiough Secictarv, 702 E,, Dilnkei St . Dunmore. Pa. Ing the energy and money he has spent In making the name of Guernsey cele brated In these paits, In connection with the piano business, and the an novance and losses he has been put to by teason of AI. W. Guernsey taking advantage of the coincidence of names and character of business. Airs Bellamy, of this city, told of AI. AV. Guernsey having engaged her to find out a ceitain thing about J. AA'. Guernsey, telling her that he wanted tho information for the purpose of ruining J. AA'. Guernsey. He told hoi, she says, that If he couldn't luln J. AV. Guernsey one waj, he would do It an other. , Just before adjournment, the plain tiff's attoinejs gave notice that this moinlng they will move to amend the Injunction bill by adding a clause al leging impel sonatlon, a pi.iyer that the defendant be enjoined from t,hib. New Suits Instituted. Two mote suits vveie started yester day by Attorney A. A. Chase for South Side propel ty holdeis, who want dam ages for Injury done their pioperty by the spilng floods, AAr. A. AlcConnell and Allchael Gnu slmn are the plaintiffs. The rornier abks $5,000, and the hitter, $4,000. The defendants, us In the previous suits, aie AVIlkes-Batie and Scranton Rail way company, the Scianton Steel com pany and the Delawuie, Lackawanna nnd AVestoin Itnilioad company. Rlchnid B. Dickson, of this city, biought suit for $50,000 damages ngalnut the Scianton Rullway company, for peisonal Injuiles sustained in u street car collision on Adams avenuo, Juno 1, 1901. Dunn & Dunn and I. II, Burns nro the plaintiff's attorneys. Homy Beiger was made defendant In a $3,000 damage suit Instituted by William Webber. Tho latter alleges Beiger called him a muiderer, In the presence of a number of heareis, Aug ust 4, 190J. rt, A, Zimmerman lepie gouts the plaintiff. Tluough Attorney R, D, Stuart, Allchael Snoe, of Caibondnlo township, biought suit against Justice of the Peace Daniel AI. Lynch of thut place. Yestei day's Maniage Licenses, Georgo Sehnihick Scranton Aunlo Kontrny Scianton aiuconio Cappalo Scianton FranclH Nnpolltono Scranton John Kadgcn Scranton Belle King ,,,,,, ,, .Scranton Not Yet Immune, It Is doubtful If Mm Ic Twain has any dlfllculty uowudnvs "In disposing of bis stoiies, but it Is evident fiom a icccnt icmailc that ho has not grown out of svmputhy with his snuggling and less 1 unions fellows In tho litci.uy field. Tlio lady who telld tho Incident wns talking with him on tho dlsilliisloumcnts of au tlioishl; "And I oven undci stand," sild she, "that some of vou uutliois compose on the tjpowiltei," "Such js the inaitlsllo tiuth," Alarlc admlttcd. "How unromantic to associate genius nml tho tjpowiltei!" tho lady exclaimed. "But, on the other hand, 1 uupposo that 'wilter'u ciamp' Is thus avoided," sho added, piacttcnlly, "Paitlally, madame," replied Mark; "only paitlally." "Why not ultogothei?'1 sho demanded, puzzled at his emllo. "It may bo avoided In the wrist and fingers," Muik explained, feelingly, "but we aie all stilt subject to-U in tho stom ach." New Yoik Times. No Order Accepted for Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offices, Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT HCHULTZ, corner ATul bcrrv stioet and Webster nvo. CJU8TAV PICHEL, C30 Adams aventlo. West Side GEO AV. JENKINS, 101 South Alain avonuo. South Scranton FRED Ti. TERPPE. avenuo. 720 Cedar North Scranton GEO. A'. DAVIS, corner North Alain avenuo and Markot stiect. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Groen Rldgo street. C. LORENZ, coiner AVashlngton avenuo and Alarlon street. Fetersbuig W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore J. a. BONE & SON. Situations Wanted. TWO joung gills, ago 17, deslro situation out of town as dining room or kitchen girls. Address 1G31 Cross stiect. SITUATION AVANTED-By an old ladv as housekeeper or anv thing, kitchen or nursing Addicss AI. AI , 141 Grant avenue, city. SITUATION AArANTED-Bv a neat young mhn as traveling salesman. Alust bo a salaried position, best of rafcrenco as to honesty. Being In touch with business people of this city for the past thico vcars Addicss I'. O D, Times office, Scranton, Pa. For Sale. FOR SALE A handsome bay hoi so com ing five, well broke double or single, peifectlv sound nnd kind, good driver, not afiald of steam or electric cars AVell bred, sixteen hands, weight sine 10"0 Pedigree of sire and dam, 21G'i and 2 23 Call Immediately. J. E. Richmond, Honesdale, Pa. TOR SALE A (list class meat market. Owner will work foi patty. Address 131 Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa Real Estate. LOTS, houses and faims for sale. See J. C Zurflloh. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Green Rldgo; choice neighbor hood, most deslrablo locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Alarvlne, 1736 Sanderson avenue. . Wanted To Buy. A GOOD second hand phaeton, cheap; .state price and condition Address Tilbuno, Box 50 Money to Loan. ANY AAIOUNT OF AlONEY TO LOAN Qulck, stialght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connoll building Reward. $5 00 REWARD Package containing bracelet and locket addressed Stephen D Engle, Hozleton, Pa, George AV. Finn New 'phono 90S Boarders Wanted. BOARDERS AVANTED-AVlll tako sum mer boaideis, three largo aliy looms nnd good tablo boaid. Addiess O. K, Dalton, Pa Board and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms With first class table boaid, can be obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. Miscellaneous. THE AIODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, laundcis shirts at 8c. each and collars and cuffs at P&C. each. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A , 23 Tiadcrs' Bank Building Old 'phono 18C4. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROAVN, ARCH B, Real Estato Exchango Bldg , 126 AVash lngton avo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDQ. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 723 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. D EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruco stieot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 115 WYOMING ave. Fire Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO,, Tiadeis Bank Bldg. Fatont Attorneys. DATC IVITC Inallcountrlcs r'A I DM I Oof the Globe, Tho only licensed nnd equipped patent solicitor In tho city. No chnigo for In foimutlon on patentability; ovci ton years experience. . Rcplofirlc & Co., Wears Bid. Hotels and Restaurants, THE ELIC CAFE, 1.'3 AND 1.7 FRANK, lln avenuo. Rates icusonablo, P. ZIEGLER, Pioprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . L S. W, Pnssonger dopot. Conducted on tho Eu lopean plan. Victor Koch. Piopilotor, Scavenger, A B BRIGOS CLEANS PRIVY A'AULTS and cess pools; no odor: only Impiovcd pumps used, A. B Brlggs, propiletor, Leavo oideis 1100 North Alain avenue oi Elcko's druif stoie, ininer Adams and Mulbony, Ilotji telephones. Wile Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, HEAR oil LACKA. ave. Scranton, mfis of AVlio Screons. Miscellaneous, MrGARQHU BROS. PRINTERS' SUP- flics, envelopes, rapor oags, twine. pvuicnouse, ivj vYusuiugton avenuo. TIH.3 AYILKES-BARRH RECORD CAN (a had In Scinnton at tho now a stand of Relnman Bios , 4CK1 Spruce and C03 Linden; AI. Norton, 3s Lackawanna ave.; I. B. Schutzcr, 2U Bpiuce ettost. UIFXLIUIW. BUSINESS 0PPJRTUMIT1ES. REAL ESTATE Only Half a Cent a Word. Business Opportunity. AIAKE AlONEY by canvassing for tho I.jcoslto. Applv to Fred Wagner, 011 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out dolay. AVrlto for our Rpoclal mar kot letter. Freo on application. S. AI. Hlbbard & Co, mombeis N, Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, 41 and 411 Bioiidvwiy, Now Yoik, Established 1661. Long Dlstnnco 'Phono Hiss Broad. Dolawaro, Lackawnnna and Western, In Effect Juno 1, 1002. Tialns leave Scianton for Now York At 150. 3 20, 0 03, 7.50 and 1010 n. m.; 12 40, 3 40. 3 31 n. m. For New Yoik and Phlla-tlolplila-7 50. 10 10 a. m , and 12 40 and 3 33 J m. ror Gouldsboro At 0 10 p. m. For Buffalo MS, 0 2J nnd 0 00 a. m.; 153, 6 50 and 11,10 p. in. For Blngliamtou, Eltnlrn and way stations 10 23 a. m , 1 03 p. m. I or Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca 1.15 and 6 22 a, m.; 155 p m. Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca train nt 6 22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 0 00 n. m ; 1 01 and 6 50 n, m. Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and 015 n m. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at 6 33 and 1010 a. m.: 153 and G10 P. m. Tor Plymouth, nt S.10 a. m.j 3.40 and 9 03 p in. Stindnv Trains ror New York, 1 50, 3 20. 0 01, loio n. m.; 3 40 and 3 33 p. m For iiuiiaio l.i.i ami 0 22 a. m.; 165, m ana 11.10 p. m. For Elmlra and way stations 10 25 a. m. For Blnghamton and way sta tions, D00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division Leavo Scianton, 10 10 a .m. and 6 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 15, 1902. Tialns Leavo Scranton. For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & II. R R, at 7 41, tluough Pallor Car and Day Coach Carbondalo to Now York anil 9 47 n. m, with L. V. Coach Caibon dnlo to Philadelphia, and 218, 4 35 (Black Diamond Express), and 11. 4D p. m. Sun days, D. & li R. n , 1 58. 9 17 p. m. For AA'hlto Havon, Hnzloton and princi pal points In tho coal legions, via D As H..n'..R' 741- 218 and 433 P- m- For Pottsvlllo, 7 41 a. m ror Bethlehem, Haston, Rending, Har rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions, via D ,vi IT. R. R, 7.41. 9 47 a. m.; 2 18, 4 3i (Black Diamond Express). 11 49 p. 2"-o Sundays, D. & H. R. R, 9 38 a. m.; 158, 917 p m. For Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmlra, Itnnca, Genova and principal intermediate stations via D., L & AV. R. R , 6 35 a. m. and 1 51 p m. For Genova, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag ara Falls, Chicago and nil points west via D. & it. n. R.. 12 03 p m ; 3 8 (Black Diamond Express), 10 41, 11.49 p m Sun dais D & H. It. It. 12 03. 917 p. m , Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parloi cars nn all trains betweon Wllkes-Barro nnd New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H AVILBUR, Gen. Supt , 26 Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE Gen. Pass. Agt., 28 Cortland street, New York. A AV. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bothlehem, Pa Tor tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, 09 Public Square, Wilkcs-Barre, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Effect Juno 29, 1902 Stations In. Now York, foot Liberty street and South Feny, N. R Tiains leavo Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen tow ii, AInuch Chunk, AVhlto Havon, Ash ley, AVllkes-Bai ro and Pittston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p m and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. Quakoi City Express leaves Scranton 7S0 a m, through solid vestibule train with Pullman .Buffet Pallor Car for Phil adelphia with only ono change of cars for Bnltimoro and AVnshlngton, D. C , and all pilnclpal points south and west For Avocn, Pittston and Wllkea-Bane, l in miu p. in. ounuuy, & m p m. For Long Bianch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7 30 and 1 p in. For Reaping. Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allontbwn nt 7 30 a m , 1 p. m. and 4 p m. Sunday, 210 p m. For Tamanua and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m.; lpm and 4 pm. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station AV. G BESSLER, Gen. Manager. C. AI. BURT, Gon. Pass. Agt Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Effect Juno 16, 1902. Trains leavo Scranton: 6 33 a. m , week days, through vestibule train from AVllkes-Bai'o. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo; stops at principal intermediate sta tlons. Also connects for Sunbuiy, Hais rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 9 47 n. m . week days, for Sunbury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsbuig and tho AA'est. 142 p m, week days, (Sundays 1 53 p. m ), for Sunbuiy Harrlsburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, AVashlngton and Pltts biiig and tho West. 3 23 p m , weolc days, through vestibule tialn fiom Wllkes-Barro, Pullman buffet pallor car end coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at pilnclpal Intermedi ate stations. 4 35 p m , weekjlnvs, for Hazleton, Sun buiy, Ilanlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts. bU,E' J. Ti. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Algr. J. B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Juno 16, 1902. Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton at 0 44, 7 30, 8 36, 1013 a. m.; 12 05, 112, 211, 3 56, 5 29. 0 23, 8 24, 913, 10 0 J p. m.; 12.18, ror' Honesdale 0 44, 1013 a, m.; 211 and 5 29 p. m. For AVlIkos-Bane-C3S, 7 41, 8 41, 9 47, 10 53 a. m.I 12 03, 1.42, 218, 3.28, 4 35, 6.10, 7.48. 10 41, 11.49 i m lor L. V. it. Jw .ruinis i,ii, vii u. in, j m lO, 'i OJ UI1V4 .I..-I. 1. ,1. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points C 38, 9 47 a. m ; 1.42, 3 2S and 1 13 p. m. tor AlOilliy Uliu un iJuiuta uui n i.iju . m. and 3 5u p. m 111. M.n. J.n. mnimu Tor Corboudale 8 50, 11 33 a. m J 2.11, 3 50, 6 52 and 11.17 p. m 1' or VYllllPS-iJarru a oa u. in., i. uj, x oo, 3 28. 6 32 nnd 917 P m For Albany and points north 3 56 p. m. For Honesdale S 50 a. m.; 1133 and 3 53 P' AV.' L. PRYOR. D. P. 'A'., Scranton, PaT Erie Railroad Wyoming Division. In Effect July 30th, 1902. " Trains leavo Scranton for Haw ley nrfd local stations nt 7.20 and S 43 a. m ; 1 S5 nnd 5 20 p in. SundayH, 0 00 a, in. und 133 p. m. Fot -Now Yoik. Nevvburgh nnU iuteimodlato points at 7 20 a. m. and 1J5 p m. StmdujH. !,.t3vp. m. j? For Honesdale 1 3". mid 5 20 p m. - Tinlns nnlvo at Hcumton 820, 10 11 a? m ; 3 Ofc and 915 i, in. Sundavg, i oo and S 15 p, m. New York, Ontario and Western.1 Tlmo Tablo In Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 190? NORTH HOUND TRAINS. Leavo Leavo Arilva Trains. Scianton. Cnibondalo. Cadosla. No. I , 1030a. m, lllon.m, loop, m. No .1 ...... 4 0c) p, m. 4 4tp. Ill (i(X)) m. No. 7 , Uiop i Ar.Cnihnndals 0 46pm SOUTH BOUNP, " Leavo LeaQ Aiilfjs; Tialns. Cudosl.i. Caibondulo, Scrantou; No. U i,50a, in, 72"a. itC No, 4 ,,,,,, 8 10 a, in. looi a. m, 10 40 a. nfi No 2 Slip Hi. 400)).m. 443p irfe SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND., Leavo Leavo Arilv'a' Tialns, Scianton. Carbondalo. Cadosln. No 9 8JQu, 111. 910p. m 10 43(1, niT No. 5 ,.,,,, 7P m Ar Cnibondalo 7.13 pm SOUTH BOUND, Leave Leavo Anlyp, Tialns. Cadosla. Caihondale. Scianton, No. il ,,,.., 050amv 721a. in. No 10 4 30p m. oft. p m. 6 45 p.m. Tialns Nos, 1 on week dajs. nnd o on Sundnvs connect for New York city, Alld dlctown, Walton. Noivvlch, Oncldu, Oa vvego and all points west. Tialn J for Povntollo, AYalton, Delhi, Sidney, Noivvlch und ull New Hei lln biuuch points Tialn No. C, with ''Quaker City Ex. pies" et Seruntoh A U C. R. R of N. J for PHIhidclphlu. tlantlo City. Blltlmore. AVashlngton and J'eimsvlvanla state points Seo tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agents for connections with other lines, J. C. ANDERSON; OjPA Nevv,YetW J. E. AVELSH, T, P. A , Scranton, Pa. t, : "-v. LL- tfgf r . Vi , rf i .?