The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    wiiiiwwrgi, imau , ..ujpiu i . w Mum:mmmf -m
Till a T . ' ' ' ! . j
j.i'Vfi' r ' ..
the Lawn
Vse the Best garden
Hose mado
Electric Hose
soft and flexible easy
to handle fully warrant
ed. Other kinds here if
you want' it.
Foote & Shear Co.
U9 Washington Av.
Scranton Investor
Vol. 1.
Connoll Building.
No. 8.
All kinds of securities bought, sold
and exchanged. If your securities arc
in bank ns collateral, we can dispose
of them Just as well as If the certifi
cates were broucht to us. On our list
We have, subject to previous sale:
$5,000 Pocono Ice Co. bonds at par
and Inter )st.
$10,000 Central Pennsylvania Brewing
Co. bonds at $82.
$10,000 Economy Steam Heat
$5,000 International Text Book
$20,000 United States Lumber
$5,000 Bank stock.
$4,000 Telephone bonds.
$2,500 Clark & Snovcr Tobacco Co.
btock. Pays 8 per cent, on par. $135.
I $3,500 Olyphant Water Co. bonds for
j teale.
$1,000 Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
I stock for sale.
"We can sell any amount of the above
i Securities.
It. E. Comegys & Co.,
j 'Phono 109. 709 Connell Building. '
Real Estate Investor
Connell Building.
Vol. 1.
No better time than now to buy real
estate. Trices will advance as soon as
strike is settled. Come and look over
our list of properties for sale. Hand
some offlecs on seventh floor of Con
nell Building.
Wo want everybody to know that we
have money to loan on Scranton real
estate. We loan quickly and cheaply.
iYou are cordially invited to come and
see us.
R. Ernest Comegys & Co.
'Phono 109.
The Hardenbergh
of Music and Art
Season 1002 - 1003 opens
Thursday, Sept. 18. Most
modern and approved methods.
Send for prospectus. Cartel'
Building, 604 Linden street.
' livery, Boarding, Cab Service, Shop
ping, Opera, Party, Wedding
and Train Calls.
I New Stables, ,1415 Mulberry Street.
'3STew 'Phone 2057.
If You Are Considering
The purchaso or salo of any high grade
Ftocks cir bonds, better consult us. Wo
mako a specialty of this kind of securi
ties. r. F HEQARQEL & CO.,
Rooms 200 & 207, Commonwealth BUlg.
Solicits your bauking
3 Interest
Allowed ou saviugs ac
New Sewer Now Being laid in South
Work was started by the city yester
day on the new Stone avenue sewer,
the construction of which Is to, cost
between nine and ten thousand dollars.
Work was begun at the Intersection of
Btone nvenuo and Willow street,
Trafllc on the Uelleyue-Stono avenue
line of the Scranton Hallway company
Will be considerably Interfered with by
the work. Yesterday the cars could not
run any farther than Alder street, The
new sewer will cover a good deal of
territory, as pipe Is to bo laid on Stone
avenue, South Webster avenue, Hick
ory, Birch, Alder and Hiver streets, and
Hertz court. The pipe lines will ex
tend qver live blocks of each of the
avenues, and one block of each of the
streets. Pipes will be laid from Willow
to River streets In Hertz court. CJIbJ
bona & Co, are the contractors.
Griffin Art Co.
Still at 209 Wyoming
Just Beforo the Consumers' Gas
Company's Franchise Ordinance
Was Passed by Select Council Ho
Said the Last Ordinance of That
Company Was Passed by the Use
of Money and He .Could Prove It.
He Was Not Asked for the Proof.
Old Cong Received.
The ordinance granting a franchise
to the Consumers' Gas company was
passed by Bolcct council last night oh
second and third readings, ns amended.
it will now go back to common coun
cil for concurrence In the amendments.
Senator Coleman, of the Sixteenth
ward, called up the ordinance, and,
when It was on third reading Mr. Mcr
rlnian objected to its passage.
"I don't Imagine It will do much good
to say anything concerning this ordi
nance at this time, but I want to put
the members of this body on record,"
said Mr. Morrlman. "Tho last fran
chise granted to this company was
passed by the use of money, and I
stana ready to prove It."
"Me, too," broke in Mr. demons, but
no one asked them for the proof. 'A
vo.i:o was taken and resulted as follows:
Yeas Von Bergen, Costcllo, D. J.
I'lvans, Morgan, Began, Maloncy, Ncngll,
Sclirocder. Qulnmm, Co'grove, Coleman,
O'Boyle, Coyne, MeAiulrcw II.
Nays Slelvln, Chittenden, Menlman,
Clcmons, Vaughan 5.
Other ordinances that passed on third
rending provide for tho purchase of a
lot of land on Lackawanna avenue for
a site for a lire house for Chemical
company No. 1; transferring $133 from
appropriation for printing and station
ery in the department of public safety,
bureau of police, year 1901, to the cor
responding appropriation for the year
1902; establishing grade of an nlley
south of Green's place; for narrowing
roadway of Gibson street from Qulncy
to Taylor avenues.
The following new resolutions were
adopted: For crosswalks on Washburn
street at Everett avenue; for plans for
a sower along Phelps street, Capousc
avenue and Green's placv and thence
to Lackawanna river, to relieve Fourth
district main sewer; to Investigate the
cause of drainage to property of Doml
nlck Healcy, at Ninth and West Lin
den streets, by a sewer basin.
A resolution directing that work on
Providence road pave be stopped until
tho proper width of the street Is
learned, was introduced by Mr. Me
Andrew, avIio said the width .if tho
street is fifty feet, but it is only to be
paved for a width of forty feet. Jt was
sent to committee.
The following ordinances were Intro
duced: Providing for flagstone side
walks on westerly side of River street,
from Kirst court to Pittston avenue;
providing for transfer of $1,8.15 of ap
propriation to create bunk and call
men, year 1901, to other fire depart
ment purposes; authorizing J. U. Hope-
wen to print 500 copies of council
manual; narrowing tho roadway of
Capouse avenue, between Green Ridge
and Delaware streets; establishing
grade on Linden street, between Mon
roe avenue ami Arthur avenue, and
granting permission to owners of prop
erty on said portion of Linden street
to grade, pave gutter and curb the
same at their private expense; provid
ing for the construction of a sewer sys
tem, Section J3, in the Seventeenth dis
trict, in the Nineteenth ward; for re
modeling building at Prospect avenue
and Willow street, for the uses of the
bureaus of lire and police; regulating
the construction, alteration and re
moval of buildings in the city of Scran
ton; lateral sower in the Twenty-first
ward; for paving of Scranton street,
from tho gas house bridge to the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road crossing.
In responeo to a request from coun
cils as to the advisability of having the
hydrants now supplied by tho Spring
Brook Water company connected with
the mains of the Scranton Gns mid
Water company, Director of Public
Safety Wormscr reported that he had
tests made of the pressure at all the
hydrants in question and found It too
low in the Scranton company's mains
to bo of any service, lie advised
nmiliu., .. -.1 -. ,,.
"b""ioL ti i-iiuiiKt-'. j. no report was re
ferred to the fire department commit
tee. A communication from the recorder,
concerning the appointment of police
matrons, was reported favorably from
committee, us was an ordinance creat
ing the oltlce of police matron and ap
propriating $1,500 to arrange quarters
for women and children In the base
ment of tho city hall.
Recorder Connell sent In a communi
cation Informing council that tho old
blast furnace gong had been presented
to tho city by tho Lackawanna Iron
and Steel company, through rtev. S. C.
Logan, D. D, A resolution was ndopted
thanking Dr. Logan and President
Walter Scranton, of the Lackawanna
Iron and Steel company, for the gift.
By an informal agreement of tho
commoners at their special meeting,
last night, the celebrated Norton ordin
ance providing for a second perman
ent man at the Keyscr Valley hoso
house, was resurrected and allowed to
stand on tho calendar, until a settle
ment has been reached In tho dispute
regarding transferlng balances.
The ordinance provides for tho pay
meat of the new man out of unexpend
ed balances. Controller Costello de
clines to transfer balances until provi
sion has been made for tho raft of de
ficiency bills now in his office. City
Solicitor Watson says the council can
transfer balances without waiting for
the deficiencies to bo cared for.
Mr. Keller thought It best to let the
ordinance die as it was useless, ho said,
to equip a hose company In a locality
that has practically no water pressure,
Mr, Norton contended that thero la
forty-two pounds pressure on tho hy
drants In Keyset- Valley, and that this
Is effective for firo lighting purposes.
Mr, Pulno and Mr, Keller didn't think
The building committee's recommen
dation that the proposed new fire and
police headquarters, In rear of city hall,
bo built of stone aid three stories high,
Instead of being built of brick, two
stories high, was received and filed. Tho
ordinance will bo brought up for
amendment at tho next meeting;
On recommendation of the judiciary
committee, tho claim of Ann and Cath
erine McGujro for damages done their
property by the opening of Wyoming!
Mid-Summer Recitals
St. Luke's Parish House,
Monday, Aug. 11th,
Thursday, Aug. 14th
Tickets on Application at the Conservatory
A Brief and Comprehensive Method
Mr, J. Alfred Pennington:
Dear Sir: Results from tho Faction System which
have come under my observation are highly satisfactory.
Tho great principles which constitute tho foundation of all
music can be mado intelligible to very young minds, proof
of which Is seen in tho fact that tho youngest pupils are
able to transpose Into, and execute In any scnlo any piece
of music which they know.
Thus Is gained In a brief .period and with the least
effort, a comprehensive knowledge of music, such for In
stance, as tho relations -of tones nnd the relations of scales,
which must require years of toll to acquire by other methods.
Yours very truly, W. a. WATKINS,
Surveyor In The International Correspondence Schools.
v Send for the New Prospectus.
avenue, was referred to the director of
public works and the city solicitor for
adjudication. New measures wcro in
troduced as follows:
Mr. Clarke A resolution directing the
city solicitor to satisfy the liens against
property holders along the lino of tho
proposed sewer In Section D of tho
Fifth Sewer district, no bids having
been received for the construction of
the sewer.
Mr. Jones A resolution forbidding
the Scranton illuminating Heat nnd
Power company from dumping ashes
into tho river.
Albert Lewis An ordinance for three
electric lights In the Fifth ward, one
at tiio corner of Sadie place and Deck
er's court, one on Tenth street, In
front of the Margaret Williams prop
erty, and one on Main avenue, in front
of the Blair property. Also a resolu
tion changing an electric light from
the corner of Tenth and Jackson
streets to the corner of Jackson street
and McNichols court. The resolution
was adopted.
William Lewis A resolution granting
William Gleason, of Luzerne street per
mission to connect his property with the
city sewer. Adopted.
Tho following ordinances passed first
nnd second readings: Providing for re
pairs to Hollow street bridge; for
si. Consolidated Telephone Company
switchboard in city hall; for sidewalks
on Lincoln avenue, between Jackson
and Washburn streets; for a lateral
sewer on Meridian street; for side
walks on Twelfth street, between Lu
zerne and Division streets; for a com
bination fire and police station in South'"
Scranton; for the' establishment of
grades on Fifteenth ward streets.
On third reading the following ordin
ances were passed: Providing for the
improvement of Bloom avenue culvert
nnd Its approaches; for flagstone side
walks on Price street, between Bromley
and Garfield avenues; for repairs to
Engine houses No. 2 and No. 3; for
repairs to the crematory building, at a
cost of $1,700.
Attorney C. II. Soper is in New York
city on business
Miss Mary Hawks, of Provldenco road,
is at Atlantic City.
JIKs Margaret Jordan, of Green Ridge,
lias returned from Parsons.
Mrs. Curtis B. Florcy nnd Miss Maud
Florcy are at Wuverly, Pa.
Alderman M. J. Ruddy, of the Six
teenth ward, is at Atlantic City.
Miss Leila Bolton Is visiting In Blng
haniton. While there she will bo tho
guest of Miss Wallace.
Mr. Emily V. B. morns and grandson,
Richard Edwards.aro spending the month
of August at Danby, N. Y.
Miss Maud Wiggins, of S22 Gibson
street, is spending her vacation at Eas
ton and Delaware Water Cap.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Williams, of Blng
hamton. aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Fasoid, ot Pine street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hlno nnd son.
Donald, left yesterday for a week's stay
at Belmont and tho Sugatioaf Mountain.
The Misses Nolllo and Josephlno Ma
lum, of Mulberry street, aro spending a
few weeks at Capo May and Atlantic
Clerk E. R. W. Senile, of the district
federal court, was back in tho city yes
terday, after a brief visit to Susquehanna
.Mis. E. D. Shoplnnd, of 1011 Gibson
street, was called to Pittsburg yesterday
to attend to her son, Harry C. Shoplnnd,
who Is seriously 111 with typhoid fovcr.
Rev. Dr. James Hughes and Mrs.
Hughes and their two daughters are
staying at Butternut Rldgo farm in
Wayne county. The change to tills
charming rural- spot lias been tho means
of improving the health of Mrs. Hughes
very much, and it is expected that by
tho close of their summer vacation her
health will bo perfectly restored.
Day and evening sessions of the
Scranton Business College will reopen
Tuesday, September 2. Write, call or
'phono (862) for Information. Buck &
Whltmoro, corner Adams and Linden.
Fine Photographs at Grlflln Art Co.,
2011 Wyoming avenue.
Finest Fruit re
ceived . daily. The
crop is large- fruit
fine and prices low.
E. G. Goursen.
I Headquarters
1 DnniliAn
Albert Schultz Charged with Selling
Intoxicants at His Pharmacy.
His Manager Arrested.
The first rnid ever conducted upon a
city drug store occurred yesterday,
when Cuptaln of Police Williams ar
rested Charles H. Johnston, of 1S0G
Mulberry street, manager of Albert
Schultz's drug store, at Webster ave
nue and Mulberry street, on the charge
of selling liquor without a license.
The only clrcumstanco which saved
the proprietor of the place from arrest
was the simple fact that he was at At
lantic City. The police have received
numerous complaints of late that both
whiskey and beer were being sold at
the drug store, and that many young
men of tho neighborhood had left their
homes evenings with the avowed inten
tion of "going out for a soda," only to
return home In maudlin condition. The
Intoxicants were drawn from the soda
Superintendent Day sent out two ot
his trusty sleuths, and they returned
smacking tholr lips, and corroborating
all reports. Johnston was given a
hearing yesterday afternoon and fined
?25 and the costs, which amounted to
an additional $10. Part of the evidence
produced against him was a darkish
fluid in a small medicine bottle. Cap
tain Williams had drawn it from tho
soda faucet marked "chocolate," but
despite this fact, competent judges at
police headquarters yesterday declared
that it bore far, far more of a resem
blance to old Kentucky rye, than to
the harmless beverage whose place it
was usurping.
When Johnston was arrlgned before
Magistrate Howe, he immediately
pleaded guilty, but demanded tho right
to cross-examine all witnesses. "Pro
duce your evidence," he demanded with
a rather authoritative air, and after a
rather startled look by Superintendent
Day, the latter called his two detec
tives to the stand. The latter testified
that on June 27 they had entered
Schultz's drug store and had asked for
lemon sours. They received whiskey.
After making this statement, they
moved for their seats, when Johnston
called to them: "Hold on a minute
there. How do you know it was whis
key?" The astonished sleuths paused, and
looked surprised at any implied doubt
as to their ability to tell the liquor
when they drank it, but Magistrate
Howe indignantly broke in with:
"Oh, that will do. You've plead
guilty, young man, and there's no use
wasting any time, like this."
Ho showed Johnston tho little bottle
secured by Captain Williams, and
"If this isn't whiskey, I'd like to
know what it is.."
"Ich weis nicht. I certainly don't
know," Johnston answered, a trifle
flippantly, and then proceeded to cross
examine Captain Williams regarding
the bottle.
"I haven't any recollection of any
such bottle as this in the store," ho re
marked, "and, furthermore, are you
certain this Is whiskey In the bottle?"
"Wo are sure enough. I've tested it
myself," Superintendent Day inter
rupted, angrily, and Magistrate Howe
then pronounced sentence.
Johnston emphatically denied ever
having sold anything to tho two de
tectives, or to nny strangers, but de
clared he had only ocaslonally served
regular customers. "Thank you, thank
you," he remarked when he heard his
flue, nnd this witticism led Superin
tendent Day to warningly remark:
"You might have got off a little
easier, young man, if you hadn't acted
so impertinent."
Johnston paid the fine.
Mrs. Rntchford and Mrs, Hopkins
Cause Each Other's Arrest.
Mrs. Mary Hopkins nnd Mrs. Mary
Ratchford, of Linden street, had each
other arrested and arraigned beforo
Magistrate John T. IIowo yesterday
afternoon, accused of disorderly con
duct. Attorney John P. Qulnnan ap
peared for Mrs. Hopkins, and Attorney
Corbett for Mrs. Ratchford.
Kirs, Hopkins claimed that sho and
her husband had been called scabs, and
vile names, A small son of Mrs, Itatch
ford, clad in a white Fauntleroy suit,
who was very conspicuous at tho hear
ing, had been struck by Mrs. Hopkins,
according to tho mother's testimony.
Both cases were held under advise
Programme That Will Be Rendered
by Lawrence Band,
The Lawrence band will render tho
following programme at tho Scranton
Bicycle club band stand tonight at 8
March. "Now England's Finest"... Clarke
"Tho Finest Heart Throbs'1..,. .Kileubeig
Overture, "From Dawn to Twilight."
Fantasia, "Sailor Songs" ,,,,,,..Tobaiil
March, "Atlanta" , Woldon
Medley, "Tho Itaga in Ireland'1 Beyer
Fantasia. "A Midnight Round of tho
Guard" .,....,..,.,., ,.,,... Tlilcro
March, "Amtclzla" , ,,, ...Chambers
Are You Going
With the N, Y, O and W. excursion
to Hancock, Sunday, August 10th? Re
turn fare, 11.00, Train leaves Scranton
at 8.30 a. in. ,
Fred Kibler and Miss Edna Coleman
Each Movod Up Two Places.
Homor Kresge Succeeded in Tlelng
with Mlsa Beatrice Harpur for
Thirteenth Place Maxwell Shop
herd, of Carbondale, Goes to Eighth
Place Among the Leaders for Aug
ustMr. Kellerman Still Climbing.
Standing ot' Contestants
1. A. J. Kellerman, Scranton. 548
2. Charles Burns, Vandllng. .459
3. Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .338
4. Albert Freedman, Belle-
vue 313
6. Fred K. Gunster, Green
Ridge 301
0. Win. T. S. Rodriguez,
Scranton 291
7. Herbert Thompson, Car-
bondalo 250
8. Maxwell Shepherd, Car
bondale 191
9. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton.153
10. L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . . 123
11. Wm. Sherwood, Harford.. 113
12. J. A. Havcnstrlte, Mos
cow 78
13. Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 62
14. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 62
15. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 58
16. Frank B. McCreary, Hall-
stead 50
17. Hendrick Adams, Chin
chilla 48
18. "William Cooper, Priceburg. 44
19. Lee Culver, Springvllle. . . 39
20. Grant M. Decker, Hnll-
stead 37
21. Miss Jane Mnthewson,
" Factoryville 36
22. Fred Kibler, South Scran
ton 28
23. Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 27
24. Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 26
25. Louis McCusker, Park
Place 23
26. Hugh Johnston, Forest
City 23
27. Miss Mary Yeager, Green
Ridge 22
28. Eddie Morris, South Scran
ton 20
29. Miss Edna Coleman,
Scranton 20
30. C. J. Clark, Peekville 18
31. Louis Gere, Brooklyn 18
32. John Mackie, Providence. . 16
33. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 16
Several ties were broken in The Tri
bune's Educational Contest yesterday,
and others were formed. Miss Edna
Coleman brought In two points and ad
vanced to twenty-ninth place, dissolv
ing one tie only to make another with
Eddie Morris for twenty-eighth. Fred
Kibler also scored two points, break
ing the tie with Harry Danvers, of
Providence, and went up to twenty
second place.
Homer Kresge, of Hyde Park, only
had one point, but it established an
other tie between him nnd Miss Bea
trice Harpur, of Thompson, for thir
teenth position.
Albert Freedman.of Bellevuo: Charles
W. Dorsey, of Scranton, and Maxwell
Shepherd, of Carbondale, all increased
their scores, but did not advance in tho
main table. A. J. Kelle,rman added an
other twelve points to his constantly
growing total.
First Prize
Folding Pocket Kodak, No. 1, A.
Second Prize
No. 2 Brownie Camera.
Third Prize
No. 1 Brownie Camera.
1. A. J. Kellerman 75
2. William Sherwood 27
3. Wlllllam T. S. Rodriguez 22
4. L. K. Stanton 18
5. Herbert Thompson 10
G.J. A. Havcnstrlte., 14
7. Hendrick Adams 12
S. Maxwell Shepherd 7
9. Lee Culver C
10. Charles Burns G
Lowest prices on Picture Framing at
200 Wyoming avenue.
They're 87c.
A Startling; Plan to Hasten
the Closing: Out of Otir
Straw Hat Stock.
All $3.00, $2.00 and $1.50 Straw Hats are
gathered for a final clean up.
We have made the price so low that they
are sure to go, and the first come get best
. Sale on these hats begins tomorrow (Sat
urday) morning.
They're 87c.
They Came on a Tour of Inspection
of Road.
A large number of ofllclalR of the
Central Railroad ot New Jersey wcro
In tho city yesterday nnd made a tour
of Inspection, in company with Divis
ion Passenger Agent J. S, Swisher.
Among thoso In tho party were:
General Manager W. G. Rosier, Gen
eral Superintendent C. W. Huntington,
Superintendent of tho Lehigh nnd Sus
quehanna division of the New Jersey
Central, M. M. Rltchey; Assistant
Superintendent of the Lehigh and Sus
quehanna division William Dods, Gen
eral Auditor J. A. Taylor, General Pas
senger Agent U. M. Hurt, District Pas
senger Agents II. 13. Ruho nnd J. S.
Swisher, Genernl Freight Agent T. II.
Koons, Division Freight Agent E. M.
Snyder, Chief Engineer Joseph 11. Os
good, Assistant Knglnecr M. A. Zook,
Supervisor J, J. Tcrrott, Engineer
Maintenance of Way G. W. Twining,
Superintendent of Motive Power Will
iam Mcintosh, Division Master Me
chanic J.' G. Thomas, General Road
Foreman of Engines C, E. Chambers,
Road Foreman of Engines Charles Van
Why, Superintendent of Car Service F.
E. Hlgble, Superintendent of Telegraph
C. P. Adams, TrnlnmaBters F. C. Sher
man and E. E. Kerwln.
31,000 REWARD.
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna &
Western Railroad company will pay
the above for information that will
lead to the arrest nnd conviction of
the person or porsons who set fire to
the Bellevuo washery on Friday
evening, August 1st, 1902.
R. A. Phillips,
Supt. Coal Mining Dept.
Attention, Camp No. 8, Sons of
A special meeting will bo held this
evening at 8 o'clock In reading room of
camp In tho O. A. It. Memorial build
ing, to make arrangements for funeral
of our late brother, Charles F. Thomas.
By order of John R. Farr, Captain.
Attest: William Widenor, First Ser
geant. Are You Going
With tho N. Y. O and W. excursion
to Hancock, Sunday, August 10th? Re
turn fare, $1.00. Train leaves Scranton
at S.30 a. m.
Dr. Lindabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.j 7 to 8.30
p. m.-
First-class Picture Framing at Grif
fin Art Co., 209 AVyoming avenue.
Cortcz Key West Cigars,
In several sizes for box trade, at
and Hosier
Ladies' Vests
Pino Jersey Ribbed, a
Saia price, each T'L'
Laiiias' Vssts
Jersey Ribbed lOo -r r
quality. Sale price, each
Men's Shirts and Drawars
Pine Cream Balbrig
gan, nice finish, all
sizes. Price, each....
Men's Cotton Sorts
Nice and heavy. Good
workingi socks. Price ,
pair 5
Ladies' Hose
Past black, good qual- , Cat
Ity. Price, pair -. J
On all sales of $i and over at
Mid-Summer Sale
Of Oxfords and Shoes. Prices
Reduced. (food for Aug.
9 and n Only.
Opposite Connell Building
134 Washington Ave.
We Are Headquarters
t Cotton
Sail Duck,
Rubber Drill
Drill and
Bittenbender & E
126-128 Franklin Ave.
Second Annual
Reduction Sale
of Umbrellas
I-ast black, steel rod, solid frame, 26-ln,
Umbrellas. 20c. Fn-st black, steel rod.
solid tramo, 2S-in. Umbrellas. 3Dc. Fins
twilled .Gloria, 2fi-ln.. C9c. Flno twilled
Gloria, 2S-In., S9c. Kino piece-dyed Union
'J affcta Silk Umbrellas of all colors, .your
choice of tho finest pearl, horn and ivory
sliver trimmed handles, $1.43.
313 Spruce Street.
You believe there art
many brands of
Good Flour
Bat after using tho re
Snow White"
You know it .to be able
lutely the best.
JKE GV" only wholesale It,
f i i
- i iicicsorm
Mill & Grain Co.,
j Scranton ana Olypliant.
AllisChalmers Co
Successors! la WacBlna Ettslrres at
Dickson Manufacturing po.a Sorantoa
and ;wilke3-Barro, Fa,
Stationary Engines Boilers Minim
Machinery, Pump. ! i i . ,
nUOOIES and WAGONS ot all klndtf also
House and Building Lots at bargain
Lackawanna Carriage Works.
Homo Oiflco, 203-200 Meara Jlulldlnj.
We are maturing thatca each month which
show a net gain to the Investor ol about 11
rcr cent. Wo loan money. Wo also iup
FULL I'AID STOCK 1(,0Q per share, Inter
est payablo semi-annually,
ALDCUT BALL, Secretary,
rear Ell Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ol
Wire Screen ot all kinds; fully prepared for
the spring season. Wa male all kinds of
porch screens, etc.
(leneral Contractor, Builder and Dealer In
Ilulldliift Stone, Cementing ot cellars a spa
dally, Telephone SKtt.
OflUc, 827 Washington avenue.
Te scranton Vitrified Brick
Maker of ravin? Brick, etc. M. II. Dale,
General Bales Agent, Ollko 329 Washington
IK. Worka at Kay Aup, l'a., K. is W. V, K.H..
,2mm&&&& W-JjaWs
.ijSf&r, f.rn.-jti etfeS JH-gi. -. UltaHrS -uft.
tgA&tn J . &-