The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Special to tho Soranton Tribune.
Pittston, Aug. 6. Thomna Redding, of.
this city, who Is recognized as one of
the best ninnteur third base players
among tho base ball teams of this
county, mid who is a member of the
Mlner-Hllllard team, has received" nn
offer from tho Manhattan college, nt
Now York city, to join Its base ball
team. Mr, nodding will In all prob
ability accept.
Miss Murphy, of Duryca, died this
morning at the Rctrent Home. The rc-
... . ... ILI'II.. 1....A ... ...l....
mains nrrivcu m una ny mat uvumim
and were1 taken to tho homo of tho de
ceased's Bister, Mrs. John Clark, at
Duryca, from whence tho funeral will
take place.
Mrs. Richard Harris, of Wyoming
avenue. West Side, was taken to tho
Wllkes-Barro hospital yesterday after
non and will undergo an operation at
that place.
. Rev. Theophllus Davis, of rialns.wlll
1 occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Con-
gregatlonal church next Sunday, morn
ing and evening.
Peter Mackln, a well known resident
of Exeter borough, will leave today for
Mexico In company with' several Pitts
ton gentlemen. They have secured
work in a hard coal mine there.
Druggist J. H. Farrcr, of the West
Side, left yesterday for Philadelphia,
, where ho will spend a few days, nfter
which ho will go to Pike county for a
several weeks' vacation.
George Hess has joined a party of
Scrnnton young men who are camping
at Lake Wlnola.
Miss Florence Le!snrlng has resign
ed her position in tho Central Pennsyl
vania Telephone company's exchange
,' here after a service of three years. She
'will take a course in tho Scranton
Business college.
Attorney W. L. race, of Scbastopol,
'. has gone to Dubuque, Iowa, to attend
the C. T. A. U. convention ns a dele
' gate from this city.
West Pittston police are after the
fruit tree thieves and within the past
few days have captured more than half
a dozen.
A 5-ycar-old daughter of Street Com
missioner Thomas Keating, died inst
night at tlie family home on North
Main street. The funeral will take
place Wednesday afternoon.
Clear Spring Local, United Mine
Workers, which has heretofore distri
buted store orders among its members,
today commenced the distribution of
cash, the other plan proving unsatis
factory. Every member of the local
will receive his share.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Aug. 6. Honcsdale and
Scranton Alumni ball teams will play
in Honesdale next Saturday.
Nleuser's orchestra will furnish music
for St. John's church picnic in Bclvine
riark, Saturday, August 9.
I X The Young People's society of the
I,uthcran church will hold a lawn
social on the lawn of Mr. Schwemly,
near the ''ball ground, Thursday even
The annual meeting of the Wayne
, Citizens' Water and Supply company
. was held In the office of E. C. Mum
ford, Tuesday afternoon. Trustees were
Hon. T. J. Ham is In charge of the
HaAvley Times, until a new proprietor
is Installed Into the office.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wood left on
Wednesday for Detroit, Mich., expect
ing to be absent for a month. They will
visit their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Knapp,
who is in ill health.
Miss Ethel Knapp is tho guest of
Ifriends in Port Jervis and Newbury,
N. Y.
Joshua Brown and family will spend
the coming month at tholr cottage at
Elk lake.
About 4 o'clock this morning people
were aroused by the sound of tho fire
alarm. A small one-story blacksmith
shop, the property of Mr. Kaufold,
located in tho rear of his marble yard
on Main Btreet, was on lire. The fire
..j companies responded, but the lire was
Mm-extinguished with a hydrant hose, but
Isr- not until the interior of tho shop was
gutted. Tho origin of the Are Is a mys
tery. Tho loss is not large, and Is part
ly covered by Insurance. '
Special to tho Scranton 'Trlbuna.
Lake Wlnola, Aug. C Tho Wanlta
t-'amplng club gave a. straw ride to
their friends Tuesday evening to La
dp. Pierce's
Mrs. 11. A. Alsbrook, of Austin, I,onoke
Co., Ark., write! "After five months of
great suffering; with female weakness I
write tht for the benefit of other sufferers
from the same affliction. I doctoreii with
our family physician without any good re
tilt, fp my husband urged me to try Dr.
Pierce' medicines which I did, with
wonderful results, low completely cuied.
I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce' Favorite
Prescription, four of his 'Golden Medical
Discovery i and two vials of his 'Neataut
relicts.' t
The Common Sense Medical Ad.
vlser, joo8 large pages in paper
covers, is sent free on receipt of 21
one-cent stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Address Dr, Pierce
Buffalo, N. Y, '
k yJt-A m 111 .viH
Orange. Supper wb served at the
Clifton, after which dancing was In
dulged In. The following were pres
ent: Chaperons Mrs. Palmer, Mrs1.
Orccley, Mrs. Cavell, Mrs. Mcnr:
Misses Ailln Phillips, Jcancttc Davln,
Daisy Perry, Bella Fclnberg, Molly
Smith, Fannlo Mear.t, Elizabeth Pal
mer, Jennie Smith, Mae Smith, Bessie
Yengcr, Jet Frantz, Tola Moore, Bertha
Fellows, Florence Nye, Edith Turner,
Jessie Cavcll, Bella Atkinson; Messrs.
A. Dean, Barton Smith, Will Bowman,
J. Smith, Andrew Mulr, Hnrty Mil
ler, Farnham Mcars, Robert Davis,
Leon Griflln, R. Allen, W. Berry. Ben
Eynon, Will Davis, George Lewis, Bert
Brink, F. Clark, Mr. Alncy.
John A. Mcars and family arc regis
tered ut the Hotel Clifton, whore they
have taken apartments for an Indefi
nite period.
The Misses Florence and Irene Hln-
terlelter, of Kutajown, Pa., have taken
apartments at the Hotel Clifton, where
they will remain for an Indefinite
period. ,
Fred W. Strong, tho popular Hyde
Park haberdasher, Is taking physical
cultuie at Lake Wlnola.
Mrs. Emll Welchel, of Scranton, has
tho honor of catching tho largest
pickerel at Lake Wlnola this season.
On Saturday, August 9, Oppenhelm's
orchestra, under the direction of Gus
Kroll, will furnish music for tho Hotel
Clifton reception. A grand concert' will
be given by the orchestra before the
reception, and every effort will be made
to make this the event of the season.
Tennis Is just now occupying most
of the time of the summer colonists.
Tho tournament at the Clifton 1ms
given the sport impetus. Emll Welchel
and Charles Moore, of Scranton, are to
play in the tournament on Thursday
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Aug. 6. The Tritons
will play a game of base ball with the
Luzerne Reds at KIttrldgo park on
Saturduy afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Attorney Charles B. Little, of Scran
ton, Is visiting his parents on Wyo
ming avenue.
A large crowd of people from this
place attended the picnic of the Im
proved Order of Red Men of Wyoming
county at Mcshoppen on Wednesday.
Judge Edward M. Durham was In at
tendance at the funeral of the late
James E. Frear on Tuesday.
Theodore Williams, of Owego, N. Y.,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. Joseph
Welch, at this place.
Miss Euki Carey, of Carbondale, is
visiting her grandfather, Dr. A. B.
Woodward, on Second street.
Judge Dunham handed down an
opinion on Tuesday in tho estate of
Nancy Brown, deceased, discharging
the rule to show cause why the execu
tor should not be dismissed, and allow
ing the executor to continue in his
F. A. Collins has been appointed as
sanitary agent for the West Nicholson
school district, during the prevalence of
bmall-pox In that vicinity.
Mrs. Stephen Carey, of Easton, who
has been visiting friends at this place
the past two weeks, returned home on
Marie Lobeck Frear has been granted
letters of administration In tho estate
of her late husband, James E. Frear.
Spencer D. Reed, the Bridge street
music dealer, was at Mill City on
George Betterly, of Wilkes-Barre,
was calling on friends on Wednesday.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Brooklyn, Aug. 6. DeWltt Tewks
bury, of Scranton, is spending his vaca
tion, with ills mother.
Mrs. Ralph Sterling is entertaining a
number of friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Squlor, of Blng
hamton, spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. G. W. Palmer.
The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist
Episcopal church meets Frlduy with
Mrs. L. S. Ely.
Mrs. N..L. Tiffany will entertain the
Ladies' Aid of the Universallst church
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Shadduck, Misses Bessie Cham
berlain, Bernlce Doran, Jessie Miller,
Mabel Tlffuny, Lena and Dulsy Fish
attended the Harvest Home picnic at
DImock on Wednesday.
The famous entertainment by the
Peak Sisters will bo given in the Uni
versallst church, Saturday evening,
August 9. Several numbers will be i
given by local talent.
E. W. Newton is making Improve
ments on his house.
Mrs. Benjnmln and daughter, May,
spent Wednesday In Montrose.
About twenty New York Tribune
"fresh air" children are expected here
for a two weeks' stay,
Mrs. Uptegrovo Is entertaining her
daughter and children from Scranton.
Special to the Ecranton Tribune.
Nlcholsan, Aug. 0. Mrs. O. D. Rob
erts and Miss Inola Dunbar, of Hop
bottom, were caller3 In town Tuesduy.
Mr. and MfB. Richard Kniffen re
turned to their homo In Wllkes-Barro
Wednesday, after spending some time
with tho lattcr's sister, Mrs. C. H. Mac
Connell. W. W. Le Roy Is a caller In New
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams are
visiting Mrs. AVllllams' aunt and uncle,
who are summering in CooperBtown,
N. Y
Miss May Hlncklle Is visiting friends
In Hallstead.
Misses Sadie Glllesplo and Mary
Mortimer, of Pittston, culled on Miss
Ella O'Malley last evening.
Miss Mrf Moruhan, of Jnkerman,
has returned home, after spending a
week with friends here.
John Coade, who saw service In the
United States armv. In the rMiii,,.io
Islands, has re-enllsted. He left this
afternoon for Columbus, O,, where jio
will be assigned to a regiment.
'Miss Jennie Bell entertained a large
number of friends at her homo last
evening. After earnest worn in.ini in
refreshments were served. '
Wl Hum Dixon and Pnti-lr-k fnl
left yesterday for a trin tn rnu. vn-i.
J. J. Morahan was a caller In Scran
ton yesterday.
Ursula Rarrlck, of Wilkes-Barre, Is
the guest of Mlsa Tessle McLaughlin.
A trolley patty was given last even
ing In honor of Miss Mabel Schrlever,
of Philadelphia, who Is a guest of Mrs.
J. A. Hull, of Btnkely, After enjoying
a delightful ride as far ns Carbnndalo
and return, the guests assembled nt
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 7.. D, Ed
wnrds, on Scott Btreet, wheto they were
very hospitably entertained for the re--
mnlndcr of tho evening. About mid
night a delicious luncheon wns served,
Tho following letters remain uncalled
for nt the Olyphant postodlce: Mary
Handel, Jachcus E. Jones, A. S. Snyder,
John Wrol.Wllllnm Gcllur, Fred LoWry,
West Thomas (2), Mrs. Dick Walsh.
Mts. Dora Rockwell and family and
Miss Jennie Loftus, of Pittston, ate vis
iting Mrs. Mary Ryan, of Dunmore
Misses Belle nnd May Gclatt, of
Gotytt, Pn., arc the guests of relatives
In town.
Mrs. Frederick Wilson, of Scranton,
spent yesterday at this place.
Mrs. F. W. Simpson and duughter,
Rhea, left yesterday to spend a week
ut South Gibson.
Misses Annie Timlin, Margaret and
Alice Kennedy, of Providence, were tho
guests of Mrs. M. J. McAndrew, of
Hudson Btreet, Tuesday.
Miss Celine Welghtmnn, of Beading,
Is visiting Miss Jennie Patten, of Dela
ware street.
Miss Esther McHulo, of Green Hid go,
Is tho guest of her brother, J. R. Mc
Halc, of Dunmore street.
Miss Hattlo Mntthows, of the Lacka
wanna telephone exchange, left yester
day for a week's visit with Wllkcs
Barro relatives.
E. S. Jones, of BInkely, has returned
from a visit at Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Rebecca Harris, of Providence,
Is spending n few days at tlo residence
of Dr. V.W. Jenkins, on Lackawanna
Miss Lucy Farrell, of Dunmore street,
was bridesmaid at tho Hopklns-Cnnn-van
wedding, at West Scranton, yes
terday morning. Many friends from
this place witnessed the ceremony.
Miss Nettle McDonnell Is spending
her vacation at Rock lake.
Miss Olive Murphy, of Blakely, has
returned homo from a visit to Strouds
burg. Mrs. D. C. Evans nnd children have
returned home, after spending tho past
month at Tunkhannock.
'Mrs. John Powell, of Susquehanna
street, Is visiting relatives at Greenfield.
John Davis, of Dunmore street, has
returned home from a trip to Altoona.
At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, in St.
Thomas church, occurred one of tho
prettiest weddings of the season, when
Miss Sadie Broderlck became the bride
of William H. Murphy. The ceremony
was performed immediately after tho
celebration of a nuptial mass. Tho
celebrant was Very Rev. P. F. Broder
lck, of Susquehanna; deacon, Rev. A.
T. Broderlck, of Montrose, (both
brothers of tho bride); sub-deacon,
Rev. T. J. Comerford, of Archbald;
master of ceremonies, Rev. P. F. Bol
and, of Scranton. Tho bride looked
charming in a beautiful gown of white
liberty satin, with chiffon medallions,
her veil being caught with orange blos
some. Her attendant was Miss Katie
Cosgrovo, who was prettily attired In
light blue. P. J. McAndrew acted as
best man. They were preceded up the
aisle by the. ushers, John Murphy, John
Brogan, William Broderlck and James
Kilpatrlck. Miss Mary Foote played
tho wedding marches. After the. cere
mony a wedding breakfast was served
by Caterer Hanley, of Scranton. The
bride is the charming daughter of Mrs.
A. Broderlck, of Bridge street, and en
joys the friendship of a host of friends.
Mr. Murphy holds a good position un
der tho Ontario and Western Coal com
pany. They left on the 10.05 a. m. train
for Boston and New York.
Miss Mary Boland has returned from
a visit with relatives in Carbondale.
The Young People's society of the
German church spent yesterday at
Chapman Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Koch have re
turned to their homo In Scranton, after
a visit with relatives in town.
Mrs. T. D. Davis, of Cleveland, O., is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
SSimmerman. of Hill street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gllhool and son,
Frank, have returned from a three
weeks' visit with relatives in Carbon
dale. John B. Lack, of Blakely, was a
caller In town yesterdny.
P. F. Brogan has returned, after a
week's vacation at Crystal Lake.
Will Winter, of Olyphant, was a
business caller in town yesterdny. ,
Miss Helen Smith, of Dickson, Is
visiting in town.
Rev, G. H. Prentice Is spending this
week In New York state.
Miss Mary Do Pew is visiting rela
tives In Mount Pocono.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jones and son,
Luwrence, were visitors in Gouldsborn
over Sunday.
Snowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Kelly, who fell from the porch and
broke his arm recently, Is improving
FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out the pictures appearing on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, Bavo them until Saturday,
then send them or take them to The Trlbuna ofllco In an cnvolopa addressed to
"Puzzle Dopnrtmont." Encloso In tho envelopo your name, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who correctly mark the six pictures appearing during the week,
nnd whoso answers are first received, will havo their names published in Tho
Tribuno Monday morning.
Tho dogs of this hunter are upsetting
hm In their chuse for two rabbits,
Where are the rubblts?
1,000 CLAIMS.
Equal Not a Single Fact..
Scranton Endorsement
Makes This Claim a Pact.
Endorsed by scores of Scranton citi
zens, who cheerfully mnko a public
statement of their experience, Is tho
proof we have to back our claims that
Doan's Kidney Pills cute every form of
kidney ills, from a common backache
to serious urinary disorders. Here is
one local example. Wo have many more
like It, j
Mrs. William Riley, of 1014 Capouso
avenue, snys: "For seven years I had
trouble with my back and kidneys.
When I stooped, walked or stood long
my back got very bad. 1 could not do
hard work about tho house without
giving out completely. I felt all played
out nnd had ho ambition. I read a
great deal about Doan's Kidney Pills,
nnd got a box at Matthews Bros. drug
store. I took in all three boxes, and
they cured mo."
For sale by all dealers; price, 0
cents. Fostor-Mllburn, Co., Buffulo, N.
Y., sole agents for tho United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no 'substitute.
under tho enre of Dr. Kneldler, of
The Misses Lillian Frey and Anna
Barnes, of South Sterling, are guests
of Mrs. Joseph Yeager.
Mrs. Bush and children, Max and
Harold, and Miss Buela Brown visited
friends in Gouldsboro over Sunday.
Miss May Eschenbach, of Scranton,
Is visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. N. Eschenbach.
Mrs. Clearwater and daughter, of
Scranton, are guests of Mrs. H. H. De
The Misses Rcna and Vera La
Touche, of Scranton, are visiting their
cousin, Miss Elizabeth Lyman.
Mrs. Arch Decker and daughter, De
lilah, spent last Sabbath with friends
in Sprlngbrook.
Mrs. Fred Kolb Is visiting relatives
at Swlftwater.
Mrs. James Le Van, Mrs. M. B. Le
Van and son, James, spent Wednesday
at Wyoming.
Fred Benjamin, of Pcckville, was a
caller In town Tuesday evening.
A meeting of the Mooslc Hose com
pany, No. 1, will be hold this evening
In the hose parlors. All members are
requested to be present.
The members and friends of the
Methodist church will tender their pas
tor, Rev. J. N. Bailey, and wife a
farewell, reception on Friday evening
in the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev.
and Mrs. Bailey leave on Wednesday
for Denver, Col.
Mrs. George Tregallas is spending a
few days at Wilkes-Ban-e.
A number of young people of this
town and from Avoca enjoyed a straw
ride to Wilkes-Barre last evening.
National League.
At New York R.H.E.
rnysburg . 0000-2 7 0
New York 0 0 0 0 0-0 1 L'
Batteries Chesbro and O'Connor; Tay
lor and Brcsnahan. Umpire Emslie.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Chicago,
At Boston Bnston-St. Louis, rain.
At Brooklyn Brooklyn-Cincinnati, rain.
American League.
At Cleveland R.H.E.
Philadelphia 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 04 9 1
Cleveland 2 0 0 0 110 0 1-312 2
Batteries Waddell and Schrockcngost;
Smith and Bemls. Umpire OLoughlln.
At Detroit- R.H.E.
Baltimore 10 0 0 0 10 0 0210 0
Detroit 010000000-1 6 2
Battcrles-Wiltso and Smith; Mullen
and Buelow. Umplro Connolly.
At Chicago- R.H.E.
Washington 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 4 1
Chicago , 300 0 0 0 1 Is T. 13 4
Batteries Carrlck and Clarke: Patter
son nnd McFarland. Umplro-Shcildan.
At St. Louis- R.H.E.
Roston 00 4 0 02 100-7 12 2
St. Louis 1 0 111O200-0 12 2,
Batteries Dlneon nnd Crlger; Towell'
nnd Kahoo. Umpires Johnstono and
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
FOn RENT Beautiful 4-room cottage,
completely furnished with two boats
and fishing pier, $8.00 per week. Call nnd
sou J. C. Zurfllch, tho Real Estate broker,
FOR RENT-821 Green Ridge street, a
Kovon room nlnnlo hotmo with modern
Improvements, Sept. 1. Apply on prom
ises. FOR RENT-After September 1, eight
room house; rill modem conveniences;
stenm heat furnished. Rent moderate.
Apply at Tribune ofllce.
FOR RENT-Blx room house lit Leo
court; lent $12.00. Inquire at No. Ml
Gibson street.
RateB reasonable. County Savings
Bank nnd Trust- Co., WW Spruce Btrcot.
BARBER SHOP for rout: nearly now
building; good locntlon; city water,
etc; JiiBt vacated. An exceptionally good
opportunity to continue a woll estab
lished business. C. N,Wood, Now Jill
ford, Pa.
FOR RENT-Two furnished cottages at
Lnko Sheridan; dry and healthy loca
tion; good Bhridcnnd finest nlnco for a
week or a month's outing fit Northern
Pennsylvania. Address II. L. Harding.
Factoryvlllo, Pa.
Wanted To Hent.
WANTED September 1st by young
couple, small house, with .Improve
ments In central city. State terms. Ad
dress Box 516, city.
WANTED A small house or flat, prefer
ably furnished, In deslrnblo location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, niodorn
improvements; private family; gen
tlemen preferred, at B37 Adams avenue.
heat, pas and bath, gentlemen pre
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
In tho District Court of the United
States for tho Middle district of Pennsyl
vania, George Kinback, of Scranton, of
Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, a
bankrupt under tho act of congress of
July 1, 1S9S. liavlng applied for a full dis
charge from nil debts provublo ugulnst his
estate under said act, notice is hereby
given to ull known creditors 'and other
persons In Interest, to appear before the
said court at Scranton, in snld district,
on tho Cth day of September. 1902, at To
o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause,
if any they have, why tho prayer of the
said petitioner should not be granted.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Mlddlo district of Pennsyl
vania, George Kinback and Frederick
Welchel, trading ns Kinback & Welchel,
of Scranton, of Lackawanna county,
Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the act
of congress of July 1, 1S9S, having
applied for a full dlscharco from nil
debts provable against their estate
under said act, notice is heieby given
to nil known creditors and other per
sons In interest, to appear before tho
said court at Scranton, In said district,
on the tith day of September. 1902, at 10
o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause,
If any they have, why tho prayer of .the
said petitioner should not bo granted.
lato of the city of Scranton, county of
Lackawanna, deceased.
Letters of administration upon tho
nbovo named estate having been granted
to the undersigned, nil persons having
claims or demands against tho same will
present them for payment, nnd all thoso
Indebted thereto will make Immcdlato
payment to
Connell Building, Scranton, Pa.
Attorneys for Estate.
IN RE: Estate of John Jermyn, late of
the City of Scranton, Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary In thu above es
tate having been granted to tJio under
signed, nil persons having claims or Judg
ments against the same will present them
tor payment, and all persons Indebted
thereto will ninlfc Immediate payment to
Executors and ExcVutrlx.
WELLES & TORREY, Attorneys.
THE ANNUAL meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Wyoming Shovel
AVorks, for the election of directors and
consideration of such other business ns
may bo brought boforo thorn, will be held
at tho ofllce of tho company, Connell
Building, Scranton, Pa., Frlduy, 13th of
August. 1902. at 11 a. m.
N. G. ROBERTSON, Secretary.
by tho county of Lackawanna until
Friday, Aug. S, at 12 m., for tiling lloor
of Prothonotary's ofllco In Court House,
according to plans and bpeclllcatlons.
Rids to be addressed to umlerslsncd and
in hands 011 or before above date. Thu
light to reject any or nil bids is reserved.
County Controller.
Deputy Controller.
to Contractors.
Seuled proposals endorsed "Bids for
Second District Sower, etc," and ad
dressed to tho undciHlgncd, will bo re
ceived until 8 o'clock p. m.. on Mon
day, the llth day of August, 1902, for fur
nishing material nnd constructing sewers
In tho Second Sower District of tho Bo
rough of Dunmore, with tho necessary
fixtures and appliances, In accordance
with the plans nnd specifications on filo
In tho ofllco of James F, Hnrau, borough
engineer, borough building, Dunmore, Pa,
Extont of proposed work Ib approximately
7.000 foot of brick sower, 3,100 foot of
plpo sower from 12 to SO Inches In diam
eter. Copies of specifications and In
structions tn contractors may bo obtained
of tho borough engineer.
Each bid must bo accompanied liy a
certified check for tho sunt of flvo hun
dred (J.V10) dollars, mudo payable to Au
gust Wahlers, borough trcusurer, ns 11
guarantee to oxecuto a contract If award
ed the work, which sum shall bo forfeited
to tho boroueh In caso at the refusal or
omission on tho part of tho successful
bidder to execute a contract within ton
(10) dy after tho awarding of tho name.
Bidders will be .furnished with proposal
blanks at the said offlco of tho borough
engineer, and no others will bo accepted.
Bids received will bo opened nt a meet
ing of tho borough council In tho bo
rough building, to bo held on tho date
and hour nbovo mentioned.
Tho Borough reserves the right to re
ject any or nil bids.
Borough Secretary,
702 E. Drinker St.. Dunmoro, Pa.
From Choice.
Miss Phoebo Rlggs, who had lived for
more than SO years In tho little Now
England town In which she was born,
had not, desplto tho birthdays she could
count, passed tho ugo of seusltlenesH
regarding u certain subject. A summer
visitor In the vlllago, who was only
slightly acquainted with MIsh Rlggs, said
apologetically to her ono day:
"You must excuse mo, but Cm not sura
whether you nro Miss or Mrs. Rlggs; 1
didn't quit understand when wo were
Introduced," 1
f ho bont llttio spinster drew herself up
as titraltrht as posslblo and, with an of
fended emphasis upon the title, replied
In a freezing voice:
"Miss Rlggs; from Choice!" Now York
Tribuno. ,
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than 10 Cents.
Bnnoli WANT Offlcas,
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Becelved at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. SI.
Central City
' berry street nnd Webster avo.
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE. 729 Cedar
North Scranton
OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Green Ridge
son avenuo.
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Groen Rldgo
C. LORENZ, corner Washington
avenuo and Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted Male.
MEN, not under 2.", yonis, to call on old
and new customers. No delivering.
Position permanent to tho right party.
Pay weekly. Glen Brothers, Rochester,
For Sale.
HORSE FOR SALE, good traveller, kind
nnd gentle: can be returned If not as
represented; will also sell two buggies,
harnesses, gig und accessories. 911 Rob
inson street.
FOR SALE Edison phonograph, with
records nnd horns. All up-to-date and
In good condition. Apply to iBaac J. Ev
ans, 409 North Main avenue, West Scran
ton. FOR SALE-A first class moat market.
Owner will work for party. Address
131 Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa.
Beal Estate.
LOTS, houses and farms for sale.
J. C. Zurflleh.
FOR SALE EIOB-ant sites for homos In
upper Groen Rldgo; choice neighbor
hood; most deslrnblo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county." J. A. Marvlna,
173G Sanderson avenue.
Wanted To Buy.
A GOOD second hand phaeton; cheap;
state price and condition. Address
Tribune, Box 50.
Honey to Loan.
Qulck, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on
N. V. Wnlkor. 314-315 Connell building.
LOST A lady's gold watch, open face,
stem wind, Wnlthnm, No. 7,210,312, at
tached to Flonr-do-lls pin with three
pearls. If returned to Clark, florist, 20J
Washington avenue, a liberal roward will
be given.
3.00 REWARD Packngo containing
bracelet nnd locket addressed Stephen
D. Englo, Hnzleton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn.
New 'phono 90S.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boarders; threo largo airy rooms
and good tablo board. Address O. K.,
Dalton. Pa.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with
first class tablo board, can be obtainoa
at 333 Jofferson avenue.
lnundors shirts nt 8c. each and collars
and cuffs at H4c. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old "phono 1SG4.
Real Estato Exchango BIdg,, 120 Wash
ington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
building, Spruce Btrcot, Scranton.
Fire Insurance,
SCHLAGER & CO., Traders Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
DA TC IVITC Inallcountrles
KM I t-IM I Oaf the Globe.
The only llconscd and equipped patent
solicitor In tljo city. No chargo for In
formation on patentability; over ton years
Kcplojrlc & Co., Mcars Blcljr.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lln avenuo. Rates reasonable),
P. ZIEQLER.. Proprietor.
Passongor depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan, Victor Koch. Proprietor,
nnd cess pools; 110 odor: only Improved
pumps used, A. 11. Brlggs. proprietor.
Leavo ordois 1100 North Main avenuo.
or Elcko's drug storo, corner Adams and
Mulberry, Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
uvo., Scranton, mfrs. of Wire Screons.
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 11) Washington avenuo.
bo had tn Scranton at the news stand
of ReUinan Bros., 406 Spruce und 003
Llndent M. Norton, 'ttt Lackawanna
uvo.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street.
' 1. . V v
5 X1
1llVUWJL Vll;l t
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Business Opportunity.
MAKE MONEY by canvassing for tho
Lycoslto. Apply to Fred Wagner, Ell
Lncknwanna avenue, Scranton.
out dolay. Write for our special tnar
kot lottor. Freo on application. B. M.
Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 nnd 48
IJrondwny, Now York. Kafabtlshcd 1S6I.
Long Dlstanco 'Phono 2388 Broad.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton for Now York
At 1.G0. 3.20, ti.05, 7.60 and 10.10 a. m.: 12.40,
3.40, 3 33 p. m. For Now York nnd Phila
delphia 7.50. 10.10 n. m., nnd ,12.40 and 3.33
P. m. For Gouldsboro At 6.10 p. m. For
Biiffalo-1.15, 6.22 and 9.00 a. m.; 1.55, 6.50
nnd 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Eltnlrn
und way stations 10.23 a. m., 1.05 p. m.
1' or Oawego, Syracuso and Utlca 1.15 and
C.22 a. m.; 1.55 p. m. Oswego. Syracuso
nnd Utlca trnln nt 6.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03
nnd CM p. in. Nicholson accommodation
4.00 and 0.15 p. m.
Bloomshurg Division For Northumber
land, at 0.35 nnd 10.10 a. m.; 1.55 and 6.10
p. m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.40
und 0.03 p. m.
Sunday Trains For Now York. 1.50, 3.20.
6.05. 10.10 a. m.: 3.10 nnd 3.35 p. m. For
Biiffnlo-l.l.- nnd 6.22 a. m.: 1.53, 6.50 nnd
11.10 p. m. For Elmlra nnd way stations
10.25 a. m. For Blnshnmton and way sta
tions. 9.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division
Leavo Scrnnton. 10.10 a-.m. and 6.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Rnilrond.
In Effect Juno 15. 1902.
Trains .Leavo Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D
& II. R. R., nt 7.41, through Parlor Car
nnd Dny Coach Carbondale to New York
nnd 9.47 n. m.. with L. V. Coach Carbon
dalo to Phllndolphla, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. & If. n. R 1.38. 9.17 p. m.
I-or White Haven, Hazloton and princi
pal points In the coal regions, via D. &
II. R. R., 7.41. 2.38 and 4.35 p. m. For
Pottsvllle. 7.41 a. m.
For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har
rlsljurg nnd prlnclpnl Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & II. R. R.. 7.41, 9.47 a. m.;
2.1S, 4.35 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
m. Sundnys. D. & H. R. R., 9.33 a. m.;
1.58, 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, Townnda, Elmlra. "
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stations via D..JL. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m.
and 1.55 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & if. r. r 12.03 p. m.; S.28 (Black
Diamond Express), 10.41, 11.49 p. m. Sun
dnys. D. & H. R. R.. 12.03. 0.17 p. HI.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
valley Parlor cars on nil trains between
Wllkes-Barro and New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gon. Supt., 28
Cortland street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt 28
Cortlnnd street, New York.
A. W. NONEMACBER, Div. Pass. Agt
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For ticket1 and Pullmnn reservations
npply to city "ticket offlco, 69 Public
Square, Wllkes-Barro, Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations in New York, foot Libert
street nnd South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, White Havon, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barro and Pittston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. xn.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through Bolid vestibule train
with Pullman1 Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only one change of cars
for Bnltlmoro nnd Washington, D. C, and
all principal points south and west.
For Avoca, Pittston and Wilkes-Barre,
1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg
via Allentown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle, 7.80 a. m.;
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m.
For ratos and tlckots apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule in Effect Juno 16, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton: 0.38 a. m., week
days, through vestibule train, from
Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
villo; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg nnd tho West.
9.47 a. m.. woek days, for Sunbury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore." Wash
ington and Pittsburg nnd tho West.
1.42 p. in., weok days, (Sundays. 1.58 p.
m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg nnd tho West.
3.28 p. m., week days, through vestibule
train from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman buffet
parlor car end coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle Stops at principal intermedi
ate stations.
4.33 p. m., week diys. for Hnzleton. Sun
bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
UlS' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gon. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 1C, 1902.
Trains for Carbondale leavo Scranton at
6.44. 7.36, '8.36, 10.13 a. m.i 12.05, 1.12. 2.11.
3.50, 5.29, 0.25, 8.21, 9.15, 10.04 p. m.; 12.18,
For' Honesdale 6.14, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
B "0 ti 111
For' Wllkes-Barre-6.38. 7.41. 8.41. 9.47.
10.53 a. m.i 12.03, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.28, 4.33. 6.10,
7,18. 10.41, 11.49 ) m.
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.41, 9.47 a. m.J
2,18. 4.33 and 11,19 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6.35,
9,47 a. m.; 1.42. 3.28 and 4.35 p, m.
For Albany nnd all points north 7.S6 ft.
m. nnd 3.5U p. 111.
HVir Cn rbondnlo 8.50. 11.33 a. m.: 2.11,
3.5(1. 0.62 nnd 11.17 p. in.
- For Wllkes.Barro-9.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.5S,
'3.28. 0.32 and 9.17 p. m.
For Albany and points north 3.56 p. tn.
For Honesdale 8.50 u. m.; 11.33 and 3.52
P' W." It. PRYOR. D. P, A., Bcrantiin. ffl,
Erie Bailroad Wyoming DlvisionV
in l.nvci j my l"i it".
1,33 p. in. eoi nuw ioiK..iowuiuKn oau
Intermediate points at 7.20 jt. m. nnd 1.S3
p. m, Sundnys. 1.33 p. nit , -t.
lor Jioncsuaie j.j. uno uu 11. 111.
Trains nrrlvo at Scranton 8.20, 10.41 a.
1 :t nil nnd n.lS n. m. Snnrlnva. l.iM and
m.i 3.06 nnd 9.15 p
tun p. in.
Now York, Ontario nnd Western
Thno Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1903
Leave Loavo An If 6
No. 1 ,
No. 3 ,
No. 7 .
Scranton. Cnrliondnlo. Cados-ta..
,,.,10.80n. m. 11.10 n. m. l.oap, m.
, , , . 4 00 p. III. 4.4 1 p. (U. li.OO p. nv
,,,, U 111 p. m.Ar.Cnrbondale 6.46 pw
Leavo Leavo Arrlyy
Cudosla. Carbondalo, Scrantdi.'
U.50n. III. 7,25 11, rfl.
.... 8.40a.m. 10.01. a. m. 10.40a.m.
No. 6 .
No. 4
No. !! 2.13 11. tn. 4.00 p. in. 4.43 p. nj.
l.cuvo - Leavo ArrlVk
No. 9
No. 5
Scraptdn. Carbondale. Cadosfo:-
, 8.30 11. m, 9.10 P. m. 10.45 a. pi'.
, 7.00 p. m.Ar.Cnrbondala 7.1J p.m
Leave Leave Arriba
Cadoala. Carbondale. Scrnnton".
,, i:.5un. in. 7.23 a.m.
. 4.30 11. in. G. Oil 11. ill. fi.45 n. m'.
No. 6 .
No. 10 ..,
Trains Nos. 1 on week days, nnd 9 on
Sundnys connect for Now York city, Mld
dlctowu, Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego and ull points west.
Train 3 for Poyntello. Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all Now Berlin
branch points.
Tiuln No. V, with "Clunker City Ex
prei"s" at Scrnnton.: via C. R. R. of N. J.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic Cltj, Baltimore,
Washington and Pennsylvania state
Seo tlmc-tablo nnd consult ticket agentj
for connections with SOlVf Ji"' - Ct$1 fi
J. C. ANDERSON, onUA-i Now. fyorkJJ-
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa.
4i .,,,-.
jK.A.,tttfc-, wc. . -v!