yi. OalsBW liJ " fofig?" 7 THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1902. stai M tf Kr to. . CEYLON TEA GREEN or BLACK Is the tea for yourself, your family and your friends. There is no sub stitute for it, for it is the height of tea purity and perfection. Use it, you will make no mistake. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR sALADA tendance. A mixed quartette, nnd Mad ame Robinson, of Waverly, will sine. Arrested for Trespassing. Fred rmill, ot S2J West Lackawanna nvenue, was sent to Jail yesterday for twenty dayn, In default of a flno of 3, for trespassing on a Delaware, Laeka wanna nnd Western train. Both Hands Lacerated. John Johnson, nn employe nt th,o Dela ware, I.oekawnnnn nnd Western machine Hhopi, had both his bunds lacerated whllo at work yesterday. Ho was treated nt the Moses Taylor hospital. Struck by a Train. Leo Dlcneo was struck by a fast frclfiht nt Oxford, N. Jycstcrdny and unite bad ly Injured. Ho was brought to the Moses Taylor hospltnl, where It was found that his hend nnd shoulders aro badly lacerated. Council Meetinga Tonight. Meetings will be held of both branches of council tonight. A session of the Joint committee which conferred with General Malinger Slllimitn, of tlio Bcriinton Rnll way company, lcgmdlng thu Bollovue transfers, will bo held at 7 o'clock. NOW MAKES A NOVEL GLAIM NEW POINT RAISED IN INJUNC TION CASE. FUNERAL OF JAKES BURNETT. Scranton Cfas and Water Company Alleges That Its Main and the City's Sewer Are Both Located on Private Property Surety Company Seeks to Escape Liability in the Case of a Defaulting Tax Collector. Another Non-Union Man Released from Jail on an Appeal. Ceylon and Indlu Tea. REFRESHING. DELICIOUS. Sold only In Lead Packets. 50c. 60c, and 70c. Per Lb, if The Kodak Girl" and all Amateur Photographers Will find the best line of Sup plies at Hornbaker's 211 Washington Ave. D., L. & W. Pay Days. The employes of the Deluwaic, Lacka wanna and Western car shops, machine shops and stores department woio paid yesterday. Today the Staunton yardmen and Height house employes will bo paid. Tomorrow and Saturday the tialnmcn will receive their pay. Ball Game Saturday. The Simon Lons's base ball team of Vllkes-lJarro will meet tho Sciuntnn Amateurs Saturday at Athletic pnik. The I.uzornc team Is a dangerous one. as up to d.ito It has not lost a game. A small admission will bo charged to tho match, which Is tho first ot a series of Salurduy names to bo played at the park. Stamp Collectors, Attention. At our groat cut price sale of Dry (Joods wc will give double stamps. Seo our udvortlscment. Mears & Hugcn. IS OUT OP DEBT. Mortgages on the Home for Friendless Were Cancelled Yesterday. the ooooo F oooooooooo y Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars Th best value for r cents. Try ono and you will smoke no other. All tho loading brands of tic. cigars at $1.75 per box, or 6 for 23c. The largest variety of Pipes and Tobaccos in town. E. o St C. MORRIS. The Cigar Man 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo In and About MMM The City Bicycle Hider Fined. Thomas Lloyd, a young man arrested .for fast riding on a bicycle, was fined ! In pollco comt, yesteidny. Klotz Hill Excursion, l Tho emplojcs of tho silk mill of tho Klotz Throwing company will havo a free excursion to Lake Lodoro, Saturday, Aug. HO. Sons of Veterans Adjourn. ' The inembcis of Camp S, Sons of Vet erans, at their meeting held on Tuesday evening, decided to adjourn their meet ings until Seat. 9. Hobbs' Eeunion. Tho second annual Ilobbs reunion will bo bold at tho Maltland fair giound, Wallsvllle, P. on Aug. la, loo:'. All i da tives' nro cordially Invited. Tho Home for the Friendless is out of debt! This statement should cause uni versal rejoicing In Scranton, for the In cubus of that everlasting debt has rung In the ears of the public like a knell and hung over the hearts of the man agers like a pall for several years. The last mortgages of $17,000 were cancelled yesterday, with no sound of the tocsin and no jubilation, but none the less, the Intense relief which Is experienced by those most Interested cannot but be echoed by thousands who have loved and aided and supported this noble in stitution through the past. The fact that the debt Is raised will not lessen public responsibility, as re gards the support of the home. The family numbers 84, the largest .since the Institution was established, and as the cost of living has greatly Increased, the actual running expenses are necessar ily heavy. The advantage of having to pay no Interest on mortgages will, however, be much appreciated. The board of con trol has enacted the role of Providence in this case, having, after some delay, purchased the old home plot on Adams avenue for J20.000. The final payment of $19,000 was made yesterday, enabling the president of the home, Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, to cancel the mortgages against both properties. It will be remembered that when tho new building was erected on the lots given by tho late John B. Smith, it was expected that the old plot would bo sold Immediately. Negotiations then under way fell through nnd, to the dis may of the board, the property has re mained on hand five years. Mortgages to the amount of $33,000 were placed on tho two properties, and It has been a long and hard struggle to reduce the amount to the sum of $17,000, which was yesterday paid. Through the geneiosity of public-spirited citizens nnd friends, $10,000 had been previously raised. A few weeks ago the school board de cided to buy the old home on Adams avenue, where the Manual Training school, the magnificent gift of Mrs. W. T. Smith, will be established. It was thought" then that the entire amount would not be paid for some time, but the sale of bonds has made It possible to transfer tho full sum of $20,000, and as a result the beautiful Home for tho Friendless, which cost $65,000, now stands free from debt. All the same, the flour barrel Is empty up there, and It takes a lot of bread to keep a family of eighty-four from going hungry. SPEEDWAY DRIVING CLUB. The Injunction proceedings Instituted by the Scranton Ous nnd Water com pany against tho city of Scranton, to prevent the latter from interfering with tho company's water main, where It lies In tho way of the new South Side sower, on Front street, near Stone ave nue, have tuken a rather interesting turn. Wlin the case was before Judge Kelly Monday, the question t issue 'was whether or not tho city could compel tho company to remove the main nt its own expense. The compnny was not ready to proceed with an argument of the question and adjournment was made until yesterday morning. At the resumption of the hearing yes terday, the company 'made the conten tion that an examination of the piem Iscs, through Its engineers, showed that both the sower and the water main were on private property and not on a public street, In consequence of which, it was clAimod by the company, tho city could not claim right of way for Its sower over the company'3 water main. Tho representation was made by tho company that the lots abutting on Front street were laid out by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company: that the latter company reserved the right to change street lines on its plot uny time it saw fit, and that recently the company, by extending tho length of Its plotted lots from 158 to 160 feet, extended the fence line on Front street, so that It Included the portion of tho street on which the sewer und water main are located. Reserving tho question as to whether or not this change of street line was made subsequent to the adoption of tho course for the sewer, Judge Kelly ad journed the hearing until Friday morning, to give the engineers of the company and the city, and a disinter ested .engineer, George E. Stevenson, opportunity to investigate and make report .on the present location of tho street lines. Ex-Judge 33. N. Wlllard and I. II. Burns repiescntl-d the company. City Solicitor George M. Watson represented the city. According to the estimate of Director of Public Works Roche, the cost of moving the water main, to make way for the sower, would be $40. The law yers engaged In the case do not usually apepar in court for less than that much per day each, and next Friday will make the fourth day for them to ap pear. The case Is to establish a precedent, and on this account is being vigorously contested. The city contends that the company must move its water mains nt its own expense, any time a sewer or like municipal Improvement, is blocked by It. The company, without admitting that the sewer has the right of way, stands out against being com pelled to pay tho expense of clearing the way for the sewer. Involuntary Petition. James McFiirlano & Co., of LaPorto yesteidny liled nn In voluntary petition In bankruptcy In tho l 'nl ted States court against Hiram Kibble, of Stioudsburg. Coleman Case Hearing. Rcfcreo in Bankruptcy C. A. Van Wor- mcr will hear ovidenco in tho bankruptcy caf,o of John M. Coleman, at his ofllce. in tho government building, Monday, Aug- Discharged from Hospital. Hairy Bi owning, who bus been a small pox patient at tho Ilmorsency hosplt for several weeks, was discharged yes nffllction."1 Miy ,ccovo,ea hom the Annual Camp Meeting, Members of tho Afilcnn Methodist Cpls. copuj chinch will hold their annual enmp meeting next Sunday In Foil's Grove Waverly. Rev. Chailes Garner, Rev, D ?.. ZV!'' Dl D" mu1 mhiistoia from the Pittsburg couferenco will bo in ut- Officers Elected at a Meeting Held Last Evening. The Speedway Driving club held a meeting at the Speedway hotel last evening and elected officers as follows: President, Dr. G, 15. Hill vice president, John T. Richards; sec retary, James J. Million; financial sec retary, H. S. Gorman; treasurer, W. J. Scott. Board of directors, V. A, Slmrell, M. Jones, A. J, Snow, W. J, Koch, Charles Kassner, G. W. Dunn, E. J, Robinson. The next meeting will he held on Saturday, Aug. 9, to arrange for tho club races to bo held on Saturday, Aug. 16. Are You Going With tho N. Y. O and W. excursion to Hancock, Sunday, August 10th? Re turn faie, $1.00. Train leaves Scranton at 8,30 u. in. Grlflln Art Co. avenue. Still at 209 Wyoming ffli Scranton Business College BUCK & WHITHORE, Proprietors Students in great demand. Watch this space. A different letter every day, Goes to Pittsburjr. ., Scranton, Pa., February 20, 1002. o Y.?,nmc":-Havo you a young man that you can iccommcnd to fill tho position I am now holding? Wo want mo ono that Is trustworthy und who will tuko an (nteiest in tho business; somo one who will keep prlvuto ilia business mutteis. Whut wo want Is a good honest young man. There will bo somo shoithand work as well as bookkeeping work. If you have such u young man let mo know at once and I TWl call and seo you. I deslro to get away from tho city as boon as possible Will go to Pittsburg. Very truly. , ,, ' RALPH D. WHITE. fete. Sir. WnIte uas B,nco J)een transferred from Plttsbuig to Vcw jTorK Day and evening sessions reopen Tuesday, September 2nd. Poor Directors in Court. The poor directors of Jenkins town ship, Plttston borough and Plttston township allege, in a declaration nied some time ago, that John D. Jones and the Fidelity and Deposit company, of Maryland, are liable to the poor district for several thousands of dollars, said to have been embezzled by Jones, who was a tax collector In Taylor borough In 1900. The Fidelity and Deposit company was on Jones' bond for $40,000, and the poor directors claim they come In under this bond and accordingly on June 2 the poor district entered judg ment against Jones and the Fidelity and Deposit company, of Maryland, on this bond for $40,000. Yesterday the company petitioned tho court to have this judgment opened nnd allowed to defend, setting forth a denial of liability and alleging that the judgment was unauthorized and un warranted. Judge Neweomb allowed the defend ant company a rule to show cause why the judgment should not be opened, as asked for, and made It teturnable to argument court In October. Attorney C. F, Bohan, of WIIkes-Barre, uppeurs for the poor directors, and Attorney Robert J. Murray for the Fidelity and Deposit company, of Maryland. Remains' Were Laid At Best Yester day in Cathedral Cemetery. The remains of the late James n. Burnett, the woll-khown newspaper man nnd attorney, were laid nt rest In the Cathedral cemetery yesterday morning, In the presence of many of the friends, who had not only learned to respect his ability, but to love the mnn himself. The funeral was held from the home, 110." Ulcliniont nvenue, at 0.30 o'clock, At St. Paul's church, Green Ridge, a solemn high mass of requiem was cele brated by Rev. J. A. MoflU, ot Taylor, a cousin of Mr. Burnett, The other offi cers pf the mass were Rev. Bernnrd O'Byrne, of St. Peter's cathedral, deacon; Rev. M. E. Loftus, of St. Paul's, sub-deacon, and Rev. J. V. Moylan, of Nortlt Scranton, master of ceremonies. "Ave Marie" was sung nt the offer tory by Miss Margaret Taggart, of Philadelphia, and her line Boprano voice wus also heard In "Jerusalem, My Happy Home." "Nearer, My God, to Thee," was sung by Miss Mary Nlland. In the absence of Rev. P. J. McMunus, the pastor ot St. Paul's, Rev. J. A. Mof fltt preached the sermon. He took his text from Job, and said, In part: o It Is not my Intention to disturb tho silent soriow nnd grief of tho sisters of tho deceased. My words cannot sootho their gilcf. Tho only solace to their sor iow can be found In fervent, holy prayer. Only through tho sraco of God can their wounded hearts bo lclloved from tho weight of suffering. "Come unto mo all yc that aio heavy laden," are the' words of tho divine Lord, and If tho words ot God cannot glvo consolation, surely tho words of man are weak and vain. In addressing those words to his sorrowing relatives I know I am riot speaking to deaf cars. I know I nm speaking to tbosa whoso faith Is well founded; whose faith Is stronger than death. No human wouls can take away fiom their heart3 the pain of those who havo lost a brother whom they loved so well. Tlnougliout all his sickness, throughout nil his life their love for their only brother hns always been bhown In many ways. Tho long nightly vigils In tho sick bed chamber, the constant wutchlng and care of tho devoted sisters all testified to their tender affection for him who has now gone away from their home. Hut thoy aio well gioundcd In faith, well instruct ed in God's doctrine, and this will give them an abiding strength to bear their heavy affliction. It there Is any place outside tho church whoic tho faith of man is strencthened it Is In tho bed chamber of the sick. And there suffering In his last and fatal ill ness he gave ovidenco of his faith and ti list In tho goodness nnd mercy of God. There ho showed himself strong In faith, strong In hope, sustained and soothed by the Micinments of bis faith, with child like trust ho called upon God to strength en him for tho journey he was to mako alone. Tho prayeis of tho sisters of tho deceased, their frequent communions nnd religious exei rises will bo n perpetual memorial nt God's altar to the memory of their dead brother. This Is tho spliit of Holy Church, the spliit of true faith. Then let us all join with tho bereaved lelatlves to pray fervently for his soul. Ktcrnnl rest grant him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Numerous floral tributes testified In a measure to the general esteem and respect in which the deceased was held. A floral pen and pencil and furled scroll were sent bv his fellow workers on the Truth. After the benediction, the remains were removed to tho Cathedral cemetery und there enterred. The pall-bearers were: P. A. Barrett, James O'Connor, T. J. Murphy, T. J. Duggan, P. J. Messett and John H. Jordan. The flower-bearers were M. A. McGlnlcy, and W. J. Taggart, of tho Public Ledger, Philadelphia. A delegation of tho Lackawanna bar and a large number of newspapermen were among those in attendance at the funeral. CERRA NOT YET CAUGHT t RUMOR THAT HE WAS IN HID ING IN THIS CITY. Superintendent Day and Captain Williams Palled to Find tho Old Porge Murderer YeBterday Coro nor Saltry Pound the Bullet In the Child's Spinal Column Jury Has Seen Empanelled and an Inquest Will Be Conducted In the Cass. Later. Francesco Cerra, the Old Forgo murderer,- Is still at largo, despite the ef forts of a number of detectives and special ofllccrs to unearth his hiding place. A diligent search was made all day yesterday for him, but thus far he has Another Appeal Taken. William Smith, a watchman at the Clark tunnel, wus arrested Tuesday for disorderly conduct, on a warrant sworn out by a striker, AInrk Kcnnahnn, and In default of a lino of $5 unci costs, amounting to $0.60, Alderman Saltry, of tho Third ward, committed hi in to jail. Yesterday, Attorney H, S, Alworth secured his release by taking an appeal and filing a bond In the sum of $200. v Smith alleges thut he was not guilty of disorderly conduct, and that his ar rest was brought about with the sole purpose of preventing him from working. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Meyer Knbotchnlek. a grndunto of tho Scranton High school, reglsteied yester day ns a law Btudcnt In tho office of At torney John M, Hun Is. O. AND W. EXCURSIONS. Will Be Run to Hancock, N. Y and Lake Poyntelle, The New York, Ontario and Western Railroad company will run an excur sion to Hancock, N, Y next Sunday, August 10, leaving Scranton at 8.30 n, ni., arriving In Hancock at 10.30 u. m. Returning, the train wll leave Hancock at 4.30 p. in. Tho fare for tho round trip will be SI, The ninth annual excursion, clam bake and bhore dinner of the George Y. West division, No. 468, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will tuko pluce at Lake Poyntelle on Thursday, Aug. 21. Special trains will be run from Scranton, leaving at 8.30 a. in. and 10.30 a. m. The shore dinner will be served from IS o'clock noon to 3 p. in. A programme of sports has also I been arranged. PASSED WORTHLESS CHECKS. "Dr. Ward' Buncoed Furrier Out of Automobile Cloak. The police have been notified that a man giving his name ns Dr. J. E. Ward, claiming to come from Syracuse, had passed u bogus check on a central city furrier, from whom he purchased a $14 automobile cloak. , Last week Ward came to this city and tried to secure a room in the Paull building. He offered a check for $33 In payment, to R. P. Hamilton with whom he was negotiating for the room. The check was signed by W. E. Whitney, of Corning, N. Y. Communication with the latter place revealed the fact that the check was a forgery, and the room was refused. Ward then visited the furrier's place and purchased the cloak. The mer chant had his own suspicions about the check, and In making change for Ward gave him a check for $21, dated ahead four days, In order that he could stop payment. If the check wns dis covered worthless. Ward hus not been apprehended. M. L. THIS OUGHT TO SETTLE IT. Smith for Proves an Alibi Admiral Dewey. District Passenger Agent M. L. Smith Is one Scrnntonlun who was not fooled by the mythical Dewey visit; for at tho time that Chaplain Rose was finding dlfllculty In establishing that ho was not the hero of Manila bay, Mr. Smith was having an enjoyuble conversation with the admiral at Mt. Pocono. The ndmlral expressed unbounded de light with the Pocono region, saying he had never visited any portion of coun try that charmed him more effectually; and he expressed surprise that tho at tractions of this great mountain resort were not more extensively made known to persons of leisure at a distance. The bracing mountain air seems to agree with both Admiral and Mrs. Dewey, Both nro enthusiastic In praise oMt. DONATIONS TO ORPHANAGE. - if- A " , - ". FRANCESCO CERRA. Wanted for the Murder of Augusta Falbo. successfully eluded his pursuers. A rumor was circulated In this city yes terday that Cerra was hiding in a hotel on lower Lackawanna avenue, nnd Superintendent Day and Captain Williams made nn Investigation, but failed to locate him. Coroner Saltry made an autopsy on the body of Augusta Fnlbo, the victim, yesterday, and found the bullet had passed through the left kidney and lodged in the spinal column. The bul let was extracted. A Jury was empanelled in the case, and nn Inquest will be conducted at a date to be announced later. The accompanying picture of Cerra was taken from a group in which he appeared about two years ago, while at work In Old Forge. x Half Price Sale i H Of Children's Dresses - tXrt(.U Hrnxrin In Un r.i DM. JUl..' a'' vvasii ulcaaca iu uc 3uic. ricuiy, uaiiuy ua- ments in all the new materials and styles. French and Russian Blouse Styles, Broad Collar Sailor Suits, Short Waist Dresses, etc. Made from Fast Color Chambrays, Lawns, Batistes, Ginghams, Percales, Dimities, etc. Clean-up prices. 25c, 35c, 50c, 50c, 79c, $1.19, $1.39, etc. The material costs more t than the price asked for the finished garment. Half Price Sale of Fashionable Shirt Waists They're all new and the very best of the season. Sizes from 12 years to 44-inch bust. 50c Waists are now. 25c . 75c and $1.00 Waists are now 45c $1.25 and $1.50 Waists are now.. 75c Choice of higher grade Wasits.....$1.45 The assortment is limitless. McConnell & Co., O The Satisfactory Store. g 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. :oqqxxkxxxxxkuixx2q:xxxkxx! MESSENGER, BOY AEBESTED. Charged with the Iiarceny of a Watch. Alexander Cramer, of South Irving avenue, a Western Union messenger boy, Is detained at police headquarters, charged with the larceny of a watch belonging to Mary Thomas, of 1425 North Main avenue. v The boy had delivered a messuge at tho Thomas house, and while the wo man was in another room, Cramer con fiscated the watch. As soon as he had disappeared, the woman missed the watch and followed tho boy to Penn and Lackawanna avenues. The case was reported to tho police, and tho boy was placed under arrest, and the watch was recovered where he had sold It. Cramer was immediately; discharged from tho messenger service. Ho will, be given a hearing this morn ing. A LIVElrY HKAMNO. Mrs. Mary Ann Hatchford and Mrs. Barbara Hopkins, both residents of Mineral street', have had each other ar rested on a number of charges, arising over the pranks and quarrels of their children. They, will arbitrate the trouble before Alderman Howe this morning. The alderman's decision Is to be final, both parties agreeing to abide by his finding. Tho hearing promises to be rich in diction and salacious in charac ter. Seats will be reserved for all the neighbors Interested in the case. A Great Gut Price Sale of the 5est DrO Goods! r Friday, Saturday, Monday, August 8, 9, 11, Double Stamps Will Be Given on Every Purchase. Two Stamps with every ioc worth of goods bought. Four Stamps with every 20c worth of goods bought. Twenty Stamps with every $1 worth of goods bought, and in like proportion on all sales. Look at the Prices Wash Goods Acknowledgements Made by the Board ot Directors and Sisters, Tho board of directors und sisters ot St. Patrick's Orphanage acknowledge with thanks donations from the follow ing friends of the Institution, Jit. Hev. M. J, Hobun, D, D 78 pounds of candy In June und "5 pounds of candy In July; Mrs. Carey, bunch of bananas; Pennsylvania Central Brewing company, a large box of bread; Mrs, Thomas Kane, bunch of bananas; Hess bakery, cakes; Zeldler's bakery, biscuits und cakes; P. J, Mc Numara, sulllcient lumber for repair ing articles ot use and lubor, J, B. AVhelun, Secretary. Lowest prices on Picture Framing at 203 Wyoming avenue. They're 87c. New Lawns 5C 8c Dimities 5c qc Batistes 6c 9c Seersucker Ginghams 6c i ?c Batistes ioc 15c Swisses and Lappets i2JjC 25c Scotch and French Ginghams 15c 50c Fine Wash Goods., all cut to 25c 50c Silk Ginghams 29c 25c Sheer Ginghams 15c Linens 35c Table Linen 29c 40c Table Linen 35c i.25 Table Linen 95c $1.00 Bleached Table Linen 79c $1.25 Bleached Table Linen $i.od $1.65 Bleached Table Linen 1.25 White Goods 19c White India Linon 15c 15c White India Linon I2c 20c White Goods,stripes and madras effects, i2jc 16c White Pique Welts I2c 20c White Pique Welts , 15c 25c White Pique Welts 18c 35c White Pique Welts 25c 25c Turkish Bath Towels 21c 18c Turkish Bath Towels....' 15c 1 3c Turkish Bath Towels ioc White Toilet Qyilts, special $1.00 White Toilet Quilts, special $1,25 Cloak Department Specials Striped Seersucker Underskirts 45c $1.25 Black Mercerized Underskirts 80c 1.50 Polka Dot Duck Dress Skirts.... '...$a.oo 2. 50 Polka Dot Duck Dress Skirts a.oo 5.00 Shrunken Linen Dress Skirts 3.50 3. 50 White Pique a.00 7.50 White Pique 5-o 4.50 White Pique 2.75 3.00 White Pique 1.7s Shirt Waists 75c and $1.00 Gingham and Percale Waists, 59c $1.50 to $2,30 Mercerized, in all colors $1.00 .00 to $3. 50 White Lawp Waists 2.00 2.00 White Waists, very desirable 1.00 1.25 White Lawn Waists 69c Walking Dress Skirts . All-Wool Homespun Twill, double flounce, ; six rows of stitching below and above each flounce, blues, castors, greys, oxt fords and black. A sure $7.50 Skirt for. $4.95 Ladies' and Children's Jackets ;at half price. Black TalTeta and China Silk Waists at spec ial prices. Ladies' Tailor Suits at closing prices. Ladies' Wash Suits, Lawns, Ginghams and Percales at about the cost of the material. : ! : Dress Goods Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, and a full yard wide., $1.0b,:! Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, rain proof , , l,25rfi New Camel's Hair Homespun, all wool, illuminated weaves 59c New Navy and Black Homespun Etamine Skirtings, 50 inches 75c. New Bedford Cordaway Waistings, white, with stripes of color , 75c Heavv Black Cheviot Skirtinp-. co inch. jKi.ac value '75c felack Cheviot, 4 inch, special value , '. 50c MEARS & HAG EN 415 AND 417 LACKAWANNA AVE. ! v- h rfi 'iii 1 jBMMtflfft ff tin niTftmri 1 .-irfrii.fra-.r,- -. t. r.sef? & i m orl I 1 u jl ll SkAsJa