ft J - ' '" ,jv--v' v. 'wrr "-"-! THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1002. T-rrr V " 5 . '4, ?f M t--, 4 fc MtdtfMM , The News of -ARCHBALD'S SUN SETS ON PUFFYS FIELD w.The Borough Two-Year-Olds Sur prised Themselves by Their Tricky Playing, but Owney McAndrew's Pitching Was Too Much for Them and "Tho Pots" Win Out by a '' Bcoro of 4-3, Notwithstanding the ' StronuouBness of the Archbald Hooters A Oood Oame. If any ot the "knockers" or nny Archbald mnn desires to know how Owney McAndrew our Owney can ' jiltch, lot hlin ask any of tho players on tho Archbald team. Nine of them yesterday had rubber bats or bats with holes In them when they tried to con- ' ncct with Owney 's mystiners, and only live of them could hit the ball safely. That's why the score was 4 to 3 In favor of Carbondale, and Hint's why , the conceit was taken out of the "Pot l'olcrs," and they wore sent home, mak ing disgusting faces as they swallowed the bitter pill of defeat. We admit, not to have sugar-coated the pill, but the "Pets" have been so busy, so very, very b usy, winning games that Mana ger Tappan overlooked this detail. "We beg tho kind Indulgence of our town- , betwecn-thc-culm-dump friends for this omission. ' Despite the strenuousness of the Archbaldlans, their chief characteris tic no thanks for this touch of ilattery the game was a good one. Johnnie Dougher, and he had on a fresh foout onlere, said It was the best game that the Crescents ever won, but as Johnnie Is a thorough Arachbaldlan, we'll over look his enthusiasm and say it was a good game; a' snappy game; a game that was a credit to the fielders of the Archbald team, and to doughty Dougher, their pitcher, a bright-haired young man, 16 years old, the Archbald people said, who when he becomes a man, is likely to is sure to shine in tho base ball firmament. Dougher, hats off to you. You had better come to Carbondale, to a base ball atmosphere, where the climate will agree with you and where you can develop wonderfully, as you will In time; but slowly, we venture to re mark, if you persist in remaining In the ancient borough. We anticipate that Archbaldlans will have a whole culm pile of extravagant claims about the superior work of their team; but who would begrudge this harmless diversion to the boroughltes? We can afford to be generous. We won. That's glory enough for the "Pets." If the Archbaldlans care to pay their cash for special street cars to come to Carbondale and wear out their vocal cords, who cares? It won't hurt us and It probably amused them. This special car came through Car bondale about 9.30 last night with a band and an Archbald crowd, which is the same thing for noise, and a pla card with the score 5-4 in favor of Archbald. In their delirium, perhaps they imagined they got two runs in the last Inning, which a man In Sala manca or even Honesdale, had as much right to claim. But we will discuss this later. To the game again. Archbald got three runs, but none of them were earned. Cuff apparently had an off day at first base and one of his errors, a muffed ball thrown by Flannery, at second; let In three runs. The other run was made on a long throw from left by Itosler, after a fly catch on the outer edge of the field. It was a hard chance, the ball reaching the home plate a few second too late. On the other hand, Carbondale earned two of its runs, which would . leave the score 2-0. Murray also had an off day and made errors, which were costly. The "Pets" found Dougher. They batted him all over the lot; he struck out only two men, but In our hitting wo did not keep them down and they sailed Into the hands of fielders. Mc Donald, In left, had four good catches; Boland, at third, made two wonderful catches, and J. A. Gaughan, at center, had two good captures. Here were eight Hies, a good deal more than ordl- . nary work for fielders. But Owney our Owney! Ho showed Dougher, though Dougher Is a good one, how to pitch. Ho had nine strike outs and gave only five hits. Dougher struck out two men and gave Carbon dale seven safe ones. Let Archbald take this record and ponder over it; 'twill do them good perhaps. But one ' shouldn't gamble on It. Itosler, the "Pets' " fearless fielder, had another great duy, making two phenomenal catches, with lightning returns ot the game. His batting was "it," too, for his two-bagger brought in one of the four runs. Murray also smashed the ball, having two hits, bringing In the winning run by a two bagger in the eighth. Cuff had a two bagger and Emmet t had one and Flan nery had another. Here were four two t baggers. Anothf r chance for Archbald jto compare pitching records. SS" In the ninth Inning, there was In- tense cxoTtoinchPwlien two men got on -bases and with one out a fly was knocked tg .Hosier. He enptured It nnd -galled It to tjilni io ea'tcl) a runner. The ,ball got away from Murray, but Mc- yAndrow was u'fter It In the crowd upd "-- '. ', i ." ' ' L 5- 'FOODTBRATMBNT. ? 1;,oid' Stomachs Made Over. . ,,, Improper medicine knocks out as many'stonfachs' as bad food, but proper food will nearly always restore the itjiealth that Nature Intended. X "I suffered with chronic constipation ?for a long time, and two years ago be came an Invalid, being unable to retain anything on my stomach," says Mrs. F, 51, Buss of Mlllersburg, Ky, $ PnysKlans pronounced it catarrh of .theUfstomach and bowels. In fact, the "Sintlra alimentary canal was Involved, causjd they said, by continued use of purgatives. For several weeks r could jjiot;rotaln more than p. teaspoonful of Siny fchd of fluid at any time and at 4$hia.stag of. my Illness a friend sug jtestqtUthat I try Grape-Nuts. 'commenced by taking only a tea spoonful at a time of the water poured, Jwhlle boiling, over two teaspoonfuls of atheprape-Nuts. In flvft days, I was 3010 to v digest a teaspoonful of the TarajfejKuts themselves- anjf Jrf Jejs Mhana month, could dlgestari ordinary jneaL I can eat anything 'now? after jjhavlng used Grape-Nuts for nearly jwo "years, and am entirely; Su're'd. oj-con- Btlpatlon, It Is a wholesome, nure'und Apt?' - y-v . JWW'iit . V 1- ' . Car fconclale. soaked It down to second to head oft a runner who was stcullng from first to second, There was a mlx-up, In which tho runner Interfered and was called out. This would have retired the side. The runner on third started home and Flannery, recovering himself, threw to Lofttts, who fairly bogged the runner, ending the game and blocking the run that would have tied tho score. How ever, there wns a bit of unfair ball playing that would have ended the game, regardless of whether or not Loftus caught his man, An Archbald concher stnrted down the line before the runner to deceive the Carbondale players. He bumped against Loftus, who touched him with the ball and nlso touched the runner. In the meantime the man who was disqualified nl sec ond ran the bases, after Umpire Burko declared the flrfjt runner out at home, ending the game, leaving the score 4-3 In Car'bondnle's favor. The Archbald team was dissatisfied, however, It was hard to lose, and they went homo claim ing the score D-4. This was the occa sion of the outlay of cash for special cars and n band and the trip to Car bondale Inst night. "That's the way we celebrate our victories (V)" suld a bright-hatred Archbald man, as the car went through Carbondale, to the amusement of tho "Pets," who won. We guess the Arch bald man is right, at that. The score: CARBONDALE. It. II. P.O. A. K. Murray, 3b 1 2 1 0 3 Itosler, If L 14 10 Cuff, 11 0 0 2 1 Kmmett, cf 1 1 0 u 0 Unit, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Flannery, 2b 1 13 3 2 Mcllnle, ss 0 10 3 0 Loftus, c 0 OHIO McAndrew, p 0 10 10 Totuls 4 7 '25 11 C ARCHBALD. R. H. P.O. A. E. Price, 21) 0 2 4 3 0 Fltzpatrlck. c 2 12 2 0 J. F. GnughUn, .ss 1 0 0 1 o Dougher, p 0 0 13 1 McAndrew, rf 0 0 2 It 0 Nolan, lb 0 0 7 0 1 McDonnld, If 0 1 t 1 o J. A. Gauglinu, cf 0 0 111 Boland, 3b 0 13 0 0 Totals 3 3 21 11 3 Price out for liiterfcicncc. Boland out for Interference. Archbald 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 03 Carbondale 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 x 4 Earned runs Carbondale 2, Archbald 0. Two base hits Murray, Flannery, Rosier and Emmctt. S.icrllleo hits J. F. Gaugh an, Dougher, Cuff, Emmett and Mcllale. Stolen bases Price, Muiray, Rosier nnd McAndrew. Bases on balls Off McAn drew, 2; off Dougher. 1. lilt by pitcher J. F. Gaiighan. Struck out By McAn drew, 9; by Dougher. 2. Left on bases Archbald, !l; Carbondale, 4. Passed balls Fltzpatrlck, 2. Tlme-1.43. Umpire Burke. Attendance 2,000. Whitney's Observations. Says Whitney, In his latest corre spondence: Thus far, this season, the Susquehan na Stars have won seventeen and lost three games. They played the sloppiest game. In their history at Carbondale. There was little glory In winning such a game. In the Star-Crescent series each club has taken a balloon ascension. Now for one real game of ball! The Stars were treated handsomely In both Honesdale and Carbondale. For this, many thanks. There's a splendid feeling between the Stars and the Crescents, which is more than all else. May this happy condi tion never change. And now let the band play. Courteous and Hospitable, Susquehanna people are lavish In their praise of the courteous and hos pitable treatment received nt the hands of Carbondalians on Sunday, and their greatest wish is to have an opportun ity to reciprocate. Susquehanna Tran script. ENCROACHING ON STREET Complaint Made at Select Council by Property Owners of Terrace Street, with Reference to Excavating at Methodist Church. Attorney Louis Gramer appeared be fore select council last night, in behalf of Terrace street property owners, with respect to the excavating that Is being done for the proposed furnace room of the Methodist church. The property owners on the easterly side of the street, judging fiom their own sidewalk line, are of the opinion that the excavating ut the church en crouches on the roadway for ten or eleven feet, and feel thut It the work be not stopped that this will be estab lishing a precedent, and that another, If he chooses, can chop off ten feet or so of the roadway, as In this Instance, There Is no sidewalk vdiere the exca vating is In progress, and council Is asked to establish, by ordinance, u side walk line, to determine whether or not this is an encroachment, on the road way, us the property owners claim. T. C. Robinson spoke for the church, uud assured council that nothing would be done that was opposed to the rights of others. If this be an encroachment, but the contrary was believed, then the wprk would be stopped. The matter was referred to the street committee. Other business were resolutions di recting the sale of the stone crusher to T, B. Howe, of Scrunton; granting per mission to Samuel Smale to make a sewer connection with his Terrace street property, and ordering a profile of Seventh avenue, between Washing ton and Park streets. Retreat at St, Rose Convent. The annual retreat of the Sisters of tho Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, of the Scrunton diocese, will be gin this evening In St, Rose convent ut 7 o'clock, Speclnl services will mark Its opening mid the Sisters' choir will render the accompanying music, The retreat will bo conducted by Rev. Father Hognn, u Redemptorlst Father from the .Saratoga mission house, It will continue until August 15. This Is One Big Bass, Among the many disciples of izaak Walton who ponder upon the ilckleness of luck and fish E, w, Reynolds, of the firm of Roberts & Reynolds, news dealers, is to be numbered us not the least successful. Mr, Reynolds had the pleasure of capturing a black bass yes terduy, at Crystal luke, which tipped the beams at live and a hulf pounds. Sontag Stands the Treat. As the result of a bet on the recent prize fight, George Sonlng paid the hilt for n genuine old-fashioned clambake, held at Ulodgett Chlvltz's, on Church street, Inst night. Mr. Sontag paid his bet as only a "good fellow" can. In his capacity as toantmastcr, paymaster and host, he delighted his friends by the genial and whole-souled manner In which he set tled up, Those Who helped him enjoy the meal are loud in their praises of the spread, and are as follows: Messrs. B. Chevltz, John Burkhart, H. Gold man, Walter Wills, George Ward, G. Hlmmerlc, V. Judge, Andrew Fluellcn, Herman Goldman. A NUPTIAL SURPRISE. Miss Annie Sanford, of Olark Ave nue, nnd John Sullivan, of Brook lyn Street, Are Wedded. The numerous nuptial surprises wnlch have taken place In Carbondale recent ly were added to this week, when tho wedding of Miss Annie Sanford nnd John Sullivan took place on Tuesday evening. The nuptials occurred at St. Rose parochial residence, and were attended by only two who were closely connected with the par,tlcs. Mrs. Oscar Ace, sister ot the bride, was bridesmaid, nnd John Flunncry was groomsman. Very Rev. T. F. Coffey, V. G pastor of St. Rose, officiated, After the marriage there was a pleas ant celebration of tho event by tho bridal party and a few friends. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanford, and has numer ous admiring friends. The groom Is an employe of the city street department, and claims a wide circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan will reside for a time at the groom's home, on Brook lyn street. EDITOR OP SPORTS. Thomas V. Nenlon's Progress on the Trenton. True American. It Is always pleasing to take notice of the progress of a Carbondallan, who Is away from home hewing out the path to success, amid strange surround ings. The news, therefore, of the con tinued progress of Thomas "V. Nenlon, on the Trenton (N. J.) Dally True American, will give renewed pleasure to his numerous friends and well-wishers in Carbondale and vicinity. Mr. Nealon Is now editor of sports on the paper. This means a good deal more than one would suppose, as tho True American has nearly a whole page devoted dally to all the sports, base ball, golf, horse racing, yachting, etc. There Is an Immense amount of detail work connected with the "get ting up" of these "stories," all of which Is under Mr. Nealon's supervision. The trust that Is reposed in him is not only a compliment to ljis well-Informed knowledge on such matters, but Is a greater compliment to his judgment. Thomas V. Is at home In dealing with sports; he Is thoroughly posted on ath letics and is so familiar with sporting vernacular that his reports are always refreshingly breezy and spicy. There was evidence of this In his work for Carbondale papers, among them this department of The Tribune, having contributed various articles during last fall and early this spring. More convincing evidence that Mr. Nealon has caught on with the Trenton paper Is the fact that he wns for some time special assignment man on the True American; that is, he was given the big "stories" that are out of the ordinary routine of everyday news paper work. Copies of the True Ameri can received at The Tribune office each week show that Thomas V. Is crowd ing the older men of the paper In the matter of good stories. Numerous ot his stories are Illustrated from photo graphs taken by himself. The newspaper men ot Carbondale join In the felicitations that are due their former co-worker and renew their wishes for his continued success. Mr. Nealon will spend his vacation in Carbondule, commencing the first week In September. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Eula Carey spent yesterday at Crystal lake. Harry Brownell spent yesterday at Crystal lake. F. C. Whltelock and family are spend ing a few weeks at Poyntelle. Rev. nnd Mrs. J. F. Warner are spending a few weeks at Ocean Grove. Misses Grace and Gertrude Powell are spending a week la Scranton and vicinity. Miss Edith Courtrlght hns returned, after a sojourn nt Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Mrs. E. M. Olver and daughter, Mil dred, have returned from visiting rela tives at Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blgart and fam ily are visiting relatives in Arlington, Wayne county. Miss Mnry Nevlns. ot Scranton, Is visiting her cousin, Miss Nellie Burke, of Cottage street, Miss arace Slmrell, of Scranton, Is spending a week's vacation with her parents In this city. Miss Mary O'Mulley, of Plttston, Is spending a part of her vacation with relatives In this city. Mrs. Casper Blrcher, of Scranton, Is visiting at tho home of Mrs. Llzzlo Price, on South Church street. Miss Gertrude Llnnen has returned home, after six weeks' visit with rela tives In Scranton and Plttston, Mrs. John White, of Seventh avenue, hns returned home, after a visit at Wllkos-Barre and Harvey's lake. Mrs. Mary Snpher, of Elmlra, N. T Is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs, George Burdlck, In Roynshan hurst. Miss Margaret McDonald hns re sumed .her position with the Interna tional Correspondence school of Scran ton, utter n short vacation. Mrs. Daniel Stewart and daughter, Bernlce, of Michigan, are visiting at tho homo of the former's brother, Charles Lowden, of Reynshanhurst, Mrs. P, M, Nye, who has been visit ing at the homo of Miss Edith Carey, nt Reynshanhurst, the past week, leaves today for her homo In Wllkes-Barre, Dr. M, A, Duffy and Frunk Moflltt, of Scranton, were at the Harrison house yesterday, while on their way homo from Lake Idlewlld, Susquehanna county, where they spent a pleasant week. Ex-Councilman John G, Evans, of Belmont street, who hns been spending tho past month at Farvlew, Is In town for a few days. Ho went there to bene, lit his health and the change proved very benellclul. He expects to return to Farvlew this week, Superintendent of Schools E. K. Garr has returned from his homo near Has. JO W'r WCiA'JZS "r -ww onrr rici 1 -Very Remarkable Cure ot Diarrhoea. "About six years ago for the first time In my life I had n sudden and se vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs, Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief, but It came back ngaln and again, and for six long years I have Buffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death, My husband spent blind reds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treat ment without avail. Finally wo moved to Bosque county, our present home, nnd ono day I happened to see an ad vertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy with n testimonial of a man who had been cured by It. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try tho remedy. The result was wonderful. 'I could hardly realize that I was well again, or believe it could be so after having suffered bo long, but that ono bottle of medicine, costing but a few centB, cured me." For sale by all druggists. ton, where he has been spending tho pnst month. Ho hnd as his guests here during the past few days James E. Smith and O. F. Ferris, of tho same place. m TAYLOR. Tho Reds added another victory to the list when they defeated the reor ganized Old Forgo team In an Interest ing contest yesterday afternoon. Schllds did tho twirling for tho home team and pitched his usunl good game. He allowed but three hits In seven In nings played. The visitors bnrely es caped a shut out, as the two runs scored were unearned. Tho home team played Its usual snappy game and easily out-played their opponents. Tho hitting of J. Morris and Day were the features. The score: R.H.E. Taylor 3 0 3 0 0 2 x 8 6 3 Old Forge 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 3 Batteries Schllds and Glynn; Wil liams and Phillips. Umpire McHugh. Miss Annie Besecker, an accom plished young lady of South Main street, and Mr. Richard Watklns, one of our prominent musicians, and who at present holds a lucrative position as clerk at the Scranton postofllce, were married at the Baptist church at Hallstead, Pa., by the pastor, Rev. M. J. Watklns, brother of the groom. They will enjoy a short wedding tour and on their return they will make their home In West Scranton. The ball game between the Butchers and the Clerks, played on the River side grounds yesterday, was won by the Clerks by a score of 16 to 5. The game was full of Interesting plays. The hitting of the Clerks was terrific, knocking the Butchers' pitcher out of the box. Powell, the Clerks' catcher, made one of the longest hits made on the grounds this season. It resulted in a home run with two on bases. Manager Watklns, of the Clerks, was presented with a bouquet by an ad mirer at his first time to bat and he responded by making a long drive. About three thousand spectators wit nessed the contest. Mr. and Mrs. Tullie Griffiths and son, John, have returned home from a few days' visit with relatives at Blngham ton, N. Y. Mrs. Griffith Price and son, of West Scranton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Williams on Tuesday. Mrs. H. D. Jones, of Priceburg, was the guest of friends In town yesterday. Thomas McDonald, of Oak street, will leave toduy for Baltimore, where he will enter college. Francis Cummlngs Is home from a week's stay at Baltimore, Md. Luther Harris has returned home from a month's visit at Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Mary Evans, of Plymouth, is visiting relatives in town. DUNMORE. ' Within the past ten days, eight en gineers from the Wyoming division of the Erie railroad have been transferred to Cleveland. Among those who have gone, or will go In a few days, are Coe Slegle, R. F. Schroder, Frank Reed, Thomas Cunnlon, Harry Beckendorf, Thomas Griffin, Charles Cramer, James O'Donnell. The funeral of the late John Healy, of Walnut street, will take place from his late home on Friday morning at 10 o'clock. A high mass will be celebrated In St. Mary's chuich. George Dainty, of Bloom street, Is In Washington, D, C, wheie he represents tho local branch of the Sons of St. George in their national convention. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Dainty, who goes to spend a month In Vir ginia. Miss Martha Matthews, of West Drinker street, hns returned from a visit with friends at Mlnersvllle. Mis, E. M. Hcroy and daughter, Stella, of Brooklyn, are guests at the' home of J, G. Bone, on Blakely street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Corcoran and chil dren, ot Now York city, are guests at the home of James J. Dooley, on Mill street. Mrs, M. J. Horan nnd dnughter, Miss Catherine, of Monroe avenue, are sight seeing at Atlantic City. Miss Nellie Van Camp has returned from a stay with friends In Madison vllle. Miss Theresa McDonough and Mrs. Blna Walsh and daughter, Pearl, have returned from a visit with friends In New York city, Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Blacklnton nnd Miss Cornelia Galpln have returned from a month's tour of the New Eng land states. Miss Mollle Healy has returned from a month's visit with friends In Chlsugo, Ernest Close, of Elm street, Is spend ing his vucutlon at Lake Winola. A meeting of the Tennis club will be held at the homo of Andrew Bryden on Friday evening 'next. Miss Anna Haverson has returned to her home In Plttston, after a visit with Miss Kathryn Teller, of Elm street. Treasurer August Wahlers will pay school and borough orders tomorrow afternoon at tho borough building. Stamp Collectors, Attention, At our great cut price sale of Dry Goods wo will give double stamps, See our advertisement. Mcars & Hugrn. JESSUP, iii The Misses Judge, of West Scranton, returned home after spending a few days visiting Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Judge, of Depot street. Mrs, Thomas 'Cotiroy, of Dunmore, formerly of (his place, Is visiting friends In town. James Lawlcr, ex-tax collector of lUi lASSSkf If Oft iffifa fcos t Oft Uxittve Uromoutiluine.uu im mir nni m Connolly & Wallace Somehow psople arc never sat isfied that they've got the best or they've seen everything until they have visited Connolly & Wallace's. Not sentiment, but sense. 10,000 Handkerchiefs For Hen and Women No need of economizing on your hot weather supply of handkerchiefs when fresh, new all-linen handkerchiefs, laundricd and ready for use, are to be had for such ridiculously small prices as these. You could almost use them once and then throw them away without being extravagant. For Women All-linen, hemstitched, fine, soft finish, 15c value. Price 9c each. $1 dozen. For Men All-linen, hemstitched, regular 20c value. Price 12 i-ac each. $1.40 dozen. For Men A grade finer than above, the usual 25c handkerchief in other stores. Here for 15c each. $1.70 dozen. Cotton Dress Goods There is just one wav to make a quick transfer of these serviceable and dainty stufis from our counters to your sewing rooms. We have chosen the little price method, which is severe, but effective. But we never count it a money loss when we make such friends as these bargains are sure to obtain: 8c yard Lawns and Dimities hat were 10c apd i24c. ioc yard Lawns, Dimities, Swisses and Batis tes that were 12 i-2c and 15c yaid. 15c yard Finest Irish Dimities, that were 22c yard. 20c yard Oriental Pongee, fine, soft and light, former price 25c yard. : : I Connolly & Wallace oe Wlnton borough. Is seriously HI at his homo on Church streeet. JEWWYN AND MAYHELD. The Slayfleld council held their monthly meetliiK Monilny evening. Considerable time wns Npent 111 discussing the question of who were to keep the arc Hshts hi lcpalr. After tho societiu'y had lead the contiact with the electric light company It was thought the company arc by tho terms of the contract required to repair the lamps and 11 committee was Instruct ed to inform tho electric light company of tho fact. Tho council's attention was called to the fact that the culm Is ncaln tilling In the bed of Mother Hind's creek. After much discussion on this question It wns decided that the council should Investigate tho matter. Tho Chestnut stieet hi Use was toported to be in a very unsafe condition. Councilman Slautha asked to have 11 culveil opened up on Jlaple street, between tho Delaware and Hudson ui II road nnd Hill street, to carry tho wnter away. Council would not con sent to have tho work done as tho stieet has not been accepted by the borough. The board of health reported Maple street to be In a very unsanitary condition as a result of tho cows runulns at largo In that vicinity. Health Officer Ur. Hard Ing suggested that tho council take some action to abato the nuisance. Council was ot the opinion that it was a matter that should be attended to by tho resi dents of that street and not b'y tho coun cil, Theodore Wachna was elected to fill tho vacancy on the board of health. C. D. Winter, senior partner of the firm of C. Ut 'Winter it Co., and a man well known throughout the county, was seized with sudden illness last night. Ho was leading 11 meeting In tho Methodist Epis copal church, when ho became speechless and sank upon a chair. Ho was carried to his homo closu by und attended by Drs. Davis and (leaves. At tho tlmo ot wilting he was still unconscious. Considerable Interest Is being manifest ed in tho game of huso ball between Jermyn and Mayflehl business men, which Is to bo played In Fowler's park this afternoon. Prizes havo been donated to tho player making a homo run, and for other mcrltoilous plays. Tho prizes nre: A ham, barrel of watermelons and a box of cigars. All stores will bo closed nnd tho Mailuo band havo promlsod to be present and discourse some of their sweetest music. The children of tho First Haptlst Sun day school hnd their annual outing in tho woods yesterday. Tho day wus an Ideal one, and everything passed oft very cnjoyably. An Infant child of Mr, ami Mrs. James McKerchcr. of H street, died yesterday morning of choleia Infantum. Tho child hns been sick from its birth. Mis. W. T, Roberts, of Main stieet, Is spending 11 week In Harford, Susquehan na county. Tho funeral of tho llttlo child nt Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah Pugh, of Maylleld, took pluco yesteiday afternoon. Itev, K, T, Drodhcnd, rector of St, James church, officiated. Miss Mury Maxwell, of Main street, wns taken suddenly III Tuesday afternoon while attending tho obsequies of her mint, tho Into Mary P. Solomon. A few nights ago somo ono quietly dug up 31 hills ot Florist Park's rholcest po tatoes and deenmued with their plunder before tho theft was dlscovciod, They apparently leturncd for tho remaining hills last night, hut woro observed and got nway bofoio they weio Idcntllled, Mrs, W. O. Nicholson mid daughter, I.ouiso, havo been spending u fortnight at Crystal Lake. EARTHQUAKE FELT AT SEA. Shock Caused Ship's Compasses to Spin Violently. Oy EiclujHe Wire from The AsiochtM l'rc. Huvre. France, Aug. C Tho iiiitlsh steamship Homer, fiom Santos, repot ts that while speaking tho (Scrman hark Clulstlne.from Ban Francisco toy Queens, town, on July 20, In Int. 39 degiees north, long. Sb' degrees west, a severe earth quake shock was felt. Tho shock, which caused the ship's compasses to revolve Violently, lasted forty seconds, Tho Christine signalled that she also felt the disturbance. Scranton's Shopping: Every store tries to have the things that people want most, but some stores are more success ful than others. Every store makes its prices as low as it can, but some stores can afford to make them lower than others. Round About the Store Some Beautiful Parasols Left at Halt Price Mennens TnlcunvPowder 15c The Cloak Department is exhibiting some of the new Tailored Suits for Fall. Walking Suits will cut a very large figure for street wear this Fall. . Webb's Irish Huck Towels, hemstitched, only $3.00 a dozen at Linen counter. The sale of embroideries at cut prices is still going on. neri's $1.50 MADRAS SHIRTS One Dollar Many men prefer to wait until about this time every summer, in order to effect worth while savings on their purchases of Negligee Skirts. We know that, and therefore encourage the thrifty ones by this splendid offering of $1.50 Madras Shirts at $l.oo. There are about 50 dozen of them, all taken from our regular stock, and all selling, until today, at the higher prices. It affords an opportunity to the well dressed man to get really GOOD SHIRTS, fresh, new, in latest styles and most popular colorings, for the price of FAIR ones. All sizes, from 14 to 18. Men's Night Shirts Special values in 50c and 50 Night Shirts of collarless style, so much in demand for warm weather wear. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS A Popular Sunday Outing. The New York, Ontario and Western Railway company will run an excur sion to Hancock, N. Y., on Sunday, August 10, The ride over the hills of Wayne and Delaware counties at this season of the year is a delightful one, the view being beautiful, a scope of country being visible from the 121k mountains to the Cutskllls. The pretty town of Hancock in Itself, situated aa It is, between both branches of the Delaware river and surrounded by the towering peaks of the Catskllls and other ranges of mountains, presents to the excursionist u view well worth see ing. There are 11 number of summer hotels und boarding houses at Hancock, with ample accommodations, and livery facilities to afford a drive through the country for excursionists, Train will leave Scranton at S.30 a. m and returning, leave Hancock at 4.30 p. 111,, arriving In Scranton at G.43 p. 111. The return fare from Scranton will be $1. For further Information, consult ticket agents or J. E. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran ton, Pa. 1551.25 to Salt Lake City and Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad, On account of the Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Klks meeting at Salt Lake city. Utah, August 12-11. the Lehigh Valley rail road will sell round trip tickets at tho rate 'of $31.25 good going August 6th, 7th and 8th, good for return passage to and Including -September 30th. Tickets good oil all trains except the Black Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket asents for further In formation. 1306.25 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Cal., nud Return via tho Le high Valley Railroad, On account of the biennial meeting, Knights of Pythlus, at San Francisco, August 11-J2, tho Lehigh Valloy rail road will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., at JGG.23 good going August 1st to 9th, In clusive, good for return passage to Sep tember 30th, good on any train except the Black Diamond Express. See Le high Vulley ticket agents for further Information. Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 14. Special excursion tickets will be sold for ull tialns going Thursday, August llth, good for return on any train up to and Including August 21th, The rate from Scrautou will bo $3.00 for adults and U.EiO for clilldieu between the ages of S and 12 years, Itouto will bo via Manunka Chunk find Philadelphia. Passengers taking ttalns connecting vlu the Delaware brldgo haveno change of stations en joute. The dates select ed for this excursion wero made with the View of filvlns those desiring an outing at the seashore tho most delight ful nnd Interesting part of the season. Apply to the local ticket agent for schedule of the beveral trains dally, $51.25 Fare, Scranton to Salt Lake City, Utah, and Return, For tho occasion of the Grand Lodge Benevolent und Protective Order of Klks, Salt Luke City, August 12th to 14th, special excuislon tickets may be purchased nt Lackawanna uiltroad stations at $51. 2G for tho round trip. Tickets will be on sulo August 6, 7, uud 8, good leaving Scranton date of sale only, with llmil return limit up to and Including Sept. 30, 1902. See local ticket Center t : : Headquarters for Incandesce! Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Ounsfer&Forsyth 253-327 Penn Avenue. agent as to stop overs, available routes, etc. Proteus at Saratoga Springs, Sept. 4th, 1002. For twenty-one years, Proteus, tho prototype of versatility and change, has left his watery home among the sea nymphs of Neptune's court to visit New Orleans, und not until this year could ho bo Induced to visit any other place. This year, hearing of the royal welcome given to Rex last season, ho has accepted Queen Flora's Invitation to visit her at the ninth annual Floral Parade ut Saratoga, To do proper honor to the occasion, he brings with him twenty beautifully decorated floats, and upon these floats there will be over ono hundred lorls' and ladles of the court, attired In the richest of costumes, Owing to Import ant kingly duties, detaining him at the court of Neptune, ho finds it Impossi ble to nrrlvo until tho evening of Thursday, Sept. Ith, On that date, at half past eight In the evening, he will nrrlvo at Saratoga and proceed through the principal streets with his brilliantly Illuminated floats, twenty In number, requiring hundreds of toroh bearers to properly Illuminate and show tho beauty of his splendid pa geant. Sunday Excursions. During the summer season, tho Erie Ballroad company will sell Sunday ex cursion tickets to Mnplewnod and Lako Ariel at rate of one way faro for round trip from stations on Wyoming division. Hato from Scranton to Maplewood, S3 cents; to Lako Ariel, 75 cents, Reduced Rates tn nil points through tho west via the Nickel Plate road. Fast time, finest equipment, everything for comfort and convenience of passengers. See. nearest agents, or write It. E. Payne, general agent. No. 201 Main at., Buffalo, N, Y. Nickel Plate Road Is selling very low-rate one-way and round trip tickets to points In Colorado, Utah, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wis consin, etc. Thtee splendid fast through trains each way dally, Finest coaches, Pullmans and tourist cars. Individual club meals, 33c, to $1.00, also meals a la carte. See nearest agent or wi'ltn It. E. Payne, general ugent, No, 291 Main street, Buffalo, N. V, I - .J kV-Vv-.--. ' v '" Kjtjjmjg-''tt .afc ,-.-...,:-.. :i ikt'Ji hAitt. rfiW&A fUw A&, . , . , V .," M iifi& LiEtAg . ..Afc-. t ' -.5.5i , Mfll? .