h '$$" k,4r ' j,U$Pf' Mfy i ',; tei r.w r I iribiui& XXtttltOtt F- tyl i'fl THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. T TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST. 7, 1902. rir TWO CENTS. l J wmn 1 -V a j. ra. - . !. - ,MMM M TTi . . . t Sk IETJt a i -T"'IHHBlBllftvlAHiAflKBCwK e?!?sss'ahcd'VH k"iej ieicnHr' 1 I . SERIOUS OUTLQCS FOR State Inspector Stein Sails That Only a Few Collieries Are Now In ' Condition for Operation. FIVE READING MINES WILL BE ABANDONED fl?hey Have Been Bendered Worthless by Season of Being Flooded Loss to Owners Will Be if 1,500,000, and 2,000 Men Will Be Obliged to Seek Employment Elsewhere The Pence Situation at Shenandoah Un changedGeneral Gobin Completes Details for a Long Siege Pulaski Denies Stories That Foreigners Are Drilling. By Exclmhc Wire from The Associated l'rcss. Shenandoah. Aug. 6. William Stein, the state mine Inspector for the Shen andoah region, today announced that Ave collieries under his jurisdiction, which have an estimated total value ot 51,500,000, have been rendered useless by reason of having been flooded and have been permanently abandoned by the companies owning them. Four of them Bear nun, Bear Ridge, Kohlnoor and Preston, No. 3 belong to the Philadel phia and Reading Coal and Iron com pany, and he places their value at about $1100,000 each. The other colliery is the Lawrence, and Is owned by the gheufer estate of Pottsville, and also represents about 1300,000. Mr. Stein estimates that out of the thirty-six col lieries in his district, only fourteen aio in a condition for immediate operation if the strike weie ended. The others are In such a condition that it would require anywhere from one to four months to clear them of water and make repairs. He said the average time would be about two. months. The abandonment of the five collieiles will compel 2,000 mine workers to seek em ployment In other parts of the region, and they may have tiouble In finding It, if the thousands of men who have left the region during the strike should retdrn. This condition of affairs, the mine Inspector said, is a serious matter not only with the companies, but also with the men. After the strike shall have been ended, most of the workmen will have to remain in Idleness for an other period of time until the collieries are placed in working condition. In the coal fields south of here, Jlr. Stein said the situation Is about as bad. But in the Wyoming and Lackawanna region the mines are in much better condition. The mine inspector's statement created considerable Interest here, as it con firmed the belief of some of the coal company officials that a full resump tion of coal mining will not take place this year and, in consequence, the tend ency of coal prices will be upward, rather than downward. Shenandoah Situation Unchanged. The situation so tar as the peace of the Shenandoah legion was concerned remains unchanged today. It was probably the quietest day since the soldiers were called out, one week ago tonight. Matters around brigade head quarters at the Ferguson house lue settled down to a routine condition and Brigadier General Gobin has com pleted all the details for supporting the civil authorities In their task to en force the law. Everything was quiet in the camp of the troops. The only matter of Inteie3t was a dress paiade In town of the Twelfth regiment, in honor of General Gobin. Two com panies of infantry are still kept on guaid duty In the town, one at the Reading tallway station in a foreign settlement, and the other at the Penn sylvania raihoad station, close to ail other foreign colony. General Gobin has ordered the establishment of a signal system fiom bilgade headquar ters' to the camp, which is nearly a mile distant. The heliograph and flag will bo used In the day-time and the torch at night. This will bo the first time the signal system has been In operation since the Homestead strike, ten years ago. General Gobin, In speaking of the conditions In the region, said today that Shenandoah, for a town of its size, vas more thickly populated than the worst tenement district In New York. He thought the sanitary conditions la the different quarters of the place weie extremely bad, because of the lack of sewerage. In reply to a queiy, he said ho had been advised that foreigners In this city were being drilled, but he would not say whether the information he had received was correct. He be lieved, however, there are many smait men among the foreigners here, who have been officers in European armies and have taken refuge In this coun try. A large percentage of the mala foreigners, he added, no doubt have had military training In their native lands, where a term of years In the urmy Is compulsory. The ex-ofllcers, the gen eral said, have considerable tufluenco over the others, and they were not to be trusted. Ho characterized the ex ofllcers as "adventurers and degenerate scions of noble sires." Pulaski Denies Drill Stories. Paul Pulaski, nutlonal organizer of the Mine Workers und vlco president of district No. 9, who looks after the foreign members of the union came here today, He denied all the stories of secret drilling by tho Polunders and others, He said (here Is no secret or ganisation within the miners union. Ho udmltted that the Polandera who belong to beneficial &qcjetes keep up a form of military organization, but he said this was done only to keep alive the memory of their duys at iume. These organizations, he said, P? THE MINERS 0- can bo found In most cities where there Is any considerable number of foreigners. "Tho foreigners," he con cluded, "think too much of the free dom they have In this country to turn guns against Its government." Mr, Pulaski came here today and ad dressed two large meetings of foreign speaking strikers in this city. There were from l.BOO to 2,000 men present. The men declared In meeting they would not return to work until uftcr the strike shall have been officially declared off. Mr. Pulaski said tho men are in good financial condition and need no relief. He addressed another large meeting of foreigners in Mahanoy City this afterno6n. There was a lit tle disorder In Mahanoy City late last night. A junk vender from Harrlsburg who had been seen near a colliery wus suspected of being a deputy and was set upon by a number of men. Ho escaped up the mountain and sought refuge with a colony of Roumanian Jews. Fearing an attack Isador Lub inskl, one of the Hebrews, dashed down the mountain over an unfre quented road to get help from the Mahanoy CItv police. JUDGE JACKSON'S DECISION AFFIRMED The West Virginia Agitators Held for Contempt of Court Will Be Obliged to Serve Sentences. By Exclushe Wire from 1 he Associated Press. Clarksburg, W. Va., Aug. 5. Judge Goff this afternoon, in a lengthy opin ion, affirmed the action of Judge Jack son and decided the habeas cot pus case against the miners and agitators, and remanded them to the custody of the marshal and sheriff, and they will be removed to Patkersburg to serve the balance of their sentences. The judge said the only question was as to the Jurisdiction and that the Guarantee Trust company of New York was, en titled to a standing in court and it was not absolutely necessary for the fuel company to be made a party to the suit. The decision Is a great disappoint ment to the miners, and their counsel says that no other action can be taken, for the piesent at least. Judge Goff read his decision from typewritten pagos. He occupied twenty minutes in reading the decision, at the end of which he directed that an order be drawn lemanding the prisoners to the Wood county jail. "Mother Jones" was an Intel ested spectators in the au dience and seemed to be disappointed at the decision. Marshal Elliott left to night for Parkersburg with the prison ers, where they will enter the Wood county jail to serve the rest of tho sentence Imposed by Judge Jackson. At the depot, "Mother" Jones encour aged the martyrs, as she calls them. She said: "Our cause is God's cause and we will triumph in the end," MINERS WANT MORE MONEY. The Shamokin Men Not Satisfied with the Relief Funds. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pros. Shmnokln, Aug. 6. The advisory board of the United Mine workers ad dressed a mass meeting of local miners today and requested them to be satis fied with the distribution of relief funds. The men are asking for moie money than is now being distributed, claiming they cannot live on the sums given them. A large amount has already been paid out to the men here. CLAMOR FOR RELIEF. Committee of Mine Workers Solicit Subscriptions at Hazleton. By Exclude Wire from The Associated Press. Hazloton, Aug, 6. A committee of mine workers today visited the busi ness men of this place to solicit sub scriptions for the lellef of needy fam ilies. Tho responses were few, how ever, those appealed to claiming they wore not making expenses. During tho past few days the clamor for jellef has Increased, the contribu tions thus far being insufficient for the needs of the strikers' families. TRAGEDY ON TRESTLE. Five Young Women Are Over taken by an Excursion Train. Two Killed. By Exclusive wire from The Associated Press. Hopklnsvllle, Ky Aug, C An excur sion tialn on the Illinois Central caught Jive young ladles on u .high, trestle bridge at Dawson Springs this' after noon. Two were crushed to death, and the others jumped and were piobably fatally Injured, The dead are Miss J, Smith, Paducah? Ky and Lucy Stev ens, Hickory Grove, Ky and the In jured are Miss Lennu Flint, Paducah, Ky,; Edith Stevenson, Hlqkory, Ky., and Minnie Nichols, Haw, Ky, All were young women who were so journing at the springs. SUPPLY SCHOONER'S MISHAP, By ExcluJc Wire from The Associated l'rcss. Wlllemstadt, Curacao, Aug, tl. A schooner, which was carrying mauser rifles and ammunition to Maracalbo for President Castro, of Venezuela, was obliged to put into Puerto Cabcllo", Ven ezuela, in a sinking condition. Her mis hap Is leported to have been due to a plot on board of her. A despatcli from Wlllemstadt last night said that 1,000,000 cartridges and 1,000 mausers had been lecelycd by Picsldent Castro last Satuiday, and that half of these arms and ammunition were shipped to Marlcttlbo by schooner, CHIEF ARTHUR DOES NOT ANTICIPATE TROUBLE Tho Threatened Strike on Manhattan Road Will Bo Averted. By Exclushe Wire from Tho Associated Press. Cleveland, Aug. C Grand Chief P. M. Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers, said today concern ing the threatened strike of the engi neers on tho Manhattan Elevated rail road In New York: "I have just loturncd from Canada and am not fully advised In regard to tho situation. However, Assistant Grand Chief Youngson left for Now York this afternoon and will bo there tomorrow morning, I do not anticipate any ttoublc In adjusting the grievances of our men on the Manhattan. Wo have a contract with that company, made in 1S85. I presume new condi tions have arisen as a result of the company adopting electricity as a mo tive power. The Associated JPress can say that there will bo no strike If 'It can bo possibly avoided." BANDIT TRACY COMMITS SUICIDE Shoots Himself When Hopelessly Surrounded Eluded Posses for Two Months. By Exclude Wire from The Associated Press. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 6. Harry Tracy, the outlaw.who escaped from the Salem (Ore.) penitentiary two months ago, killed himself In a wheat field near Fel low es at 4.30 o'clock this morning. He was sunounded by a posse. Word was brought to Creston late last night that Tracy was surrounded in a swamp hear tho Eddjj farm, eleven miles southeast of Creston, Wash. A long-range rifle fight between Tracy and the posse of eight men, headed by Sheriff Gardner, was taking place. In the fight with the sheriff's posse Tiacy was wounded in the right leg be tween the knee and thigh. Twenty minutes later, knowing that his capture was certain, he killed himself with a revolver. The body of the outlaw was found this morning. Tracy escaped from the Oregon State penitentiary at Salem on June 9 in com pany with David Merrill. They had killed four men, Frank W. Ferrell, G. R. T. Jones and B. F. Tiffany, guards, and Frank Ingraham, a convict, who tried to prevent the flight. On June 28 Tracy killed Merrill near Napavine, Wash., shooting him fiom behind, and leaving his body in the forest, where it was found on July 15. On July 3, near Seattle, in a fight with a posse, Tracy shot and killed Charles Raymond, a deputy sheriff; E. E. Bresse, a police man, and mortally wounded Neil Raw ley, who died on the following day. Carl Anderson and Louie Zofrite, newspaper reporters, were wounded. During his flight Tracy eluded vari ous posses when apparently sui rounded and held up numerous farmers, whom he forced to furnish food and clothing. By threats of murdering their families he compelled them to cover up his tracks. Perhaps his greatest show of daring was displayed on July 2 at South Bay, near Oiympla, when he held up six men and foiced four, including Captain Clark, of a large gasoline launch, to embark with him on Puget Sound and pilot him up stream for ten hours. In 1897 Tracy murdered Valen tine Hoge, a Colorado cattleman, and William Strong, a boy, in the same state. A total reward of $5,600 was offered for the recapture of Tracy. Governor MeBride, of Washington, offered $2,500, dead or alive; tho state of Oregon offered $3,000, and a brother of one of the guards killed at the penitentiary offered $100. The ieward for Merrill's capture amounted to $1,500, which has been claimed by Mrs. Waggoner, the berry picker, who, with her son, found the body near their home. LOOKING FOR THE EMBALMED STUFF Dairy and Food Commissioner Cope Instructs His Agents to Secure Samples of Meats. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Hanlsburg, Aug. 6. Dairy und Food Commissioner Cope today sent the fol lowing note to ull of the bureau's agents; "On April 2 a circular notice was given to the trade that all.preserved or salted meats should be removed from the market by August 1, As that date has now arrived, 1 Instruct you to pro ceed to make Investigations and ob tain samples from all meat dealers of salted, canned or fresh meats, regard less of who they are or icpresent, or their standing, and submit samples to the chemist for analysis. "As soon as results are known, you will be advised, as I am determined that the practice of the use of pre servatives In meats, other than those enumerated In section 12, shall cease in this commonwealth," FREIGHT MEETS WORK TRAIN, Two Engineers and Seven Laborers Are Killed Twenty Ave Injured, By Exclushe Wire from The Asaotlatrd Press. Marshalltown, Iowa, Aug, G. Two engineers and seven laborers wero killed and about twenty other laborers wero Injured this afternoon in a col lision on the Omaha division of the St, Paul rallioad between a fast freight and a work train. Seventy-eight laborers wero on tho woik train. The freight met the work train, going at full speed on a reverse curve. The names of the Jellied and In juied have pot been obtained. It ap pears that the work, train started west without orders. The Senatorial Deadlock. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Honesdale, Aug. C Tho Twenty-sixth senatorial district Republican conferees adjourned last midnight till tonight. The certificate of Pratt's nomination was io celved from Harrlsburg today. Nothing was done. HANNA TALKS OP STRIKES Gives His Experiences and Opinions In Address Before the Urbana Chautauqua. ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF CIVIC FEDERATION Senator Hanna Believes That It Is Possible to Settle Capital and Labor Disputes Without 'Disastrous Strikes The Best Way to Reach Men's Hearts and Minds Civic Federation Never Failed to Settle Differences Save in the Instance of Anthracite Miners'' Strike Bit uminous Miners Faithful to Con tractsThe Senator's Hopes for Future Peace. By Exclusive Ire from The Associated Press. Urbana, O., Aug. C. Senator M. A. Hanna addressed the Urbana Chautau qua today on the topic: "Labor and Its Relations to Capital." An audience of nearly 3,000 greeted him at the Tab ernacle. His address was applauded frequently and vigorously. It was en tirely extemporaneous and was largely devoted to an explanation of the origin, aims and accomplishments of the Civic Federation, of which he is the' presi dent. Senator Hanna said In part: Judge Wurnock has told you' that in my business life 1 had been connected with industiics employing a largo number of men. That is tuie. From tho miner un der the giound to the men that woik in nearly every avocation of life in other industries 1 have to do. Thirty yeais ago I was a witness and pai ticipated in one of the most sfcilous sttlkes that ever occuried in Ohio. It was the mineis' stiike of the Tiibcaiawas valliy. After it had been settled, after propel ly had been destroyed and blood had been shed there came a time to think it over, and I made up my mind that theic was a better way to hcttle such disputes than that. And as yeais of expeilenco have parsed and I have noticed and studied every feature of tho question, every trait of chaiactcr, every question that moiii'S men,. I have formed the opinion that it was possible to settle dispittes in a different way. It is not a political question, but an econ omic. It is that and more. It is a moral one. The best way to leach men's minds and men's heaits i3 to appeal first to the heart and then leason with the mind. It is to the woik of education that I want to enlist the sympathies of all such people as sit before me and with God's blessing may it spiead through every ciiclc in the laud. Tho senator then spoke of the Na tional Civic Federation, of its origin and its work. He said the object of the organization is to better the condi tions of labor, to bring It in closer con tact with capital, and, if possible, by effort and education, to make It impos sible to have strikes. Continuing, he said: In every Instance but one, in a ten months' existence, we have settled every labor difficulty that has come to us. This one Instance where the oiganlzatlon failed was the anthracite coal strike. Where Federation Failed. I admit that the fcdeiation has failed in Its efforts thete. It is hard to con ciliate, it is haul to arbitrate a question when only one side will consider it. 13ut in that connection, 1 want to call your attention to another incident in my cf toits in that &Uike and otheis. When appealing to the employers to consider somo things In connection with the situation that 1 did not think they fully appreciated or understood, 1 told of the experience of myself and associates vecently in connection with tho coal min ing of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indi ana and Illinois. 1 have said that I thought thcio is a better way to settle differences, and nfter twenty yeais of ex perience tho operators conti oiling tho mines of the states mentioned havu lound a better way. After days and nights of negotiating four years ago, we organized what was termed "the interstate associa tion," composed of tho opciatives and operatois of tho coal mines of these states. Wo agreed upon a Bcale ot wages, flexible enough to adopt itself to dlffeicnt physical conditions. That scale once agreed upon, all that became necessary was to fix the basis pi lee. That was four years ago. Tho contract was made. The operatois went Into tho markets and bold their coal and the coal minors abided by their coutuicts and dellvoied it. The next year It was lenowed by a horizon tal advance of price, tho next year It was lenowed, and then last year it was re newed. Peaeo and haimony, good and success ful business opciations have succeeded that policy. Faithful to Contracts, In using that argument with others, it was said to me; "Why, what is your conti act worth with a labor oiganlza tlon; If it don't want to Keep it, It won't and you can't make 'It." That is tiuo, but when that remaik carried with it the Insinuation that men of that class had no honor in earning out a contract, I want to say that I deny it mid now 1 Jiavo tho proof. Tho piolonged strlko In tho authraclto country has brought about a condition that is nlaimlng not only to tho peace of society, but tho mateilul liitcicsts of our people Thcio is In the constitution of tho United Mlno Workers of America a piovlslon that If flvo divisions of the organization mako application to the picsldent, ho shall call together In convention delogutcs of tho organization and settlo that question. When every other means had been unsuc cessfully tilv'd; when men bocume des perate from their situation;- when they saw hunger and starvation bcfoie them, was It not nut ui al that they should bo despoiato. Thoy then resolved to call a national convention and flvo divisions asked tho president t,o call It. The object was to decido tho question whether the. bituminous men belonging to that or ganization would go on stilko In sympa thy. Those of you Who muy bo familiar with tho great railroad and Industrial In terests of this couutiy can 'uppreclate what that meant. It would stop tho wheels of commorco and paiaivzo every Industiy that depended upon tho fuel from these mines. John Mitchell, the president of the organization,, had ex- pressed himself publicly as averse to that expedient. And, knowing what I know of his Influence, and bcllovlng as I did tlint tho men who had entered Into a solemn compact with tho employers, which had been In force for four yeais, hound only by their honor, they would defend that horor, nnd they did by vot ing unanimously against tho stiike. The Best Lesson. Now there Is ono of tho best lessons thnt has ever boon picscntcd to tho American people. There Is ono of the strongest arguments that can bo urged In favor of getting farther with this policy and cncoui aging theso men and their class by nssuilng them thnt they call earn and establish tho conlldonco of their employers nnd the whole American people by such acts ns those. It will take tlmo nnd patience mid work, bo causo It Is a woik of education and ono of tho most efficient and best methods of that sort of education Is to havo tho talk from this platform and from ovory other platform controlled by tho Chau tuuqua circle. What there Is yc' to bo dono along tho lino of this gieat question depends greatly upon tho support that wo receive, and that It bo not confined to that small organization of tho Civic Federation. It is a great question, We admit it Is of tho greatest Importance to our body politic and to our futtuo ns a country. It is a subject that must bo dealt with from tho political lostrum nnd from tho platform of Chautauqua circles and fiom tho pulpit itself. FRIARS DO NOT OWN LANDS Their RealEstate Sold Before American Occupation of the Philippines. By Exclushc Wire fiom The Associated Press. Rome, Aug. 6. According to informa tion received' by the Vatican, almost ull the real estate belonging to Spanish friars in the Philippines was sold before American occupation to syndicates and corporations, duly registered and legal ly recognized, headed by Americans living in New York. It Is said by the same authority that although the friars J noia some snares in tnese corporations, they do not own controlling interests. The Vatican is surprised a,t this Infor mation, in view of Governor TafVs proposition to buy the friars' lands, which apparently are no longer In their control. It Is considered remarkable that Governor Taft, fresh from the Philippines, was not. aware of the situ ation. Washington, Auk. 6. The war de partment has known for somo time that portions of the friars' lands in the Philippines have been disposed to com panies, and all of the recent negotia tions conducted by Secretary Root have carfcfully taken into account any con tingencies which might arise through these transfers. The facts were fully communicated to the government here by Governor Taft. The latter also ex plained this matter of alleged transfers to the senate committee on the Philip pines. In the course of his evidence before the committee, Governor Taft said, in answer to the question whether the friars were in actual possession of the lands: "Generally, In order to avoid hostilities, they have transferred their titles to companies and retained the majority of the stock." Being asked as to these companies, Governor Taft explained their status as follows: "I wish to say that one of these companies, or a stockholder of one of the companies, has filed a pro test with the acting governor, which I have with me, against the condemna tion of these lands, because of the In terest some Individual owners have In them. But I want to add that I do not think that protest has sufficient weight to vary the truth of my statement that the commission has reasonable ground to believe that with the authority which it asks, to wit, to Issue bonds, It can at reasonable prices purchase this land," As to the bona fide nature of the transfers to certain companies, Gover nor Taft said that he had cross exam ined the heads of religious orders. He added; "I think after you read the evidence It will become obvious that while It is true that transfers have been made, they have been colorable In this sense not fraudulent; I do not say that but they have been colorable In the sense that tho transfer made was for the purpose of giving the public the impression that the frlais had parted with their titles and thus facilitating the collection of rents, while, In fact, the ownership Is still retained. That Is my Information as to tho condition of the titles now in splto of a piotest filed by some stockholders with re spect to tho ownership of somo hacien das." Having In mind this Information that the friars had sold portions of their lands to companies, Secretary Root said In his last dispatch of Instruction to Governor Taft, sent to the latter at Rome, that in case of a successful close of the negotiations lists must be fur nished, not only of the land, but also of titles which had beeiwme.-ged in tho stock of corporations, with the total stock of buch corporations and tho amount of stock held by tho religious ordeis, Aside from this information, given by Governor Taft, the war de partment has been advised from tlmo to time of certain Individual transfers made by icllglous Institutions In the Philippines to persons and organiza tions In this country, One such trans fer Is reported by a leudlng (Inn of at torneys In New York and another Is reported by a Washington firm of at torneys. Tho negotiations have pro ceeded, however, with tho idea that fiese transfers wero not of a naturo to Interrupt tho consummation of the main object of securing a, transfcrance of the lands us un entirety. Steamship Arrivals. By Exclusive Wire from The Acsoctated Press. Nov. York, Aug. b'. Cleared: Iji Hrot agne, ''ijavrej Kocnignln Lulse, Bremen via Cheihourg. Sailed; Celtic, Liverpool; Philadelphia, Southampton. Southampton Sailed; Kalserlu Maria Tlieresla, Nuw York. Queonstown Anlved: Mujestlc, New York for Livcipool (und proceeded,) KING EDWARD IS AGAIN IN LONDON THE KAISER IN RUSSIA. Met by tho Czar on His Arrival Off Reval. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress. Reval, Russia, Aug. C Emperor Wil liam of Germany arrived In the road stead today. The shlplpng In tho har bor was decorated brilliantly with bunt ing and garlands. A spacious recep tion hall, lavishly furnished, had been erected on the quay. The Russian merchant squadron anchored In the harbor was dressed with flags. The czar, on the Imperial yacht Standart, sailed early to meet tho Hohenzollern. The German emperor was transhipped to the Standart, which returned to port with the two emperors aboard, followed by the Hohenzollern and the German cruisers Prlnz Heln rlch and Nymphe. Tho Standart passed down a lino of Russian warships, which fired salutes and manned sides. The meeting of the emperor and the car was most cordial. They em braced and retired to a cabin for a private conference. St. Petersburg, Aug. 6. While the press and ofllclal circles dwell chiefly on the pleasing guarantee of European peace afforded by today's friendly meet ing of tho czar and the German em peror, there Is a strong under-current dlscernable In all editorials that pro tracted peace, or at least the avoidance of serious friction between Russia and Germany, depends largely op a renewal of the commercial treaty of 1891. This consummation of the emperor's visit is eagerly hoped for and expected confi dently. FEATURES OF THE GRAND CIRCUIT Roamer Defeated in Race for the 2.14 Pace Purse The Trot ting Events. By ExcIusUe Wire from Tlie Associated Press. Buffalo, Aug. 6. The feature of the third day of the grand circuit meeting was the defeat of Roamer in the 2.14 pace.' The race wpnt six heats. Roamer getting the first two handily. In the thiid Lnconda the New England pacer came at him and they had It hammer and tongs all through the mile, Laconda winning by a head. Twinkle then took the next three heats. Sum mary: 2.14 tiot; purse, $o,000 Zephyr 1 1 1 Dulce Car 2 2 2 Chase U 0 u Wentwoith 4 a j Wilton Boy, CKfoid Chimes, Sallle Hardin and Alfred Starr also started. Best time 2.11. 2.14 pace; pmse, 2,000 Twinkle 0 7 3 111 Roamer 1 12 0 8 2 Laconda S 0 1 3 3 3 Wlnfield Stiatton 2 IJ J Sdr Princo Direct, Carl Wilkes, Goehsie, Dandy Chimes. Pauline G., Miss Wllll mont and Brown Heels also started. Best tlmo 2.01 2.10 pace; puise, $1,200 (two in three) Anzella I 1 Edna Cook 3 3 Antezella , 4 2 Dan Wilkes 3 4 Dr. Spellman H 5 Ruth M dis. Time-2.109i; 2.12?',. 2.0ii pace (two in three); puise, $1,200 Audubon Boy 1 1 Fannie Dlllaul 2 3 Shadow Chimes 4 2 Hetty G 3 5 Riley B S 4 Geoigu 0 6 Tlme-2.0G',i; 2.07. " Heavy Track at Elmira. Elmira, Aug. 6. Rain early in tho day made a heavy track for the horses in the Central New York circuit. Sum mary: 2.25 pacing; purse, $100 (unfinished from ycsteiday) Belle B 1 lrthl Hazel Star 4 2 dh 2 Invoice 3 3 3 S Georgo R. .. 2 fi 4 6 Summer Pease, Governor Pingroo, David Coppcillcld nnd Pansy also start ed, Best time 2.20&. 2.17 trotting; put so, $400 Happy Jack. 3 1 1 1 Altwnod 1 3 5 7 llattie Mack 2 I (i 2 Fltz 2 2 l Lizzie Launlng, Nellio S .and Fannie K, also started, Best tlmo 2.20',j. 2.10 pacing; puise, $100 Fied M 1 1 1 Palmy 1 3 2 2 Biidlua 2 3 3 Maggie Bilggs ,,,,.4 dls Best tlmo-2.10. i ARCHBISHOP IRELAND INDORSED BY VATICAN He Clearly and Happily Set Forth the True Spirit of Intercourse with the United States. By Exclusive Wire from The Assocltted Press. Rome, Aug. 6. Tho Vatican has shown much iuteicst In the Associated Press Interview with Archbishop Ire land In St, Paul on July 22, In which the archbishop said tho pope and other Roman authorities wero delighted with Governor Taft and with tho course of tho negotiations between him and the Vatican. Tho Vatican offlclals agreeo that Archbishop Ireland clearly and happily set forth the true spirit of the inter course between tho Vatican and the United States. Five Burned to Death. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pitas, Stockton, Cal., Aug. 6.-Leo Wilder, wife and .thrco children wero burned to death at their country home near the vil lage of Elliott, thla county last night, . I His Maiestu Loote Well Walks to His Garrlaoe Unaided. and HE IS APPARENTLY IN GOOD HEALTH Rises Repeatedly to Acknowledge Cheers of Crowds Along the Route to Palace Preparation, for Coro nation Full i Dress Rehearsal la Westminster Abbey. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l-rcw. London, Aug. 6. King Edward ar rived at the Victoria railway station at C.30 p. m. today. Descending from the train without assistance, he entered an open carriage, which started after a few minutes' delay for Buckingham palace. The king looked extremely well and repeatedly bowed his acknowledgment of the cheers by the crowd at the sta tion. He shook hands .heartily with various frfends who greeted him on the platform, and to whom he waved adieu on entering his carriage. He appeared to be in excellent spirits. The decrease In his weight, caused by the operation, gave him an appearance of greater height. He stood up in his carriage and bowed repeatedly in response to the cheering throngs on the route to tho palace. He seemed to be In the greatest good humor, and evidently was delighted to get back. His face was perpetually lighted up with a smile of satisfaction, and he looked anything but an invalid. The Prince and Princess of Wales and their children drove over to Bucking ham palace from York house and. Just before their majesties arrived, they ap peared on the palace balcony and were loudly cheered by tho crowd outside. Tho demonstration Increased as the king approached, and after ther majesties had entered the palace the crowd sang "God Save the King" sev eral times. The queen and Princess "Victoria rode in the carriage with the king, and two nurses followed In the next car riage. Although a rain which had been fall ing had scarcely stopped, his majes ty insisted on using an open carriage on the way to Buckingham palace, tho entire route to which was well lined with enthusiastic cheering crowds. King's Fine Appearance. Judging by appearances the king not only will be able to go through the coronation ceremonies, but will be per fectly capable of performing all func tions of the service without discomfort. His return to London was accomplish ed without any 111 effects, and hl3 first public appearance since the operation delighted even those who had the most serious apprehensions with regard to the king's condition The Victoria station, London, was decorated, in honor of his majesty's home coming. Free access was allow ed the public, except to the platform reserved for the king. The royal yacht Victoria and Albert with King Edward on board left Cowes at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon for Ports mouth. The harbor station at Ports mouth was reached shortly after 3 o'clock. A special train to convey hla majesty to London awaited his arrival at Portsmouth. The king was received officially at tho landing place by Admiral Sir Charles Frederick Hotham nnd Gen. Sir Baker Creed Russell. A guard of honor was mounted on the dock yard jetty. His majesty entered his Royal Spe cial after the exchange of a few words with the officials gathered on the plat form. The departure from Portsmouth was made at 3.40 o'clock, and It was ex pected that the run to London would be made In two hours, no reduction of the schedule time being contemplated, as was done when the king was taken to Portsmouth after the operation. Tho train was preceded on the run by a pilot engine. The first complete dress rehearsal ot the coronation ceremony was held in Westminster Abbey today. The par ticipants Included the Duke of Norfolk, the Aichblshop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, Viscount Eshor, Viscount Churchill, the Earl of Rose bery and, In fact, all the chief actors In the ceremony save their majesties, The king's company of the Grenadier guurds was posted at the Abbey annex and the peers and peeresses and tho royal pages all assumed their robes in the dressing-room in the annex, The gorgeous coronation carpet and tapes tries wero uncovered. .The procession and tho entire ceremony except the an ointing were gone through with. 'Tho ptocecdlngs lasted one hour and a halt , i YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. ' Local data for Aug. 0, 1902: Highest tcinpciaturo 82 degrees Lowest temperuturo , ,,,,, 70 degrees Relative humidity; 8 a. m 87 per cent, S p. m. ..................... 71 per-cent Precipitation, 24 hours ended 8 p. ra., 029 Inch. t - 4- WEATHER FORECAST, 4 -f Washington, Aug, B Forecast for -h -f- Thursday and Filday: Eastern -f Pennsylvania Fair Thuisday with moderate temperature, Friday, fair 4- and warmer; fteslt west winds ! 4- becoming variable, 44 &&&&H $ r . I l!f " T '"'SC i "f ! Wf't. , tit rt. 'V ', 1 ?- j,.. iUtifi-sPH sy ti.'-,ttitirii rsvT-fci Ejf-S- . TL-i lffr l.l-- ,