m j-i i H $t te 1 - v A 3& WEST SCRANTON Patrolman Morgan United in Marriage Bech- ' told-Winebrake Nuptials Other Events of Interest. William 1). Moi-riim, of No. 3 Snyder avenue, who was recently appointed a patrolman, und Miss Annie Harris, of the central city, wore united In mar riage at 3 o'clock yesterday nftcrnoon by llov. H. F. Mathews, nt the par sonage or the First JJaptlst church on Hock street. The couple were unattended, the only witnesses to the ceremony being the pastor's wlfo and son. The bride waB becomingly attired In n traveling gown, with hat to match. Immediately after the nuptial knot was tied, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan left on a short bridal trip, and will return tomorrow, Thov will commence hotisckppnlnR immediately In a newly furnished homo at 25 Snyder avenue. The groom la probably the youngest patrolmnn on the force, but lias already demonstrat ed his fitness for the position, and will receive the hearty congratulations of his friends when ho resumes duty. Attempted Burglary. Three young men, each about 17 years of age, made nn unsuccessful attempt to burglarize the general store of William Farrell, on Washburn street, Monday evening. It was about 10 o'clock when the trio made the at tempt. They bad removed a pane of glass from the side of the building, and were nbout to enter when John Wright, a. driver employed by Mr. Far rell came along and frightened them awav. Two of the three were recognized and warrants will In all probability bo issued for their arrest. For several months past several stores In that vic inity have been entered and several articles taken. It Is believed that the same parties arc responsible for these petty thefts. ns "cyclone Kate" was walking up Jackson street hill, between Ninth and Chestnut streets, when Nora Shean, an other well known character, came out of a house nlong the street and broke a beer bottle over Kate's head, Inflict ing u deep gash In her cranium. With the blood streaming down her face she went to Alderman Noono's oC llco where she swore out a warrant for Nora's nrrcst. Kate then went to the office of Dr. J. J. Ilrcnuaii, where her Injuries were dressed. At the alderman's olllco Kate said that she had a. warrant for Nora for stealing a dress and because of that Noia became angry and assaulted her. The members feel bo enthusiastic over their success achieved ln enrolling A very large membership In the wonder ful short time of four months that a social session was decided on, to cele brate the Rood work. By nn unanimous Vote the reception committee was In structed to arrange n ''pig roast," and prepare a suitable programme to spend an enjoyable evening. All details nro now complete nnd the members nroj to meet at their lodge rooms In Co-operative hull, Wednes day evening next, to enjoy the feast. The glee'elub recently organized, which comprises some of the best voices In Hyde Park will render' several .selec tions. Hecltntlons nnd addresses will bo features of the programme. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Beehtold-Winebrake. Mrs. Mllllccnt Wlncbrakc, of West Lackawanna avenue, was united In marriage Monday evening to John Bechtold, sr., by Rev. Gallenkamp, pas tor of the Zlon Lutheran church of Mifflin avenue at the home of the groom on Ninth street. Mrs. Bechtold is well known on this side and is the mother of Dr. Wine brake, of West Lackawanna avenue. Mr. Bechtold is a very well known and popular man of this side having lived on Ninth street for years. Knocked Out with a Bottle. At G o'clock last evening Mary Boy Ian, better known in the police circles The Bert Family Cough -Remedy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by ' 3 GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. Arrived Safely. James A. Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue, received a letter from Rev. D. D. Hopkins, pastor of the First Welsh Congregational church, who Is Journey ing In Wales. He states that during the first two days of his voyage, the sea was very rough and the passengers were somewhat uffectcd. He wanted to be remembered to the church nnd all of his friends and expects to return to his charge the second Sunday in Sep tember, i Quiet Wedding. Ellsworth Davis, of 130 Morris court, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams, of Rock street, at the parsonage of the Providence Con gregational church by the pastor, Rev. R. S. Jones, Monday, July 2S. Mr. and Mrs. Davis loft for a wed ding trip to Blnghamton and vicinity, immediately after the ceremony.' When they return they will live with the groom's mother, Mrs. Margaret Davis, of 131 Morris court. Bed Men Will Meet. This evening, the members of Pan ooka Tribe, No. 14, Improved Order of Red Men are requested to meet at their wigwam at 7 o'clock, so that the regu lar order of business can be transacted before the arrival of the great chiefs. The great sachem is expected to make his first visit to the hunting ground of Scranton. Past Great Inco honce Thomas K. Donnelly will bo present and will exemplify the degree works. The pipe of pence, decorated with the colors of the fraternity will be present ed by Groat Sachem Charles R. Willltt?. Tribes of Indians from this reserva tion will be present The great In cohonce will addiess the members on the good of the order. Two cars conveyed the members of the Stunner Avonuo Presbyterian Sunday school tn Nay Aug park, yesterday, whore their tinnunl picnic was held. The residents of Itubcucu avenue are constructing a sower. It will extend from Washburn street to within seventy feet of Price street, and will connect with the lateral Bcwcr at Washburn street. The members of the First Daptlst San day school will picnic at Nay Aug park tomorrow. ' Mt. I'lcawmt local, No. 127S, United Mine Workers of America, will hold its regular meeting In Co-operative hull tliU evening. Hugh Kerrigan, formerly of North llydo Park avenue, but now of Lake wood, N. J., has accepted a position with tlio I.nkowood Gns company, as superin tendent of tho lllumlnuting department. Mrs. John Wardcll, of North Garllcld avenue, will entertain tho members of the Itallrond Auxiliary of the Simpson Meth odist Uplfcopul church, Thursday, Aug ust li. The Bellcvuc Loyal Crusaders will meet In the Mission Sunday school tomorrow evening. Rev. D. P. Jones recently married Isaac Newton and Cot a Mengcler, both of the central city. . A laigo plate glass window was broken In William C. Brunnlng's store yesterday afternoon. Tho Three Friends will conduct their dance at Meats hall on Friday even ing this week Instead of Saturday. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho First Baptist church held a very important meeting In tho assembly room of the church last evening. The C. R. and B. A. council, No. 15!), held their regular meeting In Young Men's Institute hall on Monday evening. THE PRESIDENT Of the City Council, Wilkes- barre, Pa., Cured of Rheumatism. Col. Wm. J. Harvey, a president of Wllkesbarro's city council, who will long be remembered for his great work for the city, was onco a mens physical wreck, torn In every muscle und norvo from tho frightful pains caused by rheumatism. Ho consulted the best physicians, went abroad, took mud baths, and nlmost every known treatment for the disease. A friend had had a very similar experience and Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito Rem edy had cured him, so he recommended this greatkltlney medicine to Col. Harvey and he is to-day ft well man, halo and hearty. Ho writes straight to tho point: Dr. David Kennedy, Dear Sir : This Is to certify that I was permanently cured of rheuma tism by the use of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy. Wm. J. Harvey. Rheumatism is but another namo for, uric acid poisoning which is caused pri marily by diseased kidneys. Cure your kidneys and the rheumatism disappears. For all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspep sia and chronic constipation, ns well as sicknesses peculiar to women, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is unques tionably the greatest medicine known to the medical profession. It is for sale by all druggists in the Mow BO Oont Slsco and the regular (1.00 size bottlesless than a cent a dose. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Dr. DaTtd Kennedy') Itosc Jellr radical cure Catarrh, Ilay Fcrer and Cold in Head. COc. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. To Have a Pig Roast. At tho last regular meeting of tho Sons of Cambria Republican club, It was decided, In anticipation of hot weather, to suspend business sessions during the months of August and September. mbhh an km ill! 6 Goes on with vim and vigor. Stocks iu all departments are showing the effects of rapid a selling, still, there's enough and to spare. & 1 Most of the Good Things t Named last week are still to bs had at the Sfc bargain prices then advertised and here is a i . Wj. brand new s 1 Bargain Batch for This Week I S fe g Housekeeping Linens gj The inducements in this department are many. Here's a 2?i ; single sample by way of illustration. -. T3 .bxtra Heavy Crash Towels, sise 18x36. The best thing in tho Ug -world for hotels, boarding houses or rough wear at home, t r Bozen, $1.12; each. . .' 1 ()C If fiandsosne Silkolines ,J in rich and effective color combinations, or tho subdued tints and P- 5 hues that some people prefer to the louder colorings. Pine qual- IS ity and all this seasons designs. Goods that sold for r ' K 12 l-2c and 15c are now 1 1)C Fancy Wash Petticoats , g ISa (MM4.nd0 'm, B00d stron Binghams, properly cut and finished H g with two circular flounces. Colors, ox blood, pink, blue Si nua invenaer. A regular $1.00 Skirt, this week... VC 2! Si- IS Ladies' Neckwear Xovely styles in wash fabrics, that nre now evory time thov I? j-j loavo the laundry. Two. mixed lots that are slightly soiled. Si er. 5 fhVLot t 1214c Each S avr -""' Lot 2 at 25c Eacli ' The styles nre nl.1 good, so Is the assortment, ' For Your Change : . L.a?,es docket Bl, silver mounted or plain, in seal, walrus ffi & or blistered leather. Black or colors. Pocket Books that t A ' jS actually sold for 2Bc and 30c, now , , . 9C i Hose Supporters g. ,-j, All Sizes from babvhOOd to tha lnrn-PRf mnrln rm, j,.,..., SP ;- that sell always from 12 l-2c to 20o tho pair, Take your -i V &i choice of them nil, this week for, (the pair).,.,.,.,;,.. 1 QC S 1 Fancy Belt Buckles B The latest novelties in gun metal, gilt, etc. es Tim... - - ij i.i.c..i ., , ?. . i o" "-" -i mu Jiuinv . o unuuiui hbw ueas suown tnnt you cannot help y ' al1 liking on slcht. 35c and BOo Buckle fn. I .ln ?" - ' Jr 9 B Jut 1 Globe WarehOte?.! Qmmmmmmimmmmmmft Si A. ft: Rev. Joseph Murphy, who has been vis iting his mother on Jackson Htrcet, dur liiK the p.ist month, left Monday for a visit to Baltimore and Philadelphia. On Auir. 13. ho will leave for Clayton, Del., where he has hern appointed to take charge of a colored church. Mrs. 1C. S. TlardenborjT and daughter, ISuhhIo, of AVest Kim street, aro visiting relatives nt Williumsport, Mil. Hoy "Whitman, of South Hyde Park avenue, l.s visiting at Lake Sheridan. Edward and Miss Gertrude Beavers, of Itcbucca avenue, left yesterday for New York and Dover, N. J. ' Walter Ncely, of Bhnmokin, Is viMting his parents on North neliecea avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Rotlcilck Jones nnd Mr. and Mrs. Gcoi'ko Ij. Jones left Saturday for n two necks' stay In New York and Ashury 1'iirk. Kev. II. A. Kinkle, of .'.21 North Lincoln avenue, has returned from a visit at Krcsgevllle. Sam Stanford and Arthur Hoffman aro home frum a vis-It at Harvey's Lake. Miss Blanche Gcaly, of South Bromley avenue, is summciing at Niagara, Wayne county. Chi is. Fichler, of Swotlaml street nnd North Bromley avenue, Is visiting Ilazle tou friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cartwrlirfit. of Brad dock, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beck, of Sumner avenue. Miss Mary Ilarwln, of North Hyde Park avenue, is spending lier vacation at Up per Lehigh. Mrs. Mannlx, of Railroad avenue, Is spending her vacation at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Wilfoul Thomas, of Eynon street. Is at Lake Winola. Charles Carson, of Division street, left yesterday for Buffalo. Mrs. John Davis and family, of South Biomlcy avenue, and Mrs. David James and family, of North Rebecca avenue, arc sojourning at Lake Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. George Fairchild, of North Main avenue, are entertaining their daughter, .Mis. J. It. V. Hawkins, of New York. Miss Margaret Crawford, of North Hyde I'aik avenue, will leave this morn ing for Noith Sanfoid, wheio sho will Visit relatives. Robert llollcy, of North Bromley ave nue, underwent an opointion at the West Side Hospital yesterday for appondlritls, Thomas Jeff lies, of Hampton street, is seriously ill, David J. Davis, of Hampton stieut, who underwent an operation at the West Side hospital, Is able to bo nrouud again. Miss Nellie Walsh, of Lafayette street, Is spending her vacation at Atlantic City. William Evans, of G'irlleld avenue, is reeoveiing from an Illness. John Davis, of Academy street, has re turned from an extended trip In the west ern states. John Jones, of Hampton street, has re covered from an Illness, Wendell Evans, of Jackson street, re turned yesterday from Lake Winola. Will and Modlniry Burros aro summer ing at Lake Slieiid.in. James Tiguo, of Jackson street, has ac cepted a position nt Buffalo. E. D. Jones, of North Hyde Parle ave nuu, iu spending his vacation at Atlantic City. David Williams, of South Main avenue, has returned from Now Yoik. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Florence J. Helriegel Cashier of the New Bank Corner Stone Laying Tomorrow Other Notes. Floience J, Helriegel, who was recent ly honored by being chosen cashier of tho new South Scranton bank, is a young mnn of exceptional qualities and ability which tit him for the position he has been FLORENCE J. HELRIEGEL. called to. Ho was born at Ransom, this county, twenty-four years ago, and came to Scranton with his parents when quite NORTH SCRANTON. They're 87c. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 $600,000 SURPLUS (Earned.) on Miss Mary Ruanc, of Fulton street, baa resumed her duty as tolephonu opeiator, after spending a tun-day vacation. Loial No. Hli, United Mine Workers, will meet iu Haggerty's hall this evening, All members aru requested to lie present. Mrs, Geoigo Constantlnu and daughter, Lulu, of Not Hi Main avenue, mo upend ing n fuw days at Lake. Winola. Mrs. Fied Ytindu, of Wyoming avenue, is visiting at LuKio Aiiel. William JoUnlns, of Olyphaut, spent ycstciday visiting i datives on Biick ave nue. Misses Mary (leirlty und Lucy O'Boylo nnd Thomas Loftus tito visiting lluwloy friends. , Leah Chapman, of Clark's Green, has luturned homo uflcr spending a few days nltti her slstor, Mrs. A. G, Wheeler, of Olyphaut toad. Alex Brydoii, of Ithaca, N. Y spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Solomon Dawes, of Thioop street. Mrs. Chailcs 'Lowlu mid daughter, Mnr ion, of Leggett's sticnt, and Misses Es. ther Thomas and Aaron Powell lott Mon day morning to bpend two weeks ut Luke Wlnohi, Arllo Ciossmnn, of Throop street, has returned after spending u week with Ills giundmother ut Tnmpklnsvlllo, MIph Doia Davis, of West Mm but htieet, Iiub returned homo after spending tluoo weeks at Harvey's lako, Mrs. George W, Punish, of Plymouth. Is vlbltlug relatives on West Market street, Mr. mid Mrs. Edward Samlets mid Mr, and Mrs. A Hofller, of Church avenue, mo spoiidlng a week at Iiko Poyntelle. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY, MRS; WINSLOW'S SOOTHIN.a SYRUP for children teething. Is tho prescription ol cno of the best female physicians and tiursea In tho United States, and has beS2 usea sixty years with neyer-ralllnc sue? cess by millions of motheis for their chill vi n. uuring mo process of teethlnu its Value is Incalculable. It relieves tho child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping intil ,2W,lia- ""JwlnH-collc. By giving Jioaltii to tho child It rests tho mother. Price twenty-flve cents a bottle. ' Pays 3 interest savings accounts whether large or small. Opeu Saturday from 7.30 to S.30. evenings A FAHMS44. Pm iSH BALANCE ICRePflLRUKi! i is so Lager Beer., Miiiuil'ucturors of Old Stock 'l"i"i"i"!"i"i"i',i"l"i"i,4"iaiiii"ii'i"l' . PILSNER ; ! .J. Ni?S.. Scranton,Pa. Old 'Pljone, 333i. New 'Phone, 2935, young and received a first class education In this city. After graduating from tho high school ho entered Wood's Business college and graduated with hotiois, after which ho spent a year In tho Dickinson School of Law, at Carlisle, Pa, For three years ho whb with tho Atlantic ItellnltKr com pany, and also served for a tlmo ns pri vate secretary io Fianklln Howell, When appointed ns bank cashier ho wits engaged In tho ofllco of Internal Itovo nuo Collector T. F. Penman. During tho alterations, which aro nec essary to prcpai-o tho Robinson property for bank purpoHes, Mr. Itch-lend will ha thoroughly Instructed In bank account de tails at tho Lackawanna Trust and Safo Deposit hank, under the direction of Finnic Itummlcr. The now bank will 'open for business on or about October 1. Numbor of Funerals. Tho remains of Miss Annlo Pontius, whoso denth was recorded In Monday's Tiltmnc, wcro laid a( rest yesterday, af ter Impressive services, which wero con ducted by Rov. E. J. Behmldt, of tho Church of Pence. Tho services were held nt tho Iioiibc, r0(! Cedar avonuo, and wero very largely nttended. Interment was af terwards mndo In tho Plttston avenue ccnietery. Tho pall-bearers wero Otto Robinson. Vllllliim Budcnbiich, Fred Heinz und Harry Saft. Tho llower bom era wero doorgo Miller and Conrad Holllg. Tho funeral of tho lato Elizabeth Gotz, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Euceno Gotz, was conducted yesterday afternoon. Ser vices woi o held nt tho house by Rov. Lu ther Hess Waring, pastor of Grace Lu theran church, nnd Interment was mndo In the Forest Hill cemetery. Tho fu nernl arrangements wero In charge of Un dertaker a. A. Miller. Another Fish Story. George Rosen, of Cedar avenue, Is re sponsible for the utory that a monster fish, probably a German carp, inhnblts the murky waters of tho Ijickawanna, and makes his home near the Lacka wanna brewery. Mr. R03011 stated last evening that owing to stories ho had heard tho past week, ho mndo 11 trip to the spot Indicated, which Is above Pine Brook, and about a block from tho brew ery. On' arriving theio about 4 o'clock, ho found others on watch, and as day light broke they were rewarded by seeing tho monster fish, which appeared to bo fully six feet long. Although several (members of tho parly possessed shotguns all were atrald to lire, ns they thought, by tho size of tho animal that a cannon ball would be neces sary to kill it. Several persons verified Mr. Rosen's statement, that it was the biggest ilsh they had over seen, and as ho was serious, there Is no reason to doubt his word. The big Ilsh can only bo seen in the early morning hours, ns ho lays low during the day. Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap. M1 NUBS OF NE"JvS. A well attended meeting of the Scran ton Saengerrundo was held in Athletic hall last evening. Martin Elffeit, of Elmlrn, N. Y.. is the guest of his brother, Henry Elffcrt, on Hickory street. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam 13 guaranteed to cure nil coughs. "No cure no pay." For sale by all dealers. ' A well attended meeting of Comet lodge Knights of Pythias, was held in Hart man's hall last evening. ILLIONS of Women Use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted fey CUTICURA OINTMENT, for preserving:, purifying-, and beautifying1 the skin, for cleansing: the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping: of failing: hair, for softening-, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, In the form of baths for annoying Irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the' form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest ( them selves to women, and for, all the purposes of the tpilet, bath, and nursery CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing In gredients and the most refreshing of flower odours. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to he compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands.. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how ever expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath', and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Completes External and Internal Treatment for Evory Humour, $1.00. . Consisting of Cuticuha Boai, 25c, to clcanso tho skin of crusts 7W2lTTMAn,U actios, and eoftcn tho thickened cutlclo; CUTICOTU 01NT. liYM:NT,tSOc,, to Instantly nlluy itching, lnllnmmatlon, nnd Irritation, 5m'"nnrt eootho nnd heal; and Cuticuka Kimoi.vf.nt Pills, 20c., to . . .j,. cool nnd clcanso tho blood. A Sinuli: Skt Is often sufficient to Trie SOt, SSI euro tho most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, nnd scaly humours, eczemas, raBhca, and Irritations, with loss of hair, when nil clso falls. 80M throughout tho world. British Depot: 27-28, Chnrtorhouso 8q., London. French Dopot: 5 Buo do la Pnlx, Tarls. Totter Dbuo ahd Ciiem. Corp., Solo Frops., Boston, U. 8. A. uUTIuUfm nCuDLVENT PILLS odorless, economical substitute for the cehy united liquid Cuticura Uesolvent, as well as for nil other blood purlllcra nnd humour cures, tivo. successful jot compounded. Friends, at I.nko Ariel, August 21, nnd Lawrence's orchestra will furnish tlip music. An Ice cream social was held at tho First Presbyterian church annex on Ce dar avonuo last evening. Miss Louise I.ohmann and Miss Bllz aheth Lynn, left for Buffalo yesterday, where they will spend a tw.o week's vaca tion with relntlves. Tho ceremonies attending tho laying of the corner stone of the now St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church on Plttston avenue will take place tomorrow (Thurs day), tit I o'clock p. m., under direction of 'Rev. Dr. Austin Griffin, presiding el der of Wyoming district. Revs. II. C. McDermott, D. D W. A. Nordt, G. Ilouscr and other clergymen nro expected to participate in tho cxeiclscs. DUNMORE. GREEN RIDGE. The Woman's Christian Temperance union, of Dunmorc, will meet In the par lors of the Methodist Episcopal chinch Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Every AII,.V,,.nI T.-i.l.l. ,. . ... . . . I ""-"""- 1" 1U-.U.H;U IU UU IHL-SCHl, US " I", f. ;. "'-v.-" .iwaiiiuu me 1 misincss or importance Is to bo contract for catering to tho Fourteen , acted. trans- Mr. Hopkins, of Avocn, has returned to his home, after spending several days with T. F. Kennedy, on Rnoe street. Miss Llbble Rhulo, of Wayne avenue, loft yesterday for a two weeks' vacation at Harvey's Lake. Messrs. Davo Mackey and William Mc DonouRh have returned from a success ful fishing trip at Lake Poyntelle. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Ingrlck, of Gard ner avenue, are entertaining f.-lends from Carbondale. Miss Mabel Glsln, of Wellsboro, Pa., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. G, Lent; of Sanderson avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant R. Gibson nnd chil dren are spending a few weeks at White Ferry, Pa. Miss Edna Plttock, of Deacon street, has returned from an extended visit -with friends In Carbondale. John Ingerlck. of Gardner avenue, left yesterday for Ohio, -whore he has accept ed a-responsible position. Tho Green Rldgo Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this after noon at 3 o'clock in tho Evangelical church, on Capouse avenue. , Well, here's some" things cool iOTT m things. The Clearing prices are down "below zero." They'll never get any lower comfort both ways wearing and paying. Straw Hats You know the styles that are fashionable this season. You also know that a good "Chip" or Palm Straw costs $2.00 and 2.50. This is C J ff the kind we've put into one lot at P VFvf "Manhattan" Shirts $2.0 Manhattan Shirts now $1.75 2.00 Manhattan Shirts now 1.50 2.00 Air Cells Shirts now... 1.50 1.50 Manhattan Shirts now 1.15 Sho?s, $3,00, $3.50 and $4 You must expect the sizes to be broken at this sale, but if you get a pair to fit you, see ithe money !La!! $2.25 you save, all marked 51.50 Shirt Waists now $1.00 1. 00 Shirt Waists now 75c 50c Stock Ties now 25c 25c Stock Ties now 19c flanan $5 Shoes, Oijfords We've sold quite' a few pairs, but not all. When we have a sale we like a clean clear-out. Want a pair? $5.00 7 Hanan Oxfords at pJt J Samter Brothers, Complete Outfitters. - ) -.fr Wl l J V M I t t'Wf i ". , i Pr 'J Vs 1 . OF1 -- -. i .gfcfe. t. t SB..