wi at'wr't f4.! m 'rf'tfl ,. T 4 1 , J, H ft " .'!'" ' -, f J r V 1 " $, $ .i ifc,. X' .. ".? n - ' " N THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNfiSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1902, - V ,', : KWW it r ooooooooooooooooo ."Tlioy Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars Th bent vnluo for it rentfl. Try ono nnd you will smoke no other. All (ho tridlntr hrnnilB nf Kc. cigar nt $1.75 pr. box, or fi for 2oc. The Inrpeit vnrloty ot Pipes and Tobaccos In town. E. C. MORRIS, Tho Clgnr Han A 325 Washington Avenue. 0600XX00000X00 In and About The City jt-jtjt Silk Kill Excursion. Tho employes of tho Siiunuolt Silk Mnn ufncturlnff comrMiiy will run their oxcur elon to I.nka Alio on Saturday, Aug. U. Free Excursion. Tho employes of the utile mill of tho Klots Throwing Co. will hnvo n, free ex cursion to Luke Lodoro Saturday, Aug. 30th. An Aldermnnic Marriage. Floyd jr. Reed, of Nowton, nnd Mies Alice MeConnell, of Went Scrunton, wcro united In mnrrlugo yestcrduy by Alder mun KiiHson. Benefit at Liederkrnnz Hall. Tonight In Iledoikranr. hnll the German Theatrical company will give n perform ance of "Tho Goldfishes." It will be for tho benefit of Miss I.ehmann. Sunday School Picnic. St. Paul's Lutheran church and Sunday school, of Short avenue, will picnic t Nay Aug park next Friday, In company with St. Mark's Lutheran church, of ,Wnshburn street. D., L. & W. Pays. The employes of all the collieries In Scranton and lcinlty were paid yester day. The employes of the car repairing nnd machine shops and stores dcpurlment will be puld toduy. Petition in Bankruptcy. A. L. Rolihon & Son, of Troy, Bradford county, yesterday filed n voluntary peti tion In bankruptcy in tho 1'nltcd States court. Their liabilities are $.1,227.33, and assets, Ji.Kj.lU. Pockefbook Pound. , A sliver net pocketbook, found on Tenth street, has been placed In the enro of tho police. It contains a small sum of money and a United Stutes Express company receipt. Doud Family Beunion. A basket picnic at tho AVallsvllle fair grounds will mark tho fourth annual re union of tho Doud family, Tuesday, Au gust "6. A liteiary and musical enter tainment will be rendered dining the day. Postal Clerks' Vacation. Joseph If. Matbl.is, John H. McDonough nnd William Ellas, clerks In the post offlcc, start on their annual vacations to day. Rush Wright, J. Fred Sehwenek and George Fellcnser resume duty this morning. Master Printers Meet. Tho Muster Printers' Association ot Scrunton held its mid-summer meeting in G. A. R. hall Monday evening, and acted upon several mutters pertaining to the trade. A uniform price-list is being pre pared by them. Benl Estate Transfer. S. E. Waylund. geneial manager of tho Consolidated Telephone company', has purchased the J. A. Lansing residence at (31 Clay avenue. It Is understood Mr. Lansing Is to tn!:o tho Colonel Wntres lesldence, corner Qulncy avenue nnd Mul berry street. Committee Meeting' Postponed. C. E. Chittenden was the only member of tho judiciary committee of select coun cil present nt the appointed time for lat night's meeting, A lurge number of dam ago claims ng.iinst tho city were to havo been considered. Condition Improving. Clinrlcs A. Green, who was seriously Injured Monday by falling from an Erie trestle at Elmdule, was yesterday rcport , cd as making excellent progress at tho Lackawanna hospital. He rested easily during the d.iy, nnd hopes for his re covery are now entertained. Annual Beunion. The Seven County A'otciuns' associa tion will hold its minimi reunion at Nay Aug park, Scranton, Wednesdny, Aug. 20. Tho Lnckawannu County Union Ex-Prls-oners' association will provide peclnl en tertainment for Its members nnd all cx prlsoners. Headquarters will bo estab lished at tho park as early as 3 u. m. Home On a Furlough. Commlsbiiry Sergeant W. O. Lnthrop, of tho Seventh United States euvulry, now stationed at Chlcamaugua park, Gu., Is homo on u thico months' furlough. Ho roturned Tuesday morning from n few duys' visit with his old comrade In tho Thirteenth, Will Decker, nt Dnlton, bringing with him u lino mess of fresh fish, r Children's- Picnic. Tho child) cu of tho Snldleis' Orphans' Behool will hold their hiiiiii.i1 picnic tho day of tho Seven Counties' lcunlon ut Noy Aug park, Graduates us well mi members of tho school aio Invited to at tend. Donations will bo iccelved by Mrs, Hcddon, at Fourteenth and Academy streets; Mis. Scull, of ,"13 New Street, und Mrs. Schultz, of Petersburg, Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Richard Wntklns , Taylor Anna Uesecker Tuvlor Thomus F. Hopkins Potlsvlllo Roso E. Canuvun Scrunton Scrunton, Va February 3, 100.1. Hcranton Ruslness Collego:-Wo icqulroln our ofilco 11 steady young man of good habits who undcrutundu stenography anil typewriting, und Is ulso coriect at Hemes; ono to mako him iself generally iibcful. Thlb a good opening foi u bteady young mun. l'leaso favor us In this matter and send us somo ono who Is thoroughly competent. Obliging Yours truly, T, & H . Day and evening sessions reopen Tuesday, September 2nd. ' DICKSON HAS STARTED UP THIRD SCRANTON COLLIERY TO RESUME WORK. Dolawaro and Hudson Company Suc ceeds in Dotting One of Its Col lieries in Oporatlon Coal Hoisted and Sent Through the Breaker. Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Company to Start Another Col liery Today or Tomorrow House at Rlchmondale Dynamited. The Dickson colliery of tho Delaware & Hudson company the Calico nt Green Ridge resumed operations yes tcrduy. Superintendent Rose would say noth ing concerning tho bIzo of the force operating the colliery, but averred that it wns large enough to warrant contln ttous operation, and that nil the lunula were old employes, lie further stated thnt nt this col llery for two weeks past coal hns been cut and loaded. Yesterday for tho first time coal was hoisted and run through; the breaker. This makes three collieries now In operation In this city. The other two, the Oxford and Cayuga, continue to work without any serious Interference from the strikers. In fact It Beems that the strikers are not greatly grieved at seeing work resuming. Superintendent Tobey, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna & Western mining department, said, yesterday, that an other of the company's collieries will resume today or tomorrow. He de clined to say which colliery it will be. He did say however that It will not be the Woodward. The company was ready to start the Woodward last Mon day morning, but the fact got Into the papers, and the crowd that gathered about the colliery frightened off the men who intended to return to work. For that reason the company proposes, Jierenfter, to keep to itself its Intention to start a colliery, HOUSE DYNAMITED. One of the most dastardly attempts at destruction, as a result of the strike, occurred at Rlchmondale early yester day morning, when the dwelling house occupied by James Ellas and family, was partially destroyed by dynamite, and the occupants narrowly escaped serious Injury. Prior to the Inauguration of the strike, Ellas was employed at the Rlchmondale breaker, and remained out until recently, when he returned to work in order to provide for his fam ily. Monday night, the family retired early and shortly after midnight were aroused by a terrific explosion, which broke the windows In the house, nnd tore nway a portion of the front of the building. A stick of dynamite had been placed on the porch beneath one of the front windows. Ellas, his wife and child, who were In the house, were thrown from their beds and had a narrow escape from serious Injury. The house is owned by Dr. J. C. Bateson, of tills city. Fifty men left here and one hundred more left Wllkes-Barre, yesterday, to work In the soft coal regions. Four hundred more are preparing to leave Wilkes-Barro this week for the same place. An agent Is in these parts look ing for men to work In the Iron ore mines at Port Oram, N. J. President Mitchell, of the Mine Work ers, who has been here for two days on the street car arbitration, returns to "Wilkes-Barre today. COMPANY TO THE RESCUE. Jnmes II. Torrey, Joseph O'Brien and Robert J. Murray, counsel for the Del aware and Hudson company, went be fore Judge Newcomb yesterday morn ing and secured the release of John Valuk from tho rountv Jail. A'aluk Is employed nt the Dickson colliery of the Delaware and Hudson company. He was on his way to work Monday night, when he was met by Joseph Pelco. Some trouble resulted nnd Pelco had him nrrested for disor derly conduct. He wns tnken before Alderman Myeis and committed to jail. At a meeting of the board of mine examiners It was decided to investi gate the reports that men not having certificates are mining coal at the various collieries, and if found true, to take such action as may be necessary. This decision was drawn up in the form of a resolution as follows: Scranton, Aug. 1, 1902. We, tho members of the hoard of mlno examiners of the Second Inspection dis trict, having met In tho court house Mon day, tho fourth day of August, will con tinue to meet the Hist Monday of each month, for tho examination of mlno cer tillcutcs to tho public at huge. It has been brought to thn notice of mine examiners that there aio men min ing coal at somo of tho colllerlei thnt havo not hud a certlllcate of mining nnd other men havo received them in tho First Inspection district and havo not yet registered In tho Second Inspection district, which Is a violation of the stato luw. We, tho members of tho suld board, having como to tho conclusion that wo will havo to consult with the president judge of Luukuw.mnu county, Hon. II. M. Edwards, of tho same, and after take steps to enforco tho stato law, P. J. Mullanoy, Member of Board. PRINTERS WON. BALL GAME. Team from Globe Store Defeated by Score of 8-5. An exciting game of baseball wns yesterday played between nines repre senting tho prlntcry of the Internation al Coirespondcnce schools, und tho Scranton Business College BUCK & WniTHORE, Proprietors Students in great demand. Watch this space. A different letter every day. From Manufacturing- Concern. Alfred Wooler. Instructor In Voice Culture and Sinning1. i Harmony. Counterpoint and Musical Composition. Class or Private Instruction. Mr. Wooler will bo plensed to hear from thoso who aro contemplating tak ing up any of tho above studies. ! For prospectus and particulars, address during August Alfred Wooler, care Wtnota House, Lako Wlnola, Pn. Special Classes for the Coming Season: PREPARATORY CLABSEfl-For children, who Intend later to atudy tho piano. First class begins Monday, Sept. 8. Tuition, $10 per year. SATURDAY MORNING 81NOINO SCIIOOL-For children! begins Sept. 13. Tuition, $5 per year. , SIGHT SINGING CLASS-For Adults) begins Monday oventng, Sept. 15. Tuition J10 per year. Studio Opens Wednesday, S,ept. 3, when students may register. STUDIO 317 Carter Building, (Second Floor), 604 Linden Street, Scranton Pa. Globe store. The former team won out by the score of 8-G. Play was begun nt C o'clock last even ing on the Ash street circus grounds, with Fallon In the box for the school's team, and Major the opposing twlrler. Until the seventh Inning tho score wns 6-3 In favor of tho Globe store team. Then the printers made n batting rally and scored five runs, two of which wcro decidedly nttrlbtitnble to a long drive for two bases by Will Burke, their sec ond catcher. A feature of the game was a home run smash by Catcher Cornish of the winning team. SEVEN CASES TRANSFERRED. Insurance Suits to Be Tried in the Federal Courts. Judge E. N. Wlllard, atorney for the defendants, yesterday, transferred from the court of common pleas of Lacka wanna county to the United States cir cuit court for the Middle district of Pennsylvania, at Scranton, seven In surance cases, arising over the Insur ance thnt was refused to be paid when the Summit Dairy company's plant at Clark's Summit burned down. Tho cases are as follows: No. 4 October term, 1902: George E. Taylor against Springfield Fire and Mnrlne company, of Springfield, Mass. No. fl, October term, 1902: George E. Taylor against Hartford Fire Insurance company, of Hartford, Conn. No. 6, October term, 1902: George E. Taylor against Royal Insurance com pany, of Liverpool, England. No. 7, October term, 1902: George E. Taylor against Phoenix Insurance com pany, of Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 8, October term, 1902: George E. Taylor against Phoenix Insurance com pany, of Hartford, Conn. No. 9, October term, 1902: Summit Dairy company against Phoenix Insur ance company, of London. No. 10, October term, 1902: Summit Dairy company against The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance com pany. LIVELY RUNAWAY. One of W. H. Pierce's Drivers In jured on Adams Avenue. Two of W. H. Pierce's wagons col lided on Adams avenue at noon yes terday. The horses were frightened and ran away. One of the drivers sus tained severe injuries. Sheldon AVhlthers, who resides In, the rear of SOS North Washington avenue, 'was thrown from one of the wagons, nnd was badly bruised. He was taken to Dr. Gaidner's office where It was ascertained that no bones were broken. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. D. II. Cnnouse hi ought Hiilt against Old Forge boiough yesterday to recover $.',00 for damage done a horse and wagon which went Into nn unpiotected tiench on the muln street of the boiousrh. F. K. lloyle and L. P. Wedeman rcpiesent the plaintiff. The hotel license of Stephen Murnnko, of Olyphnnt, wns yesteidny transferred by Judge Kdwurds to Ounfcr Kowtko. lUunuiko hi his deposition Mild ho could not continue business because of luwlng failed on account of tho strike. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. List of letters remainlnc; uncalled for at the Scranton, Pa., postolllco August ti, I'JO.'. Pei sons cnlllng for the.so lettuis will pleaso say ndvertlsed and give date of list. Kztn 11, Hippie, Postmaster. Amsbuiy, Frank. Miller, Mrs. Kdlth. Agney. Mia. F. Y. Miller, Chns. Aindell. Sadie. Matthews, Ueitha. Acme Steam lCnglne.Morcom, Jennie. Mfrs. Manning. S. Hartels, Carrie, liodlnc. Mis. 1. Hoorem, Mis. N. G. Ream, J. M. S. V. Blum, Mis. A, Broldn, Matt. Hairett. Mrs. Mary, Cook, F. C. Connolly. Paul V. Casing, Henry. Davis, Geo. U. F.clcjca. Wm. Kvnns, Mis. M. E. Kwlng, Win. U. Kvont, M. U. Fisher, Win. Fieemnn, J. Fox. F.lln, Gage, Mr. Oilmore. II, Ci. Oilnm, Mis. Peter, Ilonllgar, Happy, llotsell, Clias. if. Ilinrhes. Mary. Hnll, Mis. Fred. Irwin, G. W. Jones, G, J, Johnson. James. Jones, J. U, James, Fred. Koch. Mis. Margar ot J. McLouglillu, Mis. Riidgut. Mellale, K J. MacLoaii. Wm. Poulls, Chas. Pcnna. Investment Co. Plielnn, Mis. AV. A. Palmer, Addison E. Roser, Peter. Reed. K. S. Rlchauls, II. W. Ross, Grace. Sweet, A. H. Spaegol, Winifred. Suyeis, Geoige, Swaub, Stephen. Stewart, it. T Schwartz. Philip. Stanton, Klla. Sims, Helen. Smith, Geitrtido. Stownrt. Mrs. Kllon. Stowe, Samuel. Sceer, Chailcs. Smith Miss. Shlrman. Henry R. Strang, Dr. Androw. Tiffany. Mrs. Silas. Toolo, Frank. Willis, Airs. Unr- biua. Kennedy, Mrs. llun. Kettle, Lillian. Lll-Wrlght. Mifl. A. L. Wels, Mrs. Jiuln. Williams. Albeit. l.ynn. c;. i. "Weeglncin. Filtz. Lewis, Mies J. M. Lnftus, Mis. John, Llildle, R. D. Lcavey, Capt. U. S. Wilcox, Clara J. westgaie, u. a. West, Mis. J. M. Wnwncr, T, L. ITALIAN, Domenlcl Lorn Jnzzl. Giavnunl Chlumcutl, Hiiilcinpo Antonio, Rosa Yunimo, Anton Pott, Pinlhi Antonio, Mlchcllo Rossi, Vln cenzn Fallno, Angelo Scnozo, Mnrtlncjll Ltugl, Pas(un Gloiduno, Michclo Mllauo, Autonl 0iuu, POLISH. Jezzy Mllewsky, Koslanty Tackosld, Kate Woyckotspz, Yuzcw Nedzwecky, Ms. Miagzcshuskle, Anthony Kmlelnfskl, Kami Dumblowskl, MalU IUrauows'y, Fiauclszck StzowHkl, Adam Wltkowsky, Wladyztown, Przekopowskle, Josef I.ef kosky, Frunzlszek Grujkowskl, Plota MmszilsUI, HUNGARIAN. Martin Pleekus, Mlko Kolojay, Josof TiisocIuiiiih, Fruk Szuesuy, Martin Petck us, Wusyl, Pimohu, Alex lluiklus. MorJI .Money, juzaps juniuintns, Jan cizunw ski, Jonns Wlenlus, Fedor Tymclo. Rot- tromoy, Wlezohowsky. Knl Wftumsa, Ana wounnuwa, isiunn wihowku, j 0.111 tciii ernk, Peter Waszkyl, Maicln Bryc, Pgnncs, Kilwockuz. Josef Hlciulmb, Mar tin Owczaizuk, Fedor Tymlcow, Mik llcrzaios. ' , West Scranton Station, Walonty IJochencck, Miss Kntlo Clarko, Miss Cora Muy Davis 3, Mis. James Dean. John Hum, M, M, Kearns. Mr, Lnughney. Mrs. M. Maitlnun, Miss Katlo Moron, Miss Klllo Mullen, T, H. Mad den, M. T. Median. Ed J. Mmgun, Mrs. Annlo Price, Ficd L. Robinson. Ambassador White Resigns. By Exclusite Wire Irom The Associated frees. Berlin, Aug. 5, Ambassador Whlto mailed his icslgimtlon to tho United Stutes several duys ago. it is to take effect early In November. CERRA'S VICTIM DIES FROM HIS INJURIES Augusta Falbo, the' 5-Year-Old Son of Gennarro Falbo, of Old Forge, Succumbed. Augusta Falbo, tho C-year-old boy who was, wounded by a bullet from Francesco Cerra's revolver at Old Forge, on Monday night, died nt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, as tho re sult of his injuries. The murderer mndo good his escape nnd Is still at large. The shooting, as described In The Tribune yesterday, wns substantially as It occurred, the facts being corroborated by County De tective Phillips In his Investigation yesterday. The only errors made were In spelling the names. Cerra stood, so close to Falbo when he fired the contents of his revolver that the smoking pistol burned the victim's clothing. It was some time after (lie shooting occurred thnt 'Squire Pickerel was no tified, and, In the meantime, Cerra had a good chance to escape. It is believed, however, that he Is still In Old Forge, and is being shield ed bv friends. Cerra Is described as being about 26 years of age, 5 feet 4 Inches In height, weighs 165 pounds, has red complex Ion, sandy moustache and red curly hair, closely cut. William Repp, who was Cerra's first victim, offered the following reward yesterday for the apprehension .of the murderer: I will pay $.'00 for the arrest and con viction of Francisco Cerra, who last night shot Gennarro Falbo and his child and who tried to kill mo Dec. 1, 1900, and preWously, tried to kill LouU Butch. I will further pay $300 at any time In the future for the arrest und conviction of any person committing premeditated murder in Old Forge borough, or one half the amount If the nttempt falls. I do this that hereafter there may be no delay In the pursuit of a. murderer while arranging for travel and other ex penses. William Repp. Old Forge, Pa., Aug. u, 1902. TO SHOOT AT MONTROSE. Thirteenth's Rifle Team Will Practice at 1,000 Yard Range. Colonel L. A. Watres Is In favor of giving the Thirteenth regiment's rifle team practice on a strange range, be fore it leaves here for the state matches at Mt. Gretna, and It Is therefore very likely that Lieutenant Lewis B. Carter will take his marksmen to Montrose, a week from today. Practice will be conducted there at the 1000 yard range. Last year's team also shot at Montrose, before going to the state range. Lieutenant Carter Is feeling highly elated over the splendid showing his team has been making In practice, and Is confident the Thir teenth will be heard from, when the time arrives for the distribution of J prizes. Every man on the team this year Is an able, experienced shot, and nt least two of the men ought to make the state team. D., L. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY. Following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6.' Summits West C a. m., Nichols. Pushers 7 a. m., Wldncr; S n. m., Ilouser; 11,43 a. m., Moran: 7.30 p. m., Murphy: 9 p. m., W. H. Bartholomew. Helpers 1.30 a. m., Magovern; 7 a. m,, Gaffney; 10 a, m., Sccor; 3.15 p. m., Stan ton. I Wash Goods Lively These Days p The following quotations tell the reason why. Fine Dimities and Lawns S In pretty stripes, figures, choice 8c goods, now Finer Dimities and Lawns That sold at I2J4 and 15c the yard. The Designs are exceptionally good. Sale Price Imported Wash Goods Irish Dimities and Lawns, French Batistes. The best 20 and 25c goods, are now High Class Goods Dainty Embroidered Mousselines, Silk finish Foulards, Flemish Lace, Bor.ita Silks, etc. all sold at from 25c to z the yard, To appreciate the real worth of these exquisite fabrics it is necessasy to see them, Choice, this week. McCoiuiell & Co., The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. ::u:::::a;:sco:;;o::nci:;o::ac GODFREY IS TOJEMAIN WILL CONTINUfc TO CONDUCT HOTEL JERMYN. His Lenso Extended for Five Years at a Meeting, Yesterday, with tho Executors of tho Jormyn Estate. Will Spond $20,000 on Improve ments to tho Building and a Good ly Sum in Refurnishing Interest ing Story of Hotel's Reputation as Narrated by George B, Jermyn. Fred S. Godfrey yesterday completed negotiations with tho executors of the John Jermyn estate for a five year ex tension to his lease on Hotel Jermyn, There was some talk a few months ngo that there had been a disagree ment as to the rental terms and that at the end of his present lease, next April, Mr. Godfrey would give up the hotel business In this city nnd go to New York. This, however, wns simply talk. Mr. Godfrey and Joseph J. nnd George B. Jermyn met, yesterday, by appointment and after a ten minutes conversation, consummated the deal by which Mr. Godfrey continues ns pro prietor of the hotel nnd reached an agreement by which the owner Is to spend $23,000' In Improving the property and the lessee Is to put In a goodly sum In refurnishing it. The hotel has been conducted under Mr. Godfrey's management since It was opened six years ngo. In that time It has come to be known as one of the very best hostelrles In the country. In deed many of the drummers declare It to bo the very best hotel In the United States. In the way of giving a guest his money's worth. There Is scarcely any question but that It Is the "best for the money' anywhere. The reputation the hotel has attained Is Indicated by an Instance related by George B. Jermyn. He was traveling In Switzerland a year ago and one night put up at a small and uninviting Aljilno inn. At the far end of the table at which he was one of a large number of diners, sat a man and his wife. During the course of the meal the man was seen to look disparaging ly at the food and heard to say: "Wish we had Hotel Jermyn here,!' Mr. Jermyn, of course was much Interested and at the conclusion of the meal sought out the man and asked him what Hotel Jermyn he had made re ference to nt'the dinner. The reply was "Oh a hotel over In America, at a place called Scranton, where my wife and I stopped for a few days on our way here from St. Paul. Its the greatest hotel we ever encountered." Mr. Jermyn Introduced himself by saying "My father owns that pldce." The man from St. Paul excused him self to his wife and accompanied Mr. Jermyn to the dairy or some other place to toast Hotel Jermyn. It is not saying too much to mako the assertion that the Hotel Jermyn, under Mr. Godfrey's capable manage ment, has done ns much ns any other of Scranton's Institutions in making the town celebrated. Before Its existence, It was no uncommon thing for travel ing men who had to stay In these parts for a considerable length of time to go to the Wyoming Valley hotel in Wllkes Barre to make their headquarters. Just what Improvements are to be made on the hotel property have not lippn divulged further than that the mnrhlnerv in the basement and tho floor of the lobby are to be replaced. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by the Scranton Central Labor union un til August 11, for the privilege of fur nishing bands for the parade, also or chestra and catering nt the excursion grounds at Lako Ariel, Labor Day, Monday, September 1, 1902. All bids to bo separate and distinct and In hands of the secretary on or before tho above date. Ausust-11. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Address E. C. PATTERSON, Sec, 309 Lackawanna avenue. Move i etc., Full assortment of 4c H ocg 12aC 15c Si I They re 87cJ FRUIT LIGHTNING JARS, Half Gallon, doz., $1.50. Plnf. ...... MASON JARS in flint glass, machine-made, uniform' '.thick--; ness, smooth tops, no fine glass in the bottom of the jar. Pfni jars, doz., Coc; Quart, doz., 65c; Half Gallon, 85c. Rubbers Old-fashioned Pint, Lightning, Gilchrist and the famous HONfiST RUBBERS for all sizes of Mason Jars. Jelly Glasses Optic, Flute Band and Screw Top. CVvwaMaXV Geo. V. Millar & Co. Walk In and Would You A Small Percentage for the Use of $25.00 It is a penny wise and pound foolish idea to hesitate to borrow money when you can get it on such favorable terms as we now offer. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Or Other Personal Property. Scranton Loan Guaranty Co. 207 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Near Corner Spruce Street. Business Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., Saturdays, 10 p. id. We can hand you the money within an hour or so after you ask for it. - Our riMBnr . t john w- gates WJKvSBE'' Hs tho spoils of victory. Uo is "Tho J "" Br? oonquerlne hero." Now vrould you also t V J Xk I be a conqueror? If so you must eat l TRYABITA ) FOOD J - ' R and bo hearty and strontr.iandfullct AWBrIflHB practical affRrcsslvcnCEs. It Is a pore fftm tttKT'L scientifically prepared wheat flake S f Nw li. tCi' ful,y ,mPreBnated with pepsin f 11 M - Xflfic VC ond celery. Be Ins thrico cooked 16 I ft M - t I -iX l "l Is always ready for instant yHrM "V. I c'.x.c ' L-As use w,tt mtIt' cream cr XJfLv M k xajAA'. fruitijulcc. j m CKvvii. k M bul,ds up bIo l k. Xjfc!?lK?l T fcne and brain and Is IE f . jf " yMBOxnost coUclou oaai u M'f'flHyi easily digested. fi I V(flH: A GREAT BIO I f Lm&jwsRM package ff tStIh f COSTS ISO. iSv f""xr x' T-C ' and contains more I VV5W. J L I I nutriment than lOlbs. 1 V"BU 'Sm I ot tacab Ask your V B K 0 grocer for the only ' r I 1 cereal made by ex- v H pert union labor. A eBr-r' I iftYJUffll" mKKr ' food GO. r ( I I Battlo Croak. Jm -J y wiich. iini In the New Store began Friday, August ist, Choice bargain opportunities will be offered in every department. Limited space will not permit of our telling you about all the good things at once, but from day today we will announce special features of the sale. Inventory Reductions in Garpot Department 85c Tapesry Brussels 65c 1.25 Velvets 75c 50c Mattings 40c 25c Mattings aoc Ingrains, special value 3oc up. inventory Redactions in Wait Paper Here are found exceptionally low prices in all grades of Wall Decorations from the regular 5c quality to the beautiful silk hand goods. It is hardly necessary that we should remind you of the fact that these goods are all new, as they were purchased when we entered the new store February last. Among the newest and entirely exclusive goods are Special French Panel' Decorations; unique two-third effects, Colonial Wain scot arrangements, New Parlor Crown effects, with crowns separate and continuous, and Leatherette Bases for halls and libraries. -- - 1 - Williams & McAnulty, Advertisers of Real Bargains Only. 129WyomingAvenue JARS 1 1 Ant.. 4t.tn flllar. Any. l If 'I w,., V...V, vy...., ..we, 47. .J, 134 Wyoming Ave. Look Around Give From 10 to $300 loaned within 10 miles of 207 Wyoming avenue. We do not want you to WAIT a day or two for the,, money after promising it promptly. You get it within an hour or two... New Phone No. 2826. P. O. Box 94. First I Smyrna All-Wool Rugs, 9x12, were $25 20,00 Axinlnster Rugs, 9x12, regular $30 value, beau tiful patterns 32.50 .V 'JV t ' y 3 , I I I j , ji. -1 . .. v,s TA J K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers