The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 05, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    ,-r s,ifr
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Why Doctor Churchman Myers Extends His Popular $15 Fee Through the
Month of AugustThis Is Positively Your Lust Opportunity to Take Advant
age of This Hate Under No Circumstances Will the Offer Be Extended He
yond August 31 Understand This Does Not Mean $15 a Month, Hut $15 for
a Complete Cure, Medicines Included No Further Charge Will Ho Mado.
Thn nnnulnr 313 rate will bo continued
"Jlii-niin-li AnmiHt. Doctor livers has decld-
'A upon tlitH uNor lorelvlug numerous to
. pleats In iici'hou aiitl by lottor from thnso
ieslrlng to uvnll themselves or "the pilv
i lege, and vet unnlilo from viiilnus cnilBct
l o do so ilut IniT July. It Is a Bleat sitctl
1 lie on the part of Doctor Byers to con
tinue this low rate, hut Mo deslios to give
iill those suffering fiom chronic and oh
ultiro directions an opportunity to lceclvo
uncomplete course or treatment, especially
nil the long strike lias reduced the
llilnnccR of many worthy Hiiffcreis. All
nfli welcome limine August to uvnll
thtfm.solvos of this llboinl offer.
IIc will guarantee to treat all per
sons applying at his office before Sep
tember 1st for the nominal sum of
$16- until curod. That is, $15 covers
the ontre cost of a cure, medicine in
cluded, land no further fee will be
nsked. I
He furthermore agrees if the pa
tient is not completely cured in a
specified length of time, to return the
monoypaid without any quibbling
or evasion. It has always been the
.prlnclplo of his life never to keep a
iee unless the patient was cured.
I Doctor Byers wishes to mako it em
phatic that thin offer expires on Sep
tember 1st, and under no circura
jstances will ho treat patients at a
special rate again. This is abso
lutely and positively your last chance
, to be cured at a nominal price.
Wonders of the Treatment.
Everybody has heca tending of thn won
ders accomplished as thn result of Doc
tor Byers' treatment. The absolute and
assured cine of Deafness in all Its forms,
the rudleal and pennnnent mastery of
Catanh In all Its stages, the speedy and
complete triumph over Asthma, with all
Its agonies, and over Incipient Consump
tion, with all Its terrors, has mado Doctor
Byers' treatment an ohiect of Intense
pergonal intcicst to all classes of suffur
ci a.
Deaf people who aic constantly rending
the story of lost healing restored by Doc
tor Byers cannot he free lrom curiosity
as to the nature of the treatment by
which tills splendid miracle of medicine
Is now accomplished. Nor can tho islck
who arc constantly vending, of the cure of
Catarrh, Asthma and Lung Disease bo
free 11 om a similar passion of interest
over tho treatment that accomplishes
these almost equally marvelous lusidts.
And this offer of a low late tiealment
tn all sufferers applying in person at Doc
tor .Byers' offices is made for the Imme
diate encouragement ot thoo naturally
eager for a pergonal application of tills
wonderful treatment.
All Chronic Diseases Treated.
Bv tho addition of the latest nppioved
Medical. Surgical and Electilcnl appli
ances, Doctor Dyers is better equipped
than cvpr to treat all.
Chronic Diseases of Men and Women
In addition to those of an acute nature.
Doctor Byeis' succeossful treatment of
chronic tioublcs is well known. Ills of
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale. Aug. 4. Sir. and Mrs. Fred
erick Ncwkirk, of Brooklyn, N. Y., nio
registered at the Allen house, for a few
Mrs. E. It. Woodwind and daughter,
Jennie, and son, Paul, of Thaiobadus,
Louisiana, arilved on Saturday. Mr.
"Woodward will arrive later. They will
make an extended visit with a brother,
Mr. D. Woodward, of Maple avenue, and
with friends in Prnmpton.
During the severe thunderstorm which
passed over Honesdale, Sunday evening,
n bolt of lightning struck tho spire of tho
Methodist church on Second street. Tho
only damage done win tho teailng oft of
a few slate.
In the ball gamd on tho silk mill ground
on Saturday, Honesdalo wiih beaten by
Susquehanna, 0 to 1. Honesdale boys aio
not up to professionals. They weio out
pencralled, and tako their defeat submis
sively. They stay In their n.itlvo town
on Sunday and attend church, wliilo their
neighbors over In the valley Indulge In a
game of ball.
Mrs. J. W. Burnham nnd Miss Sophia
SI. Russell have been spending u week In
Atlantic City.
As Umpltc N. 11. Sicucer, of Ilonesdalp,
has been subjected to undue criticism, In
the game between tho Honesdale and
Taylor Beds, we submit tho following
from the Wayne independent: "Knowing
that the Taylor boys stilted their satis
faction with their reception In Honesdalo
Gloom v thoughts
come habitual to the dys
peptic. He looks on the
dark side of things and
every mole hill becomes a
mountain. His condition
affects his business judg
ment and mars his home
Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery cures dys
pepsia nnd other diseases
. of the organs of digestion
and nutrition. It gives
buoyancy of mind as well
as health of body because it removes the
physicinl cause of mental depression.
It enables the perfect digestion and
assimilation of food, ami the body is
strengthened by nutrition which is the
only source of physical strength.
I was afflicted with what the doctors called
nervous indigestion, Took medicine from n.y
family ptiyilcinn to no avail," writes Mr. Tlios.
G. Lever, or Lever, Klcliland Co., S. C. "At
night would have cold or hot feet and hands,
alternately, was petting very nervous und
suffered a great deal mentally, tliiuMng that
death would soon claim me. Always expected
something unusual to take place; was i"-jitatie
and impatient, aud greatly reduced in ft Ui. I
could scarcely eat any thing that would in pro
duce a bad feeling In my stomach. After . mug
hesitation, J decided to try n few bottles of lr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' Telle
After taking several Lotties of each, found I V
Improving, I continued for six mouths or more,
off and on. I have to be careful yet, 'at times, of
what I cat, in order that I may feel good and
strong. fully believe if any one suffering with
indigestion or torpid liter or chronic cold would
take Dr. fierce's Goldeu Medical Discoery and
1 Pleasant Pellets ' and observe a few simple hy
fictile rules, they would soon be greatly bene
ted, and with a little perseverance would be
" entirely cured."
Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
fice It equipped with nil tho necessary ap
paratus for tho successful treatment of
Catarrh. Deafness. Discharging Mats,
Diseased Eyes, Stomach Troubles and In
halation') for Threat, Bronchial and Lung
Tioublcs, Including Asthma, Utonchitls
and Consumption in all stages.
Medicine and Electricity Combined.
In tho treatment of Ilhcumatlsni, Neu
ralgia, Paralysis ot any pari ot tho body,
Chorea or St. Vitus' Dance, Epilepsy,
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubles,
Piles, Blood and Skin Diseases, Eczetnn,
Heart Disease, Habitual Headache, deli
cate ailments of tho Kemnlo Sex, and all
those ohsctiio nlfectloH) classed under tho
head of Nervo-VIlul Debility.
Surgical Diseases.
Cluonlc UlceiB or Varicose Veins on tho
limbs, Polypus or Tumors of tho Nose,
Tluoat or Kit is, Diseased Bones, Scrof
ulous swelling iif thn Neck, Diopsy, Fis
tula, Enlarged Tonsils, etc.
v ;Vf:':;':r? T:f'j
Doctor Byers was born of Quaker
parentage and received His early edu
cation under the influence of that re
ligious denomination.
He graduated with honor from the
Jefferson Medical College of Philadel
phia, 1872.
Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy.
Full course attendance Pennsyl
vania Hospital for Acute and Sur
gical Diseases.
Full course attendance Blockley
Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis
eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's
Hospital, Philadelphia.
last Saturday, and then seeing the at
tacks made by certain reporteis on tho
umpire and Honesdale in general made
us believe the latter was a put up job
by the Carhondalo yellow journalists. Wo
wrote Manager and Captain Davis con
cerning tho matter nnd heio Is his reply:
Taylor, July ;:o, 1D0.!. Dear Kdltor 1 re
ceived your letter of tho 2Sth and will say tho Taylor reporter of tho Scranton
Republican received no information from
inc. The person who gave him I1I3 Infor
mation could not have been present nnd
witnessed the game or ho would not have
told what ho did. "Wo as u team were
surprised to sco the way the Cat conditio
repoitcrs spoke about that game. Wo
wore satisfied with tho game. When we
are defeated wo never blame the umplio
for It unless we have good reasons for
so doing. (1, :. DavN.' "
Miss Amy Riinyon. of BloomhiRWell,
who Is a. guest of Mis. Wesley McCown,
of AVcsl street, was overcome by an elec
tric shock, at the door of tho Baptist
church dining the shower Sunday even
ing. The young lady was removed to
tho parsonage, nnd Dr. P. B. Peterson
summoned. She finally iccovcred nnd
was taken to tho residence of Mrs. Mc
C'oweu. William H. Swift, jr., left on Saturday
for Now York, where he hns accepted a
situation with tho Western Klecttic com
pany. Miss Mao Thoip and s-lster.Mrs. Spruks,
returned on Saturday from a few weekb'
outing, spent at Beech Lake.
Rev, fi. A. Place and daughters left
Monday morning for their summer vaca
tion, which will bo spent In Blnghamton
und other New York towns.
Special to tho Sciantou Trlbuno.
PlttHtnn, Aug, 4. Tho Sunset base hall
team of South Smanton, camo to Hughes
town this afternoon and wcro given n
string of goose-eggs by the Bi others'
team, Tho game was too onn-sldud to bo
of much Interest, and win. witnessed by
mlly llvo hundred people. Tho scoro was
11-0. Lynch, 11 young pltehor was In tho
box for thu firothus und proved a puzzler
for tho Sunsets, who weio nbla to soeuio
hut two hits and laid sovon men struck
out, wliilo tho Brothers touched up Hard
ing for nlno hits und had but thieo men
stiuck out
An unknown man committed buicldo
hero last night by jumping front tho For
ry hiidgo Into the Susquehanna tlvor.
Thoro is no duo whatever us to who the
person was arid no ono actually seep hint
do tho act. About ten o'clock several
people who wen passing over tho north
walk of tho bridge noticed 11 man stand
ing by tho vnilliig with ono leg upon it.
Four young ladles who luul Just passed
him worn Hturtled by tho uolso of a pphtdh
In tho water, nnd turned to find tho man
had dlsappcuicd, Ho was diesscd In a
dark suit with a light uhlrt and had tho
appenranro of n uumr mun,
Attorney W, Whyto Hall nnd wifo are
spending n week ut Lako WInoln,
Samuel livans, a young Rcntnton drug
gist, spent Sunday with his pnrent3 011
tho West Side.
Wllllnin Browning, foroman of tho
Scranton Times job department, visited
his mother here yesterday,
(Scorgo Cheonland, who hns spent tho
past two months nt his natlvo homo In
England, utiitned home yesterday.
Constable Allun ICggleston, of tho West
Side, wis nrialBiied before Squire Khret
Batuiday chmged with trespass in having
entered tho property of 11 Irani Uelger, on
Rnco street, and shooting a dog which
hud bit his sin. Ho was held under $200
hail. This la, the second West Plttston
police officer Who has got Into a slmllur
difficulty witt 11 month.
Tho Plttstor VMnlo Glee club attended u
social at tho s ime of William Brown at
Yntesvllla this evening.
Tho Delaware Lackawanna and West
ern stations nuWest Plttston and Bus-,
Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clin
ics Diseases of tho Throat.
late Examining Physician Knights
Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid
Association of Cincinnati, 0.
lato Examining Physician Mutual
Eesorve Fund Life Association of
Now York.
Diseases of Pelvic Organ Responsible
for a Great Deal of Suffering.
Thu pelvic oi gnus of women consist of
tho ovuiles, uterus, bladder and rectal
portion of tho luigo bowels. Dlscaso of
theso different organs, Is expressed by tho
irequont dragging, bearing down pains In
small ot hack and tenderness over the
lower portion of abdomen, entire sup
pression of the peilod lamenorrhoen) or
associated with considerables suffering
(dysmenorrhoca). Whnt Is needed In
these conditions Is n local treatment ap
plied directly tn thn parts, and medi
cines administered Internally to build up
tho general health.
Tho different tissues of tho body nro
made up of mlnuto colls, and when theso
cells become disarranged, dise.iso Is the
result. By supplying tho proper nutri
ment to thn cells, perfect health can bo
obtained. All diseases, no matter how
chronic, can ho cuicd by bringing tho
cells back to their normal condition. Thn
treatment used by Doctor Byers Is not
allopathic or homeopathic. It Is n tieat
ment based upon nn exact science and
cures with tho certainty of u Ilxcd law.
Doctor Byers never accepts a case un
less ho knows to a certainty tho cause
of the tioable, and this enn only bo do
tei mined by a scientific X-Ray examina
tion. Ills X-Ray outfit Is the most elab
oiate and completo In this country. By
hla special Fluoroscopic attachment he
Is able to examine all parts of tho body
and find out to an nbsolute certainty tho
cause of the patient's affliction. Como
and be examined; It Is absolutely free.
Ife will not charge you one cent. Como
and find out what ynnr trouble Is and he
will ndviso you in leference to a cure, it
Is all free. Ho asks no compensation.
Chief Consulting Physician of tho Bl
Chemic Treatment.
(Entire Second Floor.)
412 Sprues St., Scranton Pa.
Oflice Hours, ! u. in. to 12; 2 p. m. to 4.
Evenings, 7 to S Daily.
Sunday, 10 a. in. to 12 in.
quahanna avenue are being painted a
dink ted with a black border, tho stand
aid color of this company's stations.
William Hancock, of AVyoming, cele
brated his seventy-first birthday Satur
day by walking to Scranton and return.
Mr. Hancock although well advanced In
years Is quite a pedestrian. Last year
ho celebrated his blithday by walking
to Nanticoke and return by way of Pitts
ton. It was expected that work would bo ic
sumed at the Warnke washeiy nt Duryea
this morning, but such was not the ca30.
Sheriff Jacobs, of Luzerne, was on the
scene with six deputies but the crowd
which had assembled was very orderly.
Professor Henry Harries, of the West
Side, is organizing a choir, -which will go
on a concert tour In tho vicinity of Ilnr
ey's lako the latter part ot this month.
They will stay away ono week during
which time they expect to give fiom llvo
to ton entertainments.
Viola, an adopted daughter of Mr. and
Mis. John Dicholzer, of Upper PItttston,
was struck by n trolley car near Port
Dlnnclmrd Inst evening and had a leg
The Ilutclilns breaker at Wyoming this
morning commenced to ship coal to mar
ket. For some time past coal has been
run through tho bleaker for consump
tion nroiind thn cnlltprv. hut tlin mm.
puny has decided to mako shipments. The'
new move was known to tho strlkeis and
a largo crowd was on hand this morn
ing but as lav as could bo learned no
demonstrations were mado. Several other
local collieries which have had several
hundred tons of coal stored in tho pock
ets at their breakers nro sutlslled with the
present high prices and are pieparing to
make shipments. It has been iiiniored
hereabout the past foy days that an ef
fort will bo mado to stop thu washenes
which are In operation here.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvlllc. Aug. !. The borough
council will moet la regular session next
Wednesday evening.
C. C. Catr, who has been In tho employ
FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Cut out tho pictures appearing on this pago each
day, draw n pencil mark around tho hidden object, savo thorn until Satin day,
then send them or tako them to Tho Trlbuno offlco in uit cnvelopo addressed to
"PuzzlQ Department." Enclose in the cnvelopo your namo, ngo und address. Tha
hoys and girls who correctly mat It tho six plenties appearing during tho week,
nnd whoso answers nro first received, will havo their names published In Tho
Trlbuno Monday morning.
Additional Answers to Last Week's Puzzles.
Florence Hazlott, I'll South Ilydo Pink avenue. Age, 10.
Auia Dnrsoy, Mil Noith Webster avenue. Age, 11,
Il,u barn Horner, MJ Qulncy itviinuo. Ago, 10,
Find Generals llurgoyno and Fraser
at the Battlo of Fort Emerson,
of Clnrtlncr & Goodwin, for a number ot
years, has severed his connection with
them, and It la Understood that ho will
go Into business for himself,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ki Cupwoll, of Bcran
ton, spent Sunday hero with relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs.V. It. Gardner wcro bucsIb
of O. Wi Btitnlon, at Lako Kewnnco Inst
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. l'crlgo, of Scran
ton, nro spcndliig a fow days hero with
Louis Wrlgloy, nf Kingston, spent tho
Sabbath fit tho lluma of his parents, In
this place.
Alfred Itoslter luti moved his household
goods to Buffalo, whore they will resldo
In tho future.
The Almstrong family will hold their
mutual family reunion next Thursday In
Academy grove,
Miss Blnncho Hlnrlt Is spending a week
with relatives nt Clcrman lllll.
Whllo tho legal mlx-Upa of ShncUtown
and Lako Sliorlitnn tiro taking a much
needed lest, WuII'h Corners nomes to tho
front and takes 11 hand nt law.
Tho sad news of the dentil of ox-Dls-trlct
Attorney Jnmcs V. Frear, of Tunlc
hnnnnck, reached hero Saturday night.
Mr. Frcar wits formerly 11 Factoryvlllo
hoy, and Is survived by his parents, of
this pluec.
Special to the Scranton Trlbuno.
Now Mllford, Aug. 4. Walter L. Mnln'n
big show will be in Now Mllford, Aug. 20.
Mrs. D, W. Rice, who has been 111 n
long time, died at her homo In tho town
ship hist Sundny. The funeral services
wcro conducted Tuesday by Rov. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crane, of Union
dale, visited In tho township Inst week.
Miss Bertlcc Carpenter Is entertaining
her friend, Miss McCain, of Rush.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cbamberlln en
tertained Hnllstend friends tho past two
The New Mllford graded school will
open Sept. 1, with tho following teachers:
Ptlnclpal, Prof. Clarence Snyder: gram
mar department, Miss Nettle Sllllwell;
Intermcdlato department, Miss Lcttlo
Woodhouso; flrst primary, Miss Kllzn
beth Sholpj second' primary, Miss Nina
Forty-two frcsh-nlr children from New
York city are being entertained in New
Dr. L. L. Spraguo, ot Wyoming scmln
nry, conducted tho service? nt the Metho
dist church, Sunday morning.
Tho following New Mllford young peo
ple are enjoying ten days at East lake:
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shay, Misses Nina
Taft, Inez Shclp, Mame Grlnncll, Eliza
beth Shelp: Messrs. A. F. Ileltzman, F.
M. Blltterfiold, M. It. Shelp, O. W. Eg
gcrt, V. W. Moigan and Mr. and Mrs.
John Robeits, of Blnghamton.
Forty-live n'cw books have been added
to tho Pratt Public library.
F. G. Inderlled and family entertained
relatives from New York and Blngham
ton last week.
The Darrow family reunion will he held
at the homo of Charles Kenyon, on Aug
ust 27.
The Prohibitionists of Susquehanna
county will meet for conference In tho
Baptist church, Wednesday, August 6.
American League.
At Chicago (11 innings) R.H.E.
Philadelphia 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 10 0 07 0 4
Chicago 0 1 2 3 1 000 00 1 S 111 2
Batteries Mitchell, Wilson and Schre
enngost; Piatt, Griffith and Sullivan.
Umpire Sheridan.
At Detroit R.H.E.
Boston 2 2 10 0 0 10 00 11 1
Detroit 0 00 0 010 001 0 1
Batteries Young and Crigev; Siever and
McGulre. Umpire Connolly.
At St. Louis R.H.E.
Baltimote 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 12 8 1
St. Louis 20022002 X S 9 2
Batteries AVlltso and Yoager; Dono
huo and Kahoc. Umpires Johnstone and
At Cleveland- R.H.E.
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 5 3
Cleveland ..) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 6 0
Batteries Orth and Clarke; Mooro and
Wood, Umpire O'Loughlin.
National League.
At Philadelphia (12 Innings) R.H.E
Chicago 0 0000002000 5-7 16 0
Philadelphia ...2000000000002 9 1
Batteries Taylor nnd Kllng; White and
Dooln. Umpire O'Day.
At Boston (7 Innings, rain) R.H.E.
St. Louis 00 000 10-1 7 2
Boston 0 00 0 0000 2 1
Batteries Currle and Ryan; Eason nnd
Morun. Umpire Brown.
At Brooklyn- R.H.E.
Cincinnati 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 S 2
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 x-3 9 1
Batteries Ponlo und Beigen; Hughes
nnd Fat roll. Umpire Lynch.
At Now York- R.H.E.
Plttsblllg 2 0 130 002 19 10 2
Now York 0 10 10 0 0 14712 3
Batteries Phllllppi and O'Connor; Mc
Glnnlty und Brcdiiahan. Umpiic Enislie.
Eastern League,
Toronto, 7; Providence, 1 (first
Toronto, Aug. . I. Toronto,
3; Ptovl-
Idence, 0 (second game.)
Nownik, 1; Bunnlo, 2
"Worcester, 2; Montreal, 1,
Rochester, 1: Jersey City, 3.
AUUUWT 6, lM)2f
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
FllrtNtHtlKn APAIITMMNT9 for moll
Hates teasomihlo. County Savings
Bank and Trust Co,, WW Bprucu street.
BARBER SHOP for rent! neatly now
building; good location; tlty water,
otc. Just vacated. An exceptionally good
opportunity to continue a well estab
lished business, C. N. Wood, Now Mil
foul, Pn.
FOR RENT TWO furnished cottages at
Lako Shoildnti; dry nnd healthy locu
tion: good shade nnd finest place for a
week or it month's outing In Northern
Pennsylvania. Address II. L, Harding,
Factoryvlllo, Pn.
For Sale.
FOR SALE-Edlson phonograph, with
rccoids and hotns, All up-to-dato and
In good condition. Apply to Innitu J. Ev
ans, 409 North Main uvcntiu, West Scrun
tou. FOR SALE-A fhst clnBs meat market.
Owner will work for party. Address
J31 Chestnut street, Dunmorc, Pa,
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED A small liouso or flat, prefer
ably furnished. In dosluible location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Booms for Bent.
Improvements; pilvnto family; gon
tlcmcn preferred, at 037 Adams avnntto.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pto
ferred, at 539 Adams avenue.
Eoomk "Wanted.
WANTED Room with or without hoard;
Htiictly privuto family. Address H. C.
M., Ttlbunc.
Beal Estate.
LOTS, houses and farms for sale.
J. C. Hurflieh.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In
upper Green -Ridge; cholco neighbor
hood; most desirable loealltv for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlno,
1736 Sundorson avenue
WANTED-Flvo copies of tho Scranton
Ti ihuno of December 20, 1001. Ten
cents will be paid for each copy. Tribune
business office.
LOST A Lady's gold watch, open face,
stem wind. Waltham, No. 7,210,312, at
tached to Fleur-de-lis pin with three
pcMi'ls. If returned to Clark, florist, 20"!
WAslngton avenue, a liberal reward will
bo given.
LOST At or near corner of Spruco street
and Wyoming avenue, Monday p. m.,
August 4, two ono hundred dollars' gold
certificates. Finder will receive fifty dol
lars reward upon return to 333 Emmett
LOST A lady's silver watch, getting off
tho street car. corner Franklin and
Lackawanna avenues. Liberal reward If
returned to Trlbuno office.
SEALED 'PROPOSALS will bo received
by tho county of Lackawanna until
Friday, Aug. 8, at 12 m., for tiling floor
of Prothonotary's office In Court House,
according to plans and specilleatlons.
Bids to bo addicssed to undorsisned nnd
in hands on or before abovo date. Tho
right to reject any or all bids Is rcser-ed.
County Controller.
Deputy Controller.
to Conti actors.
Scaled proposals endorsed "Bids for
Second District Sower, etc.," and ad
dressed to tho undersigned, will bo re
ceived until S o'clcck p. ni.. on Mon
day, the 11th day of August. 190J. for fur
nishing material nnd constructing sowers
in tho Second Sewer District of tho Bo
lough of Dunmore, with tho necessary
llxtmes and appliances, in accordance
with tho plans and specifications on lilo
in tho offlco of James F. Horan, borough
engineer, borough building, Dunmore, Pa.
Extent of proposed work is approximately
7,000 feet of brick sewer, 3,100 feet of
plpo sower from 12 to 30 Inches In diam
eter. Copies of specifications nnd In
structions to contractors may bo obtained
of tho borough engineer.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for tho sum of llvo hun
dred ($.")0O) dollars, mado paynblo to Au
gust Wahlcrs, borough treasurer, as a
guni antee to execute a contract If award
ed tho work, which sum shall bo forfeited
to tl borough In enso of tho refusal or
omission on the part of tho successful
bidder to executo n contract within ten
(10) days after the awarding of tho same.
Bidders will bo furnished with proposnl
blanks at (ho said office of the borough
engineer, and no otheis will he nccopted.
Bids received will be opened nt a meet
ing nf thn borough council in the bo
lough hnlldlng, to bo held on tho data
nnd hour nbovo mentioned.
Tho Borough reserves tho right to re
ject nny or nil bids.
Borough Sccrotnr.v.
702 E. Di inker St., Dunmore, Pa,
NOTICE Is hereby given thut the annual
mooting of tho stockholder nf tho Sevan
ton Axlo Works will bo held at tho fac
tory, In tho city of Scranton, Pa., on
Tuesday, September 2. nt 3 o'clock p. m.,
for tho election of officers for the ensu
ing year, and tho tiansactlon of such
other business as may properly come be
foro tho meetings.
ESTATM nf Andrnw Watts, deceased.
MaigaiettaAVattH, administratrix d. h,
n. v. t, a. having settled tho estate, a
into hns been grunted In show cause why
sho and tho nineties nn her bond shall not
bo discharged, Roturnublo September 13,
1902, 10 o'clock a. in.
Attorneys for Administratrix,
Special to tho Scranton Tribune,
Hopbottom, Aug, 4. Mr, and Mrs. J. C.
Merrill visited relatives In Lestershlro
last week,
Miss Clara Torwllllgcr, of Scranton, nnd
Mr, and Mrs, Claudo Van Gorder, of Gib
bon, wcro recent visitors at (J, II. Kel
lum'B, Miss Harris, of Scranton, Is visiting at
S. W, Bell's.
Mis, George Caso and daughter, Altu,
wcro In Scfituton labt week,
Miss Graco Conrad Is visiting friends
In town,
Mr, Jnckson V. Thatcher, of City Mills,
Mass., and Mr. nnd Mrs. O, A. Thatcher,
of Stcphenuvllle, Montana, nro guests of
their sister, Mrs, J. K. Utloy, of this
Daniel Wood Is very 111.
Rov, L. L. Lewis left Wednesday for his
homo in Providence, It. 1,
Miss Ida Stctllug visited nt Miss Grace
Damn's, In Lenox, recently,
Miss Myrtle Phillips hns left for her
home In Benton, after spending tho bum
mer In town.
Mrs. Luclla Robinson and daughter
spent n fow days with friends In town.
Mr, and Mrs. S. W. Kellum, of Beran
ton, are visiting their mother, Mrs. M,
M. Boll, They will camp ut Cosy Nook
cottago this week.
Miss Ida Smith has returned to her
home In Waverly, after spending tho past
week with relatives hcie.
No Order
Accepted for Less
Tlimt 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offioas.
Want .Advertisements Will Bo
Becelvcd at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. Iff.
Central City
ALBERT 8CHULT55, comer Mul
berry street nnd Wchbter ttso.
West Side
GEO. W. .TENlCINS, Ml South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE. 723 Cedar
North Scranton '
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avcntio and Market
Green Kidge
CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dlck-
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS. 920 Grocn Rldgo
C. LORENB, corner Washington
avcntio nnd Marlon street.
W. II. KNEPKEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Young mun clerk In lTtTTn
suranco office, address Box No. Ids',
Scranton, in own hand wilting, giving age,
address, references und salaiy wunted.
$300 bond required.
MEN, not under 23 ycais, to call on old
nnd new customers. No dollveilug.
Position permanent to tho right party.
Pay weekly. Glen Brothois, Rochester,
N. Y.
BOILERMAKERS and bollermakers'
helpers wanted for out of town rail
road shops, good wages and steady work
for rellablo and competent men, trans
portation furnished. Apply between 9 u.
m. and 5 p. m., rooms Nos. 310 and 311.
third floor, Mears building, corner of
Washington avenue and Spiucc stteet.
W. J. Rule.
WANTED Traveling salesmen for Im
proved school lunch liox. C. S. Shep
pard, 410 Exeter street, Plttston, Pa.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Three in family. Address A. Z., Trib
une offlco.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Three In family. Ad'hcss A. Z., Trlb
uno office.
Agents "Wanted.
WANTED Agents for nn article used
by every man; active men can make
ten dollars a day. Call between 10 and
12 a. m., 32 Lackawanna avenue, sec
ond floor, i car, or address Box 437, Scran
ton. Situation Wanted.
SITUATION WANTED by a widow to
do washing nnd honing and cleaning
by tho day. Address 712 Schuell court.
Honey to Loan.
Qulck. straight loans or Building and
Loan, At from 4 to C per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connell building.
$5.00 REWARD Package containing
bracelet and locket addressed Stephen
D. Engle, Hnzieton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn.
New 'phono SOS.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boardeis; three largo airy rooms
and good table board. Address O. K
Dalton, Pa.
Board and Booms.
VERY" DESIRABLE stilto of rooms with
first class tablo board, can be obtained
at 333 Jcffcison avenue.
Till!. MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmorc,
lautiucrs shirts at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs ut l!;c. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SGI.
Real Estato Exehango Bldg,, 120 Wash
ington avo.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
building, Spruce street, Scranton,
Fire Insurance,
SCHLAGER & CO,, Traders Bank Bldg.
Patent Attorneys.
O A T"C BVI TC2 InaHcountrics
KA I LIN I OorthcGluric.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor in tho city. No clmrgo for In
formation on patentability; over ten yens
Itcplojrlc & Co., Mears Kltfg-.
Hotels and Restaurants,
THE ELK CAFEri23 AND 127 FRa'nk".
llu avenue. Bates leasonablo.
P. ZlEQLER, Ptoprlotor.
Passenger depot, Conducted on the Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch. Piopilotor,
and cess pools: no odor: only lmprood
pumps used. A. B. Ullggs. proprietor,
Leave ordors 1100 North Main tivoiuo.
or Elcko'B drug btoro, corner Adams and
Mulborry, Both tolophones.
. Wire Screens,
ave., Scranton, mfis. of Wile Scroans.
piles, envelopes, paper bugs, tulnu.
Warehouse, I'll Washington tivenue.
bo had lit Scranton nt tho nows stand
of Rclsman Bros., 10j Spruco and C0J
Linden; M. Norton, 3 .'J Lackawunna
uve.; I. S. Schutzer. 211 Soruce street.
-ji-"Tt"-rrt "r rrt -
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Business Opportunity.
out ueiay. wnto tor our special mar
ket letter. Frco on application, B. M.
milliard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exehango, 44 nnd 4(J
liroadwlty, Now York. Established 1S8I.
Long Distance 'Phono 23S8 Broad.
Delaware, Lackawnnnrt and Wootern.
In Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trnlns leave Seinntoil fur Now Vork
At l.r,0, 3.20, U.03, 7,Co nlid 10.10 n. m.i li.40,
3.40, 3 33 p. in, For Now York and IMilla
dplpliln i.uO, 10.10 a. in., and 12.40 und 3 33
p. in. For Gollldsboro At 0.10 p. in. For, .22 nnd o.wi n. m.; lib, dso
and 11.10 p. ni. For Blnghamton, Elmliu
nnd wny stations-10.25 n. in.. 1.03 i in.
For Oswego. Syiaeuso nnd Utlca 1.15 and
0.22 n. tn.; l.fB p, m. Oswego, Syracuse
and t'tlea train nt 0 22 n. in. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose fl.OO n. m.i 1.03
nnd cr,o p. in. Nicholson accommodation nnd 11.13 p, ni.
Bloomsbtirg Division For Northumber
land, nt 0.35 und 10.10 n. m.i 1.53 and (1.10
p. in, For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3.40
und 9.03 n. ni.
Sunday Trains For Now York, 1,50, 3 20,
0 05. 10.10 n. in.: 3.10 nnd 3.35 n. m. For
Bnrrnlo-1.13 inn! 0.22 n, m,; 1.35, 0M nnd
11 10 p. in. For Elmliu and way stations
10 23 n. ni. For Blnchaniton and way sta
tion, 9 01 a. m. Bloomsbnig ftlvlidon
Lcnvo Set nnton. 10.10 it .m. nnd 0.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Bnilroad.
In Effect Juno 15. 190.'.
Tinlns Lcau Hcrnutim.
For Philadelphia nnd Nuw York via D,
.t II. R. R., at 7.11. through Parlor Car
nnd Day Coach Ciirbondnle to Nov; York
and 9.17 a. ni.. with L. V. Cnaeh Cnrbon
dalo to Philadelphia, und 2.1S, 4.33 (Blnelt
Diamond Express), und 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. ,t H. R. R 1..W. (1.17 p. m.
For White Haven, Hrir.l'Uon and princi
pal points In the coal regions, via D. ft
11. R. R 7.11, 2.1S und 4.33 p. in. For
Pottsvllle, 7.41 n. m.
For Bethlehem, Knston, Rendlnpr, Hrtr
rlsbnrg and ptlnclpal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. ,t H. R. It.. 7.41. D.17 a, m.;
2.1S, 433 (Blarlt rilamolld Express). 11.49 p.
tn. Sundays-. D. & II. R. It., 9.3S a. m.:
1.5S. 9.17 p. in.
For Tuiikhnntinci;, Towaiuln. EJmlrn,
Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate
stntlons via IJ L. & W. R. Il C.33 n. m.
and 1..V. p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, BnfTalo. Nlng
nia Falls, Chicago nnd all polntn wct via
D. .; II. R. It., 12.01 p. m.i 3.23 (Blnck
Diamond Expie-ts), 10.11. 11.40 n. in. Sun
da va. D. ,t If. R. It.. 12.0"l. 9.17 p. in.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lohlah
Valley Parlor cars on fill trains between
Wllkes-Barro nnd Now York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Silsponslon Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20
Cortland street. Now lYork.
CHARLES a. LER. Gen. Pass. Agt 21
Cortland street, New York.
A. W. NONKMACTIER, Dlv. Pass. Agt
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For tickets nnd Pullman reiervntloni
npply to olty ticket office, 09 Publlo
Square, Wilkes-Bai re, P.i.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29, 1902.
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trnlns leavo Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Knston, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Munch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono change of cars
for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and
all ptlnclpal points south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre,
1 p. m. and 4 p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.'30 and 1 p. in.
For Reading, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg
via Allentown at 7.30 n. m 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. ni.
For Tnmnqua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p. m. and 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. BESSLER, Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedulo In Effect June 10, 1902.
Trains leave Scranton: c.3S a. tn., week
days, through vestibule tialn from
Wilkes-Banc. Pullman buffet parlor car
and conchc3 to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at principal intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Hnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington nnd for Pittsburg and tho West.
I 9.47 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Har
rlsbnrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and the West.
1.42 p. m., week days, (Sundays. 1.5S p.
in.), for Sunbury. Hnrrlsburg, Philadel
phia, Baltimote. Washington and Pitts
burg and tho West.
3.2S p. in., week days, through vestlbuln
train from Wilkes-Banc. Pullman buffet
parlor car end coaches to Philadelphia vlt
Pottsvillo, Stops at pilnclpal intermedi
ate stations.
1.35 p. m week dnvp. for llnstlpton. Sun.
bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
)U1S' J. B. HUTfiirNSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. 11. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
in Effect Juno m, 1912.
Tiiiins for Curlioiidalo leave Scranton nt
0.1 1, 7.30, S3ii, 10.13 it, 111.: 12.03, 1.12, 2.11,
3.511, 5.29, 0.23, S.'-'l, 913, 10.01 i. m.i 1213,
l.KS a. m,
For Honesdale 0. If. 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
5.29 p. in.
For Wllkes-Barrc-(i.5R, 7.11. 8 41. 9 17,
10 53 a. m.: 12.U), 1,1.', 2.1S, 3.2$, 1.33, 0.10,
7.IS, 10.11, 11.19 li. in.
For L. V. R. It. Potato 7.11, 0.17 a, m.;
'.'.is, 4.35 and 11.19 p, m.
For Pciinsvlviinla R. R. Points 0.33,
9.17 a. m ; 1.12. 3.2S nnd 1.35 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 7.3G a,
in. and 3.50 p. in.
For Oniboiiilnle 8.50. 11.33 a, m.; 2,11,
3.;.il. 5.5.' and 11,17 P. ni.
For WIllo-s-Rario 9.38 n. m.; 12.03, 1.53,
3.2S, (i.32 mid 9,17 P. m.
For Albany und points north 1.ES p, m.
For Honesdalo S.50 n, m.; 11.33 nnd 3.03
V' W.' L. PRYOR, D. P. A Scranton, Pa.
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Division,
in Effect July SOth. iw.'...i ,-
Trnlns leavo Seiuntoti tor Uawley tfs"d
mil stations at 7.20 a 11 n. m : A IB
and 5.20 p. in, Sundays, ,ii,i ,! iti ujjU
1,33 p. in. For New iork. Newburch jn.d
Intel mcdlnto points nt 7.20 a, tn. and 1.3.1
p. in, Sundays. 1.;'5 p. ni ,-.
For Honesdalo 1.35 and 5 SO p. m.
Trains nrilvo at Sevaiiton P.20, lo.ifia.
m.: 3.00 und 9.13 p, m. Siiiditj.'s,'lj;0 and
!.1J ! m. " m' ; i, 'is'
Now York, Ontario and Wosterri'C!'
Tlmo Tnhla In Effect Sunday, Juno 13, J90I
NOllTtl liyUMU.TH.UKB. -
Leave Leavn; ' ;rrla
Sciiiutnn, CnthoudaJo. Cndnsla,
,,,,,l'j.3ou. m. n. m, i.oapijn,
4(10 11. m. 4.11 n. in. 0.00 IK m.
No. 1 .
No, :l
No, 7 ,,,,,, 0 10 p. m.,r,Ciirboiidaloa.4u pan
Leavo Leavo Arrlvo
Trains. Cudosla. C.ubondnlo, tjcntntpt,
Nn. ti ..).., -tl5Ua..m. .7,25 U(t,
No. I 8.10a.m. looin.m,
No. 2 2.15 p.m. 4.0i) p. m, 4.43p,-n,
Leavo Leavo Aiylve
Trains, Scranton, Cm lioiidalo. CadnsU.
No. 9 8 30 a. m. p.lo p. m. 10.13 n. m,
No, 5 , 7.00 p. m.Ar.Ciirhond.i!o7.!Sp.m
Leav? 'Leavo' Arilva
Trains. Cudosla. Carhondalo. ScrnntflJv
No, fi ,.,.,. i 50 a. in. 7.23a.-n.
No. io ,,,.. 1.30 p. m. atxip. m. o. 15 p.;m.
Trains Nos. 1 on week dujs, nnd 9-nn
Sundays connect for Now York city, Mulr
dletowii, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Op
wego nnd nil points west.
Trulu 3 for Poyntello. Walton. Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich und all New Uorllii
branch points.
Train No. o with "Quaker City Ex
press" nt Scrnntqn, va C. R. R. of N. J!,
for Phlliidelphia.-Athiiitlo City, Baltimore,
Washington and ,PerfnsylvanU stato
CjCu iime-inmo mm consult uciioi agents
fm fnnnnntImtn..vjl4h'nthKMIni
J. C. ANDERSON.G? W AVNow York.1"
J. E. WELSH, t. V, A., Scranton, Pu.
1 1
...vtr. ff
f, iijfi -
&a. M , uliim
Uftil rtihn