"WTfl1. -' iO'Tn CTJ1! Vv r ft t " 1 W,i' '! f'lW W. 4f .V THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1902. kB 1 i 1 . XL t hr r u. K l f WEST iCRANTON William Graeme Re-Arrested on the Charge of Burglarizing a Store Other News Notes and Personals, William Orennio, the West Scranton boy whn whs committed to Jull a few duys ago by Aldeunnn Howe to awnlt trial on the chat go of tinging his fath er's name to u cheek on the Title Guar anty and Tiust company, unci for sev eral other offences, was rc-arrestcd yesterday. Complaint had been made to the police that the store conducted by A. Hadud, at the corner of West Lacka wanna avenue and Chestnut street had been entered on the night of July 31, and a large quantity of cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, etc., valued at $25, stolen. When Qreamp was brought down from Jail yesterday and confronted with the charge he confessed to hav ing entered the place by removing a liano of glass from a door In the rear of the store and ciawllng through the opening. Ho was re-commltted to the county jail In default of bull. Sunday School Picnics. The Shot man Avenue Mission Sun duy school will hold Its annual picnic ut Nay Aug park on Wednesday, Aug. L'O. Three special cars will be secured to take the children to the park. The following committee will have chaige of the picnic: Edward Q. Thomas, David Dickie, Regie Taylor, Miss Liz zie Jon,es and Miss Jennie Beynon. They have been allowed fifty dollars to make it one of the best In the school's his tory. The Sunday school of St. Mark's Lu thci.ui church will picnic at Nay Aug park, Friday, Aug. S. The First Baptist Sunday school will picnic at Nay Aug park, on Thursday, Aug. 7. The Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Sunday school will picnic at Nay Aug park today. Lucy poud, May Thomas and Bessie McGitlro! Messrs, James Clleason, Jas. O'Connor, Walter Doud, Joseph Taylor, Thomas Hughes, Joseph Mudcurran, Michael Tlgue, Thomas Jordan, Wit llnm Mcllooney, Mnrtln House and Frank McHnle. To Reorganize. The old-time Hustlers, of this side, who for a number of years were one of the best base ball teams In the county, have reorganized and are in the field to meet all comers. The team Is composed of the follow ing well-known players: James Logan, c; John Dean, p.; Horace John, s. s.: John Lloyd, lb.: John Gaughan, b.; David Hughes, 3b.; Morgan Sweeney, 1. f.; John Crossln, c. f.; Frank McAn drew, r. f. position with the Niagara Power com pany. Dr. P. T. Strupplcr returned home yesterday from Lake Wlnoln. Mrs. Isaac Williams, of North Sum ner avenue, and grandson, W. Dewey Harris, have returned fiom a visit with Pcckvllto friends. Select Councilman Joseph Oliver and son, Ji Haydon, of Hampton street, left yesterday for Cleveland, O., whero they will spend their vacation. Edward Olidorf, of South Main ave nue, has returned from Stioudsburg and Water Gat). Mrs. H. L. Morgan and children, of North Lincoln avenue, are visiting In Dalton, NORTH, SCRANTON NEWS. Lively Gamo of Base Ball on tho Driving Park Grounds Surprise Party Other Notes. Recent Social Events. Mrs. F. M. Sterling, of South Main aenue, gave a 5-o'clock tea recently, In honor of her niece, Miss Florence Tiffany, of Brooklyn, N. Y. A delight ful time was had by all present. Those who attended were: Misses Florence Tiffany, Grate and Ethel Woolcver, Giace Smith, Emma Howard, May Bld dlcman, Ruth and Edna Bryant, Mary Quick, Messrs. Frank Steiling and Ar thur Smith. Miss Bessie McGuire, of Tripp's park, was tendeied a cry pleasant suiptise paity lecently. A good time was had by all who attended. Those present were: Misses Ella Bums, Alice Qulnn, Katie Stone, Stella Sheildan, Joseph ine Hogan, Mary McHugh, Lillian and The Bert Family Cough Remedy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. John Davis and Miss Cora Holland, of Btnghamton, have returned home, after a visit with Miss Lydia Davis, of North Main avenue. The Misses Florence, Pearl and Bertha Davis, of North Main avenue, are home from Lake Sheridan und LaPlume. Announcement has been made of tho coming marriage of Miss Rose Canu van, of Pleasant street, to Thomas Hopkins, of Pottsvllle. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, at St. Patrick's, church, at 10 o'clock. The funeral of John O'Malley, thp 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Matachl O'Malley, will take place this afternoon from his parents' home, 963 Providence road. Intel ment will be made In Cathe dral cemetery. John Davis, George Jones, John Mor ris and Jenkln Harris have returned from a two weeks' Ashing trip to Lake Poyntelle, where they were very suc cessful. Among the fish caught was a S-pound bass and two eels that tipped the scales at nine pounds. The bass was caught on a live minnow. The Amateurs defeated the West Side Browns on the latter's grounds, Sunday afternoon by the score of 21 to 9. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arm strong, of South Hyde Patk avenue, who has been seriously 111 of spinal meningitis for the past three months, and recently was also a sulferer from bronchitis, Is Improving. The Alumni Athletic association met last evening. Matters pertaining to the coming season's foot ball team were discussed. The Alumni bowling team will play a game with the Electric City Wheelmen tomorrow evening. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. Andrew Conlin, of Fllmore ave nue, is summering at Lake WInola. W. H. Robertson, who has been an attendant at the Hillside home for a couple of eais, will leave today for Buffalo, wheie ho expects to secure a TL HA! J i -B I El O 1181 111 &. E lira IWIBII & ummer Clearance 1 Goes on with vim and vigor. Stocks iu all fe is departments are showing the effects of rapid Sri is selling, still, there's enough aud to spare. Sr " Si Most of the Good Things 1 iB . . ... .. JNaraed last week are still to bs had at the ; bargain prices then advertised and here is a g brand new g; Bargain Batch for This Week I 0f s . Housekeeping Linens f Mulley's clerks defeated tho strong Can-Cans base ball team, In an excit ing game on the Dilvlng Park grounds, last evening. The clerks outplayed their opponents, and the general work of the team aided In the victory. Thomas J. Owens, tho clerks' pitcher, had tho Can-Cans at his mercy, allow ing them but five hits, and striking out eight men. Duilng the game, Short stop Edward Collins received a painful Injury to his forefinger by being struck with a batted ball. John Macklc's catching was tho fca tuto of tho game. The battn les were Owens and Mackle, for tho clerks, and Buchanan and Bobbins, for the Can-Cant. Birthday Party. A very pleasant party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scharar, of Parker stieet, Satuiday evening, In honor of their daughter Helen's ninth birthday. Games and other amuse ments were Indulged In, and a dainty repast was served on the lawn. Miss Scharar was the recipient of many presents. Among those present were: Misses Grace McDonnell, of Wilkes-Barre: Gertrude Lee, of Throop; Marlon Wal klnshaw, Katherine Cowles, Do Ette Edgette, Ruth McDonnell. Elizabeth Cowles, Beulah Griffin, La Doca Griffin, Helen Scharar, and Masters Claude Edgette, Floyd Lewis, Walter Sherman, Kenneth McDonnell, Walter Scharar. Water spite For 10c former price 15c For 12c former price 18c For 21c former price 33c For 27c former price 43c CWfj0i jDCHS Oar August Sale of fir? Ml Wore At 75c worth $1.25. At $1.00 worth $1.75. At 39c Rice Boilers, worth 65c ".' Furniture, Carpets and Housefornishings oN:.w Toilet Sets Handsomely decorated. For $4.08 12 piece set, were $0.50 For $4.69 12 piece set, were $5.00 For $3.08 12 piece set, were $5.25 For $2.69 10 piece sot, were $3.25 For $2.98 12 piece sot, were $3.98 For $1.98 10 piece set, were $2.40 Window Screens and Doors Assorted sizes and styles, value up to 30c. August Sale 19c For $1.00 screen doors, were $1.75. For 69c screen doors, were 80c. Imported Enamel Steel Ware Blue Outside and White Inside 8-quart Berlin Sauce Pot with enamel covers 69c J White enameled steel Wash Basin at 19c, 21c and 25c. 8-quart Borlln Kettles with enamel cover 1 69c 5-quart Berlin Kettles with enamel cover 50c White enamel steel Chambers. August Sale Price 25c Stransky Enamel Steel Ware Guaranteed for Five Years For 98c, Coffee Pots, were $1.19. Jbor 91. 1U, Coffee Pots, were $1.39. For $1.35 Coffee Pots, were $1.59. For 69c, Tea Kettles, were 89c. For 79c, Tea Kettles, were $1.00. For $1.20, Tea Kettles, were $1.50. For $1.49, Tea Kettles, were $1.89. For $1.79, Tea Kettles, were $2.25. Dining Tables Extension tables, made of oak, pat- NOTES AND PERSONALS. 3 m a a The inducements in this department are many. Here's a S single sample by way of illustration. '. Extra Heavy Crash Towels, size 18x36. The best thing in the 5s world for hotels, hoarding houses or rough wear at home. t 1ST, Dozen, $1.12; each 1 UC & & 5 Handsome Silkolines 2?! .x iw j.it duccuyo tuiui tumunuiuuiiB, or me suDOUett tints and " ig hues that some people prefer to the louder colorings. Fine qual- 5" vsi itv and all this seasons desltrns. Goods that cnlH tr,r - SJ. iX - . - w -- lli fc. lUt & 12 l-2c and 15n nre now . .....,.-, .... Fancy Wash Petticoats Made from good stronfr clnuhoms. nronerlv cut and flnJBi,o ft a two clicular flounces. Colors, ox blood, nink. hi . ! with two clicular flounces. Colors, ox blood, pink, blue ,43 ana lavender. A regular $1.00 Skirt, this week . . . 8 Ladies' Neckwear $2 Lovely styles in wash fabrics, that are new every time they a IfiflVfi flifl Ifinnrlrv. Turn mlvn1 lnn ltnt ma olUUfl. n,i j- ---.,- . - .., ---. ,, v wvu vmw Hiv et44b4jr OUiiCU ? WIIU1CC Lot2at25c Each The styles are nil good, so Is the assortment. 79c f! vr. & 6 : c?rtM nt T I UI UU1 WllUllC g . radies Pocket Books, silver mounted or plain, in seal, walrus Sr , or blistered leather. Black or colors. Pocket Books that g g S actually sold for 25c and 30c, now I yC i!3 si; Hose Supporters gi ,. . . .uW uuujthuuu m mo iaigem JUIlue, xne good kind T ilin fall nlitfiii.r, fi a- 1 ft 1 n A On il t m " 0 . vuhw mm injro uum i i-u iu uc ie pan. xatte your a S?" choice of them all, this week for, (the pair) ; . , , 1 UC 51 a m 9 Fancy Be8t Buckles The latest novelties in gun metal, gilt, etc. Thcro are many liking on sight. 35o and 50o Buckles for ........ 12c I Globe Warebotise. WRM!l!(M;eRil!0 OS. v. Dr. H. Young, Instructor at the North Scranton Institute, accompanied by his wife, left yesterday for Cleveland, whero he joins his brother on a club juggling tour, under the management of a New York company. They will perform in peveral of the large cities in the middle and western states. Superintendent Patterson, of the Providence road pave; Henry Williams, William Patteison and Thomas E. Jones spent Sunduy with Moiris V. Morris, at Lake WInola. Thomas Thomas, of Edna avenue, and Edward Loftus, of Spring street, left yesterday to spend their vacations in New York cltv. The public is invited to the ice cream sale nt tho Young Women's Christian association parlors this evening. Cake will be served with the cream. There will be special music, and a geneial good time is piomised. Maiy Hopkins, of West Market street, left yesterday for Atlantic Cltv and Philadelphia, wheie she will spend two w eeks. Samuel Lewis, jr., traveling salesman for the Pathfinder cigar, Is at home with his family, on North Main ave nup. Misses Mame Henry, of Brick ave nue, and Anna Roche, of West Market street, spent last evening with friends In Olvphant. Richard Hughes, of Oak street, spent Sunday visiting at the Hillside Home. Thete will be a trolley party Friday evening. A special car will start from tho Young Women's Christian associa tion rooms at 8 o'clock, conveying the party over each line In the city. Tick ets are on sale at the ioom. Miss Tessie Schwartz, of New Yoik city. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Feldman, on North Main avenue. Mr. and Mis. John McDonnell and family, of North Main avenue, spent Sunday at Montdale, near Chapman's lakf. The home of Mr. and Mis. Daniel Smallcombe, on Throop street, has been brightened by the ai rival of a baby bov. Mrs. W. II. McDonnell and daughter Grace, of WIlkes-Bane, hae returned home, after spending a week with lela tivea on North Muin avenue. Miss Ruth McDonnell accompanied them. Mr, and Mis. Paine and son Donald, of Throop street, spent Sunday with rjnrhnnrlnlo fi Inn.lc Miss Mary Davis, of New York city, has returned home, after spending a week with her mother, Mis. Daniel Da vis, on William street. Misses Ethel Vlpond, of Hollister ave nue, and Bessie Hoffman, of West Mar ket street, are spending their vacation at Tobyhanna. A party, consisting of Walter Bene dict, Austin Mooie, Fiecl Lldstone and PuIaslU Carter, are camping at Lake Porn telle, Mis. Uriah McDonnell, of North Main avenue, Is rapidly Impiovlng fiom a recent Illness. Mr. and Mis. Herbeit Chatfleld have leturned from their wedding tour, and spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Hodgson, on Paiker street. ent bolt, pointing and easy running i things here oAAuvo. cjwuu iiusa uuiaii. ji.ugu'SL Sale Price . , $3.59 Other Tables Reduced $4.39 worth $5.25. $4.89 were $6.00. $7.50 were $0.25. $7.95 were $10.50. $12.00 were $14.75. $13.35 were $16. This furniture sale is a step ahead this year over our previous sales. Not room to mention all tnc gooa 3-piece Bedroom Suit for. $13.50, comprising a 42x20 dresser with a 20x24 inch bevel miiror, wash stand 18x33 top complete, with splasher; bedstead has 6 foot, 5 inch, head board, made from solid oak, high class finish. August Sale . . .$13.50 100-pieco Decorated Dlnnor Set at $5.08, worth $7.98 i iuu-pieco uinner sot tor $u.hm, wortn $8.98 100-plece Dinner Set for $8.98, worth $10.98 C6-pieco Tea Set, handsomely decorated, for $4.98, worth $6.50 White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers At $1.69, a 2-qunrt size, worth $2.00 At $1.70, a 3-quait size, worth $2.10 At $2.25, a 4-qunrt size, were .$2.25 riason Jars Quarts nnd Pints, per dozen 48c Jelly Tumblers with cover, per dozon, August Salo 24o Extra Jar Caps and Covers, per dozen 2o Jar Rubbers, per dozen 40 Pure Gum Rubbers, per dozen 6c For 10c, Fruit Jar Fillers, worth 15o Radiant OH Stove For 49c, this sale, were 59c For 85c, this sale, were ( $1.00 For $1.29, this salo, were $1.59 Kitchen Chairs At 39c, worth 650 For 58c, worth 750 Cane Seat Chairs The $1.10 kind, now 78c The $1.35 kind, now $1 05 The $1.50 kind, now $1.25 The $1.65 kind, now $1.35 yesterday afteinoon from the homo of his paients, 010 Marion stieet. Rev. Hen ly Potter, pastor of the Gieen Ridge Bup tlst cliuich, officiated. The pall-beuicis woie: George Angle Breck, Hcniy Angle Block, Hcniy Steiling, Tied Skinner, Ilaivey Bateson, Aaion Jackson. James Welton, Jia Rosj und Chailcs Skinner acted as flower beaiers. Intoiment was made In Foiest Hill cemetery. Much needed repalis are being mado on Gieen Ridge street, between Monsey and Sandeison avenues GREEN RIDGE. Miss Bllznbetli Aithur, of Wyoming ncnuo, is spending her vacation in Ath ens, ia , with Rov, and Mis, w, g. Slmp bou. toimeily pastor of Asbury chinch. Mlfca JJUu Altliur, who has been so so liously ill with typhoid lover since last No ember, iciocied oiirildently to bo t amoved to Long nnmcli, which has gieatly benelltcd her honlth. Slio lias slnco leturned and her many fi lends wish her icnewed health and sticngth. Mr, and Mis. C 11, lluzlott, of Clay avo. 11110, aio sojourning at Lake Alio), Dr. und Mis, Quilinghorr. of Caponso avenue, 1110 summoilng at Block Island, Mr, and Mis. Mackintosh, of Uteun Rldgo stieet, 1110 rojolclng over tho ai lival of a daughter. Miss Uolen Churchill, of Mnion stieet, Is spending the summer in Now Jeisoy, Mis. Augusta Stnim, of l.aicli bticst, swoio out a wauiiut last evening bofoio AlOcimun Ralloy for thu an cat of Mis, Poler Miller, uu tho chaizo of dismdeily conduct, Tho taso was postponed for two weeks fm fiuthor hciiilng. Tho fmieiul of J Im old L'llls took pluco SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. A full attendance of tho Fourteen Fiiends' exclusion committee was held In Best's hotel patlois Inst evening, and a piogiamme of events for the outing, which takes place Thuisday, August 21, was ngiced upon. In addition to the bal loon ascension the sheiift's race, and tho Ashing match, it was agieed to have a team boxing contest between Messis. Scheuor and Duffy and Khst and Zlm mor. A cake walk will also be decided, the contestants being Scheuei and Miller, and J. F. Best and Charles Heier. AI Holer, assisted by a coips of ladies, will act as judge and refeiee of the swimming match, for which Messis Andy Best, Ben Moore, Tom Spiuks, AI Westpfh.il. John Schneider, Ed Robinson and Alderman Lentcs aie enteied. If any 0110 of tho above finishes ahead of tho magistrate, an Injunction will be at once seived upon him by Constable Petei Maiker. Tho most amuMng feature of tho day will bo a fat man's race, for which the entries at piesent aio Frank Lampkuhl, John Barnes, George Rosar, Geoigc Engel, Chailes Kellei, Haunts Kaestner nnd George Rosen, jr. Tho committee has been picscnted with a canler pigeon which will be utilized to cany tho names of winners to the club's headquntteis af ter each ovent. Tho canter, is a biid, and Is being fed fieo by Butcher Dan Webber. William Elslng, one of the boj3 who was hurt in the trolley car accident last week was moio seiiously lnjuied that at flist supposed, and yesteiday ho was tnken to the Lackawanna hospital for treatment. One of his feet was badly crushed and It was deemed necess.ny to make an examination with tho X-iajs. Tho lemalns of Miss Annlo Pontius will be lala at lest In the Plttston avenua cemetery this afternoon. Services will bo hold at tho family lestdcncc, &00 Cedar avenue, at 2 o'clock. Tho Infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. Getz, whoso death occuiicd Sunday will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. M13, Schrclbei, whoso death was le couled yesteiday, will bo laid at rest to monow moinlng. Sei vices will bo held in St. Mary's Gorman Catholic church and Intel mont will be made in tho Twcntioth wind cemcteiy. Di. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam la gunianteed to cure all coughs. "No erne, no pay." For salo by all denlois. Comet lodge, Knlght3 of Pythias, will meet in weekly session this evening. Mis. Moian, of Hickory stieet. has just letuined fiom a trip thiough Km ope, A child of Louis Rosai was Intoned In No. 0 cemcteiy yesteiday fiom tho fam ily lesldence, 736 Maplo street. Tho lit tle ono was only two da3 old and died late Sunday night. Another Week of Unmatched Bargains and the Best Week Like a good cook, we save the best for the last. There are Dimity, Lawn and Swiss Short Lengths and Remnants make good shirtwaists, next year like wise pretty gowns and never so cheap as now. Just watch these "adsV this week and think about the prices we offer, they are such that its bet ter than putting money out at interest. Would You A Small Percentage for the Use of $25.00 ZT. uive 9 AIT OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY, MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINa SYRUP for children teething. Is the prescription ol eno of tho best femals phyalelans and nurses In tho United States, and has beeS lised sixty yeais with nover-falllng sue; ress by ml lions of mothers for their chill flren. During tho piocess of teethlnc its Jalue !a incalculable. It relieves tho ch 3 lo the child It rests tho mother. Prico. tweiity-Uv'B cents bottle. mother, Prlco, DUNMORE. Tho council mot In regular session last night with Mr. Douillcuu tho only absent member. Appiopi lotions to tho amount of $J0,R07 woio made fuc tho ensuing ycai. Chief of police repoitrd llo aui'sts dur ing the past month. The bond ot Ti ans wer Wahleis was lofoiicd to tho boiough attorney for approval. Tho stieet com missioner was Instiui'lccl to icmovo tho best of tho stono lecently riunuled on tho Golden lot oa Ulakely stieet to tho borough lot, wheio It will bo used as needed In icpalr woik. Tho stieet com missioner was oidored to dump all icfuao dlit suitablo for lining on tho lot of AVIlUam Kdon on Webster avenue, Tho hildgo ucross the tiacks of tho Scranton Railway on Chcriy stieet was ouleicd io pahed nnd tho expense of tho samo chained to tho rullwny company. Thu Sciantou Gas and Water company was notified to either lay pipes on Blukely stieot nt onco or lemovo them from tho guttcis they aio now obstiuctlng. Thu stieet lommlssloner's thuo sheet tor JuOI.73, chief of police's budget for $.,70 and tho (ho department budgot for JIW wcio nppioved. Chlof O'Nell was oi del oil to liavo neoded repalis mado on tho In dicator In tho i:iectilc Hoso company's looms. Owing to tho appiopiiatlon for stieet it-pull u being neaily spent the uniount to bo expended (lining August wns limited to je-'W Coundl luljouined lo meet Monday evening next, whon bids for tho building of tho pioposcd now or win no opened aim mo contract u winded. Tho Dunmoro riohlbltloii Alllanco will hold a business meeting at tho homo of Mr. Stone nt 182 Biook sliect, at S o'clock tonight. G. II. Reeso wll bo pieseht to address the alliance. Letters remaining unclaimed duilng tho peilod ending August 3. IWJ. I'oigons dru m, Co e Scoff & 126 Wyoming Ave. cnlllng for theso letters will nlcaso say advertised: Thomas Fnhy, !)I7 Tliioop stieet; John Wioo, 2; A. II. V Mailvn Pcckls, 1121 Thioop stieet. Usui 11. Rip ple, postmaster. OBITUARY. It is a penny wise and pound foolish idea to hesitate to borrow money when you can got it on such favorable terms as we now offer. From $10 to $300 loaned within 10 miles of 207 -Wyoming avenue. we cto not want you to WAIT a day or two for the money after promising it piomptly. MONEY LOAN You get it within an hour or two. ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Or Other Personal Property. cram on Loan Huaraofy Co. 207 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. N:ar Corner Spruce Street. Business Hours -8 a. m. to6p. m.. Saturdays, 10 p. m. Hnal I We can hand you the money within an hour or so after you ask for it. bail Now Phone No. 2826. P.O. Box 01. WILLIAM FALLON, a former iosI dent of South Scinnton, died at Read ing, Sunday. Tho lemnlns were In ought heie for Intel ment. Tho f uncial will take place this morning at 9 o'clock fiom tho home of Mr. and Mis. Lavelle, 1521 Plttston avenue. Services will bo conducted In St. John's church, nnd .In tel ment mado In tho Cathedral ceme tery. ROV MEISTER, the 15-nionths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Meister, of Elm stieet, died last night. A month ago they lost a 6-yeai-old son. TAYLOR. Tho Reds defeated tho Old Forgo team on tho kilter's gi omuls, yesteiday, by a scoio of 12 to (i. Welscntluli moved u stumbling block to the Old Forgo bats men, llo stiuck out eight men mid poi mltted but seen hits. Tho batting of tho homo team was teriillc, , Tomoirow tho cleiks nnd butchers will play their deciding gamo of ball; each team 1ms won a ictm. Hotting la about oon, and much money Is up on tho game, Thomas and Ncgley will bo thu battery for tho butchers; How oils und Powell for tho cleiks. Huuy Evans, of Dover, Del,, vns a business caller on T. II. Enn, jcstci day. Misses Daisy and Kenneth Relnhnrdt uto lsltlng lelntlves nt Stioudshtiig, Contractor Pnilth and his gang of wotk nicn commenced woik on tlio now bewer on Union street yesterday, between Poud aud Rldgo bticcts. Mis. Itobeit Llowellyu will leave today for a lnlt with i datives In Ohio. Tho Ai Uib. ild mlno tcum wll cio's bats with tho Oiloles on tho RleislJo giound this afternoon. ; Miss Gusslo Rcluhiudt has icturncd homo from a low weeks' visit with icla ttves ut Ransom. Hurry Hums, of Taylor street, Is home from his trip to Pittsburg. Tho boiough council held an Interesting Piazza and Lawn wings r -J& ; N" fS?SSni bw Vjr k Summer Furniture The Largest and most artistic line ever shown in the city. Hiil&Connel! 121 Washington Avenue. bcfslon last evening In tho council chain bcis. Uuslnejs of Impoitancu was trans, tictpili Misses Emma Stulili und Mmgiiiot WIN llama uiu sojourning at Atlantic City. William JMuiphy, of New York, Is vis King his family on Oak stieet, Mis. Gllgallon. of Aichbald, Is visiting her daughter, Ml a, M. J. McDonald, of Main street. Miss Rachel Smith has returned to her homo In Luucino boiough, after spending the past few weeks us tho guest of Miss Jounlo llarils, of Main titicct. Price Lines Sharply Drawn About the Waist Department and in fact in every de partment. August, you know, is clearing month, and a little loss this sea son is preferable to carry ing over season. It will pay you to keep a close watch on our advertising this month, and call in the store when you are down,, town. We are sure 'to have something you need specially. 1 I Meldrum, wllii Co. 126 Wyoming Am Ad ksft.arJi f'ptafj'aaiaa&SftMiiJfcuii, BWMi,tMM4gmfcJlwrt8itlw 1 v vlJ! w i This rignaturo l on e7cry box ot I Laxative uromo'Uiann m t Kmtrmt UMMinr uu nirm rma egeMlM TabUta .MMJtWb PECKVILLE. Mr, und Mis. Henjamln Prosscr and little daughter, Eleanor, of tho West End, li.iM) ictuincd trom a Islt with friends iu York state. Miss L'athciluo Wllllains.of Main stieet, spent. Sunday at Hcranton. Air, and Mrs. John Baunou, of Pilco burg, spent Sunday In town. Miss Jauo Williams, of Main street, Is lstiliig at the liomu ot her brother ut Ciiccu Ilidge, Comer D. Hcoso Is impiovlng, after a few weeks' Illness. Thomas Cousens. ot Muln stieet, lias returned homo Hum u lslt with frlendi In Scott. Rett Gendall, of Maishwood, was a culler In town, Saturday c cuing. i66 . jtiYi-sM. ..wMst,..- -mktimi ,