mmmmmmmmmmimaimmmmmi'mmrm. WPP P.-. . mJ f PiP4R- WW?xf pvfit c av7?wr5r r"J5W!UJWVrt . W S wwjw-, ws? &r irmimi't iV J 1"J ",,- .. ,jjvv -,, 5 . J w . ri i 'v. " ", i i r i si p " , vv , - - 1 " ' ' j" i .Vr V - 1 r"M !"' t , ' , ?l THE SGRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1902. i -- 5 ' ,!l txxxxxxx; m MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Keep Comfortable During tho hot daya of summer by using a B, & R Wickless Oil Stoves No smoke, no ortlor. Practical safe nlno styles. Foote & Shear Co. 5 U9 Washinelon Ave. Sbooooooooooo Scranton investor Vol. Conncll Bulldins No. All kinds' of securities bought, sold nnd exchanged. If your securities are in bank us collateral, wo can dispose of them Just us well us If the certifi cates xtcro brought to us. On our list ve have, subject to previous sale: $5,000 Pocono Ice Co. bonds at par nnd Interest. $10,000 Central Pennsylvania Brewing Co. bonds nt SS2. $10,000 Economy Steam Heat Co. bonds. $3,000 International Text Book Co. Btoclc. $20,000 United States Lumber Co. fetock. $3,000 Bank stock. $4,000 Telephone bonds. $2,500 Clark- & Snover Tobacco Co. fetock. Pays S per cent, on par. $133. We sell only such securities aa we can recommend. MONEY TO LOAN. We want everybody to know that wo have money to loan on Scranton ical state. Wo loan quickly and cheaply. vou are cordially Invited to come and see us. B. Ernest Comcgys & Co. 'Phone 10D. Real Estate Investor No. 2. Connell Building. Vol. l. No bettor time than now to buy leal estate. Trices will advance as soon as strike Is settled. Come and look over our list of properties for sale. Hand some oflices on seventh floor of Con nell Building. R. E. Comegys, Real Estate Dealer. 'Phone 109. The Hardenberghl School of Music and Art Season 1002 - 1003 opens Thursday, Sept. 18. Most modern and approved methods. Send for prospectus. Carter Building, 604 Linden street. PETER N. HAAN Livery, Boarding, Cab Service, Shop ping, Opera, Party, Wedding and Train Calls. HEAVY TEAMING AND DRAYING New Stables, 1415 Mulberry Street. New 'Phone 2057. If You Are Considering The purchato or sale of any high grailo btocks or bonds, better consult us. Wo make a specialty of this kind of secuil tle3. I. F riEGARQEL & CO., Rooms 2Cfi & 207, Commonwealth Bldg. rofp PERSONALS. E. W. Bryant Is confined to his home with bronchitis, Mail Carrier 13. D, Jones Is spending ho weeks at Atlantic City, N, J, Miss Florence Colo, of Bolvldore, N. J Is visiting iclatlvcs on Wyoming avenue. Miss Mary Hunvln, of Is'ottli Uydu Park avenue, Js visiting friends ut Upper Lehigh. Sir, and Mrs, W, L. lirennnn, of CScon drove, and Miss Sarah Mcl.ane, of Benin ton, bpcitt Sunday at tho homo of Mrs. 13. Miihoney, of Wavoily, Mia. Mary A. Kenny, of Fig fcticot, Miss Jennie A, Kenney, nf Adams ae nue, and Miss Katliryn G, O'Mulley, of Gieen Hldge, are making a trip ucioss the continent. They will visit tho principal places of Interest on tho Paclllc Coast, q. h. Simons and family, W. H. Alt and family, of Ilumllnton'n, Wayno coun ty, and Mis. II. M. Simons, of this city, ore camping on the shoio of Big Pond, one of the bett fishing places In this sec tion, Mr. Simons and Mr, Alt havo both been very successful with the hook and line, tho former having taken a plck crel weighing $U pounds and the latter a hass weighing i pounds- -i-r ackawannK 1 fflwi AFRAID TO GO BACK TO WORK EVEN THE WATCHMEN DESERT THE WAHNKE WASHERY. Fifty Men Wero Engaged to Work Thoro but Only Flvo of Thorn He ported for Duty, Because of tho Tear Prevalent of tho Duryca Strikers District President Nich olls Claims There Aro No Union Men Working at tho Oxford nnd Cayuga Othor Strike News. No now collieries or washerlos start ed up, yostouluy, contrary to expecta tions, It was announced on Saturday that tho Woodward at Kingston would resume operations, yesterday morning, but tho effort was not made. Inquiry at tho company's office elicited only the statement that It was not definitely known what day the start would be made. Frederick Wnrnkc had fifty men en gaged to operate his washery at Dur yca, but only live of them showed up for woik. Some of tho othcis sent word that they were afraid to wenk in Dur yp.i on account of tho bad name tho place bears. Even the men employed nt tho Wnrnkc washery us watchmen nic deseitlng thiough fear. Mr. Warnko nnd members of his family are compelled now to take turns at as sisting tho watchmen still on duty. The Oxfoul nnd Cayuga continue to woik, and according to the claims of the lcspectlvo companies the forces ut each place are augmented dally by de sertions from the strlkeis' ranks. Dlslilct President Nicholls claims there aio no strlkeis buck at woik In these places. The claim Is made In a lengthy statement Issued yesterday. Picsldcnt Nicholls' statement follows: NICHOLLS' STATEMENT. Notwithstanding statements appearing In the piess coming from ofllclalt. of va iloiu coal companies, to tho effect that they will not make any effoit to stait their collieries until the Illinois apply for their woik again; wo aio daily notllled that the local mine officials or agents mo ery actively engaged In trjlng to per suade tho men to rutin n to woi k. Tho effort made to cause dis&atlsf.iction by fallacious niguments concerning the dl&tilhtitlon of "lcllef" has been a com plete falluie; and we now fear no evil lesnlts from that coulee. Tho mlncis decided that it will be s-afor to accent the plan of disliibution as sub- ,mittcd by Picsldcnt Mitchell, than the equal distribution plan as buggehtcu oy some of the officials of the coipora tlons. They icasoned that Picsldcnt Mitchell would natuinlly plan to use tho lundh that the e.pcndituie would bring vlctoiy: while they also reasoned that the opera tots' plans would just as natui ally be to have the money so expended that it would weaken Instead of sticngtli ening the stiikc and eventually bicak it, as they did In a similar Instance some eais ago, when they wcio fciicccssful in getting the men quairellng among them: selves. Tho funds so far have been found sut llclent to meet tho actual necessities. While the number of those In need will natui.illy incease as time goes on; the tneioaso in the amounts lcculved, which will commence with the bcginlug of net week, when the assessment lc led on the bituminous mineis will bo foi wauled to the national office. This, together with the aid we expect fiom the other labor oiganlzatlons and sympathize! s, will so Incrcaso our fund as to enable us to meet the inci cased demands for aid. Wo also expect a continual exodus of mlno woikeis to other Holds, which will also fctiengthcn our position, llach miner is trying to foitlty himself and family for the winter If necessary by getting woik, which will make him independent, and wo do not expect after a time to have any lnoio icmainlns than the old men and u low who may bo unable to obtain woik. NOT EX-STRIKERS. While It has been lpported far and near that the Oxfoid and Cayuga collier ies ate In opeiatlon, tho tacts aio, aecoul Ing to lepoits lccclvcd at this ofllce fiom our local olilceis, that none of our mineis nie woi king at these places, and that only coal which was loaded befoio tho strike and left In the mine cais is tho gicutest poitlou if not all the coal that Is now being hoisted to tho sui face. The opeintors' only hope at this tlnio is tho moial effect on our membeis of seeing it colliery In opeiatlon. They liopo this will dlscoui.'tgo them. The mineis, however, know that a half docn mineis at any or each colllciy cannot till tho placcn, or do the woik of tho hundreds of men usually employed, and aie not dlscour uged thereby. Tho beginning of the thirteenth week of tho btiiko tiuds the men moie steadfast unci dctei mined than cer, and with In ci eased strength to continue the strug gle tor tho substitution of an honest wes tern for a couupt system of employment; tho old system has destroyed all coull deuee between employer and employe. When tho pi lea of hon or steel ln ciease.s tho iiillioad ofllclals do not closo down the railioads and lefuso to pay the pi lee; but just as soon as men de mand a just system of employed and In ci cased wage they close down their mines anil light tho demands with till tho power tliey contiol, and with bltfeniess of spliit. Should not tho demands of man bo at least w oi thy of as much consideration as tho demands of a plcco of lion? I hope the opointois will pay the incieabo de manded by the mineis; I would llko to seo them pay, because they rcalizo tho justlco of tho demands, but If not then for tho same leason that they pay the pilco demanded for lion nnd steel; 1. o because they cannot set tho bervlco of tho men unless they pay the piopert v.tluo demanded, T, D. Nicholls, Miners continue to leuve for other coal Holds dally, A largo party sturts this morning at 0,30 o'clock for Hunt ington, A strlkeis' inabs meeting took place yesterday afternoon at Archbald, It was addiessed by President Nicholls and others, Local No. 037, United Mlno Workers, will meet Thursday afternoon In Co operative hull. The meeting will be called promptly at a o'clock. A mass meeting of the North Scran ton locals will bo held at 2.30 o'clock Friday afternoon, at St. Mary's hall. m FELL FROM A TRESTLE. C,. H. Green, of Hallstead, Seriously Injured at Elmdalo. C, II, Circen, of Hullstead.whlle work ing on a trestle at Elmdale, early yes terday morning, fell fioin It and ie celved Injuries which lebultcd In his bsliu; taken to tho Lackawanna hos pital, wheio lils left arm was ampu tated. He also sustained a frueturo of the skull. A long iron trestle Is being bult at Elmdale by the Eie. about twenty feet above grude. While arecn was at work ycsteiday morning lie was struck by the big boom and knocked off tho bridge, He la about 35 years "of ago and married. Dp, Llndalury, Surgeon, diseases of women u specialty, 215 Connell building. Mours: u am. to i p, m.j 7 to 8.30 n. m. I DELIGHTED WITH PROGHESS Testimonial Written Last Year. Scranton, Pa June, 1001. Mr, J. Alfred Pennington. Dear Sir: It Is with plcnstiro that I speak In terms nf highest praise of tho Fnoltcn System of Fundamental Training. I nnt delighted with tho progiess my llttlo daughter has nuido In tho slioit Jlmo sho has attended tho Conser vatoiy, and most cheerfully commend your Instruction to any desiring a thor ough course. i'ouis tiuly, JENNIE Tit. CHEMDEIILIN, HAS GIVEN PERFECT SATISFACTION Testimonial Written This Year. Sei anion, Pa., April Sth, 1903. Mr. J. Alfred Pennington. Dour Sir: Tho progicss my daughter has mndo dtulng tho second year's study at tho Conservatory has given ino poifect satisfaction and I urn pleased to iceommend It to all who mo lntetested In the study of music. Very lcspcelfully yotus, JENNIE M. CHEM BERLIN, Send For the New Prospectus. MEETING OF CABINET. Recorder Connell and City Officials Discuss Matter of Municipal Con tracts, and Bonds Question. The monthly council of Recorder William L. Connell and the heads of the city departments was held yester day In the former's ofllce. A bilcf session was held in the morn ing, nnd a more extended one In the afternoon. Tho matter of city contracts was discussed, but the greater part of both meetings was devoted to talking over tho refusal of Hayes & Sons, of Cleveland, to take the $:!85,000 worth of city bonds Issued to them. The pro ceedings at the meeting were secret, and nothing definite will be announced regarding them until the latter part of tho week. Those present at the conference were Recorder Connell. Director of Public Safety F. L. Wormser, Director of Pub lic Works John E. Poche, City Trcas uier F. S. Barker and City Solicitor G. M. Watson, At tho moining session, Solicitor Watson spoke for a short time on the contract question, regaullng the neces sity for making contracts tor t'll city work. Thus, Instead of minor jobs being undertaken on mere verbal or written agreement, contracts woald be made for the undertaking and cairy ing out of the work, the same as with tho larger municipal enterprises. LABOR DAY CELEBRATION. Committee Meets and Perfects Nu merous Details. The Central Labor union committee, in charge of the Labor day demonstra tion, met last night in the now hcad quarteis in tho Library building, and perfected some of tho details for the observance of the day. A parade will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning, and excursion trains will leave the Erie station for Lake Ariel at S.45, 11 and 11.20 o'clock in the morn ing, and 1.35 o'clock in the afternoon. The pat ado will dlspeise near tho Eile station, so ns to give the men In line the oppoitunity to take a morning train to the lake. The parade will be one of the largest and most lepresentatlvo Industrial pro cessions which has eer marched over the city stieets. The committee ex pects to have between twenty and twenty-live thousand men In line, and its foi niation will be characterized by a number of novel and unique features. Tho general teamsters' union has guaranteed to send a body ol four or live hundred horsemen to represent their organization, and the black smiths' and hoiseshocib' unions, ac cotding to custom, will also be mount ed. Hugh Fiayne, organizer of the American Fedeiatlou of Labor, will be guind maishal of the parade, and Geoige H. Gothler, of the cigai makers', seciotary-treasiuer of the Central Labor union, will act as chlef-of-staff. K. C. Paterson, of th3 carpenters; William Brokenshire, of the general teamsters; D. F. Denipsey, of the Uni ted Mine Workers of America, and A. A. Doney, of the machinists, will act as aides. D. B. Anthony, of the teain bters; Peter F. Holton, of the paint ers; Thomas Tleiney, of tho United Mine Workeis of America, and It. A. Muloney, of the horseshoeis, will com mand divisions. Grand Marshal Frayue will appoint aides to tho mar shal, and to the division coinmanderies. At Lake Ariel, tho day will bo spent In athletic spoi ts, and musical com petitions. It' Is also likely that theie will be present a number of prominent labor leadeis, and thut speeches will be made by the latter. The union will give a handsome sil ver horn to the German blnglng soci ety, adjudicated to bo in the best voice, of a number of Get man male choruses which will bo entered In tho contest. There will also be a vocal contest open to all Welsh choral asso ciations, and a money pilze will be offered tho club making tho best rec oi d among these, Tho round-trip faro for the excursion will bo seventy-five cents for adults and 45 cents for child! en. A special meeting of the Central Labor union will bo held at 7.30 o'clock Sunday evening. MR. ZACHARIAS DENIES. Says Ho Did Not Ask Anybody's Pardon for a Wrong. The mix-up In Elnihmst over the churges lately made against Editor Huilow of tho Signal seems yet to bo unsettled, us the following letter, pur porting to come fiom J, A, Zucinuitis, received by The TillnuiQ last night by special delivery, uttests; This Is to coitlfy that I, James Zaeli niliiH, feci that tlicio has been an in justice dono - by tho man or men who wioto for publication such lies agahut mo In icgaid to my tioublo with Mr, llur low, the editor of the Elmhuut Blmial, stating 1 had signed papeis and also that 1 had asked their paiilou, which I want denounced us a falsehood, as I was not willing to sign tho papeis nor wus I willing that such should bo pi luted. And I am not willing to ask any body's pardon until I um convinced that I have said or dono nnythlug wiong, which I bo llovo I huvo not. m SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE: Pay and evening besslons of the Scranton Business College will teopen Tuesday, September 2. "Vrlte, call or 'phono (8G2) for information, Buck & Vhltmore, corner Adams and Linden. Coursen sells FRUITED WHEAT. LABOR MEN INDICTED. Chicago Strikers Hold for Employing Thug3 to 'W' "Scabs." Something new In tho evolution of strikes Is lopoitcd from Chicago, hav ing boon put In evidence before the Cook county grand Jury. A local bruss mouldots' union recently had difficulty with a firm of employers, went on strike and piocecded to devise means to keep other workers from filling the vacated places. As soon us the strike was called they union voted an emergency fund and appointed a committee to superintend its disbursement. This committee used It in employing sluggers nnd bruisers to commit physical assault upon men who Interfered with the union's plan. Says the Record-Herald: The scale of ptlces vailed. For a plain "slugging" match, J5 Is tho price credited with having been paid. It bones wore bioken, so the evidence showed, the "op eiatois" weio paid accoidlng to tho ex tent of the Injury as affecting the abil ity of the victim to perform his dally duties. In leekonlng the rate to bo paid, comparatively, the general plan adopted by accident Insuinnco companies was fol lowed, making a bioken arm equivalent In value, or thereabouts, to a bioken lower limb, with a bioken hand or linger lated nt a lessor value. An assault, with lesultant effects siilllclent to send the In juied one to the hospital, was classified as woik of a supeilor giade, and com pensation conunensuiato with tho service londeied allotted the "flying squadron" or "wrecking crow" In charge of the case. Tho story repeated to tho jurors dilated upon the allegation that the num ber of weeks the victim was confined In the hospital also entered Into tho ques tion of the nmount of compensation. It was testified that $78 was paid out in one instance, so complcto was the service lendered by tho "wiccking crew." The definitions of tho two sobiiquets applied to the committees describe adequately and nceuiatcly the difference between their grades of woik. The "flying squad ron" was so called because its members would nttack the object of their enmity In somo public place, wheio tho electilc lights shone biightly and tiollcy linos ciossed, affoidlng thorn soveial avenues of escape. Tho members of tho "squad ion" would pcuneo upon their victim even while pcdcsti Inns and others wit nessed tho assault, ai.d then separate and lun to cover. The "wrecking crews" op erated along entirely dlffeicnt linos. They went out In search of their man and followed him homo fiom his work. In somo secluded spot they would sur lound him nnd boat and malm him to their satisfaction. Eleven members of this union arc now under Indictment and their trial will afford further Information as to the methods used In terrorizing non union workers. It Is proper to add that this kind of industrial battle has the approval of only tho lower grades ot labor leaders. Intelligent unionists know that it cannot win. LABOR CONVENTION. Delegates Will Assemble in Carpen ters' Hall, August 18, to Nomi nate Candidates. Today a circular will be sent out by the Central Labor union, formally an nouncing a convention of union men for August IS, at Carpenters' hall, to place In nomination labor candidates for congiess and tho state legislature. Each local union of tho various labor organizations will be asked to send two delegates to tho convention. P. D. NILAND PROMOTED. Will Be Manager of the Wilkes-Barre Telephone Exchange. Peter D. Nlland, who has been Identi fied with the Scranton Telephone ex change for the past thli teen years, yes toiday entered upon tho duties of man ager of the Pennsylvania Telephone companj's oflices In Luzerne county, with headquarters In Willtes-Barre, He w til succeed J. D, Smith, who 1ms been tiansfeired to tho main oftico at Htirilsbuig, The branch olllres nt Kingston, Plymouth, Nantlcoko nnd Harvey's lako also come under Mr. Nlland's supervision. Ho will removo to Wilkes-Bnrra on September 1. HggHKHBCESBH There's No Mm Just Llki Our Mocha nnJ Java Blended In fact, thoio 13 not a doubt about It being tho Roof 95r Plnnltn nnd .Inva in town. 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. Wo don't glvo GREEN TRAD INQ STAMPS, but wo aio the OUlGINATOilfS of the stomp or check system, issuing i hecks with nil puicbnsus of Ton, Coffee, etc, dividing our PROFITS among our ninny custoincis, at the sumo tlmo gllng them moie VALUE und bet tor QUALITY for their money than any other house. Wo cairy a largo and complete stock of use ful and ornamental pieseuts and invito ou to inspect same, Tho ONLY HOUSE that actual, ly saves you cash for cash. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 411 Lackawanna avenue, 3;'l North Main avenue. 'Phone. 73-2. Piompt delivery. Now 'Phono, 123. W THOMPSON MOVES UP FROM EIOHTlf TO FOURTH IN AUGUST LEADERS. Mado tho Largest Return Yestorday in Tho Tilbune's Educational Con testWilliam T. S. Rodriguoz .Ap pears Among tho Ten Leaders No Changes in tho Main Table, Al though Several Contestant!) In creased Their Scores. Standing: of Contestants A. J. Kollorman, Scranton.470 Charles Burns, Vandling. .450 Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .338 Albert Freedman, Belle- vuo 310 Fred K. Ounstor, Green Ridge 300 Wm. T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 275 Herbert Thompson, Car- bondalo 243 Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondolo 187 Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton.151 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . .120 Wm. Sherwood, Harford.. 102 J. A. Havenstritc, Mos cow 64 Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 62 Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 61 Harry Madden, Scranton. . 58 Frank B. McCreary, Hall stead 50 Hendrlck Adams, Chin chilla 48 William Cooper, Frlceburg 43 Lee Culver, Springville. . . 39 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 37 Miss Jane Mathewson, Factoryville . . . .' 36 Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 27 Harry Danvers, Provi dence 26 Fred Kibler, South Scran ton 26 Louis McCusker, Park Place 23 Hugh Johnston, Forest City ' 23 Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 22 C. J. Clark, Peckville . . . . 18 Louis Gere, Brooklyn 18 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 18 Eddie Morris, South Scran ton 18 John Mackie, Providence.. 16 Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. . 16 2. 3. 4. B. 6. 7. S. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 20. 30. 31. 32. 33. Herbert Thompson, of Carbondale, made the largest return In The Tri bune's Educational Contest yesterday, bringing in eight points and going from eighth tofourth place among the list of leaders for the special honor prizes for August. The four young men at the top of this list are very closely bunched, and theie will probably bo considerable changing about today. William T. S. Rodriguez, of Scranton, made his first return for the month yesterday, scoring six points and taking eighth place among the August lead ers. Charles Burns, of Vandling, and Maxwell Shepherd, of Carbondale, each scored three points. There wero no changes In position in the main table. The revised standing of the ten leaders for August follows: LEADERS FOR AUGUST. First Prize Folding Pocket Kodak, No. 1, A. Second Prize No. 2 Brownie Camera. Third Prize No. 1 Brownie Camera. William Sherwood 16 L. E. Stanton 15 Hendrlck Adams 1-' Herbert Thompson 11 Lee Culver 6 A. J. Kellerman 6 Chnrles Burns C William T. S. Rodriguez 6 Fred Iv. Gunster 3 Fred Kibler 3 PRENDERGAST PEN CONTEST. Judges Awarded Prizes Yesterday. Somo tlmo ago R. E. Prendergast, the stationer, offered three Waterman Fountain Pens as prizes to the persons writing the sentence "Waterman's Ideal Xi'ountaln Pens sold at Prender gaat's," tho greatest number of times on a postal and. The judges, John Bradley, of tho Times, and Howard Davis, of The Tribune, made their de cisions yesteiday, awarding first prize to A, V. LaMonte, S10 Madison avenue, who placed tho sentonco legibly seven hundred and thirty-two times on an ordlnnry postal card. L. D, Robots, 010 Washington avenue, was second with six hundied and llfty-clght, while third prize went to Roscoo Moore, 08 West Academy street, WIlkes-Barre, Pa., who wrote the sentence six hun dred und fifty times. Tea Basket Fire Japan 50c per pound. Comparo it with any 75o tea elsewhere. Try It. Coffee Con's Breakfast im 20c per pound 10 lbs, $1,73. Golden Rio 14c; five pounds, 50c, Coursen's Triple Blend 32c; 6 pounds, $1,50, This Coffee is one third Mandheling, compare it with any 40c coffee elsewhere. E. C, Goursen. A WORD TO THE GREAT ARMY OF SUMMER TOILERS, II You Are Not as Robust, Vigor ous and Happy as Others In the Month of August PAINE'SCELERY COMPOUND Will Olvc You Health, Full En crgy and Happiness. Many men tolling In offices, stores, and workshops during this hot summer weather, and women weighted with tho work und cares of home, aro critically ncur the brouklng down point. The symptoms ot coming sickness and dis ease aro manifested In sleeplessness, nervousness, tired feeling, languldness, Irritability, falling appetite, und poor blood circulation. Pnlne's Celery Compound Is a preci ous boon to the ailing, sick, and run down In this August weather. A bottle or two used nt once will quickly bestow tho needed strength to bnttle against tho weakening and enervating effects of the oppressive heat, and will enable men und women to go through the ncc essary routine of dnllv toll with heart, soul, and energy. Pnlne's Celery Com pound Is specially distinguished for Its ability to build up rundown systems In hot weather. Mr. George W. Demurest, of 128 West 67th street, New York, says: "I am a licensed stationary engineer, and although my work is not very laborious, I suffered so Intensely with severe pain3 in my back and kidneys that I was compelled to leave my work nnd remuln at home for six months. 1 suffered greatly with headaches ,und soreness In chest and lungs, nnd my Joints became very stiff. I uctually felt I was doomed to fill an old man's grave at the age of thirty-two. As a last re sort, I used two bottles of Palno's Cel ery Compound, when I was able to re sume my work, and after using the third bottle, I am In perfect health. The value of Paine's Celery Compound Is inestimable, and I urge others afllicted as I was to use it." ATTORNEY CLARA PECK. Young Lady Admitted to Practice by Judge Voshurg. Miss Clara Peck, of this city, was yesterday admitted to practice In the orphans' court by President Judge A. A. Voshurg, on motion of Attorney W. A. Wilcox. She Is the first woman to be admitted to the bar in Lackawanna county. Next Monday, at the midsum mer day session of common pleas, Mr. Wilcox will move her admission to the other courts. Miss Peck Is a petite young "woman, the daughter of J. Russell Pack, of Providence. She pursued hen legal studies with Patterson & Wilcox, and passed an exceptionally good examina tion. For the piesent Miss Peck will continue in the ofllce of Patterson & Wilcox. Coursen sells FRUITED WHEAT. $1,000 REWARD. Tho Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad company will pay the above for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who set Are to the Bellevue washery on Priday evening, August 1st, 1002. R. A. Phillips, Supt. Coal Mining Dept. A meal in Itself FRUITED WHEAT. Langstaff and Kelly Election Contest. Tho county conimlssioneis will pay witnesses in the Langstaff and Kelly election contest as follows, to wit: Tuesday, Aug. 5, boiough of Taylor and tho East district of Lackawanna town ship. Wednesday, Aug. G, Old Forgo bor ough and township. Thursday, Aug. 7, boiough of Mooslc. J. Courier Morris, John Penman, John Durkln, County commissioners. Attest: W. G. Daniels, clerk. "O'Hara's Leader." A Havana tilled 5c. cigar. Try one, FRUITED WHEAT sounds delicious, tastes bettor. Most healthful. Second Annual Manufacturers' Redaction Sale of Umbrellas Fast black, steel rod, solid frame, M-inch Umbiellas, "9c. Fast black, steel tod, solid frame, S-In. Umbiellas, 30c. Fine twilled Glotla, ai-lnch. uOc. Flno twilled Gloiln, SS-lnch. KOc. Fino piece-dyed Union Tnffetu Silk of all colois, your cholco of the finest pciul. hoin and Ivory, silver tilmmed handles, $1,19, SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING CO 313 Spruco Street. The Pridmore Automatic Copying Press Gives four times more pressure than any other press. . - All sizes In stock 0mmmmMk vzzmtmsmmgmk nut u BWflBtoiiJUi.iT'fv?rKw zjrsauL'wws'meirv The screw is designed so as to make backing-off impossible. REYNOLDS BROTHERS, - - Hotel Jermyn wmmmmmmmmMMmwaMMimmwmmmmmm J We Are HendqUarUrs J For ' J Cotton t Sail Duck, X I Rubber Drill and t Enameled Drill and Duck j I Bittenbender & E I 126-128 Franklin Ave. i ;. t The Difference You believe there ar many brands of Good Flour But after using the re liable "Snow White" You know it to be abso lutely the best. We only wholesale It. Dickson Mill & Grain Co., Scranton and Olyphant. Headquarters i for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Ounsfer&Forsyth 253-327 Pcnn Avenue. L Allis-Chalmers Co ' Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and AVllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Costs nothing to see this Press I gflfcsf la "ZISPI B& v M fcll H Hu - it O h&, ? "' , n J ; , ,JWr -:'f. . . ... .&&&&. -atfV riaftfc8T rKfcifar; -M,a -.,,v',-y.,. MetmmikakaejfaA4&A lmMmMimMm vwni-m't- w