The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 04, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Carbondale.
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3?on llUJJT-Tho Congregational pnrsorN
; gc, No. B8 Eighth nvc.. Cnruomlnloj
VoFS"sslon given Aug. 15. Address Wrn.
Shelly, 137 8. Church Btreot, Curbondalo.
'(Susquehanna After Administering a
' Stinging Defeat to Honesdalo
Comes to This City and Is Given a
Worse Drubbing Than They Gave
- the Cnnnlers Score 15-2 Crescents
. Slammed the Ball and Mndo No
'j Costly Error3 An Immense Crowd.
'-;Oh! Join In the fun!.
,Suso.uehunnn, six; Honesdulo, one.
Just to show wo are some few,
,: Head our pets. 15; Susquehanna, 2.
We might go on and versify for a
week on such a fertile topic but that
-would bo pressing Col. McComb too,
hard; so will quit with these two
"spasms, and Use to remark that
Like" Honesrtnle's one run
Another game we've won.
i TIs Susquehanna that we've trim
med; trimmed them before a crowd of
say 4,500 persons Including' nineteen
MIoncsdalcrg and 150 Susquelinnnnltes,
ivho came down on the "flyer" and went
back on the "flyer." And it rained the
'same night!
We won as wc said before, the ninth
game out of cloven. And wp won de
cisively. Wc won because we batted
the ball, batted It hard. Our pets made
li hits. They ,weru well placed;
'scientific batting the base ball writer
calls it; "Chuck" Connors said it "wns
bltnn de ball fur fnlr.' Call it what
you will, it won the day for us. Wc
earned 4 runs, Susquehanna none. This
'alone without the aid of the eleven er
rors of Susquehanna would leave us
away to the good.
We won also because we fielded in
quick, sharp. "Jonny-on-the-spot"
plays. We had four errors, but they
cut no Ice for Abo Sahm's new water
barrel. We won because well wo won
that'3 all there is to it, so all hall to
our "pets."
Cuff had a great batting record; his
average for the game was S00. Out
of 5 times up, ho made 4 hits; two of
them weie corking two baggers.
Our Owney, beside holding Susque
hanna's heavy hitters down to nine hits'
'and striking out 5 of them, he made
two hits, one which sailed out Into deep
left and landed him on second base.
Every man on the team hit the ball,
with the exception of Jtosler, who had
the hardest kind of hard luck. He
knocked one to third base that looked
nil the world to be safe, but third
baBeman Lannan cat it up.
Emmett Gallagby, Harte and Mc
Andrew, each, had two hits.
The fielding of Rosier was brilliant;
the greatest of the game. He captured
two flys after long runs that anybody
would gamble were good for hits. His
quick return of balls amazed some of
the strangers, to whom such quick
work among amateurs was a novelty.
Murray added to his reputation ns
the best third baseman in the valley
or In Wayno or Susquehanna. His fly
catch after a run and Jump was great.
Cuff, at first, was Jonny, O. K. Ten
chances, without the semblance of a
O'Gara worked hard against his
former townsmen, but now and then
they landed, when It was just the time
and aided by errors the runs came in.
It wasn't Tommy's fault.
The detailed score was:
A.B. R. II. O. A. E.
turray. Ob f, l l l l
Rosier. If (i 1 0 3 0 0
Cuff. II) 3 2 4 ltl 0 0
i;mmett. cf 4 1 2 1 0 0
llnrto, rf 3 -' -' 1 0 0
Gallaghy, 2I 5 2 2 2 2 2
McHale, i-s 5 2 112 0
Loftus. c ." 2 1 ! 2 0
McAndicw, p 5 2 2 0 5 1
Totals 1U I." 15 27 U 4
A.B. R. H. O, A. E.
Stearns, 11 5 o 3 II 1 1
Kcefe, 21) ., I 0 u 3 5 &
Taylor, us 4 0 2 0 12
Topping. If 10 110 1
Fchmultz. c a 1 0 1 3 0
Rum?, cf 4 0 0 0 0 0
I.annon, Sb 4 114 2 1
Fcnnlon. rf 10 1111
O'U.un, p 10 10 7 2
Totals ..., 3J 2 0 21 2J 11
Score by Innings
descents 1 3 2 0 3 111 n-15
Piisquehanun 110 10 0 0 0 02
Ruined runs Cai bondnle, 4. Two-base
Mts McAmlreu. Cm'., 2 Passed balls
I.oftus. Schmaltz, 2. Babes on balls Tay
lor. Topping, Emmett. lilt by pitcher
Schmaltz, Kccfe. Struck out Uy Mc
Anrtrow, 5; by O'Gara, 5. Left on bases
Curhomlalc, S; Susquehanna, 1. Doublo
plays Sc.uilon to Kccfe. Stolen bases
Muriuy, Taylor, 2. Saeiillco hit Liinnon.
Tlmo of came Two houis. Umpire
Notes of the Game.
Whisper! What will. Honesdalo say
'Ttuel Hampton camo nil tho way from
jjincsdulo! a lid tho Rots won. ".' '
Aho .Sahm'iC&iovv foul, flags' aro quite
i$& orntewCffiJ.tlpjyiynondv,'n8lclo from
J&elr tisetulncss,
CjSIrt Fieemnn. George Tlnglcy and Joo
ghcsslor, of Honesdalo, rooted for Sus
iHiohanna, And s won!
"Rarrott, tho artist, is painting a yellow
jjtlg for Honesdalo which will bo f6r
jrardeLfiis.r.tJio. mountain this week.
5jrho bleachers wcro qulto acceptablo
and almost paid for tho coat of construe
"Hon. They will bo enlarged boforo noxt
.rit was n model crowd at tho camo,
"gour thousandths hundred persons pres-
Jfery -Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea.
Cv'About- six years ago for the Hist
"3jme lnhfy life I had a sudden and se--gre
attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs.
4lce Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got
tfmporary relief, but it enmo back again
nd again, and for six long years I have
jsuffered more misery and agony than
J can tell. It was worse than death,
,Jy husband ,spent hundreds of dollars
JSsr physicians' proscriptions and treat
ment jvlthoutjwall. Finally wo moved
M& Bosqu6cbunty, our present home,
nd one day I happened to see an ad
vertisement of Chamberlain's Colic,
Gholera and Plarrhoea Remedy with a
tlestimonlal of a man who had been
cured by It. The case was so sm,hir to
my own that I concluded p try the
Remedy. The result'Was wonderful. I
could hardly realize that I was well
galn, or believe It could h. so after
iiavlng suffered so -long, buthat one
bottle, t-rnedlelne, c63tlngbut a few
cents, cured me." For sale by all drug-
ent, and not an excuso of ft sign of dis
order. It was iv characteristic Carbon
dalo crowd.
In the Honesdalo8u8(iuchanna gnmo nt
Honcsdale Saturday, Susquehanna had n
cinch. Scoio, 0 to 1; hits, Susquehanna,
8; Honcsdale, 3. 'Twns easy money, the
Siisquchantialtcs say.
Tho" prediction ot Tho Trlbuno that
our I'cts on a fast diamond would run
nwny with Susquehanna has been fully
verified. With tho tenm of yesterday wo
would never have lost In Susquehanna.
Susquehanna won at Honesdalo on Sat
urday. Rut tho Susqtichnnnn lads had
Ned Gordon's bats from Carbondalo and
they had Joo Pldgeon, Carbondalo, l'a.,
on llrst base. What moro did they need
to win.
Tho strongth that Walter Loftus Is to
the Crescents was emphasized yesterday.
Without him ns ballast may bo tho bal
loon would mako another ascension.
Other clubs can go around tho hoilzon
for tho catchers, but Walter has all of
them played to n standstill.
W. P. Buydam, of Honcsdnle, In hla
letter of a few weeks ago. Bald tho Cnr
bondalo team wns ndtnlttcdly better than
theirs. After the Susqiiohnuna-Honesdalo
nnd tho C.irboudnlc-Stisquchnnna game,
It Is proven that W. F. know what ho
was talking about.
Susquehanna sent over 150 rooters to
Carbondalo, including somn of tho lending
business men of tho town. It was a
splendid lepresentatlon and they wero
given tho glad, warm hand of Carbon-'
dnllans. Uo fairer, no better natmod
enthusiasts ever crossed tho threshold of
the Anthracite city. They will always bo
welcome. Every player on tho Susque
hanna team has tho truo Biiortsman
spit It, nnd whether win or lose, a warm
uelcomo awaits them.
Passes Over This City, but Floods
Waymart Holds Up a D. and H.
Train for Several Minutes.
Curbondalo just escaped a wild sum
mer storm last night. It blew over the
city and broke crossing tho Mooslcs,
flooding the country east of us, almost
deluging Waymart, at tho foot of the
About G.S0, the skies darkened, and
great banks of black clouds began to
roll up. Residents who were on
porches, after the evening meal, with
drew to the Inside to avoid the threat
ened deluge. The wind veered, how
ever, to tho cast and carried the storm
until tho ruln-illled clouds were over
the summit of the Mooslcs on the
heights of Farvlew. Here they broke,
and swept down the 'mountain side,
carried by tho hurricane force of the
wind over tho fertile plain that sweeps
this country to Honcsdale.
At Waymart, it was a cloud-burst
that deluged tho village with a rain
such as was hardly ever seen there be
fore. The Delaware and Hudson pas
senger train from Honcsdale pulled Into
the station in the midst of the down
pour. A small boy was the flrst of the
passengers to alight. When ho stepped
onto the platform and darted for the
Inviting open door of tho station, he
was caught by the rain that poured off
the car roof Jiujt life a waterfall and
was knocked to the ground. Brakeman
William Cliff rushed to his aid and
carried the youngster back to Fafety on
the car. In doing so. Cliff was soaked
to the skin, though it was only an in
stant's work. Tho downpour was so
heavy that no passengers could leave
the train for nearly ten minutes.
Sharp flashes of lightning illuminated
the darkened scene and hall not as
big ns hen's eggs, but larger than
marbles beat a merry tattoo and
cracked numerous window-panes. Gar
dens were flooded and torn up and
considerable damage was visited on the
crops. It was one of the worst storms
that ever came down the Moosies.
Esteemed Jermyn Woman Succumbs
After Operation.
Mrs. Solomon, relict of the late John
Solomon, of Jermyn, died In Dr.
AVhceler's hospital last evening about 6
Mrs. Solomon was hurriedly taken to
tho hospital on Saturday afternoon to
be operated on for general appendi
citis. She was taken sick on Wednes
day nnd her condition became desper
ate so rapidly that tho only chance for
her life lay In operating. The opera
tion was undertaken late Saturday nf
teernoon, but the disease had sapped
so much of her vitality that she made
no rally. She sank until death came,
shortly after 6 o'clock last evening.
Mrs. Solomon's death will affect a
wide circle of friends in Carbondalo,
her former home, and In Jermyn, whore
she wns held in affectionate regard.
The suddenness of her demise accen
tuates tho grief of her taking away.
Mrs. Solomon lived In Carbondale for
a long time, where her husband was In
tho saloon business. Ho moved to Jer
myn, where ho kept tho St. George
hotel. She was related to Robert Max
well, of this city, and to tho Welgand
Disavows Connection with Movement
to Change Strikers.
For a couple of weeks it has been
freely passed nbout that the Delaware
and Hudson company hns lind agents
among tho striking employes, urging
them on various pretexts to desert and
return to work, which was nt their
In connection with these rumors, the
Identity of the so-called agents was
llxed, which gave moro force to tho
stories. One whoso name was freely
passed was Joe Cooper, of iho West
Side, a former special policeman und
regarded somewhat us a lender among
a certain Itullun element of tho town's
foreign population, It was talked of
among tho miners, without much quali
fying, that Joo wus un earnest worker
among the Italians und wus getting
them in line to return to work before
the strike would bo declared off,
Mr. Cooper, however, comes out with
a vehement denial and requests Tho
Tribune to state that he has hud no
connection or Identity with any move
ment to Induce any ot his countrymen
to return to work.
"I could get work the first day after
the strike went on," Bays Mr. Cooper,
"but I would not go, I don't belong to
this miners' union, but I um not going
back t,o work until the others go, und I
am not going to try to coux any one
Why Cooper's name was connected
with the alleged strike-breaking move
ment can probably be explained by his
having been among the Italians of the
town for the past, few weeks with ref
erence to their naturalization, papers.
He has been gqttlng over a scoro of
them ready to 16 their papers, and
during his tlmo among them, getting
their signatures, etc., tho belief arose
that his activity was due to tho pur
ported strike-breaking movement,
Mr, Cooper states ho has boen ex
ceedingly annoyed by these stories,
which arc without foundation, nnd that
nu odium rests on him by reason of
tho hastily Indulged In gossip of some
of the miners. In the spirit of fnlr
play, he nslts that these Unfair judg
ments of him bo recalled.
Crowd of Punmakers Leave for Crys
tal Lake.
There will be fun galore nt Crysial
lake this week, If the Carbondale dele
gation that will talec possession of one
of Stephen Whltmore's "palaces" sus
tain Its reputation.
A representatlpn of the Amalga
mated Association of Curbstone Strip
pllngs will put up nt tho lakeside, nnd
the lakeside will 'have to put up with
them for a week. Tho cottagers need
not become nlarmcd at this sugges
tion, for good-nature nnd amusement
of the most Innocent sort arc the capi
tal stock of the young men.
Preparations hnve been made for an
enjoyable outing. The commissary de
partment, which Is the mainstay of
every camp, has been well looked after;
it Is prepared for the severest Inroads
of the healthy appetites that will at
tack It. Peter Furrell, a cook who
knows his book, will bo the gastro
nomlcal Johnny-on-the-spot, which
means there will bo no kicks coming
among tho enmpcrs.
Tho party will be composed of B. W.
Collins, George W. Brcnnan, Charles
W. McCann, John W. Peel, Frnnk W.
Burke, Edward W. Burke, Clarence W.
McHale, Martin W. McHale, James W.
Gnllaghy, of this city, and John W.
Boland, of Scranton.
Winwood Merchant, Well Known In
Carbondale, Goes West.
G. L. Davall, Mrs. Davall and daugh
ters, Bessie and Augusta, of Winwood,
on tho Ontario and Western road, left
on the Erie flyer Friday night for San
Francisco, California, where the family
will mako their home.
Mr. Davall is well known in Carbon
dale. He has- been a successful com
mission merchant at Winwood, nnd
though ho prospered in this field, he
saw bettor opportunities for his busi
ness on tho coast and hence decided to
move his family there.
Many earnest wishes for his success
accompany him.
Attorney Henry Singer Recovering.
Attorney Henry B. Singer, of New
York city, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sin
ger, of this city, who was opcrutcd on
in tho midst of a dangerous attack of
appendicitis, two weeks ago, is rapidly
regaining, and is expected in Carbon
dale this week. On Saturday next he
will go with the Singer family to Crys
tal lake, where they will spend a month
amid the delightful scenery and health
laden breezes of this pretty resort.
Mrs. Singer is still in New York city
beside her son. The family will occupy
the George S. Kimball cottage nt the
Meetings of Tonight.
School board.
Select council.
Olive Lpaf lodge. Odd Fellows.
Typographical union, No. 239.
Branch 163, National Association Let
tor Carriers.
Young Men's Institute.
Merchants' association.
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
Barbers' union.
Clover Leaf on Top.
An interesting game of base ball took
place Saturday afternoon on the Simp
son ball grounds, when the Clover Leaf
base ball team defeated the Klots Silk
Mill team by a score of 14 to S.
The features of the game were War
ren's homo run, with three men on
bases, and Matthews' three-base hit.
"Jack" Alexander Getting Better.
"Jack" Alexander, one of Forest
City's leading business men, is making
a rapid recovery, after his operation
for appendicitis at Dr. Wheeler's hos
pital, about two weeks ugo. He will
be able to return to his home in about
another week. i
Dr. Wheeler Is About.
Dr. H. C. Wheeler, who was quite ill
with pneumonia, has so far milled and
regained in strength as to be able to
bo about the house. His friends nro
assured of seeing him among them
within a few days.
Gone to Colorado Springs.
Maurice G. Watt left on Saturday
over tho Erie Tor Colorado Springs. Mr.
Watt Is on a pleasure trip and will bo
absent until September.
Raymond Burke has ncccptod a posi
tion as stenographer at the Erie office
In Dunmoie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, of Clark
avenue, have been made happy by the
arrival at their homo this morning of a
baby girl. i
Workmen are excavating for tho ad
dition to the rear of tho First Motho
dtst church, which will be used as a
boiler room. '
Sam Mendelsohn's base ball club, of
Mayfleld, defeated tho Archbnld club
in a spirited contest on the Jermyn
grounds by a scoro of C to 2.
Mrs. Gardner, of Greenfield town
ship, was admitted to Dr. Wheeler's
private hospital Frldny and was oper
ated on by Dr. Rums, of Scranton. '
Miss Grace Vaughn, of Honesdalo,
for a tlmo a resident of this city, has
entered Dr. H. C. Wheeler's prlvnto
hospital to take a courso as a trained
nurse. '
Poor Director Morgan Thomas Is fast
recovering from his long Illness. He
was nblo to walk down town Saturday
for tho llrst time slnco ho was stricken
down seVeral months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. B, C. Ouorln, of Spring
street, left Saturday afternoon on nn
extended pleasure trip. Thoy will go
first to tho Thousand Islands and from
there to Quebeo and Halifax, and will
return by way of New York city. They
will be gone several weeks.
Mrs. Sarah Blrkett, of Buffalo, Is
visiting relatives In this city,
Mrs. W(IIIuin Lemmer, of Darte ave
nue, Is visiting in Philadelphia,
Margaret White has returned from a
Ylsit with Wllkes-Barre relatives.
Miss Agnes Hino, of Plttston, is vis
iting Miss Mary Glynn, of Simpson.
Miss Margaret Carden left Saturday
for a week's outing at Atlantio City.
Miss B. Gllmartln, trained purse, la
engaged In Jermyn on professional
Miss Sayers, of Scranton, Is the guet
1 .
Prompt Action Is Pleasing
riany Scranton Citizens
Get down to the cause of everything.
Bad backs are caused by sick kid
neys. Cure the kidneys you euro backache.
Doun's Kidney Pills arc for kidneys
No tlmo wasted trying to cure other
troubles. ' ,t
Scranton pcoplo endorse their merit.
Mrs. E. Williams, of 127 North Sum
ner avenue, Hydo Park, says: "I had
severe pains in tho small of my back,
extending upwards nnd around my
wnlst. At night it was impossible to
sleep very long In ono position and at
times pains made mo' fo nervous I lay
awake for hours turning from ono side
to the other trying to find a comfortable
position. There wna also a kidney
weakness that wns very annoying and
distressing at times. I was in such mis
ery that I was unable to do my work
about the house, and In fact I was com
pletely used up. I resorted to the ser
vice of a doctor and ho did mo good,
but I was far from being a well woman.
A lady friend recommended Doan's
Kidney PIIIh to me so highly thnt I
got thorn at Matthews Bros.' drug store.
Tho flrst box did me so much good that
I continued tho treatment and took
six boxes altogether. I received more
relief from this remedy In a short time
than all other remedies I had taken."
For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y
sole agents for the U. S.
Remember tho name Doan's and take
no substitute.
of Miss Helen Watkins, of Wyoming
Marcus Grennell has left for a
month's visit in Wilmington, Del., and
Misses Frances Moses and Hattle
Drlosen, of Scranton, are guests of Miss
Martha Singer.
George Cross visited friends in the
Electric city on Saturday evening.
Miss May Lynott, of tho West Side,
was the guest of friends In Scranton
on Snturdny and Sunday.
Misses Irene Lyon and Ethel Bryant,
of Waymart, are visiting Mrs. P. D.
Lunny, on Wyoming street.
Mrs. John Carr, of Newark, O., has
returned home, nfter a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Monohnn.
Mrs. Mary Rlvenburg, of Laurel
street, left Saturday to spend the com
ing fortnight in Atlantic City.
Mrs. Haydn Evans and son Leslie, of
Laurel street, are at Clifford, where
they will spend the month of August.
Mrs. Robert Marsh, of Dunmore, is
spending tho week with her mother,
Mrs. John Brennan, on Towderly street.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gallagher and
children, of Scranton, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Gallagher's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Early, on Seventh avenue.
Mrs. A. E. Tiffany and son, who have
been spending the past month with
friends in Bradford county, have re
turned home.
Miss Martha Ruppert has returned
to her home at Waymart, after spend
ing a few weeks at Norrlstown, Pa.,
and Atlantio City.
George Giles and family, of Terrace
street, came homo Saturday. They have
been at their cottage at Elk lake for
the past two months.
Mrs. W. J. Glennon, ot East Side
park, who has been visiting friends at
Philadelphia and Atlantio City for tho
past two weeks, has returned home.
Mrs. George Kelly and Mrs. William
Isgcr loft on Saturday for Toledo, O.
They will spend a couple of weeks with
relatives In the bustling city on Lake
Miss May BIrs, of New York city,
and Dr. Joseph Blrs, of Philadelphia,
are spending their vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ell Blrs, on
Washington street.
Miss Katie Little returned from a
visit with Plttston friends, Saturday.
She was accompanied by tho Misses
Anna nnd Regina Collier, who will be
her guests for a week.
Mrs. Thomas Mornn and son, Joseph,
and Miss Anna Devine left Saturday
for a two weeks' visit at the summer
home of tho former's parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. John Byrnes, of Elk lake.
J. F. Blake, of Susquehanna, was
conspicuous among tho visitors who
camo from the town of hills to the
Creseents-Susquehanna base ball game.
Mr. Blake Is blessed with a full quota
of good nature and an attractive per
sonality, and made numerous friends
during his brief stay in Carbondalo.
He Is one of tho proprietors of tho
Central house in Susquehanna.
Rev. W. A. Griffiths, of Trempenleaw,
Wis., who is here on a visit to his
brother, Thomas M. Griffiths,- or Third
streot, ofllclated at the Congregational
church yesterday, preaching in Welsh
in tho morning and In English at night.
Mr. Griffiths is a forclblo and earnest
preacher and at both services he was
attentively listened to.
The borough council met In regular
session on Friday evening. A number
of bills wero read and payment author
ized. Some dissatisfaction was expres
sed nt tho poor service given by tho
Electric Light company, portions of tho
borough having been in darkness for the
past week, The street commltteo re
ported the satisfactory competition of
tho Second streot culvert but tho bill
was not paid, ono of tho councllmen
being ot the opinion that the culvert
width wns not In nccordanco with tho
terms of tho contract. Tho matter
will probably be straightened out at
time for a settlement at tho special
meeting to bo held this evening.
Mrs. Ebenzer Rennle who for so many
years has been a resident ot North
Main street will In a day of two lcavo
for Vlntondnle, Cambria county, to
Join her husband who moved there sev
eral months ago, Their household
furniture wns shipped on Friday,
Dr. M, J. Shields and W, S. Badger,
spent yesterday at Preston Park, where
Mrs. Shields and Mrs. Badger are visit
ing. A number of families received thefr
share of relict from Local No. 1025 on
Emerson, the little son of Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Prior, L street, had
a narrow escape from death yesterday
by drinking a quantity of lodlno which
the child found unknown to his parents.
The timely arrival of a physician saved
his life,
Miss Jennie Potter has returned from
an extended visit to Philadelphia,
Officials of the "Cannon Ball" rail
road wero in town Saturday looking
over the route of the roaq which will
Connolly & Wallace
What's the use of bothering
your heud about where to shop ?
If a thing's good, it's here.
If it's here, it's good.
Women's Neckwear
It's the busiest season in Neckwear
that makers have ever known. all be
cause women have taken to wearing with
shirt waists a great many dainty neck
fixings that are not so stiff as linen col
lars. "You can make a gown into twen
ty different gowns by a change of ribbons
and things at the throat," French women
have said for a long time. American
women are just beginning, to realize it.
Scarcely a day goes by without
bringing us something new, and not
costly, either.
White Lawn Stocks and Ties, trim-
med with tucks and drawn work 5UC
Stocks of Madras in pretty colored -.
stripes, ascot style , 25C
Reduced from 50 cents. -
Prettv White Madras Stocks, with
bow 50C
The Laces You Want
For summer gown (or for winter)
are here for half and less.
The biggest bargains are those lovely ecru
embroidered batis'te all-overs single and double
widths. For gowns or blouses there couldn't be
anything softer, thinner or daintier.
I Connolly
parallel tho Ontario & Western rail
road in entering this place to a point
near the station where it will cijt
diagonally across the river to River
street, thence to Peckville. Several op
tions have been secured on property
along River street.
Miss Henrietta Stone, who has been
the guest of Wilkes-Barro friends, has
returned home.
Misse Mamo and Agnes Mullady and
Miss Anna Farrell, of Carbondale, are
visiting on tho West Side.
P. F. O'Malloy was a visitor at Car
bondale yesterday.
Mrs. James Brown, of Albany, Is tho
guest of Mrs. Ella Mahon at tho Mahon
Misses Minnie and Annie Hoban called
on friends in Archbald yesterday.
Miss Estella Bond, of Honesdalo, Is
spending a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Susie Budd, of Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ferris, of Main
street, have returned from a six week's
visit with friends in the West.
Mr. George Doyle has returned from
a trip In New Mexico.
Mrs. Robert Burleigh and Mrs. Morris
Hughes have returned from ten days
outing at Atlantic City.
William Frazer is visiting at Niagara
Falls. -
The borough council will meet in
regular session this evening.
Mrs. Lucy Fellows und daughter
Lucia, of West Scranton, are visiting
tho former's sister, Mrs. S. B. Thomp
son, of Academy street.
Mr, und Mrs. N. II. Johnson leave
today for Orron for a few weeks out
ing. Messrs. Plerson Qlbbs and Sumner
Davis, of Jermyn, were callers In town
Saturday evening.
Miss Vida Thompson has returned
home from a month's visit with friends
and relatives at West Scranton.
Miss Jennie Wice, of tho West End,
Is visiting friends in Carbondale.
Mrs, Josephine Mott is entertaining
friends from Philadelphia.
Messrs. Frank Williams, Wnyno
Wudemnn, and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
Williams, are spending their vacation
at New Mllford.
-1 ' n
The following list of unclaimed lot
tors remains at the Taylor postolllcn
for the period ending August 1, 1002:
Domestic Miss Sarah Jones, M. M.
Bell, Winnie DavlB, Gladys Jones, Llz
sslo Richards. Foreign Josef Mlsnken
ics, Pontnleon Brcjdo. Persons calling
for tho above will pleaso say adver
tised and glvo date of list. J. W, Reese,
Operator George Rltter, of Mauch
Chunk, Is substituting for Operator
Daniel Davis at the local station of tho
Central Railroad of New Jersey, dur
ing tho latter's vacation,
Rev. Dr, II, II. Harris ofllclated at
Wllkes-Barro yesterday.
Rev. and Mrs, A, Weber, of Union
street, are spending a few weeks' vaca
tion in New York.
An Interesting ten Innings game of
ball wus played on tho Riverside park
grounds on Saturday afternoon, be
tween the Stars and the Reudhiun
team, tho latter being victorious by a
score of 9 to 8, W. Powell twirled for
the Stars, und J, Secoru occupied tho
points for the Reudham team, and both
pitched a good gumo.
A survey wus made on Saturday for
the new lateral sewer on Main, Union
and Railroad streets, and likely work
will be commenced within a short time
on the same.
The Old Forge team defeated the
Cliff Works team on the former's
grounds on Saturday afternoon, In ono
Scranton's Shopping Center
There are two ways to econo
mize your dollars and dimss
make them, go as far as they can,
and don't let them go for trash.
Shop at a store you can trust.
In Paris they make them up sometimes over
a color thnt shines through the litlc open spaces
and tiuges the whole thing.
Pleniy of galoons and edgings, me
dallion laces and net-top laces. Prices
start nt, yard DC
Linen Towels
Towel season.
Sturdy Scotch and German products
these, good sizes, absorbent, nor harsh.
Prices favor housekeepers, even
while flax is advancing across the water.
The few mentioned arc a hint of what
the store holds :
Hemmed Huck Towels, 17x34,
ioc each. Dozen
Sturdy Bleached Huck Towels, t ,
hemmed, 18x36, 120. Dozen 1 ,4U
Fine and Heavy "Old Bleach''
Huck Towels, all white, value 25c,
at 20c, or dozen J)X5
Webb's Irish Huck Towels,
hemstitched, a dozen P3.UU
Good value in Bleached Turkish 1
Bath Towels 1 2,C
fi "fT T 44
A7 Wfl mrpt
of the poorest exhibitions of the season,
by a seore of 16 to 14.
Councilman John P. Thomas Is erect
ing a handsome property nt Old Forge.
Mr. and Mrs. William Watkins and
children, of West Scranton, were guests
yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. John Wat
kins, on Main street.
Alonzo Curl, of Philadelphia, Is spend
ing a few days with his friend, Ed
ward Fox, on Grove street.
Sir. and Mrs. Morgan D. Lewis, of
Union street, and Mrs. Josephs and
daughter, of West Scranton, are spend
ing ten days at Atlantio City.
James Griffiths, of Hazlcton, is visit
ing relatives In town.
Miss Maria Wells, of Meshoppen, Is
visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Cooper, of Main street.
Mrs. Swartz has icturned to her
home in Wilkes-Barro, alter spending
a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. H.
Jones, of Main street.
Mrs. Casper Stahl, Mrs. William
Reese, Misses Bessie Phillips, Leah nnd
and Maud Evans, Lizzie Davis nnd
Annie und Lizzie Williams are on a
ten days' sojourn at Atlantic City.
Two games of ball arc scheduled for
today, when the Orioles will have as
their opponents the Archbald team on
the homo grounds, and the Reds will
play tho Old Forgo team on the latter's
Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, of Car
bondale, spent Friday, with the for
mer's sister, Mrs. Jumes Lo Van.
Mr. und Mrs. Frank Franlo are
spending two weeks at Atlantic City.
Miss Sllllo Norton, of Nazareth, and
Mnybelle Allan, of Avoca, spent Fri
day with Miss Ethel Tregallas.
Mrs. Dlx Is III with rhoumatism.
Miss Alice Henry was a caller In
Scranton Saturday.
The Ladles' Missionary society of tho
Presbyterian church met on Friday af
ternoon at Nay Aug park.
Mr. and Mrs. Gulbrulth spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Twining,
of Scranton.
Mrs. John Mott has returned, after
spending a few weeks with her parents
at Lako Ariel.
From tho Woman's Homo Companion.
In tho wise economy of Nuturo It is
so ordered that all vegetable life puri
nes the air for animal life, and vleo
versa. Animals consume oxygen and
exhale carbonic acid, while vegotatlon
absoibs corbonlo ucld, robbing it of Its
carbon und sotting tho oxygen free.
Tho original atmosphere of tho earth
before animal life existed consisted es
sentially of nitrogen nnd carbonic add,
pur supply of atmospheric oxygen has
been furnished by tho great forests of
vegetation, such us tho coal ferns,
whlcfl covered tho earth In tho Carbon
iferous age, when tho coal beds woio
formed, Tho same conditions, only on
a Binaller scale continue to prevail;
but It Is not likely thut tho oxygen
given out by prcsont vegetation Is, or
will be, sulllclent to koop pace with Its
enormously Increasing consumption by
man. Lord Kelvin bus estimated that
if the present consumption of coal In
human Industries continues wfth any
thing like its present ratio of Increase,
tho grout coal-measures will bo ex
hausted, and thq oxygen of our atmos
phere practically consumed by Its
combustion, within the noxt four or
five centuries. This Is tho most likely,
perhaps, of all possible calamities to
generally affect tho human race, and it
jnoro directly concerns us at the pres
ent time, from our realization that wo
are extravagantly wasting tho breath
of life of those who are soon to follow,
A Popular Sunday Outing.
The New York, Ontario and Western
Railway company will run an excur
sion to Hancock, N. Y., on Sunday,
August 10.' Tho ride over the hills of
Wayno and Delaware counties at this
scuson of tho year is a delightful one, ,
the view being beautiful, a scope ot
country being visible from' the Elk
mountains to the Catskills. The pretty
town of Hancock In itself, situated as
it Is, between both branches of the
Delaware river and surrounded by the
towering peaks of the CatsklllB and
other ranges of mountains, presents to
the excursionist a view well worth see
ing. There are a number of summer
hotels and boarding houses at Hancock,
with ample accommodations, and livery
facilities to afford n drivo through tho
country for excursionists.
Train will leave Scranton at 8.30 a,
m., and returning, leave Hancock at " ""
4.30 p. m., arriving in Scranton at C.43
p. m. Tho return fare from Scranton
will be $1. t v
For further Information, consult ticket
agents or J. E. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran
ton, Pa.
Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantio
City, N. J., Aug. 14.
Special excursion tickets will be sold
for all trains going Thursday, August
Hth, good for return on any train up
to and Including August 2lth. The raw
from Scranton will be $.1.00 for adult3
and $2.50 for children between the ages
of 5 and 12 years. Route will bo via
Manunka Chunk and Philadelphia.
Passengers taking trains connecting
via tho Delaware bridge have no chango
of stations en route. The dates select
ed for this excursion wero made with
tho vlow of giving those desiring an
outing at the seashore the most delight
ful and interesting part of tho season.
Apply to tho local ticket agent for
schedule of the several trains dally.
$51.25 to Salt Lake City and Return
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
On account of' the Grand Lodge,
Benevolent and Protectlvo Order of
Elks meeting at Salt Lake city, Utah,
August 12-14, tho Lehigh Valley rall
rnmi win sell round trir tickets at tho
rate of $31.25 good going August 6th,
7th and Sth, good for return passage to
and Including September .30th. Tickets
good on nil trains except tho Black
Diamond express. Consult Lehigh
Valley ticket agents for further In
formation, S60.25 to San Pranclsco and Los An
geles, Cal., and Return via the Le
high Valloy Railroad.
On account of tho biennial meeting,
Knights of Pythias, at San FrancUco,
August 11-22, tho Lehigh Valley j;ull
road will sell excursion tickets to San
Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., at
$00.23 good going August 1st to Oth, In
clusive, good for return, passage to Sep
tember 30th good on any train except
tho Black Diamond Express. See Le
high Valley ticket agents for further
intormatlon. - "
Thoughtfulness of a Survivor,
Representative Southaul, of Ohio, who
admits that ho does not know many
s Union and thut those which he tells ar
generally ancient, recalled yesterday uu
Incidont which happened up on Lk
Erie near his home. An exclusion steam
w was wrecked, and it was suppojea
that everybody had been drowned. About
midnight Mr Southard received this tola
gram fiom ono of the survivors.
"I am saved, but please break tho new.i
gontly to my wlfo."Wa$hinBton Post,