The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 04, 1902, Image 1

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The Entire EiQluti Reolment Galled
to Arms In Consequence on
Saturdau NlQht.
A Lithuanian Captured Will Bo Sent
to Pottsvillo Jail Sentries Will Be
Armed with Several Hounds of Car
tridges and Will Shoot to Kill If
Again Molested Governor Stone
Refuses to Recall tha. Troops from
By Exclusive Wire from Tlic Associated Press.
Shenandoah, Aug. 3. The entire
Eighth regiment was called to arms
during Inst night as a result of three
attacks made by a band of men In am
bush, who threw stones at the troops
now In camp on the plateau outside the
town. These attacks are becoming so
frequent that Brigadier General Oobln
has decided to adopt stern measures to
end them. Tonight a double guard sup
plied with ball cartridges surrounds the
camp and the sentries have been In
structed that if last night's stone
throwing la repeated, they must shoot
to kill and Investigate afterwards. One
of the attacking party, a Lithuanian
named William Stoponitz, Is under ar
rest, and is conflucd In the guard tent
and the provost marshal Is on the trail
of others. It Is not known how many
were In the crowd, but the offlcers of
the Eighth regiment believe the num
ber to have been more than a doczn.
The llrst attack, according to Colonel
Theodore F. Hoffman, was made at
10.45 o'clock last night. Private Payne,
of Company I, on sentry duty, saw a
party of men on the Mahanoy City
road, which separates the camp of the
Eighth from the Twelfth. He com
manded the men to halt and called the
corporal of the guard, but.' before the
latter could respond, a shovler of sticks
tnd-stoues w$rc thrr-wn .t-V- s?ntry
Onn rnnk slrliclc him nn w nn rthPKt.
knocking him down nnd fcfluslng his
gun to fall from his hands. He Imme
diately Jumped up and fired several
shots In the air. As he did sb, the men
ran down' the road and were pursued
by several soldiers. The outpost, which
had been stationed some distance from
the camp, heard the shot and one of
the pickets captured Stoponitz as he
came running down the road. The
others escaped. The shooting aroused
the whole camp, and the Eighth regi
ment was put under arms and com
panies B, E nnd K were Immediately
thrown out In skirmish lines. They
beat the underbrush and laurel, which
is Ave or six feet high all around the
camp, but could find no one. The regi
ment was then called to quarters and
fifteen minutes later another shower
of stones wns thrown at the stable
guard, which is located south of the
Eighth regiment. The guard turned
out and threee men were seen running
ilong the road In the opposite dlrec
;lon, where the putpost wns stationed.
The strangers were not pursued.
Shortly nfter 3 o'clock, the third and
last attack was made, and it was of
such a nature that the bugler, under
orders from Colonel Hoffman, sounded
the whole regiment to arms. This time
the stable guard was again the object
of the mysterious attack. Stones In
volleys were thrown at the guard and
at the sentrlon nearby. On account of
the laurel, underbrush nnd the dnrk
ness, the soldiers could not seee the of
fenders. However, the sentry fired
about n dozen shots into the bushes,
but no one was hit. Some of the bul
lets went whistling over the tents of
the sleeping soldiers of the Twefth
rcGlment, ucross the road. The noise
of the firing nnd the bugle call to arms
stirred up the Twelfth 'regiment and
nnd the Governor's troop of cnvalry,
which Is located close to the Eighth
regiment. Colonel Clement, of the
Twelfth regiment, sent out detach
ments to Investigate the trouble, as did
Captain Ott, In command of the caval
ry. The Eighth regiment, Colonel Hoff
man said, was under arms and ready
for action In threo minutes. Another
thorough Investigation was made, with
out result, and then the command, nf
ter standing in formation for thirty
minutes, was called to quarters and
not again disturbed.
Stringent Measures Adopted.
Col. Hoffman made a full report to
Brigadier General Gobln, who camo to
camp during tho forenoon to make a
ful Investigation. He put Stoponitz
through a searching examination. The
prisoner said there were only four "men
In tho party. Ho gave the name1 of
one of them as Michael Lnvotlz nnd
said ho did not know who the others
wore. While under examination he
made several contradictory statements.
Gen. Gobln says that he will turn Stop
onttz to the civil authorities tomorrow,
He will be placed In Pottsvllle Jail.
The brigadier general said he had
issued orders that stringent measures
be taken with all such offenders.
"I have orderpd several rounds of
hall cartridges to be Issued to each
eentr.y he said, "nnd the ofllcers of (he
guard will be instructed to have them
used. The guard at tho camp will also
be Increased."
Col. Hoffman said he did not know
Whether the stono throwing wus done
to annoy the troops or to seo what
the regiment would or could do. "Last
night's occurrence demonstrates that
.we can bo ready for any emergency
In threo minutes," he said, "and here
after wo will stund no nonsense and
Vlll give a bullet for each stone."
0 "VS.
The colonel said ,,iorc 1st an ugly feel
ing among many persons against the
troops. Reports arc being made to
him dally of soldiers being elbowed and
otherwise' annoyed on tho streets. It
was tho Intention of Col. Hoffman to
give a parade In the town proper ns a
compliment to the brigadier general
but owing to last night's affair It was
decided that It would bo better to have
the parade within the camp lines. The
soldiers spent a quiet day. There was
a large Sunday crowd out. The regi
ment chuplnln held services In the
morning and In the afternoon each
command gave a dress parade. Tomor
row the cavalry will be sent out on
Bhort marches. General Gobln today
gave out tho following statement:
"The published reports to the effect
that members of the National guard
refused to work in laying water pipe
to the camp and that certain soldiers
have sugt. jted that they were union
men and therefore could not assist In
tho work are absolutely untrue and
without any foundation whatever."
His Heply to the Request of the
Striking Miners at Shenandoah.
Oy i:clnshe Wire from The Associated Tress.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Aug. 3. Governor
Stone left for Athintlc City yesterday
afternoon for a stay of a few days.
Before leaving the governor answered
the miners' union ofllcers at Shenan
doah with the following telegram:
"Miles Dougherty et al.: Yours of
the 31st ultimo, requesting the recall of
the troops, was duly received. Upon
full consideration of the letter, I am of
the opinion that It would not be wise
or safe to withdraw the troops at pres
The Lines from Wyandotte, W. Va.,
to Hanging Bock, O., Almost
Completely Tied Up.
'By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Ironton, O., Aug. 3. The strike of tho
employes of the Camden Interstate
Electric railroad almost completely tied
up the lines from Wyandotte, W. Va.,
to Hanging Rock, 0 and Intermediate
points today. In seven hours all the
non-union men were driven from (ho
cars in this city by violence. Cars were
held up all over the city until noon,
when tho service was suspended.
Non-union men also were afraid to
run through the crowds at Cattlctts
burg and Ashlnnd, Ky., and other
points on the Kentucky and West Vir
ginia side of the Ohio river. The Iron
ton strikers ran cabs and secured more
passengers than the street cars, women
who chose that mode of conveyance In
preference to street cars being cheered
by the crowds. The concert at Beech
wood park, tho railroad company's
pleasure resort, was abandoned, tho
Ironton orchestra declining to play
after tho strike was declared. The
crowds of union sympathizers had full
sway without molestation from the au
thorities, not n policeman nppenrlng at
any points of disturbance. The local
militia will leave for camn tomorrow,
and the preservation of order will de
volve upon the ofllcials In enso of seri
ous outbreaks, almost certain to occur,
If tho cars shall be operated. Seth Vin
son, of Huntington, W. Vn general at
torney of the Camden company, arrived
this evening nnd held a conference with
strike leaders. He said the company
wns willing to recognize the union, but
there was no assurances tonight of a
BDoedv settlement.
Ex-Fresldent of Orange Free State
Nears The Hague.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
London, Aug. 3. Former President
Steyn, of the Orange Free State, ar
rived at Southampton yesterday with
his family, on the steamship Carls
brook Castle. He was met by Messrs.
Fischer, Weasels and Dcs Bruyn, for
mer Boer delegates, Ho will go to The
Hague, where former President Kruger
will go from Utrecht to meet him Mon
day. Mr. fitevn was too III to bear the
Journey to London, although a special
saloon carriage had been uttnrhcci to
tho regulnr boat train for him. His
physician would not allow him to be
Interviewed by the press, but Mr, Steyn
sent word that he wished to express
his thanks for the courtesies extended
to him by tho British authorities since
the surrender, and for the earn given
him during the voyage.
The former president was removed on
a stretcher to the Butch steamer Data
vler III, moored" close to the Carls
brook Castle. He will be landed -at Tho
Hook of Holland, and conveyed In nn
ambulance to the cottage reserved for
him near The Hague, '
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Philadelphia, Aug, 3. Tho Ledger to
morrow villsay; Tho anthracite coal
trodo shows ho substantial change In
the movement or delivery of coal, but
there Is a growing Impression Wat the
strike will soon bo terminated, Tho
country Is getting very bare of unthra
clto 'and while the warm weather
diminished consumption, yet It Is nec
essary at some tlmo for work to be re
sumed to prepare for fall und winter.
The change to bituminous coal, If It
continues at the recent rate, will close
off tho market for anthracite coal, a
serious prospect for both the producers
und the consumers
Miss Rowe Is Thoroughly Familiar
with All the Chesapeake Bay.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlic Associated Tress.
Baltimore, Aug. 3. Tho sldowltcol
steamer Mystery, which Is the only ves
sel on the Atlantic sea const that hus
the distinction of having a woman
nilif nt.oU'nrl Im fltilHlnnvn llilci mnrntip1
,.,, iiiimvii ... " ..-.u - "ijt?
ft..,,, Cnflineii l.nln,rt " "
She is moored at Durham's wharf In
Curtis Bay, and this afternoon -will
leave for Annapolis. Captain Rowo la
the master of the vessel, and Miss
ItoWc, Ills daughter, Is a licensed pilot.
She Is only 21 years old, but for years
she has been able safely to navigate
the Chesapeake Bay and tho rivers of
Natives of Insular Possessions Must
Stand the Same Examination as
Other Immigrants.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated l'res.
Washington, Aug. 3. Commissioner
General Sargeant, of the Immigration
bureau, with the approval of Secretary
Shaw, has issued a circular prohibiting
the coming to tho United States of resi
dents and natives of Porto Rico and
the Philippines, except after the same
examination as Is enforced against
other alien Immigrants.
The circular Is as follows:
Under tho provisions of the acts of con
gress approved on April 12, 1900, and July
1. 100J, tho people of the Island of Porto
Ulco and of the Philippine Islands have
been declared to bo citizens of those isl
nnds, respectively, "nnd as such entitled
to tho piotectlon of tho United States."
l'ou aic, therefore, advised that tho
provisions of. the laws regulating Immi
gration, Including those which prcscribo
payment of tho hend lax. apply to tho
residents and natives of Porto Rico and
tho Philippine Islands, nnd, moreover,
that the piovlslcns of the laws relating
to the exclusion of Chinese apply to all
of such persons as nre of the Chlneso
race. Citizens and residents of the said
Islands, therefore, should be ndmlttcd to
tho United States upon the same condi
tions and subject to the same examina
tions as are enforced against people from
countries over which tho United Stntes
claims no light of sovereignty whatever.
Exciting Experience of an Elmsburg
By Exclusive Wire from Tho .Wociatcd Tress.
Altoona, Aug. 3. A large panther In
the wilderness west of Elmsburg has
been causing the "residents of that re
gion considerable uneasiness.
Not long ago Mrs. William H. Evans
was followed by the panther for about
a mile from the bridge over tho Black
lick on the Clay Pike to her homo. She
walked backwards every step of tho
way, eyeing the animal, which stealth
ily followed at a short distance. It
would stop whenever she did, and she
kept It away by tossing stones at It.
About midnight, not long ago, John
KIrschner, jr., who lives two miles west
of Elmsburg, was awakened by his
child crying and soon after ho heard
what was apparently another child In
his garden, crying and sobbing piti
fully. Going to the window, he raised
It, and in the yard was the panther,
answering the cries of the child In the
Several hunters have been after the
animal without success.
While the Disease Is Decreasing in
Manila, It Is on the Increase in
the Provinces.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Tress.
Manila, Aug. 3. While cholera Is de
creasing In Manila, the reports re
ceived from the provinces show a large
number of cases and deaths. Last Sat
urday, there were 605 cases nnd S25
deaths from cholera In the provinces.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic,
there have been through the archi
pelago a total of 21,408 cases of cholera
and 10,105 deaths. It Is believed that
many cases were not reported and the
total number of cases Is estimated at
28,000. Forty-eight Americans and
eighteen Europeans have died In Manila
since the outbreak.
Miss Jane Elizabeth Hillyer to Cele
brate Her Birthday.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Orange, N, J Aug, 3. Miss Jane
Elizabeth Hillyer, of East Orange, will
celebrate the npe hundred and first
anniversary of her birth tomorrow,
Miss Hillyer was born In Madison, anu
was tho daughter of the lato Itev. Dr.
Asa Hillyer.
Her father was pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, of Orange, of
which she has been a member for seventy-five
years. The aged woman re
tains all her faculties,
Three Funerals Turned Back Be
cause They Would Not Work.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Chicago. Allg. 3. Tho tu'nntv.fli.n
grayo diggers employed at the Con-
coruia cemetery are on strike for high
er wages and have succeeded In pre
venting other laborers from taking
their places.
Three funeral processions which ar
rived at the cemetery gates yesterday
were turned back because of the strike.
It Is said that similar strikes will be
Inaugurated at two other cemeteries,
Coniber Arrested.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Albion. N. V., Aug. 30.-Wllllam Coni
ber. Indicted for the murder of lloraco
Halpln, on September 11, 1S09, und ur
rested at Meudvlllo, P. was brought
hero tonight und identified-
The Archblstion Galls 'Attention
to Bad Taste Displayed bu
GrltiGs of Government.
Archbishop Ireland Believes That
the Catholics Have No Cause to
Complain of the Course of Our Gov
ernment Toward Representatives of
the Church at Manila Moderation
Is Advised.
By Exclusive Wire from The Aaociatrd Tress.
St. Paul, Aug. 3. Archbishop Ireland,
preaching this morning in the cathe
dral, said:
The npostlo Paul gives this counsel.
"Not to bo moro wise than It bchooveth
to bo wise, but to be wise unto sobriety,
and according as God hathdlvlded to
every ono tho mcasmo of lulth." In tho
mind of the upostlo things most excellent
if mado uso of In undue measure and
without proper regard to circumstances
of time nnd place change into things
perilous and luutful. And this Is un
doubtedly what is happening in tho case
of llery zeal in defense of Catholic in
terests which seems to bo coveting an
explosion at tho present tlmo among cer
tain clnsses of American Catholics. The
Interests of church It Is said aro mado
to suffer at tho hands of the government
In Its newly acquired dependencies and
the call to nrms is sounded from tho ros
trums of Catholic societies and through
tho columns of Catholic papers to tho per
turbation of tho wholo Catholic body
and Indeed the whole country.
Who aro thoy who complain and pro
test and call upon Catholics to be up and
doing? Aro thoy those who might claim
to represent tho church In its general, or
oven local Interests? Has the sovereign
pontiff spoken? Certainly he has not
complained; rather has ho been hoard
from in very different terms. The eccles
iastical authorities in tho dependencies
liavo not invoked our aid.
Matters to Be Considered.
There aro some very important mat
ters to bo considered by Catholics before
grievances aro proclaimed, or action is
token to remedy thcm. Tho utmost care
must previously bo had to mako one's
self sure the grievances do exist and that
they aro of sufficient magnitude to bo
taken hold of in a manper to awaken
public attention. Catholics havo in tho
past suffered much from calumny and
distrust and In their defense their appeal
has been to fair play anil to honest judg
ment. Of tho equitable treatment which
they claim for themselves and their re
ligious faith from their fellow citizen and
from the countrymen let them In their
turn bo high exemplars In their own deal
ings with their fellow citizens and with
the country.
AS to matters in tho Philippines wo
cannot discuss (hem. They are for the
time being put beyond our reach, since
they are tho subject of negotiations be
tween tho government of America nnd
tho sovereign pontiff. To take at the
present such matters into our own hands
would bo to mistrust tho wisdom and the
good will of tho sovereign pontiff and of
tilts loyal Catholics should not bo ca
pable of. It would bo to treat with di3
courteous ingintitudo tho administration
In Washington and this as true American
Catholics wo will not permit themselves to
do. Tho logic of tho situation of the
presence of strnngo complications for
church and stato arising from a change
of sovereignty in the Phlllppino Islands
pointed to a mutual conference be
tween tho head of the church nnd a rep
resentative of tho stato as tho proper and
dignified way to a final and peaceful so
lution. Leo XIII saw this; Theodore
Roosovolt saw this. Leo took tho Initiat
ive, proposed tho conference and asked
tho government to expose frankly and
thoroughly Its views. Tho president and
his advisers accepted tho proposal, What
moro could have been dono by tho ad
ministration to provo Its good will and
senso of Justice. If tho ndmlnlstintlon
had refused to sond a representative to
Rome what clomorlngs there would havo
been nnd now when It has sent a repre
sentative to Homo nnd agrees to the fur
ther proposal of tho Vatican to transfer
negotiations to Manila clamorlngs are
still raised.
His Majesty Recelvos Numerous
Visitors Daily Message from
Mr. Kruger.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
London, Aug. 3. Up to yesterday
King Edward had taken all his meals
alone, but tonight, for the first time
since his recent Illness, he lunched und
dined with members of the royal fam
ily. His majesty now receives numerous
visitors dally, und Cowes is becoming
crowded with fashionable nobilities.
General Lucas Meyer, who was recent
ly In command of the Orange Free
Stntes forces, and Mrs. Meyer, lunched
with Colonial Secretary Chairman nnd
Mrs. Chamberlain yesterday, Former
President Steyn, of the Orange Free
State, who, with his family, arrived at
Southampton yesterday nnd who sailed
the same day for Holland, has arrived
at Scliovenlngen. Mr. Kruger has sent
him a message, In which he prays for
his recovery.
May Yohe in Paris. "
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated 1'rcJi.
Paris. Aug. 3. May Yoho reached Paris
this morning but up to tonight sho had
not seen Putnam Bradloo Stiong or
learned where ho Is. Miss Yoho reached
tho railroad station here at U o'clock. She
Buffci.eil greatly and was unnblo to walk
and b(and ns a result of having sprained
her kneo on tho oyo of her departure fronj
London yesterday, Miss Yoho's nerves
were completely unstrung. Sho had to
be can led to a carriaco at tho station
and to her room upon her arrival at tho
hotel where she Is stopping.
Popular Indignation Over Increase in
Price of Bread.
By Exclusive Who from The Associated Trcs.
Mexican City, Aug. 3. There Is much
popular Indignation hero over tho for
mation of a pool among the bakers of
this city to raise the price of bread.
This trade Is In tho hands of half a
dozen rich Spaniards from old Spain,
who havo signed an agreement to
chnrge prices mutually agreed on and
not In ony way to enter Into competi
tion. The papers point out that this
agreement Is wholly unjustifiable, as
tho price of wheat has not altered In
two years.whlle the taxes aro tho same.
In tho cost of living In tho middle "life
It has been Increasing rapidly, and
moat has been rising for two years
Desperate Battle Is Being Pought at
Auga Dulce, Between Revolution
ists nnd Government Troops.
By Exclusive Wirif from The Associated Tress.
Washington, Aug. 3. "Eattle still
being fought desperately."
These were the words contained In a
dispatch to the Colombian legation to
night from General Salaza, the gover
nor of the department of Panama, and
were In answer to a message asking
for information of the contest, which
has been In progress since Tuesday at
Auga Dulce, when the Colombian revo
lutionists began to attack that place.
The officials here are anxiously await
ing news of this battle. The under
standing here is that the government
has about 7,000 men engaged with a
large portion of the revolutionists, who
have in the department of Panama
about 4,000 men In all. Auga Dulce,
though only seventy-fVve miles from
Panama, is In an Inaccessible part of
the country for ready communication.
It requires eight days to make the
overland Journey, while the water com
munication is very irregular and is
carried on mainly by the small boats.
Harlem People Rush Out in the Rain
Pearing That Their Houses
Would Pall.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
New York, Au. 3, A thunderstorm of
particular Intensity broke over the city
today. The morning opened very hot,
a dense fog settling over the city. Then
came a sharp shower followed by dark
ness and then the downpour with light
ning and thunder accompaniments.
The storm lasted only half an hour, but
during this time 44 hundredths . an
Inch of rain fell. Lightning struck"the
massive Iron ball on the flag pole of
the Marlborough hotel, causing a panic
among the guests. The big ball and
flagstaff were shattered to splinters. A
Harlem street which had beeen washed
out In last Monday's big storm, caved
In today. This alarmed the residents
of houses along the thoroughfare so
that they rushed Into the driving rain,
afraid that their houses would fall.
Two Organizations at Wilkes-Barre
to Oppose the Citizens' Efforts.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated TrC!-..
Wllkes-Barre, Aug. 3. The Public
alliance and the Worklngmen's alli
ance, two organizations said to be op
posed to the Citizens' alliance, have
been organized here. They will send a
petition, signed by thousands of citi
zens, to tho coal operators, asking them
to arbitrate, and If they refuse, Gover
nor Stono will be requested to take
some action to compel the coal com
panies to come to terms with their em
ployes. (
The second instalment of thn relief
fund has been received here und will
be distributed tomorrow.
By Exclmlve Wire from The Associated Tress.
Huntington. W. V Aug. 3. There has
been general disorder today throughout
Huntington, Central City and other towns
through which the lines of tho Camden
Intel stato railroad run, as a result of tho
.general strlko order to motormen nnd
thers which was to havo taken effect
today. Rut fow of tho motormen nnd
conductors on tho West Virginia lino
obeyed tho order.
Boy Bathers Drowned,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Pittsburg, Aug, 3, Threo boy bailors
wero drowned hi tho Allegheny river at
tho foot of Twenty-sixth street. They
wero William J. Cnrtoll, ngod H; Amlel
Kologenskl, aged 1-', and an unknown
boy aged ubout lli. None of tho boys
could swim and In wading about two of
them got beyond their depth In n hole
imulo by a dredge boat, Tho Carroll boy
lost his life lu attempting to savo his
Leaped from a Moving Train,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trc3.
Ualtlmoro, Aug. 3. Miss Minnie C. Hllz.
sard leaped from a West Virginia Cen
tral passenger tiaiu while running thirty
miles an hour, near Cumberland today,
Sho wanted to get off at Keyset-, but
passed that point. She Is deaf und ills,
covering her mlstako sho mado a daring
leap. Slia was picked up unconscious,
supposed to bo fatally Injured.
Filipino Bandit Drowned,
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated I'rctj.
Manila, Aug. 3. Pablo Muro.s, ft bandit
who had terrorized tho Island of Rom
blon for tho past ten years, was captured
by tho nattvo constabulary on the uelgh
boring Island of Slbuyan. With his print
bound ho was placed In a boat to bo coiu
voyed to Itomblou, but sprang ovcrboaid
in a dash for liberty und wu3 drowned.
A Young Couple Who Eloped from
Dayton Will Return on Foot.
By Exclushc Wire from The Associated Tress.
Baltimore, Aug. 3, To walk from
Richmond, Va., to Dayton, Ohio, Is the
task set by a young couple who left
here today. They stated at the office
of superintendent of charities that they
had eloped from Dayton four months
ago and had gone to Washington, where
they were married. This part of the
story was substantiated by the mar
riage certificate which they exhibited.
From Washington they said they hud
gone to Richmond, where the young
man had secured employment as con
ductor on a trolley car.
Then camo a strike and the husband
lost his position. Ills lungs were not
strong and they decided that he would
be better off at Dayton especially as
ho did not see any way of making a
living for himself and wife In Rich
mond, whereas ho Is confident of se
curing employment In Dayton. They
had very little money and decided to
walk and started out heading for Bal
timore as one 'of the stopping places.
It has taken them four weeks to get
The officers refused to give the names
of the couple but said the man was 27
years and his wife 17. They declined
to accept transportation to Dayton,
but were provided with shoes.
Always Tried to Do His Duty as
a Soldier, and Has No Com
plaint to Make.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
San Francisco, Aug. 3. General Jacob
H. Smith, who returned last Friday
from Manila, will spend several days
in this city and then go to his home In
Portsmouth, O. Speaking on the sub
ject for the first time since his arrival,
General Smith said of his forced re
tirement from the army:
"It was an unwelcome surprise to me.
I naturally supposed that I would re
ceive a reprimand as a result of the'
court-martial, but nothing more. I
have always tried to do my duty in a
conscientious manner and conduct my
self as a soldier. I am still in the gov
ernment's service nnd not at liberty to
discuss the recent occurrences. I could
bo as readily court-martialed now as
if I were not on the retired list.
"I am feeling first-rate, never better
In my life, in fact. I was with the
Twelfth and Seventeenth before I was
promoted. I spent most of the time I
was In tho Islands in and around Sa
mar. I always tried to do what was
best for the natives of the provinces.
Some of the natives aro nothing less
than savages and, of course, can not
be treated like civilized people. They
would all resort to most barbarous
methods of warfare at times. Instances
of the torture and slaughter of Ameri
can soldiers are numerous. Any one of
my command knows that they wero not
unduly severe with the natives. I have
always tried to conduct my campaigns
according to military regulations. There
Is no use asking me to talk about other
things. It would not be military. It
would bu of no use. I am a soldier,
and take what Is coining to me. It is
not for me to say whether I deserve It
or not. I have done what I thought
was right, and am ready to settle down
In aulet."
Pour Trainmen Are Killed On the
Ontario and Western Rail
road at Hortons.
Special to tho Scianton Tribune.
Mlddletown, N. Y Aug. 3. A head-on
collision between milk trains on tho
Ontario and Western railroad at Hor
tons, Delaware county tonight resulted
In the death of four peisons, the wreck
ing of two engines and the ditching of
several cars. The dead:
Andy O'Neal, of Norwich, engineer
of the south bound train; Robert Reese,
this city, fireman of the samo train;
Michael Turley, this city, trainman of
the same train: Frank E. Moore, this
city, trainman of the same train ; Ben
jamin St. John, the engineer of the
other train jumped from the engine es
caping Injury.
President's Sunday at Sagamore.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Oyster, Bay, Aug. 3, Piosldoiit Roose
velt and his family passed a quiet Sun
day at Bngamoio Mill. No ofllclal visitors
wero received. The president and Mis,
Rnosovelt attended dlvluo servlco at
Clulst's Kpiscopal church. Scarcely had
they reached homo when tho most severe
stoim of tho season broke over this part
of Long Island, forcing them to remain
dining tho day Indoors. Ambassador
Reld und wife will bo tho guests of the
Ptesldvlit and .Mis. Rooaovelt tomonow,
By Exclusho Wire from 'the .U.oilalcd Tress.
Pottsvllle, Aug. 30. John It, StocUetto,
a piomlneiit citizen of tills place, died
toduy, aged 03 years. Mo was for many
ycais connected In an official capacity
with tho Reading C'pal und Roil company,
New York, Aug. 3. Theodoio R. Mostot
ter, ono of tho wealthiest men of Pitts
bu tg, died of pneumonia toduy at his
apartments on Sixty-fifth stieot. Ilo was
u sou of David Mostcttcr, an oil und'gus
mugnatu of Pittsburg. Ho was born
thirty-two years ugo In Pittsburg and
graduated from tho University of Heldel
burg, In 1602. Hostottter va for
merly Alllno Tow, of Jamestown, N. Y.
Mr, Mostettor was a member of tho
Lurchmout, New York Yacht, Lambs,
Statun Island Polo, Pittsburg and Du
qucano clubs.
Attitude o! the Partu as lndl
Gated In the GampalQi.
Text Book ol 1902.
Tho Republican Party Believes in
Restriction That Will Prevent an
Arbitrary Advanco in Prices or Re
duction in Wages But Does Not
Advocate the Destruction of Legiti
mate Enterprise by Fictitious Agi
tationPolicy in the Philippines.
By Exclushc Wire from The Associated Tress.
Washington, Aug. 3. The Republican
text book for the campaign of 1902 has
been issued by the Republican congres
sional committee. The book, which Is
In pamphlet form, containing 3S0 pages,
makes liberal quotations from the
speeches of both McKlnley and Roose
velt, and also extracts from their mes
sages to congress In support of Repub
lican doctrine. Twenty pages are de
voted to the trusts, and In opening the
discussion the book thus describes the
attitude of tho two parties:
"The attitude of the two great par
ties on the trust question Is clearly de
fined. That of the Democratic party
looks to constant agitation, with no re
strictive legislation; that of the Repub
lican party to such restriction ns will
prevent arbitrary advance In prices or
reduction in wages through exclusive
control, but not the destruction by
legislation or Injury by fictitious agi
tation of legitimate enterprise, through
great manufacturing systems by which
the production Is cheapened, prices of
manufactures reduced and permanency
of employment assured."
Ninety-live pages of the publication
are devoted to the Philippines and the
Republican Insular policy, which In
cludes the early stages of the. acquisi
tion of the Islands, declarations that
the people are not ready for independ
ence. President Roosevelt's Decoration
day address, so far as It refers to the
conduct of soldiers In the Philippines,
is quoted and twenty pages are given
to a discussion of the gold standard
and an outline of the Republican party
on financial question. A chapter is
given to diplomacy in the Orient, and
a declaration Is made that "McKinley
policy saved China from dismember
Captain of America Desires Stories of
Deaths to Be Investigated.
By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Tress.
Christiana, Norway, Aug. 3. A des
patch to the Morgen Bladet from Trom
soe, Norway, says that Captain
Johannson of the America, which ar
rived at Honnlngsvaag, Norway, Aug.
1, with Evelyn U. Baldwin, the Artio
explorer on board has asked to be ex
amined before a marine court concern
ing incidents which occurred on board
the America during the absence of the
Zelgler expeditions.
A despatch received hero from Trom
soe says the pilot of the America has
demanded an Inquiry Into several mys
terious deaths among those on board
the vessel during the voyage.
Packers Will Pile Reply.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
Chlrago, Aug. 3, Tho Trlbuno tomor
row will say: "Tho Chicago packers who
wero enjoined May SO by tho court of
conspiring to fix arbitrarily tho prices of
meat will filo their reply today. From
Bources deeply iutorested In tho contro
versy It Is learned tho reply will bo In
tho form of a demurrer to thu Issuance of
an Injunction on tho ground that It Is
not Illegal for tho packers to ship goods
and pilco lists to their own agents In
other states.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclusive Wlro fiomTlio A.ociJted Tress.
Now Yoik, Aug. 3. Anlvcd: Furncsla,
Glasgow and Movlllo; La Rretagne,
Iluvr. Llzard-Passed: Noordam, New
York for Uoiilogno Sur Mor. Liverpool
Arrived: Umbrlu, Now York for Queens
town, Hamburg Arrived: Patricio, New
Yoik via Plymouth nnd Cherbourg.
Queenstown Snlled: Campania from Liv
erpool, Now York.
Street Cars Telescoped.
By Esclushe Wire from Tho Associated Trcas.'
Rlgin, 111.. Aug. 3. In a street car col
lision hero this afternoon two cars were
telescoped and soveroly injured. A switch
to (T siding upon which stood tho empty
curs was left open and a loaded car
fiom Elgin crashed Into tho cars. Tha
passengers wero Imprisoned for nearly
an hour.
Strike Settled in New Orleans. "
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Now Orleans, Aug. 3. The street rail
way company and tho telophono compa
nies acceded to tho demands of tho strik
ing electric linemen, agreeing to pay them
?:i per day Instead of 2.50, virtually net.
tllng the strlko after forty hours.
Local data for August 3, 1002:
Highest tempcrnturo ,.,., S3 degrees
Lowest temperaturo ,,,,,,,,..., 62 degrees
Relative humidity:
S a. pi. ..,,,, ,.,,.,,,. 78 par cent,
8 p. m. ,,.,,,.,,. b'J per cent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. in.,
0.32 Inch.
i i
-ff-f 4
Washington, Aug. 3. Forecast
for Monday and Tuesday: Kastorn
Pennsylvania Fair Monduy and
Tuesday; light to fresh west winds
becoming vailablo. -