nPfvvprT Tu( ,,f iT, r.'.vjnM -yr aknrP'aiHaofciM . -wj"?'- T'r r if ""swfsp fWTsvm twwx " rT -r-r a ,7"' r' . : ufM , 1 ; ( i H-tft i e 1 i 8 . ' k i THE SCRANTON. TRIBUNE-SATURDAY AUGUST 2, 1902. SstT n" 1 $ $ $ MONEY POR YOU! $ d $ $ $ $ $ THD QUICKEST AVAY to get money when you can not nfford to wait for it, ,ls to como hero and get a loan on jour household furniture. Wo will hand you tho amount you want within on hour or two after you ask. Tho easiest way Is to Borrow Money On Your Household Furniture WHY? Bocauso jou can pay ns Just whenever you know jotl will linvo tho money to pnrc. You pay In small easy Installments, cither weekly or moi.thly. You may havo tho loan for one month or for n wholo year. THE CHEAPEST WAY to Bet out of financial troublo Is to get a small loan from us. Wo will tell you at first ex actly what n loan for any amount for any length of tlmo will cost. Wo charge only a modornte rato for tho usa ot tho money, and jou will ho surprised to find how vfcry low our charges uro. You p.iy only for tho actual tlmo jou keep tho money. This company does not charge compound Interest at all, nor nro thero any extra charges of any kind. NO PUBLICITY. No questions nro asked among your friends or neighbor'. No endorsement of papers here. Everything fair and square. From 110 to $300 Loaned If you want to keep your friends and neighbors from knowing that you arc hard up wc can help you. Private Rooms for Free Consultation. Remember that there is no compound Interest to pay and that you pay us whenever it is most convenient. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ . $ $ CALL, 'RHONE, WRITE SCRAM LOAN GUARANTY CO,, 207 Wyoming Avenue. Right In tho heart of tho shopping district. Convenient for tho ladles. Plenty of private offices. $ $ $ $ NEW 'PHONE, 2826. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Aug 1. On Monday next the AVayne-Susquehanna scnntoiial conference will be held In Honebdalc. L. M. Atkinson purchased .it public sale, at the com t house on Wednesday, the" plant and building of the Huwley Times. Piicc $1,723. For the past jeur E. B. Calloway, of Honesdale, opeiat ed tho plant under lease. Mr. Calloway will leturn to Honesdale. Next Sunday, Rev. William H. Swift will preach In the Piesbyteiian church, - In tho moining only. Rev. G. A. Place will conduct morning and evening: ser vices in tho Methodist chuich; Rev. 3. C. Hall, a foimer rector will con duct services in Giaco Episcopal chutch and Rev. C. L Percy w 111 occupy his pulpifc in the Baptist church, morning and evening. The Erie and Wyoming train which formerly left Honesdale at 5 10 p. m., now leaves at 7.10 p. in., this Is a thiough train for Scianton. Heictofore the last ' train for Scranton was the Delawaie & Hudson C 30 tiain. Miss Isabella Calloway and aunt, Mrs. Fannie Hawkey, left this morn ing for a sojourn of seveial weeks at t Ocean Giovo and other pleasure lesoits. Miss ElUubeth K. Bentley, after an absenceof several week3 has leturned to Honesdale. A half doen Erie laihoad ofllcinls visited Honesdale, FHduy morning by special train on a tour of Inspection. Edwaid B. Calloway who has just ic tlred from the management of tho Hawley Times, will an Monday next enter the oflice of the Wayne County Herald, where ho has accepted a situ ation. Misses Grace Jadwln and Gince Spen cer ate spending two weeks at Asbuiy Park. The announcement has been made of ''the engagement of Miss Elizabeth K. Bentley, of Honesdnle, and Mr. Lorlng R. Gale, of Biooklyn, N. Y. vHon, and Mrs. George S. Purdy, aie at Atlantic City. No. 4 In tho Dutlnnd block on East street. Is to bo occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Richaid Duscnbeule. July 31, 1852 Freedom Lodgo of Odd Fellows moved their place of meeting from Piompton to Honesdale. At the same time William Weisse was initiat ed Into the order, who is now the old est living member. The double event was duly observed in Freedom hall. Friday evening. A eiy Inteiesting vocal and musical piogwimme was leu dred In the wuy of solos nnd duetts, by Messrs. J. A. Bodle, William Selle, Chailes Dodge, Doctor Btydon, A, C. ToJIey, C. F. Bullock, William Hkib dell and John Smith. Piofessor Nuv Jor, presided at tho piano. Hon. Oooigo S, Purdy dellveted a idiot t addiess at the conclusion of which ho picscnted to Mr. William Wicsse a beautiful gold watch pendant, as a testimonial from tho lodge. Mr. Weisse In lesponso pleased, the audience with a desulp tlon of his nrtlvnl in America and locating In Honesdale and his ex perience as an Odd Fellow. He Is a Bohemian by birth. Although eighty- Very Remarkable Cuie of Diarrhoea, "About six yeais ago for tho Hist time In my life I had a sudden and ue yeie uttuek of dlnlihoca," says Mis. Alice Miller, of Moigan, Texas. "I got teinpoiary teller, but It came back again and again, and for six long years I have isuffoied more misery und ngony thaji I can tell. It was vvorso than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and tieut ment without avail, Finally we moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to bee an ad vertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Qhnleia and Diarrhoea Remedy with n testimonial of a man who had, been cured by It. The cusu was bo similar to iny own that L concluded to try the remedy. The leljult was wonderful. I could hardly jeallse that I was welt Again, or believe II could be so after having buffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured me." For sale by all druggists. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ P. O. BOX, 94. three years of age, retains wondeiful memory and is an Interesting talker. At the cloe of the exercises, sand wiches., coftoe, Ice cieam and cigais, weie served by gentlemen waltei. It was stnetly a male gatheilng. Stamps Given Away. Ten extia stamps given away. See our adveitisement In this paper. Meais & Hagen. WAYMART. Special to tho Scranto'i Ti Ibunc. Waymart, Aug. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoban, of Nicholson, are spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dovje. James Staples, who has been 111 for some time was remoed to a sanltaiium Monday. Miss Isabollo Mitchell, of Carbondale, is tho guest of Laura Coison. Mrs. G. W. Shepheid, who was stop ping in town a few dajs has ictuincd to her home In Buffolu. Miss Lillian Staples was a business caller In Carbondale, Wednebday. Mrs. Hnniet Noiton in again con fined to her home by illness. Ralph Ball, of Caibondale, was the guest of iclathes in town Wednesday night. 2. A. Wonnacot hns his sawmill com pleted and has commenced sawing timber. Mr. and Teny, of New Yoik city, who have been spending ,i few dnvs with the lattei's sistoi, Mis. C. R. Tuthill, leturned homo Monday. Dr. F. W. Coiion, who hns been In Vliginia for the past thiee months, has leturned home. Miss Anna Dovle and Celestlne Meeklns who have been Isltlng Anna Doyle, returned to their home in Wllkes-Barre, Satuulay. Mrs. G. W. Leonaid and Mis. Z. A. Wonnacott and daughter, Iiene, spent Wednesday with Caibondale fi lends. Mr. and Mis. N. A. Walkei, of Biad for, aie visiting tho lattor's paients, Mr. nnd Mia. John Ruppeit. Stamps Given Away. Ten ex tto. stamps ghen away. See our advertisement In this papei. Meats & Hagen. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, Aug. 1. Di. und Mis. H. K, Williams, of Jersey City, aie visit ing thch patents In this place. Mis. C. M. Nichols tetutned to her homo in Bliighiiiiitou, after spending some tlmo with fi lends in this pluce. Mts. R. M. Nlles, i etui tied home Tliui sduy night after spending some tlmo with her patents in Lucy v lllo. Mt, and Mis. Rlchuirt Knllfcr aio lsltlug tho formers bi other, Mr. C. 11. MacCnnuell. Miss Floteuce Williams leturned homo Wednesday night, ufter spend ing some tlmo with her bi other, Di, H. If. Wilklns, of Jetscy City. Mis, Mat tin Kline has been visiting friends In Cllffoid, Mr. U. J, Johnson spent two days of this week with his mother, Mis, Wil liam Johnson, of Royal. Mi, und Mrs. Hotuco Mack and daughter attended the wedding of Dr. Coon und Miss Acicerly ut Claik's Giccn. Stamps Given Away, Ten extiu. stumps given away, Seo our adveitisement In 'this paper. Meurs & Hagen, TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scrunton Tribune. Tunkhannock. Aug. J.-Rcv. W. P. Illle. of Cape Muy, N, J., litis accepted tho cull to tho Buptibt church at this placo and will begin his lubois Aug. 10. Theodoio Rogeis, of this I'laco, Is about to open u buibcr shop at JMIton. Mr. nnd Mis. Ray DoWItt liava gone to housekeeping in the Joseph At muttons hotibo on West Tlosia street. Attorney Fiemont Williams, of Blng humton, N. Y,, is spending his vacation with his mother, Mrs. Eliza Williams, at this place. Piank Aveiy and wife, of Now York city, aro being uitettalned by tho form 171 MONEY L FOR il YOU! er's father, F. P. Avory, on West Tioga , street. Mrs. Leonard Cnrllti Is entertaining ft lends fiom South Montrose this week. ti. Arthur Uarham is having his lent denco on Wnircn street tcpnlntcd. Ste phen Hoblnson has tho contrcet. MIbs Jennlo Motrgcr, of Hnzloton, Is tho Ettrst ot friends In town. Miss Mary rnmipy, of Wlllcs13arre, Is Usltlng her plslrts, Mis. Ultima. Carlln and Mips Anna ranncv, nt this place. Mrs. Mnrgurot Crotighan, of Wllkca Uanc, Is tho guest of ft lends In town. Miss Mnmo Gilfllth, of Bcianton, Is vis iting friends nt this place. Mrs Kitth.tilno Sampson, of TilnRhnm on, N, Y Is vlslllng: his son, Dean W. Bamp3on, at thlt, place. HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstcad, Aug. 1 Mr. n! 'rs. Mc Oloskcy, Jnmes 11. Taj lor, of Ithaca, nnd Addison G. DiIUoIb, of Waplilttgton, D. C, am vlnltlnp at J, T. DuBols.' Mts. James Stiovet, Mis. I.ouls os, Mn. S. C. SwmU and Mis. Cliailcs Lnvv rcnia sjiont Thursday with Mis. Louis Hoffman, nf McKlnntv's Mills. Mrs. William llatelcitBtle, of Wnshltig tnn, D. 0., Is visiting Iter mother. Mis. Wesley, on William sttcot. Jamts Snovcr visited In Scianton on Wednwdnv and Thuisday. Miss Lillian Chinch left Thuisday for a two wce'-s' visit with fi lends In Hui fotd and Philadelphia. Mamie Petty has accepted a position In tho Heiuld oflice. W. F. fclmtell enlkd on ftlond3 In New Mllford Tuesday evening. Mis P. r. Van Woinor Is visttlns In Ncwnilc Vallov. N Y. Mrs. rrnnlc Allen and Miss rio Colo, of Phllndclplila, mo visiting fileiuls In Gteat Bend Ihe Bcv. Prod II. Wntklns, of Biandt, will preach In the Ptcsbyterlan chutch tomorrow Rev. V. L Llnubeiiy Is visiting In Binghnm'ton and Caimol Otove. Mnstcr Geoigo Wnid, of Buffalo, Is upending a few weeks with hla many friends 1 cip. Mis H. W. Hilsov loft Thuisday for a week's visit In Rochester, N, Y. Mrs 1? W. Poise was In Blnshamton Thursday. Mts. Chatles Cotdls visited Blnghamton fi lends Wfdncadnj. Miss Josephlno Millard 1ns leturned from visiting ft lends In Blnghamton. Bullnrd's hind will give an open air concert at l"te West Side patk S Uurda cvonlnz. Gould Smith suffered a paralytic stroke la3t Pildiv. He Is Improving slowly. Mr nnd Mrs Bdward Shaw, of Buffalo, aie visltlns ft lends In town. Mis P. J. McCann and children, of Scranton. aro visiting Mis. C. Noonnn. Miss Estolla and riorence. of Rotter darn Junction, N Y , are v Nitlng nt tile hnmo of A. F. E'dildgc, on Chase avenue. Mrs, Hawkins and Jennie Penv will attend tho Bpworth leaguo convention nt Cnrmel Grovo Friday. MIs Verla Shaw is visiting her sister at Pcckvlllo. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tilbuno BtooKlvn, Aug. 1 The Methodist Epis copal Sabbath bcliool has Invited tho oth et Sundav schools In town to picnic with them nt Heal t Lake Aug. 14 The Brook lvn band has also accepted an invitation to nccompsny them, and it is expected that a Iaigc company will go Jits. Lake, of Montrose, has been tho guest of Mib Ralph Stetling for tho past week. Mlsb Joblo Quick of Suanton, is visit ing her ginndpatcnts, W.' II Eldildgc. S. P Bleed and Blmei Bioed have con nected their faim re&ldenccs by tele phone. The Btonkljn band will play at tho hnivost homo picnic at Dlmock camp L'loundb Mis Itcniletta Kent, of Elmlta. is visiting her nieces, Mis. Eldiidgo and Mis" Dolavvny. Summer boarders aio being ontortaincd at tho hotel, albo nt A. K. Gere's C. V. AVatious and family aie sum meiing on L S. Ely's faim at South Pond Aichle Savige, who has been opeiatcd upon for appendicitis at Blncdiamton, has so far leeovcied ab to bo ablo to visit f i lends heto Misb liattle McMillan, who Ins been visiting at the homu of JIis Bilbbin, in Scianton, has returned homo. Mis Geoiglanna Spidet is staving with hoi blstct. JIis. Aha Quick. Pi .ink Butch, of Wnvetly, N. Y lb calling on Biook1n ft lends Mi. nnd Mis. Era Kent nio cntcttnln lug theli daughtct and her childien, of r.ilnted Post. N. Y. Mis. 13. A. Rej nolds, of Scianton, is tho guest ot Mis Josephine Stfiling. Miss Eva Lalhiop, of Philadelphia, is spending a slioit tlmo as tho guest of Miss Geitiudo Wuldlc. O. M. Dolawav and family ato camp ing nt Ileait lako with ji paity from Binghainton. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Unlvoisallsl chuich meets net Thursday with Mis. N. L Tiftany and tho Methodist Episco pal Aid with Mis. L S Ely. UN10NDALE. Special to the Scianton lilbuue. Unlondale, Aug. 1. Jtidson Cable has i etui nod after u shoit sojourn at Mont- 1030 Rev. U. Giant Houston, of Kansas, will lectin e In tho Piesbteilan chutch Wednesday evening, Aug. fi His hitbjcct will bo "My Tlip to tho Holy Land," Rev. V. M. Buffum, of Scianton, lec tuied In tho Piesbjtoiian chinch last Sunday ov cuius. Mis. Will Campbell and childien. of Reiunton, ttiu visiting ut tho homo of Clint Us Lons, Aithur Poster nnd family havo la. turned after a vacation nt Thompson. Chuiles Coleman Is making piepara tlons tor biilldlng a new bain, Mrs. Woodsido (nco Tiavls), of Phlla- V PICTURE 1 OR THE LITTLE ONES Cut out tho pictuies appealing on Ihls pago each day, diaw u pencil mark mound tho hidden object, feuvo them until Sauuday, then send them or tako them to Tha Tilbuno ofllco in nn envelopo addiessed to "Piulo Department." Encloso in the envelopo nur uiimo, ago and addiess. Tho bois and gills who couectly mnik tho six pictuies uppeatlug duilng the wools, and whoso answeis aio (list received, will havo their names published in Tho Tilbuno Monday moining, i''lnd the miller and (iclphla, visited friends In this placo last week, Miss Bertha Dimmlclt Is visiting rela tives In Carbondale. Henry Low Is nnd wife, of Scranton, spent Sunday with tho former's parents, Mr. and Mis. 11, It. Lewis, Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Presby terian church will meet nt tho homo ot Mrs. Charles Wudeinnn Thursday after noon, Aug. 7, for tea. Miss Llzzlo Smith Is assisting her atmt, Mis. Raymond Smith, who has been very III. D. B. Carponler, who sufforcd fiom n partial strnko of parnljsls, Is able to be around nznliii Mr, and Mrs. Jnsnn Rounds havo io turned to Galeton after visiting tho lat tor's pat nils, Mi. nnd Mrs. J. 1'. Bass. Mm, ThonuiB, son nnd daughter, of Scianton, aie visiting nt tho homo of Wlftfleld Cauienter. AVOCA. Robinson & Law, operators of tho Katy did colliery, began to pump water fiom their mines, yesterday, picpaiatory to commencing opetntlons. John Pltzpntiick, of the West Side, hud his kneecap fiucturcd In n gnmo of ball In Cuioy's Held, voslerdny. Ho was ie moved to tho Mcicy hospital ut Wllkes 11a ire. Miss Jean Ct.tnston cntci tallied n num ber ot her friends at her homo on Thurs day. After various amubements, MasH' llglits weie taken und tho meuy compuny departed. Mr. and Mis. James Nolan hnvo ic tuincd from thclt honejmoon. Thev will lcslde with tho bride's mother on Cherry street. Miss Lottie Thomas, of Kingston, called on Miss Mnmo Keatuey, vesterday. Jacob Sehappcrt, one of tho Demo ciatlo candidates for county commission er..', called In town vosteidny. Rev. A. S. Wisely, of Luzerne, formei pitbtor of tho Langellffo chutch, called on fi lends in town this week. Mi. and Mts. E. L Snyder were rilled to the bcdsldo of the lorn.or's fathci, jeUoulio, ut Huntington. Misses Viola und lictdclla Deeblo havo lettuiied home, aftoi a tew weeks' visit at Albany, N. Y. Duilng the severe electrical storm last evening ti bolt of lightning struck tho barn in the rear of the Christian resi dence, tid killed a valuable horse. Mi D. Hook was a caller In Plttston jestcrdny. Mis3 Mury Morahan.of Inkerman, spent jestcrdav In town. Will Dixon, ot this town, nnd a gradu ate of the College of Phjslclans and Sur geons of Kaltlnioie, Is among tho mem bers who suoiessfully passed tho Penn sylvania btute medical examinations. Ho is a full fledge M. D. James Robinson loft Thursday for New Yoik, where ho has secured a position. Stamps Given. Away. Ten cxtia stamps given awuy. Seo our advertisement in this paper. Mcars & Hagen. BASEBALL j National League. At Philadelphia (first game, 1J innings ) RHE. Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 i 10 0 Philadelphia ...0000000110002 9 0 .Batteries Hahn and Boigcn; Duggleby and JactyiUsch. Umpiie O'Day. At Philadelphia (Second game) R.II E. Cincinnati 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 10 fi Philadelphia 10 0 0 10 0 0 21 7 1 Battciies Frasor nnd Dooin; Thiclman and Malonej. Umplte O'Day. At Now York (flist game) R.H.E. St. Louis 2 110 00000-1 8 2 New York 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 103 7 5 Batteries Currio and Ryan; McGlnnity and Brcsnahan. Umpire Emslle. , At New Yoik (second game) R.H.E. St. Louis 00 00 01100-2 11 0 Now York 1 20 1 0 OOOx-1 S 1 Batteries Peal son and Ran; Matthew son and Bow ci man. Umpire Emslio. At Boston RUE Chicago 003 000 0 1 0-b 10 1 Boston 0 000 00 1001 8 3 Batteries Williams and KUng; Eason, Curran und Moian. Umpire Blown. At Biookljn (10 Innings, tle-daikness ) R II.E. Pittsburg 10000 20030-6 11 3 Biookljn 100 103 00 10-6 11 0 Batteries Loevcr und Smith; Donovan, Hughes and Panell. Umplio Tannchill und Newton. American League. At St. Louis R II.E. Philadelphia 10 0 0 0 0 0 3 05 8 4 St. Louis .-...10 0 1 0 SO 1 11 16 0 Battel ies Wilson and Povvcis; Powell und Knhoe. Umphes Johnstone and Caiutheis. At Chicago R.H.E. Baltimoio 0 1 0 ft 0 2 0 0 J 0 12 3 Chicago 0 110 0 0 0 2. 7 10 2 Battel Ies Wiltso and Ycagci; Piatt und SulllvanSullivan. Umpire Sheiidan. At Cleveland R.H.E. Boston 0 02000 10 03 8 1 Cleveland 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 lx-G 12 i Batteries Young and Cligei; Josj, Bernhardt und Bemls. Umplio O'Lough lin. At Detiolt- R.H.E. Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 7 3 Detiolt 0004 2 0 4 3V-1J 13 1 Battel Ies Ton nseiid and Clark; Stiver and McGulie. Umpire Connolly. Eastern League Monti cnl-Pioldence, lain, Rochcstci, 10; Nevvaik, J. AVoicestei, 8: Toronto, 1,' Joisey City, 11; Buffalo, 0. PUZZLE. his pretty daughter. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I IUI1 llblMUf Only Half a Cent a word. For Rent. FtvrTrsTomsTfor light housekeep ing in Green Rldgo or on tho hill. A. B. C Tilbuno oflice. FOR RENT Two furnished cottages at , Lako Hhetlditn; diy nnd healthy loca tion: good shnde nnd ttuest placo for a week or a month's outing In Northern Poiinsvlvmiln. Addtess II. L. Haldiug, PaetoryvUlo, Pa. FOR RENT-Oj; Green Rldgo Btioct, 0 loom house, model n lmpiovctnents, steam heat, tnndointo lent, oxcellont In ration and nclghboiliood. lnqulto liJCo Wnshlnglon nvctnio. FOR RENT A 4-t oom cotlnge. complete ly furnished, with two boats and llsh Ing pier at $S per week, nt Lako Shell dan. See J. C. Zurflleh, For Sale. FOR SALC-FIno now niilnmnhllc, vnluo JO.'")! will sell for J'iOO cash; can bo seen at i tore of P. R Smith, 507 Linden tticct, Bon id of Ttndo building. FOR SALE A (list cluss meat market Owner will work for paity. Addiess 131 Chestnut sttcot, Dunmoie, Pa. Wanted To Eent. v wv 'wvt r WANTED A small houso or flat. nrcfr ably furnished. In doslinblo location. To gain attention, otute tcnns. P. O. Dot 327. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, mo lorn improvements; pilvato family; gen tlemen pieferrod, at 037 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas an0 bath gentlemen pio f erred, at 539 AJnms avenue. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Room with or without boird; stiictly pilvatc lumlli. Addiess II. C. M., Tribune. Real Estate. TOR SALE At a biugaln on easy terms, the Lclghton faim In Glolibiun. Also glowing ot hai vested clops ol giain, hay, vegetables and fiults, tvvclvo choice cov.s and hclfeis, faim team, single diiving hoise, wagons, linincss. laim lmplo monts, etc. Andiovv Lclghton, Glcnbuin. FOR SALE Fit st-clnss hotel, established business, good icasons foi selling; wiito for fuither paitlculnis. Addiess John Millet, 77 East Market sttcet, Coin ing, N. Y. LOTS, houses and faims for salo. Soo J. C Zuiflleh. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upper Green Rldgo; eholco noighboi hood; most dcsiiablo locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlno, 1730 Sandoison avenue Lost. LOST A gentleman's small, gold opon faeo watch, Friday ntteinnon. Find er will lcceive suitublo lcwuid. Apply to B , Tribune otlico. LOST A lady's silver watch, getting off the sticot cm, coiner Franklin nnd Lackawanna avenues, Llboial lewaid if lotuined to Tilbuno oflice. Reward. $5 00 REWARD Package containing bracelet and locket addicssed Stephen D Englc, Hazlelon, Pa. George W. Finn Now "phono DOS SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo leceived by the county ot Lackawanna until Friday, Aug. 8, at 12 m , foi tiling door of Piotlionotaij's ollieo in Couit House, accoidlng to plans and specKlcnllons Bids to bo addiessed to undcislsiied and In bunds on or bofoio above date. Tho light to lejcct any or all bids is icseivcd. E A. JONES, County Contiollcr. Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy Contiollcr. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In the otlico ot tho City Recouler by tho Dliector ot tho Deputment of Public WoiUs at J o'clock p m on Monday. August 4, 1D02, foi tho coustiuctlou of tlneo (3) bower basins in tho Fouiteenth waid, accoidlng to plati3 and sneeillea tions on lllo in tho Buicau or Englnoci ing. Pioposal blanks will ba furnished bv thp Bui cau ot Englneeilng and no otlueis will bo accepted Pioposals must bo tiled with tho City Controller nt his oflice in tho City Hall, Scianton, Pa, not later than 2Cu o'clock p m. on Monday, August 4, 1002 Tho cltv leseivcs tho light to reject any oi ell bids JOHN E. ROCHE, Dliector, Depaitmont of Public Woiks. THE BOROUGH OP DUNMORE-Notico to Conll.ietois Sealed pioposals endorsed "Bids for Second Dlatiict Sevvct, etc.," und ud- iticssed to tlto undei signed, will no le eched until R o'clock p. m. on Mon day, tho 11th day ot August, 1102, foi fui nlshlng m.iteilal nnd lonstiuctlns sowets In the Second Sower Dlti!ct of tlio Bo inugh of Duninmi', with tho neccssiiy lKtuies nnd nppllanees In nceoi dance with the plans and sppclllrutlons on lllo In tho oflleo of James P. Hnrun, boiough cnglneei, bnioush building, Dunmoie, Pa, Estent of ptnposod woik Is appioNimatclv 7'HOO feet of hi lik tower, 3,10) teet of plpo sower fiom 12 to ?fl Indies in diam eter. Copies nt Hporlflcutlons and In stiuctlnns to eouti.ictoia mav bo obtained of tho boiough engineer. Each bid must bo accompanied by a ret titled cheek lor the huui of llo bun dled (V)0) dollais, mndo pavublo to Au gtiFt AV'ithlPis, boiough tieasuior, as a. guaianteo to oociito a conti.irt If nwaid cd tho work, which sum shall bo fni foiled to tho boiough In c.iso of tho tefusul or omission on the p.ut nf tho successful blildei' to CNCcuto a contiact within ton (in) davs attpf tho awiiullng of tlio same. Bidden will bo furnished with nroposnl blanks nt tho said ofllco of tho boiough engineer, und no nthois will bo accoptid, Bids iccelved will bo opened at a moot ing of tlio boiounh council In tho lm toiigli building, to bo held on tho duto and hour above mentioned Tho Boinugh ipsohcs tho light to ie ject any or all bids .HENRY B GILLIGAN, Boinugh Societal v, 702 E. Di Inker St , Dunmoio, Pa, GEN. J. H. SMITH RETURNS. Docllnes to Say Anything About His Trial or Retiiemcnt. By Exclmhe Wlro Ironi Tho Associated IVesj. Son Finnclsco. Aug. 1. General Jacob II. Smith iiulved today fiom Manila on' tho tmnsport Thomas, Tho geueial de clined to say anything for publication, and would nut oven allow icportcrs to opprouch him, Thiough his aide, Lieu tenant M, H. Shield, ho bald ho would not bo tutci viewed, us liu did not caro to subject himself to fuither ciltielsm. Major Davol, of tho ttanspoit set vice, dellveted Geneial Smith's order of reilto ment to him on boaid tlio ship. Geueial Smith on landing went to tho Occidental hotel und denied himself to all visitors. Crow Wants to Re Reinstated, By I.'vclushe U iro (rom Tlio Associated l'rs. Hntlsbuig, Aug, 1, Wllmer Ciow, of this city, piomlncnt In Junior Older United Amcilcun Meihanlcs elides In Pennsylvania, who vvuh expelled fiom Capital City council, No. 327, hi Septeni' her, 1901, by older of tlto national coun cil because of his ciltlcisms of Its local officials' actions today tiled a petition for an altei native wilt ot mandamus against tho local council to compel It to iclnstato him. Thu wilt was muUo leturnublo by Judge Weiss on August 11. No Order Accepted Tor Less Than 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offices, Wnnt Advertisements Will Do Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHBLTZ. corner Mill berrv sit ret ntul Webster avo. Q US PA V PICIIEL, C5U Adams avenue. West Side GEO W. JENKINS, 101 South Slain avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE. 7'.0 Cedar North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main nventto nnd Market stiect. Green Ridge i CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avenue. P. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo stieet C. LORENtf, coiner Washington avenua and Marlon stiect. Petersburg W. II. KNEPPEL, 1017 Irving a cnuo Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Help Wanted Male. CIVIL SERVICE government positions. About 10,000 appointments made last vcar. Only common bchooi education to Hiiitcd for examination Salniles largo. Work easy. Catalogues of Infoimation free. Columbian Coiiespondcnco College, Wnsh!ngton,D. C. MEN, not under 25 jcais, to call on old and new customeis. No dellvcilng Position peimanont to tho light pii ty. Pay weekly. Glen Bi others, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Ono stationary cnglneei, ono fireman and ono general h mdv man. Addrcbs applications to J. D J, Tilbuno ofilce. BOILERMAKERS and boilenmikors' helpcis vvunted for out-ol-tovvn in.II load shops; good wages and steady cm ploment for tellable and competent men; tiansportatlon furnished. Apply between 0 a. m. and 5 p m , Mears build ing, corner of Washington avenue, and Spiuco btioct; Rooni3 310 and 311. W. J. Rule. AVANTED Traveling salesmen tor im proved school lunch box. C. S Shep paid, 410 Exeter stiect, Plttston, Pa. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED by u widow to do washing nnd ironing and cleaning by tho day. Addiess 712 Schnoll couit. AVANTED Plain sowing; children's clothes a specialty All wnik dono neat and piompt. Call at G'2 Forest couit, city. ' Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, stialght loans or Building nnd Loan. At from 4 to t, per cent. Call on N. V. AValker. 311-315 Connell building. Roaiders Wanted. WANTED A few boat dels lor August and September on a faim; pleasantly located; veiy healthy and a comfoi table home Mis Geoigo AVaterson, Uswlch, Wnno county, Pa. BOARDERS AVANTED-AVI11 tako sum mer boaideis; tlneo largo alty looms nnd good tablo boaid. Address O. IC, Dalton, Pa. Board and Rooms. FOR RENT With boaid, pleasant front room; hIso ono side loom; all con veniences CM Adams avenue. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of looms with first class tablo boaid, can bo obtained at 333 Joffcison avenue. Miscellaneous. EDUCATED FOREIGNER desiics teach er in English; uounun lnuy piotcirca. Addiess, N. II , Tilbuno office. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, launders shirts at Sc. each and collars and cuffs ut l'ic. each. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPA1H.DING. C. P. A, 23 Tiadois' Bank Building. Old 'phono ISGt. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B, Renl Estato Exchungo Bldg , 126 AVush Ington nvo. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDO. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 726 CONNEIjL building. Dentists. DR. C E EILENRERGER, PAULI building, Sptuco street, Scianton. DR. C. C LAUBACII, 115 WYOMING avo. File Insuinnce. SC11LAGER iv; CO,, Tiudeis Bank Bldg. Pntont Attorneys. PATENTS 'AWSWSSSr Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor In tho city. No chaigo for lu foiniatlon on patentability; over ten cais c.Npcrionco. Hcplogjc & Co., Mcars HUlr. Hotels and Restaurants, TI1B-ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates teasonablo. P. SJIEGLEU, l'roprlotor. SCRANTON HOUSE NEAR D . 1 .t W. Piibsengor dupot. Conducted on tho Eu lopeau plan. Victor Koch, PtopHotor, Scnvengei-, ATnTmiads cleans piuWvaults and toss pools; no odor; only lmpiocd punuu used. A. B Bllggs. piopiletor. Leavo oiders 1100 North Main uveuuo or ElrKo's diug stoio, coiner Adams and Mulbouy. Both tolephones. Wiie Seieens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTEI., REAR 311 I,ACKA. avo, Scianton, mfrs. of AYIrp Seieens. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEU BROS. PRINTERS' BUP plies, envolopcs, paper bugs, twlno. Wuiohouso, HO Washlngtoii avenuo. TUB AVILKrS.BARRH RECORD CAN bo had In SClniiton nt tho iioivn stand of Rolsmau Bios , 406 Spruce and 002 Linden; M. Noiton, 322 Lackawanna avo.; I. S. SchuMer, 211 Spiuco atlo-.t, DIRECTORS . Only Half a Cent a,Word. Business Opportunity. stock and Wheat traders with- out demy. AVrlto for our speilnl mar ket letter. Proo on application. B M. Hlbbnrd a Co, mombcis N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange 44 nnd 48 Broidway. Now York. Establlshod 1861. Long Distance 'Phono 2.1SS Brood. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Dclavvnro, Lnckawnnna nnd Westorn. In Effect Juno 1, 1002. Tinlns lcavo Seinnton for Now Yoik At 1 W, 3 20, C05 7.50 and lu 10 n. m.: U 10, .1 W, J 33 n m. For Now York and Phlla dolphin 7 50 10 10 a. m , and 12.40 nnd 3 3 p. m. For Golildsboro At 6.10 p. m For Buffalo 1.15, t!22 and Ooo a. m.; 155, (5 50 and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmira nnd way stations 10 25 n. m, 105 p. m For Oswego, Svincuso and Utlca 1 15 and 0 22 it. in.; 1Y p. m. Oswego, Syracuso nnd Utlca tialn nt (122 a. m. daily, oxctpt Sunday. For Monti oc 0 00 a. m ; 103 and G SO p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4 oo nnd 0 15 n m. Bloomsbttig Division For Northumber land, at 0J5 nnd 1010 u. m.; 155 and fi 10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 810 a. m.; 3 40 and 9 05 p m. Sunday Tialns For 'New York, 150, 3 29. 0 05. 1010 n. m.s 3 40 nnd 3 35 p. m Por Buffalo 115 nnd U22 n. in.; 155, 6 50 and 11.10 p m. Por Elmliu nnd way stations 10 25 a. in. For Blnghamton and wnv sta IIoiib, H00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division Leavo Scianton, 1010 a ,m. nnd 610 p m. Xohigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 13, 1902. Trains Leavo Scianton. Por Philadelphia und New Yoik via D. & II R. R, at 7.41. thiough Pallor Car and Day Coach Coibond.ilo to Now A'ork and 9 47 a m . with L. V. Coach Cnrbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4 25 (Black Diamond Exprpss). and 11 49 p. m. Sun davs, D & H. n. It., 1 5S. 917 p m. 1 or AA'hlto Haven, Hazloton and princi pal points In tho coal legions, via D A: II. R. R, 7 11, 218 and 4 33 p. m. For Pottsvillo. 7.41 n. m. For Bethlehem, Easton, Rending, Hnr rlslitirg and pilnclpal Intermediate sta tions, via D. As II. R. R 7.41, 9 47 a. m ; 2 IS, 1 05 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p. nt Sundns. D. & H. R R, 9 3S a. m.; 1&!. 917 p in. For Tunkhannopk, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Gpneva and pilnclpal Intermediate stations v la D , L. & W. R. R , C 33 a. m. nnd 1 55 p m. Tor Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Palls, Chicago and nil points west via D. & II R. R , 12 01 p m ; 3 28 (Black Dlimond Express), 10 41. 11 49 n m Sun davs D. & H. R. R. 12 03, 917 p. in. Pullman pallor and sleeping or Lehigh A'alley Parlor ens on all trains between vviiKes-uairo nnd New York Philadel phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street Now York. CHARLES S LEE. Gen Pass. Agt , 23 Cortland street, New York. A AV NONEMACHER, Div. Pass Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket ofilce. 69 Public Square, AA'ilkes-Barre, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Elfcct Juno 29, 1902. Stations In Now Yoik. foot Liberty street nnd South Fcny, N. R, Trains leavo Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town Mnuch Chunk, AVhlto Haven, Ash ley, AVllkes-Baiio and Plttston nt 7 30 n. m , 1 p. m and 4pm Sunday, 2 10 p. m. Quaker City Eprcss leaves Scianton 7 30 a. m, thiough solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil adelphia with onlv ono change of cars for Baltimoio and AA'ashlngton, D. C , and all princlpnl points south and west For Avora, Plttston nnd AVIlkcs-Barre, lpm. and 4 p.-m. Sunday, 210 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7 TO and lpm. For Reading, Lebanon and Ilarrlsburg via Allpntovvn at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p m Sundav, 210 p m Tor Tamnqua and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m.; lpm. and 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station AA". G BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedulo in Effect Juno 1G, 1902. Trains leavo Scianton: G"S a. m, week davs, thiough vestibule train from AVilkcs-Bairc. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts villo; stops nt principal lntormedinto sta tions Also co'inects for Sunbuiy, Har ilsbuig, Philadelphia, Baltimoic, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho AVest. 0 17 a. m . week diys, lor Sunbury, Har risbmg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Wash ington and Pittsbuig nnd tho AVest. 1 42 p. m, week dnjs, (Sundav s 153 p. m ), for Sunbuiy Ilarrlsburg, Philadel phia, Baltlmoie, AVashlngton and Pitts buig and tho AA'cst. 3 28 p m , week days, through vestlbulo tialn fiom AA'llkes-B.uro. Pullmnn huffet parlor cir end coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvillo. Stops at principal Intel medi ate stations. 4 35 p m , week div s for HnIoton. Sun limy, Huriisbiug, Philadelphia and Pitts- UlB' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. J. B. AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Effect June ltf, 1902. Trains for Caibnndalo leavo Scranton at Gil, 7 SO, S G, 1013 n. in ! 12 05, 112, 211. 3 50, 5 29. 0 23, 8 21, 913, 10 01 p. m.; 12.1S, For' HonesdalbG II, 1013 a. m ; 211 and C -0 p. m. For AVilkcs-Bnuc-GSS. 7 41. 8 41. 9 47, 10 W n. in : 12 03, 1,42, 2 IS, 3 2S, 4 33, 6.10, 7.4S. 10 11, 11.19 P. m. For L. V. R. R Points 7.41, 9.47 a. m.; 2.1s, 4 23 nnd 11.49 P. in. For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 6 3S, 9.17 a. m ; 1.12, 3-.S nnd 1 35 p. m. For Albany nnd all points noith 7.36 a. m. and 3 3ii p m SUNDAV TRAINS. For Carbondalo 8 50, 1133 a, m.; 211, 3 51! 5 52 and 11.17 p in. For AVilkes-Dmo 9!8 a. m.; 12 03, 158, 3 is, 6 32 and 917 P m. For Albany nnd points noith 3 56 p. m. For Honesdale 8 50 a. m.; 1133 and 3 53 P Av! L. PRYOR, D, P. A , Scranton, Pa. Erio Rnilrond Wyoming Division, ' In Effect July 30th, 1902. "V Tinlns Unvo Scianton' rnr Huwley ard local stations at 7 JO and S,13 n. m,( 101 nnd 5 20 p m. Sundnjs, 9 00 n m and 1.25 p, m For Now Yoik. Newburgh and lutcimedl.ito points at 7,20 n. m. and t.Ja p. in, Sundav s, 1 .15 p. m For Honosdalo 1 35 nnd ECO p. m. - Tinlns nulvo at Scianton 8.'20, 10 ItJTa. m ; JOti and 9,15 p. m, Sundays, 1.00 and S 13 p m . rt t . ? New York, Ontario and Westoruiiv; Tlmo Tablo. In Eitect Sunday, Juno 13, 1905 NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leavo Leavo Arrive Tinlns. Scianton. Caibondale. CndoSj-pi, No, l io.'M a. in. 11,10 u. m. l.nnp.m. No. :i ,,,,,, loop, in, 44(p.m. (jOOn.m. No, 7 , U10p ni.Ar.CniboiidaloG.-lu nnn SOUTH BOUND. "" Leavo Leavo Airivo Tialns. Cadosla. Caiboadalo.,Seniiiton. No. u il5na. m, 7.:5m. No. 1 8 40 n. m. lOOln.m. lOiOnwiii. No '-' 2.13p.m. ,4 00p. m,.. Jjpjjn. SUNDAYS ONLY, 'NORTH BO UN tfr. Leavo Leavo Arflvo Tialns. Scianton. Carbondalo. Cndojljj. No. 9 ,,,,,, 8 JO a. in, 9Wp.m 1043nSm. No. 5 , 7 0i P iii.Ar.Cnibniidalo7.lS Km SOUTH BOUND. iA-avo I.cavu Arrii'fl Tialns. Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scianton. No. 0 ,.,,,, ' 11.5(1(1, in. 7 25nlilu. ' No. 10 ,,... 420p. m. UOiip.m. Opl'm, Tialns Nos. I on week dais, and 9h Sundiiss connect for New Yoik city, Mid-i dletpwn, AVultou, Noiwlch, Oncldu. Os wego und all points west. . Tialn A lor Pointelio. AValton, Doh, Sldnev, Notwlcli und nil New Beilln binncli points. Ttfilu No. 6, with "Quaker City Ex pie'jOt Scranton. va C. R. Ri of N. 'J,, foi Jinilladclphln. Atlantic City, Baltimore, AVivdijiiEton Jwd Pennsylvania stato points fn'O liine-idiiiu iiiki cuusuii iickoi agsniq rorfooaneoivvig wun vii'H UP"'- - J- Ji:. WKLSll, T. 1.X, Scranton, Pa) M 1 :l d I F'.fei V iV. - 1 . i Mmain I. H : viviU.fe., 3AJ.. wiS- iteat $A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers