The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    .1 '
5 '
Claims He Was Robbed Unusual Surgical
Case Twice Injured P. O. S.
of A. Notes Personals.
'On the rulvlee of Drs. Bedcloc nnd
anil, Junios Ilowlanils, of Decker court,
j. former mine worker, wn admitted to
the West Side hospital. It Is said thut
Rowlands, who Is a widower, became
In need of money on account of the
strike nnd wus compelled to sell the
parlor organ to a central city party
for $50.
On Saturday he went to the central
city to collect tho money, and on Sun
day morning an unknown man brought
him home In u serious condition. Ho
Wus delirious and kept repeating that
he had been robbed.
The neighbors became alarmed and
sent for. Drs. Boddoo and Hall who re
vived him and sent him to the hospltul.
Unfortunato Accident.
Frank Kellet, of North Garfield
avenue, who hud his leg broken and
was also Internally Injured In a rail
road accident nt I'ocono, sonic months
ago, was again the victim of a more
or less serious accident, Thursday after
noon. Ho returned to his home a short
time ago after being discharged from
tho Jloues Taylor hospital, and while
walking ubout the house on crutches
ho passed to the front porch where
the crutch slipped on a wet board and
threw him to the ground. Ho was
carried into the house and tho attend
ing physician fears tho consequences
of the fall muy be serious.
The Loyal Crusaders.
Tho Bellcvue Loyal Crusaders held a
meeting In tho Bcllevuo mission on
Thursday evening. Much business of
importance was transacted. The fol
lowing young people were enlisted:
Kdlth Morgan, Margaret Thomas, and
William Jusnes.
After tho business session an enter
tainment was held. Gomer Reese gave
a short address, Miss Jennie Lewis
sang a pleasing solo and Miss Mcriam
Morgan gave an excellent recitation.
Tho meeting wau closed with the Cru
saders' greeting song.
Sid Not Survive Operation.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
William Debuvitz, of North Fllmore
avenue, died early yesterday morning.
On Thursday four skilled physicians
operated on tho child. The operation
was one of the most difficult know to
modern surgery. A tumor was found,
much larger than the child's head.
Tho child rallied after tho operation
and It was thought that tho little one
would recover, but it's reserve strength
TUs Beet Family Cough Remedy,
Dufour's French Tar,
For Sale by
101 S. Main ave.
Your Saturday Wants
Have All Been Figured Out
As far as we could guess at them,
and our chief aim has been to
save our patrons money. Every
counter in the store is a Bargain
Counter these days for end-of-the-season
goods that we are anxious
to get rid of. The specials named
below come under a different class,
however. Every item offered is
especially seasonable for present
season buyers.
Bargain Counter Goods Are
Not Included in These Offerings
J3 Ladies' Neckutear
1 at Half Price
j5 Automobiles. 'Pecks, Four-lit-
.C Hands, Stocks, etc;., in Crash.
Pique, Mercerized Madras, Dotted
,C Swiss and other materials. Alt
f now. nil pretty, all Just what Is-
a" wanted at this mlrtuto for correct
'3 Ko nunlltles for 12!o
S Wc" nualltlcB for iiu
' .Black or Whlto Wire Stock
B Foundations, for lUhbous, all
' widths and sizes; were 12l,c.
13 to 15c. each. On Saturday
.C only 5o
a Fancy
Porch Cushions
2 Made from finest Art Tickings,
C with (lowered effects, vury durubta
;g uud fast colors. Bee window,
SU-lnoh Cushions nro ,29a .
CS '.'l-lncli Cushioua lire D'Jo
1 Hosiery
i and UndepuJear
'U Ladles' fine gauge, Hermsdorf
"5 dye, Iilack llose; fancy diop
31 Blltch, A real aje. quality fur 15u
rS Ladles' umbrella shape, lino
o nibbed Drawers, with laco
T9 trimmings; linen lengths; all
j sizes; Ml-, quality at 39s
1 , Ladies' Swiss ltlbued Vests;
US full silk trim and tine LUle
tlnish. i'3c. quality for.,,,,,., 13o
i Globe Warehoto?.
gave out at the vital moment and
death resulted.
Jones-Jones Wedding.
Announcement ban Just been made
of the marriage, on Thursdny, July 3, 'of
Mr. Wesley Jones, of North Muln ave
nue, to Miss Margaret Jones, the ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
T. 1 Jones, of Wayne avenue.
Tho ceremony was performed nt the
parsonage of tho Tabernacle Congre
gational church, by the pastor, Rev. D.
P. Jones,
Both the young people arc very pop
ular and Mr. and Mrs. Jones nre now
receiving the hearty congratulations of
a host of friends.
Green in Trouble.
Thomns K. Green, of Jackson street,
was yesterday urrestcd on a warrant
swore out by his wife, before Alder
mun Moses, charging him with deser
tion and non-support.
Constnblo John Lane went out for
the man and found him trying to pawn
his wife's wrapper and a clock. He
was taken Into custody, and at tho
hearing yesterday, was committed to
the county Jail In default of $500 ball.
P. O. S. of A Notes.
The last few hundred dollars of tho
$2,000 Indebtedness on Washington hall
Is being rapidly paid and the boys are
shaking hands with themselves on the
rapidity with which tho debt has been
cleared up. As near as present reports
show, the camp will clear $150 on tho
excursion held last Saturday.
The auditors paid a well deserved
compliment to the two secretaries for
tho excellent condition in which the
books have been kept. Financial Sec
retary Linden V. Decker, is a hard
worker and Camp 17S Is highly favored
in having such a secretary. In his
position as trustee, he is equally as
alert In looking out for the camp's wel
fare. The Colonial club deserves a largo
amount of credit for the raising of
money to pay the debt. The young
men are hustlers and when they start
to do a thing it is always done and
done well.
Stamps Given Away.
Ten extra stamps given away. See our
advertisement in this paper.
Mcars &. Hagcn.
The store of George Hack on North Re
becca avenue, was broken into Tues
day evening and robbed of several dollars
in cash, canned gool3 and cigars. Tin:
thieves gained an entrance by breaking
a window in the cellar.
The drug store on North Main avenue
formerly conducted by Mrs. Decker, has
been sold to a South Sldo person. This
store has been in existence for nlmost
twenty years. Owing to the recent death
Ladies' Sttifs,
Skirts, Ere.
Newest Linen Skirts, with
tucked lop nnd circular
flounces. For Saturday only. K, 73
Ladles' Long Klmonas, In
Pink, Blue or Lavender ef
fects. Last call at tho price.. $1.13
Children's Suits, in atrong.
serviceable Duck; assorted
colors and extra well mado.
Sizes 0 to 10
Shirt Waist
Linen Color Waists, with dots,
figures, etc. Trimmed with
whlto insertion. A leading
J1.00 quality, for
Ladles' Whlto Waists, tucked
an over anil elegantly fin
ished: to button nt back.
Fine $1.00 quality for C9o
Men's Furnishings
Men's Lisle finish, pure, Kgyp.
hllk trimmed; properly fash-,
loned and perfectly finished.
Sizes 34 to 41. Speclnl at 37Kc
Men's Fancy Seamless Half
Hose, with split foot; all tha
Rood colors. Must 2Je. mini.
Wo Hi
lty at
Men's Fast Color Shirts, with
soparate culTs, In Illuo or
Ox-Hlooil. Full sizes. 50c.
quality for,, ,,
Men's Vhlte Negligee Shirts,
wmui-u iiusom. uic. bizcs ja, s.
13W. W, 1016. 75 quality for,,, C0o K
of Miss Gertrudo Decker It was decided
to sell the stock and fixtures.
Dr. V. C. Fern, of North Sumner ave
nue, tinfe left for nn extended trip to Phil
adclphla nnd Atlnntto City.
Tho condition of Mnrvln O. Kramer, sr.,
of North Uromley avenue, Is much worse.
Mr. Kromcr Is mirroring from a sovcro
stroke of paralysis,
Frank Kostcnbitker, of 319 Fourteenth
street, Is recovering from nn attack of
scnrlot fover.
Mrs. T. M. Miller nnd sons, Harry nnd
Jtobort, wilt leuvo this morning to spend
tho summer nt their cottngo at Lake
Tho Three Friends will conduct their
regular weekly dance In Meat's' halt this
evening. ,
Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Hughes, of North
Bromley avenue, will leave today for a
few da-H' trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls
and Vanada.
Tho Alumni bnso ball team will piny
nt Washington, N. J., today. McCSarry,
of this year's Scranton team, will pitch
against them.
The Saturday Outing club of tho Elec
tric City Wheelmen will spend today at
Lake Ariel.
Miners March to Mass Meeting Y.
W. C. A. Notes Notes
and Personals.
About 1000 striking miners from this
end marched lit n body to the mass
meeting at the Hound Woods, West
Scranton, yesterday. The parade was
headed by Marshal Daniel Coleman,
the president of tho sub-district, follow
ed by a cofps of aides which consisted
of the presidents of the various locals.
The Providence Sliver Cornet bnnd and
the Union High Works nnd National
Drum corps furnished music.
The line of march was out North
Main avenue to tho meeting.
Going on an Exhibition Tour.
Dr. H. A. Young, physical Instructor
of the North Scranton gymnasium, und
his brother, J. H. Young, of Cleveland,
In a short while will leave for Pitts
burg, where they will start on a club
swinging and Juggling tour through
tho Westen and Middle states.
Their circuit is arranged by a New
York company nnd this trip will be
similar to the one taken bjf Messrs'.
Young last summer, through Canada.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The ladles "of the executive committee
meet In regular session, this afternoon
at 3.30.
The rooms will be open all day to
morrow to any one who wishes a
cool, quite place to spend a part of the
day. There will be a praise service at
3.30. Miss Edith Morris wll play "The
Wayside Chapel," of which most of the
young women are very fond.
The Children's Reading club, will
meet as usual Monday afternoon from
4 to5. The children meet every Mon
day and Thursday and enjoy the club
very much.
The Outing club, will conduct an ice
cream sale at the rooms on Tuesday
evening. ' Cake will be served free of
charge with cream. The young women
will be glad to welcome all their friends.
Stamps Given Away.
Ten extra stamps given away. See our
advertisement In this paper.
Mcars & Hagcn.
Miss Margaret Jones, the accomplished
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. 'P.
Jones, of Waynu avenue, and Wesley
Jones, of West Scranton, were quietly
wedded at the parsonage of tho Tabern
acle Congregational church on Juno 3, by
tho pastor, Rev. D. P. Jones. Their many
friends were surprised to hear of tho
ovent. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will mako
their homo with the bride's parents on
Wayne avenue for a time.
Gassy Davis, of Philadelphia, is spend
ing a few days with her mother on War
ren street.
The North Scranton Prohibition Alli
ance will hold an entertainment and so
cial at tho homo of Mrs. Thomas Moore,
Parker street, Monday evening, August 4.
Mrs. Otto D. Myers, of Church avenue,
nnd Mrs. J. C. Taylor, of Delaware
street, are spending the week at Lake
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sharer, of Parker
street, nro entertaining Robert Wallace,
of Parsons.
Miss Krilth Davis, of Factoryvllle, has
returned home after spending a few days
with her brother, Hector Davis, of We3t
Mnrkct street.
Mrs. Lewis James, of Throop street, has
returned to her homo after visiting Oly
phnnt friends.
Rev. W. F. Davis and family returned
Thursday evening after a stay of several
weeks at Asbury Park, Ocean Grove nnd
New York. Mr. Davis will occupy his
pulpit Sunday, both morning nnd evening.
Mrs. Orchard, of Salem, Wayno coun
ty, is visiting at tho homo of her slstor,
Mrs. Walter B. Christmas, of North Main
Rev. George E. Guild, D. D pastor of
tho Provldenco Presbyterian church, left
yesterday to spend his vacation In New
York state.
T. Myrddln Jones, of Now York city,
Is visiting nt tho homo of his parents,
Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Jones, of Edna ave
nue. George A. Dickcrson and rnmlly, of Put
nam street, returned homo yesterday af
ter spending two weeks nt Atlantic City.
Messrs. Reese Price, of William street,
and Daniel Davis, of Putnam street, left
yesterday to spend their vacations In
New York city.
Bruco Shotton, of Oak street, will spend
Sunday with his parents at Preston Park.
Scranton and New York Men to
Work the Hillman Tract.
A new corporation has been chap
tered, under the name of tho "Wllkes
Rarre and Scranton Coal und Iron com
pany," tho directors of which nro J.
George Elsele, Jnmes Kearney und
John G. McAskle, of this city, and T.
F. Torrey and Abel J. Culver, of New
York. Tho capital stock is $75,000,
which will be increased in a few years
to $260,000.
T. F, Torrey Is president of the com
pany, and J, G, Elsele, secretury-trens-urer,
The company has secured title
to five veins of coal in Wllkes-Barre,
which were formerly owned by the
Hillman Coal company. It Is estimated
that by purchase and lease the com
pany has secured title to over 6,000,000
tons of workable coal,
Seven ucres of surface land Is also
owned by the company,
The Hillman company's breaker will
be refitted, A. E. Wheeler, of Forest
City, having received the contract for
a large amount of new mining machin
ery. The sum of $3S,000 will be ex
pended for a new boiler house, with' a
Int'go fan nnd boilers. A S7nnn u-d,.
ery will also be built, The breaker has
u uuuy enpacuy or J.uuo tons, n Is be
lieved 250,000 tons of coal will be pro
cured from the lurgo culm pile on the
The company's stock Is divided Into
760 shares, pur value of each $100. Mr,
lOlsele is the larcest ntnr-Ulinliloi- m-iii.
299 shares. Messrs, Torrey, Kearney
uuu imver eacu nave l&u snares.
Not to Enforce Revocation of the
Trolley Franchise Levy of Two
and One-fourth mills Made to Fay
for Sewpr Money for the Bonds
Expected in a Eew Days New
Tracings Ordered Made Trolley
Ride to Carbondale Other News
Notes and Personals.
Tho council met In regular session
last night, Mr. McAllister being the
only absentee. On motion of Mr. Bro
gan the ordinance revoking tho fran
chise of the Olyphnnt nnd Wlnton Trac
tion company for non-compliance' with
the terms of their franchise will not ho
enforced at present, the lights having
been repaired as ordered.
Mr. Brogan's motion that the bor
ough proeeodvto luy sidewalks In front
of all properties In the Sixth ward,
where due notice has been given nnd
no attention has boon paid to same,
was carried. Tho paving committee
was instructed to repair all pavements
at the cross street intersections where
Mr. Brogan moved that the Scran
ton Gas and "Water company bo re
quested to pay their portion of the cost,
as agreed, of the total cost of building
a bridge and retaining wall over Roar
ing brook at Nay Aug.
A levy of two and one-fourth mills
was mudo for sewer tax for tho ensu
ing year. On motion of Mr. Brogan,
the secretary was instructed to adver
tise for bids for tho construction of
the trunk sewer, the bids to be opened
at a special meeting on Monday, Aug
ust 11.
Borough Attorney McDonald reported
that the money from the sale of the
bonds would be in hand in about four
days. The borough engineer was In
structed to proceed at once to make
the needed number of tracings of tho
sewer plans to enable the work to be
pushed rapidly. This is made neces
sary, owing to the tracings previously
made being held by Mr. Knight, ex
borough engineer. An action to recov
er these is pending.
Trolley Ride to Carbondale.
The following young folks enjoyed a
trolley ride to Carbondale last evening,
where they were guests at tho home of
James Anguln. They were chaperoned
by Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Webber:
Misses Alice Goodman, Anna Young,
Buelah Swarts, Hope Plnnell, Clara
Weber, Dana Zlegler, Jennie Blesecker,
Lottie Lucker, Phllopena Weber, Jen
nie Secor, Maine Harper, Bessie Brink,
Mario Weber, Lucy Ellis, Mame Keller,
Josle Boss, Jessie Frink, Verna Hal
lock, Anna Zlegler, Miss Swingle.
Charles Weber, Fred Ehrgood, Ho
mer Hand, J. W. Dreyer, Henry Zleg
ler, Theo. Zlegler, James Ellis, Harry
Ellis, Herbert Ellis, Harry Stevens,
George Oswald, Charies Henwood, Geo.
Kellam, Stewart Seiglc, George Young,
Richard Anguln, Richard Weber, Les
ter Yost, Edward Lesser, Albert Col
lins, Leroy Swingle.
Lecture on Japan.
A large and appreciative gathering
listened to a very interesting talk In
the Methodist Episcopal church, last
night, by Hero V. Takasugi, a young
man from Japan.
He explained many of the queer cus
toms of his people In a very instruct
ive manner, and shoved many curios
from his native country.
Stamps Given Away.
Ten extra stamps given away. See our
advertisement in this paper.
Mears & Hagen.
Frank Matthews, John Byrne nnd Grove
Swartz leave today sf or an extended stay
at tho Clifton, at Lake Wlnola.
Miss Alphy Knapp, of Main street, Is
visiting friends in Foster.
Rev. W. 1. Steans, a former pastor of
tho Washburn Street Presbyterian
church, will occupy tho pulpit of the
Pressbyterinn church tomorrow morning.
No servico In the evening.
Tripp Avenue Christian church Preach
ing both morning and evening by tho
pastor, J. D. Dabncy. Morning topic,
"The Tabernacle." Evening topic, "Tho
Church, What Is It nnd Why Is It?"
Sunduy school at 10 o'clock. All are
mado welcome.
First Methodist Episcqpal church Rov.
Charles Henry Nowlng. pastor. Morning
prayer at 10 o'clock. Services at 10.30 a.
m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho Rev. L. L. Spraguo,
D. D president of Wyoming seminary,
will preach at both services. Class meet
ing at 11.43 a. m. Sunday school at 2.30
p. m. Evening prayer servico at 0.30
o'clock. Epwotth league business meet
ing, Tuesday evening nt 7.43 o'clock. Mid
week church prayer meeting Wednesday
evening nt 7.30 o'clock.
Rev. Thomas li. Powell, of Colgate uni
versity, will preach In tho Dudley Street
Baptist church tomorrow morning upon
tho subject of "Church Unity," nnd In
the evening his themo will bo "Knowing
God and tho Power of His Resurrection."
WILLIAM M. WATSON, vice-president
of the Ironsides company, of
Columbus, O,, for many years a resi
dent of Scranton, died suddenly on the
train near Los Angeles, Cal on Mon
day, tho 21st Inst., while en route, with
his wife nnd duughter, to Join his older
daughter and her husbund in Denver,
Mr, Watson had been In 111 health for
some time, being a. sufferer from rheu
matism, nnd had traveled considerably
In the southwest to regain his health.
Death came to him without, warning
and his end wns peaceful. Mr, Watson
was a member of the First Presby
terian church In Scranton and wns
well known to the manufacturers of
this city,
He Is survived by a widow and two
daughters, Mrs. Allen Durand, of Den
ver, Col., and Miss Emily Watson, both
of whom are well known in tills city,
and their sorrow In their bereavement
will be shared by many friends.
MRS. MARY FALLON, of Spencer
street, Dunmore, died on Thursday
night, after a lingering Illness. She Is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Will
iam Hill, and two sons, David and
James. The funeral will occur this
morning nt 0 o'clock. Services will bo
held in St. Mary's church, and inter
ment made In the old Catholic ceme
tery, MARTIN CUSICK, an old and es
teemed resident of South Scranton,
passed awuy lute Thursday night, ut
the family residence, 605 Brook street.
A widow and the following grown-up
family survive; Common Councilmun
M. J, Cuslck, Mnrtln, Jr., Mrs. E. J.
Barrett nnd Miss Mary Cuslck. The
funeral wilt take place tomorrow after
noon nt 2 o'clock, with services at St.
John's church. Interment will bo made
In Mlnooka cemetery. .
Edwnrdsvllle, died yesterday morning
at Oo'clock at her home. Mrs, Edwards
was well-known In this city, She wna
tho aunt of Attorney Charles E.
Daniels. The funeral will take place
Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edwnrda Is
survived by her husband and live chil
wife of John O'Connor, died August 1,
nt her homo In Hlnghnmtron. She
leaves a husband nnd eight children.
The funcrul will take nlaco at 2.30
o'clock Sunday afternoon at the homo
of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Reese, in North Ablngton.
An Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Schick died yesterday afternoon at
the parents' home, 016 Elm street. Tho
funeral will take place tomorrow after
noon nt 3 o'clock from thejiouse, nnd
Interment will bo mudo In tho Plttston
avenue cemetery. '
Fourteen Friends Will Spend a, Day
at Lake Ariel Accident to a
Valuable Team Other Notes.
The Fourteen Friends, tho lending
social organization on this side of the
Roaring Brook, will observe their an
niversary In a fitting nutnncr again this
year, and to that end have secured tho
privilege to spend a day at Lake Ariel,
August 21. A capable committee has
charge of the arrangements and noth
ing will bo neglected to mako tho af-
iair mo social event or tno season.
Tho invitations are limited to two
hundred. A programme for the day is
being discussed among the members,
and it is safe to say, those who attend
will be merrily entertained.
It Is understood that President Len
tes has secured tho pharaphcrnalla to
mako a balloon ascension, and he has
secured the umbrella of Sary Gamp to
make the parachute descent. One of
the features which will create much in
terest Is the matrimonial race, for
which Messrs. John Schunk, Peter
Zang and William .Naegell are entered.
Alfred Guthelnz was also entered, but
recant developments have disqualified
him, and at present the contest ap
pears to be between Schunk and Zang.
The sheriff's race will also be exciting,
and It Is stated that the prisoners will
be given a holiday on Aumist at. sr.
that all tho deputies, headed by Chief
oimpson, can tnue part In the contest.
Another exciting affair will be the
fishing contestbetwecn Messrs. Conrad,
Ziesmcr, Schunk, Heier, Daniel Weber,
John Demuth and Christ Flckus.. Fred
KIrchoff will act as umpire, and the
conditions are that the one who catches
the first fish will buy the treats, and
afterwards ho will be presented with a
check for a year's shaving nt Euden
bach's barber shop. The outing will bo
a hummer, and those who miss it will
miss the treat of their lives.
A Peculiar Accident.
A valuable bay team, belonging to
P. A. Cavanaugh, of River street, met
hiiii mi ucciueni yesterday, wnlch at
tracted a largo crowd, but fortunately
had no serious results. The teum is
employed by the contractors who are
laying out the now depot site for tho
"Cannon Ball" railroad, on Mattes
street, and while hnullng dirt into the
abandoned reservoir, went over the
The team fell to the bottom, and for
a time it was thought they were killed.
The declivity is a sheer drop of forty
feet, but the soft earth made a bed
that saved the animals from serious
injury. Assistance was ut once given
nnd tho team was hauled out of the
hole, practically uninjured.
Stamps Given Away.
Ten extra stamps given away. See our
advertisement in this paper.
Mcars & Hagen.
Tho Misses Cora and Malvina Young,
of 732 Plttston avenue, aro spending a
few days In Now York city, where Miss
Cora expects to take nn advanced course
in elocution In tho near future.
Work Is being pushed on tho handsomo
now church for St. John's parish at Fig
street and Plttston avenue. Tho wood
nnd brick work Is completo and a corps
of painters aio applying tho Interior fin
ish., Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is
guaranteed to euro nil coughs, "No cure,
no pay." For sale by all dealers. t
A street car Jumped tho track last even
ing near tho Council house and truf
fle was delayed for somo time.
A clam bake and social will be hold at
Baldner's park tomorrow under the aus
pices of tho Scranton Saengerrundo.
A well attended meeting of General
Grant commandory, Knights of Malta,
was held In Hnrtman's hall last evening.
Miss Margaret Legge, of Iloncsdale, is
tho guest of Mrs. Charles Cobb, of Mon
sey avenue.
Georgo Coolc, of Albright avenue,
leaves today for Lake Henry, where ho
will spend two weeks.
Mrs, W. D, Webster, of Sunset avonue,
Is spending a fow weeks at Horrlck Cen
ter. Mrs. Edward 'Pennant, of Woodluwn
Park, Is visiting friend In Honesdalo.
Mrs. Charles Whltmoro and daughters,
of Monsoy avenue, spent yesterday in
Mrs. C. II, Cobb, of Moiuey nvcuuc,
has returned from a visit to Honesdnlo.
Miss May Haslom, of Dalton, spent yes
terduy with Oreen Rldgo friends.
Charles Wetmoro, Wllford Webster, Sid
ney Dunn, Thomas Dunn and Henry Wet
more, leave today for their unnual outing.
They will go from hero to Hancock, N.
Y und from there float dow.j tho Dela
waro river as .far as Lacka waxen, camp
ing over uiKht ulong the bank of tho
river, The trip will occupy a week.
Fred Lldstone, of Sanderson avenue,
will leave today for a two weeks' stay
at Little Hlrkory pond, near Poyntelle,
where ho will bo one of a Jolly ramping
party. The other members, all boys of
the H. II. S. class of 1901 ara Puluskl
Carter, Walter Benedict und Austin
A very happy event transpired Inst
evening ut tho home of Thomas Harbor,
on Grovo utreot. Andrew Hansen, cuptaln
general of Columbus commundery,
Knights of Mnlta, was presented with a
smoking set by his appreciative compan
ions. "Andy" has been u hard working
member, and has largely contributed to
mnko Columbus commundery what it Is,
The evening's entertainment was inter
spersed with songs und upeeches. "Andy'
departs for Lima, Ohio, this morulixr.
accompanied by tho best wishes of Col
umbla boys, to follow tho samo occupation
he is engaged In ut tho Allls-Chalmers
works, a rigger, Tho Towner quartette
furnished the music.
Stamps Given. Away,
Ten extra stumps given awuy, See our
advertisement in this paper.
Mcurs & Hugcn.
Should Beware of a Serious Organic
Break-down. Take Heed in Time.
Tho ordinary evory-dny llfo of most of our womoa is a ceaseless
treadmill of work.
How much harder tho daily tnsks become when Rome derangement
of the femalo orirana makes every movement painful and keeps tho
nervous system all unstrung 1
Ono day oho is wretched and utterly miserable j in a day or two she
Is better and laughs at her fenrs, thinking there is nothing much tho
matter after all : but before night the deadly backache reappears, tho
limbs tremble, .tho lip3 twitch it Becnis as though all tho imps of
Satan wore clutching her vitals ; she goes to pieces and is flat on her
No woman oughttd arrivo at this tcrriblo stato of misery , because
theso symptoms are a sure indication of womb troubles. She must
remember that Lydla E. Pinlcliam's Vegetable Compound is almost
an infallible cure for all femalo ills, sucli as irregularity of periods, which
cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements antf inflammation
of the womb, or any of tho multitudes of illnesses which besot the
female organism. t
in Ilf tliero 9 nnytlilnff in your caso about which you would
like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinklinm. No man will
see your letter. Sho enn surely help you, for no person In America
"as i such a wide experience In treating: female ills as she has had.
Address Is Lynn, Mass. ; her advice is free and helpful.
QS&aEHHr SmJi m(&mXtK oSSmWWM
Mrs. Richard Dixon wrote'to Mrs. Pinkham when she was in great
rs. Richard Dixon wrote to Mrs.
trouble. Her letters are here printed.
"Dear Mns. Pinkham: I have suffered for four years with pain In my
back, and a terrible bearing-down feeling1 in tho lower part of my bowels, and
at times the abdomen seems to swell and becomes very sore. I have terrible .
sharp pains in my OTaries and am vory nervous, also troubled with leucorrheca
and irregular menstruation. I have started to take Lydia E. Pinkham'S
Vegetable Compound, but I do not feel much better, go I thought I would
write and ask you wJiat to do. Please answer soon, as I am a great sufferer
and long to get relief." Mrs. Eicuard Dixon', 11 Farewell St., Kewport, E.I.
(Jan.-11, 1000.) f
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I want to thank yon for your letter of advice. Sines
taking your Vegetable Compound, Liver Pills, and using your Sanative Wash,
as directed by you, my backache and terrible pains in ovaries have disap
peared. I feel that your Vegetable Compound should be used by all weak
women." Mrs. Eicuard Dixon, 11 Farewell St., Newport, E.l. (April 11, 1901.)
Will not the volumes of letters from women who have been
mado strong by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound con
vince others of the virtues of this great medicine ?
When a medicine has been successful In more than a million
cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying It, "I do not
believe it would help mo " ?
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and dis
couraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some
derangement of the feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you.
REWARD. We liiTO deposited with tho National City Dank of Lynn, fJMOO,
which will bo paid to any jiorson who can find tunt tho above testimonial letters
are not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writer's special per
mission. Iijdla E. Pinkham SleUfclno Co., Xjjna, Mats.
Cut This Out
Bring It to
Friday and Saturday and Get Fif
teen Green Trading Stamps Free
with Every Dollar Purchase
Phone Casey Brothers
About that order of Minister Beer. Don't
mention it, we thought you had forgotten.
Dell.verI6s are always heavy Saturday,
and as we make It a strict rule to dis
appoint no one, early commands are
duly appreciated.
New 'phone
4 Zh JUles DEPMmEttrl
&2i Lackawanna Avt.ScRAtiTOflV
Accused Says He Went to South
Africa ns n Correspondent.
Dy Exclusive Wire frum The Associated Press.
London, Aug. 1. Col, Arthur Lynch,
the Nationalist member at parliament
who 13 accused of liltjh treason durlnt;
the Hoer war, was taken to How street
police court today. Iieforo the court
committed hlui for trial Col. Lynch
made a long statement In which he said
thut he had gone to South Africa under
Pinkham when she was in great
Old Thone
contract with the Paris Journal, and
that ho had not expected to stay more
than two months, He also arranged
to perve the Century Magazine, Colller'H
Weekly and several other American
Ho denied that he saw l)r, Leyds,.
tho noer agent, before starting, and ho
declared that ho had no mission from
Leyds to the Transvaal. At tho closo
of his statement Lynch was committed
for trial, Hefoto going to court he was
visited In his prison cell by W. II. K,
Redmond and other Nationalist lead
ers. ,
i-rtiMBte yh !. U.-S-"
- v ,MNk"n
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