The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 01, 1902, Image 1

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Presence ol the Troops, Has
Soothing Effect on the Turbu
lent' Elements.
The Eighth and Twelfth Regiments
Are Encamped on a Hill Overlook
ing the City Mine Workers Peti
tion to Have the Troops With
drawnGeneral Gobln's Statement.
By Kxclusiic Wire from The Associated Press.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 31. Twelve
hundred state troops are camped to
night on a hill overlooking: Shenan
doah. Down in the town, where rioters
and policemen fought the bloody battle
last night, all Is quiet, and the Indica
tions are that so long as the mllltla re
mains, the peace of the community will
not ngaln be broken. The riot, which
caused the soldiers to be sent here,
:ame like a' Hash and was over almost
as quickly ns It had started, and since
then there has not been a single case
of violence reported. The tens of thou
' sands of Idle men and bovs In this
vicinity, who had been gathering in
large numbers and marching from
1 place to place, did not repeat their
demonstrations today and the author
ities, Consequently, had little or noth
ing to dn.
The arrival of the citizen soldiery
proved to be a great attraction for the
large army of unemployed, and hun
dreds of men and boys came to town
to see the troops. The first companies
to arrive jame from St. Clair at 6.30 a.
in., and from that hour up to 3 p. in.,
when the Governor's troop of cavalry
disembarked and galloped up the main
street, Shenandoah presented a lively
appearance. Most of the commands
were on the ground by 10.30 o'clock.
.The companies that did not arrive until
afternoon were delayed on the railroad,
while the troop of cavalry was handi
capped because of the shipping of their
Brigadier General J. P. S. Gobln, of
the Third brigade, in command of the
troop3 here, and his staff were on the
scene early. The camp is located on a
very high hill, just outside the town
proper, and commands a full view of
the town. Within the camp lines nre
quartered two full regiments the
Eighth and Twelfth, two companies of
the Fourth regiment and the troop of
cavalry. General Gobin expressed him
self as highly pleased with the rapid
ity with which the camp was estab
lished. The commander and his staff
are quartered at the Ferguson house,
but it is the general's intention to get
under canvas with his staff as soon as
circumstances will permit.
Beyond the presence of a group of
soldiers here and there on the principal
street, Shenandoah does not show any
, evidence of having passed through a
trying ordeal. The large number of
persons who had been attracted to the
lace by the coming of the militia left
luring the afternoon and tonight the
lown presents Its normal appearance.
Foreign Population Shy.
The major portion of the population Is
made up of foreigners and, as a rule,
they kept close to their homes during
the day. It is clalmctl by the citizens
of the town that the foreign element
was solely responsible for the trouble,
Most of ihe curious persons gathered
in the vicinity of the Philadelphia rail
road depot where the riot occurred.
The station shows many bullet marks
of the battle. A strong guard was
rdueed around the station so that the
crowd Mould not delay the soldiers as
tfiey let, the trains and marched to
he camping ground.
Contiary to popular belief Shenan-
loah is not under martial law. The
local authorities and the sheriff of
the county have not relinquished con
trol of the town or county and they
remain In as complete control of their
respective aflnlrs as they did before
the troops cached here. The soldiers
are 'meiely in camp on the outside of
lb town. It wus deemed udvlsable,
A however, by the brigadier-general to
establish provost guard In certain parts
of the town. Major Norman S. Far
qulinr, of Pottsvllle, Is the provost mar
shall. So long as the situation remains
ns It Is at present there Is not any
nihilhood that the regimental com
panies will be scattered through the
mining towns of Schuylkill county. It
Is the intention of General Gobln to
hf.vo the troops occupy tliu'r time by
colng through drills, target practice
and Fonn-al camp routine.
General Gobln spent a busy day In
forming himself of the situation
throughout the county. Ho had a per
sonal Interview with Sheriff S. now
'and Rcid&ll In the morning and a
telephone conference with him in the
The general also received messages
from nrloiiK parts of the territory.
Gen. Gobln's Statement.
In an In'crvlew with tho correspond
ent of thd Associated Press tonight
Gcneial Gobin said:
Tho general bltuatlon Is very quiet.
Tliero were no Incidents during the "July
worthy of note, except tlio arrival of 6C0
i or 600 men on freight t ruins. Jt seems
thut a lot of the Idle men, for want of
something better to do, Jump freight
truing ii nu ride from ono town to another.
They call such rides "Johnny Mitchell ex.
I have received dispatches from illf.
ferent parts of the county which tell of
meetings, marclua, uttucks on Individuals,
Violations of the law, and the refusal of
v local police authorities to enforce the
law. Upon thebo dispatches I um not yet
ready to act. What I will do depends
Jaagpi.. nnnn hat tho sheriff h going tq
do. Wo aro hero to glvo him support In
his efforts to enforco tho civil law; wo
were ordered hero Iicciuiho of his Inability
to do so. The National Guard has no
opinion to express as to tho merits of
the' question agitated by either side to tho
controversy, as that is not within its
The mine workers are grmtly In
censed over tho calling out of the
troop's. They assert that thl action
was entirely unwarranted and Is an
unjustriable expense on the ata'". Tin
stilku's, tl'iough their ouiclal, pic
,maklug an effort to have the soldiers
withdrawn. The first step In this dl
lertlon wti taken this nftcrnoiM when
the following telegram wa suit to
Uovornor Stone:
We, tho undersigned officials of the
Ninth district of the miners' union, be
lieve that tho request made to you to
send troops to Shenandoah was based on
exaggeration, and, as wo are confirmed In
this belief, wo respectfully request you
to send a personal representative Into
this town to Investigate tho conditions,
and nftcr such Investigation believe that
you will learn that the presence of the
troops In this town Is unnecessary and
that the order should be revoked.
Signed Miles Dougherty. Martin Pow
Isls, Tcrrcncc Glnley, J. T. -Williams, T.
J. Richards.
It Is said the mine workers' officials
Intend to clrculnte among the citizens
of the town for signatures to n petition
calling upon the governor to withdraw
the troops.
Story of Beddall Affair.
Miles Dougherty, national board
member of the United Mine Workers
from this district, told the Associated
Press representative tonight that Dep
uty Sheriff Thomas Beddall, who Is a
nephew of the sheriff of the county,
and" who was escorting workmen along
the street, which action led to the riot,
was wholly responsible for the trouble.
Mr. Dougherty says that Beddall had
no good reason to shoot, as no one was
making nn attack on him. Tho firing
of the revolver, he said, angeied the
crowd, which soon got beyond the con
trol of the peacemakers. .Beddall's
brother, Joseph, who attempted to go
to his rescue, was badly beaten by
some one In the crowd, Mr. Dougherty
said, because he wus carrying several
boxes of cartridges to his brother
It Is not Improbable that the strikers
will call upon the county officers to fix
the responsibility for the shooting on
the deputy sheriff.
Tho district leaders of the miners'
union held several conferences during
the day, at which the situation was
thoroughly gone over. Committeeman
Dougherty made a full report to Presi
dent Mitchell by telephone. This after
noon the miners' advisory board of this
vicinity, which Includes the officers ot
tho several local unions In this region,
held a secret meeting, at which plans
were devised to prevent any Intended
breaks In the ranks of the strikers.
One of tho things decided upon was to
hold frequent meetings of strikers and
have them addressed by the various
district leaders. There was a large
mass meeting of foreigners held here
this afternoon, in which Lithuanians,
Hungarians and Poles took part. Half
a dozen speeches were made. General
indignation was expressed by air of the
speakers against the bringing of the
troops to Shenandoah.
Joseph Beddall Dead.
Joseph Beddall died shortly after 10
o'clock tonight. He was a brother of
Deputy Sheriff Thomas Beddall and a
nephew of S. It, Beddall, the sheriff of
this county. He was 33 years of nge,
and was a member of the Beddall-Tag-gart
company, wholesale' and retail
hardware dealers, of this rsltv.
Grieved to Learn of the Violation of
the Law at Shenandoah Coun
sels Peace.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
WIlkes-Barre, July 31. President Mit
chell this morning Issued the follow
ing statement
While I nm not Informed of tho causes
of the regrettable occurrence at Shenan
doah, unci consequently not In u position
to say wheMier tho miners or tho depu
ties aro responsible for It, I um, never
theless, munh grieved to learn that there
has been a serious violation of tho law,
I have warned the miners that tho per
son who violated tho law was the worst
enemy the sirlkcrs could .have, and I havo
directed our local ollicers and commltees
to be constantly on the alert for any
breach of tho peace. Our efforts In this
direction will bo redoubled and 1 trust
that Judgment will bo withheld until tho
responsibility of tho trouble at Shenan
doah has been properly located.
(Signed) John Mitchell,
President U, M. W. of A.
Shortly after noon President Mitchell
Issued the following additional state
ment: WIlkes-Barre, Pa., July 31, 1902.
Conipleto nnd authentic reports, fur
nished by national ollicers of our organ
ization loeuted ut Shenandoah, show that
tho stories of tho riot at Shcnundoah
were greatly oxuggerutcd and tho fucts
much distorted. It develops that no one
wus killed or futility Injured, and that
tho entlro trouble might huvo been
averted had tho deputies kept cool and
iibcd grcutcr discretion. While I greatly
deprecate- nets of lawlessness by any one,
particularly by thoso on btrlke, I um na
turally pleased to learn that tho troublo
Is not us serious us first reported. .1 have
lepeutcdly warned tho striken that uny
violutlon of law on their putt would mili
tate, ugulndt themselves ulone, and I am
hopeful that there will not bo a repeti
tion of troublo of this cliaiucter.
(Signed) John Mitchell,
President U, M. W. of A.
Tho Markle Company Removes One
Grievance of Their Miners.
JlaxlAtnn. Pa.. .1)11 3I.-G. B. Murklo &
Co., operating tho Jcddo, 13bervnle, High
land and Oakdalc collieries, Issued a no
tlco today that on und after August 1 no
money will be collected through their
ofllco for tho maintenance ,of the, com
pany doctor.
This removes ono of tho gilovnnccs of
which tho miners have complulncd for
somo time. .
Thinks Shenandoah Affair nn Out
burst of .Foreign Element.
By Kxclulto Wire fiom The Awoilntrd Press.
Hnrrlsburg, Pa., July 31. Governor
Stone returned to Hurrlsburg this
afternoon from Paul Smith's, In tho
Adirondack mountains, where ho was
spending a short vacation when a call
was made upon him for troops last
night by Sheriff Beddall, of Schuylkill
county. vThe governor had a short con
ference with Adjutnnt General Stewart
and Major General Miller Immediately
on -his arrival here, and subsequently
he made the following statement:
"Being satisfied by Information from
reliable sources that riot and mob vio
lence existed In Shenandoah, two regi
ments and a troop'of cavalry were bent
there early this morning. Advices to
day Indicate that matters are quieting
down and no further serious trouble is
expected. I am satisfied that the vio
lence that occurred in Shenandoah yes
terday was caused by the turbulent
outburst of the foreign element. I do
not believe that the leaders of the labor
organizations countenance these dis
turbances and I look to them to do all
In their power to prevent their recur
rence." Unless there Is another outbreak In
the strike region and General Gobln's
command Is unable to cope with the
rioters, no additional trobps will be
ordered out.
The Citizens' Alliance Desires His
Opinion Upon the Subject of
Boycotts, Rioting, etc.
By Lxcluslte Wire from The Associated Press.
Wilkes-Bnrre, July 31. President
Mitchell stated this evening that his
latest advices from the Shenandoah
region were to the effect that all was
quiet and that no further disturbances
were looked for,
Mr. Mitchell does not think that the
presence of the state militia In the
Schuylkill region will have the effect of
weakening the ranks of the strikers,
and he does not look for the resump
tion of mining in that district under
tne protect! m of the troops.
It Is learned. on pretty good author
ity that some pf the coal operators In
the Wyoming region, anticipating an
early resumption of work, have given
orders to their superintendents to get
tho collieries In sjuch shape that theie
will be as little delay us possible In
starting up when the time does come
to go to work again.
At strike heudquurters it is claimed
that no union men went to work at the
Oxford mine In the Lackawanna region,
which Is reported to havo Resumed
operations today. It Is said the men
nt work are bosses, company hands and
police deputies.
The Citizens' alliance of Wilkes-Barro
has addressed another open letter to
President Mitchell, in which they say:
We do not want, what wo have already
received, the general Observation of your
regard for law and order.
We want your positive, pointed und
hpeclllc condemnation of boycotting, riot
ing, unlawful assembly, violence, perpe
trated to prevent men from working.
Does the union condemn these specific
Do you condemn these specific things?
We know, of course, that in your heart
you must condemn them, but we urge
you to proclaim your condemnation for
tho sake of Justice and peace.
Tho cause of honest labor, which you
represent, and which wo espouse with ar
dor equal to your own, cannot lose, but
must gain, by this frank avowal.
Will j on not speak? .
Climax of Police Corruption
Scandals at Minneapolis.
By Inclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Minneapolis, July 31. Mayor A. A.
Ames, now at West Baden, Ind has
decided to resign his ofllce, the resig
nation to take efffct September 6. The
letter will be read to the common coun
cil nt Its next meeting. The mayor has
alsfo agreed to secure tho resignation of
his brother, Colonel Fred W. Ames,
superintendent ot police.
This Is tho climax ot the police cor
ruption scandals which "have agitated
this community nnd occupied the grand
Jury und the courts for two months.
Mayor Ames Is In falling health and
may not return to Minneapolis at all,
unless forced to do so by the courts.
Able to Traverse Entire Length of
Yacht's Pavilion Deck.
ByExclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Cowes, Islo of Wight, July 31. To
day's bulletin on the. condition of King
Edwuid follows:
"Ills majesty has mado rapid progress
slnco Monday last. Ills general condition
continues all tnai could be desired. Tho
wound is closing satisfactorily. The
king is now ablo to wulk tho entlro
length of tho pavilion deck easily, with
out ussistance.
"Tioves. Laklng, DankarL"
Favored by perfect weather, tho loyal
yacht Victoria und Albert, cruised west
wurd this afternoon, Tho king sat In
tho shade ot an awning aft, with tho
queen by his side. Tliero was no salute,
but ut Qsborno tho guardshlp Australia
manned sides na tho king's yacht passed
Tho PMnco und Piinccss of Wales will
take lcavo of thu king tomorrow und
wl)l not return to tho Solent until after
tho coioiiatlon.
Drowned in' the Schuyfkill,
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated frets.
Phlludclphla, July 31.-Phllopln Pcsclkl.
aged 0 yeuis, und John Itesiloski, uged
10 years, wuio drowned today In tho
Schuylkill liver while- bathing. Thu
youngor boy, who could not swim, got
boyond his depth. Tho qthor boy went,
to his usblstunco and both sank.
The Inhabitants o! Los Alamos Are
Terrorized bu Seismic
They Follow in Rapid Succession.
All Brick Buildings in the Town
Wrecked President Wheeler, of
State University, Advises Exodus.
Great Damage to Property Many
Handsome Buildings Ruined.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Los Alamos, Santa Barbara county,
Cal., July 31. The people of this city
and vicinity are terror stricken and are
fleeing from their homes to places of
safety on account of the Increasing se
verity ot the earthquakes that have
visited this section since the night of
the 27th instant, since which time it Is
estimated seventy-five distinct shocks
have been felt.
Three distinct shocks were recorded
between 7.25 and 7.30 o'clock this morn
ing, the last one being the most se
vere yet felt. Shortly before 9 a. m.
today two more distinct shocks were
President Benjamin Ide Wheeler, of
the University of California, was com
municated with by telephone, and he
advised the people to leave the town r-,
soon as possible.
Scientists of tho university were
away on vacations, but President
Wheeler advised that the people be
ready to flee at a moment's notice and
that the doors of residences and places
of business be loft open, so that those
indoors might escape to the stteets
without delay, in the event of further
disturbances. The advice of President
Wheeler was communicated to the peo
ple at once and was Immediately acted
It Is Impossible to estimate the finan
cial loss at this time with any degree of
accuracy, but it Is believed that tho
disturbances of the lasfthree or four
days havo damaged n't least X30.000
worth of property. Reports .from the
other -sections "of the valley "probably
will Increase this amount 'by many
The Western Union Oil company is
the heaviest loser, two of its immense
storage tanks having been demolished,
releasing thousands of gallons of oil.
No loss of life has been reported.
It Is not possible as yet to estimate
the damage It did, but the loss Is very
heavy. No one was killed-, although
there weie muny narrow escapes. Every
brick building in the town was de
stroyed or wrecked. In almost every
houfee windows were broken.
Church Razed.
Tho Presbyterian church, a large and
handsome briclt structure, wus raised.
A similar fate befell the general store
of W. S. Wlekenben, also a brick build
ing. Tho shock seems to have had a
spiral motion. Goods were hurled from
shelves of stores and piled In the mid
dle of the rooms. Desks were thrown
Not a chimney was left standing in
the town. All brick walls are badly
damaged, but frame structures gener
ally escaped serious Injury. In the
drug stoies, not a single bottle es
caped. Kohn's saloon was flooded with
liquor from broken bottles,
i The whole town was aroused, and
people fled from their homes to the
streets on panic. There have been sev
eral light shocks since July 27, when
the first heavy shock occurred, but that
of this morning exceeded in violence
anything yot experienced.
Lompoc, Cal., July 31. Three dis
tinct shocks of earthquake were felt
hero last night, two of the shocks be
ing very severe, lasting over half a
minute each.
San Francisco, Cal., July 31, Master
ot Transportation Richards, of tho
Southern Pacific, today stated that tho
seismic disturbances In Santa Bnrbara
county had not destroyed any railroad
property and that the tracks of his
company were Intnct, all trains run
ning on schedule time.
Los Alamos Is n town of about 600
people, In Santa Barbara copnty, and
Is tho center of a large oil-producing
New Chinese Minister to This Coun
try May Not Come for Six Months.
By Kulusho Wire from The Associated Press,
Washington, July 31, Tho announce
ment from China that Minister Wu Is to
remain hero Indefinitely Is explained by
the further announcement hero thut there
has been a chango of plans and that
Liang Cheng, tho newly appointed minis
ter to tho United Stntes, who Is now in
London noting as seorotury to Prince
Chen, Instead ot coming directly to
Washington to asbiimo his office, as ori
ginally intended, Is going first to inako a
visit to China. This will consume) from
four to six months, so that Minister Wu
probably will not bo ablo to leave tho
United Stutes this year.
It is bald at tho Chlncbe legation that
tho cmbusby appointed by tho Chinese
government to represent China ut tho
coronation ccicmonles has changed Its
plans und will not bo present at the corn
nutlbu of King Kdwurd VII. It Is bald
thut tho embassy may bo expected to ui
rlvo in this country within a fortnight-
Schwab Leaves Atlantic City,
By Kxclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, July 31,-Cliurles M.
Schwub, president of tho United Stutes
Steel corporation, 'passed through this
city toiluy on his way from Atlantic City
to Pittsburg. He. travelled in his private
car and showed no truce of his recent in-dUpobltlon.
Has Issued No Order Restricting
Supplies for Striking Miners.
By Kxclushc Who from The Associated Press.
Charleston, W. Va., July 31. Federal
Judge Keller gave out the following
statement tonight:
"I would like to have n correction of
a story circulated that I havo Issued
an injunction such ns has been de
nominated tho 'starvation order,' not
from personal reasons, but on account
of tho effect such false statement must
have on tho struggle now going on be
tween labor and capital. I have Issued
no order restricting the furnishing of
supplies to the striking miners."
A' Large Attendance, How
ever, and Much Specula
tion on Grand Circuit.
Oy Exclusive Wlreffrom The Associated Press.
Columbus, O., July 31. The grand
circuit races were tame today, but there
was a large attendance nnd consider
able speculation, The feature of the
afternoon's racing wus the 2.07 pace.
In tho over-night pooling Klley B. was
a ho't favorite, selling at $50 to $25 for
the field. Just before" the race he was
taken sick and was drawn. C. F. W.
was also drawn, leaving only four to
score. Fanny Dillard was made the
favorite In the new books, and she
proved the winner. Summary:
2.19 class, trotting; purse, )1,200; two
In three (two heats on Wednesday)
Ella Leo 1 G 1
Miss Johnson 3 1 2
Bligham Boll 2 2 3
Baron Bell 7 3 3
Baton Bell 7 3 r
Jack, Betsey Boss, Jim Fcnton and
Thornboy also startod.,Best time 2.15U.
2.11! class, pacing; purso $.',000
Byrl Wilkes 3 111
Baron Waltzcr 1 3 2 2
Tom Kccne 2 2 3 3
Best tlme-2.10Vi.
2.17 class, trotting: purso $2,000
The Roman .' ." 1 1 1
Silver Sign 3 2 3
Alice Russell U 3 2
Alice Carr ( 2 5 4
Dr. Strong 5 4 5
Mlnka 4 U U
Best tlme-2.10!i.
2.13 class, pacing; purso $1,200; two in
tlirco heats.
Twinkle 1 1
Prince Direct 3 2
Sylvia Ono ! 3
Dolly Cnrr ii
Cusondu, Joeltsco, Flash S.", Flossie- V..
and Gamecock also started. Time 2.09'i;
2.07 class pacing; puiso $1,200; two in
three heats
Fanny Dillard 1 4 1
Major Muscovlto 'J 1 3
Tho Bishop 3 2 2
George 1 3 4
T3est timc-2.05U.
Fast Track at Erie.
By Exclusive Wire from The .Wclated Press.
Erie, Pa., July 31. As a rule favorites
won the races of the Lake Erie Trot
ting circuit today. The track was fast
and the last race was not finished
until nearly dark. Attendance 4,000.
2.33 tiot; muse $100
Kittlo Fisher G 1 1 1
Julia Mason 1 1 4 2
Mat M 2 2 2 5
Cassias 3 3 5 1
Col Drake, Rose Cleveland, Rheunia
cuia, Bello Wilkes nnd Abraham Wilkes
also started. Best time 2.23'i.
2.18 pace; purso $100
Robert M 2 111
Pilot Boy 1 2 5 2
Mnjor C 3 3 2d.
Black Joe 4 r, 3 t
Legal 'Wood and W. B. nUo started.
Best tlme-2.14U.
2.15 trot; purso $1Q0
Single K 1 1 1
Moggie V 2 2' 2
Belie Onward 3 3 3
Honeymoon 4 dr.
2.20 pace; purse $400
Sandow 7 7 1 1 G 1
Kph Cinder 2 13 3 13
Dandy Hal 1 ! l 2 5 !
Ruth W 5 3 2 3 F. ro
The Spaniard, Raven, B. S. Dillon and
Georgo Gould also started. Best time
Adolph S. Ochs and Stanford Newel
Lunch at Oyster Bay.
By Exclushc Wire from The Associated Press.
Oyster Bay, L. I July 31. President
Roosevelt disposed of a largo amount
of public business early toduy with the
assistance of Secretary Loeb.
The president had as guests at lunch
eon Adolph S. Ochs and Stanford
Newel, United States minister to tho
Hague, who 1b In this country on leave
of absence. Mr. Newel called merely
to pay his respects to Mr. Roosevelt,
Steamship Arrivals,
By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
Now York, July 31. Arrived: Steamer
Coltlc, Liverpool. Sailed: Frlederlch Der
Grosse, Bremen; Columbia, Hamburg;
La. Guseogno, Havre. Cherbourg Ar
rived: Bremen, New York. Genou Ar
rived: Lulin, Now York. Huvro Ar
rived: La Suvole, New York. Queens
town Sailed; Germanic, Now Yoik.
Southampton-Arrived: St. Louis, Nuw
York, Plymouth Arrived: Fueist Bis
marck, New York for Chdrboiug und
Hamburg (and proceeded). Uotteidam
Sailed; Ryndiim, Now Yoik via Bou
logne Sur Mer.
Drowned in the Undertow.
By Exclusltc Wire from Hie Associated Press,
Hull, Mass., July 31, Miss Anna I), Col
l!cr,a Worcestor school tcachor. and Miss
Jeun Brown, of Detroit, Mich., were
drowned in tho undertow while bathing
hero today,
By Gxclusite Wire from The Associated Press.
Baltimore, Md., July 31. Ttov. Benja
min Szold, iiihbl emerltls of Obeli Shalom
temple, this cit,y, with which 'ho has been
connected tvlnco 18-V). died tody ut Berku
ley Springs,, W- Va., uged Ii ycais. The
body was brought hero this evening.
Texas Storm Damage to Property
$1,000,000 About 500 Wood
Choppers Isolated.
By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Awaeliilcd Press.
Dallas, Tex., July 31. The total dam
age to property, crops and railroads by
the recent storms Is now estimated to
be over $1,000,000. Six lives were re
ported lost" yesterday, five In tho San
Marcos valley and one at Wylle. The
names of those drowned In San Marcos
valley, aro not known, but two were
negroes. Charles Davis, of Wylle, at
tempted to' save his wife and baby
from the flood. Tho baby was "lost.
The only railroad which has esti
mated Its damages is the International
and Great Northern. General Passen
ger Agent Price, of that road, says
the actual damage to the International
roadbed will reach $100,000, and that
road Is not the worst sufferer.
No news has come from the 400 to
H00 wood choppers who were cut off by
the flood in Richland Creek bottoms,
but it Is not now thought that any
lives were lost there.
The Brazos river, after Inundating
rice farming lands for 200 miles south
of Waco, 'is reported falling steadily
at Waco, but rising slowly below
Hearne. It Is estimated that there are
from 3,000 to 4,000 acres of cultivated
land under water near Heme,
A rough estimate of the number of
acres of cotton and other crops prac
tically ruined in the Brazos bottoms is
An Endeavor Will Be Made
Eix Responsibility for tho
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Tress.
New York, July 31. Mayor Low to
day took cognizance of the rioting on
the East Side yesterday, which attend
ed the funeral ot Rabbi Joseph, by
sending a formal request to Police
Commissioner Partridge for a report of
the disturbance. The mayor's note is
as follows:
"Sir: I desire you to make a careful
report to me on the disturbance yes
terduy' of the funeral procession of
Rabbi-Joseph. Such an incident is dis
creditable to our city und 1 want to be
fully informed ns to the origin of It,
so as to be able, If possible, to see that
those who are responsible for it are
properly dealt with."
At its meeting the board of alder
men adopted a resolution deploring the
riot of yesterday and calling upon the
commissioner of police to make a rigid
Investigation of the matter.
Hebrews met this afternoon and
formed what they call the "Fast Side
vigilance committee," the purpose be
ing to prosecute an Investigation of the
actions of the police during the riot
of yesterday. The Hebrews claim their
people were abused by the officers. A
committee was appointed to collect
evidence which will be turned o'ver to
the law committee of the organization
and in turn brought before the proper
authorities. Mayor Low sent a mes
sage to the meeting saying in effect
that he was desirous of locating the
responsibility for the trouble. Arrange
ments are under way for a mass meet
ing at Cooper union tomorrow night.
The building occupied by Hoe & Co.,
where the trouble occurred was guard
ed today by a detail of ten policemen.
Three employes of Hoo & Co. were
arraigned in court today on charges
of assault in connection with yester
day's outbreak. They were admitted
to ball In $200 each and their cases
continued until next Tuesdtfy.
Chairman Ritter of State Committee
Issues Request for Convention.
By i:ilusitc Wire from The AwoUatcd Picas.
Philadelphia, July 31. Chairman
Frank M, Ritter, of the Union party
state committee tonight Issued a call
for a state convention to be hold In
Philadelphia, September 3, at 11 u, m.,
to nominate candidates for governor,
lieutenant-governor nnd secretary of
Internal ulfalrs; and Transact such other
business as shall be deemed necessary
by a malorltv of the delegates. The
call quotes rule 4 of the party rules as
"Representation In the Union party
state convention shall consist of double
tho representation of each county or
district in the senate and house of
representatives of Pennsylvania."
Colonel Ficquart Wins His Suit
Against Paris Newspaper.
By Kxclushc Wire fiomT'he Assoiiatcd Press.
Paris, July 31, Tho Civil Tribunal
has condemned tho Kcho do Paris, tho
Nationalist organ, to pay Colonel Pic
quart 20,000. francs ($4,000) damuges for
The charge against tho paper grow
out of certain statement printed by it
concerning Colonel Iicqquart's actions
In tho Dreyfus affair.
Reunion of the Tenth Regiment,
By Exclusltc Wire from The Associated 1'rfis.
Pittsburg, July 31. Tho leunlon of tho
Tenth Pennsylvania icgtment, which
served in tho Philippines, was held toduy
at Unlontown. Tho next reunion will bo
in this city, July 31, 1903, nnd will be tho
occasion of the dedication ot a monu
ment to Colonel A. L. Hawkins, who died
In foreign service, Tho Pennsylvania
Society ot tho Army ot tho Philippines
also met at Unlontown.
Bill in Equltu Filed In the Federal
Court at Charleston, West
On Petition of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Coal Agency Company, a
New Jersey Corporation, Judge
Keller Grants a Sweeping Injunc
tionThe United Mine Workers
and the Principal Coal Companies
Are Made Defendants.
By Exclmlvo Wire from The Associated Press.
Charleston, W. Va., July 31. Presi
dent John Mitchell has been enjoined,
A bill in equity was filed in the federal
court here today by the Chesapeak
and Ohio Coal Agency company, a new
Jersey corporation, which has its prin
cipal offices In the city of New York,
In which fifty coal companies oper
ating In tho New River fields, the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad com
pany, G. W. Purcell, W. B. Wilson,
John Mitchell, T. J. Carroll, J. A. Rich
ards and about 130 members of tho
United Mine Workers of America are
made defendants.
The bill sets up that the complainant
Is engaged In selling coal and coke and
has a contract for the output of the
collieries which are made a party de
fendant, and a contract with tho de
fendant railroad company for the ship
ment of the coal so purchased; that the
coal is re-sold by complainant under
contracts to manufacturing concerns,
etc., and to the United States govern
ment for fuel on naval vessels; that
because of a strike in the field 'em
braced by the various companies men
tioned, which has existed since June 7
last'the coul companies have failed to
live up to tho contracts fir deliveries
of coal; that there exists a secret or
ganization known as the United Mine
Workers of America, of which John
Mitchell is president and W. B. Wilson
Is secretary, under the orders of which
the men employed in the mines who
ore members of this organization have
quit work and refuse to do their duties,
and in addition thereto so conduct
themselves as to intimidate employes
of the various companies, thus pre
venting them going to the work which
they desire to perform, and the said de
fendants occupy the tenement houses
of the various companies nnd fall ,and
refuse to vacate them at the request of
the coal companies owning them.
The bill, which Is a long one, was
presented to Judge Keller today and he
Issued a temporary order restraining
and prohibiting the defendants Purceli;
Wilson, Mitchell and others, all of
whom are named In the order and nil
others associating or acting with them
from In any way Interfering with tho
management, operation or conducting
of said mines by the owners or thoso
operating them, either by menaces,
threats of any character or Intimida
tion used to prevent the employes of
said mines from going to or from said
mines and coke plants or from engag
ing In the business of mining in said
mines or laboring on said coke plants.
The purpose of this restraining order,
Judge Keller says, is to prevent un
lawful combinations or conspiracies and
to restrain all of the defendants engag
ed in the promotion of such unlawful
combinations and conspiracies, and nil
other persons from entering upon the
properties of tho coal companies named
In this order and from In any way In
terfering with the employes of said'
coal companies or either of them In
their mining operations and manufac
ture of coke, either within tho mines
or upon the coke oven plants or from
passing from their homes to their mines
and coke oven plants or from the mines
and coko oven plants to their homes
and from In any manner unlawfully
Inciting persons who aro engaged in
working In the said mines or tho said
coko ovens to cense work therein
and from unlawfully preventing per
sons who desire to work In said mines
or upon said coko oven plants entering
into such services for the said defend
ant coal companies and from In any
way aiding and abetting such acts as
may result in tho violation and des
truction of the rights of the complain
ant under Its contracts as recited in the
bill herein.
The motion for a permanent Injunc
tion Is set down for hearing at Charles
ton, November 18, 1002.
Tho court appears to havo taken no
cognizance of the request to have the
defendnnt coal companies force the de
fendant Individuals to vacate the tene
ment houses,
Local data for July 31, 1903. .
Highest tciuperuturo ,,..., El degrees
Lowest tempcraturo ,. 66 degrees
Helutlvo humidity:
8 a, in ,..,,,.,,.,..,.,,,. 80 per cent.
S p. in ,,,. 01 per cent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m.,
.024 Inch, .
4- -M- 'M
f Washington, July 31. Forecast
f for .Frlduy and Saturday: For -
-f Eastern Pcnnsylvvanla Partly -f
-f cloudy Friday, with rising tern-
f perature; probably showers by '
-f night; Saturday fair; light to fresh '
-f south winds.
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