The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Instead of Thero Having Been a
Falling Off In Population since the
Federal Census, as Some Have
Thought, the Estimates Tend to
Show That the City's Inhabitants
Are Now About Six Thousand More
Than a Year Ago Joneses as Usual
Lead the List Numerically.
Utiles') Williams' directory nnd the
ules of ratio nio nil uury, Scranton
(tilling the past year or so has out-
rh ailed the proverbial gtcen buy tree
in Hip matter of growth.
The 1901 directory, according to Di
rectory Manager John J. Campbell,
contained'O names and Included
ccryono over 16 years of age. The
directory Just Issued, according to the
same authority, has In It, 60,400 names,
nnd the canvassers were Instructed to
take the names only of those 18 years
of age or over.
"When the directory gave this city and
Dunrnorc credit for 50,320 persons over
36 years of ago, the census bureau cred
ited the city with 103,000 population. At
this rate, with 60,400 of persons over 18
5 cars of age, the city nnd Dunmoro
should have a population of 120,800,
without uddlng anything for the per
sons between 16 and 18, slio are ex
cluded from this year's directory. Mak
ing the subtraction for Dunmore's 12,
000 or so, the city shows a surpris
ingly rapid growth,
The directory canvassers may have
made some errors. Incidentally, It
might bo remarked that The Tribune
knows the directory is in error, at least
In one Instance: One young lady whose
name appears In the book is not yet
IS years of age.
Some other interesting facts are
evolved from an analysis of the new
The Joneses as usual lead all other
families numerically. There are 734 of
them, without counting all the little
Joneses, and as a rule the Joneses make
a pretty good showing In this regard.
Next to Jones comes Williams with 5SI
of his tribe who are old enough to get
into the directory and following Wil
liams, is Davis, with 439, which might
properly be made 632, by adding the
Davies with the "e" family.
Of the Smiths, Browns and Robin
eons, nhose names have come to be
considered the most common of pat
lonymlcs, Scranton has quite an ordin
ary number, comparatively speaking
373 Smiths, 218 Browns and 78 Robin
sons. Here are some others of the more
common names:
Bourkes, D; Burk, 13; Burke, 204;
Clark, 160; Clarke, 57; Johnson, 8D;
Johnston, 26; Johnstone, 2; Roberts,
103; Robertson, 17; Schmidt, 63; Kel
ly, 278; Kclley, 57.
There is only one family whose name
begins wlth'X the Xylanders. There
Is a family of Dewey's located on Mill
street, D.; one George Washington, who
Is a laborer, and lives at 203 Charles
street, in Providence; one Andrew
Jackson, a carpenter, living at 139 Ad
ams avenue; a John Adams, who has
retired from work, and lives at 119
Swaitz street, D. ; a Louis James, a
laborer, lesldlng at 6 Throop stiect;
one Jim Corbett, a stenographer, liv
ing at 309 Plttston avenue; two John
L, Sulllvans, one a clerk, living at 18
E. Locubt street; the other a laborer,
living at 1724 Plttston avenue. There
are 32 Fitzslmrnons, but no "Bobs.."
Scranton has 13 banking, institutions;
22 building and loan associations, with
local capital; 1 insurance company; 223
incorporated companies; 19 railroads
and railways; 28 newspapers nnd mag
azines; 76 labor unions; 14 veteran as
sociation lodges; 5 builders' exchange
associations; 13 railroad lodges; 43
clubs; 4 alumni associations; 15 dis
pensaries, charitable homes und hospi
The business directory shows: Notar
ies public, 50; nurses, trained (not in
hospitals), 83; occulists and nurlsts, 4;
opticians, 10; painters, 57; physicians
and surgeons, 166; osteopaths, 7; chir
opodists, 7; hair-dressers (ladies), 8;
piano tuners, 13; hardware dealers, 25;
planing mills, 12; plumbers and steam
fitters, 38; job and book printers, 29;
publishers, 21; real estate agents and
brokers. 43; draymen, 47; general
stores, 41; grocers (retull), 312; whole
sale), 12; hotels, 33; saloons (wines
and liquors) retail, 247; wholesale, 8;
insurance agents (lire and life), 72;
junk dealers, 12; land companies, 19;
photographers, 13; locksmiths, 3; flor
ists, 12; livery htnblcs, 40; lumber
dealers, 59; manufacturers' agents, 16;
meats (retail), 113; mldwives, 11; milk
pedleis, 58; milliners, 21; architects,
20; aitlhts, 10; bakers (retail and
wholesale), 33; barbers, 129; black
smiths and horse shoers, 06; private
boarding und lodging houses, 90; boots
and shoes (retail nnd wholesale), 35;
boot and shoo makers (cobblers), 114;
carpet weavers, 17; costumers, 1; cigar
manufacturers (wholesulo and retail),
42; clothiers, 35; coal companies, 60;
retail confectioners, 137; contractors
and builders, 104; dentists, 42; dress
makers, 355; druggists, 53; restaurants,
36; rolling mills, 1; roofers, 3; scaven
gers, 3; shirt manufacturers, 4; silk
manufacturers, 7; public stenogra
phers, 10; merchant tailors, 70; tench
ers, languoge, 4; elocution, 3; dancing,
2; piano, 101; banjo, 1; violin, 3; vo
cal, 7; undertakers, 25; violin makers,
1; wagon makers, 10; upholsterers, 5;
variety stores, 5; veterinarians, 10;
- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml,mmmmm,,m9
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watchmakers nnd jewelers, 38 1 wood
carvers, 4; detectives, 6; bowling al
leys, 5j commission merchants, G; bot
tlers, 11; pool rooms, 0; caterers, 4
china decorator, It civil and mining
engineers, 17! clairvoyants, 1,
In the 1901 directory there were 230
cigar nnd tobacco dealers enumerated.
This yenr there arc only 23. The drop
ping off Is nccounted for by the fact
that most "speakeasies" were entered
In the directory under this head. This
car they do not exist, thanks to Wil
son the ' terrible raider and Wilson's
terrible men,
This year's block directory contains
151 pages. Lnst year's contained 145,
showing a gain of 6 pages, or 1,188
names In the block directory. Thero
arc no names in the block directory
other than the heads of families or
persons in business at the number
Work of Improving the City's Main
Northerly Outlet.
Paving operations nrc progressing
briskly on the Providence road, In spite
of the very disagreeable weather which
Superintendent Joseph Phillips, of, the
bureau of engineering, nnd his corps
of assistants arn encountering.
As already announced In The Tri
bune, paving has been stnrted at Court
street, nnd work will bo advanced from
this pojit to Carbon street. Nothing
can be done tlrere until the railroad
companies have removed their piers
from Carbon street. Both companies
have expressed their willingness to do
this, and a single steer) span will take
the place of the present pier-supported
Representatives of the two companies
have had frequent Interviews with Mr.
Phillips, of late, and the plans for the
Improvements are now practically com
pleted. It is expected that considerable
delay will be experienced, however, be
fore the necessary steel can be secured
und brought here.
"However," said Superintendent Phil
lips yesterday, "I would hardly deem
it advisable to start work on Carbon
street just now, oven If It were pos
sible. The upper end of the load is
practically blocked, by the work on
Court street, and It appears to me that
it would be highly impracticable to
undertake any operations on Carbon
street, which would close that thor
oughfare also. It is not likely that any
thing will be done on Carbon street for
some months yet."
R. R. Y. M. C. A. NEW HOME.
How the Various Departments Will
Be Arranged.
The members of the Railroad Young
Men's Christian association are intent
ly watching the work on their new
home, the foundation for which is near
ly completed. The heavy rains of late
have interferred with the operations
considerably, but yesterday a large
force of men were at work.
The basement will contain two bowl
ing alleys, four bath tubs and four
shower baths, a handbalf court nnd
light gymnasium apparatus. The
ground floor will accommodate the
ofllces, reading room, social rooms, II
braiy and dining rooms, while the class
looms and auditorium will be located
on the second floor".
The third floor will be the dormitory,
where eighteen sleeping rooms will be
located, with accommodations for fifty
men a day. These rooms will be fur
nished with double deck beds, and all
modern conveniences.
The lunch 'counter will be located at
the westerly end of the building and
the barber shop on the easterly end,
fronting on Lackawanna avenue. It
is expected the building will bo ready
for occupancy about Nov. 1. The old
building will be used as a part of the
new home. The contract for the foun
dation work was given to Conrad
Schroeder, but the building contract has
not yet been awarded. Bids will be
opened at a meeting of the building
committee, which will be held Friday
The remains of the luto John S. Cole
man, whose death occurred on Sunday
at tlio family residence, la South Web
ster acnue, weio laid at rest yesteulay
morning. A Folemn high mass wus cele
brated by Rev. Father Bovlo at St.
Peter's cathedral, and interment wus af
ter war d mado In the Cathedral ceme
tery.' The pall-bearers, all llfo-long
friends of the lamily, boro tiro remains
to their last resting pluce. They were
AVIlllam Foley, Thomas McGuirc, Thomas
Kelly, Michael McGuirc, John Kano und
Michael Kelly.
Messrs. John Dcmnth, Fred Miller and
Andrew Zclglcr uro fishing at Lal.o Hen
ry. A meeting of General Grant command
ery, Knights of Malta, will take placo to
morrow night.
A special nicotine of the Star social
club will bo held .in MlrU hall tomorrow
night. '
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Ilnlsam 13
guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cure,
no pay." For sulo by nil dealers.
Messrs. Jacob Mlrtz nnd Charles Miller
had a very successful fishing trip to Lake
Scranton yesterday.
John Oberwlae, of No. 5, near the ceme
tery, was arrested and locked u;i lato
Tuesday night on chaigcs of being drunk
und disorderly, assault and battery, and
larceny, piefeired by his father. Accord
ing to tho evidence of his parents, their
son, who Is only 17 years of ago, has
spells of drunkenness nnd at such times
is unmanageable. He drew bomo pay on
Monday nnd hesarr to celebrato in the
usual way. He wound up his spree by
beating his father, heiico the arrest. On
tho first charge he was fined by Alder
man Lontes JJ3 with tho ontlon of thirty
days In Jail, and on tho other charges
he was held for court In ?.VW bail. It is
likely he will be sent to a reformatory.
Don't Become an
Of Aversion nnd Pity. Cuure Your
Cold nnd Catarrh, Purify Your
Breath and Stop the Offensive Sis
charge, Rev. Dr. Bochror, nf Buffalo, says! "My
wife nnd 1 weio both tioubled with dis
tressing Cntnirh, but wo have enjoyed
freedom fiom this 'aggravating malady
slnco tho dny wo first used Dr. Agnow's
Catarrhal Powder. Us action was In
stantaneous, giving tho most grateful re
lief within ten minutes after first appli
cation. 4
Use Dr. A irnew' Liver Pills. 40 Doses 10 Cents.
Sold by Win, Q. Clark and II. C. Sanderson.
Concluded from I'aRC 3.
Kim,!, O. F. Gems and precious stones
of North America 5M.S 1C
Tnrr, n. S. Jh. steal geography of Now
York state Co" Tl
Lindsay, B. Story of nnlnrnl life. ...590 Ij
Hirlbert, W. D. Forest neighbors: life
stories of wld nnlmuls 590.4 H7
Williams, N. M. Next to the ground:
chronicles of a countryside 590 4 W
Job, 11. K. Among tho water-fowl.
j 59S.4 J
French. N. S.-.nlmnl activities ....OS". Ft
Miller, M. T.-Brook book 0S3 M4
Pier son, Clara D. Among tho night peo
ple 0S3 Pi
Sedgwick, W. T. Principles of sanitary
science and public health Cll S
Berkeley, W. N. Laboratory work kith
mosquitoes C14.7 B
Trovert, Edward How to build dynnmo-
clectrlc machinery. New ed bJl.3 T4
Tr event, Kdward Electricity and Its re
cent applications, rtov. cd i.ll.i T7
Handbook of electrical machinery and
apparatus of U. S. coast defenses.
(i.'l 3 Zr
Goodcll, John Water-works for small
cities and town C.'S G4
Goff, E. S. Let-sons In commercial fruit
growing 034 G
Gilford, J. C Practical forestry... C3I 9 G
Gregg, J. It. Gregg's Hhorthaud....b5J Gl
Matthews, C. G. Manual of alcoholic
fermentation nnd allied industries.
fib3 Ml
American plumbing practice, from the
Engineering Record G9G 'IX
American steam and hot-water practice,
from the Engineering Record C97 Zl
Monroe, W. S Steam heating and ven
tilation. (Engineering Record scries).
607 M2
Ayer, J. C Rise and development of
Christian architecture 72G A1X.
Crane, Walter Lino and form 743 C2
Miiitland, J. A. F. English music in tho
19th century 7S0 9 M4
Dickinson, Edwaid Music in the history
of the western church 7b3 D
Roos-evelt, Theodore, and otheis. The deer
family 793 R8
Baldwin, James Book lover. Rev. cd.
S07 Bt
Llddcll, M. H.-Scientlllc study of Eng
lish poetry SOS 1 L7
Cody, Slier win, cd Selections fiom the
world's greatest shoit stoi les SOS S C
Lincoln, J. C Cape Cod ballads, etc.
SU L10
Mcblc, II. M. Works and days... .811 M18
Warner. C. D Fashions in liteiatuic,
and other essas and addresses. .814 WS
McCall. S W.-D.inlel Webbter 813 Ml
Webster, Daniel Speeches of 813 Wl
Cox, Mrs. J. F. Homo thoughts. 2v.
Moody & Lovett History of English llt-
craturo SJ0 9 M7
Hood, Thomas Serious poems of...S21 H8
Her ford, C. H. English talcs in crso.
821.CU H
Hnzlltt, W. C.-Shakcspcaro SJ2.3 HG
Spencer, Herber t Facts and comments.
S24 sn
Schiller. J. C. F. von-Poems of... .831 SI
Maeterlinck, Maurice Buried temples.
814 M2
Barlow, Jane At tiro back of boyond.
Bishop, W. H. Queer people B431
Dunbar, r. L Sport of tho gods....DG7.U
raimcr, J. E. Brinton Eliot FS12
Harris, J. C Muking of a statesman.
Harte, Bret Openings in tho old trail.
Laut, Agnes C Heralds of empire. .L13 2
Major, Chinlcs Doiothy Vernon of Hud
don Hall M27.2
Mooie, F. F. Damsel or two MS0 4
Phillips, H. W.-Rctl Saundcu PX! 1
Rhone, Rosamond D. Dajs of tho Son
of man R.'l 2
White, S. 13.-Bl.izpd trnti WJ.MJ
Wister, Owen The Virginian W42G
Hyde, Henry B. Biographical sketch.
92J 6 HI
Barnum, Phlncas T. Llto; by Benton.
9.'7 9 B5
Besant, Sir Walter Autobiography.
9-3 2 B2S
Hlggln. L. Spanish life in town and
country 914G 113
Stead, Alfred Japan today 915 2 S2
Sykcs, P. M. Ten thousand miles In Per
sia 9133 SI
Poole, S. I.. Slot of Cairo OH) 2 P4
White world: llfo and ndvcntuios within
tho Arctic circle: col. by Kcrbting.
919.S 55
Bourne, II. E.-Toachlng of History and
civics In tho school 907 Bi
West. W. M. Ancient history to the
death of Charlcmagno 0S9 Wi
Indian and the Noithwetit, 100,1-1900,, 970.1 55
Bangs, J. K. Undo Sam trustee. (Cuba).
972 9 B
Hemstreet, Charles When old New York
was young 071.7 H2
Brown, W. C Lower South In American
history 073 D
Hosmer, J. K. History of tho Louisiana
purchaso 077 ijj
Miss Anna Ford, of Elmlra, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McHale,
of Sanderson street.
Miss Grace Pettlprcw Is visiting rel
atives ut Jcrmyn. I
Mrs. Charles Gunnon, of Blakely, left
yesterday to visit relatives at Mayfleld.
Mlssea Mary Clancy and Bridget Mc
Nulty will leave today to spend two
weeks nt Montrose.
Miss Annie McAndrew, of Jermyn, Is
the guest of friends in town this week.
Miss Graco Lynch Is entertaining
Miss Lauretta Walker, of Philadelphia,
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Speck, of Green
nidge, spent last evening with Blake
ly friends,
A meeting of tho different locals of
the United Mine Workers of this place
will bo held at tho Father Muthew
Opera house, this afternoon at 1.30
Tho witnesses in tho Kelly-Langstnff
contest of this place were paid yester
day, Michael Nealon has returned from
West Virginia.
Following Js tho make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for todayi
Summits Wcst-6 a. m., Nichols, with
Hcnnlgan's crow,
Pushers 7 u. in., Lamping; 8 a. m.,
Houcr: 11.45 a. m., Morun; 7.30 p. in.,
C. Bartholomew; 9 p. m., Case.
Helpers 1.:.0 u, m., McGovem; 7 a. m.,
Widner; 10 u. m., Coslur; 3.1s p, in., Stanton.
Wall Street Review.
.New York, July 30. Thero was a fur
ther contraction of dealings In today's
Block matket nnd n decidedly hosltatlng
nnd fluctuating tone during tho day. Pro
fessional tinders were watchful for 11 tuin
In tho tldo of tho mnrknt, and kept prices
fluctuating Irrcgulnrly over n small rango
during the greater part of tho day. Thero
wcro no developments of great impor
tance. , The Bt. Louis and Snn Fiunolseo
securities wcro very buoyant which
caused a rovhnl of rumors that thoy are
to bo taken In under tho Rock Island
plnn. . The seml-ofilclnl Intimations of
tho plan of allotment of tho now securi
ties does not provide for this nbsorptlon.
The movement served, however, to off
set to some extent tiro dcpicsslng effect
upon the stock market which has been
caused by the discussion of tho ropoits
of tho Rock Island plan. Tho rise In Chi
cago nnd Eastern Illinois nnd In Chi
cago nnd Alton and tho firmness of Il
linois Central seemed to ho related. Tho
abrupt rlsa In New Yoik Air Brnko Is
characteristic of that stock nnd was with
out much .sentimental effect elsewhere.
Somo of the statements of net earnings
for Juno KPl'vnil tr nither emnlmslzo the
effect of Atchison's decrcaso lcportod yes
teulay. Tho lnctcaHcd cost of operating
showed n tendency to encroach upon In
creases In gross earnings and In some
cases to piactlcally wipe out ttio gain
In gross. The tendency was perceptible
In Wabash, In Union Pacific nnd St. Paul.
But this inlluenco was dissipated in the
reviving effect of the Into rnllv In which
nil of those stocks, especially St. Paul,
shared. The market became somewhat
excited In the Inst hour on he vaijlng
repoits ctinent of the scope of n St. Louis
nnd Snn Finnrlsco nnd Chicago and East
ern Illinois consolidation. Tho closing,
however, wns iriegulnr. Totnl sales, G4J,
MX) shares. Bonds were dull nnd until tho
Into rally In stocks, when prices stiffened.
Totnl sales, par value, $2,533,000. United
States old four's icgular advanced '4 per
cent, on cult.
Tho following quotations nro furnished
The Tribune by Ilnlght & Frecso Co., 314
315 Mears Building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. v Open.Hlgh.Low.Close.
Amal. Copper 07 G7 (iTU ij7'i
Am. C. & F 32 32 31's 32
American Ico 10T4 10T 10 'i lo",J
Am. Ico. Pr V,' 33 3.V,i 3V4
Am. Loeo, Pr 9Ji 93H 93 9 Hi
Am. S. & R, Co 4Gi3 4b'& 4(i 40
American Sugar ...,1J1 l'E'Sa U"A 131'S
Anaconda Copper ...107 107 107 107
Atchison ..92 W 91 92'i
Atchison, Pr .10Pi 102 loiti 102'i
Bait. & Ohio 10SK insTft 10S4 10Hi
Brook. R. T GS'i WH3 G7?s GSU
Canadian Pacific ... .13374 1J7 ITi'i 13'8
Plies. & Ohio 53 hVh 52 5Pt
Chicago & Alton .... 40',S IJ'fc 40Vi 41 U
Chic. & G. AV 31V. 31VS .l0- 3n
C, M. & St. P 1SP. 1S7U 1SV4 1S7
C. R. I. & P 101 103 111 191'4
v-ui. ruei cc jruu....lU'J HAJVa 1'V'i lUUVfc
Col. & Southern .... 32I 32'ji 32V4 3274
Col. & South., 2d Pr. 4S 4S 48 4S
Den. & R. G 9T 91 91 91
Erlo as SS14 3S 3Si
Erie, 1st Pr OiS 70 (,'flU tW&
Hocking Valley .... 9I- 93 9H6 93
Illinois Central 16S 17rt'. 16S 109
Kan. City &. South.. 3314 33 35H 33
Louis. & Nash 144 144 141 141
Mnnhattan 131& 171 131 133
Met. St. Ry 1494 H914 149'i 149"!
Mexican Central .... 29Vi 30H 29V3 30
Mo., K. & Tex 311 31 31 31
Mo , K. & Tex., Pr. 1,2 02 1,1 U2
JJo-JPoclilc ,....11S ll'Hi 118 IIOVi
N. . Ccntml 161 IGI lb) 104
Norfolk ft West 03 G4 02 M
Ont. & West 33 33 33 33
Penna. R. R no r.9 15S 13T1
People's Gas 10.1 iffiti 102 102
Reading 1,714 1,714 1. !"i tifift
Reading, 1st Pr 87 87 87 87
Reading, 2d Pr 71'i 73 72 71
Republic Steel IS 1S m. 1S1&
Republic Steel. Pr .. 73 75 73 73
St. L. & San F 7071 82 7MA S2
Southern Pacific .... GS G9 gsu n
Southern R. R 3S 39'', ."SIS, 30
Southern R. R.. Pr.. 97 97 97 97
Tonn. Coal & Iron.. OS GS bS OS,
Texas & Pacific .... 43 43 41 43
J'njon acinc 10S4 108 107V4 10S
Union Pacific, Pr ... 93 9JU 92 91
U. S. Leather 21 12 r"l 1 "i
l- & Iat,her- Pr S3 S3 84 S3
1j. S. Steel 39 30 30 so
U. S. Steel, Pr S0 89 S9 80
W.abnsil -U 30 30 29 30
Wabash, Pr 40 4fi -13 43
Western Union FG S7V4 80 87
Wheel. & L. E 21 "1 i i
W'Is. Central 272 27 27SA 275;
Totnl sales, 603,100 shaies.
Money, 3 per cent.
WHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close.
September 70Vi 70 (fl 70
CORNf t,3 7 U0
September 53 50 51 r.3
OATS.01" KY" UVi a' i3
September 21 2S 2SU "8
PORK.' 27T" 2S "ST S
So,ptA':r 1G-"7 1G0 18C7 1G90
SRIBSbr 1'G7 10 1K 100
September 1012 1032 1012 1032
Open. High. Low. Close.
August 819 824 S19 8 '4
September 7 82 7 S8 7 St 7 8S
October 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.7h
December 7.1.2 7.Wi 7 02 7.MJ
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
uuotauons au quotations Based
on Far of 100.
STOCKS. Bid.Askcd.
Lackawanna Dairy Co , Pr.... go
Countv Sav. Bank & Trust Co 300
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... E00
Third national Bank .330
DImo Dep & DIs. Bank 300
Economy L , H. & P. Co m
First National Bank 1300
Lack. Trust & Snfo Dep. Co . 193
Clark & Snover Co, Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank 500
Traders' National Rank 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 133
Scranton Packing Co 33
Scranton Passenger Railway,
first mortgage, duo 1920 115
People's Street Railway, first
mortgage, duo 1918 113
People's Street Railway. Gen
eral mortgage, due 1921 113
Scranton Trnc. Co., 0 per cent, 113
Economy L , H. Ac P. Co 97
N. Jersov & Pocono Ico Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... loj
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by H. G, Dale, 27 Lacka. Ao.)
Flour-)! 40.
Butter Fiesh cicumcry, 23c; fresh
dahy, 2.",c.
Eggs Ncaiby, Sic,; western, !0p.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, $2 33a2.40.
Giecn Peus Per bushel, $2 23.
Onions Per bushel, 90c ajl.00.
New Potatoes bOc, per bushel,
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, July 30 Wheat Quiet but
steady; contract grade, July, 74a7!Hc.;
August, 73a7!e, Corn lialc. lower: No.
2 yellow for local trade, 1j9c. Oats
Steady; No. 2 white clipped, ulc. Butter
Steady; extra western crenmory, 21c: do,
ncaiby pilnts, 22c, Eggs Firm, good de
mand: fiesh ripaiby, 20c; loss off do.
western, 20a20V4c; do. do do. southwest
ern, 18al9c; do. do. southern. I5al7c.
Cheese Dull and weak; New York full
ei earns, primo smnll, 10alO'4c; do. do, do,
fair to good, !)a9c, Reilned Rugais
yncliangcd. Cotton-Steady. Tallow
Steady; city prime. In tierces, i,atic,;
country do. do, banels. CabVic: do,
dark, iaGc; cakes, Gni,c, Live Poultry-Steady;
fowls, 14al4',4c; old loostors,
10c; spring chickens, largo. 17ahc; do
small, 13alCc; spring ducks, lhU3c: old
do, lOaUc, Drossed Poultry - Firm;
fowls, cholco western, 14 Wc; do, south
ern and southwestern, 13,JuHc; do, fair
to good, U",i.il3c; old roosters. 9a91'c;
broileis ncaibv large, 19a20o,; do. small
nnd medium, 13al8c; western do., lurgo,
17alSc; do, small and medium, 14al3c Re.
cclpts-Flour, 2,300 barrels nnd W2.000
pounds In sacks;, o0,00i) bushels;
join, COO bushels; oats, n.000 bushels.
Shlpments-Wheut. 101,000 bushels; corn,
500 bushels; oats, 17,6fo bushels.
New York Grain nnd Produce Market
Now York, July SQ Flour Mai hot wus
quiet but a shado Bteadler. Wheat Snot
steady: No. 2 red 7Mlc cleator; No. 2
V?ai lyi; f- b; nl!?,lt; Na l northern
Dulirth, Sic. f. o. b. afloat; options opened
weaker nnd declined after which (t rallied
and closed firm nt a imitlal c. net nd
anco. Muy closed 77J4c; July, 7Sjc.;
Gives better satisfaction
than any other tea be
cause it is pure. That sat
isfaction is increased be
cause it is economical as
well. It will pay you to
use it.
Ceylon and lndlu Tea.
Sold only In Lend Packet.
50c, 60c and 70c. Per Lb,
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
253-327 Pcnn Avenue.
September-, 7.V4C ; December, 73'lc. Corn
Spot steady; No L', ijTc. clcvntur and M5c.
f. o. b.; options sold ait at ihst
only to recover in tho uftcinoon with the
closo eiy linn nt 11 4c net de
cline. May cloied 4li,8c; July, blTic; Sep
tember, UC.gc: December, lS'jC O.its
Spot Btcadv; No. .', U!c; No. J, bJc; No
2 white, 0l',c; No. a white, (,1c; Hack
mixed, western, lilc; ti.ick white, west
ern. olaiiSc: tiaclt white state, tifabSc;
option maikot was we.ik at Jhst but
eventually r.illlcd with other markets.
Butter Steady; creamery, 17uZiH&c.; do.
factory, 13al7c; icnoatcd, lo ilSVscv, Imi
tation creamery, liialSc; stnto dairy, 17u
20c. Cheese Weak; new state full cieam,
hmall coloied fanev, 9Uc; small white,
94.0. ; laigo colored, O'Jc; laige white,
Dic. Ukgs Steady; htato nnd Pennsvl
anla, SOa.'O'c; western candled, ensv.
Potatoes Jeisey. Jlal .7): Lonu Islands,
fl."0al.30; southern, $lal,L'..
Chicago Grain Market.
ChlcaRo, July 30 Unsettled by the
closing operation In the July comets all
tho Biain m.ukcts weio today lagged.
Dcsplto the fact that u niaigmal pi ice
of 4jc. was put on July new oats 1 ester
day tho bulls In tills deal were erv stub
born and sold almost nothing, indicating
the probability that tho July oats comer
will havu to be settled In tho open pit to
monow. In other options ol this ami
other grains, beaia had tho whip hand
early and pressed prices down. Cover
ing for short accounts, n developing spec
ulative and oxpoit demand and estimated
curtailed shipments to this centci, how
over, checl'ed declines hi the now ciop
deliveries and not fiesh vigor In thosJuly
deals. At tho close July wheat was lc.
higher; September wluiet kc, up; July
coin, 2'ic higher; September com, "fee.
down; September oats, JUc. up and July
oats 3c. higher. Provisions closed 10 to
2.,,4c. up. Cash quotations weio as fol
lows: I'loui n.isier; No. 2 spring wheat,
74c; No. 3, 07a7Jc; No. 2 led. 7Ja7o'ji;
No. 2 com, ; No. 2 yellow, uOauOc: No.
2 oats, 29.113c. : No. 2 white, ; No. i'.
white, 34n!i0c.: No, 2 ro, uJ'iaV.'.c; good
feeding burloy. ; fair to choice mailing,
6JaCSc; No. 1 flax seed, $1.50; No. 1 north
western, $133; primo timothy seed, ;
mess poik, per bane!, Slilho.ilfiM; lard,
per 100 pounds. Sin.7r.nlf1 SO; shoit tlbs,
$10 20al0 30; .shoulders, 9Viu9J4c.j shoit clear
sides, llUullVic
Chicago Livo Stock Market. ""
Chicago, July 30. Cattle Kecrlpls, 13,
000, Including 1,000 western, 200 Tiwuns;
good to pilme steers, $7.M)aSb3; poor to
medium, $1 no.i7.u0; stockcis and leecleis,
$.'00.1323; cows, $150.1373; hnltuis, $-'50a
t)50; cunneis, $1 50a.' 30; bulls, $J.ri0ab50;
calves, J2.&M7; 'l'ct,a fed slccis, $J23n5 73;
western steers, SYuiSO, Hogs Receipts
today, 2J.000; tomonow, IS.wio; lctt over,
5,000; opened 5al0c lower, closed dull and
weaker; niKed and butcluu. 57.20a7.93;
good to cholco heavy, $7S0aS03; luugh
heavy, $7.2U.i7iw; light, $7a7.73; bulk of
sales, $ Sheep Receipts, 1J.00O;
dull. Lambs Steady to lower; good to
cholco wethers, $li!40: western sheep,
$-'50a4.40; native lambs, J3.ri0aii.23,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
East Buffalo, July SO.-Cattlc-Itccelpts,
73; good cattlo steady; common, no de
mand. Veals Steady; topj, $7a7.-'3; lair
to medium, j 21.1b Jj; common to light,
$3aB; grass calves, $!30al. Hogs ito
celpts, l.OJO; blow; light, SalOc higher;
heavy, DalOc lowei; heavy, S$10abl''.;
medium, $S10- pigs, J.'ab.lo; roughs, $i,73a
7; stags, $173ai)2.1. Sheep and I.umbs
Sheep, steady; lambs, slow and 21c, low
er: top lambs, $171.10, fair In good, $3 50a
5.71; common to light, SI LLil.-.l, cuihigs,
1.73u.V.'3: wether.), $l,73a3; bheep, top
mixed, $l,IOn4 75; lair to good, Jltil 21;
culls to common, $.'..MaJ30; owes, $1 23a! 50.
East Liberty Stock Market.
Eust l.lbeity. July 30 Cattlo-Steadv:
choice, $7,50a7.b0; nilmc, $7.17.21; good. $o.7j
aU75, Hogs Higher; prime heavy hogs,
$3O3a8.10: mediums. $3 03; hpiivy York
crs, $SaS0.1; light do, and plg.i, $i,iS5o;
roughs, $ui7MJ. Sheep Steady; bejt
wethcis, SI.15.H3.1; (tills and common,
$1.50a.'; cholco lambs, $3 50a5.73; veal
calves, $7a7.CO,
Oil Market.
Oil City, July 30-Cicdlt balances, 12J;
ceitltlc.ites, no bid: shipments, lJJ,0t bar
rels; average, 79,877 lunch; runs, as.lM
banels; average, 7&9.09 burr els.
Flint Glass Conference Adjoined.
By llxcluilvc Wire from 'I lie .Woclatt'd Press.
Atlantic City, N. J., July 30 Tho con
ference between tho Hint glass mariuliic
tiucis and workets adjourned Mno dlo
this afternoon. So fnr as tho work of tho
conference Is concerned nothing has been
accomplished. Tho domands of
tho workers, which mo tho abolition of
Sunday night work and n wage Increase
of 15 per cent, to tho Unlabels and 10 per
cent, to tiro pressors and gatherers weie
flatly icfused by tlio icpicsuntativus of
tho manufacturers.
Thli ttgaihire ! on every box of th pniai
Laxative BromoOuinine t&iuu '
MUAdXjUlAb ia&IAJl.Alil AXk AIM 4&A
I Grocery
An Extraordinary Sale
Of Pure and Wholesome
Hams Stowers & Co., mild Sugar Cured, per pound. . . I34c
Corned Bacon Small lean stripe, per pound Ii3c
Sardjncs In mustard, good
Sardines In oil, per can
Salmon 1 pound flat cans,
Salmon 1 pound tall cans,
Clark & Snover Tobacco,
Campbell's Soups One can
every flavor you desire. Per can
Flour Our Jersey Llry. Every sack guaranteed. 49
pound sack this sale at .
Our Special Blend Coffee The brand that Is best, t -.
made so by test. Per pound, 27c, or 4 pounds for ip 1 .00
Lion Brand Per package ). . lie
Tomatoes, large 3-pound cms 1 0c
Maccaroni, our regular 10c article, per package Oc
Prunes, choice California, per pound 4c
Ginger Snaps, per pound .. 5c
Lemon Cakes 5c
Rice, choice Japan, 4 pounds 35c
Tea, Oolong, Mixed or English Breakfast, per pound 29c
Eagle Milk, per can 13c
N Diplr Milk, per can . .' jtfc
Corn Starch, full pound package 5c
Apricots, choice California, per can I2c
Peaches, 3 pound cans, 4 for 25c
Pears, 3 pound cans, 4 for 25c
Salt, regular 25c sacks, for 19c
Regular 15c sacks 11c Regular 5c sacks 3c
Grocery Prices Good
Until Saturday Night
Capital, $200,000
(Earned.) POOO'OOO
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
Spencer Trask & Co.
2T & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No 57 Urondway, New York City.
jiujinnis xi:w yoiik siock ExciiANdE.
311 Spruce St. Scrutnoir, Pa
All Acuto (nut Chronlu DIso.ibcs of Men,
Women and Clrllilioii. NKHVOt'S.
Corrtiultatlon and exunihnitlou (ico. Of.
ilco liciurs, dally una BuuUay, 8 u. in. to
S o. in.
SLl Wants
qualllty, per can
extra fine, per can
Pink Alaska, per can....
per pound 29c
makes six portions. Most
and Lawn
The Largest and mo'st
artistic line ever shown
in the city. C
121 Washington Avenue,
1 ill's ft
Manulucturors of
Old Stock
fr 'i' !" i' 'l
Brew ry.
SL Scranton, Pa,
N. seven
Old 'Fhons, 3331,
New 'Phona. 'Jots.
plj v 1