r-i iv TTrT 3-..mgV: , i VjQ ' ) THti SCRANTON TBIBTBSVE-THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1002. -jfl ; ftw n'Mi' "rw . i K NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA o TUNKHANNOCK. Bpeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhsnnnck, July 30. Schnoley St ton, of Wyoming, who purchased the frtlley property on 12nt Tioga street, Intend to erect an up-to-dnto conl yard nnd buildings on the premises this sea ton, "and young Mr. Schooloy was here pn Tuesday to look over the premises. Taylor Grlflln, of WIlkcs-Barro, spent Sunday with his wife, who is visiting her slBter, Miss Carolina Gray, on Tioga street. Misses Mary and Josephine Boyce, Iwhri are employed at the International Korrespondence schools at Scranton, hro spending their vacation with their parents at this place. J. M. Palmer, representing tho Farm ers' Dairy Despatch company, Is hero Ithlsweek trying to Interest the farm era nid dairymen In the project of erecting n milk shipping station at this point. The town board of trade have taken an Interest In the matter and pccunid an excellent location for the proposed building, and If tho farmers ;will now take hold a creamery will be located here as soon as tho structure can he erected. The Despatch com pany agree to put up a thoroughly equipped plant for $2,200, and to fur nish a tenant at once at rental of not Jess than fi per cent, on tho Investment, Increase of rent to depend upon in crease of business. There serfms to be pothlng to prevent its coming. Lewis Comstock, formerly proprietor tf the Wyoming house, has leased a hotel at Owego, N. Y and will remove his family to that place this week. The building formerly occupied by D. F. Lyons as a bakery, which was dam aged by fire July 4, Is being repaired by the owner, Mrs. Harry Billings. Miss Alice Irvln, of Denver, Col., who has been visiting friends 'at this place, left for her home on Monday. Miss Mame Wolfe, of Homer, N. Y Is visiting her parents at this place. Mrs. A. F. Yost, of Scranton, is vis iting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodward, on Second street. Misses Ruth Piatt and Bessie Leigh ton are spending this week with friends nt Lake Wlnola. Mrs. Frank Brundage Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodward, at this place. HONESDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, July SO. Base ball game on the silk mill ground on Saturday, August 2; Susquehanna vs. Honesdale. The Odd Fellows anticipate a pleas nnt time in Freedom hall this (Thurs day) evening. The occasion will be the fifteenth anniversary of the removal of Freedom lodge from Prompton; also the initiation of William AVelss ns a member. Music, speeches, refreshments nnd good cheer will be the order of the evening. Edward Menner, of the shipyards at Elizabeth, N. J., Is spending his vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Menner, on Second street. Contractor J. D. .Bryant, has com--" rnenced remodeling the interior' of tho ptoreroom which Dodge & Erk, the hardware men, will soon occupy. The Llederkranz excursion took about four hundred to Lake Lodorc today. Benjamin Gardner, Jr., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gardner, of East street, died nt the residence of his parents on Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at tho home on Thursday at 2.30 p. m. Rev. James P. Ware, of Grace church, will officiate. The deceased had been a great sufferer for a number of years. ve" Is survived by his parents and two yfrothers. Wesley M. and Paul W., who . are both residents of Scranton. W, J. Sllverstone will leave today for Pittsburg, to attend the meeting of the Btate Bill Posters' association on Aug ust 1 and 2. James Crossley, of Chicago, Is visit ing his Honesdale home. Miss Emma Blrdsall will leave today for Pldgeon Cove, Mats. The Erie has booked another popu lar excursion to Buffalo, Niagara Falls nnd Toronto, for August 2. Train leaves Honesdale at 7.1S p. m. Faic, ?3; to Toronto, $1 more for return. Special train leaves Niagara at 5 p. m. and Buff-vlc at 5.20 p, m., August 3. Return may be -made on any regular train, V August 4. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Ryan iijjrl William Feeney, of Chicago, will iiVke place at St. John's church, Wed nesday, August 6, at 11.30. lllonesdale people extend their sym pathy to their neighbors of the coal duwt town over In the valley, who must resort to Sunday ball games, and keep up Yi continual eoiik of base ball criti cism to fill the local pages of the pampers. Hero In Honesdale, our shoe factories, glass-cutting shops, silk mill, putting ml , box factory, axe factory, inderivenr .actory, elevator and ma :hlne works, brush factory and oil wells are all working smoothly. No strikes; plenty of money In our banks. True, we have muddy water, but that "vlU eoon be overcome. We attend to our business strictly, except when some outside ball team Insists on coming to our Maple city, Then we turn aside, and allow them to come, just to satisfy them what wo can do. Then we glvo our attention to busi ness, and smile at tho wall of woe from the defeated, m HALLSTEAD. Bpeclal to tho Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, July 30. Miss Carrie Mead gave a very pleasant party last even ing nt her homo on Pine street, In honor of hrr friend, Miss Iva Cox, of Very Remarkable Curo of Diarrhoea. "About six years ago for tho first time In my life I had a sudden and se veie attack of diarrhoea," bays Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. i"I got temporary relief, but It came back ugain y and again, nnd for six long years I have f suffered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death, My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physlclanb' prescriptions and treat ment without aval, Flnnlly we moyed to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to seo an nd vertls'einent of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been eured by It. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy, Tho result was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well again, or believe Jt could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured mc," For sale by all drug- ninghntnton. The diversions of tho evening were ninny. Games were played, and vocal nnd Instrumental solos rendered by tho young ladles uresent. James Taylor, of Ithacn, N. Y la vis iting tho Hon. James T, DuBolu, at his homo on Mount Mctitonomlc. A Hock of wild geese on the SusqUc hannu river nt Hallstead wns nn un usual occurrence In July. They were bound north. Tho oldost Inhabitants claim there will bo a lato fall nnd nn unusually mild winter. Mrs. Fred Vnn Wormer left last night for a visit with friends In Blnghamton, Owego and Newark Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton are re joicing over tho arrival of a daughter. Tho Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church will hold nn ice cream social nn the lawn In front of John Aiken's home, on Main street. Rev. L. W. Church preached at Park land, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Aaron Vnn Wormer, of Conklln, worethe guests pt relatives In town Sunday. Fred Van Wormer, while mending a barb wire fence, caught a wire in his eye, nnd It wnn thought at first he would lose tho sight of the eye. It is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Lisle Elghmey and daughter, Margaret, are visiting friend3 in Blnghamton. HARFORD. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Harford, July 30. The lecture given by Dr. W. W. Fletcher to tho Young Men's Union class, July 29, was a de cided success. The Interest taken and tho work done by tho Young Men's Union class In this community is not only having Its inllucnce on tho pres ent, but our church and society In general will see the effects of their most excellent work long after the name of the Young Men's class has been for gotten. The singing rcndeiecl by Mrs. G. R. Rcslqule and Mis3 Edna Payne was appreciated by all. The following teachers have been en gaged for tho district schools: No. 1, Norma Darrow; Oakley, Clyde Patter son; Harding, Jessie Robblno; Sweet, Lillian Tlngley; Richardson Mills, Velma Little; East Hill, Eugene Os tium; Tlngley, Flo Swetser. Lee Jones and Miss Maud Wilcox spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adams, at Factoryvllle. Mrs. Jacob Palmer, of Scranton, In caring for Mrs. Jerry Bobbins, who Is sick. Mrs. Henry Barnes, of Peckville, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wat son. Mrs. Burlew and daughter, of Elml ra, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Doloway. Mrs. George Stearns will entertain tho Junior Endeavor society at her homo, Friday, Aug. 1. Let each Junior attend and endeavor to take one new member. Sunday, Aug. 3, communion will be observed In the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Whitman visited their daughter, at Heart Lake, Tues day. Mrs. T. M. Maynard spent Sunday In Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morgan, of Pittsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Morgan, of Scranton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Patterson, last week. Mrs. A. E. Sherwood, of New Mllford, nnd Misses Grace and Jessie Sherwood, of Blnghamton, N. Y., were the guests of Mr. and Mis. B. D. Sherwood, last week. James Fuller nnd slaters, Florence and Ella, of Lenox; also Miss Niemey er, and Mr. Dlmmlck, of Scranton, at tended the services at the Congrega tional church, Sunday morning. HAML1NTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hamllnton, July 30. The weather has been very unfavorable for the farmers to harvest their hay. Dr. II. "B. Clearwater, who has been sojourning in Russia for the past three yeais, Is visiting his aunt, allss D. P. Hamlin. Albert Heberllng spent last week at Big nond. Among those from this village who visited New York city, Tuesday last, via Erlo excursion, were H. F. Nichol son and wife, George and B. F. Ham lin. Mrs. F. A. Orchard and granddaugh ter, Frances Orchard, are visiting friends In Scranton. Miss Marguerite Maytrott, of Pitts ton, has been a guefat at the rcsldenco of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwards for two weeks. J. E. Blgart, of Carbondale, Is visit ing nt the home of V. S. Blclwell. Mrs. Amos Brooks is able to be about, after a two weeks' Illness. Homer Spangenburg, who has been traveling In tho west for the past six months, has returned home, Miss Victoria Kimble, of Scranton, spent Sunday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kimble. W. H. Alt and family nnd C. L. Sim ons and family huvo gone to Big pond for a week's vacation. . Rev, J. P. Crane, of Hawiey, held ser vices In tho Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. John Osborn made a business trip to Wllkes-Barre, Tuesday, WELSH HILL. Special to tlio Scranton Tribune. Welsh Hill, July 30, Some of our far mers, who had heretofore strong faith In tho changes of the moon as affect ing the weather, have become disheart ened, ' Mrs. J, W. Davis Is entertaining her aunt, Mrs. Sara lluyden, of Philadel phia, W, G. Brooks, of East Market street, Scranton, Is tho guest of Will Moses. Prof, and Mrs, Harry Anthony are entertaining Mr. and Mrs, Will Hussey, of New York. Miss Mary Lamb, of Blnehamton, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Sarah Richards, Miss Rachel Davis and brother, Em lyn, of Wayne uvenue, Scranton, who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Davis, of Woodslde cottage, have re turned home, Miss Sara Butler and friend, Miss Goodwin, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with friends In this place. The friends of Miss Verda Morgans, who wbb so successfully operated upon at the Moses Taylor hospital In Scran ton, will be pleased to learn of her com plete recovery and safe return home. Ml n.-ilsv Bennett, of Keystone academy, Factoryvllle, Is homo on her vacation, MIbs Louts Westgate, of Forest City, is visiting her sister, Mrs, T. V. Jones. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, Howell, of Scranton, are spending the week at the homo of Mrs. Howell's brother, John Evans. Mrs. David Jones 1b entertaining her brother, Mr. Reese, of Peckville. On Friday evening next a social will bo held In the hall, Ico cream nnd cako will be served, Proceeds will go for the benefit of tho new school library. PITTSTON. Bpecl.iUkj tho Scranton Tribune. Plttston, July 50. Tho Brothers base ball team won their nineteenth victory out of twenty games by defeating tho Luzerne team yesterday on the Ham town grounds, by a Rcore of 0-4. Tho funeral "of tho lato Thomas Walsh, of Duryea, look place yesterday. Father Stoffoer sang a mass over tho remains In the 'Catholic church there, nnd special music was given by a choir of Plttston people, Including solos by Miss Margaret Kearney and Mr. M. F. Oolden. Interment was In Avoca ceme tery. Services are being conducted every evening In tho Broad Street Methodist Episcopal church. Rev, Mr. Surdam, the pastor, bollevcs that during the miners' strlko, with so many men idle, a church service would bo nn appropri ate pastime for tho men, and meetings have been held every evening for the pant throe weeks and will continue. They have been well attended, and tho pastor's efforts are meeting with suc cess. A live pigeon match was held at No. 3 grounds this afternoon between Wil liam and George Dendle, and John Booth nnd W. H. Stroh. The former won, killing thirteen birds to their op ponents' twelve. The members of tho junior depart ment who have been camping at Lake Carey for the past two weeks, returned home last evening, after having had a delightful trip. On Mondny the party, which numbered eighteen, were given a dinner nt tho Spring Grove house by K. M. Hughes, of West Plttston. William Geo, of Luzerne avenue, one of the oldest residents of West Pltts ton, formerly proprietor of the terra cotta works on North Main street, is in a critical condition, and his death is momentarily expected. The officers of the Plttston Opera House company this afternoon an nounced that after considering a num ber of bids for the lease- of the theater. It had been decided to rent the building to Millard F. Coons, of Wllkes-Barre, manager of tho Nesbltt and Grand the aters of that city. Harry J. Sinclair, formerly treasurer of this city's Music Hall, a genial and accommodating young man, and probably the most capable man In tho city for the posi tion, has been chosen local manager for tho house. W-. II. Labb, of Phila delphia, has secured the contract for furnishing the scenery. While at work yesterday, John Dob ble, mine foreman at the Eile com pany's No. 7 colliery, was struck by a falling timber and received a bad gash on the cheek. Charles Miller, of the West Side, has composed a march for a piano and has placed It In the hnnd3 of a New York music house. The piece Is dedicated to Company M, of which Mr. Miller Is a member, and is entitled VCo. M, Ninth Regiment, N. G. P., March." GREEN GROVE. An Ice cream social will be held on Thursday evening of this week at Ver non Ettenger'3, under the auspices of tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Metho dist Episcopal church. On Frlduy evening, Aug. 1, Rev. B. R. Hanton will lecture at the Metho dist Episcopal church of Montdale, on "My Trip to England." No admission will be charged, but at thp close of the lecture a silver offering will be taken to assist Mother Hanton's Happy band, in pin chasing a clock for the church. The Scott school board met last Sat urday and hired teachers for the com ing year. They decided to close the Orvis, or Lake Shore school, and havo the pupils from both district attend one school. The following teachers wore hired: Miss Bertha Wall, for the Lake Shore school; Frank Williams, tor tho Wilson school; Miss Blanche Carpenter, for the Carpenter school; Miss May Swingle.for the Miller school; Walter Taylor, for the Justus school, and Miss Mamo Dowilng, for the Elm brook school. Teachers were also hired for tho Montdale, Carey, Ogdon and Grosvenor schools. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Benedict, of Green Ridge, spent boveral days of last week, here. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols Is Impioving nicely, un der tho caie of Dr. Alice Lllllbiidge, of Olyphant. Mls-s Jennie Clark Is visiting friends In Scranton, Misses Virginia and Maud Carglll, of Thompson, have been visiting Green Grove friends recently. Mrs. Southworth, of Norwich, N. Y., Is spending several weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wetherby. William Wetherby Is working at Pottsvllle, Arthur Vail Is proving himself to be a good muslo teacher. His pupils hero are doing nicely. PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES.-Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, save thorn until Saturday, then send them or take them to The Tribune office In an envelope addressed to 1 ?.'!" U'pnrtment." Enclose in the envelope your namo, ago nnd address. Tho lio8 and girls who correctly mark the sis pictures appearing during tho week, !5iL.lTh0S? m;Mvers M "t received, will have their namc3 published In Tho Tribune Monday morning. -gp3gjM N25JSaHi'H :?vUi4 111 imrrn ' 'Art nnmnMiiimn.. - 77! , t Wheie aie the other two MAKINGSKEPTICS Our Scranton Readers Are No Exception. Buffering year after year with a. bad hack, with annoying and dangerous urlnnry troubles, falling to find a rem edy to end their misery, It Is no wonder people become skeptics. It Is not sur prising If they doubt tho testimonials they read from peoplo cured, who llvo In far-away places. There Is no room for doubt, however, when tho testimony comes from citizens of Scranton. Read this case: Mr. S. A. Ronnoy, of fil8 Wyoming avenue, employed as night watchman of tho Clark & Snovcr Tobucco com pany, says; "I suffered with dull ach ing ncrora my back, which was much more severe if I had to climb many stulr3 during tho night. I was also troubled with suppression of tho kidney necrctlons, very nnnoylng nt night on account of too frequent action. I tried a number of so-culled kidney cures nnd took a number of boxc3 of one kind, but I received no bencllt. I heard so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I got them at Matthews Bros.' drug store, and after taking them a short time I found they were helping inc. Finally, the pain In my back left mo entirely arid other difficulties were much Improved." For sale by all dealers; price, 60 cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo ugbnts for the U. S. Remember the nnme Doan's and take no substitute. JESSUP. A surprise party was tendered MIS3 Johanna Troy, of Main street, last evening, by her many young frlend3. Miss Troy will lcavo In a few days for Delaware, where she will permanently reside with her aunt. Numerous games were enjoyed during the even ing, and solos were rendered. Miss Lula Bradley furnished Instrumental music. Those present were: Misses Ella and Julia Hynes, Delia Qulnn, Kutie Kelly, Mary and Maggie Lawlcr, Jennie Kearney, Ella and Katie Mc llale, Nellie Helming, Bee Nealon, Ella and Maggie McGurl, Katie Kane, Mary Murray, Annie McGulnness, Grace and Johanna Troy, Alice Hcasley, Maggie and Annie Donuhoe, Katie Donnelly, Mary O'Connor, Katie Curran, Susie O'Hora, Maggie O'Boyle, Mame Qulnn, Alice Neary and Agnes Walsh, of Prov idence; Bee Ruane, Maggie Brogan, Maggie Gilgallon, Annie Munley, Annie Farrell and Bella Doughls, of Pitts burg; Messrs. Leo McDermott, Mike Hundley, Thomas Judge, W. H. Dcr mody, William Lynott, C. Eggllston, William Lally, Thomas Langan, Chas. Sheridan, John McAndrow, Joe Gllroy, Dennis Munley, Michael Munley, Bert Lawlcr, Joe Hynes, James Sweeney and James Walsh, of Providence; J. Dough er, Eddie Lee, of Jermyn; John Mun ley, William Ready, W. McAurlc, T. Colloy, P. Mulrooney, T. SIddons, T. Hones, H. Farrell, J. Gllday, J. Pick ert, of Archbald, and William Judge, of Scranton. The Indians of Jessup and the Win ton teams played a raggetl game on the home grounds yesterday afternoon. The Winton team won by a score of 15 to 5. v.. National League. At Boston (first game) R.H.E. Chicago U 00 001 0 001 1 1 Boston 000000 0 000 li 1 Taylor and Kllng; Willis and Moran. Umpire Brown. Second gamo (13 Innings) R.H.E. Chicago .....0 00 0 000 1000 02 3 W i Boston 0 00 0 000 0 100 00-1 6 1 Batteries Lundgren and Kllng; Eason and Moran. Umpire Blown. At Brooklyn R.H.E. Pittsburg 100 000 0001 G 2 Biooklyn 00000401 C 7 0 Batteries Tnnnehlll and Smith; Kltson and Farrell. Umplru Powers. At Now Vork- R.H.E. St. Louis 00000 1000-1 3 1 New Vork 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 o 2 S 2 Battoilcs VerUcs and O'Neill; Cronln and Bresnahan. Umpire Emslio. At Philadelphia - Philadelphia-Cincinnati: lain. American League. At Cleveland- R.H.E. Chicago 0 00 000 0 000 2J Clovcland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 7 3 Batteries Garvin and McFniiand; Mooro and Bcmls. Umpire Connolly, Other clubs not scheduled. Eastern League. Rochester, 0; Providence, S. Worcester, t: Buffalo, 3, Toionto, 4; Newark, 3. Montreal, 4; Jersey City, 2 (first gamo). Jersey City, (i; Montreal, 4 (second gamo). girls In this picture? "" t THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" IUII llblllU Only Half a Cent a Word. Branch WANT Cfficas. Want Advcrtlscmonta Vlll Bo Hecolved at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALRUriT 8Cinnr5. corner Mul berry stroot unci Webster avo. GUSTAV P1CIIEL, 03U Adam3 avenue. West Sldo GEn. W. JEN1CJNS, ltl South Main nvenuo. South Scranton FRDD L. TEP.PPE. 72D Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mnln avonlio and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES. 1557 Dick- son nvenuo. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Rtdgo street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington avenuo nnd Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFEL, avenuo. 1017 Irving Dunmorc J. G. BONE & SON. For Kent. FOUR nice front room3; steam hent and bnth; rent low; B'JO Olive. For Sale. FOR SAI.K Flno new automobile, valuo U'-j; will sell for $500 cash; can bo seen nt store or F. It. Smith. 507 Linden Btieet, Board of Trade building. FOR SALE A first class meat market. Owner will work for parly. Address 331 Chestnut street, Dunmoru, Pa. Wanted To Rent. WANTED TO RENT-Cottago at Lako Wlnola. D. P. SS.' WANTED TO rent by a gentleman, two unfurnished rooms, with heat nnd use of bnth. Box 500, Tribune office. WANTED A small house or flat, prefer ably furnished, in desirable location. To gain attention, stute terms. P. O. Box G27. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOJISfoT'i-onrniodorn Improvements; private family; gen tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avonuo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gaa nnd bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at 539 Adams nvenuo. Rooms Wanted. i. WANTED Room with or without board; strictly private family. Address 11 C. M., Tribune. Real Estate. FOR SALE At a bargain on easy terms, tho Lelghton farm in Glenhurn. Also growiiiK or harvested crops of grain, hay, vegetables and fruits; twelve choice cows nnd heifers, farm team, Mnglo driving horse, wagons, harness, farm Imple ments, etc. Andrew Lcighton, Glcnburn. FOR SALE First-class hotel, established business, good lcnsons for selling; Write for further particulars. Address John Miller, 77 East Market street. Corn ing, N. Y. LOTS, houses and farms for talo. See J. C. Zurllleli. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Green Rldgo; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlne, 173G Sandorson avenuo. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out doluy. Wilto for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange. 44 nnd 46 Broadway, Now York. Established 1S01. Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 23SS Broad. Money to Loon, ANY" AMOUNT OF MONEY" TO LOAN Qulck, Btinlght loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 311-315 Connoll building. Lost. LOST Purse, Wednes-day ovonlng, con taining sum of money and phonograph bill. Liberal reward. Got owner's namo from Tribune. Reward. $5.00 REWARD Packngo containing bracelet and locket addressed Stephen D. Engle, HiiBleton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn. New 'phono DOS. Boarders Wanted. WANTED A few ho.iidciti for August and September on a furm; plonsnntly located; very healthy and a comfortable homo. Mrs. Georgo Wntcrson, Uswleh, Wuyno county. Pa. BOARDERS WANTED-WIli tuko sum mor boarders; threo largo airy rooms and good table board. Addrcs3 O. IC Dalton, Pa, Board and Rooms. VERY" DESIRABLE sulto of rooin3 with first clnss tnblo board, canjio obtained nt 333 Jefferson avenuo. AVOCA. Speclol to tho Scranton Tilbuno. Avoca, July 30, The marriage of Miss Mary Burns nnd John Brennnn was solemnized In St, Mary's church on Wednesday morning, by Rov. M, F, Crane, The bride and her attendant, Miss Mary Walker, of Scranton, wore beautifully designed gowns of Paris mublln. Their huts wore of whlto chif fon nnd both carried carnations. The groom was waited upon by his nephew, WUUuin Timlin. After the ceremony dinner wus served at the homo of the Inlde'u mother, Mr, nnd Mrs. Hren uan left on tho 1,S0 train for Philadel phia and Atlantic City, T. J. 6'Mulley lui3 been culled to Newport. Nows on account of the Illness of his son, John, who Is suffering from typhoife fever, James Webber has returned from his European trip, " Mr. and Mrs, C, F, Hoban have re turned home to Dunmorc, after spend ing a few days here. Miss Anna Callahan Is spending a few weeks In Atlantic City. MIS3 Teresa Mellon, of Wilkes Bane, and Miss Jennie Durkln, of Scranton, are visiting at the Clarke residence on Grove street. No Order Accepted for Less Thuii io Cents. Help Wanted Mnlo. COAL. MINERS WANTED Tim POCAHONTAS COLI.IP.tUC5 COMPAIW Mr. A, J. King, Bupoilntondont, with bituminous cant mines In tho town of Pocnhontna, 'Jnsuwoll County, Stnti'3 of Virginia, on tho Norfolk nnd Western Hall wa, wanlu Bomo good, cxpurlunccd coal milium at onco, WAGES: l;nr pick mining nnd loading entry coal IM cents per car 1'or pick mining and loading iijuiii coal , 7." cents per car J' or mining 111111 loading maclilnu under-cut entry coal .,70 contH per car ;'' mining nnd loading maehino under-cut loom ro.il,...;n cents per car 1 11 Mile track Inyein fci.OO to $2.23 por ilny Ins do trurlc layer helpers $1,50 to $1.7" per dny IliMdo timber mon , $200 por day jiiMiif uiuncr iiriprr:! $i,iu per uav Parties of 10 can procure special tickets for $10.73 for ench pornon over Pennsylvania Railroad finm Philadelphia to Pocnhontna. llnciilnr tnm for person alone, $11.03. Arrungomuiitii can bu made to advanco tho rnlhond faro to re sponsible persons. . Good miners will got regular cmplnyinont and good accommodations, na tha town of Pocnhontna litis over J.ooj Inhabitants. POCAHONTAH COt.Ltr.lMH3 COMPANY. 501 Amnio Bliltf., Phlla. Help Wanted Mnlo. BOILERMAKER!? and bnllormakcrn' helpers wanted for nut-oMnwu mil rood shops: good wages and sternly em ployment for rollablo nnd competent men; transportation fmnlGhcd. Apply between l a. 111. and B p. in., Mourn build ing, corner of Washington avenuo nnd Spruce street; Rooms 310 nnd 311. W J. Rule. . . WANTED Traveling Biilcsmcn for Im proved school lunch box. C. S. Shop paid, 110 Exctor street, Plttston, 1M. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A nent competent gill for house nnd kitchen wnilt In family of two. Mis. Dcnn, 15:3 Monrco avenue. WANTED A competent gill for gencinl housework; Protestant piofcrred. Ap ply 1741 SnnderMin avenue. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED by a widow to do washing nnd lionlnw nnd cloanlus by the day. Address 712 Sclmell court, WANTED Plain sowing; cblldicn's clothes a spccialtv. All wolk doin neat and prompt. Call at CJ2 Forest court, city. SITUATION WANTED-By a youn? man ns shipping and stnrk clerk: has good hnblts and has a position ut present, but dcs-lrcs a change for good reason. Can furnish Rood reference. Address II. C care of Tribune. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmoro, launders shirts at Sc. each and collars and cuffs at IJSc. each. LEGAL. IN RE: E3tnta of John Jermyn. lato of tho City of Scranton, Pa., deceased. Lottcrs testamentary In tho above cs-p tato having been granted to the under signed, nil persons having claims or Judg ments against the same will present thorn tor payment, nnd all persons Indebted thereto will mnke immediate payment to JOSEPH J. JERMYN. GEORGE B. JERMYN, EMMA J. JERMYN, Executors and Executrix. WELLES & TORREY, Attorneys. THE ANNUAL meeting of the stock holders of tho Wyoming Shovel Works, for the election of dliectora nnd consideration of such other business ns may bo brought before them, will bo held at tho olllco of tho company, Connoll Building, Scrnnton, Pn., Frlduy, 13th of August, 1002. at 11 a. m. N. G. 'ROBERTSON, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In tho ofllco of tho City Rccoidor by the Director of tho Department of Public Works at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday. August 4, 1S02, for tho construction tit three (3) hower basins In tho Fourteenth ward, according to plans and succillca tions on tilo in the Bureau or Engineer ing. Proposal blanks will bo fuinlshod by tho Bureau of Engineering nnd no otlxcis will bo accepted. Proposals must bo tiled with tho City Contioller nt his ofllco In tho City Hall, Scranton, Pa., not later than 2.3U o'clock p. in. on Monday, August 1, 1302. Tho cltv reserves tho right to rcjoct any or all bliK JOHN E. ROCHE, Director, Department of Public Works. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDIXG, C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SGI. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B., Real Estato Exchaneo Bldg., 12t! Wash ington nvo. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 723 CONNELL building. Dentist3. ,DR. C. E. EIUENBERGER, PAULI building. Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMING avo. Tire Incurancc. SCIILAGER & CO,, Traders Bank Bldg. Patent Attornoys. PAT E N TS MoK'.00 Tho only llconscd and equipped patont solicitor In tho city. No chnrgo for In formation on patentability; over ten years experience. Keplogic & Co., Alcars HUSr. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK, lln avenuo. Ratos reasonable P. HIEGLBR, Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. Passenger dopot. Conducted on tho Eu. ropcan plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger. ATliTiTlfiaGS CLEANS PnTvYAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only lmprocd pumps used. A. B. Biiggs, proprietor. Leave ordoia 1100 Norlh Main uvonuo. or Elcko's drug stoic, enrnor Adams and Mulberry, Both lolophoncs. Wiro Screens, JOSEPH KUUTTEL. REAR 511 LACKA, avo Scranton, infra, of Who Screons. Miscellaneous. MEaARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUP. piles, envelopes, paper bags, twlno. Wai chouse, l.J Washington avenue. THE WILKFS-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had lu Scrnnton at tho nows stand of Rui3innn Bros., 403 Spruco and 5ft) Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna nvo,; I, S. Bcluuzor, 211 Spruce s(rp-it. RAILROAD TIME TABLES, Erie Railroad Wyoming Division. In Effect July 30th, 1002. TruliiB leave Scranton ror Hawiey and local stutlons at 7.20 and S.43 a. in.; 1.35 and 5.20 p. pi. Sundqyu, Q 00. a. m and 1.33 p. m. For Now York. Novvburgh nnd Intel mediate points at 7.20 a. in. and 1.35 p, m. Sundays. 1.35 p. ni For Honcsdalo 1.S3 and 5 20 p. m. Trains nirivo at Scranton f.20, 10.41 n. m.; 3,00 and 9.15 p. in. Sundays, 1.00 and SJ5 n. m. .V...-.ViW.i DIRECTORY! it- ii i i BUSINESS 0PM10K IW Only Half a Cent a Word. Help Wanted Male. tha onn Delawnio, Lackawnnna and Western, , In Effect Juno 1, 1002. Tinlns lcavo Sciiuitou for Now York At 1.5i). 3.20, 0.03. 7.5H nnd 10.10 a. in.; 12.40, '? ."."' !.' m' J'01" Nuw Yol'lt mid Phila delphia ,. no. loio a. m and 12.40 and 3 33 p. in. Fur Gouldslioro-At (1.10 p. in. For Bulfiiln-l IS, (122 nnd n.M) n, m.: 1.53. 0.50 mid 11.10 p. m. For Blngbnmton, Elmira nnd way nti:tlnnn-10.25 n. m., 1.05 p. m. 1'or Oswego. Syiacuuo nnd Utica l.l.'i and d.22 ii. in,; l.'.i p. m. Onwego, Syracuse and t'tlcii Unlit at (122 u. m. dally, except htuiduy. For Montrose 0 CO n. m.( l.r- and tilo n. m. Nicholson accommodation 100 nnd 0 13 p. in. llloomohurg Division For Northumber land, at C33 nnd 10,10 a, in,: 1.53 and lilO P. pi. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; 3 40 and 9.03 p m. Siuidnv Ttnlns For NevYork, 1..V1, 8 2), ixn. 10.10 ii. m.: S.in and 3.25 n. m. For BiUTnln-1,1,' nnd 0.22 it. m.; 1.5", i'u',0 and 31 10 p. m. For l'.linlra nnd wny stations 10 2,, a. in. I'or Ttlnahnmtnn and way ftn tlnnn. 0.00 n. m. Bloonnhtirg Division Leave Hctnnton. 10,10 n m. nnd 0 10 p. m. lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Juno 15, 1002. Tinlim Leave fieianton. For Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. It. li., nt 7 41, through Parlor Cnr and Day Coach Cnrbnndalo to Nuw York nnd 0.17 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4.83 (Black Diamond Kxiirewi). and 11.40 p. m. Sundays-, n. ,: h. r. u i :.. n.17 p. m. Fur Whlto Haven, Ilnr.leton nnd princi pal points In the conl regions!, via D. Ss It. It. It.. 7.41. 2.18 nnd 4.35 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7 41 a. m. For Bethlehem. Enstnn, Rcndins?, Har rir.burg nnd principal Intermediate sta tions, via D, ft H. R. k 7.11. 0.47 a. m,: 2.1S, 4 35 (Black Diamond Express). 11. 4D p. ni. Sundrijs, D. & II. It. It., 9.3S a. m.; 1.5S, 0.17 p. m, Por Tunkhannnrk, Townnda, Elmira, Itlincn, Geneva nnd piincinal Intermediate stations via D L. & W., R. R., 6 35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. ' For Geneva, Ttochcstcr, Buffnlo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via II. & H. R. R., 12.00 p m.; 3.23 (Black Diamond Exnroia), 10.41. 11.49 n. m. Sun dnvs. D. ,t II. R. n.. 12.01, 0.17 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on nil trains between Wllkes-Bnrro and Now York. Philadel phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge. HOLL1N II. WILBUR. Gon. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 23 Cortland street, Now Y'ork. A. W. NONRMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pn. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, CO Public Square, Wllkcs-Burre, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In Effect Juno 20, 1002. Stations in New Y'ork, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Tinlns leave Scrnnton for New Y'ork, Philadelphia, Easton, Bothlchom. Allen town. Mnucli Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, WIlkcs-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30 u. ni., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Pallor Car for Phil adelphia with only ono chnngo of cars for Ualtlmoie and Washington, D. C, and all principal points south nnd west. For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. in. Sunday, 2 10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 and 1 p. in. For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allontown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tnmnciun and Pottsvllle, 7,30 a. m.; 1 p. m. nnd 1 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gon. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Sehedulo in Effect Juno 1(5. 1002. Trains leave Scruiitun: COS a. rn., week days, through vtstlbulo train from Wilkcs-Uniie. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har lisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0.17 u. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Plttshuifr and tho West. 1.12 li. m., week dnys. (Sundays. 1.53 p. in.), for Sunbury. HnrrlsbiirB, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Wushlngton nnd Pitts burg and tho West. 3.2S p. in,, week days, through vestlbula train from WIlkcs-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car rnd coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal intermedi ate stations. 1.33 p. m.. week days, for HnzlPton. Sun bury, Hurrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts- " "" J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. It. WOOD. Ucn. Pass. Agt. Delaware nnd Hudson. .111 J11LI1. MIIIIU .'. 4'l. Tialns for Ciirbonilnlo lcavo Scranton at fi.4l. 7.M, 8.30, 10.13 a. m.; 12.05, 1.12, 2,11, 3.50. 5.20, U.25. S.2I, 0.13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.13, 1.3S a. in. For IIonesdalo-C.4I, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and 5.20 p. in. For Wllkcs-Barre-G.SS. 7.41. S.41. 9.47, 10.53 n. m.: 12.0J. 1.12, IMS, 3.2S, 4.33, 6.10, 7.4!. 10.11, 11.10 P. in. For L. V. R R. Polnts-7,il. 9.17 a. m.; 2.1S, 1.33 and 11.40 p. in. For Pennsylvania R, R. Tolnts 0.33, D.17 a. in.; 1.12. 3.28 and 4.35 p, ni. - "- For Albany and all points north 7.S5ia, m. and 3.50 p. in. . j" Sl'N'DAT' TRAINS. For Ciirbond.ile S.50. 11.33 a., m.; 2,11, 3.5H. 5.52 nnd 11.17 P. 111. ..' Fur Wllkcs-l!nrre-0.3S n. nt.; 12.03, 1.55, 3.2S. 0 32 and 9.17 p. in. For Albany. and pnlpt3 north 3 .Ml p, m-y For Honesdale 8.50 a, ni.; 11.33 and 3.5r p. in. W. L. PRYOR, D. P. A Scranton. Pa. New York, Ontario and Western.., Time Tnblo In Efted Sunday, Juno 13, 1M2 NORTH -.BOUND TRAINS. - . Lcavo Leave An Iva Tialns. Scranton. Carbondale. Cidosla, No. 1 ,.,,..10,30 a, in. ii.io a.m. l.ou p. m. No, 3 4 01 p. in. I. Up, 111. dMYIp, m. No, 7 0 10 P. ni.Ar.CuihondalouNiJnlm SOUTH BOUND. Lcavo Lcavo Arrltw Trains. Cudosl.i. C.u bondalo. Scrantqp, No. ii ,,u,, (i,50a. m, 7,23 u. 3 No. 1 S.IOa.m. 1001a.m. lo.40a.jn. No. 2 2.13 p. 111. 4.00 p. in. 4.4jp..rh SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND . Lcavo Lcavo ArilVo Trains. Scrnnton. Cnrbnndao. Cmlosja. No. 0 , K.30 u. in, '.10 i. in 10.41 a. m, No, u ,,,,,, j.u"i. in. .ir.i iiiiiiuiuaiu i.ij p.m SOUTH BOUND. Lcavo Lcavo Anivo Cadosia, Carhnnd.ilo. Scranton. ,,, 0.50 ft. in. 7.25 n.m. Trains No. a Vn 111 i.m p. m. u u p. m. ii. i J p. m. Tialns Nos, 1 on week days, nnd 9 on, Sundays connect for New Yoik city, Mid dlctnwn, AVnlton. Norwich, Oneida, Os wego and nil points west. Tinlu 3 for Poyntollo, Walton, Delhi, Sidney, Norwich nnd all Now Berlin brunch points , Tiptn No, uVwUh "Quaker City Ex piass''iint Scrnnton, via C. R. R; of N. J., forl'hlludelphla, 'Atlantic City, Baltimore; Washington and Pennsylvania stato points. See tlrue-tnble nnd 'consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A., Now York. J, E. WELSH. T. l A.. Scranton, Pa. , Ik J I