The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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m-'aia wor"ii5yvi' af
Hn Vniir
O vn ivui
X Eicriintf Trin
..' Don't tako your hundred J
dollar watch and loso it.
, Oct an
0 ' Iii(versolI
Dollar Watch
They arc accurato tlmo
kcopero and guaranteed for V"
one year. X
X Foote &. Shear Co.
tS H9 Washlnclon Ave.
The Hardenbergh
of Music and Art
Season 1002 - 1003 opens
Thursday, Sept. 18. Most
modern and approved methods.
Send for prospectus. Carter
Building, 604 Linden street.
Livery, Boarding, Cab Service, Shop
ping, Opera, Party, Wedding
and Train Calls.
New Stables, 1415 Mulberry Street.
New 'Phone 2057.
If You Are Considering
The purchase or sale of nny high grade
stocks or bonds, better consult U3. We
make a specialty of this kind of securi
ties. I. F nEGARGEL & CO.,
Uooms 206 & 207, Commonwealth Bldg.
A. J. Casey Is expected home from
his European trip today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyer are enter
taining Miss Annie Boyer, of Reading.
Postoffice Inspector Duryca, of Wash
ington, arrived In the city yesterday.
Miss Carrie L. De Wild Is spending a
season in Philadelphia and Now York.
Miss Helen Ryan, of Dalton, is spend
ing a few days with friends In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Adair, of Pino
street, spent yesterday with friends in
Miss Stuart, of Philadelphia, is a guest
at the home of J. A. Stuart on Sander
son avenue.
Homer Hand, of Dunmore, has returned
home after spending the past few days
with friends in New Jersey.
Louis Marks, of tho firm of l.auer &
Marks, sailed from Now York yesteulay
n an extended European trip,
''Rov. A. J. Stein, of Patorson, N. J., Is
tho guest of Contractor John R. Lee, at
his country homo in Elmhurst.
Rev. P. S. B.illentlne, pastor of Christ's
church,, will loturn from Philadelphia to
morrow and occupy his pulpit next Sun
day. Ruel Kinsley, of Ninth street, yester
yday loft tho Mose3 Taylor hospital after
(undergoing a successful operation for np
1 rendlcltln.
ailss vira b, Decker, stenographer In
the Unltcd'vStates court, has resumed her
duties after spending her vacation at
Wuverly, n Y.
Mirs Batty Pierce, of Hartford, Conn.,
and Miss Adeline Enisle, of New Haven,
Conn., are visiting at tho homo of C, E.
Potter on Prospect avenue.
Miss Marsuoilte Iloschko, who haa
been the guest of her uncle, Emll P.
Welchel, left yesterday for New York,
where she will Join one of "The Chinese
Honeymoon" companies.
Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Wntson and
daughter, Miss Annie, nro tho guests of
Mrs, W, C. Ciayley, who has chartered
a steamer and with n largo paity of
friends aboard 13 touring the Ureat
Lakes, stopping at tho principal cities
ami points of Interest bordering on tho
James L. Bartlett, assltant to Weather
Observer V, A. Clarke, Is spending a tow
days' leavo of abenco at his homo in
Boston. On August 6, Mr, Bartlett will
leave this city to become observer at
Shreveport. La. He will bo succeeded
here by William A, Mitchell, who cornea
from Shreveport.
Seven Hobos Captured in a Freight
Car at Cork's Summit,
A number of Lackawanna railroad
detectives arrested seven tramps at
Clark's Summit yesterday, They were
occupying a freight car when appre
hended AVhen arraigned In police
court yesterday they gave their names
as follows; John Anderson, Chicago,
III.; Frank ,Guard, Alton, III.; Frank
Bhepp, ReJvldere, N. J,i Paul Close,
PatersonN. j,,Lewls Powell, Pitts
burg; John -Jnson and William
Jones, Scrantu... .
Police Magistrate ifllllar committed
the flrst named rive to the county jail
'for six months, on the charge of va
grancy, and fined Jones and Robinson
$5 each, on the charge of trespass.
District Board Member Reap Dis
cusses tho Matter of Distributing
Relief and Eayo If tho Money Wa3
Divided Pro Rata Each Striker
Would Got Only Thirty Ccnt3 Ex
pelled from n Lodgo Because Thoy
Arc Non-Unionists Two More Wo
men Arrested for Assault and
About BOO mine workers gathered In
the open field near tho Italian church,
In Dunmore, yesterday afternoon and
listened to addresses by District Board
Member Stephen Reap, of Olyphant,
and Martin Memelo, an Italian organ
izer, who spoke In his native tongue.
Mr. Heap's remnrks were mainly di
rected to those who might be dlssatlB
fled with the present manner of fur
nishing relief, and showed tho utter
uselessness of attempting to tllstrlbute
the money now on hand alike to every
member, saying that each member
would only receive about thirty cents.
He Implored his hearers to hold to
gether and be patient, and victory
would surely come. He said the money
from the bituminous men would not
reach hero 'until the middle of August,
nnd at that time they would be bolter
able to determine the final means of
The latest - - o befall men
who have continued to work during the
strike, Is their being expelled from a
lodge on the charge of being "scabs."
This happened to Joseph Setelyn and
John Lowandowskl, of Maple street,
who are employed at the Bellevue col
liery. This fact was brought out at a hear
ing before Alderman Millar yesterday
afternoon, when Louis Proznesky and
John Zoro?a were arrested. The pros
ecutors have remained at work since
the strike was Inaugurated, and alleged
that the defendants called them
"scabs," threatened to kill them and
had them expelled frJm a lodge to
which all belonged, because they re
turned to work.
Magistrate Millar fined each of them
$10 and costs, and In default sent them
to the county jail for thirty days. Proz
nesky was also held In $1,000 ball for
making threats and to keep the peace.
Zorosa was held in $500 bail.
Minnie Borden and Josephine Mc
Coutskl, both of Prlceburg, were ar
rested yesterday at the instance of
John Button, also of Prlceburg, on the
charge of aggravated assault and bat
tery. The prosecutor is a miner in the
employ of the Ontario and "Western
Railroad company, and while return
ing home from work a week ago last
evening he was set upon by these wo
men and assaulted.
They had their anrons filled with
stones and struck him with such force
that he was laid up for a week. They
also called him "A dirty working
scab." Attorney John J. Murphy ap
peared for the defendants, and Attor
neys Joseph O'Brien and J. E. Burr for
the nrospcutor.
The women were each fined S10 and
costs, and in default committed to jail
for thirty days for calling Button u
scab. Each wore held in $500 bail to
appear at court In answer to tho charge
of aggravated assault and battery.
Bail was given and an appeal taken
from the summary conviction.
The five local unions of Olyphant will
hold a special meeting at 1.30 o'clock
this afternoon in Father Mathew hall.
One hundred mules were yesterday
brought back here from pasturage In
Wyoming county. They belong to the
Pennsylvania Coal company. The Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany yesterday placed an order for 100
kegs of mule shoes.
Frederick Wamke made the an
nouncement yesterday that he will
start his washcry, at Duryea, next
Monday, if it takes three hundred
armed men to do It.
President NIcholls yesterday made
tho following reply to the letter of
President Crawford, of the People's
Coal comnany:
Editor of Tho Tilbune- sir: In yesterday's Issue I noticed
a number of acknowledgments by Mr. J.
L. Ciawford of events a3 ho claims to
know them. Regarding tho question of
"bluffing" will say that when iiuestloned
regarding tho statement that the Oxlord
would bo started I bald I did not believe
It could bo done; that our membeia would
not go there to work, until tho btilko
was ended, "You think It's only a bluff,"
lemarkcd the teportcr. I ta'.d "Guess so."
Now my opinion still Is, from tho knowl
edge of the Oxford miners 1 possess, that
if the Oxford Is operated bcfoio a settle
ment Is effected, It will havo to be dono
by new hands entirely. But this Is not
why I tako notlca or exceptions to Mr.
Crawfoid's "acknowledgements," but be
cause he tays "that Mr. Nichols has suc
ceeded in enforcing thioo ot my men to
break their contracts, Flrat wa3' a lire
man who was the only hiipport of a wid
owed mother. Mr. Nichols, or those ho
bent to her, told her that tho son would
bo killed if he continued to work," I
want to say emphatically that I am not
tho kind of a man Mr. Crawford pictures
mo to ho; that I Know of no casea whero
I have forced hlu men to In oak their con
tracts; that I do not know anything of
tho widow and her liroiian son mentioned,
and am not guilty of threatening his mur
der, as told by .Mr. Ciawtord. If Mr.
Crawford know theso things to bo true
ho should havo me ai tested for threaten
ing murder, and duly punished. 1 cnat
Icngo him to do so now. In the event or
any personal lo.s3 through the effect of
Mr, Ciawford's libel I blind expect him
to acknowlego his mistake and make
proper reparation.
In the kind of a struggle we are all en
gaged In I am willing to overlook state
meutH irmcia in tho moment of heated
pabslon, but cannot see the necessity of
quietly submitting to a eatefully written
letter charging mo with threatening mur
der. I havo never said anything about
Mr, Crawford and hopa he will carefully
consider tho Injustice ho has done me, and
acknowlcgo the hame, If I am a labor
"agitator," I try to be, and expect to be,
considered "a man for a' that,"
Yours joanec',iiiv,
tESWf11 . T. D. Nichols.
Men Employed on Petersburg Sewor
Back at Work Yesterday,
The strike of tho men employed on
the new Petersburg sower came to an
end yesterday morning. The men con
ferred with Contractors Gibbons and
Guernsey, who are. n charge of the
Job, and all difficulties were satisfac
torily adjusted.
Their request for a two weeks' pay
day was granted, and other minor con
cessions allowed, as a result of which
the two hundred and fifty men who
ceased work Tuesday were all back
yesterday morning.
Scranton, Pa.
J. Alfred Pennington,
Dear Sir: I havo for some time been very much
interested in the methods of teaching followed by tho
Scranton Conservatory of Music, and it gives mo pleas
uro to noto tho attainment of my children in attondanco
there during tho past two years.
Sincerely yours,
First Reader, First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Bowlers Meet Tonight to Arrange for
Next Season Elghtcon Club
Circuit Possible.
A meeting for the purpose of organi
sation will be held at S.30 o'clock to
monow night at the Elks' Cafe, by
the Scranton City Bowling league, the
members of which are already begin
ning to get anxious about tho coming
season's rolling, The tcaui3 which are
to enter the league this year will be
tho Arllngtons and Maennerchors, from
South Scranton, the Hampe and
"Bobby's" team from the Hampe al
leys, the Llederkranz and Elks', from
the latter's alleys, two teams repre
senting tho Backus alleys, and two
from North Scranton. It Is also ex
pected to have present at the meeting
lepresentatlves from the West Scran
ton alleys, Scranton Bicycle club, Elec
tric City Wheelmen, and Green Ridge
If It Is decided at this meeting to
have teams from the various wheel
men's clubs in the league, a big circuit
of fourteen or eighteen clubs will be
decided upon. There is a strong possi
bility, however, that the wheelmen will
again have an exclusive bicycle club
league, which will include the West
End Wheelmen, of WIlkes-Barre. Even
In this event, however, the league will
be composed of more teams than ever
before. This will bo the cause of more
spirited competition than has marked
the local tournaments in tho past, and
a long and Interesting session is being
eagerly anticipated by local bowling
Most of the city alleys have been
running all summer, for the first time
in years, and consequently the formal
opening of the season will find all the
bowlers in the pink of condition, and
excellent bowling can be anticipated
from tho start of the game, until the
dog days again arrive.
The Arllngtons are already beginning
to feel strong, and havo issued a chal
lenge to all organized teams of the
city, tho match o be bowled for re
freshments which the losing rollers
will stand for. Philip Roll and Wil
liam Meister, who ha-e already chal
lenged Billy Hopkins and Charle3
Moore have repeated their challenge.
The Maennerchor team has organized,
and is having weekly team practice.
While most of the members are some
what new at the game they have been
Injecting an enthusiasm into their
work, which is bound to havo a good
effect. There is also some talk of a
printers' team. With Frank Gold or
Cyrus Evans as captain, a crack quin
tette of bowlers could be found among
the typos, who would be able to roll
with the best of them.
Tho Hampe teams are looked upon
as the dark horses of the prospective
league. A number of crack bowlers
have been developed there, and It Is
expected that they will make a strong
bid for this year's trophy. One of tho
highest scoics ever rolled In tho city
was recently made on the alleys.
Murphy, who bowled on one of the
City League teams, rolled 277.
At the Bicycle club, there is a like
lihood of tho old Black Diamond team
being reorganized. This collection of
bowlers never set the world of ten pins
on fire, by any startling achievements,
but Us members wore recognized as
tho jolllest crowd of individuals In the
league, and tho Fide features attached
to their exhibitions wero always a
source of general amusement.
At tomorrow night's league meeting
officers will bo elected, and the num
ber of clubs in the league definitely de
cided upon. A committee will also
probably be appointed to draft a sched
ule of games, which will be submitted
at a subsequent meeting.
Children Had a Narrow Escape from
Serious Injury.
One of tho Scranton Railway com
pany's big double-trucked cars, loaded
with children going to the Christ Luth
eran church picnic, at Nay Aug park,
jumped tho track yesterday near the
new Roaring Brook bridge on Plttston
avenue, and tho children had a narrow
escape ftom serious Injury,
Several of them wero thrown from
their seats and a boy named Henry
Getz sustained a severe cut on tho
chin, his wrist was sprained and his
ankle bruised. He was taken to tho
office of Dr. L, B. AVoodcock, who
dressed his Injuries.
Another accident in the party oc
curred later in the day at Nay Aug
park, when a boy named Glazcr fell
from a swing and fractured his arm.
W, H. Piorce la Rapidly Recovering
from His Injuries.
W, II. Pleice, of Jefferson avenue,
who was thrown from his carrluge and
seriously injured, July i, Is now well
on tho road to recovery, and expects to
be able to leave his home and resume
business In the coiuse of u few weeks.
His recovery dates from an operation
performed several days after his acci
dent, Ho had been In a comatose state
for several days, and his physicians
believed a bone wa3 pressing on his
brain. He regained consciousness a few
days after the operation and since then
has been steadily recovering.
Courscn's Creamery Butter,
25c, B-Ib. boxes. Freshest, best,
Councilman Beliovcs That Strikes
Are Not Altogether Blamable
for Scranton's Ills.
That all councllmcn are not of the
same mind as those who provoked 'The
Tribune's .editorial on "Peanut Poll
tics" may be gleaned from the senti
ments of which one of their number
delivered himself yesterday:
"It seems to me," said he, "that the
colored pieacher, Andrew Jones is
right when he said that 'Scranton Is
Doomed,' Like all great preachers and
prophets, he has Scripture ,to sustain
his remarks. But whether Scranton is
doomed or not in tho light In which
the Rev. Jones looks at our future, we
must admit that our city is doomed
to a great extent. The reasons that I
havo to think this is that our city is
growing more cranky and kickey every
year. Men who grow that way seldom
die a natural death; most of them com
mit suicide or else are shot, hung or
die in the electric chair.
"The quality of a city Is not better
than the quality of the people that
compose it. There Is a possibility for
a city or country to commit suicide,
and it appears to me that our city will
kill herself In the near future, if wo
won't change front and our method of
dealing with her.
"A few years ago our city was In a
prosperous condition; life-and activity
were observable on every hand. Today
it Is like a cemetery; no life, no activ
ity. When noble men of purpose.wealth
and business ability come forward and
offer their service to restore life and
build up our 'doomed city' some sore
head politician or a cranky editor will
misconstrue the real object and shout
'franchise grab" or 'council boodleism,'
or tho like, and the first thing we know
the worthy etfort is buried In the life
less cemetery, and the friends (?) of
the dear people dance with joy.
"The man that has an overload of
jealousy and cranky brains should be.
shunned as we shun a contagious dis
ease. He is the bitter weed that kills
"A few days ago, I read In the Scran
ton Tribune an editorial article under
tho heading 'Peanut Politics.' I was
surprised to IcaVn that tho auditing
committee disapproved of the bill sent
in by the recorder for detective work
done the time of the street car strike,
and the bill for detective work in con
nection with tho 'Colored club.' It
seems to me when the committee dis
approved the action of the authorities,
It opposed and upheld riot, vice and
immorality. The incident puts me in
mind of the small dog barking at the
big one. If the above committee will
study some of our great statesmen, I
can assure them they won't stay in
love with 'Peanut Politics,' any longer,
and verify the prediction of Andrew
Jones. In yesterday's Tribune, July 28,
I noticed that another committee of
council thinks that it knows it all, when
they turn down the plan of the annex
to city hall. I don't claim that our
building Inspector Is infalllble.but com
mon sense should teach people to think
that his taste and knowledge Is far su
perior to tho taste and knowledge of
tho majority of the committee, and
that his plans should be accepted and
approved. Some people think that the
carpentei-3' strike, the street car strike
and the miners' strike are the causes
of our city being in such a condition.
I admit that they arc to a certain ex
tent, but the worst strikers of all nro
the men who strike against good law,
Improvements and. industries. Get a
move on you, gentlemen, don't walk
through the old ruts of the past, but
strive to mako our city a model. Away
with Jealousy, away with crankiness
and 'peanut pollticc "
It Is easy enough to say that
FRUITED WHEAT Is tho most health
ful of all breakfast foods. But why?
Because it Is made of tho whole wheat
berry and tho healthiest fruits that
grow, Couracn sells it,
Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of
women a specialty, 215 Connell building.
Hours: 11 a. m. to 1 p, in.; 7 to S.CO
p. in.
There's No Gaffe Jus! Llka
Our Mocha an J Java, Blended
In fact, thero la not a doubt
about It being tho
Best 25c rioclia
and Java in town.
We don't give GREEN TRAD
ING STAMPS, but wo are tho
ORIGINATORS of tho stump or
cheek sybtern, Issuing rhcoka with
all pui chases of Ten, Culfeo, etc.,
dividing our PROFITS umong our
muny custnmem, at tho wunu tlmo
giving them more VALLTE and hot
ter QUAL1TV for their money
than any other house. Wo carry
a largo und complete btock of uso.
ful and ornamental presents and
invite you -to inspect wine, '
Tho ONLY HOt'BE that victual
ly saves you cash for cash. t
The Great Atlantic
and Pacific Tea Co.,
411 Lackawanna avenue, 321
North Main avenue. Thone. 73-2.
Piompt dellve. New 'Phone, 1.
I Jemmguaummmmammummmmmm
Afett JkajS tt'jjKTVSfrtajwafrfc- tr i , jiu fjniriu&jkxjrti mt, -
No Changes in Ponltion in The Tri
bune's Educational Contost Today
Is tho Last in tho July Special Con
testIt Closos at B O'clock This
Afternoon Complete Score of All
Who Havo Roturned Points During
Standing of Contestants
Ohnrlca Burns, Vandling.453
A. J. Kellormnn, Scranton,382
Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst. .337
Prcd K. Qunstor, Green
Ridge 207
Wm. T. S. Rodriguez
Scranton 260
Herbort Thompson, Car-
bondnlo 234
Albert Preedman, Bello-
vuo 221
Mnxwoll Shepherd, Car-
bondale 184
Choa. W Dorsey, Scrnntonl45
L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . .105
Wm. Sherwood, Harford. . 80
J. A. Havenstritc, Mos
cow 64
Miss Beatrice Harpur,
Thompson 62
Homer Kresge, Hydo Park 61
Harry Madden, Scranton. . 58
Prank B. McCroary, Hall
stead 50
William Cooper, Pricoburg 42
Grant M. Decker, Hall
stead 37
Hendrlck Adams, Chin
chilla 36
Miss Jane Mathewson,
Pnctoryville 36
Dee Culver, Springville. . . 33
Walter Hallstead, Scran
ton 27
Harry Danvers, Provi
dence 26
Louis McCusker, Park
Place 23
Hugh Johnston, Porcst
City 23
Fred Kibler, South Scran
ton 23
Miss Mary Yeager, Green
Ridge 22
C. J. Clark, Peckville. ... 18
Xouis Gere, Brooklyn. . , . . 18
Miss Edna Coleman,
Scranton 18
Eddie Morris, South Scran-
tnn . . 18
0 IS.
John Mackie, Providence.. 1G
Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 16 8
, Only two contestants scored points
yesterday In The Tribune's Educational
Contest. They were Oscar H. Kipp, of
Elmhurst, and Harry Danvers, of
Thero were no changes in tho list in
consequence of theso scores. Mr. Dan
vers made his first return since May
15. He probably will become an active
factor in the contest before long.
Tho July competition will close at 5
o'clock this afternoon. Every contest
ant who has expectations of winning
one of the two prizes offered must see
to it that their points are in the hands
of tho Contest editor by that hour. Tho
first prize will be a handsome birda
eyo maple writing desk, with carved
front. This desk is valued at $12 and
will prove both useful and ornamental.
The second prize will bo a Waterman's
Ideal Fountain Pen, with gold pen.
Both of theso prizes are well worth
striving for and the ones who win them
will be very fortunate. Remember, the
July competition closes at 5 o'clock this
Tho ten contestants who have scored
the largest number of points since July
1, with their standing since then,
Leading Contestants for July.
First Prize
Birdsoyo Maple Writing Desk.
Second Prize
Waterman Gold Fountain Pen.
1. C. W. Dorsey 130
2. A. J. Kellerman 05
3. Albert Freedman 70
4. Herbert Thompson 51
5. Maxwell Shepherd SD
6. Miss Beatrice Harpur 5'.. 24
7. Fred Kibler 23
8. Miss Mary Yeager 20
0. L. E. Stanton 10
10. Miss Jane Mathewson 17
Others who havo scored points since
July 1 are as follows:
11. Frank B. McCreary 15
12. Charles Burns 14
13. William II. Sherwood 13
II. Elmer Williams a
15. Hcndrick Adams 9
IS. Oscar H. Kipp 9
17. J. A. Havenstritc 9
IS. William Rodriguez 8
19. Louis Gere 6
':o. mImj Edna Coleman G
21. Homer Kresge 0
22. Eddlo Moni3 G
23. Newton Ilawicy 5
21. Henry Collins i
25. Hugh Johnston 4
20. William Cooper 1
h 1 1
Coursen's Java and Mocha
Coffee, 1 lb at 25c. 5 STAMPS.
5 lb3, $1, 30 STAMPS.
Coursen's Plantation Java
Coffee, 1 pound, 30c, 8
STAMPS. B lbs, 31,50, 50
Coursen's Best Coffee, 1 lb,
35c, 10 STAMPS. 5 pounds,
S1.75, 60 STAMPS.
This a special ad, no limit on
quantity. Bring tnis aa.
E. G. Co ii rs 3 ii.
429 Lackawanna Ave.
H 111
I tanc to
Mill II lit
B Ul II . U I U
27, Joseph Newman i,...y..i...4...i S
25. Miss Vivian Mlklc. .,.... ....,,..
29. Miss Nellie Avery.. .,....,,.... i. . 1
30. John Mackie '...., ,,,.,,., 1
31. Harry Danvers Nn 1
That leaves sixteen contestants who
havonot scored a single point this
month, Perhaps some of them may re
trieve this negligence before tonight,
Extensive Repairs Aro Being Made
in West Scranton,
Work was yesterday morning begnn
on the repairing of Luzerno street, by
the department of public works, Tho
street has long been In poor condition,
Tho repairs will extend Its entire
length, from South Main avenue to
Keyser creek.
Crushed stone will bo used for a
bottom, and will bo thoroughly packed
Into place by the city's big thirty-ton
roller. Tho stone Is to bo furnished
by Contractor M. H. Dale, from his
quarry on the Wo$t mountain. A con
tract has been mndc by him, to fur
nish at least one hundred tons a day,
at $1 a load. The sides of the fit rout
will bo macadomlzed one at a time,
so that tralllc will not bo too seriously
Interfered with. Tho Scrnnton Rail
way company will also have men at
work straightening Its tracks and put
ting Us roadbed into good condition.
Thirteenth Regiment Not Likely to
Be Taken from This Region
Shortly after now3 of the outbreak at
Shamokln and tho calling out of the
National Guard had reached the city
last night, Lieutenant Colonel F. W.
Stlllwcll was at tho armory, engaged
In active preparations for calling to
gether tho members of the Thirteenth
regiment In as quick time as possible.
He summoned Major Frank Robllng,
of tho Second battalion, and Lieuten
ant Richard J. Bourke, adjutant of the
Third battalion, of which Major Georgo
Whitney, of Honesdalo, Is commander,
and after Ineffective efforts had been
made to reach Colonel L. A. Wntres by
telephone, Major Robllng suggested
that before any definite action was
taken In calling out tho companies. Ad
jutant General T. J. Stewart, of the
Third brigade, be communicated with,
The latter was reached by long dis
tance telephone, and In answer to Col
onel Still well'si queries, replied:""
"Tho Eighth and Twelfth have been
ordered out. Tho Thirteenth will not
be summoned tonight." Both Major W.
S. Millar and Major W. W. Inglls, ot
this city, 'have, however, been notified
to join General J. P. S. Gobln and his
staff. Major Millar is assistant ad
jutant general of the brigade, and
Major Ingll3 is ordnance officer. An
other Scranton man who must leavo
here is Dr. A. J. Wlllson, of the Lacka
wanna hospital, who is attached to the
hospital corps of tho Twelfth regiment,
of WllliamsDort.
Had the Thirteenth been ordered out
last night, It would not have taken over
two hours at the most to muster tho
men. The three officers at tho armory
were in communication with a number
of tho line officers, and In addition,
patrolmen on city beats had been in
structed to give the alarm at houses ot
the soldier boys in their territory, who
in turn would notify others.
4,750 BUYS IT.
Store with Stock, Steam Heated
Residence, Barn, Seven Acres of
Land, Fine Horse, Alderney Cow,
Carriage, Wagons, Etc.
Above property, about four miles
from Scranton, costing originally over
$10,000, I have seen and would say it
must be seen to bo fully appreciated.
It is an ideal country home, with an
established business, and everything for
a considerably less than $5,000, includ
ing the hay in tho barn, the fruit 'on
thp trees, tho corn, potatoes and veg
etables in the ground.
For fuller particulars call and see mo.
W. T. HACKETT, Broker, 126 Wash
ington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Day and evening sessions of the
Scranton Business College will reopen
Tuesday, September 2. Write, call or
'phono (SG2) for information. Buck &
Whltmore, corner Adams and Linden,
. Garcia Bros.' Key West Cigars-,, "r
5c. Compare them with 10c. cigars,
Healthful and delicious FRUITED
WHEAT. Coursen sells it.
Having Reached Us
That people are soliciting work In
our name, wo wish to notify the
public that we have no agonts
out whatever. Have you seen our
Guaranted to stand all storms,
or money refunded.
Umbrella Manufacturing Co.,
313 Spruce Street.
The Pridmore Automatic Copying Press
Gives four times more pressure than
any other press.
' The screw is designed so as to hiaUe
bacldng-off impossible.
REYNOLDS BROTHERS, - -. Hotel Jermyn
' i lljLvlrf Ua
ro Extra Stamps with' every sale,,
for $i.oo or over at
Midsummer Sale
Prices Reduced on All
Shoes and Oxfords.
Bring this Coupon,
for Your
Wagon or
Carriage at
126-128 Franklin Ave.
' 5 Per Gent.
Discount on
traw Hats
All new stock iu all shapes
including Panamas,
412 Spruce Street.
See our new lino of Negli
gee Shirts.
You believe there ar
many brands of
Good Flour
'j .But after using the re-
r 'iiabla
.nr... ...r;.i. 1 !..
4utely the best.
. , 5v"e only; wholesale Itf
Mil! & Grain Co.,
Scranton and Olyphant.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Buslneaa of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
ana Wllkes-Barre. Pa. . -
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
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