The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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I '
t?c cifaitf on CrCfiunc
ttiitiiri nnltv r.jccent Bunday, b' The.
Srlbune PubllMilng Company, at Fifty
eritg a. Month, .
hlVX B, ItlfiHAUD, Editor.
O, P.. BYXBEB, Dtiglncsa Mnnngcr.
Mew York oraco.BJMBgs8tNDt
" Goto Agent for Torclsn Advertising.
Entoretl nt the Po-UofTlco nt Bcranton,
I'a., ns Second Clans Mail iliittcr.
When space will permit Tho
Tribune la always glad to print
short letters from Its friends bear
Ing on curront topics, but Its rule Is
that these must bo signed, for pub
lication, by the writer's real name;
and tho condition precedent to ac
ceptance Is that nil contributions
shall bo subject to editorial rovlslon.
Tho following tnfolo shows tho pilco per
inch each Insertion, space to bo used
within ono year;
Run on Full
of Itrnd- rosl
DISPLAY: IPnpor. Ing. tlon.
liCBa than CO Inches .no .!3 .60
W) Inches i M .41
300 " 30 .S3 ."ii
2.7) " H ,275 .50
COO " 20 .22 .21
1000 " .......... .16 I .175 I .10 .
Vnr pnrrid nf timntta. vosnliitlnnEt of con
dolence, nnd similar contributions In tho
natiiro of advertising Tho Trlbuno makes
a cliarce of B contH a line.
Rates of ClassMcd Advertising fur
nished on nppllcntlon.
SCRANTON, JULY 31, 1002.
Lieutenant Governor W. M. RROWN.
Secretary of Internal Affairs ISAAC B.
.Tlldge-A. A. VOSBURG.
Commlssloners-JOHN COURIER MOR
Mlno Inspcctors-LLEWELYN M. EV
First Dlstrlct-JOSEPH OLIVER.
Second Distrlct-JOHN SCHEUER, JR.
Third District EDWARD JAMES.
Fourth Dlstrlct-P. A. PHILBIN.
Election day, Nov. 4.
President Fowler of the Ontario and
Western Is no doubt correct In saying
that the problem of resuming mining
operations is a difficult one; but the
difficulty will not be removed by inac
tivity on the part of the operators.
They should fight or yield.
The State Campaign.
ANNOUNCEMENT is made that
the Republican state cam
. palgn will be formally opened
early In September by a mass
meeting in the Academy of Music,
Philadelphia, at which addresses will
be delivered by Judge Pennypacker, the
nominee for governor; former Post
master General Charles Emory Smith;
Assistant United States Attorney Gen
eral James M. Beck and other speakers
of prominence. Mr. Smith and Mr.
Beck Will later accompany Judge
Pennypacker on a tour of the state,
which will include a majority of the
counties; and other speakers of note,
including Attorney General Elktn, will
help to make the welkin ring through
out the latter part of September and
the month of October. It is to be a
spell-binding campaign.
Beginning next Monday, Republican
state headquarters on Locust street
above Broad, in Philadelphia, will be in
charge of Senator Penrose and his ef
ficient secretary, Wesley R. Andrews,
who will look after details of organiza
tion pending the return of State Chair
man Quay, who Is now enjoying a rest
in the wilderness. While the lines of
the canvass will bo laid so as to Insure
the polling of an old-time majority, for
the state ticket, especial care will be
taken of the close legislative and con
gressional districts. Senator Penrose, It
may be assumed, will not forget his
own interest in tho return of a Repub
lican majority in the legislature; and
Charles Emory Smith, now In accepted
standing as a regular, will no doubt do
what he can to Insure a strong Repub
lican delegation in congress.
On the Democratic side harmony con
ferences have been in progress and the
tangles In Philadelphia seem to bo
yielding gradually to soft soap and
diplomacy. There arc not many Demo
crats left In the City of Brotherly Love,
nnd tho return to the stalwart fold of
the former Republican insurgents
makes the few who are left look smaller
than ever. In all probability those few
will be gotten into lino for Pattlbon,
though the effect will hardly be notice
able at the polls.
During the midsummer lull, It is Im
possible to get much of a lino on state
politics, which appears to be more or
less confused In both camps. Yet it
must be noted that thero Is an utter
ubsence of indications of an approach
ing revolution. On the previous occa
sions of Mr. Pattlson's elections, the
ground swell In his favor was plainly
discernible as early in tho campaign as
this. Today, however, everything Is
nulet and serene; disaffection among
.Republicans, if it exist, is without out
ward expression and there Is substan-tiul--
reason to believe that Senator
Quay was within bounds in rpcently
predicting 200,000 plurality for Penny
packer. . t ' ' -z
- At last accounts tho threat of tho
Pittsburg stalwarts to bolt Pennypack
er If Quuy let his name go on the Cltl
iens' ticket had not shortened Matthew
Stanley's vacation.
In Cuba,
HAT IS the Industrial
situation in the east-
A cm
(i it n
portion of Cuba?
4 It Is very bad. It is
gven threatening. I estimate that In the
province of Santiago alouo thero are
now 14,000 unemployed laborers, nnd
that number Is Increasing dally, Idle
ness means hunger that will progress
ito starvation, and that, of course,
must mean ultimately riot, brigandage
ind anarchy. I cannot tell how soon
that condition may arise, but I would
not be surprised If thero were serious
irouble before the end of this Bummer,
There Is literally no business, All the
iurrents of trade tare stagnant. The
usual men of affairs get up in the
morning, take ther coffee and then
stroll to their clubs. There they sit all
day, having nothing to do but talk.
The shops are empty. There is no
manufacturing industry. Everything
depends Upon agriculture, and as tho
plantations have suspended operations,
owing to the low' price of sugar, which
cannot be Bold nt a prollt because of tho
American tariff, tho prop of local trade
has fallen. Literally, there Is nothing
doing In Santiago. I enmo homo by
way of Havana, and I observed that
the condition of that city Is practically
the same."
These nro tho words of Major George
M. Barbour, who has Just concluded his
work as sanitary commissioner for tho
United States In Snntlngo, Cuba. They
exhibit the fact that President Roose
velt know what ho wno talking about
when ho urged congress to enter Into
liberal reciprocal trade relations with
our foster-child republic In the West
Indies. They also Indicate a probabil
ity that before tho subject shall bo con
cluded tho president, reinforced by tho
public opinion of ninety-nine hun
dredths of tho American people, will
have had his way. Those still Inclined
to oppose him had better take notice.
Reports from tho Schuylkill region
Indicate a temper among the strikers
which if not checked may end In seri
ous trouble. Tho right of owners of
mining property to operate that prop
erty if they can find employes willing
to do the work cannot be cancelled by
disorderly assemblages, but will be up
held by tho whole commonwealth If
necessary. It Is a fundamental condi
tion of civilization that such a right
shall be assured. The hotheads who
are challenging It arc disobeying their
leaders, Injuring tho cause nnd reputa
tion of their fellow strikers who are or
derly, and running headlong Into tho
pit of their own destruction. If this
strike cannot be won by peaceable
means It certainly cannot be won by
The Future of Unionism.
IT NEEDS no argument to estab
lish that before the Industry of
our country can prosper at lt3
best, harmony must exist be
tween capital, enterprise and labor.
Most persons hereabouts will agree that
we have had too many strikes. The
problem of how to discourage strife
and encourage friendly co-operation is
not to be solved In a minute, nor Is
the reforming all necessary on the side
of labor organizations; but we think
that the suggestions of a large employ
er of labor outlined In a communica
tion in yesterday's Tribune, last page,
are worthy of careful consideration. We
repeat them herewith:
"First of all the union must be thor
oughly organized, with intelligent, con
servative, and competent leaders at the
head. Then each member Is to be as
sessed say $10 per man, which serves
as an initiation fee. Assuming that the
union has a membership of 10,000 mem
bers, this assessment will create a fund
of $100,000. Application should then be
made to the courts for a charter, as an
organization with a capital stock of
$100,000. The dues of each member to
be placed at $1 a month per man, to
defray the expenses of the organization.
Application is then to be made to a
reputable banking institution for a
guarantee bond, which will Insure each
member against loss.
"Insurance features, sick benefits and
burial funds are to be created In each
local branch of the organization to in
sure the members against loss of time
by accident or sickness and protection
for the widows and orphans in case of
death. Another feature is the intro
duction of educational clashes. Still
further Is the establishment of a per
manent home for aged and indigent
members, nnd schools for tho education
of orphans and permanent employment
bureaus for men and women identified
with the organization.
"When these features shall have been
established, conciliatory committees
shall be appointed representing each
local organization, and this committee
shall draft a fixed scale of wages to
apply to the district wherein the locals
represented are established. A general
conciliatory committee Is then to be
formed by the various representatives
of the different districts in which one
or more corporations or companies op
erate. Tho fixed scale of wages govern
ing the employment of all men, women
and children is to bo submitted to the
directors or board of managers repre
senting the employing interests. In
addition to this scalo a bona-ilde guar
antee is also to bo submitted agreeing
to carry out tho provisions of the con
tract submitted, together with the en
dorsement of the company carrying tho
guarantee bond. This contract to bo
binding for a period of years suitable
to both parties to tho contract. At the
expiration of tho said contract repre
sentatives of both Interests to meet nnd
readjust whatever differences arise
meantime nnd fix upon a similar scale
for another term of years.
"Under this proposition tho employ
ers can make contracts for their prod
uct and fix tho market price. This
scheme will Include recognition of tho
organization, a fixed scalo of wages,
permanent employment, and a com
munity of Interests between employer
and employe. If such an arrangement
can bo established the employer who
outlined this plan for Tho Tribune feels
confident that nil of tho corporations
and companies will only be too glad to
sign the scale, give a similar bond and
do all In their power to oncouruge the
friendliest of relations."
Many advantages aro Inherent in this
plan. One trouble with many labor
unions at present Is that their membership-is
continually fluctuating, being
large today and small tomorrow, the
bond of fellowship being Insulllclent to
cause coherenco and permanence. In
corporation would give a property
Interest and Incentive, and encourage
the moro substantial worklngmen to
come to the front,
It would alfeo give Increased prestige
and authority, A corporation can sue
and be sued. If worklngmen now feel
that Injunctions aro used to their det
riment, incorporation would enable
them to utilize "government by In
junction" on a footing of equality with
employing corporations.
It would dlseouiaga strikes by put
ting the labor movement on a plane
where efforts for Justice could be con
ducted peacefully, No employer, con
fronted by offer of bond guaranteeing
faithful performance of contract obli-
Rations, could base his refusal 'to rec
ognize the union on the ground that it
Was not legally a responsible body, The
employer would profit by such an ar
rangement in having the assistance of
the union In enforcing a high standard
of efilolcncy and discipline; nnd tho
Industrious employe would profit by tho
protection afforded against thriftless
ncss nnd Irresponsibility.
The time will come, In our Judgment,
when tho necessities of modern busi
ness, which more and more tend to
group men Into large organizations, will
force those unions to become worthy
of recognition and public respect. Some
unions have won this position already;
those which have not succeeded In win
ning It by resort to methods of Intimi
dation, boycotting and tyrannous treat
ment of non-members will eventunlly
have to discard these tactics and try
Instead tho cultivation of merit.
"Boyond nil question, the Republi
can party, in the forty years of Its his
tory, 1ms proved Itself to bo the very
greatest political force that ever exist
ed under a representative form of gov
ernment. It put in the field Infinitely
,largcr armies than monarch ever com
manded, nnd achieved victories that In
their results, direct and Indirect, have
revolutionized a large part of the world.
The problems of government and ad
ministration which It has met have In
fluenced the destinies, not nlono of
Americans, but of almost the entire
human race. Every quarter of the
globe has felt tho force of their moral
Impact upon Its Institutions, habits,
customs, laws. One of the Fathers of
the Republic predicted that the light
of tho Declaration of Independence
would Illuminate the world. Pre-eminently,
under the rule of the Republi
can party, hns that prophecy been ful
filled." Senator Kcan, of New Jersey.
The mission of the former Boer gen
erals to this country to collect funds
for the relief of Boer widows and or
phans will afford an opportunity to ex
press American sympathy appropriate
ly and substantially. It should be Im
proved. The latest antl-lmperlallst attempt to
asperse the American army in the Phil
ippines does not seem to have excited
much Interest. Life these days is too
strenuous to permit of much considera
tion for the past tense.
General Bullcr's efforts to explain the
Ladysmlth affair are as unsuccessful
as those of a campaign orator who at
tempts to revive dead isms. General
Buller should allow the public to forget
It, If possible.
Government by injunction has just
been invoked in Chicago to prevent a
belligerent husband from speaking to
his wife. We venture to say that it
will never succeed in stopping speech
by the wife.
Weak Imitations of Tracy, the des
perado, are appearing in various locali
ties, attesting the viclousness of evil
example. The difference between many
men and sheep is in favor of the sheep.
Tho writers who attempt to make
hopeless Invalids of King Edward, Sec
retary Chamberlain and Mr. Schwab
are having a more discouraging season
than the professional weather prophets.
A count up has revealed the fact that
the people dissatisfied with the admin
istration of President Palma were re
markable for lung power rather than
The Luzerne Democracy Is up to Its
old trick of counting the congressional
chicken before It Is hatched. It will
not be hatched this year.
Although his friends realize the fact,
It seems impossible to convince Mr.
Bryan that he Is dealing exclusively
in embalmed issues.
Recent news from Princeton demon
strates that It is not always possible
for a man to go through college on his
muscle alone.
OMline Stadias of
Hainan NaUire.
What They Did.
At the battle of Wilson's Creek, an or
ganization known as Schwartz's battery
was ln Genoial Grant's command. The
battery's membership was almost wholly
Gorman; and these Teutons wcro good,
etui dy lighters. Toward tho end of the
battle, with victory perching on tho
Union banners, u bergeant of tho battery
appeared before a group of officers and
Inquired tho whereabouts of Grant. The
communder was pointed out to him; and
ho advanced, saluted, and said:
"Schwartz's Bat'ry vas took, Gen'ral."
"How was that?" aslcod Giant.
"Vy. Gcn'tiil, It vus lll.o dis," said tho
sergeant, marking tho plan on tho palm
of ono hand with tho foreflncor of tho
other, "Heio oa von hill; dere vos an
oder; botvecn vos Vllson Crick. Do bat'ry
vos py dor crick. Da Sltefackcchlonlbts
come over dla hill; do Skesckcehlonlsta
come over dut hill; und do bat'ry vos
"You spiked tho guns, of course?" askod
"Vat? Spike dose guns doso brant
new, pooty guns?" naked the sergeant,
seemingly dumbfounded.
"Well, what did you do?" asked Grant,
somowhat impatiently.
"Splko dem pooty guns?" repeated tho
seigcant. "No, py doroml Ve took 'cm
back ugain!" Philadelphia Times.
She Got Even.
Tho fallowing story Is told about Miss
Elizabeth G, Jordan, the well known au
thor. When Miss Jordan was Vorlstnir
on tho staff of one of tho chiof newspa
pers in New York sho had an assistant
whom wo will cull Miss Q. One day Miss
Q. oidercd a modest luncheon brought to
her desk, whero Miss Joidan observed It
temptingly displayed during Mlbs Q's
absence fiom tho room. Mlsa Q falling
to return, Silas Jordan lalscd a cover
of ono of tho dishes, which proved very
attiactlvo to a hungry woman whose ab
sorption In woik hud caused hor to for
get her own luncheon. Tho tasting of
ono dish ltd to tho eating of It. Still Miss
Q. did not aulvc. .AIlss Jordan seated hor
self and, throwing aire to the winds, ato
tho entire luncheon, s, carefully (eplaced
tho covers, and returned to hor desk.
Piescntly Miss Q. nrrlvtSl nnd sqt down
with an air of pleasant satisfaction. Re
moving the coves ono by ona she discov
ered her loss, and without temark loft
the loom. It was not Ions before, a
waiter appeared at Mies Q's desk bearing
a tray loaded down with all the delicacies
of tho season, including quail on toast.
To thi3 sumptuous lepast Miss Q. now
own. Meanwhile the waiter had
approached Miss Jordan nnd presented
her a. bill. She looked at the amount.
It was $1.60.
"This was to be charged to you, m'm,"
said the waiter.
"Certainly," said Mlsa Jordan, conllnu
Ing her work without the slightest
chango of countenance.
Chickens Wouldn't Lay.
Owing to the scarcity of eggs nnd tho
high prices asked for them, ono of Coney
Island's residents, Samuel Rlchtor, de
cided It would bo cheaper to rnlso chick
ens and then havo his own eggs, and he
stopped the first peddler ho saw soiling
chickens and purchased a crnto of them.
Rlchler constructed a henhouse on the
rear of his lot nnd three times a day
he covered the ground with corn. Tho
chickens continued to grow nnd Rlchtor
had visions of a largo supply of eggs, but
ns the weeks flew by and no eggs ap
peared ho gyow thoughtful, He consult
ed with a friend who promised to come
round nnd see It tho corn was of tho
proper sort. Tho friend, who happened
to bo a retired faimer, stopped In nnd
looked nt Richter's chickens, nnd while
ho stood In the yard with his hands in
his pockets Rlchter approached and ask
ed him why tho chickens did not lay.
Tho friend looked nt him awhile and
''Them chickens Is n-havln' a bully
good tlmo with your corn, Sammy, nn' a
scratching of your yard, but thoy hain't
the kind thet lay eggs. Them's all roost
ers." "Sammy" will not spend any more
money for corn, but will wait until tho
price of cgg3 comes down. Brooklyn
A Reminder.
A corespondent sends the details of a
discussion among relatives over the se
lection of a name for a llttlo girl whose
arrival was a recent event in an up-town
"I should Hko 'Geraldlne,' " ventured
the baby's mother.
"Why not 'Esmeralda'?" asked ono of
tha grandmothets. "I read tho name in a
novel once, and always wanted to fry it
on a baby."
"It Isn't a bad name," opined tha
other grandmother; "but it isn't to be
considered with 'Fanchon.' If the baby is
nemed to please me at all, It's name shall
be 'Fanchon.' " v
"Now, let me ask you If you don't think
'Eltossa' a pretty name?" interjected one
of the aunts. "And it's so odd, tool" sho
"Excuse mo, ladles!" here put In tho
father, who began to think he had some
say In the matter. "I'd like to nsk you
not to forget that we want a name for a
human-being not for a five-cent cigar!"
A Prosperous Newspnper.
Senator Mason and William J. Bryan
met today In the Marble Room lobby.
They shook hands and Mr. Mason paid:
"So you are in the newspaper business
"Yes," replied Mr. Bryan.
"Doing well?"
"Very well Indeed."
"Good circulation and your paper go
ing everywhere?"
"Yes, splendid prospects."
"That reminds mo of a story," said Mr.
Mason. "A friend of mine staited a
newspaper which seemed to be flourish
ing and prosperous. I mot him ona day
nnd asked him how he was comincj on
with the paper. 'Fine.' he said. 'Good
advertising, good circulation and every
thing in nice shape.' 'Your papor is go
ing everywhere?' I inquired. 'Yes, in
deed,' he said, 'I Just put a mortgage on
my house this morning to keep it from
going to the devil.' "Washington Cor.
New York World.
All day among the anxious crowd I
All day I strove and bartered with the
All day my feet were busy In the mart
Have I not earned my llttlo hour of rest?
Oh, my beloved, the shelter of your
Oh, my beloved, the quiet of your breast!
Ere the morn broke Toll called 113 to
When tho noon fell she drove us tyrant
wise;. Slow in the twilight died her loud
Fain would I turn me where the silence
Oh, my beloved, the comfort of your
Oh, my beloved, the healing of your eyes!
As footworn travelers a llttlo space
Kneel in tho shadow of some holy place.
Too wearied to lament or to rejoice.
So in your love receive me of your grace.
Oh, my beloved, tho soothing of your
Oh, my beloved, the plty.of vour facl
McCrea Pickering, In Smart Set.
All our Men's Russett and Black
Oxfords go at 93.00. In the S3.00
grades go at $2.00. Welted soles,
correct to shapes.
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S. J. Firman & Bro
Manufacturers ot
Store and
Our celebrated
Strap Holler fto
Awnings a Specialy.
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On a tpur of the Allfghany MoudUIih. .thigh
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porta, te. Excellent table. Rcaaonable rate.
P, O., if. P Send lor booklet.
O. K. HAIilUS.
a ocnoiarsnips in syracuso university, I j
at q4J each $ 864
1 Scholarship in Bucknell University... 520
1 Scholarship In tho University of Roch
ester 324
Preparatory Schools
1 Scholarship In Washington School for
Boy3 1700
1 Scholarship In Wllllamsport Dickin
son Somlnary 750
1 Scholarship In Dickinson Colleglalo
Preparatory School 75c
I Scholarship In Newton Collegiate In
stitute 720
1 Scholarship In Keystone Academy. .. 600
1 Scholarship In Brown College Prepar
atory School 600
1 Scholarship In the School of the Lack
awanna 400
The Scranton Tribune's
Educational Contest
Tho special rewards will bo given to
the person securing tho largest num
ber of points. ,
Points will ho credited to contest
nnts securing new subscribers to Tho
Scranton Trlbuno as follows:
One month's subscription....? .50 1
Three months' subscription. 1.25 3
Six months' subscription.... 2.50 6
One year's subscription 5.00 12
The contestant with tho highest num
ber of points will bo given a choice
from tho list of speclnl rewards; tho
contestant with tho second highest
number of points will bo given a
NOTICE that according to the above rules, EVERY CONTESTANT
secure a Special Reward or not.
Those wishing to enter the contest should send In their names at once.
will be cheerfully answered, Address all communications to
Special Honor Prizes for July (
To be given to the two contestants scoring the largest number of points during tho month of July.
FIRST PRIZE A Bird's-Eye Maple Writing Desk, Value $12.00.
SECOND PRIZE A Gold Fountain Pen.
Special Honor Prizes for August, September and October will be announced later.
School of the Lackawanna
Scranton, Pa.
Lower school receives young children.
Upper school prepares for leading colleges.
The school diploma admits to many colleges.
Experienced teachers only.
For Further Information Address
BOX 464.
Atlantic City.
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Every appointment of a modern Hotel.
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Write for boolclet. '
Full Information ana terms furnished.
-- -
List of Scholarships
Rules of the Contest
cholco of tho remaining rewards, and
so on through tho list.
Tho contestant who secures the high
est number of polut3 during any cal
endar months of tho contest will ro
crlvo n Special honor reward, this re
ward being entirely Independent of tho
ultlmato disposition of tho scholar
ships. Each contestant falling to secure a
sporial reward will bo given 10 por
cent, of nil money ho or she turns In.
All subscriptions must bo paid In ad
vance. Only new subscribers will bo counted.
Renewals by persons whoso nam03
C. Arnold, A. 6.
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transtsr at 4th ave. direct
to hotel.
Rooms with Bath 1 JSults with Bath
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W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
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Special ltatc.3 to Families.
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In tha heart CI tho wholesale
For S!iopi)or3
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For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars. glv
Ing easy tianuportutlou to all
points of intercut.
SEW YOliK. .
cor. nth bt. & UNivrensrry ru
Only ona liiocn irom uronuwny.
, VI UU. Prices Ueajonubtj
Scholarship In Wllkos-Barre Institute 276
Scholarship In Cotult Cottage (Sum
mer School) 230
Music. Business and Art.
Scholarships In Scranton Conservatory
of Music, at $125 each 500
Scholarships In tho HardcnborghSchool
of Music and Art 460
Scholarships In Scranton Business
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Scholarships in International Corre
spondence Schools, average value
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College, at $85 each 170
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