The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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1 The News of Carbondale.
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(Party of Huckleberry Pickers from
Honesdalo Undergo the Fright nud
Peril of a Lightning Storm Near j
the Clouds.
The Wayne independent of yesterday
contained the following story of the
terrifying experience of a party of
huckleberry pickers, who were caught
In a storm' cloud on the top of the
,Mousics, a few days ago:
, "A number of Honesdale people went
huckleberrylng on the Mooslc moun
tain about a mile from FarvleW, where
they had an experience up 'among the
clouds In on electrical storm that will
long be remembered by them.
"The party consisted of Mrs. John
Allenbanher and two sons, Albert and
Willie, Mrs. L. LaPolnt, Mrs. Fred
Herhst and Mrs. John Allenbachcr, ur.
About 12.30 o'clock a' terrific electrical
storm was seen to be approaching and
nn effort was made by the women to
get out of the woods Into the open. The
rain began to pour down, accompanied
with hailstones which were very large.
Mrs.- Allenbacher says: 'We had Just
'crossed a barbed wire fence Into a road,
where wo were nearly free from the
trees. All of the women except myself
werq kneeling on the ground protect
ing themselves an best they could from
the beating hailstones, which were fully
as large as walnuts. They fell fast and
thick, and hurt us considerably. I was
Handing between my boys, with my
dress wrapped about them to shelter
them from tho storm and pelting hall.
After several loud peals of thunder, a
ball of lightning, accompanied with a
tremendous clash, seemed to descend
In our midst. We were greatly fright
ened and thought we would all 'be
killed. I was tin own violently to the
ground near the fence and when I re
'covered. from the shock, one of my boys
was ten or more feet to the loft of me
.and the other boy was an cciual dis
tance away In an opposite direction. I
suon found that I had received an In
jury to my right wrist. A piece of flesh
was toin out, leaving a place large
.enough to admit the end of .my thumb.
I did not fee any sharp stones or sticks
'lying about upon which I might have
fallen. The wound did not bleed at ull
and there was no blood notlceahle until
'after we had walked tuo or throe miles.
.1 had wrapped a part of my apron over
the wound and at fho first houso we
l cached tho Injury was dressed. It bled
a very little after being tied up. A few
minutes after the loud clap of thunder,
which undoubtedly struck very near
us, Mrs. Allenbacher, seeing me lying
on the ground, thought she would help
mn If possible, but she also seemed
paralyzed and was uuablp to move.
She did not have any ufc of her feet,
and Mrs. Herbst, who was neaiest me,
could not speak. Several minutes
elapsed and wo had walked some dis
tance before she could utter a word.
My straw hat was torn In shreds by
the hall, as was also those worn by the
other membeis of tho party.
"The presumption la that Mrs. Allen
bacher's wound was caused bv the de
scending bolt of lightning. The whole
party was terribly shocked by the cur
rent of electricity that came In contact
with the earth near them and so thor
oughly frightened that their limbs be
came paralyzed and their tongues
speechless. They made all possible
haste olf the mountain."
A Refutation of 'Squire Williams'
Statements of Yesterday.
A communication appeared from
'Squire Williams, of No. 4, In the Lead
er of last evening, in which he was In
error according to those who are on the
other side.
Tho 'squire Is under the impression
, ths.t the charges on which the accused
strikers were arraigned before Alder
man Jones were tho same on which
warrants were sworn out before him on
Monday morning, and in his letter the
'squire makes suggestions that places
Constable Ncary, and possibly Alder
man Jones in a false position. The
fact is that the charges made before
Alderman Jones did not grow out of
the same case as the one which was
before 'Squire Williams. John Butler
whs attacked twice on Monday. After
the trouble In tho morning he had war
rants sworn out before 'Squire WII
'llams, which Constable Neary served.
The defendants, preferring not to walk
up to the 'squire's office on the moun
tain side, went before Justice of the
'Peace Holmes, In Simpson, as they had
,the right to do, waived a hearing and
entered ball. The Tribune man was
To take cold. It'a so common to neglect
i the cold. That is one reason why there
i arc so many people with "deep-seated,"
stubborn coughs, and so many more with
" lung trouble."
The short, quick way to cure a cough
133 to use JJr, 1'jercc's
KGoldCU Medical Dis
Efcovery. The quicker
Shis remedy is used the
gfrmickerhq cure. But
gjeven wh.en,,neglect has
ruei uisease tusieu on
Ethe lungs, Goldeu
jMedicatJRiscovery "
Jjnay be relied on to
fccure Jrr; nihiety
jjeigbt cases out of
jysvery nunurea.
The only motive
for snljstUution is
to permit the dealer
.to make1 the little
'extra'profit paid on the sale
jjof less meritorious medU
cines. He gains. You lose,
loffherefore accent no substi
tute for "Golden Medical Discovery,"
fintellng quite well," writes Mies Dorcas
Ani u,w. y IM ... ,T....uw.., . J
iy-couch is very tiiucn Detter, arm i owe u uu
-to Or,
Rflv tnn
nldan Medical Discovery.
cannot say too much in praise of the medicine.
il h4.teqWte a sufferer for a ions time, a nil
Veuer 'reading Doctor Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser thought I would, try his Golden
tfcledlcal Discovery,' I commenced taking It in
.fcMiv. lfioo. Had nni been filectilni? well for a lona
time. Took one teaspoonful of Dr. Pierce's
ued takintr
cryhody who
i Aiinli i Itnrl Vtan a aunairr tnf
more thin ten wan. I tried lota of different
Irs h fm
j?w'' .1
ra i
ifvinedlcluei and different doctors, but did not feci
..much better. I coughed until I commenced spit-
ting blood, but now I feel much stronger and
i am entirely well. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
. JlUcovtxy Is the best vcdtcloc I tivi ev Ukcn,
I My ome ts (a Willaaeburgi5rjinja.,' - i
'. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a la
dles' laxative, No other medicine- equals
them for gentleness and thoroughness.
i j'Trrfj, ' t
present at the time, about 8 o'clock
Tuesday morning. Constable Ncary,
who has been suffering from a severe
cold for several days, wns not well
enough to go to 'Squire Williams' office,
which accounts for tho ball pieces not
being brought to him, which would
have disposed of tho cases before him.
This disposes of the cases before
Squire Williams.
Now as to the cases before Alderman
Jones: They were separate and apart
from the others, growing not out of the
morning attack on Butler, but the one
made on him In the evening. Somo
of the accused parties, however, were
the same, which might lend 'Squire
Williams to the erroneous belief ho has
that tho cases before Alderman Jones
wore the same that he was supposed to
try. Tho piosecutor, before Alderman
Jones, was tho Temple Coal and Iron
company.through Superintendent Frank
Hemelbrlght. It wns at his Instiga
tion, nccordlng to tho records, that the
charges were brought, and for the pur
pose of showing that the company pro
posed! to protect Its employes from
attack on the highway. Butler Is not
the prosecutor, though he wns In the
'Squire Williams' cases, which covered
tho morning attack on him.
From these facts, which were
vouched for to The Tribune last night,
It can bo seen that 'Squire Williams
has written under a misapprehension
of the situation.
As to the question of Jurisdiction,
'Squire Williams says: "If the county
courts would compel the magistrates
of the city and borough to use their
authority within the limits for which
they were elected and commissioned,
two-thirds of the petty enses by which
they are pestered with expense to the
taxpayers would never reach the
courts for when a justice of tho peace
refuses a writ the parties proceed to
the city where they know the mills
are always open for a grist, however
small." '
In Hhis respect the 'squire Is clearly
In error, for a city alderman has jur
isdiction over the entire county in both
civil and criminal cases.
What Brother Whitney Says of the
Carbondale Crowd and the Mega
phonesThe Press Club Other In
teresting Gossip.
This Is how the Susquehanna people
saw the Carbondale delegation that ac
companied the Crescents to that town
on Tuesdav.
Brother Whitney, in his usually
bright and spicy letter, spreads bou
quets, as follows:
"Messrs. O'Malley, Grant and Gelder,
wide-awake Carbondale newspaper
men, accompanied tho Crescents to
Susquehanna, on Tuesday afternoon,
and armed with megaphones advertised
the game on the streets; and upon tho
grounds did much to lend sunshine to
the carnage. They were the cynosure
of all eyes and ears!"
Later in the paragraph, thinking of
the snake stories that he had to write,
ho stretched things this wise: "After
the fourth Inning, in the ball game yes
terday, tho megaphones of the O'Mal-loy-Grant-Gelder
aggregation were as
quiet as the notes of a dying swan.
The trio had no heart for music, and
they just sat upon the bench and wrote
duck eggs lor the Crescents. It was
worse than the farewell meeting of a
cross-road brass band."
Pitcher O'Gara thinks differently, for
the megaphones with the "Oh, Tom
my!" almost put him out of business;
he was up In the air for awhile.
This Is Too Much, Birchard.
Not to be outdone In generosity. Edi
tor Birchard, of tho Susquehanna
Transcript, under the caption, "The
Carbondale Press Club," takes us off
our feet with the following:
"Martin T. O'Malley, Carbondale rep
resentative of the Scranton Tribune; J.
W. Grant, Carbondale representative of
the Scranton Republican, and J. Nor
man Gelder, city editor of the Carbon
dale Leader, accompanied 'Our Pets'
fiom tho 'Anthracite city.' They are a
handsome trio of capable newspaper
men and marriageable bachelors."
We might print an uncalled-for jab
that appeared In the Susquehanna
Journal, a paper that Is printed every
little while; the "occasional one," as It
were. But It's apparent that the man
who wrote It was suffering from In
somnia, and we're not going to Inflict
tho maudlin talk of anybody's night
mare on any of tho club's followers.
A Breeze from Port Jorvis.
This Is tho blast that shot from the
Port Jervls Union ubout the Lake Lo
dore came:
"Feeling keenly the defeat tho Hones
dale team administered them recently,
the Carbondale people sent over the
best nine to bo secured in that section,
accompanied by over 500 rooters, many
of whom wero armed with megaphones
to cheer their home players, or to rattle
our boys. They did not Intend to lose,
tho emergency being provided for by
tho presenco of a big bunch of news
paper men from Scranton and Carbon
dale, One thing should be borno In mind
by tho Carbondalo team its players
should not complain of unfnlrnes in
ball games after the example set by
them In n marked degree yesterday
afternoon. For the sako of" harmony,
our boys permitted several rank decis
ions of their umpire to go by unpro
tested, but when Carbondalo coachers
Jumped in front of our first baseman
several times, so that he could not
catch tho ball from home plate, they
put In a mild objection, but) without
avail. This, Carbondale called 'base
ball.' Howover, our boys took their de
feat like gentlemen."
Everybody who "was at" this game
will smllo us they read the above, and
they will bay, "It's too bad about the
man who wrote that," particularly
when they recall that It was Carbon
dale and Carbondale men, nlone, who
kept back Port Jervlsltes who weren't
able to keep back themselves.
Sour Grapes, Canalers!
Only a Ilonesdaler could show such
sour grapes as the following from the
Wayne Independent:
"J, Norman Gelder, reporter for the
Carbondale Leader, and Martin T,
O'Malley, of the Scranton Tribune, are
contesting for honors In y'e'llow Jour
nalism, with Honesdale as the target
for their shafts."
One for Manager Tappan.
Carbondale has tho best team now
she ever had on the local diamond.
Manager Tapnan Is a gentleman and
desires fair play, Wayne Independent.
A Doublo-Headed Case Disposed of
by 'Squire Mendelssohn.
A. V. Matthews, of Jermyn, was held
in ball to answer at court, by 'Squire
Mendi'lssohn, on n, charge of larceny,
preferred by Michael Senyock, of the
Ramo borough,, Senyock'a story was
that Matthews swiped hie Sunday
Immediately afterwards, Senyock was
arrested on complaint of Matthews,
Matthews swore that Senvock waa in
dulging In sea breezes when ho said
tho tormcr got away with his trottborsj
In other words, he was some relation
to Ananias.
Besides the charge of porjury, Mat
thews accused Senyock of malicious
mischief, namely, breaking tho win
dows of the former's houso by pitch
ing Owney McAndrew curves; and
finally of larceny, the unlawful taking
of a pair of trousers. It seemed to be
n case of "hoss and hoss" In passim;
charges. "People In stone houses
shouldn't throw glosses," thought Mat
thews, as did the old German once upon
a time. Hence, his case against Sen
yock. Senyock was likewise put under
bonds to Htand his chances with the
next grand Jury.
A Eight Grows Out of a Jermyn
Ball Gamo.
Justice of the Peace Isaac Mendel
ssohn, of Mnyfleld, dwelt with the cli
max of a Jermyn base ball game that,
happily, Is never seen In Carbondale.
notwithstanding the exciting contests
we have here oftener than once In
awhile. 'Squire Mendelssohn officiated,
as It were, as umpire of the foul
Henry Brown was the victim of the
foul plays, asking Judgment against
William and Thomas Parry. He charged
the pair with knocking all the enthusi
asm out of him, after the ball game In
Jermyn on Monday, between Bam
Mendelssohn's team and the Brothers
club, They did more, he said, than
take his enthusiasm; they put him In
the "has been" rooter class and made
him feel like singing, "I'll Never Go
There Any More." In brief, the Farrys
gave him a good beating.
The 'squire believed there was suf
ficient evidence to send the case to
court, and it went.
Herbert Thompson, Tribune Contest
Worker, in Honesdale.
The Wayne Independent has the fol
lowing encouraging words in yester
day's Issue for Herbert Thompson, of
this city, one of the hustlers In The
Tribune's educational contest. The In
dependent says:
"Herbert Thompson, of Carbondale,
who is working for one of the Scran
ton Tribune scholarships, Is In town.
Mr. Thompson Is a bright appearing
young man, and we hope the Hones
dale people will assist him in his worthy
An Enjoyable Evening1, Despite the
Warm Night.
Old Humidity tried hard to roast this
community last night, but despite his
efforts, a good-sized assemblage of
well-known young people of the town
had a pleasant evening of dancing In
the Burke building.
The affair was an Informal dance,
under the auspices of the Recherche,
dancing class, and was voted a pleas
ing success. Firth provided the latest
dance music,
Burke Knows His Book.
Michael Burke, the North Main
street tonsorlal artist, Is getting quite
a reputation as a base ball umpire.
Yesterday he was at Susquehanna act
ing in that capacity In the game be
tween the Carbondale Crescents and a
Susquehanna nine. Jermyn Corres
pondent. Michael knows the game and how to
adjudicate, and Is a bright, refreshing
exception among the umpires one meets
In his travel in this vale of base ball
Unclaimed Letters.
List of letters remaining In the Car
bondale postoflice, July 31, 1902, for per
sons unknown:
Will J. Bolan, John C. Eelter, jr., E.
S. German, A. J. Johnson, J. Harold
Kelly, A. Marley, M. L. Munley, Nor
rtian Tuttle, Charles Reed, R. H. White,
John Wroe, Don Young, Miss Mary
Masters, Miss Mamie Terclval, Mrs.
Margaret Brcnnan, Mrs. M. Lempert,
Mrs. D. H. Vaughn, Sauerlo Avolio,
Antonio Novlello (F), Tubla Traunza.
J, H, Thomas, Postmaster.
A Day at the Lake,
Among the many who left the city
to enjoy a day's outing at Crystal lake
was a party composed of Mrs. 13. H.
Burke, Mrs. John Kearney, Misses
Mary and Anna Kearney, Kathryn
Fox, Etta and Rose Shaw, Sadie Walsh,
Annio O'Malley, Mary McLaughlin,
Laura Surdlval, Maria McDonough,
Laura MeGowan, Clara, Annie, Alice
Brown and Bessie Doyle, LydU Car
roll, of Scranton; Masters Joseph and
James Fox and Joe Burke,
Home from Atlantic City,
Dr. J. J. Thompson and Mrs. Thomp
son. Attorney W. E. Watt and Mis.
Watt, AValter E, Scurry and Mrs,
Scurry made up a party who enjoyed
a delightful visit of a few weeks at
Atlantic City, and Philadelphia. They
returned yestefdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Bergen and
son, Newell, are home from Atlantic
City, where they spent ten days.
In Honor of Miss Monahan.
About twonty-flve young people spent
Thursday evening very pleasantly at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Theo
bald, on Second street, the occasion be
ing a surprise party given In honor of
Miss Alberta Monahan, of Carbondale,
who Is visiting friends In town. All
present report a most enjoyable time,
Wayne Independent.
Dr. Wheeler Improving,
Dr. Wheeeler, who has been suffer
ing from pneumonia for several days,
has passed the crisis of the disease,
and Is on the road to rapid recovery,
This will bo hopeful news to the physi
cian's manv friends.
Spending Vacation Days.
Miss Mary Moran, cashier at the Car
bondale laundry, Is enjoying her an
nual vacation. She will spend the most
of It at Atlantic City, whence she will
go on Saturday. Misses Nora and Car
mel O'Hearn will accompany her,
At Danco in Wilkes-Barre.
The Misses Angela, Eleanor and
Genevieve Blrs were guests last night
at a duck social given by a coterie of
entertainers in, Wilkes-
Maurice G, Watt has been very III at
his home, on Lincoln avenue, since Sat
urday. He was threatened with pneu
monia, but his condition Is now greatly
improved. He was able to sit up yes
terdnv, The entertainment arranged by the
cottagers at Crystal lake for the bene
fit of the Dundoff Episcopal church, on
Thursday evening, has been postponed
until some future dnte.
Rev. Charles Loo, of the First Pres
byterian church, will leave this week
for a month's vacation. He will travel
through tho most scenic portions of
New York stntc.
Miss Lizzie Astleford, of Pike street,
was taken suddenly 111 Tuesday and for
a time was In a serious condition. Sho
is very much Improved todny, how
ever. Edward Seybold, clerk at the Hotel
American, has accepted a position in
Hotel Schadt, Scranton.
John Early, of Seventh avenue, made
a( business trip to Scranton yesterday.
Miss Cecilia. Coleman, of this city,
and Miss Alice O'Malley, of Scranton,
visited In Forest City yesterday.
Thomas and Joseph Gallagher, of
Scranton, are visiting at the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick Early.
Harry Robinson, John Williams and
Maxwell Shepherd spent yesterday nt
Lake Lodore.
Sisters Gregory and Irene, of Roches
ter, N. Y., who have been guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lynnady, on Dundaff street, for the
past week, left Monday for New York
Miss Elsie Moore, of Wilkes-Barre,
has returned home, after a pleasant
visit with friends In this city.
Miss Bessie Curran and Miss Ethel
Dolan, of Susquehanna, spent Tuesday
with Miss Jennie Penwarden.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard G. Penwarden
and children, of Honesdale, who have
been visiting relatives In this city, re
turned home Tuesday.
Miss Edith Little, one of Honesdale's
charming young ladles. Is spending a
few days with Miss Hazel Slmrell, at
her home on Clark avenue.
Miss Mary Walsh, of Church street,
Is at Carbondale, the guest of her
grandmother. Miss Sara Waldman, the
South Main street milliner, is spending
this week at Carbondale, the guest of
friends. Plttston Gazette.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Deller, of New
Albany, Ind., and Miss Clara Nemeyer,
of Scranton, have returned home, after
visiting Mrs. John Ulmer.
Miss B. KUhullen, of Brooklyn street,
returned Tuesday from a fortnight's
visit with relatives in Oneonta, N. Y.
Miss Tlllle MeGowan has returned
home, after a week's visit with friends
in Scranton.
Mrs. C. T. Meaker and daughter, Re
becca, of Lincoln avenue, were guests
of friends in Waymart, Tuesday.
Miss Cecil Rhodes, of Susquehanna,
is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Hunter and
other relatives in this city.
The Misses Ella Horan, Elizabeth
Burke and Mary McLean spent yester
day in Scranton.
Thomas O'Neill, of Brooklyn street,
left Tuesday evening for a ten days'
stay in New York city.
The New York Musical Courier nf
this week contains a cut of our well
known violinist, of whom it speaks In
the following complimentary terms:
"Mrs. Edith Davis Taggarfs violin
playing Is remarkable for warmth of
tone, and her interpretation of roman
tic music Is exceptionally delightful.
Careful and accurate in ensemble work,
she is a most excellent comrade in son
atas and classical music, always reli
able and conect. But she is par ex
cellent a violinist of the romantic
school, and as such never fails to please
In concert. Mrs. Taggart Is a thor
ough and conscientious teacher, having
considerable experience with unfailing
good results."
The marine band, under the leader
ship of Thomas Douthwalte, gave an
other delightful open air concert In
front of Dr. Graves' residence last
evening, which attracted a large con
course of people who were delightfully
Word has been received of the mar
riage at Joplin, Mo., of Miss Marcella
Maxwell, a former well known Jermyn
Mrs. Judson Wall and son, Lowell,
and daughter, Lulu, of Cranford, N. J.,
are here visiting friends.
A year-old child of Mr. and Mrs,
James McKercher, of H street, is seri
ously ill and but slight hopes of Its
recovery is entertained.
Mrs. Theodore Townsend, Miss Bessie
Medland and Miss Stella Vannan, of
Carbondale, Spent yesterday afternoon
with Jermyn friends,
John Malloy, of the East Side, who
has ueen ill for several days, is slight
ly Improved,
Mrs. H. B. Jadwln Is visiting at the
home of Dr. M. J. Shields.
John Yates, sr., of Carbondale, Is
visiting his son, on Sushbrook road.
District President NIcholls and Vice
President Ruscovitch addressed a pub
lic meeting of mine workers in Wind
sor hall, yesterday afternoon.
Misses Nellie and Ruth Gendall, of
Peckvllle, are visiting here.
The funeral of the 9-months-old child
of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, of the
Eafat Side, took place yesterday,
A little son arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dinner, of West
Mayfleld, Tuesday,
The Brundage family annual reunion
was held here yesterday, when a large
number, Including many from out of
town were present to enjoy the day's
The camping party from this place
who have been at Hansome lake for ten
days, have returned home.
Mrs. Harriet Parsons, of "White's
Addition," Is visiting friends and rela
tives at Dalton,
Francis Cornish, of Capouse avenue,
Scranton, Is visiting at J. F, Hoyt's.
Superintendent John E. Williams'
family and party of friends have re
turned home from a very pleasant ten
days' outing at Lake Chupman,
The Married Men and Young Hick
orles are scheduled to play another
game of base ball today,
The Sunday school of the ajethodlst
Episcopal church will hold a picnic in
White's grove this afternoon.
Rev. Francis Gendall Is suffering an
attack of bronchitis.
Miss Jessie Hofflcker has returned
home from her vacation at Handsome
pond, near Fleetvllle.
The Misses Pearl and Nina Brun-
Connolly & Wallace
You are not tapping an empty
barrel when you tap this store.
i Women's Handkerchiefs
You can't have too many at this time of the year. 6,ooo Women's Hnndkerchiefs, in
fine embroidered and drawn work designs, hemstitched, made of a good fine grade of
lawn, values from I2c to 20c each.
Men's Handkerchiefs
At Men's Furnisliing Counter
1,000 Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in colored print effects, colored bor
ders and designs printed all over, value 25 cents, at, each
500 Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with neat small fleur de lis
design in colors, a good fine grade, worth 50c each, at
Women's Bathing Suits
Now that the summer weather is on in earnest, all Scranton will be thinking of places
to spend Saturday afternoons and Sundays, and halt of It will be off to the seashore or
mountain lakes. But you'll not find Scrantonians, who have nice tastes and habits, willing
to wear the Bathing Suits that are for hire al watering places. Women want their own
from point of style and appearance, and, most of all, from the point of cleanliness.
We ve told you many times over that Mohair is the best of all, and that black and blue
are the best colors.
Mohair Suits, $2.00 to $U.OO
Some Fine Taffeta Silk Suits, $16.50
Connolly & Wallace
dage, of Marshbrook, were here yes
terday, attending the Brundage family
reunion. ,
Mrs. Kate Swartz, of Elmhurst, and
Mrs. Angelina Swartz, of Park Place,
spent Tuesday with the former's sister,
Mrs. H. L. Thompson, of Blakely.
Councilman John Pettlgrew, wife and
family, have returned from their outing
at Lake Chapman.
ThomaB Dewey, the popular and well
known bookkeeper of the People's Coal
company, and former borough secre
tary, has accepted a lucrative position
with a copper mining company at Dur
aiiGO, New Mexico, for which place he
departed yesterday. Mr. Dewey has
many friends in this vicinity, all of
whom wish him success in his new
Richard Reese spent Tuesday evening
with friends In Scranton.
Mrs. T. L. Keller and Miss Sarah
Jenkins, of Jermyn, were callers in
town Tuesday ovenlng.
Miss Alice DorHInger, of White Mills,
Is spending a few days with Miss Mae
Healy, ot Main street.
Miss Bessie Callaway Is visiting rel
atives in Scranton.
Arthur Pizor, of Jermyn, .was a caller
in town Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Nettie Healy and son, Joe, were
visitors In Carbondale yesterday.
Harry "Von Storch, of Scranton, was
a caller In town yesterday.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Ger
man Evangelical church enjoyed a
d'ay's outing yesterday. A special car
took theni to Nay Aug park, when
lunch was served, and a most enjoyable
day was spent.
Miss Maud Potter, of Green Ridge,
visited friends in town yesterday.
Miss Katie Walsh, of Pine street, left
yesterday for a visit with relatives in
New York.
Griffith W. Owens returned home
from the West Scranton hospital, much
improved. Mr. Owens had Ills leg am
putated some few months ago, and was
taken to that institution for treatment.
Mrs. J. P. Smith, of Lincoln Heights,
visited relatives in this place yester
day. Harry Hosklns and William Jones are
spending their vacations at Harvey's
Miss Susie Morris, of Scranton, visit
ed relatives In town last evening,
Mrs. W. J. Nelger nnd daughter have
left for a few weeks' sojourn to Heart
Misses Lucy Winters and Edith How
ells were guests of the former's sister,
Mrs, Louis Jenkins, of West Scranton,
Gomer Jones, of the firm of Jones and
Lewis, hardware dealers, left for
Thompson, Wnyno county, yesterday,
accompanied by John Cunnlon, head
plumber of the llrm, where they havo
a contract to complete on a large
building there,
Archbald Mine local, No, 1619, United
Mine Workers, will meet this afternoon
In Odd Fellows' hall,
Contractor M. I', Judge, of South
Scranton, was a business visitor In
town, yesterday.
Funeral Director Jordan, of Scranton,
was a business caller In town yester
day, Miss Gladys Leyshon, of West Pltts
ton, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T, L.
Jones, of Main street.
Miss Jessie Owens, of Oak street, has
returned from a brief visit with Car
bondale friends.
This signature Is on every box ot tho boou'b..-
Laxative Broino'OuinineTabieu
remedy that euro O cold In out Uuy,
ScrantoiVs Shopping
At a Third and a Half
Choose at 9c Each
Excursion Via New Jersey Central
on August 1, 1002.
Faro for adults, $5.00; fare for chil
dren, $2.50. Round trip tickets on sale
at stations mentioned below and good
gWng on special train, schedule of
which follows, or on any regular train
on above date, and good to return on
regular trains on or before August 11.
Special train leaves Wilkes-Barre, S.30
a. m.; Hazle stieet, S.32 a. m.; South
Wilkes-Barre, 8.34 a. m.; Ashley, S.3S
a. m.; Laurel Run, 0,07" a. m.; Penob
scot, 9.H0 a. tn.; White Haven, 9.12 a.
m.; Leslie Run, 9.54 a. in.; Penn Haven
junction, 10.11 n. m.; Mauch Chunk,
10.30 a. m. W. G. Besler, general man
ager; C. M. Burt, general passenger
$51.35 to Salt Lake City and Return
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
On account of tho Grand Lodge,
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks meeting at Salt Lake city, Utah,
August 12-14, the Lehigh Valley rail
road will sell round trip tickets nt the
rate of $51.25 good going August 0th,
7th and Sth, good for return passage to
and including September 30th. Tickets
good on all trains except the Black
Diamond express. Consult Lehigh
Valley ticket agents for further In
formation. Biennial Moeting,Knlghts of Pythias,
San Francisco, Cal, Aug. 11-122,
For tho above occasion ticket agents
of tho Lackawanna railroad will sell
special excursion tickets to either Han
Fruncisco or Los Angeles and return,
at rato of $60,25, from Scranton, dates
of sale, August 1 to 9, with final return
limit to reach original starting point,
not later than September 30. Sco the
Lackawanna ticket agent In reference
to stop-off, authorized in either dlicc
tlon; also variable routes and fcido trips.
$66,25 to San'Francisco and Los An
geles, Cal,, and Return via the Le
high Vnlloy Railroad,
On account of the biennial meeting,
Knights or Pythla3, at San Francisco,
August 11-22, the Lehigh Valley rail
road will sell exclusion tickets to San
Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal,, at
SGG.25 good going August 1st to 9th, In
clusive good for return passage to Sep
tember SOth, good on any train except
tho Black Diamond Express. See Le
high Valley ticket agents for further
The Silver Lako Assembly, Silver
Lake, N. Y., July 20-Aug, 21.
For tho above occasion special ex
cursion tickets may be purchased via
tho Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lako
and return, nt rate of $7.20 from Scran
ton. Tickets will bo on sale July 15th
to August 2lst, inclusive, going limit
date of wile, with final return limit to
Sept. 1st, 1902, inclusive. Children be
tween tho ages of 5 and 12 years at ono
half adult rute,
5,00 Atlantic City ?5.00,
On August 1 the New Jersey Central
will run their eleventh annual excur
sionknown as tho Red Men's excur
sion to Atlantic City. Fare, live dol
lars, and tickets good for ten days, ex
elusive of day of sale. Special train
will leave Scranton nt S a. m., stopping
at Taylor, Moo3le, Avoco, Plttston,
Yntesyllle, Miner's Mills, Parsons and
Wilkes-Barre. One hundred and fifty
pounds of baggage checked through to
Atlantic City, free of charge. For list
A cataract of chances for good
buyingat Connolly & Wallace's.
or $1.00 a Dozen
of hotels, boarding houses, or any adJ
ditional Information, apply to tickefl
agents, or to J. S. Swisher, districfl
nassenarer acent. Scranton; Pa. .
A Popular Sunday Outing.
The New York, Ontario and Western
Railway company will run an excur-1
sion to Hancock, N. Y., on Sunday!
August 10. The ride over the hills pfl
Wayne and Delaware counties at this
season of the year is a delightful onej
the view being beautiful, a ccope od
country being visible from the EUq
mountains to the Catskills. The pretfy
town of Hancock in Itself, situated as
it is, between both branches of thd
Delaware river and surrounded by the
towering peaks of the Catskills and
other ranges of mountains, presents to
the excursionist a view well worth see-j
Ing. Theie are a number of summen
hotels and boarding houses at HancockJ
with ample accommodations, and livery
facilities to afford a drive through the
country for excursionists.
Train will leave Scranton at 8.30 aj
m., and returning, leave Hancock ao
4.30 p. m., arriving in Scranton at 6.4a
p. m. The return fare from Scranton
will bo $1.
For further Information, consult ticked
agents or J. E. Welsh, T, P. A., Scran-1
ton, Pa.
Excursion to Mauch Chunk,-
Glen Onoko and the Swltch-Bacjtl
Sunday, August 3, 1902, via New Jersey
Ccnttal. Round trip tickets, good only
on special train on above date, will m
nn sale at the following stations ami
rates: Scranton, $1.50; Taylor, $1.40;
Mooslc, $1.35; Avoca, $1.30; PittstdHI
$1.25; children, 75 cents. Special train
on above date will be run on following
schedule; Leave Scranton, 7,30 a. m.;
Taylor, 7,37 a. m.: Mooslc, 7.43 a. m.;
Avoca, 7.1G a. m.;
Returning, train
Chunk at 5.30 p. m
Special trains
Plttston, 7.51 a. m.
will leavo Mauch
for above stations,
will leave Mauch
for Glen Onoko at 2, 2.45, 3.30
1.15 p,
m and Glen Onoko for Mauch
Chunk at 2.15, 3. and 3.45 p. m. Switch
Back tickets, 50 cents extra for adults;
children, 25c, nnd must be purchased on
train before arriving at Mauch Chunk.
J, S. Swisher,
District Passenger Agent.
Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantic
City, N, J Aug. 14.
Special excursion tickets will be sold
for all trains going Thursday, August
14th, good for return on any train up
to nnd including August 24th. The rate
from Scranton will be $5,00 for adults
and $2.50 for children between the agea
of 5 and 12 years. Route will be via
Manunka Chunk and Philadelphia,
Passengers taking trains connecting
via the Delaware bridge have no change
of stations en route. The dates select
ed for this excursion were made with
the view of giving those desiring an
outing at the seashore the most delight
ful and Interesting part of the season.
Apply to the local ticket agent fox
schedule of tho-several trains dally.
Nickel Plate Road
Is selling very low-rate oneTway and
round trip tickets to points In Colorado,
Utah, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wlaj
cousin, etc. Three splendid fast through
trains each way dally. Finest coaches
Pullmans and tourist cars. Individual
club meals, 35c. to $1.00, also meals a
la carte. See nearest agent or writs
U. E. Payne, general agent, No, 29)
Main street, Buffalo, N, Y,
Reduced Rates
to all points through the west via thi
Nickel Plate road, Fast time, finest
equipment, everything for comfort amj
convenience of passengers. See nearest
agents, or write R. E. Payne, genera
agent, No. 291 Main St., Buffalo, N.
r j-