The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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i -( M-5.V fc fciS-
wtrW w
Has Beecn' Placed In Charge of the
Allegheny Division of the Erie
Road, One of the Most Important
on the System W. H. Barrett, ol
Port Jervls, Superintendent of tho
Delaware Division, SuceeedB Him.
Tlmoly Suggestion of an Employer
Regarding Relations Between Em-
ployets and Employes
J, M. DiivIb, who lias been super
intendent of the Wyoming division of
the llg railroad during tho past two
ycuta, with headnuaiters In Dunmoie,
mm been unpointed upei Intentlcnt of
tho Allegheny division of the Uric rull
road. AV. II. tlnnott, of Port Jervls, super
intendent of the Delaware division, will
succeed Mr. Davis. Tho change will
occur toinonow. Dmlng Supciintend
ent Davis' administration ho has dem
onstrated his nullity as a premier rail
road man. The division to which he
gos Is one of the most important on
the system.
Mr. Banctt comes heie well rccom
mcndccl, his utlvunLCiucnt halng been
rapid und steady. Three years ago ho
was trainmaster on tho Susquehanna
An Employer's Suggestions.
A large employer of labor. In this
city, communicates the following sug
gestions legatdlng dealings between
employer and employe:
Flisl of all the union must be thor
Pirst of all tho union must be thor
oughly oiganlzed, with Intelligent, con
fcervatlo, and competent leadexs at the
head. v
Then cadi member Is to be ashessed
say $10 pel man, which seres ab an
Initiation fee. Assuming thnt tho union
has a niembei-.hlp of 10,000 mcmbcis,
this assessment will cieate a, fund of
$100,000. Application hhould then bo
made to the couits foi a chartei, as an
oiganTzation with a canltal stock of
The dues of each member to be placed
nt $1 a month per man, to defray the
expenses of the organization. Appli
cation is then to be made to a reputable
banking Institution for a guarantee
bond, wiili h will Insure each member
against loss.
Insurance features, sick benefits and
builal funds aie to be cieatcd in each
local bianch of the oiganization to In
buro the membeis. against loss of time
by atcident or .sickness and protection
for the widows and oiphans in case of
death. Another featuie is the intio
ductlon of educational classes
Still further lb the establishment of a
peimanent home for aged and indigent
members, and schools foi the education
of oiphans and peimanent employment
buieaus for men and women identified
with the organisation
When these features 'shall have been
e&tabllshed, conclllatoiy committees
shall be appointed lepresentlng each
local organization, and this committee
shall draft a fixed scale of wages to
apply to the distilct wherein the locals
lepresented aie established.
A general conciliatory committee is
then to be foimed by the -arlous rep
resentatives of the different districts
In which one or moie corporations or
companies opeiate. The fixed bcale of
wages governing the employment of
all men, women and children Is to be
submitted to the dlieitors or boatd of
manageis repiescnting the employing
In addition to this scale a bona-fide
guaiantee Is also to be submitted
agreeing to cairy out the provisions of
the contract submitted, together with
the endorsement of the company carry
ing the guaiantee bond. This contiact
to be binding for a period of jears
suitable to both parties to the contiact.
At the expiration of the said contract
representatives of both Inteiests to
meet and leadjust whatever differences
aii&e meantime and fix upon a similar
bcale for another term of jears.
Under this proposition the employers
can make contiacts -r their product
and fix the market pi Ice. This scheme
will Include iccognltlon of the organ
ization, a fixed scale of wages, peima
nent employment, and a community of
Intel ebts between employer and em
ploye. If such an arrangement can be estab
lished, tho eniplojer who outlined this
plan for The Tilbtine feels confident
that all of the corporations and com
panies will only be too glad to blgn the
tuile, give a similar bond and do all In
their power to encouiage tho friendliest
of relations.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Folldwlng Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Extras Eust 7 a. m, work train, M.
l'lnnci ty.
Summits West 6 a. m , Carlg.
Pushers 7 a. m Lamping; 8 a. m ,
Hou-cr; IMS a. m , Moran; 7.30 p. m,
C. Bartholomew; 3 p. in., Case.
Helpers 130 a. in, McGovern; 7 a, m.,
Widncr; 10 u. m., Coslar; 3 IS p. m., Stan
ton. NOTICE.
John dahagan will nin Wolcot's crew
on Wednesday, July 30, and Thur&day,
July 31.
This and That.
Contiacts placed by the i.illroads of
the country for new uills to bo deliver
ed In 190.1 aggregate 1,000,000 tons.
Work Is to begin at once on the
building of a new and modern pas
senger station and freight depot for the
Lehigh Valley In Muuch Chunk.
In (he Hi st six months of the current
year Gieat Britain exported 155,000 tons
of steel und Iron to this countiy, com
paied with 50,000 in the same period In
,.Foity years ago the silk goods made
$100 Reward, $100, l
The leaders of this paper will bo pleased
to leuiii that thoie Is at least ono dread
ed dlBcuso that science lias been ublo
to cine In all Its stages and that is Cu
turrh. Hall's Catauh Cuio is the only
positive tuie now known to the medical
fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, jequlres a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cm a Is taken in
ternally, acting, dlicctly upon tho blood
and mucous Bin faces of the system, there.
Viy destioylng, the foundation of the dls
case, and giving the nutlent strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
natuie in doing Its vvoik. The proprietors
luivo so much faith In its curative now
cib, that they offer one Hundred Dollars
for .any ease that It falls to cure. Send
for list o( testimonial.
Addicwj, F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O,
ftnlrt liv DruiriHstB. 7Sn.
Hal'M Family Pills are tho best, 4h.l
In tho United States were only 13 per
cent, of the entire consumption. Tho
percentage roue to 38 in 1880, to B5 In
1890 and to 80 In 1000.
According to rumor the Phllldelphla
Rapid Transit' contemplates building
Us own curs In the near future. For
this purpose a suitable site has been
Becured In West Philadelphia whore,
after tho new shops have been erected,
early In tho fall, It was suld, hundreds
of mechanics will be employed.
Concluded from Pago 3
and call moro than double the number
of our members by namo than you can,
mid I know their feeling ns well us you
do When I meet any of my old friends
that I have worked nlongsido of, or thoio
who have woiked for me, they Invariably
tell me that they know the stilko is lost,
but they aro ashamed or afiald to ictuin
to woik.
I also acknowledge that tho mnjoilty
of men that have applied for work at the
Oxfoid collloiy and thoic who mo now
working, aro men that havo woiked for
me In former jems, and I could call
ncaily all of them by namo on eight
when they made application, mid that
the mnjoilty of them nre miners holding
certificates of niialulcatlon nnd lato mem
bers of jour union. ,
J. L Ciawfoid.
The anticipated icpctltiou of the
riotous scenes of Mondny ut the North
west breaker of the Temple Coal and
Iron company In the village of Slmp
bon was averted yesterday by the
presence of Shcilff Schadt.
Tho sheriff was hustled to Caibon
dalo in u special train and thence to
Simpson, arriving at the Northwest
u'bout 6 30. He waited there until 7
o'clock, but there was even no ne
cessity for him to alight fioni the tialn.
There was little, If any interfeieiue,
and when he was ussured by the foice
of men at work on the new breaker
that his Intel vcntlon was unnecessaiy,
he wlthdiew and was convoyed to the
Vow del ly mine of the Delaware nnd
Hudson, in Catbondale township, just
south of the city limits of Carbondale.
The Illinois had a couple of hundred
pickets about thf mine and succeeded
In temporarily turning the few men
back who aie at work there. The
men letuined, however, after the
strikers fell back somewhat. There
was no demonstration of any soit at
this, point.
Nothing happened at the Coalbiook
biepker of the Delawaie and Hudbon.
A Stew pickets wcie at the Dundaff
stieet ciosslng und fuilher up Dun
daff stteet, the approaches to the
place, as early as 5 30, but theie was
no stopping of men.
James Walsh, a company man at
the Noithwest, was stopped by a num
ber of foielgn women, who can led
stones and weio assembled nt Monkey
Run. Walsh spoke threateningly of
what he might do, as he was prepaied
foi an attack. This hint made the
ciowd fall back and let him go in
Geoige llelmes, another company
man, was aroused from his home at 4
o'clock on Monday morning by a
crowd, and was later Informed that
his life had been thieatened by some
of the strikers. Still another ono of
the men had stones hurled at him,
while fixing a steam pipe on the hill
below the breaker and had a nauow
escape from being struck. After these
attacks, the men were piovided with
arms and will likely resist another on
slaught. It appears that It Is not the enr
penteis on the breaker who aie the
objects of attack', but tho old em
ployes of the company, minor bosses
and laboreis, who elected to remain
with the company. They have been
employed, principally, In giading about
the breaker, laying tiacks, etc.
The women whom John Butler had
ariested on Monday night, on rhaiges
of attacking him with stones, eggs,
etc , supplemented by their tongues,
waived a hearing and enteicd ball be
foie Justice Thomas Holmes, of Simp-
Racket Brook washeiy was opei
ated yesterday without any interrup
tion. A gang of men assembled on
Cannan stieet, nt Pender's, but It dis
pel sed Itself when it was realUed that
only a few men responded to work.
About 8 30 the washery was com
menced and lan unlnteiruptedly until
quitting time. Shorift Schadt also vis
ited Racket Brook to eatisfy himself
that everything was all light.
A mass meeting of Dunmoie stilkers
Is to be held today. It will be address
ed by Piesldent Mitchell and others.
The West Side strlkeis will have a
mass meeting Friday at the Round
Woods. President Mitchell will again
be one of tho speakers.
The first break among the firemen
at Olyphant occurred yesteidny when
they returned to work In a body to the
Miles steam plant and No. 2 colliciy,
both places operated by the Delawaie
& Hudson company
Duiyea almost had another serious
labor disturbance yesterday morn
ing, when the Warnke Coal com
pany brought n dozen or more men
to its washery just below tho depot in
that borough for the purpose of te
sumlng operations. As was the case
yesterday, when It was expected an
uttempt would be mndo to operate the
washeiy, several hundred gatheied on
tho scene early. When the D L. & W.
train aulved at Duryea this morning
about 6,30 o'clock a doen men alighted
and hmrled to the office at the wash
eiy, where they kept well out of the
crowd which was there to all appeal -nnces
with the motive of pi eventing
all attempts to commence woik. The
officials of the company telephoned to
Sheriff Jacobs for assistance and seven
deputies weie dispatched to tho scene.
Befoio tho airlvul of the deputies, how
evei, the officials decided to take their
men back to Scranton, and as the 9 30
train appioached the depot the Impoits
made a dash for It, umld a shower of
stones from tho ciowd, One of the
men was hit In tho neck with a lock
nnd felled to the ground, but was not
badly Injuied, The ciew of a shift
ing train which brought empty cais to
tho wushery also hud a lively time
with the crowd and before the engine
pulled out several of the windows In
tho cab bad been broken with stones,
There will be a meeting of Local
Union, No. 637, United Mine Wmkera
of America, at Co-operative hall to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Spec!! to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, July 29. Rev. W. Hoi
Unshed expects to take his annual va
cation next week.
The local constables made their
quarterly returns to court yesterday.
J. i JRudnlckl, of Plymouth, was
What It Is.
Osteopathy Is that science nf treat
ing discuses of the human body which
lcgauls dlscaso as the product ot an
obstiuctlon to or derangement of
nerve foico and circulation, nnd un
del takes by manipulation, or by
manual stimulation or Inhibition of
nerves and noivo centers, to lomovo
the obstruction or collect tho do
rnngement, so that naturo may re
sume her perfect woik.
hcio last week, endeavoring to orgun
Uc a Retail Clerks' union.
John AVhlto has gone to Omaha,
where he hus tho promise of a situa
tion. Thomas Harvey Is In Emeigcncy hos
pital, a sulTerer with appendicitis.
Special services mo being held In
the Baptist chuich each evening of
this week.
Victor McCabo has leturncd from
Easton, where ho has been emplojcd
In the nillioud soivicc.
Councilman Lafayette Decker is homo
fiom Plttsbuig.
District Attorney Brown nnd wife, of
Pittsbuig, ure visiting the former's
bi other. W. J. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Shafer are en
tcitulnlug friends fiom Now York.
Mis. Albeit Ball Is quite 111 at her
Ralph Sherman, the popular news
boy ot the West Side, Is spending somo
time with iclatlves In Columbia coun
ty. Mis. T. J. Foster and Mrs. E. Palmer
Smith left jesteiday for a sojourn at
Aclan Oiove.
Mrs. Hubbel and daughter, of Spring
field, Mass., aie boaidlng at the home
of Mrs. E. Palmer Smith. They ex
pect to be joined this w eck by Rev. Mr.
Hubbel, who Is pastor of the Flist Bap
tist chuich In that city.
Dr. J. C. Price is entertaining his
mother, Mis. Di. Hannah Pilce, of
Chester. Pa.
Mis Fred Knapp, of Now Yoik state,
is visiting relatives heie.
Mis. Ir.i Johnson is entertaining her
cousin, Miss Weston, of Biooklyn, Pa.
Foster Bush, of Hallstead, was a
visitor in town on Monday.
On Satuidny, Mis. S. G. Shoemaker
met with a painful accident. She was
attending stole In the absence of her
husband, and while climbing a ladder
fell and fiactured her ankle.
Mr. and Mis. David Moxlcy.of Scran
ton, were guests of Mr. and Mis. Hen
ly Moxley, on Sunday.
Howaid Ball, of Wyoming, spent the
Sabbath with his patents here.
Edwaid Wilson and wife, of Scran
ton, weie visitors at the Baptist pai
sonage, on Sunduy.
Mis. John Dershimer has been con
fined to her home this week with a
severe illness.
A. L Cooper paitlclpated In a music
al programme given in the Methodist
church at Montrose, on Friday evening
Attorney and Mrs. Fred E. Scott, of
Seianton, have been spending a few
d.ijs heie, with Mrs. Mary Brown.
Otto Biauer and Wlllard Smith were
fishing at Babbett lake, yesterday.
The following Is the progiamme for
Wednesday evening's entertainment at
the Methodist Episcopal church: Open
ing belection, Mr. Weston; player,
Rev. R. R. Thompson; vocal duet,
Misses Smith and Dcishimei; leading,
Miss Van Cleft; phonograph, J. A.
Wall; Instrumental duet, with glasses
and piano, Mr. and Mis. Weston; iee
ltation, Mts, Fred Snydei ; liibtiumen
tal duet, Mr. and Mrs. Weston; lead
ing, Mibb Van Cleft. Ice cieam social
and lose tiee exhibition and bale of
roses after the llteiaiy entertainment.
Admission, 10 cents.
William Brauer and family, of Scran
ton, were visitors hereon Sunday.
A few fi lends gatheied at the homo
of Miss Fanny Derbhlmcr, on Saturday
evening, and enjojed a ple.ibant social
time, in celebiatlon of her seventeenth
birthday. Thobe present were: Misses
Ethel Carr, Sarah and Lillian Du Bols,
Lottie Smith and May Haslam; Messrs.
Richard Purdon, Floyd Finn, Lloyd
Cooper, Nelson Deishlmer and Charles
Von Storch.
American League.
At Philadelphia R u.jj,
St. Louis 0 1000 0 101-3 9 0
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 S 1U
uuiiuiiua xiuijiui unu jvunoo; vvauticu
and Schieckengost. Umplie O'Loughlln.
At Boston R.H.E.
Detroit 0 12 003 0001)15 J
Boston 0J000200O 5 7 1
Battel les Mciccr and McUulio;
Hughes, Spaik sand Wnmcr. Umplie
At Baltlmoio RILE.
Clcclaud 3 0 0 0 0 0013715 2
Baltlmoio ., 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 S 7 4
Battel les Vamey. Wilght. Joss and
Wood; Prentiss, Bhlelds and Ycager, Um
plie Johnstono,
At Washington R.H.E.
Chicago 0000000022 b 0
Washington o o o o o o .1 2 n ii
Batteries Pattei son and Sullivan; Gai
ilck and Clatk, Umpire Caiutheis und
National League.
At Philadelphia (5 innings; lain) R.II.E.
Cincinnati ,,,,,, 0 0 0 112 u J
Philadelphia ,010001 6 J
Battel les Phillips nnd Bcigcn; lueig
and Dooln, Umplie O'Day,
At New Yoik R H.E.
St. Louis ..,.,,.,, ...0 1 0 00 1 03 0-0 9 1
Now Yoik ,,0 00 0000101 (J i
Battel les Cut rlo and Rjan; Tavloi,
Miller and Bow ei man, Umplie lmsllo.
At Boston R u,E.
Chicago ,,,,,00 0 00 100 01 ii 1
Boston ,,, 130000 2 0 0 S 3
Battoiles Williams and Kilns; Plttlngor
and Moian. Umplie Brown.
At Biooklvn RILE.
Pittsbuig ,.,402000323-1119 4
Biooklyn ..., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 0 J
Batteries Phllllppl and O'Connoi j
Hughes, Nowton and Fuirell. Umplio
Kltson and TannehiU.
Eastern League.
Toronto, 3j Newark, 1.
Woicestei, 3; Buffalo, 1.
Montreal, til Jeisoy City, 1,
Rochester, B; Piovldeuce, i
What It Does.
Osteopathy is the sutcst, quickest,
and In many cases tho only euro for
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ncurathcnla,
St. Vitus Dance, Catnrih, Asthma,
Hny l'ever, Parabsln, Cloltrc, Stom
ach Troubles, Fomnlo Complaints,
Liver Troubles, Bowel Troubles, Joint
Troubles, Spinal Troubles, Deformi
ties and many other chronic and lin
gering affections.
Of all tioublo pronounced Inctnablo
by other s stems, Osteopathy abso
lutely cures 75 per cent, und pot ma
nontly benefits 00 per cent.
Wall Street RtTlaw.
Now York, July 29 Today's stock mar
ket did not show as much posltlvo weak
ness early as was, the case vestciday and
theio was oven somo attempt to invito
a ie hut of speculation for the rise. But
this piovcd abortive and the tone of tho
matket became decidedly weak late In
tho day. Tho attempt to revive specula
tion tinned to a few low piled stocks,
apparently on tho supposition that a cam
paign In these stoc'ks would piovo moio
attiuctlvo to tho general public thnn In
tho high pi iced stocks. The movement
exhausted itself after an udvnnco of
something ovei a point In Reading and
111 Chicago Gloat Western, with a slight
sympathetic effect In allied stocks. News
of dlsorkleis in the mining legion seemed
to bo consti tied as evidence that the coal
mlncis' tatilko was In cotuso of illslnto
giatlon. Tho lcnewal of tho fovcilsli tone
of Rock Island had much to do with tho
nuclei tone of weakness of stocks. Tho
delny In the foi mill announcement of the
details of tho plan gives llso to some ap
prehension of changes. The riitlclsm of
tho plan turns on the featiuo which pio
poses to convert stock Into foicclosure
bonds. Late In the dav the bonis weio
encouingcd by the falluio of vatlous
attempts to put up pi Ices to make a de
tei mined attack under which the market
Melded shnrply. Tho sci amble ninongst
tho room shoits to cover nt the closo
and the resulting shaip tallies levelled
the charnctoi of this attack.
The mai ket closed nctlv civ and cti cmely
Irregular. A featuie ol the day was tho
peisistcnt absoiptlon of Missouil Pacific
nt all levels Coloiatlo Fuel was notably
weak Total sales foi the day, 7.JS090
shares The activity in the bond maiket
was confined to somo of the convertible
Issues Total snles, par value. $3.101 000.
United States bonds were unchanged on
the last call.
Tho following quotations aro furnished
Tho Tiibuno bv Hnight & Frccse Co , .111-
313 Mcars Building. W. D Runjon, man
agei. Open High Low Closo.
Amal Copper bS'A bS34 toU i7
Am. C. & F 323 .!!' 3-U -V
Am Locomotive .... 3J SJ's .U9t 311
American Sugir ....nv& 1AIV4 130 1J1V8
Anaconda Copper ...107 10S 107 10S
Atchison 9JV4 V lai 91
Atchison Pr 10J& 101 lul'U 102
Bait. & Ohio 101 109V4 10S lOS'i
Brook. R. T IjS b9U S'i (.5U
Canadian Pacific ....llbk 1.17 lJ"i'6 Wh
Ches & Ohio 51 54 DH's 5-1's
Chicago & Alto 41U 414 402 40fc
Chic. & G. W Jl 3.' o0t SOU
Chic Mil. & St P ..lSbU lSb',4 1S4& 1S1V4
Chic. R. I & P ....100 10! 190 190
Col. Fuel & Iron.... 102 lrtJ'4 S',J D9)i
Col & Southern 11 33 33 31
Den. R G . Pr 94 91 93 D1V4
Ello 37'J 3Si 37 31
Eile, 1st Pr ()9V 70U t9U I.0U
Erie. 2d Pr 52 53 52 52t
"Hocking Valley .... 94? 94 94 94'4
Illinois Cential lbS'4 1(,9 ll.S. lhS'',
Kan. City & South.. 3394 3i 3vi uS
Louis & Nash 145'i 145'i 143 144
Manhattan Ut,i 134 133U 1-JVa
Met St. Ry HO 150V 149 149H
Mexican Cential .... 30 30 -9 29
Mo , Kan & Tex ... 31 31 30 31
Mo , K. & Tex , Pr.. 63i 63Vi 62 b2
Mo Paciiio 118 119U us 11M
N Y. Cential 165'2 161 lb3i lb4
Norfolk & Western . b4 bl'4 62 62
Ont & West 33 34 33 33
Pacific Mall 40V3 40 39 39
Penna. R H r9 1WH4 lWfe 1'!,
People's Gas 104'i lOUi 102 101
Piessed Steel Cai...47 47 47 47
Reading 6iV f7 66 Cb
Reading, 1st Pr S7 S7 87 87
Reading, Ld Pr 72 7!3 72 73
Republic Steel 11'i 10i 1S 1S
Republic Steel. Pi.. 75 7i 75 7"
St. L & San F 79 70 77 77
Southern Pacific .... h9 t,0 lS 6SV4
Southern R R . ... 30 30 3814 3S
Southern R. R, Pi.. 97?4 979 97 97V
Tcnn Coal & Tron .. b0 hOA l7 Ji
Texas & Pacific .... 43 1i 44 43
Union Pacific 10S 100 ins 10S
Union Pacific, Pi.... 01Vi OIV2 01 91Vi
U. S Leather 11 11 12 1!
U. S Leather, Pr .. 85 S5 84 84
V. S Steel 40 40 T9'A 30
IT. s. Steel, Pr 90 90 80 90
Wabash 30 31 30 30
Wabash. Pr 46 4b 45 45
Western Union 86 Si 85 Wi
Wheel & L E 23 21 21 21
Wis Cential .... 28 28 27,i 27L
Total sales, 751,700 shares.
Money, 3 per cent.
WHEAT. Onen Hlcli. Low. Close
September 70 70 70 70!',
December 70 70 09 09
September ri 58 55 56
December 41 41 43 43
September 2S 28 2tf 2S
December 2S 2S 28 2S
September 1702 17 07 1677 1630
September 1075 I07i 1062 10 67
September 10 37 10 37 1010 1013
Open. High. Low. Closo.
August 816 820 816 SH
September 7,76 7 80 7.76 7 79
October 7 6! 7,70 7.76 7.77
December 7.74 7 60 7 51 7 5S
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS Bid Asked.
Lackawanna Daily Co , Pr,.., oo
Countv Sav. Bank & Tiust Co SoO
riist Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... 500
Thlid national Bank ,V0
Dime Dep &. Dls. Bank 300
Economy L, II fi V. Co 46
Flist National Bank l00
Lack. Tiust ic Safe Dep. Co . 103
Claik & Snovcr Co, Pr 125
Seianton Savings Bank 500
Tindets' National Bank 221
Seianton Bolt & Nut Co 125 ...
People's Bank 135
Seinnton Packing Co C3
Seianton Passenger Railway,
first moitgage, duo 1920 115
Teople's Sticot Railway, first
moitgage, due 1918 115 ...
People's Street Railway. Gen-
cinl mortgage, duo 1921 115 .,,
Seianton Tiac Co , o per cent, 115
Economy L, H. & P. Co 97
N. Jeisov & Poeono Ico Co 97
Consolidated Wnter Supply Co ... 105
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G, Dale, 27 Lackn. Ave.)
Floui-N 40.
Buttei Ficsh creameiy, 2J',Sa; ficsh
daily, 22c.
Eggs Ncaiby, 21e,j western, 2iV
Mnnow Beans Per bushel, J2J3a2W.
Gieen Peas Per bushel, 2 25.
Onions Per bushel, 90e a?l 00.
New Potatoes We, por bushel,
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, July 20 Fiom Maiket was
weak and gcneially lower to sell; winter
stialghts, $3 50.13 75: Minnesota patent,
$3SSa4llO. Wheat Spot easlei ; No 2 led,
774a77e. f, o, b.; No 1 not them
Diilutb, Sic. f. o. b nlloat, Theio was a
smabh In wheat values today occasioned
by continued heavy lecelpts, beailsli ciop
news, lower cables and liquidation. After
about a cent break news of a laigo ox
poit trade piompted eoveilng nnd reac
tions from low point, the close being a
c. net lowei. but steady. May closed
77'ic.; Julv. 7Sc.j September, 75c s Do
eember, 73c. Com Spot eablei; Nq. 2,
G6e, elevator and 07c, f. o. b. alloat; op
tion maiket bioko 2c. a bushel under Mop
loss selling, gcucia liquidation, piomis
lug crop news, und better tecilpts. The
closo was unsettled at l',iulc. net un.
Where to Get It.
For Osteopathia treatment oU
should consult Dr. Herbert I. Fur
man, who has In tho Oiccn Rldgo
Sanitarium, located at 1530 N. Wash
ington avenue, Seinnton, Pa,, the
best equipped Osteopathic Institution
in the East.
His city treating rooms in tho Car
ter Building, comer Adams avontlo
nnd Linden street, aro open dally ftom
0 to 12.
Call at his neat est ofPco for free ex
nmlnntlon. 1,1 tern tin o and consulta
tion In person or by mull, Free,
Treatment at your homo by ap
pointment, Lady assistants. Both 'phones.
Capital, $200,000
fEUar $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small:
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to 8.30.
cllno. May closed 4b'c ; July, (5c ; Sep
tember, blc : Deccmbei, 48'c Oatb
No. 2, 62c ; No 3, 02c ; No 2 white. b3c ;
No. 3 white, blc; Hack mixed, western,
61c , track white western, bl.tbOc ; tiatk
white state, blabOc ; option maiket 'was
weak and lowei on big lecelpts aftci
waids talking slightly with othei miu
kots Buttei Dull; weak; cic.imctv, 17a
20'c ; do factoiy, 13al7c ; lenovatcd. lb
al9c; imitation cieamciy, lbalSc ; state
daily, 17.i20c ; Chcc e Largo film; small
i.isv; new state full cieam, small col
01 cd fnncv, 10c ; small white 99ic : laigo
toloied, 9c ; laigo white, 9c Brfgs
Stcadj ; state nnd Pennsv lvanla, 20 i20Vto ;
vvestciu candled, lSal95c ; wcitcin un
cundlcd, WaXiVc.
Chicago Grain iMarket.
Chicago. July 20 Real s weio in full
contiol of all ginln maikets most of the
day Tho decline was not confined to
manipulated options, but tho whole gialn
list wheat, corn, oats and ije In all
months went lower under the smothering
weight of big lecelpts and piospeus of
Immense coaiso grain ciops In Julv,
where sensational diops weio expected,
tho bears were somewhat disappointed.
In the other dell voiles, however, wheio
prices weie consldeied on a fair com
merclnn basis, tho diops were sudden nnd
disastious to the bulls nnd in all quite
astonishing. Towaid the close, a 1 cap
tion set In in most gialns and especially
in July oats which had lost 5c In tho end
July wheat 1 ost only c; September
wheat, ac ; July coin, 4c; Septem
ber com, 2c. and September oats, i.
July oats, closed 2c higher and pi ovlslons
closed 5c. to 35e down Cash quotations
were as follows. Ploui Busier; No 2
pi Ing wheat, 73i ; No 3 bSa72e ; No 2
led. 72i73V4c ; No 2 coin, 57c ; No 2
v ellow, 57a59c : No 2 oits, 2S',&a40e ; No
2 white, 50c ; No .1 white. ",2a47c ; No 2
rve, 53a57c ; good fcedlnf. bailey; fair to
choice malting. Ul u,7c ; No 1 llax seed,
Jl 4b, No 1 northwestern, $1 53; pilme tim
othy seed, $3 45; mess poik, per ban el,
$16 80albS5: laid $10b0al0 70; rihs, $10 05a
10 15; shouldeis, 9a9c ; bhoit clear sides,
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, July 29 Wheat c. low
er; contiact glade, July, 74l4a74c ; Au
gust, 73a74c. Coin lc lowei; No 2
yellow, for local tiade, 7$a70c Oats
lc lowei , No, 2 white clipped, iJe Wool
Unchanged. Pi ov Islons Unchanged,
Butter c lower, e-ctia western cieam
eiy, 21c; do ncaiby piints, 22c. Kgjs
Steady; fiesh neaiby, 20c , loss off do.
western, 2014c ; do do. do southwestern,
18c ; do. do do. southern, 15ilbc. Checso
Daslcr; New Yoik full cieam, pilmo
small, 10al0c; do do. do. fail to good,
9V4a9c. Refined Sug u s Unchanged.
Cotton 1-lbc lower, middling uplands,
9c. Tallow Steady, city pilme, In tierces,
ba0c; countiy do do, bauds, 0abc;
do. do daik, i,ab'jc; cakes, o14abc.
Live Poultry Finn, tnlr demand, fowls,
14at4c ; old loohteia, inc.; spring chick
ens, UalSc; spi ing ducks, ilalJc; old do,
lOallc. Diessed Poulti Film; good de
mand; fowls, choice western, H'sc; do.
southern and southw ostein, 13al4c; do.
fair to good, 12alJc; old loosteis, 9Via
10c; biolleis, neaiby, lnige, 19a20c; do.
small nnd medium, lOUSc; western do,
huge, IbalSc,; do. small and medium, 11a
15c. Receipts Kloiu , 3,00n ban els and 1,
284,000 pounds In sacks; wheat, ol 000 bush
els; coin, 0,400 bushels; oats, 11,000 bush
els. Shipments Wheat, 4b,000 bushels;
coin, 0,400 bushels; oats, 7,000 bushels,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, July 29 Cattle Receipts, 3,
000, Including 500 Tcx.ins, 500 western;
slow, steady; good to pilmo steels, $7 85
n8 70; poor to medium, $4 50.i7.W); stockeis
nnd feedeis, $2 50i5 25; cows, $150a5 50;
heifers. $2 5010 25; canneis. $1 50a2 50; bulls.
$2 50a5 25; calves, $2 50a7 35; Texas fed
steers. 323a575; western steers, giass
eis, $5a5 75. Hogs Receipts today, 17,000;
tomouow, 23,000, lett ovci, 3,500; steady
to 5c. hlghei ; closed lowei; mled and
butchcis. $7.20 iS 05; good to choloo heavy,
$7.SOa8 10Vii lough heavv. $7 20i7.05; light,
$7a7S0; bulk of sales, $7.40a7 80. Sheep
Receipts, 1,000; steady; lambs, weak to
lowei ; good to choloo wethers, $la4 50;
fair to cholco mixed, $2 50al.
Buffalo Live Stock Maiket.
Knst Buffalo, July 29 Cattle Receipts,
100 head; dull nnd lowei; veals, steady
at $5,17 21, Hogh Receipts, 1,200 heiul:
stiong and 5c higher; heavy, S15aS2);
mixed, $S05aS13; pigs, $8; inuglis, $b85u7;
stngs, $5 75a6 50. Sheep and Lambs Re
ceipts, 800 head; sheep, steadv ; lambs.
6"o. lowei; lambs $4 50a6; vcnilliigs, $ 7
a5 25; wotheis, $!73a5; sheep, $2 25a4 73;
ewes, $4 23.1 1 50.
East Liberty Stock Market.
Uast Llbeitv, July 2D-Putt!e-Steadv:
choice, $7,50.i7 80; pi line, 7a7-5; good, $iQ
no 75 Hogs Steads : pilmo heavv, $Sat 10;
mediums, $S; heavy Yoikeis $7 95a8; light,
do, $7 9017 05; pigs, $7S5,7 9; loughs, $iji
7,50 Sheep-Slow; best wetheis, $4 13a4 15;
culls and common, $1 V)a2j cholco lambs,
$5 50a5 73; veal calves, $7a7,75.
Oil Max ket,
Oil City, July 29-Cicdlt balances. 122;
ceitlllcatcs, no bid: shipments, 71,79" bat
tels; avouigo, 77,978 banols; inns, 19,172
battels; aveiugc, 7S.1S3 batrels.
Natives Attack the Gairlsons and
Burn Factoiies.
By Excliblve Ire from 1 lie Aosoclatcd l'rcss.
Lisbon, July 20, Repot ts from Por
tuguese West Aftlcu, where theie havo
been uimor3 of tioubles with tho na
tives, show that tho dlsoulcis ute as
suming u giuvo character.
In the Piovlncc of Luanda several
guulsons weie attacked and factories
burned. A general utilising is feaied.
W C m UflXvv7 Mm mr mr 0xmm At m Jm mS Mm Mr m MmMW mm
I Ls 1 Travelers' L Needs
Trunks and Bags
Did you say you wanted a good Trunk, Bag or Telescope ? Con
cealed under tho cover of today's special prices you may find Just what
you want In a Trunk or Bag.
Pull Cut Club Bags
Best lock and catches, cloth lined with pocket Inside, cut and well
finished. Come In 3 sizes 13, 15 and 18 Inches. Specially priced at
50c, 75c and 98c
Large size, heavy canvas Telescopes, 3 heavy leather straps, good
handles, all corners leather capped and brass riveted.
Size: 18 20 22 24 26 Inch
Prices, 65c, 80c, 90c, $1.00, $1.10
Canvas covered, hard wood slats, brass lock and No. 2 bolts. Iron
bottom, heavy handles, set-up tray and hat box.
Sizes: 28 30 32 ' 34 36 Inch
,, Prices, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98, $4.48, $4.98
Steamer Trunks
Brass Bound Steamer Trunks, very strong, best Excelsior lock, No.
4 bolts. All heavy trimmings and best furnishings. f
Size: 28 30 32 34 36 Inch
Prices, $4.25, $4.75, $5.25, $5.75, $6.25
Dress Suit Cases
In Olive color, leather corners, all brass riveted, cloth
lined, with straps inside leather sewed handles, size 22 .
inches and 24 Inches. Price Jp 1 .5U
Odd Lot of Men's Russet Shoes
. $2.50 and $3.00 values, only small and large sizes In .
lot. To close out, choose your size here and pay, a pair. . )1.75
We Are Agents for the
1 1 1 II I III (ill win Willi
One of the best In the country. Clothes dyed and cleaned. Cur
tains or Blankets made to look like new ones. All necessary informa
tion will be cheerfully given at Pattern Counter.
Shoe Sale
In our Men's Fine Footwear, all our
$5.00 and $6.00 grades, in Johnson &
j Murphy and The Stetson, in all season-
J able leathers and lasts. High
J Shoes and Oxfords, reduced to
Men's Tan and
J $4.00 and $5.00 values,
2 this sale.
" u u
S Men's Black and Tan Shoes and
j Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50 Ort QQ
' grades, reduced to. V""
5 Men's Tan Shoes and Ox- M OC
fords, $2.50, now selling at yl.fcV
J Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola
J5 Oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00 Q flfl
S grades, reduced to. . . . Vv.UU
J Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola
J Oxfords, $2.25, reduced Ql Cf
S to.
Ladies' Dongola
J $1.75, reduced to
s Lewis, Ruddy,
330tLackawanna Avenue.
a '! $ !
A Ten Yea
Guarantee With Every Roof
No Charge far Estimate or Examination
Ehrct's Slaar Roofinic
WarrenEhpt Company
Roofing- and Bulilinir Paper. Coal Tar Product.
MM MM ' MM .) Kfcl
Russian Calf Shoes,
Oxfords, Al OC
V '
Davies & Murpny,
J- !
19QS 7
.? 1 i