a fj? ' Ta v . 4X .va" 4r THE gCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1902, r ,s ,. -Jeb Stark's JEB STARK lay beneath the shade of the only tiee in Scaly City which tiff ot ded any icul piotectlon from the blighting sun of an August day In Arizona. Not twenty fcot away the tmckst of tho M. K. and T. ro.ul trcin Lied befoie the eye In tho heat haa beating up fiom cinder roadbed. In tho distune" the lonely passenger shanty loomed out of the tiecless waste, the ugliest object In an ugly prospect. Eutly in the morning Jcb had finished his "chords" about tho shanty. For a time thoieufter he hud considered taking a nup In the "waiting loom" on one of the side benches, but Krause, tho op erator, was in such uncertain temper that h moment's rcllectlon decided him on the wiser course of keeping out of sight. llu betook himself, thetelore, to tho scraggy shelter previously men tioned, and c.inled with hlni Into his retirement hla two deaicst possessions (sacred because they In themselves represented tho highest pinnacle of his ambition), a battered old telegraph sounder and key and a coll of whe. Jcb was some day going to be an op erator, and these weie tho means to his end. With the agility born of long prac tice ho had shinned tho neatest tele graph pole and made a working splice to tho main line who. Fiom the mo ment that was done nnd the Instrument adjusted n lonely Arizona waif In the midst of a sandy dcseit bashed in the fascinating details of a woild far be yond his ken. Absorbed In what to most people would have been dry nnd unlnteiesting enough, the loutinc of train orders and business mest-ages held him Inteiostcd to a point v.hetc he be came oblivious to what w.n going on about him. Thcrofoic, he failed to notice a thick-set man In blue oveialls and jumper, who suddenly appeared out of tho plain and glided Into the of fice of the bhanty. From thoie ho emerged In a minute or two picceded by the operator, neatly triced up with clothesline and a btoom handle after the appiovod method of the plains. It was not until they were closo upon him that Job saw the pair. His flrht In stinct was to hide his Instrument as much froih Krause as the outlaw. "Who's tho kid?" the stranger asked Krause shaiply, as they came to a halt in front of him. "My help," the operator answeied eurllly.A "Sonny," the other .said, addressing Jeb, "we'ie a-going down che load a piece, and If you want to giow up to Ibe a man like your pap, don't you take no notion to see what wo'ie about. See?" As he spoke the outlaw lead justed the bandanna handkerchief nctoss his nose kind mouth, and, with a &hovo, sent Crause forward down tho tiack in tho lirection of Miner's Gulch, a soft stone cutting not more than a quaiter of a rule from the station. "Well, I icckon Krause is drunk again," the opeiator at the Junction fluttered to himself as he banged away It the key of his tender in a vain effoit to laise the Scaly City office. "Some thing's fcuie the matter," he said aloud, ror tho comfort the sound of his voice Save him in his perplexity. "No answer from Scaly; No. 10 duo in six minutes. What shall I du?" was tho ttnessage he sent direct to the train dis patcher at tho head of the line. Befoie ho had had time to lecelvc an answer from his chief the Junction op erator was further pu.zled by the slow, irregular ticking of tho instiument on the Scaly City ciicuit. At llrst he could not make out anything from the jum bled beats of the sounder, save that something was materially out of gear in the system. As he listened, how ever, his trained car began to pick out here and there a letter of the message that was coming through. "Scaly City: Robbers Is heie, Krause is killed. Jeb Scaly City; Robbns is here, Krause is killed, Jeb" was tho repeated warning that finally levelled Itrcrit to the Junction man's bewildered brain. "I have you I have you I have ou" he clicked back, as soon as tho full meaning of what ho had heaid dawned upon him. Darting to the comer of the office he beized a red flag and toro up the main track in tho diiectlon from which tho mail would uppioach in a scant minute and a half. Tho conductor and chief mall cleik were both hanging from a step as the train ground by the operator in com ing to a stop. "What's the matter?" they asked In one breath as soon as they could get within hailing distance of him. The opeiator icpoatcd his expetlenccs of the last ten minutes, nnd the tluce twirled to tho office for iiistiuctlous from headquarteis. f "Word liom Scaly robbeis. ring No. 10; proceed cautiously with empty cats and effect captuic," was being ticked off over and over again as they came in. Tho mall was hastily transferred from two cms into a third; u day coach and smoker weio emptied of pas sengers, nnd tho loadejbturs backed out of harm's way dovP a siding. With the dummy tniln In tow tho locomotive started for Scaly City with six heavily aimed mall cleiks distributed over tho tender and in the cab as a giintd. The engineer felt hl3 way cautiously down the line, icady at a moment's notice to bilng his train to a stuud etlll. No sign of anything out of the ordinary was to be seen as they camo In sight of tho shanty. Tho tliemun and two mail clerks made their way Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. "AboutvsIx years ago for the Hist time In my life I had a sudden and se vere attack of dlanlioca," says Mib. Alice Miller, of Moigan, Texas. "I got temporary relief, but It came, back again and again, and for six long yeut s I have Buffeted more inlseiy and agony than I tan tell. It was wotso than death, My husband spent hundieds of dblhits for physicians' preset Iptlons nnd treat ment without avail. Finally wo moved to JJosrjuo county, our ptcsent home, and one day I happened to see an ad vertisement of Chamboilaln'a Colic, Cholera und Plaiihoea Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been cured by It, The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to tty the remedy. Tho result was wonderful. I could hardly tealUo that I was well again, or believe It could be so after having suffered bo long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few rents, cured me." For sale by all drug fists. ., t Promotion. carefully toward the building to Investi gate. On tlie floor lay Kruusc's revolv er. The room was In confusion, nnd theto had evidently been tt struggle. Not slopping to scaroh further, tho men Inn lied back to the locomotive und re ported. Without a word tho engineer start ed his machine ahead down the tiack. Ftu thct mote, ho no longer tan nt a cautious ciuwi, but opened tho throttle wide nnd plunged away as If making up time on his tegular schedule. Tho clerks got their tevolvets icady nnd waited. At the gulch they were Hugged, as the engineer , hud expected they would be. As the locomotive slowed up In passing the head mull clerk shot tho man with tho Hag dead. A fusllndo ltom tho side of the truck waB tetuinctl by tho other men on tho locomotive, and then silence, bavc for tho stcudy pant of tho engine. Two of tho clerks tossed the dead man roughly on top of tho coal In the tender and started with their companions on a run In the diiectlon in which the rob bers had disappeared. They weie Just in time to see four men Jump on bion chos nnd ride for dear life acioss the plains. "What can have become of Kiauso?" the chief mail clerk asked as they g.ued disconsolately after the retreat ing Hautes. "Maybe they took him with them," one of the number hazarded. " 'Tnln't likely," the chief answeied. "They've got enough to attend to in getting away without lugging him along." "Sptcad out and we'll beat the gulch," the engineer said. "Wo tnn only spend ten minutes at it, but If he is anywhere about we can tuin him up in that time." Tho men moved out fan-like nctoss the gulch, pecilng behind the rocks and low -lying bushes, to see If by any chance ho had been killed and hi& body disposed of in that way. One by one tho paity t etui tied to the locomotive with no news of the missing man. The engineer held down his whistle tope for a. good two minutes, and waited five more for lesults. As nothing came of it the trip back to Scaly City and the Junction was re sumed. As they ncatcd the platfoim at Scaly City a lonely little Hgure stood sil houetted in the twilight against tho passenger shanty. It was Jeb. "I want tor git outer here,". he said, teat fully, as he climbed into tho cab. "Theie ain't nothln' going to keep me atound this place." "What happened, sonny?" one of the clerks asked, as the dummy ttnln ran swiftly back tow aid the Junction. Then between sobs, despite his prai rie tiaining, for he wasn't a ery big boy, Jcb told of watching Krause dis appear in the gulch in the custody of tho lobber. He had sent the message down the line as well as he could with the old .sender, and his knowledge of the code. It had taken him a long time to make sure that anyone had it, though, and even then he did not know where it had been lecelved, as he knew nothing of tho calls. After the Junction's reply hud i cached him, he said, he ian to the head of the gulch by a loundabout way and saw the jobbers ride up on their ponies. There were four of them, not counting the man who had Krause in custody. Fiom their gebtuies he said they seemed to be aiguing about some thing. At any rate they shook their flbts In Kiause's face, and one man finally knocked him down and fired a pistol at him. Hence Jch said he con cluded they had killed h p. He was afraid the robbers might catch him if ho stayed any longer, so he went back to the station and reached thoie just after the dummy train had left for the gulch. While Jeb had been telling ills stoty tho chief mall clerk had climbed oxer the coal to the body on the tender. Ho came back pale and with body all aqulver. "We got the wrong man, boys," he said, "it's Krause up theie." Tho other men on the locomotive wore moved according to their natutes, Some swore sympathetically, while others simply shook their heads. The engi neer did neither of thebe things, Ho opened the thtottlo a tilde and rc maiked; "Well, he Hugged us for them, didn't he?" "Yes," someone absented. "Well, he got his wages." Jeb spent that night with tho opera tor at tho Junction, Tho next morning Alhiight received this message: "Send that boy Jeb that stopped tho mail lust night, down to this office. I can use him. Jumps Brock, Dispatch er." New Yoik Evening Post. DURYEA. Special to the Sctanton Tilbuno. Dui yea, July 1.9. Mlts Harettn Stephens Is bcilously ill with typhoid fever, The Loncsteln Bios, are adding an addition to theio dry goods stoto of thirty-seven feet in which they will supply fut nl tine. Mis.'F, L. Lane, of this place, visit ed ft lends In Taylor, yestetday, Miss Alice Biown is spending her vacation in Jeitey. Miss Maggie Caryl is visiting ft lends In New Yoik. Mr. John White, of wilkes-Barre, and Miss LUdc Davis, of Katitlcoko, was cntei tallied by Miss Eliza Blown, of this place Sunday. Mr. William Brown is 111 at his home on Church street, Mis, Ammeimaii, of this place, visit ed at the homo of Mrs. Burger, of MOOblC, Mrs, Hazel Jacobs has icturned homo after spelling a few weeks with her gtandpunj, of Factory vllle, NEW AULFORP. Special to tho Sctanton Tilbuno. New Mllfotd, July 2S, Miss Grace Ollesple, of Columbus, is a guest at the honio ot Mr, and Mis, II. J, Tiffany, Mlbs Minnie Biadley Is visiting ft lends und i datives ut Dimmock and Rush. Mr. and Mia. JohrHMolTat spent Sat uiday In Bnghamton. J. Y, Axtcll, of Stevens Point, was In town Sunday. Rev, It, N, Ives spent Sunday at Nicholson. Mrs. William Harding and little daughter, Justlna, visited 1) the town ship the forepart of the v ,ek. The young ladles of the P, S, C. E. will conduct a Porto Rt fin recep tion at the Presbvtrla.n church. Thwrn- dny evening, July 31. Everybody wet come. MrB. A. 11, Sherwood is entertaining her grand daughters, Misses Grace nnd Jennie Shetvvood, of Ulhghnmton. Thomnn Brick who has for Borne time conducted a barber shop In this place, has gone to Newark, valley, whoro he will engage in tho Bamo busi ness. Richard Moss who has boon visiting his mother, Mrs. TV F, Moss, in this place, will return to his homo In Fntcr son this week. He will be accompanied by his brother, Rny Moss. Mr. nnd Mrs, Iia Moss, Mrs. T. F. Moss, Ethorly Moss, Richard Moss, Harold Moss nnd Muss Van Cott en joyed a days outing at Page's pond, Saturday. ELllHURST. Ccituln statements have been made nnd ch diluted by both word and mouth and through the ptes3 which defame tho character of Mr. F. W. Harlow, a very respcctublc citizen of Elmhutst. A number of, tho residents ot Elm huist und the Burioundtng dlstilct, picsutnably believing the statements to ))o tiue, became much incensed and thrcutcned violence to Mr. HnrloW which wus restrained by tho better Judgement and more calm dollbcta tlons of tho leprcsentatlvc men of tho botough. To obtain the facts of tho case a meeting was culled, those present being the' ucused, the accuser, a few friends of both parties, und tho little children of the accuser. The statements of both sides were heaid, and stiange to say they were exactly tho same. The word construc tion was of such a character however, as to lead some persons of mutuie ago to apply a wrong meaning to them. The evidence obtained proved that rumors were due entirely to the children's words being misconstrued, and an evil meaning being applied to them by pet sons other than the par ents of the chlldtcn. I, therefore, take pleasure In notify ing the public that, from tho full evidence obtained, Mr. F. W. Harlow Is, In this case, a much Injured man and deserves nt least, the apologies of all poisons who have fao lashly mis judged him. William Vokolck. This is to certify thatl was pi escnt at the above mentioned Investigation and found that the evidence given was not sufficient for use to believe Mr. F. W. Hallow guilty. Thos. N. Thomson. Eimhurst, July 28. ATLANTIC CITY. Fiom The Tilbuno. Bureau, TIIyou'3 Steeplechase Flei. Atlantic City, July 29. The delight ful weather of tho past week and nu meious excutslons from distant points combined to make things lively at the shoie. The ciowd was simply Immense and many lsItois fiom Sctanton and vicinity woto noticed among those along the beach, on the board-walk and at wlares of amusement. Dr. and Mis. Wcntz, last week, moved fiom their up-tovvn hotel down to the Steiling, to be with Scianton friends, among whom aie Mr, and Mis. W. I. Finch, Miss Floience Finch and Robeit M. Scianton. Mrt. M. Davis, of Plttston, is at the Concueror. F. L. Carpenter and E. W. Bryant, of Scranton, are sojourning at the Col onial, at Asbury Puik. Mr. and Mis. A. W. Dickson, Mrs. R'. F. Pleice and Bessie F. Pierce, of Scianton, aic at the Majestic, Ocean Grove. W. D. Jenkins and George Coombs aio at the Loralne, Ocean Giove. Recent ai rivals from Scranton legls tered at piomlncnt Atlantic City hotels include G. G. Stock, ut the Amo; Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hall and Mr. and Mis. C. A. Hall, at the Stiand; M. Robin bon, Mrs. C. Stnike and family, at tho Adolphii3; M. Flanagan and A. Flan agan, at the Westminster; J. R. Tay lor, at the Stickney; Mis. A. L. Fian cis, F. B. Hoi ip rwd son, Sothein; Mr. nnd Mrs. L. H. SWiith, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kessler, nt Kuehule's; E. Kopper, at the Kenilwoith; Miss A. A. Dolph in, at the Hobart; L. M. Kellum nnd J. Whetterbuig, at tho Anchoinge; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. B. Coleman, at tho Del monte; Mis. John Kiiby and Miss N. Kliby, at the Osborne; T. C. Griffin, Poncp do Leon; J. !, Snyder, at tho Obboine; Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunn, at Coultc's Hall; J, Wlttmun, at the Nor mandlo; A. McGairy, at tho Aino; Geo. Knete, O. D. Stoker, wife and child, nt the Avon; Mr. nnd Mis. J. Reynolds, at the Grand Cential; Mr. and Mis. J. O. Shotwcll, at Bleak House; J. N. Ganct, at the Kenil woith; D. D. Yoder, at the Noi man die; J. it. Cohen, at the Raleigh; S. M. Nash, ot the Sterling; Mrb. C. Leo pold, ut the Marlborough. Mr. and Mib. Edwatd B. Dean and son, who aio stopping at Haddon Hall, weie calleis at The Tribune Bufenu dining the week. VIsltois to Atlantic City fiom Scran ton and vicinity aie invited to tall at The Ttlbune headquarteis, on the Stee plechase Pier, which will bo open for their fieo teceptloii fiom 9 a. m, to 1 p. m. The Ttlbune lb on file thete, and our tepresentntlve will give any Infor mation desired. Col. Tom Leslie. PICTURE TOR THE LITTLE ONES Cut out tho nlctmea appealing on this pago oich day, diaw a pencil mink aiound tho hidden object, savo them until Hatuiday, then bend them or tuko them to The Tilbuno ofHco In nn .cnvelopo nddicflsed to ''Puzlo Donuitmcnt." Enclose In tho cnvelopo jour nnino, aga and nddioss Tho bovs and glrH who conectly maik tho bl plctuies appearing dining tho week, and whoto nnswets 1110 Hist iccclvcd, will have their names published in Tho Tilbuno Monday morning, III ''-4Wy "i" Find the two 'mothers of this little boy. $ ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS ATLANTIC CITY. Excursion Via Now Jersoy Contr.il on August 1, 1002. Faro for adults, $5.00; faro for chil dren, $.1.50. Round trip tickets on salo at stations mentioned below and good going on speclul ttaln, schedule of which follows, or on any regular train on nboVo dntennd good to return on regular trains on or boforo August It. Special train leaves Wllkcs-Bnrro, 8.30 a. in.; Hnzto street, S.32 a. in,; South Wllkos-Barre, 8.3 J u. in.; Ashley, 8,33 a. in.; Laurel Run, 0.07 a. ni.i Penob scot, 0.20 n. in".; White Haven, 0.42 a. m,; Leslie Run, 9.S4 a. m.; Penn Haven Junction, 10.11 a. m.; Mauch Chunk, 10 80 a. m. W. G. Cosier, general man uger; C. M. Burt, general passenger agent, $51,25 to Salt Ziake City and Roturn via the Lehigh Valloy Railroad. On account of tho Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Pi elective Order of Elks meeting at Salt Luke city, Utah, August 12-14, tho Lehigh Valloy rail road will sell round trip tickets at the late of $51.23 good going August 6th, 7th and Sth, good for return passage to and Including September 30th. Tickets good on all trains except the Blnok Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further ln foi mation. Biennial Meeting,Xnlghts of Pythias, Sin Francisco, Cal, Aug. 11-82. For the above occasion ticket agents of tho Lackawanna ruihoad will sell special excursion tickets to cither un Francisco or Los Angeles und return, at rate of $66 23, fiom Hcranton, dates of sale, August 1 to 9, with llnt.il roturn limit to reach original starting point, not later than September 30. See the Lackawanna ticket agent In, reference to stop-off, authorized In either direc tion; also variable loutcs and side trips. $68.25 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Cal., and Return via the Le high Valley Railroad. On account of the biennial meeting, Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco, August 11-22, the Lehigh Valley rail road will sell exclusion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., at $66 23 good going August 1st to 9th, in clusive, good for leturn passage to Sep tember 30th, good on any tialn except the Black Diamond Express. SeevLe high Valley ticket agents for further Inlormatlon. The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21. For the above occasion special ex- cutslon tickets may be purchased via tho Lackawanna lallioad to Silver Lake and return, at late of $7.20 fiom Scran ton. Tickets will be on sale July 15th to August 21st, inclusive, going limit date of sale, with Hnal return limit to Sept. lst,"1902, inclusive. Children be tween the ages of 5 and 12 years at one half adult rate. 95.00 Atlantic City $5.00. On August 1 the New Jersey Central will inn their eleventh annual excur sionknown ns the Red Men's excur sion to Atlantic City. Faie, live dol lnis, and tickets good for ten days, ex clusive of day of sale. Special train will leave Scranton at S a. m., stopping at Taj lor, Moosic, Avoca, Plttston, Yntesville, Miner's Mills, Parsons and Wilkes-Bane. One hundred and fifty pounds of baggage checked through to Atlantic City, ftce of charge. For list of hotels, boarding houses, or any ad ditional information, apply to ticket agents, or to J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. Excuision to Mauch Chunk, Glen Onoko and tho Switch-Back, Sunday, August 3, 1902, via New Jersey Cential. Round trip tickets, good only on special tialn on above date, will bo on sale at the following stations nnd intes: Scranton, $1.50; Tuylot, $1.40; Moosic, $1.35; Avoca, $1.30; Pittston, $1.23; children, 75 cents. Special train on above date will be run on following schedule: Leave Scranton, 7.30 a. m.; Taylor, 7.37 a. m.j Moosic, 7.43 a. in.; Avoca, 7.4C a. m.; Pittston, 7,51 a. 111. Returning, tialn will leave Mauch Chunk at 5 30 p. m. for above stations. Speilal trains will leave Mauch Chunk for Glen Onoko at 2, 2.43, 3.30 4.15 p. m., and Glen Onoko for Mauch Chunk at 2,15, 3. and 3.13 p. m. Switch Buck tickets, 50 cents cxtta for adults; childicn, 23c, and must bo puichiihed on tialn befoie artlving at Mauch Chunk. J. S. Swisher, District Passenger Agent. Knights of Pythias Meeting, San Francisco. Tho Nickel Plato lallioad .,wlll sell August 1st. to 10th. Inclublve, special excuision tickets, Buffalo, N. Y. to San Fiancisco and return nt iato $62.00f good icturnlng to Sept. 30th,, account above meeting. Best accommodations, fast time, lowest latea. See nearest PUZZLE. fe-jM. jrt,a.a -fyJf THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" I IUII IllIll U) Only Half a Cent a Word. Branoli WANT Cfflc33. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Storos Until 10 P. M. Control City ALBERT SC1IULTZ, corner Mul berry street and Webster nvo. QUBTAV PICIIEL, b5U Adums avenue, West Side CEO. W. JENKINS, 1P1 South Main avenuo. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar avenuo. , North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenuo and Market all cot. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dick son nvpime. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Gioon Rldgo sti ect. C. LOI1ENZ, coiner Washington avenue nnd Mation sttcct. Peteisburg W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. For Rent. FOUR nice ftont moms; steam heat and nam; rent low; FL'ti Olive, For Sale. FOR SALE Fine new automobile, -value iK'i; will sell lor 300 cash; can bo seen at btoio ot F. U. Smith. 507 Linden stioet, Bo.ud of Tiade building. POU SALE A Hi st class meat matket. Owner will work for patly. Addiess Ul Chestnut sttcet, Dunmoic, Pu. Wanted To Rent. WANTED TO lent by a gentleman, two unfurnished looms, with heat and use of bath. Box. 500, Tilbuno oIIIlo. WANTED A small house or Hat, piefii ably furnished, In desltablo location. To gain attention, state tcims. P. O. Box 327. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED ROOiMS for lent, niodarn Improvements; pilvato family; gen tlemen picfenod, at 537 Adams avenuo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pio ferred, at 539 Adams avenue. Real Estate. FOR SALE At a haigaln on easy tcims, tho Lelghton faim In Glcnbuin. Also giowing 01 hni vested ciops ot pialn, liny, vegetables and fiults; twelve choice cows and helfeis, t.nm team, single chiving hoise, wagons, harness, faim Imple ments, etc. Andievv Lelghton, Glcnbuin. FOR SALE Fhst-class hotel, established1 business, good icasoiis for belling; wilte lor fuither partlnilais. Addiess John Millet, 77 East Market stioet. Coin ing, N. Y. LOTS, houses and faims foi sale. J. C. Zurllleh. See FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in upper Gieen Ridge; choico neighb'ji hood; most desliablo locnlltv for homo In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlae, 173G Sanderson avenuo. Business Opportunity. A RARE chance for paitlcs with small capital. Flue stoic 100m for rent, with small clean stock of bciioi.iI mer chandise which will bo sold low to pai Ucs lcntlng 100m. Hns riecu succuiblui stand for thirty yeais :n one ft n'-st inamifactuilng towns In Pennsjlvunla. No foielgn population. This will pav 50:1 to investigate Addiess Business, E3 S Fiont stieot, Milton, P.i. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wilto for our nputial ma" ket letter. Freo on application. S M. Hlbbnid & Co, mombois N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange, 44 and 1G Bioadway, Now Yoik. Estiblished 1S61 Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 2183 Bioad. Lost. LOST P111 sc, AVedncsdny evening, con taining sum of money nnd phonogiaph bill. LihPtnl rovvatd. Got ownct's name from Tilbune. Reward. 3 00 REWARD Pucka go containing biniclct nnd locket nddie.sscd Stephen D Ensle, Hasiclon, Fa. Geotgo W. Finn. Now 'phono 90S. Hoarders Wanted. BOARDERS WANTED-Wlll take sum mer boaideis; tinea lutgo ally 100ms nnd good tublo boaid. Addicsb O. 1C Dalton, Pn. Board and Rooms. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of looms with flrst class tublo honid, can bo obiatnad at 333 Jefferson avenuo. agent or write R. E. Payne, general agent, 291 Main stieot, Buffalo, N. Y. Homeseekers' Excuision. To points nil through the West via Nickel Plato lallioad. Lowest lates, best accommodations, Tluough touilst car set vice, finest coaches. Club meals 35c to $1.00, also meals a la turte. See nearest agent or wrlto R, E. Payne, general agent, 281 Main street, Buffalo, N. V. NICHOLSON. Special to the Scranton Tilbuno. Nicholson, July 2S. Mr, Russell, tho night opeiator at this plate, has 10 slgned his position for u more lucra tive ono ut Pittsbuig. Ho leaves to nlsht. Mis, Mnggie Pratt is on the sick list, M. L, McMullen Is a business caller at Gibson and Harford today, Mr, and Mis, William Loid have re turned home fiom a trip to New Jei sev. Our townsman, M. Shlolds, Jr., is as piring for tho ofllco of u'prcsentatlve of this county. AH OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY, MBS. W1N3LOWS SOOTIHNQ BYRIJP for children teething, U tho moscilptlon ot ono of iho best female physicians ami hurses In tho V lied States, and has been tued sUty ycum with nover-falllng sue? robs by millions ai mothers for their chiN dren. During the process of teething ita value !s Incalculable. It iclloves tho child from pain, cuics diarrhoea, griping In tin lowels, and wind-colic. By giving health lo tho child It rests thn mother. Price. tv.eiiU-Hvc cuits a. bottle.. .,...,.u..: mMiWU No Order Accepted Tor Less Than 10 Cents. Help Wanted Male. COAL MINERS WANTED Tim POCAHONTAS COLLIERIUS COMtAIY Sir. A, J, King, Supeiliitcndent, with bituminous coal mines In tho town of Pocalioiitnn, Tazewell County, States ot Vliglnln, 011 tho Norfolk and Western Rail way, wants noma good, experienced coal miners ut once. WAGES: For pick mining nnd loading entry inal no cents per car For pick mining and loading loum coal 75 cents per car For mining and loading machine under-cut entry coil ,.7() cents pur car For milling and loading machine under-cut loom iotI....rH cents per car Inpldo track lnycis $-' 0) to $2 2" per day lUhlilo lini'k l.trr hclpcts ?I M to $1.75 per day lnsldn timber men JJ ( per day Inside timber lielpcts :,". i LW for day Failles of in can piociuo sppcliil tickets for HO.d for each Person over tho Pennsylvania Ralhond fiom Philadelphia to PocahoiitiiH. Regular faio for ono poison alone, $11 33. Aiiangetncnts can bo mado to advance the lallioad faro to re sponsible poisons. , . Good mlnois will get regular employment and good accommodations, as .the town of Pocahontas has over l.rwXl IiiJmliltnms. POCAHONTAS rOLLTEUTES COMPANY. 501 Arcnilo Bldg,. Phlla. Help Wanted. timin wnniv $i,n monthly coiiylng lot- ww tots: cither se. Send two stamps tor paitlculaiii. Hick's Supply Co, S031 Hal sted stioet, Chicago. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-Ttnvollng salesmen for lm ptovod school lunch ho. C. S. Shop paid, IIP Exeter sttcet, Plttston, Pa. Help Wanted Female. WANTED ah 1 for goncial housework. 115 Madison avenue. WANTED-A neat competent gill Mr houso and kitchen woik In family of two. Mis. Dean, 130 Montco avenuu. WANTED A competent girl for gcnei.il hoiibowoik; Piotcst.int ptcfoncd. Ap ply 1711 Snndcison avenue. Situation Wanted. WANTED Plnln sowing; childicn s clothes a specialty. , All woik done neat und piompt. Call at G3-' Forest torn t, cltv. SITUATION WANTED-Bv a young man ns shipping and stock cleik; has good habits and lias a position at pi escnt, but deslics a change 101 good leason. Cnu furnish good icfcicnce. Addiess H. C, cue of Tilbuno. Money to Loan. a5yamcuntof money "to LOAN Quick, bti night loans or Building and Loan. At from 1 to C per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 31I-J15 Connoll building. Miscellaneous. THe'ToDEL LAUNDRY, Dunmoro. launders shlits at Sc. each and C0IU13 and cuffs at l',c. each. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PRPOSSwnT'boo'p'onMl In tho ofllco of the City Recouler by the Director of tho Depattmcnt of Public Woiks at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, August 4, 190-', tor tho construction of tin eo (3) sower basins in the Fnuituenth waul, nccotding to plans and bnecillcn tions on Hie In tho Ituieiui or. Engineer ing. Proposal blanks will bu furnished bv tho Bui can of Engliieeilng and no otlieis will bo accepted, Pioposals must bo Hied with tho Cltv ronti oiler at his ofllco In tho City Hull, Scianton, Pa. not later than 2W o'clock p. m. on Monday, August 1, 1902 Tho cltv lesorves tho light to reject any or all bid's JOHN E. ROCHE, Director, Department of Public Works. LEGAL. IN RE: Estate of Haivey S Cooper, lata of tho township of Now ton, county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Lctteis tcstamenlaiy on tho above named estate having been ginnted to tho mulct signed, all peisons having claims or demands against tho bamo will piesont them fot pavment, and all peisons Indebt ed thereto will make Immedlite navment to ANN AUGUSTA COOPER, SARAH M. SIIELL1, IXecutrlccs, Bald Mount, Pa. CHARLES L HAVv'LEY. 51G-317-M"! Council Building, Attorney for Estate. PROFESSIONAL. Cei tilled Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Ttadeis' Bunk Building. Old 'phono 1SG4. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARClt B, Real Estate Exchungo Bldg., 126 Wash ington avo. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 726 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENEERGER, PAULI building, Spruco sttcot, Scianton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 113 WYOMING nvo. Eire Insurance. SCIILAGER Ss CO., Tiadots Bank Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENTSJ.'HI.WJE lnallcnuntrlcs c. Tho only licensed nnd enulnncd nntont solicitor In tho city. No chnigo for In formation on patentability; over ton years CNpononco. Kcplojrlc & Co., Mcars Blclir. Hotols and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 12i AND 127 FRANK lln avenuo. Rates icasonabla. P. S51EULEU, Pioprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. Pasbonsor depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proptlotor, Scavenger. A. B BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS anil ccts pools; no odor; ,only Improved pumps used. A. JJ. Bilggs. pjopiietor, Lc.ivo 01 dors 1100 Nuith Main uvciuio, or Elcko's ding stoio, coiner Adums und Mulboiry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTEU BEAR 311 LACKA. inc., Scranton, nifis. of Who So cons. Miscellaneous. MEOAItaEE DUOS, PRINTERS' SUP piles, envelopes, paper bags, twino. Waiohouso. lio Washington iwei.'io. THE WlLKEiMlARUU RECORO CAN bo bad in Scianton at thu paws stand of Rclsnuin Broj , ICW ripiueo und 50J Linden: M. Norton, 3.-' Luckawunna uvo.; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Hpiuco 3tio-.it. RAILROAD TIME TADLES. Eile Raihond Wyoming Division, lit Elfect July 30th, 190.. Tialns leave Scranton ror Hawley nrd local btatlons at 7,20 nud & n a, in.; 1 33 nud 5 20 p. m. Sundays, 9 00 11. in rf'nd 1.33 p. in For New Yoik, Novvbuigh and Intetmrdiato points at 7.20 a. in. and 133 p. m. Sundays. 1 33 p. m For llouobciQlo 1.35 and 5 20 p m. Tialns uiiivo at Sciuntnn gjQ, 10 41 a. m.; 3 00 and 9 IS p. m. Suudajs, 1.00 und 8 15 p. m. . . iJt trmin. iHwiiimtt jiltMd. -. famteCAoa DIREOTP Only Half a Cent a Word. Help Wanted Male. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delawnro, Lnckawanna and Western. , . In Effect Juno 1, 1WJ.. Tinlii3 leave Scianton for Now York At 1.50. 3 20, l!03. 7.50 nnd 10.10 n. m.; 12 40, 3-10. ,,IJ p. m. Fot Now York and Phila delphia 7.50. 1010 a. in , and 12.40 and 3M p. m. For Goiildsboto At li.lo p. m. For BufCalo-1.15, 6 22 and 9(H) a. in.; 153, 6 50 and 11.10 p m. For Blnghnmton, Eltnlra and way Btatlons 10 23 a. 111., 1.03 p. m. 1 or Oswego, Svtncuso and Ftlca-4.15 nnd U2J a. m,; l.u p. m. Oswego, Syincuso nnd Utlcu tialn at 6 2J a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Monti ose0 00 n. m.; 103 and G 50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation I TO and C 13 n m. Hloomsbiug Division For Northumber land, at 0 33 and 1010 a. m.: 1.53 nnd 6,10 p. m. For Plymouth, nt S10 a. m.; 3.40 and 0.03 11 m. Sunday Ttalns For Now York, 1.30, 3 20, 6 03. 1010 a. m,; 3 10 nnd 3 35 p. m. For Buffalo l.n nnd 0 22 a. m.; 1.33, 6 50 and 11.10 p m. Foi Elmlta nnd wny stations 10 -' n. m. For Blncbamton and way sta tions, 0 00 a. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Scianton, 1010 a ,m. nnd 6 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. , In Effect Juno ti. 190J. Tialns Leave Scianton. For Philadelphia and New Yoik via D. ft H. R, R , nt 7 41. tluough Pailoi Car nnd Dny Coach Cnibnndnlo to Now York nnd 0 17 a. m . with L V. Coach Cnibon ilnlo to Philadelphia, and 2 IS, 4 33 (Blnclt Diamond Expics,). and 11.11 p. m. Sun clnvs, D. if. R. a., 1 ,-,?. n.17 p. m. Foi Whlto Haven, Hns'loton and princi pal points in the coal legions, via D & II. R. R. 7.11, 218 and 133 p m. For Pottsvlllo 7.41 a. m For Bethlehem, Enston, Rending, Hnr lisburg unci pilncipnl Intel mediate sta tions, via D. ,V: ir. R R. 7 11. 9 47 a. m.: 2 IS, 4 !" (Black Diamond Express), 11. 4D p. 111 Siimlns, D. & II. R. n 9 3S a. m.; 15S, 9.17 p m. Foi Tiinkhannnek, Townndn, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva nnd pilncipnl Intormedlato stations v ia D., L. & W. R. R , G 33 n. m. ami 1 31 p m. For Geneva, Rochester, BufTnlo, Nlng nia Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & H. R. R., 12 0! p m.; 3 2S (Black Diamond Emcss), 10 41. 1140 p. tn. Sun dnvs. D. & H. R. R 12 01. D17 p. in rullmnn nailor nnd sleeping or LehUh valley Pnilor cms nn all tialns between Wllkes-n.uro and Now Yoik. Philadel phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ItOLLIN H. WILBUR Gen. Supt.. 23 Coitland street, Now York. CHARLIES S. LEE Gen. Pass. Agt., 23 Coitl.md stioet, New Yoik. A. W. NONEMACHBR, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South ncthlehtm, Pa. Foi tickets and Pullmnn reservations apply to cltv ticket ofllco, GO Public Square, Wilkes-Baire, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad o New Jersey. iVEffcct Juno 29. 1902. Stations in Now York, foot Llborty stieot and South Feuy, N. It. Tinins leive Scianton for Now York, Philadelphia, E iston, Bethlehem, Allen town. JIauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, Wllkcb-Biuio and Plttston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m. nnd I p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m. Quakci City Expiess leaves Scranton 7 30 a m., tluough bnlld vestibule train with Pullmnn BulTot Pallor Car for Phil adelphia with on!v ono chnngo of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D. C , and all pilncipnl points south nnd west. For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barre, 1 p m. and 1 p m. Sunday, 2 10 p. m. For Long Bianch, Ocean Grovo, etc., 71'0 and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg la Allentown at 7 30 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2 10 p m. For Tamnn.ua and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p in. nnd 4 p m. For intos and tickets apply to agent at) station W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1 .. 1.. i Pennsylvania Railroad. Schcdulo in Effect Juno 1G, 1902. Trains leave Scianton: G38 a. m., week days, tluough vestibule train from WllUes-Bnnc. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia, via Potts a; stops at principal intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Sunbuiy, Hnr ilsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsbuig and tho West. 9 17 a. 111 . week days, tor Sunbury, Har ilsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsbuig and tho West. 1.12 p. in , week days, (Sundays. 1 53 p. m.), for Sunbuiy. Hnirlsbuig, Philadel phia, Bnltlmoio, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 3 2S p. m., week days, through vestlbnls train from Wllkcs-naiio. Pullman buffet pallor car end conches to Philadelphia via Pottsvlllo. Stops ut principal intormedl ato stntlnns. 4 3'i p m.. week dfvs. for Hnzloton, Sun buiy, Hnirlsbuig, Philadelphia and Pitts buig. J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. 1 Delaware and Hudson. In Effect Juno 1G, 1902. Tinins lor Caibondalo leave Scranton a C 41. I'M, k:w, 1013 a. m.; 12 03, 1.12, 211, 3 50, 5 '.9, t23, S21, 9.15, 10 01 p. m.; 12 IS, l.:,s a. in. For Honcsdnlo G.44, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and D 29 p. in. For Wllkes-Barre 6 38, 7.41, 8 41, 0 47, 10 53 a. ill.! 12 03, 1.1-', 2.18, 3 23, 4 3o, G 10, 7.4S, 10 41, 11.49 p. m. For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.11, 9,47 a, m. 2.1S, 4 33 and 11.49 p. m. For Pennsvlvnnla R. R. Points C 38, 9.17 a. in.; 1.1J, 3 28 nnd 4 3i p. m. - For Albnuy nnd all pqinta-noi tb. 7.38,0, m, unil3 5p m. J ' , " f. ' S SUNDAY TRAINS. 7 For Cnrbomliilc R50, 11.33 a, m.; 231. 3.511, 5 52 and 11.17 p, m. For Wllkos-Biric-9 33 a. m.; 12 03, L5S, 3.2S, G 32 and 9.17 P. m. For Albany nud points north 3 5G p,2h. For Honcbdalp-S 50 11. m.i 1133 ajjd 3,53 p. in, W, L. PRYOR, p. P. A Scranton, go. New Yoikf Ontario and Western? Tlmo Table In Effect Sunday, June 13, 1&03 NORTH BOUND TRAINS. -l.eavo Leave Arrive Trains, Set iinton, Cnrhondale. Cndosla, 10 30 a. 111. 11.10 n. in. l.oo p. m, 4 00 p. 111. I Up, ni. goo p. ni, 0 10 p m.Ar C111 bondalo 0 4G p.m SOUTH BOUND. . . Leuvo Leave Ar''v Cadosla. Catbondalo, SciantSli. , 1! 5(i u. m, 7.25 u.-ro. 8 10 a. m, 10 ot a. m. 19,40 aht No, 1 .. No. 3 .. No. 7 .. Ti aln3. No. ii ,. No 2.15 p. III. IGOpm.' 4 4ftniT SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUNI I T.e.ivo Lenvo An ft a rtd. I ,,,,,, Trains. No, 9 ,,,, No. 5 .... ScuiiHon, Cnrhondale. Cadotn, , 8 30 a. 111. 9 in p. 111 10 15 a. m. , 7 00 p. m Ar.Ou bondulo 7,t3 p.ni SOUTH ROUND. A Lcavo Leave ArilVc Cudosla, Cut hernials. Scranton. , G 50 n, m. 7.23 am. . 4 30 n. III. 6 OG n in. 0 43l)..lll. Trains, No. U .. No 10 Tialns jnos, 1 tin wick iinjs, nnu u.on Sundays connect tor Now Yoik city. Slid' dlotowu, Wnlton. Noivvlch, Oneida, Os. vvego and all points west. Tialn 3 for Pojntello. AVnlton, DelSI, Sidney, Norwich und all Now Beillr. bianch points. ; 'Tialn No. is, with ''Quaker City Ex press'1 ,nt Scranton, via C. It. R. of N. J., for j'hli.idulphf.i.Xtlantlc City, Baltimore. Washington nnl Pennsylvania state Sv.olmo-tablo nnd-consult ticket ngenta foi connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P, A . New York. J, E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton, ,Pa. sir I K'l 1 I Ml it il II ?l ;l