'-:ihi " rwyyj ?rT r, ' i) ', -, " J V P THE SCRANTON TMBtlNE- WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1902, ) Money i The Nnw Citizens NuUclIng nnd Loan Association will loiui $1,000 at J10 n month, Piivh fl tier cent, on Btock payments. Fines nto.only 1 per cent. HENItY J. HIKdUStt, President, not Cedar Avcniio. T. J. BNCNVDKNt Vlco President, Mason & Snowden Lumber Co. ',rtn F, HtKOt.Klt, Secretary, ZlcRler & Schnmtiehor. T. IlAnUIJtt, Treimurer, I I2 Adamtt Avenue. .. pMN SCHKfKll, .IK., nL 1 Pennn. Biiklnc Co., 310 131m St. WILLIAM DKI.K13, ., L 1214 Mulberry Street. JACOB I. MtfiLISR. Ins. ARt, 4H Board ot Trade Bldg. IIENUY SCHLBI3RT, 41!t Ninth Street. nOBEHT P. KOKULKIl. KIT Linden Street. JACOB nUPPMNTJtAL. R2fl S. Irvlnp Avenue. GEonaB smith, Alderman Meyer's Office n. A. KIMMRRMAN. Attorney, 414 Hoard of Trado BldfT. HENRY J. SPRfKS. Of Sprulcs Brothers. ooooooooooooooooo, "They Draw Well." $ Morris' Magnet Cigars $ X Th best "nluo for 3 cents. Y Try ono and you will smoke no A other. , v All the loading brands of He. Y cigars nt $1.75 per box, or 0 for Mo. 5 The largest variety of Pipes and A Tobaccos In town. MEN OP THE HOUR. V s E. C. MORRIS, o xne uignr man y Q 325 Washington Avenuo. Y xxxoxxxxxooooo In and About The City jjJt Special Meeeting. riicrc will bo a special meeting of tho (Jnights of Columbus this evening. Building Committee Sleeting. A meeting ot the building committee f the board of control will be held to joitOw afternoon, after which the mem o's will Inspect No. S3 school. Mine Foremen's Examinations. The nnnual examination of applicants or mine foreman and assistant mlno foreman's certlticutes will bo held nt- tho Lincoln avenue school nt Carbondale, on the 4th and 5th of August, from 0 a. m. t p. m. Charles Teal Pined. Chh -s Teal, who was arrested Mon- uy c g by Patrolman Neuls for be- .ig' drv. )and assaulting his wife, was xlned $13 In police court yesterday morn ing. He promised to be good in the fu ture 'and rofruln from drinking. "There's a man that makes a rattling good tonBttnastcr," admiringly re marked one of the gucstR nt Major Frank nobtlng's "pink ten," Wednes day night nt tho Gettysburg encamp ment. Tho speaker pointed to Lieuten ant David J, Davis, as he spoke, and then looked around llercely to see It anyone was going to chnllengc his as sertion, None did, however, nnd tho harmony of the occasion therefore remained Un broken, The genernl opinion was that Lieutenant Davis' admirer was right, for tho adjutant of the Second bat talion had been distinguishing himself throughout tho gathering by a series of llghtnlng-llko thrusts and parries, sharp and clever sullies, often personal, but, though occasionally biting, never of fensive. In addition to being npt as a toast muster, Lieutenant Davis Is also "all there," when It conies to soldiering. He was formerly a lleutennnt In Company F, when that command wits the West Scranton company of the regiment, nnd he Is both recognized as an efllclent soldier by his superior olllcers and Is popular with the men In the ranks. Lieutenant Davis Is usslstant city solicitor. One ot the youngest nnd most suc cessful business men In tho city Is Thotnns K. Price, the West Scranton newsdealer, -who Is a prime mover In the nnnunl outings arranged for the newsboys and girls of the city. Every year ho marshals several hundred of them in the parade and looks after thelr.pleasure ntid comfort at tho park. Mr. Price started his business enreer as a barber's upprentlce, at tho same time supplying several hundred cus tomers with Sunday papers. Eventually he bought out tho news business of "Mac" in West Scranton, nnd has con ducted it successfully ever since. Some time ago he was offered the general agency for all the metropolitan newspapers entering the city, but owing to his extensive business interests he was compelled to decline the offer, nnd devote himself to his barber trade nnd local news business. LETTER PROM MR. CRAWFORD PEOPLE'S COAL , COMPANY NOT BLUFFING. IS Interesting Epistle from the Com pany's President Regarding Strike Experiences at the Oxford nnd the Intention to Resume Operations, Sheriff Schndt Has a Busy Bay in Carbondnle Mote Trouble at the Warnke Wnshery in Duryea. Strikers to Hold Mass Meetings. OBITUARY. Appointed Stamp Clerk, .J) Jf. Delter, of Reading, has been ap pointed stump clerk and Inspoctor.for tho board of flro Insurance underwriters of the' middle department. Ho will succeed John M. Hughes in this city. Tho latter has been transferred to Newark, N. J. Struck by Rail. Adam WHIuski, ono of tho hands at tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company's -yards, was struck In tho hip by a piece of steel rail yesterday, and badly bruised. Ho was taken to tho Moses Taylor hospital, where his injuries were last night pronounced to bo only flight in nature. Not Yet Known. Tho Polander killed Monday noon by peeing struck by 'a 'Lackawanna train nt Chinchilla, has not yet been ldentllled. His remains will bo given burial this morning. Services will bo held at the Pollsb Catholic church on Capouso axe rue and interment will be made In tho jroop cemetery. Enjoyable Porch Party. A porch danco was given by Miss Isa ello Okcll, of 1510 Monroe avenue, in donor of Charles Mulr. of Philadelphia. A. largo number of Scrantonlans wero present, and Miss Ruby Gcarhurt. of Philadelphia, was among tho guests. I tian life and nil who knew him will Dancing, ping pong and other diversions i whlled a way u. very enjoyable evening. ANDREW J. HEALEY, died at the homo of his brother-in-law, James H. Kelly, on Drinker street, yesterday morning, at 11.33 o'clock, after an ill ness of about four week's duration. During tho greater part of that time he bus been a sufferer from purpuric fever, following a severe attack of rheu matism, and, despite the most careful nursing and the best that medical science could do, he gradually failed, until death relieved him from his suf fering. Mr, Ilealey was born in Dunmore forty-Ave years ago and was a familiar figure in all the town's activities dur ing thut past twenty-live years. He was a man of commanding physique, being over six feet tall and weighing more than 200 pounds. He was pos sessed of an unusually cherful disposi tion and his many amiable qualities had made him a central figure among his large circle of friends. Ho commenced his business training in the store of Horan & Henley, where he remained for several years. About fifteen years ago he entered into a co partnership with J. H. Kelly under tho firm name of Kelly & Henley, conduct ing, a wholesale dry goods business on Lackawanna avenue, for the succeed ing ten years. About G years ago the firm retired from business and since that time Mr. Henley has been a strong factor In tho Insurance business of u; G. Boland Co. He was a charter mojnbcrs of the local branch of the Catholic Mutual Benefit association. He is survived by two brothers, James J of tho firm of Hcaley & Co., and M. J., of the firm of T. J. Kelly & Co., and, one sister, Mrs. Castle, all residents of Dunmore. The funeral will be held on Thursduy morn ing at 9 o'clock when a solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated in St. Mary's Catholic church. WILL-AM PRICE, an old and respect ed resident of the West Side passed to his reward on Monday evening at his home at UUis West Locust street. The deceased was born in Wales, 72 years ago and came to this country when a mere boy. He was employed In tho mines until a few years ago, when ho asumed tho Janitorship of No. 32 school, at which position ho was em ployed up to the present time. Mr. Price had nlwuys led a Chris Street Railway Charter Granted. A charter was granted the Mayllcld, Carbondnle and Crystal Lake Railway company, after a hearing held last Thurs day, ns tho result of objections which hud been tiled to the granting of this charter, us well ns to the awarding them other charters asked by persons repre senting ,tho Scranton Railway company. The latter intends to build a lino from Mayfleld Nqugh Carbondale to tho lake. Civil l' ,ce Examination, "he United i es civil service commis sion announces that on August 2(1-27, 1!)02, nn examination will bo held for tho posi tion of assistant examiner In tho Patent office. Information relative to tho sub jects and the scope of tho examination may bo found In section 41 of tho Manual of Exumlnatlons, revised to January 1, J902. Tho credit of 15 per cent, for ex perience, provided in previous examina tions, has been eliminated, and In future examinations no additional credit will bo given. Tho subject of mathematics cov ers tho Held up to nnd Including calculus. Ton questions will bo submitted, ot Which tho competitor muy select any five. Fancy Georgia Poaches, 65o per basket. Genuine Jenny Llnd melons. Coursen, bo greatly shocked to hear of his death. He was member of the First Welsh Congregational church, also a member of tho Silurian lodge of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He Is survived by one brother, a wife and two daughters, Jennie and Mrs. John, of Ohio. Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 14. Special excursion tickets will be sold for all trains going Thursday, August 14th, good for return on nny truln up to and Including August 24th. The rate from Scranton will be $5.00 for udults and $2.00 for children between the uges of G and 12 years. Route will bo via Manunka Chunk and Philadelphia. Passengers taking trains connecting via the Delaware bridge have no change of stntlons en route. The dates sclent ed for this excursion were made with tho view of giving those desiring an outing nt tho seashore the most delight ful nnd Interesting part of tho season. Apply to the local ticket ngent for schedule of the several trulns dully. Spaniard Assassinated. Tucson, Aria., July , Vlncento Arena, ft prominent Spaniard, was attacked on his way homo by five Mexicans and beat en tu death, Two of tho men escaped, A. Are You Going to the Seaside Or to the Country ? i If so, have The Tribune follow you and keep posted about your friends. Fill out this coupon and mail to us. Tribune Publishing Company, Scranton, Pa., change my paper from Old Address New Address to If you ore not a subscriber you can fill out the two bottom lines, and weclntPSeranmonm!Cnt pren,pt,5r The Trlbuno costs K c" W President J. L. Crawford, of the People's Coal company, yesterday gave out nn interesting letter regarding his company's experiences during tho strike nnd Its Intentions to resume operations. He says: Scranton, Pa., July 2S, 1902. I notice by the press reports, If Mr. Nichols Is quoted correctly, that he says that 1 was binding when I Issued tho notice to our former employes that the Oxford colliery Intended to start up in tho near future. I emphatically deny thu chnrge, but ncknovledgo thnt 1 may bu mistaken. 1 suppose Mr. Nichols has based his argument on what ho has been able to prevent mo from doing In the past three mouths, and I also acknowl edge that ho has put me to great expense nnd Inconvenience by the tactics that he hns used. I will also make n plain acknowledgment of some of tho Incon veniences he has put mo to. I will nlso acknowledge that he has caused me to change tho details of many of my plnns In order to counteract his great Influ ence. I will nlso acknowledge everything thnt has been done Inside of our feneo In tho past three months and nlso con fess what I expect to do. My experience In the past has taught mo to be frank In my dealings with nil men, and If 1 made n mistake throtish error of Judgment or neglect of duty, my cnslest way out of It was to acknowledge It. I will nlso acknowledge that my trou bles began light after the executive board meeting In Scranton when the temporary suspension was declared. As there was a small squeeze In one portion of tho mines at that time, I had men timbering and lagging It up, which Mr. Theophllus Phil lips tried to stop before the Hazleton convention had convened. NO GRIEVANCES. We have It from tho lips of Mr. Phil lips that when they wero at tho Sha mokln convention that he took tho floor and said that ho was proud to represent a local that had no grievances. And I am not nwaro of conditions changing be tween the Shamokln convention nnd tho Hazleton convention, notwithstanding his actions in trying to stop tho timbermen. I also acknowledge thnt Mr. Nichols and his associates huvo continued to nn noy our steam men. When I went around to seo who was going to con tinue to work, when tho engineers nnd firemen were called out, I was Invariably told by all tho men that they wore satis fied with their present conditions ot work and the wages desplto the fact that tho union officials had notified them If they wero to continue to work and .save my property from destruction that when tho strike was over they would not be al lowed to work around the colliery. I also acknowledge I was sure that tho of ficials oftho union would have nothing to say when tho time came. Tho men wero willing to sign a contract, tho gist of which was that they agreed to work under tho present conditions of work nnd at their present occupation nnd wages or at any other work that might bo designated by tho superintendent. On my part I agreed to employ them for a definite length of time, and at any timo I could not employ them I agreed to pay them their wages for the length of time they were ready for employment. I nlso acknowledge that Mr. Nichols has succeeded in forcing threo of my men to break their contract. First was a fireman who was tho only support of a widowed mother.' Sir. Nichols, or those ho sent to her, told her thnt the son would bo killed If ho continued to work nnd nlso tried to scare tho son by meet ing him on the roads nnd making threats. The mother went Into hysterics, nnd this annoyance was continued until tho son thought best to quit work. Next wns a young mnn who was annoyed contlnunlly nt his boarding placo and consequently had to leave work, because ho could not find another placo. The third was nn extra man,, nround the placo, who was forced to break his contract on account of fear of bodily harm. In fact, nil of our men havo been stopped on tho rond or have been forced to walk blocks around to keep out of danger. ARRIVED LATER. I acknowledge that tho first lot of for eigners that came here after wc started tho rock work were expected on an even ing train and 1 had men to conduct them from tho depot to tho mines, and through falluro to rnnke connections at AVllkes Barre they did not arrive on that train, and wo supposed they wero not coming. But tho men arrived on a later trnln, nnd as only ono had ever been to our mines before, they came up tho railroad switch. When they passed the crossing nt Scranton street your sympathizers fol lowed them, coming with their bundles, and after they had gotten on our prop erty outside of the fenco tho pursuers stoned them nnd hit several, some ot whom nro laid up yet. But they went on nnd got Inside ot the feneo and I ac knowledge that theso men were some what scared, being In a strange town In the middle ot tho night, with soveral of tholr number Injured and somo had lost their belongings. A part of them only stayed until about 1 o'clock in the morning; we dressed their wounds tho best wo could nnd six of thb number left. Wo got them to tho depot unknown to nny of your pickets and sent them homo. Part of theso who havo recovered from their Injuries nnd nro alio to work have returned. Tho others that wero unin jured stayed right along. I acknowledge that since wo havo start ed rock work that this nnnoynnco has been continued nnd n number of men havo been kept front woik through threats and promise of relief, I also ac knowledge that al but threo of these men, not having received their relief, havo returned to work. I also acknowl edge thnt many havo been boycotted in different ways', nnd In all cases I hava tho names of nil tho men who havo been boycotted, nnd In many rases tho names of the parties thut havo made threats, I do not havo to go hack nny further than this morning to glvo you tho names of somo of the parties that made threats, As early as 4 o'clock your pickets were on tho ground watching to stop anybody that might approach tho mines, Tho three that wero stationed nt tho corner of Tenth and Scmnton Btreots tiled In several Instances to stop tho men pass ing, but I also had pickets out nnd pre vented them. Theso three men, whoso names we havo, told ono of our guards "If they had tho pang hero this morning that they expected ho nnd n lot morn would bo hanging from a telegraph pole." OIVES WARNING. I acknowledge that I was awnro thero was a gang organized to mob tho placo this morning, but tho only ones that ap peared wero 'General Coxer," Colonel Walsh and threo or four more of tho off fleers, but nono of the privates of "Coxcy's Aims"' put In their appearance. I hereby warn "General Coxey'1 to keep off tho scats. , I acknowledge thut I know nosltlvelv that thero wero only nlno men in the Ox ford oiiJ that voted fo," strike, and nmoni: theso nine men thero wero ex- employes who had been discharged for disobeying rules of tho mine, nnd I can not see any reason why nlno nlbti out of 300 or 400 should keep my placo Idle. I also acknowledge thnt all 1 ask Is fair Piny, 1 nlso acknowledge that from my more than thirty yonrs' experience around tho mines thnt I rcnllicd Inst fall that this strike would tnko place In tho near fu ture nnd 1 commenced preparing for It, I acknowledge that I put a good substan tial fence around my property, that I erected nn electric light plant, thut I strung wire around tho fenco and 1 dis tributed tho lights In such a wny that every foot of tho fence is maclo light duilng tho night. 1 nlso acKiiowlcdgo thut I havo guards walking around this fenco nil hours of tho night with Win chester rifles In their hands. I acknowl edge thnt In tho day tlmo 1 have tho fenco nnd nil tho adjacent streets cov ered by a very strong glass, ono when turned on tho house of Colonel Wntres on the mountain nbovo Dunmoro would make you think you could reach out nnd touch It. And through this instrument wo enn keep In "tab" on nil tho men In this vicinity. Whllo wo can bring them so closo that wo can seo their eye brows, I acknowledge that wo cannot hear what they say, I nlso acknowledge that I havo detec tives In this vicinity, nono of whom havo ever stepped their foot on our property nnd nro not known to nny of our em ployes. Through them nnd tho various other agencies wo havo been nblo to in tercept nil tho men thnt you or your agents havo tried to get work hero In order to reach the men that wo hnvo working. We acknowledge that wo novo had hem como morning utter morning with promise to see what wo could do for them until they have gotten tired of applying. I acknowledge that I havo a commissary department, a building 22 by 02 feot, divided up In a dining room and a sleeping department, with a kitch en ndded on nnd we havo nil the men in It that we ran accommodate, and wo nro even now placing cots In the dining room ut night to nccommodato tho number. We have It lighted with electric lights; also havo electric fans for ventilation during tho worm nights. I nlso acknowl edge that 1 am now equipping another sleeping apartment that wilt accommo date fifty more, and If any more men ap ply who en n't get board, I have other buildings that I can equip, and I will do It. I acknowledge that wo havo a good many men coming nnd going from their work, nnd 1 acknowledge that I have them licensed to carry weapons nnd have furnished them with revolvers nftd In tho morning when coming to work they de posit their revolvers In the office and get them ngnln when going home. I also ac knowledge that I have guns, and If they think their revolvers aro not largo enough I can furnish them with those. ASHAMED OF CONDITIONS. 1 acknowledge that I, as a free born American citizen, am ashamed that the conditions exist in our midst that compel mo to muko tho above preparations In order to protect my property! and tho peoplo that aro willing to nsslst mo In so doing, and for tho protection of thoso that nro compelled to work in order to support their families. I seo no improvement in your organi zation over that of years ago. I ac knowledge that in lSliO, when I was work ing in tho mines and I belonged to tho old Miners' union and worked In nnd around tho mines until that union was out of existence, nnd have since been familiar with all tho unions that havo been In tho coal fields from that day to this, and I must say that I can't sec any Improvement In your organization over tho one 1 belonged to. For the boy Is Just as anxious to tako the hull by tha horns and shake him as wo wero In thoso days. And tho older men at that time enjoyed themselves just as much in criticising the management of the mines they work around ns they do now, and 1 don't seo nny difference in regard to their trying to dictate tho policies ot working the mines, and wo wero Just ns persistent In trying to force tho opera tors to reinstate any of our number that wero dismissed for disobeying rules or for nny other cause, as tho boys of tho present organization. While there has been great improve ment in mining machinery from one part of the region to another nnd in tho modo of traveling from ono placo to another, I do not see any Improvements that have been gotten up by tho modern ngitator. In tho olden days wo used to havo all our meetings In tho open nlr nnd every body was at liberty to go and hear what was being said and done. I venture to say that I can tell more now what has been going on Inside of the doors of tho Oxford local and several other locals than I could In tho days when I stood In the first row. NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. I ncknowledge from tho foregoing statement you might think that I was looking for trouble, I will assure you that I am not. It would look to tho out side world that I was preparing for war In time' of peace, which Is nlso not true. There has been no peace In this region for the past two or threo years. While I havo had tho white flag iloatlng nnd with tho hopes ot Its being accepted as a flag of truce, and I know by my own personnl knowledgo that nil tho super intendents nnd managers of other com panies have been doing likewise with tho hopes that you might ceaso your con tlnunl waving of tho red flag. Now, I assure you that I shall continue to float the flag of truce after this strike is over nnd I know that tho other operators in this region will do tho samo It you will only make ns plain nn acknowledgment of tho facts, as you must know thut you cannot continue to deceive tho thinking miners of your district. I can probably go through your district nnd shnko hands CLAIMS IT HAS A LEGAL RIGHT DEFENSE HEARD IN AROHBALD WASHERY CASE. Elk Hill Coal nnd Iron Company Puts in Evidence to Show Thnt tho Borough Gave It Permission to Take Wnter from the River to tho Wnshery nnd Inferentlnlly to Lot It Flow Back Again Another Caeo of Guernsey Against Guernsey. Suit in Slander Instituted. Continued an raze 8. Evidence for the defense was heard, yesterday, by Judge Ncwcomb, In tho Injunction case of the borough of Arch bald et ul, against the Elk Hill Conl nnd Iron company, In which a rule has been granted to rcstrnln the defendant from discharging water from Its wash cry Into the city gutters. With the testimony produced, the day before, the plaintiffs sought, to show that the company Is doing this without the alleged necessary permis sion of the borough and that the act constitutes a nuisance. Yesterday tho company put In tcstl money to show that at the point where the water from tho wnshery Is dis charged, there is a natural stream, and that this stream runs through a. slulce wny built by the company through nn arrangement with the borough, and then through a box culvert, under Mnln street, which culvert was con structed with the sanction of the old plunk road company which owned the roadway. It was also shown that the borough gave the company permission to tuke water from tho river to the wnshery, through pipes laid along borough streets, nnd that ns there is palpably no means of getting rid of the water, after It Is used at the wnshery, except by allowing It to course back through the borough streets to the river, In ferential permission to do this nttached to the permit to take the water to the washery. As to the plaintiffs' allegation that the washery water coursing through an open sluiceway was a menace to health, Dr. W. K. Dolan testified that sulphur water coursing through a street gutter tended to the betterment of the health of tho neighborhood as tho sul phuric acid, contained in such water destroyed germs generated In gutter sewerage. In the afternoon, Judge Newcombo accompalned by ex-Judge J. W. Car penter, R. J. Bourke and John J. Murphy, attorneys for the plaintiffs, nnd J. E. Burr and O'Brien & Martin, attorneys for the defense, went to Archbald to personally Inspect the premises. Arguments will be heard tomorrow morning. Guernsey Against Guernsey. J. W. Guernsey, proprietor of the big music house, Guernsey hall, brought suit, yesterday, through Willard, War ren & Knapp, agulnst M. W. Guernsey, a former employe, now doing business in the music line, ns Guernsey Bros., to restrain the defendant from selling pianos on which is stencilled the name "Guernsey," and to compel him to give an accounting of profits made by the alleged fraudulent use of the name "Guernsey" on pianos he has sold. Tho plaintiff contends that as ho hus spent much money and effort In mak ing the name "Guernsey" celebrated In tho piano market, he should havo the exclusive right tose It on pianos. The action of Guernsey Bros. In using tho word "Guernsey" us a name for pianos they have sold, is characterized as fraudulent. A preliminary injunction, restraining tho defendant from using the name "Guernsey,'.' on pianos, was granted by Judge Ncwcomb', together with a rule, returnable next Monday, to show cause why the injunction should not be made permanent. Marriage Licenses. Gomer C. Davis , Scranton Jano Freeman Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A mechanics' Hen for $1,300 was yester day tiled against tho Rock Glen Water company by A. C. Carey, for work done In making a clearing for tho company's proposed reservoir. Harry Comstock, of this city, began a $3,000 trespass suit yesterday against Peter J, Baker, who ho nlleges, called htm a thief in the presence of a crowd July 22, 1902. II. S. Alworth is tho plain tiff's attorney. Bridget McGoldiick, assignee ot Ann Burke, yesterday brought suit In assump sit ngnlnst tho Northern Central Life In surance company, of Toledo, O., to re cover on nn insuranco policy. R. J. Bourko Is the plaintiff's attorney. 0 LOOK AT THE PRICES. O New, Hot Weather Shirt g Waists at OneHalf Price! White Lawns, all-over embroiderv, tucked front and back; $1,25 value, special 0"C ft A Gibson Beauty, plaited front and back; linen, blue m pink, oxblood; a business garment; value $ 1.50, special 75C ft Mercerized Silk Ginghams, blue, linen, pink, green. 4 W A tailor made earment, value $ 1.75, special 1 .UU White Mercerized Etamlne; black, polka spot, soft , M finish, high lustre, value i, 50; special 75C K 59c I! My Fruit $p ys?Esyh There Is nothing more discouraging than to have your Fruit spoil a(tbr working hard over a hot stovo to can It. You will bo able to avoid this trouble by using Honest Rubbers, Price, 10 Cents a Dozen. Ask Your, Dealer for Them. XUKXKXUKUKSKKXUUXSOSKKKaa Grand f lean-nn Sale fl of Wash Skirts and Waists Every garment in stock has been re-marked, and J in many instances the new price is but half what we K asked three weeks ago. The lowest figures have now been reached, so that if you have waited for final reductions, it is not to your interest to put .off buying for a single day longer.. The sooner you get here, the better the assortment. Samples of This Week's Great Bargains Ladles' Buck Skirts with flounce. Full cut, perfectly; made; large choice of styles plain shades or polka dots. ' Lt Begular 1.25 Skirts for 0"C The Shirt Waist Sale. LOT 1. Waists in fine Madras cloths. Plain or neat stripes. " p One popular 45c Waist for JbDC LOT 2. Waists in Corded Ginghams, with fancy stripes; tucked back and front; plain or stand-up collars. Genuine SI. 25 np Waists for .... 5C LOT 3. Fine Plain Color Chambry Waists in all the fashionable shades, handsomely embroidered in white embroidered rkQ yoke, button back, etc. A fine $1.98 Waist at .'... VOC Q All the other Waists in stock have bsen cut in like proportion to the above. K Wash Suits, Wash Skirts, Etc., have been q similarly treated. I McConnell & Co., The Satisfactory Store. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. UXSO:50UX5000XUSKXKUJO000: OUR FIRST INVENTORY Sale in the New Store will be a bargain event which will attract those who appreciate high quality in home furnishings. August 1st Will be the opening day. Dur ing this sale our' entire stock of Carpets, Furniture, Curtains, Draperies and Wall Papers will be offered at figures lower than you would think of suggesting were you to name your own prices. Williams & MftAnnfv ) 129 Wyoming Avenue. Closed Saturday afternoons During August; A broken assortment of fine Ginghams, Cham brays, etc,, some were $1.50, others $1.00; special,,. A White short sleeve garment; finest all-over embroidered and tucked front, length sleeve: prettily trimmed - with tucks and Val. lace ; $2, 50 value ; special 1.5U These Are Choice New Waists, Not Picked Over Goods. I Mears & Hagen, 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. ;;2:;::o::;;:::::::f:i:::::;:;5;n:;:i;;:i;: A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by tho casual passerby, A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be-.ontemplatlng a change of residence. Only Oiio-llalf Cent a Word HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent (or tbi Wyoming Diilrlct lf, , Dupont's Powder Ulnlng, Blutinp, Sporting, Fmokeles tnti tbi Repauno Chemical Corapiny'i ,c .11 HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 401 Con nell Building ,Scrtntca. - A0EKC1E3. JOHN' II. SMITH & SON ,,,, Nymouth U. W, liULLIUAX ,,,,, Wilkes-Barrt Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Buslnew ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton nd Wilkes-Barro. Pa. Stationary Engine, Boiler. Mining Machinery, Pucbd 14 'jitf.U jtcc&b fo '4 M , 3,j&ms& i Rifs'f-- ,',- uit iJ. Sndl-