The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
i And "Our Pets" Cnmo Home With
the Scoro 10-4 in Susquehanna's
Favor A Poor Exhibition of the
National Sport No Earned Runs
on Either Side O'Gara Was Soaked
Hard Enough Costly Errors by
the Crescents The Game.
Sitstiuchunna, 10; Crescents, 4.
This Is the tula of yesterday's game
in the town of the hills north of us.' It
'was a game that was not creditable to
' Susquehanna, while "the Pets" well,
they-bad an off day; a day very much
.off. (Honestly, ye admiring and loyal
rooters, they played sloppy ball
s-1-o-p-p-y. They must have been
afraid of the natives, or possibly the
creek no, the Susquehanna, Whitney
called It for It was quite high yester
day. ' '.Well, anyhow, as "Chuck" Connors
Would say, the day was fierce for er
rors, whatever caused it, and wo paid
the price a defeat. However, there's
. ' consolation in tho fact that It was only
'the first' actual defeat buncoes not
counted that we have suffered In ten
games. There's a day next week when
we'll have another go at Susquehanna,
'and on a diamond that It not like the
, camel-back railway at Atlantic City.
We expect that then the story will bo
of a different kind.
. As mentioned before, the game was
awful; the baloon went up early in
'the game and never came down.
i This applies to both sides, though
Susquehanna's errors were not so
'costly as ours. Some of our errors,
bad throws, for example, let in two
runs more than once, when the run
ner should have been retired, the runs
choked off and the succeeding batter
"prevented from scoring.
The detailed score tells the story
more effectively than a column of ex
planation. There was not on earned
run on either side, all the ten runs by
Susquehanna and the four wo got were
the price of errors. Any crank con
llgure out what a brilliant (?) game
both teams must have played.
Owney McAndrew pitched almost ns
good a game as O'Gara, despite tho
severe cold from which he was suffer
ing, which took from him Vila wonted
energy and ginger. The shade of dif
ference In favor of O'Gara can be seen
In the following comparison of their
'records for the afternoon: Hits Off
O'Gara, 11; strike outs, 1; hits, off
McAndrew, 9; strike outs, 1. McAn
drew gave 3 bases on balls and hit one
player, while O'Gara gave 2 bases on
This record shows that every man
that came to bat on Carbondale's side
hit O'Gara, with the exception of three.
They hit the ball hard, too; they went
in the air mostly, away out In deep
center, but were bagged by the Sus
quehanna fielders, who were onto the
rolls and curves and pitfalls and gul
leys of the Susquehanna outfield, and
could cover the ground without dan
ger of stumbling. Our hits, when we
did make safe ones, came when there
were no men on bases. 'When men
were on bases the hard slammed balls
were captured. Emmett and Cuff and
McHale pounded the ball to the ex
treme outfield, but they dropped Into
Emmett made . superb one-handed
catch of a fly in deep center, after a
run backward and upon a knoll.
Rosier made gome splendid throws
to home plate, which, however, were
lost. Hart made one peach of a catch
in right, while Gallaghy's lightning
work, assisted by McHale, effected a
dandy double play.
Taylor, of Susquehanna is one great
ball player; as fielder, hitter or base
runner, he Is It. His homo is in Chi
cago, and he is a member of a college
Schmaltz, while unquestionably a
fine player, did not shine in yesterday's
game. Pethick, at short, played gilt
edge, while Topping, Wright and
Keefe, the outfielders, won a good deal
of glory.
The detailed score:
It. If. O. A. E.
Murray, 3b 0 3 0 0 1
Rosier, If 1 '.' 3 0 0
Cuff, lb 110 11
Emmett. cf 0 13 10
Hnrto, rf 0 u 1 0 0
Rolands, e 10 3 0 3
McHale, ss 0 0 2 0 2
Gallaghy, 2b 1 2 3 2 0
McAndrow, p 0 0 0 10
Totals 4 9 21 11
R. If. O.
, 1 1.3
Schmaltz, o
Keefe, if ...
O'Gara, p ...
Burns, lb ..,
Pethick, ha ,
Taylor. 2b .,
Lannon, 3b .
Topping, rf
Wright, cf .,
Score by Innings:
Susquehanna ...
, 10 11 27 20
.0 2 0000020-4
0 1520200 x-10
Two base. Jilj Kpqfo. Passed bill
Roland.! ; Sclimultz. 2. Baso on bal
Off McnAarcw.T off O'Gara, 2. Hit
Hlt liv
tPltchor Lunnon. Struck out-By McAn
Jlrew, 1; by O'Gara ,1. Loft on bases
jCarbonrlale. S; Susatiehnnrm, 5. Double
plays McIIalo to GallHghy to Cuff: Tuy
lor to Pethick. Stolen buses Cuff, Me
jAndrow, Schmaltz, Murray, Harte, Keefi,
.O'GaraTrtylor,, Lannon. Wilght. Sacrl
;flco MtaMcHuIe, Murray, Harto, Kecfo.
jWrlsht. Time of gume 1.D0. Umplro
, , , ..Notes of the Game.
..'.The -Susquehanna people worn exceed
ingly hospitable and the descents und
followers who accompanied them have
many courtesies to gratefully acknowl
edge The Carbondulo Press club had as Its
hretSS'r-i goo'd part of tho afternoon
Brother Whitney, whoso humorous pen
KM ivuiy readers enjoy. Not tho lenst
enjoyable of his entertaining wns his
fund of stories from which ho gonornlly
drew to tho delight of his biothor news
paper rworkcrs.
The absenco of I.oftua was a disturbing
factor In th6 game. Never was his In.
valuable aid so appreciated os yesterday,
WS.wlll be In the game wtl Susquo.
'jiaqna next week and then
"The Susquehanna rooters ure as fair as
can bafound anywhere. Thoy applauded,
ondvoctrefously, the Pets' good pluys,
5 r J Pinochle Club Entertain.
The members of the Pinochle club
were, entertained last evening' at the
home' of Mary. YarrlnBtpnTdn Wayne
itreet. t '"..'"
Plnochld was play'eij and' enjoyed'by
all who participated and dainty re
freshments were served at a seasonable
hour. The club Is composed of Hie
leading young people of this city nnd
every gathering Is awaited with much
Among those present were the fol
lowing: Mlssesi Edith Bailey, Grace
Munn, Grace Hall, Emma Knhl, Gussle
Jadwln, Mary nnd Isabello Yarlngton,
and Josephine Host, of Port Jervls, and
Messrs. Hay CllrCordi Nownll Van Ber
gen, Muurlca Reynolds, Maurice
Church, George, Paul and Edward Yar
Edward King's Horse Strikes a Bi
cycle, nnd in the Mix-Up Which
Followed, Mrs. King Is Rendered
Unconscious. "
A short, exciting runaway occurred
last evening on tho corner of Seventh
avenue and River street, when Edwurd
King's black horse collided with a
man named Buckley, who was riding
a bicycle.
The horse upset tho carriage, throw
ing Mrs. William King and son, Ed
ward, to the ground. Mrs. King struck
on her hend and was rendered uncon
scious. She was carried into tho house
of John Klrkwood. Dr. Kelly, who was
called, took charge of the injured. Af
ter considerable effort on tho part of
Dr. Kelly she revived enough to bo
taken to her homo on the West Side.
In conversation with a Tribune repre
sentative, Dr. Kelly stated that he
could not tell the exact extent of her
Injuries, but, if not Injured Internally,
she would recover In a few days.
Mr. King struck on his side, and,
while not injured seriously, has a badly
bruised leg. Mr. Buckley was not In
jured. The bicycle was smashed.
Viewers Make Award.
The viewers who were appointed by
the court to fix upon a price for the
property at Sixth avenue nnd River
street, under the condemnation pro
ceedings of tho "Cannon Ball" railroad
have filed their award in court.
They find the value of the lot to be
$4,500, which Is said to be about $1,200
more than Mrs. GuugharPpald for it a
year ago. The amount fixed by the
arbitrators, It is understood, does not
cover a claim held by John Hansen &
Son for losses sustained by them In
the sudden closing of their contract
for building the proposed villa.
Miss Histed Surprised.
Miss Lena Histed, of Maple avenue,
had quite a surprise last evening,
when about twenty of her young
friends called upon her, and a very
delightful evening was spent by all
who were present.
Miss Histed proved herself a charm
ing hostess, and equal to the occasion.
Many enjoyable games were Indulged
In, and at a seasonable hour dainty
refreshments were served. The party
was In honor of her nineteenth birth
day. Party on Williams Avenue
Miss Hattie Rolls proved herself a
delightful hostess when she entertain
ed a number of her friends at her
pleasant home on Williams avenue,
last evening.
Among those present were Misses
Elsie Roeslger, Jessie Owens, of Taylor;
Dorothy Perry, of Green Ridge, und
Messrs. William Shields, Robert Gard
ner, Paul Roeslger and Mallory Spencer.
Refreshments were served at a season
able hour.
Keith Manville, an Inventor.
K. R. Manville, son of Superinten
dent C. It. Manville, of this city, is
proving himself quite a genius in the
mechanical line. He has been lubor
ing over the construction of an auto
that is expected to eclipse anything
that has been seen in this city.
He has been engaged for the past
week in perfecting tho drawings of the
working parts and ho will superintend
tho building of the machine which
will probably bo built in the local shops.
Well Known Here.
Miss Julia M. Stecre, who died at
Norwich, N. Y., last week, was a sis
ter of Mrs; B. H. Abbott, of Spring
street. Miss Stecre was a school
teacher In this city many yeurs ago,
and will be pleasantly remembered by
some of our citizens who were students
in her school,
Mrs. Abbott left Sunday to .attend
the funeral.
To Entertain. -The
Bon Ton Social club, which has
achieved quite a reputation for its
successful way of entertaining during
tho brief period of its existence, less
than six months, will conduct a dance
In tho Burke building on Tuesday
evening, August 19. Prof. Collins will
prompt nnd Prof. Firth will be at the
piano. An enjoyable time Is anticipat
ed. Mozart Players in Jermyn.
A band concert will bo held In Jermyn
this evening on Dr. I. S. Graves' lawn
for the benefit of the public by Douth
walto's Marine band. Wllllun Max
well, William Gramer, Robert Maxwell
and Gordon Dlmmock, of tho 'Mozart's
will play In Mr, Douthwulte's bund
this evening.
Laid Cross-walks.
The street department force laid a
few cross-walks on Maple avenue and
Hlrkett street this week, One of them
In particular is very noticeable and
that one Is on Blrkett Terrace at the
Intersection of Maple avenue. There
never was a cross-walk at this place
and It was badly needed.
Carbondale Soy in Business.
Anthony Browi., a Carbondale bay,
who has for some years been with
Matthews Bros., druggists In Scranton,
has opened a store In tho Y. M, C. A.
building In that' city, He has tho
heurty wishes from ull who know hi in
that his venture will prove successful.
Insurance Adjusted,
Mr. George Ennls, of Wllkes-Barro,
special ugent for the Royul Insuraueo
company, uccompanled by the local
agent, J. O'Heuru. he went to the
Ncalon property, which wus badly dam
aged by the storm Friday morning and
succeeded In making a settlement.
To Tour Through New York.
Rev. Charles Lee, of the First Pres
byterian church, wllj leuye this week
for a month's vacation. He will travel
through the most scenlo portions of
New York state.
Miss Marlon Burr Improving.
Miss Marlon Burr, of Church street,
was somewhat Improved laBt evening,
and tho doctors look forward to a
sneedv recovery.
Miss Burr has been seriously HI for
sovcrnl weeks wltli typhoid fever, nnd
was thought to be recovering when sho
received a set back a few days ago,
which was thought to be very serious.
MIsa Flnncgnn, of West Chester, Is
tho guest of Miss Nellie Klllccn, on
Brooklyn street.
Mrs. Mnhoncy nnd daughter, Rose, of
Wllkos-Bnrre, arc guests of Mrs. John
Murrln, on Seventh avenue.
Undertaker E. J. McHutc, who has
been 111 for the past month, was out
for the first time yesterday.
Robert Collins and James Ruddy, of
Scranton, culled on friends In this city
Monday evening.
Miss Margaret Kelly, of Now York,
Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Michael Kelly, on South Main street.
Edgar Stuck has returned from a
visit with relatives In Wllkcs-Burre.
Miss Catherine Smith, of Nuntlcokc,
Is the guest of tho Misses McAndrew,
on Cottage street.
Miss Mary McDonough has returned
from u two weeks' stay with relatives
In New York city.
Miss Gertrude Schuster, of Mitchell
avenue, Is spending a week with rela
tives In Waymart.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Haley and two
daughters, Edith nnd Olive, leave to
day for Susquehanna county, where
they expect to stay the rest of the
week. Mr. Haley's health Is slowly
Rev. Father Devlne, of Baltimore,
left yesterday morning for that place,
after a week's visit with friends In this
Misses Elizabeth McDonough and
Ella nnd Lucy Farrell have returned
from Harvey's lake.
James Haley Is spending his vacation
at Crystal lake.
Deputy Sheriff Gaffney, of Scranton,
circled among friends In the city yes
terday. John Williams and Harry Robinson
were Jermyn callers last evening.
Miss Edith Norton, of Hockdnfaquah,
Pa., Is visiting Miss Lucy Scurry, at
her home on Wyoming street.
Alexander Kennedy and Frank
Trallo3 were among tho rooters who
went to Susquehanna with the Cres
cents yesterday.
Rev. Father Dixon left Monday on a
two weeks' vacation, which will be
spent in Atlantic City.
Miss Grace Bishop, of Scranton, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Louise
Bishop, on South Main street.
Margaret, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. It. Campbell, of Church
street, who has been very 111, Is some
what Improved.
Miss Kathryn Eoland, who has been
visiting Miss Florence Campbell, on
Church street; for the past two weeks,
returned to her home in Scranton Mon
day. Roland Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alonzo Foster, lies quite ill at his home
on Mitchell avenue.
Messrs. William and Friend Schus
ter, of Mitchell avenue, spent Sunday
with relatives In Waymart.
Miss Katie Hocking, of Carbondale,
and iMiss Jessie Graham, of New
York city, are being entertained at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Euth.l
on (Jiydo street. Plttston Cor.
Miss Titus, of Susquehanna, is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. Griggs, of No. 126
Park street.
Assistant Postmaster John Nealon Is
enjoying his vacation. His place is
filled by Miss Teresa Fox.
Hand Coyle, Friend Blcrman. of
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lizzie LInehan and
Vera Flynn, of Plttston, are the guests
of Florence Wasman, of South Main
John O'Mnlloy, of Olyphant, is visit
ing relatives in town.
Harold B. Geldcr spent Monday at
Charles McKenna, of Honesdale,
spent Monday In this city.
Mrs. George W. Shcphard, nee Agatha
Murphy. left yesterday morning to"
take up her residence in Buffalo, N. Yi
She leaves a large circle of friends In
this city, who will miss her greatly.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Giles, of Lin
coln avenue, have returned homo af
ter a few days' visit with friends In
Smithboro, N. Y.
Miss Daisy Perry, of Green nidge,
who has been visiting her cousin, Miss
Hattlo Rolls, of Williams avenue, re
turned home yesterday.
Miss Jessie Owens, of Taylor, has
returned home after a short visit with
friends in this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G, H. DImock, of
Chestnut avenue, have returned homo
from a visit at Windsor, where they
have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Loan, who are camping on the
shore of tho Susquehanna, near that
place. Thoy brought home a string of
nearly seventy fish. Among them was
a bass weighing four pounds. Mr.
Dimock's neighbors are eating fish
today, nnd from tho smiles on their
faces one can toil that thoy enjoy their
share of tho finny tribe.
W. B. Chase, who has been visiting
his daughter In Watorbury, Conn., has
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dennis leave
today for a visit to Atlantic City. They
will be accompanied by their daughter,
A party composed of tho following
young men, Claude Oliver, John L.
Morgan, John M. Morgan and Dwlght
Lathrope, of this city, will spend tho
week at Preston Park lodge, commenc
ing Aug. 1,
Miss Minerva McLaughlin, or Jer
myn. Is seriously 111 ut Wheeler's hos
pital at Carbondale, of appendicitis.
An operation was performed upon her
on Monday afternoon. The reports of
her condition received from tho hospl
tal lust evening were quite encourug
Ing, Michael Burke, tho North Main street
tonsorlal artist, Is getting quite a rep
utation ns a base ball umpire. Yes
terday ho was at Susquehanna noting
In that capacity In tho game between
tho Carbondale Crescents and a Bus
quehunuu nine,
Mrs. W, S, Badger und Mrs. W. J.
Shields left yestorduy to spend a week
at Preston Park.
Therp was considerable improvement
yesterday In tho condition of Frunk
Giles. His many friends will hope that
the Improvement may continue.
Mrs. T. E. Grifllths and two children,
of North Main street, were ut Lake Lo
doro yesterday.
Rev. Maynard R. Thompson, pastor
of tho First Baptist church, will leave
this morning on his vacation.
Mrs. Schooley and daughter, of
Scranton, have been the guests of Mr.
A Sure Sign of Kidney
Trouble. Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy will
cure you.
Pain in the back la a never falling sign
of kidney disease ; niiothcr sure sign is
the condition of the urine ; If you have a
pain In the back then look to tho condition
of your urine. Take a glass tumbler and
fill it with urine ; after it has stood 34
hours, If it has a sediment, if it is milky or
cloudy, palo or discolored, stringy orropy,
your kidneys and bladder arc in a danger
ous condition and need immediate atten
tion, ortheconsoqucnccsmay prove fatal.
F. C. Wilcox of C59 New Britain nve.,
Hartford, Conn., says:
"I had a frightful pain In my back,
the result of kidney trouble. My
physician seemed powerless to relieve
mo. I determined to try Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy; it
helped me wonderfully, nnd In a short
time cured mo completely."
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Is the ono medlcino that really cures all
diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and
blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia nnd chronic
constipation. It Is wonderful how it
makes that pain in the back disappear,
how it relieves the desire to urinate often,
especially at night, and drives away that
scalding pain in passing watcrand makes
you well and strong.
It Is for sale by all druggists In the
Hew SO Oont Slzo and tho regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle--enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Dr. DitII Ktnnrdjr'a Rose Jelly radical curs
(,'aurru, usr oror ana toia in ucia.
and Mrs. John Mellow, of Cemetery
Miss Hilda Stephens, of Fourth
street, Is confined to her home by Ill
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey, of
Fourth street, spent Sunday with Pcck
vllle friends.
The Temple Coal company paid their
employes at the Sterrlck Creek and
Lackawanna collieries here yesterday.
The Elk Hill Coal company have a
large force of men at work, clearing
away the debris from the old Blue
Ridge breaker, which was recently
burned. The Improvements will In
clude a now head-house or tower, by
which the coal will be hoisted and sent
as formerly to the Ontario colliery.
Professor and Mrs. Stone, of West
Scranton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Tuthlll, of Main street, Sunday.
Tho Blakely board of health will meet
in regular. session Thursday evening.
Superintendent and Mrs. Charles
Page and family spent Sunday at Lake
J. H. Collender, of Academy street,
who has been seriously ill for a few
days, was reported much better yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sltgreaves en
tertained out-of-town friends yester
day. Mrs. A. M. Clark, of West Scranton,
ylsited her sister, Mrs. M. J. Coleman,
on Monday.
Mrs. A. V. Clark and daughter, Jes
sie, have returned home from a visit
with friends and relatives at East Ben
ton. Claude Clark has returned home
from a visit at Nicholson.
Mrs. R. T. James, of Priccburg,
called on friends In town yesterday.
Mrs. A. Dunlop and children, of Main
street, are spending a few days with
friends at Green Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grisdale, of the
Erie farm, are the proud parents of a
young daughter, .born Monday, July 27.
Don't forgot the Methodist Episcopal
Sunday school basket picnic in White's
Grove, Thursday afternoon, July 31.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Morris
will be held tomorrow morning from
her late home on Dunmore street. A
requiem high mass will be celebrated
In St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock.
Interment will be made In the West
Side cemetery.
A baby boy has arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McAndrew, of
Hudson street.
Misses Annie and Mamc Kclleher, of
Hawley, are tho guests of Miss Hannah
Henley, of Delaware street.
Mrs. Edward Lawlor, of Hill street, is
seriously 111,
Mrs. David James, Mrs. Alexander
Frew,- jr., and children have returned
home after spending ten days at Lake
Mrs. S. M. Snook, of Green Ridge,
was the guest of Mrs. Martin Crlppen,
Misses Rose and Esther Keating, of
Scranton, are visiting Miss Mamie
Swnniek, of Dunmore street.
Miss Nora King, of Green Ridge, Is
visiting relatives In town.
Miss Mary Jones has returned from
a visit to Newton Luke,
Ellis Buckingham and Wlllinm Parry
who have been visiting, relatives here,
returned to Norwich, N. Y yesterday,
Bertie Davis, of Susquehanna street,
left yesterday for Now York, where he
has secured work,
Mlsse3 Mary Connors and Mary
Lutz, of Mlnookn, spent yesterday with
friends at this place.
Mrs. William Walker, of Delaware
street, spent yesterday at Lake Lodore.
E. J. Burke, of Blakely, has returned
from a trip to Suspuehanna.
P. P. Kellty, of Huzleton, Is visiting
relatives in town.
J. Bishop was a business caller In
Jermyn yesterduy.
Dr. and Mrs. F, J, Bishop, of Scran
ton, were callers In town yesterday,
The witnesses In the Kelly-Lang-staff
contest wcro paid yesterday.
P. P. Brogan spent yesterday In Car
bondale, Miss Mary Murphy was In Scranton
Mrs, E, A, Jones and (laughter, Isa
bel, visited In Curbondale yesterday,
J, Hlnk, of Parsons, was a caller In
town Monday,
P. F, Kenny made a business trip to
tho Electric City yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Murray Is visiting rela
tives In Scranton.
Despite the heavy down-pour of rain
Monday eveplng, the social given by
St. James society was largely attended.
Rev. Father Walsh, In behalf of tho
management of St. James society, an
nounced In St. James church last Sun
Connolly & Wallace
Scranton's Shopping Center
You are not tapping an empty A cataract of chances for good
barrel when you tap
I Women's Handkerchiefs
You can't have too many at this time of the year. 6,ooo Women's Handkerchiefs, in
fine embroidered a'nd drawn work designs, hemstitched, made of a good fine grade of
lawn, values from I2c to aoc each.
Men's Handkerchiefs Fine Hemstitched
ders and designs printed all
500 Men's Pure Linen
design in colors, a good fine
I Women's Bathing Suits
Now that the summer weather is on in earnest, all Scranton will be thinking of places
to spend Saturday afternoons and Sundays, and half of It will be off to the seashore or
mountain lakes. But you'll not find Scrantonians, who have nice tastes and habits, willing
to wear the Bathing Suits that are for hire at watering places. Women want their own
from point of style and appearance, and, most of all, from the point of cleanliness.
We've told you many times over that Mohair is the best of all, and that black and blue
are the best colors,
Some Fine Taffeta Silk Suits, $16.50
I Connolly & Wallace
day that no girls or boys under 18
years old would bo allowed into the
hall. But, sorry to say, they were in
the majority Monday evening. A few
hours after the social started, the
prompter requested those under the
above age to leave, but no one re
sponded. The next social will be car
ried out on a different scale. A com
mittee will be appointed to sit at the
door and refuse admission to those thoy
deem under IS years of age. It Is tho
intention of Rev. Father Walsh, with
the hearty co-operation of the people
of this town, to stop children from
attending dances. On Sunday lust,
Father Walsh preached an eloquent
sermon to his congregation with the
above for his subject.
Tho different locals of this town will
hold a joint meeting at St. James hall
Thursday ufternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Several prominent speakers nro ex
pected to be on hand. A few foreign
speakers will also be present and de
liver addresses to the different ele
ments. TAYLOR.
Today, tho much heralded game of
base ball between tho clerks and butch
ers of this borough will bo held. One
week ago the clerks met with defeat
ut tho hands of their opponents, and
this afternoon they will endeavor to
get even. To make the contest more
Interesting two prizes will be awarded
to tho player who makes the most base
hits in the game, and the second to tho
player who makes tho best appearance
on the diamond. All tho stores will be
closed for tho day.
It Is announced that a grund eistedd
fod will bo held at tne Calvary Baptist
church on Christmas day. The pro
gramme will be ready In due time for
Lily lodge, No, 039, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, will moot this
evening In the rooms in Holland's hull.
The Misses Lu.xembcrger, of West
Scranton, have returned to their homo,
after spending tho past few days with
relatives In town.
Tho Sunday school of the Presbyter
Ian church will re-open on tho next
Sabbath afternoon ut " o'clock, Instead
of 11. SO a, in.
It has been stated from a reliable
source that the new silk mill on High
street has ben purchased by a linn
from Hoboken, N, J., und that prepar
ations will soon be made to open the
John T, Jenkins, a prominent young
man of Jermyn, unci principal of the
borough schools in that place, has been
engaged us principal to teach In one of
our borough schools, by tho school
Miss Margaret Price und niece, MIps
Graco Brudy, of Plttston, and Miss
Theresa Fenton, of Now York, were
guests of Mrs. M, J, McDouuld, of Main
street, recently.
Taylor lodge, No. 462, Knights of
Pythias, will meet this evening In reg
ular session,
Mrs, David S, Price and son, Bert, of
Clark's Summit, nro visiting tho for
mer's mother, Mrs. J, E, Davis, of
North Main street.
Mrsr-Gcorge Bortreo nnd son, Amasn,
and Miss Francis Foote, of Moscow,
ure the guests of friends In town.
Minooka tribe, No.. 217, Improved
Order of Red Men, will meet this even
ing In regular session.
Mrs. J, W, Reese und Misses Annie
and Gertrude Wutklna weie guests of
friends In Wllkes-Burre, on Sunday.
Miss Gussle Relnhurdt Is visiting
friends at Ransom for the past few
da vs.
Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Peterson, ot
Grove street, spent the Sabbath visit
ing friends at Hudson, Pa.
imu l -
- nwwnawi
this store. buying at
At a Third and a Half
Choose at 9c Each
At Men's Furnishing Counter
Handkerchiefs, in colored print effects, colored bor
over, value 25 cents, at, each
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with neat
grade, worth 50c each, at.
Mohair Suits,
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, July 2S. Tho Methodists
of Athens, held a jubilee meeting last
week, to celebrate tho wiping out of
the church debt.
.The Odd Fellows of this county will
hold their fourth annual piclnc on the
East Towanda fair grounds, Thursday,
August 14.
Lightning has caused considerable
damage by llres and otherwise to build
ings in this county during the past
F. Cook, aged eighty years, of To
wanda, has been taken to the Home of
the Aged at Philadelphia.
Towanda claims of having as a resi
dent tho only centenarian and oldest
man in tho county and no doubt of
Northeastern Pennsylvania. In a con
versation with the gentleman, the
Star's historical editor, gleaned the fol
lowing: "Frequently there is seen on
the streets of Towanda, a little man,
bent in form, slowly wending his way
from place to place by the assistance of
his cane. His aged appearance attracts
everybody's attention. Yet but few
know that this patriarch has lived dur
ing tho life of every president of tho
United States, nnd that he was born in
Bradford county and has always resid
ed hero. His name Is Richard Vander
pool and he was born at Frenchtown,
In As-ylum township, April 11, 1790. His
parents were William and Polly (John
son) Vandcrpool. His grandfather,,
Anthony Vanderpool, a revolutionary
soldier, came from KInderhook, N. Y.,
to Asylum about 1790. The family was
of Holland origin and noted for their
longevity. Richard was tho eldest of
a family of four brothers and two sis
ters. Ho ha3 been a great worker and
his only sickness being a, stroke of
paralysis which ho received cloven
years ago. Since his recovery no nas
been quite lame, but In other respects
says he enjoys good health and has a
fairly good appetite.
The census bureau gives tho total
number of farms In this county as
6,079, with buildings 0.G93; a total aver
age of fiRU,2.14, of which 447,139 acre3 are
improved. Tho land and improvements,
except tho buildings are valued at $11,
596,340; buildings nro worth $7,3S7,1S0;
implements and machinery urn valued
at $1,101,000; live stock, $3,078,928. The
gross Income of products during 1899
not fed to llvo stock, $1,103,892.
Special to tho Scranton Trlbuno.
Plttston, July 29, Tho Broad Street
Presbyterian Sunday, school's annual
excursion goes to Mountain Park on
Thursday of this week.
Talllo Evans, of tho Gazette staff,
with his wife, Is spending a week at
Atlantic City.
Rev. D. M, George, of this city, oc
cupied the pulpit of tho Mill City M.
E. church, last Sunday afternoon.
A child of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Davis,
of South Main street, died this morn
ing after an Illness of cholera infan
tum. Tho funorul will tako place
Thursday afternoon.
Jucob Sehmultss has itendcrcd his
resignation as chief of police of Hughes
town borough, having accepted a posi
tion at Tamaquu. Tho council Is dead
locked over tho selection of an as
sistant, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wutson, of West
Plttston, who have been on an exten
sive tour of Europe, are expected homo
the latter part of this week, having
sailed from Liverpool u few days ago.
Mr. Lou Lauchus has returned from
Salem, N. J,
The Ladies' Aid society and the oal-
Connolly & Wallace's.
or $1.00 a Dozen
1 2iC
small fleur de lis
$2.00 to $11.00
Wholosalo Tobacconists.
Distributors of Cubanola Cigars.
and Lawn
The Largest aud most
artistic line ever shown
in the city.
121 Washington Avenue,
clal board of tho Methodist church will
meet at Nay Aug purk Thursday, July,
31, Tho car will leave tho .Delaware,
and Hudson crossing ut 10.20 a. in.
Tho classes in churgo of Mr, I. F,
Price, -Mrs. W. C. Drake, Mrs. F. A.
Johnson and Miss Ethel Hutchlngs will
picnic at Spring Brook Thursday.
Miss Lizzie Burke Is spending a fevA
days at Dunmore,
Mrs. Alfred Smith spent Sunday with.'
her parents at Parsons.
fcB Catanola cigars jm- :
iHSuiTO no drags yJ B, '
if Hi Kr amofco H'
i vWs a I?vo Con Wm
gy cirj2? that does? K