The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 30, 1902, Image 1

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Crowds of Strikers Assemble at
Mines and Stone Non-Union
Will Appeal for Protection If the Dis
order Is Kept Up President Mitch
ell Will Make Addresses to tho
Various Locals Seven Strikers Un
der Ball at Wilkcs-Barre Disorder
at Duryea.
By Exclusive Wire lorn Tho Assod-ilcd Picss.
Mt. Canncl, Pa., July 29. Two
crowds of stilkers numbering fully
three thousand men, women and chil
dren, collected ut all the Heading and
Union company operations between here
and Shamokln this evening and hurled
Ftones and sticks at the non-union
Six of the latter were captured by
the mob near Richard's colliery and
were badly pummelled. On promising
to remain away from the colliery until
the strike ends they were liberated.
Several scores of non-union men re
mained at n couple of the mines to
night afraid to face the strikers who
are picketed along roads leading into
Shamokln, Pa., July 29. One thous
and men,, women and children as
sembled at the Mineral company's Cam
eron colliery this evening and hooted
and cuised non-union men as they quit
.work. A delegation of boys stoned
several sub bosses as they ' entered
town. Chief Burgess Thomas and the
police churged the crowd and put them
to flight. The coal company officials
Bay they will ask for troops tomorrow
If there Is a continuance of the at
tempts to annoy the workmen.
Mitchell Will Address Locals.
Wilkes-Barrc, Pa July 29 President
Mitchell will start this week to till
Borne engagements he has to deliver
addresses before United Mine Woikcrs'
assemblies in different parts of the an
thracite region. Ever since Mr. Mitch
ell made his headquarters in Wilkes
Earro he has been besieged by com
mittees from various locals who want
ed him to name u date on which he
could deliver an address. Owing to
pressuie of other matters the chief of
, fleer of the United Mine Workers had
to decline all such Invitations. But
now that ho flnd3 he has a little time
to spare ho will try and fulfill some
of his engagements. It is said ho will
visit the Schuylkill region first and de
liver at Shenandoah and
Mahanoy City.
National Board Member John Fallon
reports that the strikeis are satisfied
with the relief plan as carried out in
the Wyoming region. The Ilrst Install
ment of the relief fund was not largo
fc' ..,! .. (.1 1- t ... .
J most destitute cases. But President
Mitchell says when the money received
fiom the assessment levied on tho bit
uminous miners comes in there will be
easier sailing for all concerned. Mr,
Mitchell desires to say through the As
fcoclated Press that there is no truth
In the report that he stated to a com
mittee of merchants who waited on
him that there would be no more
money to distribute among the strikers
until Aug. 13. He claims contributions
Will be received right along from
miners' organizations and other labor
Strikers' Arraigned.
Seven striking miners from Nanti
coke were arraigned before Magistrate
Brown, of this city, this afternoon,
charged with committing an assault
on William Young, an engineer em
ployed at one of the collieries of the
Busquehunnn Coal company. While on
his way to woik Young claimed he was
held up nnd two of the defendants
threw atones at him, one of the stones
Btrlklng him on the head and intliet-
!ncr ft rlpnn fill 'I'ho ut,-ltn..o
k held In ball for trial at court. The
busqueuanna Coal company has given
notlco that it will protect Its employes
at all hazards,
A crowd of 1,500 men and boys pre
vented the resumption of work at the
Warnke washery at Duryea this morn
ing. A number of men came down fiom
Bcranton to work at the washery. They
were at onco surrounded by a threaten
ing crowd. The burgess was appealed
to to protect the men who wanted to
work but lie thought he would not ho
able tp do l and he telephoned to
Sheriff Jacobs.' The sheriff sent four
deputies to the scene, but when they
arrived the mob had dispersed. The
men who had been hired to work at the
washery were badly frightened and
when the train for Scranton came along
they Jumped aboard without much ado,
A volley of stones followed them. Tho
operator of the washery says he will
not make another attempt to resumo
Organizer McKay Arrives,
. , Edward McKay, national organizer
i or tne united Mine Workers, who lias
oeen at work In West Virginia for
eome lime past, arrived In town to
night and held a long conference with
President Mitchell. To the. Associated
Press reporter lie said tho miners of
West Virginia wero lighting a hard
battle and hud many obstucles to over
come but in, the end they hoped to win.
JVesldent Mitchell -said tonight that
he expected there would be a liberal
l espouse from every labor organization
in the country to the circular now be
ing sent out from miner's headquarters
usklng for aid for the striking miners.
Thomas Tosh Severely Beaten by
Strikers at Shenandoah.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcn.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 29. Thomas
Tosh, of this city, a lieutenant of the
coal and Iron police, In charge of a
camp of special mine guards, was at
tacked by strikers today and com
pelled to seek tho shelter of his home.
The strikers say that Tosh has been
active In attempting to Induce mine
workers to return to the collieries.
Late last night, a workman, name
unknown, was severely beaten by a
mob. lie was rescued nnd taken to Uie
stutlon house for safety.
Some Interesting Facts Devel-
oped at the Trial of
John Richards.
By Exclusive Wire Irom The Associated Tress.
Charleston, W. Va., July 29. One of
the points which was brought out in
the trial of John Richards and others
in the federal court here belore Judge
Keller, today. Is that Richards threat
ened to blacklist all miners who re
fused to come out and join the strik
ers. When Richards was speaking to
a crowd and the working miners were
listening, ho turned to the working
mineis and pleaded with them to quit
work and said that when the strike
was over und the union had been rec
ognized, which Itsurely would be, they
would not be able to work In any sec
tion of the country. He told them ho
had a list of all their names and it
would be furnished to every local union
in the country, and wherever they went
they- would be pointed to as "scabs"
and would not be allowed to curn a
This point was emphasized as much
as the prosecution could emphasize It,
so that It could be shown to the court
that the organization which is opposed
to a blacklist by the employer proposes
to maintain a blacklist among those of
Its craft. The speech was taken by
the stenographer of the Collins Colliery
company, and the transcript was sub
mitted in the court toduv.
The men employed In tho mines tes
tified they were afraid to work on ac
count of the gathering of the strikers,
and while tho speakers counselled obe
dience to the law, it was shown they
continued to gather in large crowds "in
the vicinity of the colliery and asserted
they would slay there until the men
came out of the mines.
The prosecution brought out evidence
today to show that checks to purchase
food were s-ent here by Secretary Wil
son and John Mitchell.
The prosecution has closed its case
and the defense will open tomorrow.
Passenger Steamship and Other Ves
sels Wrecked on Pacific Coast.
Cy Exclusive Wile from The Associated Pics.
Tuscon, Ariz., July 29. A tornado
along the Gulf of California on Thurs
day night wrecked and damaged many
buildings In the coast titles. The
wires have been down and news of the
disaster has just been received.
At Guaymas five vessels In tho bay
were dashed ashore and sunk. Two
of them, HI Luelln and El Gravlna,
were large steamships engaged In coast
wise trade.
The public building containing the
offices of the harbor master and col
lector of customs was destroyed. The
lesldence of the English vice-consul
was unroofed. The municipal hull and
city piis-on were damaged.
At Mazatlan the Pomory Ruby, a
large passenger steamship, was driven
ashore and sunk. Five passengers
wero drowned and the remainder reach
ed the shore on wreckuge and drift
wood. Another large vessel In the bay
was also damaged by the tornado.
Rev, Leatherman Meets Death While
Tying to Save the Life of An
othe.r By Exclusive Wire fiom TI le Associated Press,
Bellefoutalne, O,, July 29,-Rov. W. II.
I.eathcrman, pastor of tho Methodist
church at Degrnff. was drowned today
In trying to savo Earl Needhnm. aged III,
who went dovyn with him. Thirty boys
of tho clergyman's church were on a
plrnlc nt n neat by resort. Young Need
ham went swimming and was seized
with ciamps. Tho minister tiled to res
cue him,
Rev, Mr, I.entliermau, was a graduate
of Dolaware college and had foimetiy
lived In Lima and Toledo, . Ho was 35
years of ago and leaves a widow and
two children.
Schwab Improving',
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Atlantic City, N. J July .-President
Schwab continues to Improve and spent
today In light iccreation and ho Is taking
absolute lest fiom business and only
chuts with tho visitors on 'social matters
or Indulges in a joko or two. lie looks
quite pale.
Advance in Bituminous.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Tone Haute, lud., July 29. An advance
of 5 and 10 cents a .ton In tho price of
bituminous coal, according to grade loud
ed on cats at tho mines throughout tho
Indiana field was announced hero today
to take effect August 1. Tho advance la
indirectly duo to jho anthracite strike.
He Visits President Roosevelt, but
Will Say Nothing of His Trip.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pics.
Atlantic City, N. J July 29. Tho
United States leveiiuo cutter Qrcsham,
with Secretary of tho Treasury Shaw
and friends on board, anchored off this
city today. Shortly afterwards the
purty enmo ashore. They included
Walter S. Dickey, of Kansas City, and
his two sons; James A. McMullcn, of
Ontnrlo, und R. C. Penfleld, of New
York. Tho visitors went to a hotel,
where they had lunch and were Joined
by D. M. Parry, president of the Na
tional Association of Manufacturers.
Secretary Shaw will leave for Wash
ington tonight by rail. The others will
stay hero for several days.
The secretary would say nothing ex
cept that ho had boon to Oyster Bay
with President Roosevelt and is going
on to Washington on business con
nected with his visit.
By New Terms Offered New York
City Will Gain Many Advantages.
Committee to Frame New Bill.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prcs.
Now York, July P.O. Mayor Low and
other city and borough officials, as well
as members of the rapid transit tunnel
commission, conferred today with rep
resentatives of the Pennsylvania rail
road with regard to he franchise
sought by the company to build a tun
nel across Manhattan. The railroad
men, who had come direct from Phila
delphia to attend tho conference, were
Vice President John P. Green, Assist
ant General SollcltoiuGeorgc V. Mas
sey, Engineer of Maintenance Joseph
T. Richards and Nathan Sperlng, of
President Cassatt's staff.
The conference was a success, Inas
much as a partial agreement was
reached, as the railroad allowed cer
tain contentions of the opposition to be
approved. By tho new terms, the city
ran put wires In the subway for polite
and fire purposes; can now bo certain
of a definite time being fixed for the
commencement and completion of the
tunnel; has assurance that no freight
lino will be used and no freight station
built at Montauk Point, as was tho
contention of President Canter. The
eight-hour agreement which the Cen
tral Federated union wished inserted, It
was thought would be Impratlcable, but
the railroad authorities say they will
pay union wages and in no case woik
the men as long as eight hours, as
they could not work that long In the
The matter of the franchise will now
go to a joint conference commltteee of
the board of alderman and rapid tran
sit commission, which committee will
frame a now franchise, containing the
points mentioned and also contain a
clause putting the tunnel under the
control of the health department and
fix a review of the compensation at
the' end of twenty-five years.
A Lithuanian Fisherman Finds a
Watery Grave.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, July 29. Domlnick Dom
savage, a Lithuanian, aged about
thirty-five years was drowned in Still
water yesterday while fishing. With a
companion, Anthony Griger, he launch
ed a leaky boat and after getting about
fifty feet from shore, Domsavnge, find
ing that the boat was sinking rapidly
told his companions that he would
swim to shore. In jumping from the
boat he also threw Griger out. The
latter clung to the boat, however, and
finally reached the shore. He could
find no trace of Domsavage and came
to Forest City with news of the ac
cident. A searching party spent several
hours In the effort to recover the re
mains, which were finally brought to
the surface with a hook and line. A
jury was empanelled by F. T. Gelder,
esq. There Is no doubt that the af
fair was purely 'an accident.
El Kheir and Hammn Chiekh Are
Brought to Justice.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Piess.
Tunis, July 29. The trial of the as
sassins of the Marquis de Mores, at
Susa, near here, resulted today In tho
condemning to death of El Kheir and
the sentencing of Humma Chiekh to
twenty years' imprisonment. vj
The Marquis de Mores was If"
near Gabes, In June 1S96, by a ' '.tier
of bandits. El Khler niid- amma
Chiekh were the only on' .if his as
sailants cuptured. Ills widow, who
was Mario Von Hoffman, daughter of
L.' Von Hoffman, of New York, offered
a reward of 0,000 francs for tho arrest
of the principal assassin.
Tunis, July 29. Seventeen others ac
cused of the assassination of the Mar
quis De Mores were sentenced in de
fuult, six to be put to death and eleven
to hard lubor,
Erie Station at Hornellsville Under
Two Feot of Water,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated picss.
Hornellsville, N, Y.. July 29. Another
cloudburst occurred at Cunuhoiagn last
night and 1,000 feet of tho Shawmut mil
way was moved thirty feat. This road
hus not been operated since tho previ
ous Hood.
Tho Erie station is In two feet of water,.
Steamship Arrivals.
By Exclusive wire from lha Associated Press.
New York, July 29. Arrived: Koenlgen
Lulso. Bremen. Clcaied; Majestic, Liv
erpool. Bulled: Blucher, Hamburg;.
Kronprlnz Wllhclm. Bremen. Southamp-'
ton-Arrived i Vaderlanq;, New York.
Boulogne Arrived: Rotterdam, , New
York for Rotterdam. Qucenstown Ar
rived: Oceanic, Now York for Liverpool
(und proceeded). Movlllo Arrived: Ethl
oplu, New York 'or Glabjow (and proceeded).
Nearer Than It Had Been Thought
Possible, nGGordlno to
Mr. Ghamberlaln.
Colonial Secretary Outlines Govern
ment's Policy Towards South Afri
can Colonies Surrender Promises
to Be Kept in Spirit as Well as in
Letter Mines to Be Taxed, but
Owners Not to Be Punished.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
London, July 29. Colonial Secretary
Chamberlain appeared in the house of'
commons this afternon for the llrst
time since the recent accident in which
lie was hurt. He wus greeted with
hearty cheering, and later lie was
Warmly congratulated by Sir Henry
Cnmpbell-Bannennan, Liberal leader
in the house.
Sir Henry Campbell-Banncrman sup
plemented his congratulations by ask
ing for information of the colonial con
ference. He expressed the hope that
lenient treatment would be extended to
the boers In South Africa.
Mr. Chajmberluln replied that the one
fiphit animating the members of the
conference was the desire to draw
closer together the constituent parts of
the empire, and he thought it safe to
sdy that the conference had made Im
portant progress toward a perfect
union, to which he himself looked for
ward. Regarding South Africa, Lord Mll
ner, the high commissioner of South
Africa, had telegraphed spontaneously
that he did not think further legisla
tion necessary to make the banishment
pioclamatlon effective. The govern
ment, however, reserved to itself the
important right in the new colonies to
refuse to allow the return of or to
keep watch over persons who showed
themselves inimical to good order and
"We are not going to allow tho result
of the war to be undermined," said
Mr. Chamberlain, "by intrigues carried
on by" nominally constitutional means.''
Regarding the future status of South
Africa, the colonial secretary said the
imperial government has established a
crown colony in the strictest sense.
Tho next step would be to add a
Humiliated official element. Thereafter
there would be an elected official ele
ment and then nothing but circum
stances and time would separate the
new colonies from full self-government,
the ultimate goal of their ambition.
That consummation would not be de
layed; If for no other reason, because
It might relievo the government of the
tremendous burden of responsibility In
volved In the present situation, but all
must understand that the government
would not be rushed or hustled Into
any action which circumstances did not
Promises Will Be Kept.
The speaker said he was one of these
optimistic enough to believe that the
new colonies would reach the ultimate
goal of their ambition much sooner
than many persons thought possible.
So far as the government was concern
ed, the surrender promises would be
kept In spirit as well as In letter. The
government was bound both by honor
and by Interest to that course.
There remained many questions to be
dealt with; a new tariff must be ar
ranged Involving Intricate questions,
concerning which experts must be con
sulted und the taxation of mines must
be settled, but he wished to say noth
ing would be done to punish owners of
mines us had been suggested In many
quarters. The government would do
nothing to Intel fere with a quick revival
of development of the country ,
Subject to that consideration, Mr.
Chamberlain continued, no man was
mure anxious than he to recover some
considerable part of the cost of the
war from South Africa. He thought It
would be perfectly fair to lay a fair
part of the cost of the war on tho
principal Industry of tho Transvaal,
but what amount It was too soon to
Urges Boers to Quit Politics and Try
to Make Themselves Happy,
By Exclusive Wlie from 'Die AtcocUt'il Pro".
Capo Town, July 29. Gens. De La
Key and Hotha were given an ovation
yesterday at Stellenbosca. They were
driven to tho town hall, and each of
the two carriage. was drawn by sixty
students, At a luncheon which follow
ed the students acted ns waiters.
General Hotha in a feeling address
said tho day of surrender was the most
painful of his life, but now that it hnd
been done, he prayed earnestly that
his hearers should consider it God's
will, Although Afrikander nationality,
In a manner, had been burled, It would
remain the most Important factor In
tho social life of South Africa. The
genernl paid a tribute to former Presi
dent Steyn's abilities as a statesman,
"Now let us stop bothering ourselves
about politics," ho added, "and try to
make ouiselves happy In South Africa,
because -we have no home elsewhere."
Generals Hotha and De La Rey will
proceed to England, the United States
and Canada to collect funds for the
relief of widows and orphans of Boer
Three Hundred nnd Fifty Being
Taken Back to South Africa.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press.
Hamilton, Bermuda, July 29. The
steamship Hoslln Caatlc sailed for
South Africa today with the first party
of returning Boers, numbering 350 per
sons, on board.
Pests from Turkey Will Be Held Up
if Apprehended.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, July 29. Commissioner
Genernl of Imlgratlon Sargent has
sent to immigration officials through
out tho country photographs of nn
nrclilsts who have been expelled from
Turkey nnd who ure believed to be on
their way to this country.
Accompanying tho photographs from
tho commissioner were Instructions for
immigration ofllclals to Investigate the
charges against the anarchists nnd If
these were found correct, to return
the men to the places whence they
City in Hands of Mob McCrea of
the Machias Looking Out
for Foreigners.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, July 29. The following
cablegram dated today was received at
the navy department this afternoon
from Commander McCrea, of the
Machias, which arrived at Cape Hay
tlen yesterday:
"Affairs are very much disturbed at
Cape Haytlen. Unorganized mob In the
city. Foreign concula have been threat
ened. Will give protection on board.
I will prevent bombardment without
due notice."
University of California Interested
in Its Biological Conditions.
By Exclusiv e Wire from The Associated Press.
Berkeley, Cal., July 29. Prof. Wil
liam E. Rltter, head of the department
of zoology at the University of Cali
fornia, Is tho prime mover In an un
dertaking for the systematic observa
tion of the flow of the Japan current
and the study of the biological condi
tions of that great stream. The San
Pedro and Santa Barbara channels will
also be sur-eyed.
The enterprise has the backing of
Chairman Harrlman, of the Union
Pacific Railroad company, the United
States Fish commission, and a number
of rich business men of Los Angeles.
The plans contemplate the establish
ment of a complete marine laboratory
and museum at San Pedro, to b'e a de
partment of the University of Cali
fornia, open to all advanced students
of biology.
Responsible for Deaths of Nine Girls
in London Fire.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
London, July 29. The inquest into
the deaths of victims of the Victoria
street fire, on June 9, In which nine
young girls were burned to death, was
concluded today after having occuplqri
the attention of the press nnd public
for several weeks und having subject
ed the London Fire department to
much unfavorable comment. The jury
found that the General Electric com
pany was guilty of gross negligence
and of evasion of the factory acts.
Chief Wells's explanation of the In
adequate equipment of the fire depart
ment was characterized as unsatisfac
tory. ONE MAN STOPS 5,000.
Prevents Settlement of the Weavers'
Strike in Philadelphia.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, July 29. The strike of
rug weavers, which, after having been
in progress ten weeks was believed to
have been, settled yesterday, Is still on.
The new obstacle to an amicable ad
justment is one non-union workman
employed by William T. Smith & Co.,
whom the firm decline to discharge.
All tho other plants wero ready to re
sume, but when It became known that
Smith & Co. would not open up, they
announced their Intention of keeping
their factories closed for the present.
About 5,000 men are affected.
Races Postponed.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Erie, Pa., July 29. Tho first day's races
of the Luke Erie circuit were postponed
on account of heavy rain. Wednesday
will be mndo opening day and races will
continue till Saturday.
Columbus, O,, July 29, Tho grand cir
cuit races wero postponed today on ac
count of rain.
New Commercial Treaty.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Picas.
London, July 29. Tho new commercial
treaty between Great Britain was np
pioved at a. conference held at tho for
eign offlco today, It Is oxpected that tho
government will now sanction the con
clusion of tho treaty.
Murder nt Mingo Mines.
By Exclusive Wire from The Afsoclatcd Vtttn.
Mlddlesboio, Ky., July 29, At Mingo
mines hero today, Warren Smith killed
Calvin Sentor by shooting him through
tho heart. Before Seuter was shot ho
over a. woman was the causo of shooting,
over a woman was tho cause of soohtlng,
Telegraphic School,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Snn Juan, P. R., July 29. Tho Interior
department has established a free tele
graph school under tho auspices of the
Insular telegraph service, Tho hcliool
will teach twenty-flvo pupils, all girls.
An Audience with the Pope,
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Rome, July 29.-The Rov. 1). J. Stnf
foul, rector of St. Patrick's church,
Washington, D. C, had an audience to
day with the popo and Cardinal Rum
pollu, the pa pel becretary of state.
i m
Middleton Electrocuted.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Dannemora, N. Y July 29.-C. D. Mid
dlloton was today electrocuted at Clin
ton prison for tho murder of his wlfa in
The Pope's Personal Wishes as to
His Successor Are Indicated.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Rome, July 29. Curdlnal Gottl, pre
fect of the sacred congregation of
bishops and regulars und of regular
discipline, was today appointed pre
fect of the propaganda to succeed the
late Cardinal Ledochowskl.
Cardinal Agllardl was appointed pre
fect of tho economy of the congrega
tion of the propaganda, In place of
Cardinal Vincent Vannutelli.
Cardinal Vannutelli will replace Car
dinal Gottl ns prefect of the sacred
congregation of bishops und regulars
and of regulur discipline.
The selection of Cardinal Gottl to
succeed the late Cardinal Ledochowskl
In the most Important post In tho gift
of the pope Is universally regarded as
Indicating the pontiff's personal wishes
as to the personality of his successor.
Cardinal Gottl has long been consid
ered tho most likely of tho cardinals
for succession to the papal throne.
President Roosevelt Offers
Rewards for Successful
By Exclusive Wire from 'flic Associated Press.
Oyster Bay, N. Y July 29. President
Roosevelt has offered a prize of $23
In gold to be contested for by the gun
crews on the war yacht Mayflower to
be held In Gardiner's bay, which prac
tice he will attend. He expects to
leave Oyster Bay, Thursday morning
on a special train for Greenport, L. I.
At that point he will go to the May
flower In a launch, witness the gun
practice and return to Oyster Bay in
the evening by the special train. Thus
he will be away from Sagamore Hill
only one day, otherwise he might be
away parts of two days.
It Is announced that President Roose
velt has no present Intention of visit
ing either at Newport, R. I., or Rich
field Springs, as has been reported.
During the day there were no official
callers at Sagamore Hill, but this even
ing Civil Service Commissioner James
R. Garfield, of Washington, andames
R. Sheffield, n former fire commissioner
of New York city were dinner guests,
Starving Yaquis Attack a Ranch,
Men and Women Slain.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Tuckson, Ariz., July 29. Driven to
desperation by hunger and thirst, a
band of thirty Yaquis, almost half of
them women, attacked the Carmen
ranch, near Hermoslllo Saturday, and
a fierce light followed. When a patrul
of Mexican troops came to the rescue,
two of the women and five of the men
lay dead.
The Yaquis were weak from hunger,
and when attacked by superior num
bers they were compelled to surrender.
Fifteen prisoners, Including two chiefs,
were marched to Hermoslllo, where
they will be sentenced by General
New York Contractors Refuse to Ac
cept Local Union's Terms.
By Exclusive AViie from The Associated Press.
Washington, July 29. The members
of the Brotherhood of Electrical Work
ers' Local Union 26, who have been
employed on repair work at the White
house, have quit work, In order to en
force the rules of the union.
Tho cause of the "walk-out," It Is
stated, Is the refusal of the Now York
firm having the contract for electrical
work at the White house to accept
the local terms of the Electrical Work
ers' union.
Oil Combine in England.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press,
London, July 'i0. In It's Issuo of this
morning the Dally Mull declares there Is
no longer any doubt that tho three mon
ster oil Intel ests of Rockefeller, Roths
child and Nobel have oiitfired Into a
working ngiecment. "Thus," says tho
paper, "without any publicity tho gieut
est trust tho world has over known hus
sprung Into being."
Congressman Hall Renominated.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pi ess,
Rldgwny, Pa July 29.-llou. J. P. K,
Hull, whoso term In const ess explics
next spring, was today unanimously
nominated by the Elk county Democratic
convention for member of tlio stato sen
ate from this district. John M. Flynn, of
Rldgwny wan nominated to succeed Hon.
Georgo Dixon in tho geporul usbcmbly,
By Exclusive Who from The Associated Pi ess.
Philadelphia, July 29,-l',aul Van dcr
Vooit, past coiumuudei -In-chief of tho
Uiaud Army of tho Republic, died at
Puerto Principe, Cuba.'iod.iy, of putalysla
of the henrt. lie wus born In Ohio In
lSfil. Ho cnllbted for the tlucu mouths'
service In tho Sixty-eighth Illinois infan
try and re-enlisted in company M, Six
teenth Illinois cavalty, and was with his
regiment in the Ninth and Twenty-third
corps and the cavalry corps of tho mili
tary division of Mississippi, Ho was dis
charged August 1, 1S03, as sergeunt.
I.lttlo Rock, Ark., July 29.-Dr. P. O.
Hopper, of this city, until recently super
intendent of tho stato sanitarium, and
who served as president of tho .Amor
Ican Medical association In 1S&J, died
near Suyre, Oklahoma, today as the to
bult of an attack of asthma. Dr. Hop
per was en touto to California and his
deutli occurred on a west bound pabsen
get tmln. Ho 09 years of ago.
The Condition ol Kino Edward
Is SatistaGtoru in
Everu Wau.
His Majesty Is Now Allowed to U8
His Feet, and with the Aid of a
Stick Has Done Some Walking.
All Restrictions Upon His Diet
Have Also Been Withdrawn There
Seems No Doubt That He Will Be
Able to Undergo the' Fatiguing
Ceremonies of August 0.
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Prcst.
London, July 29. The latest and most
reliable Information indicates that
King Edward's doctors were not mis
taken in fixing August 9 as the date
upon which his majesty could bo
crowned. The sinister rumors which
have pervaded all classes for the last
few days now appear to have lost that
semblance of probability which made
even the members of the cabinet ner
vous lest another postponement of the
coronation might be necessitated.
Th apprehension that King Edward
would be unable to stand the strain
of the coronation ceremony has been
greatly lessened by the announcement
Mhat his majesty Is now permitted to
use his feet and, with the aid of a
stick has done a little walking. An
other late telegram from Cowes, Isle
of Wight, saying that nearly all the
restrictions up.on the king's diet have
been withdrawn, haB been welcomed as
evidence that the recent ominous de
ductions were drawn without due al
lowance for the doctors' extreme cau
tiousness. While ,the king was test
ing his ability to walk, two stalwart
jackles stood at his side. After this
experiment, which boded well for his
fulfilling the necessary coronation func
tions at Westminster abbey. King Ed
ward 'sat smoklngi on the .deck of the
royal yacht, and .watched -the races of
the fcmall yachts off Cowes.
Those who drew Inferences from the
fact that the invitations to Westmins
ter abbey were not dated have had
their fears dissipated by the proclama
tion, published In t:.e Gazette tonight,
fixing August D as. the date for the
coronation, which post dates, and is
altogether more important than any
thing which might or might not hav
appeared upon the cards of Invitation
Tho Gazette Prints the Royal Pre
clamation Regarding tho
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
London, July 29. The Gazette tonight
contains a royal proclamation fixing
August 9 as tho date for the coronation,
which, It says, "we wero constrained
to adjourn to a day In August," and
adding, "which we have resolved by
the favor and blessing of Almighty
God to celebrate on the aforesaid day."
Arrest of Pius Henselle and Miss
Kaeberle Reveals Peculiar Affair.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Lancaster, Pa July 29. Pius Hen
relle who operates a clothing renovat
ing establishment, and Fredericka Kae
berle, who worked for and boarded
with him, wero arrested today on com
plaint of Mrs. Henselle, who alleges
that the girl has not only usurped her
place, but that recently they made two
uttempts to poison her, once by offer
ing her a drug in coffee and again in
She also alleges that they beat her,
and nt night locked her In a room in
the upper part of the house and, under
threats of personal violence, forced her
to allow herself to be Introduced to
company ns her husband's mother,
whllo the girl was presented as hit
By Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Press,
Pottsville, ra., July 29. Loula Oschen
bach, of Dorset, on tho Lizard Creek
brunch of the Lehigh Valley railroad,
was killed by lightning this evening. Ha
was a railway repairman and with four
other ropalrmen, sat In the West Penu
station whllo the storm was raging. They
bat on a bench with Oschcnbacii In the
middle, , ......
Ills shoes wero torn from his feot and
his body was turned black by the bolt
of lightning. His companions escaped. In
jury, Oschonbach was 33 years of age
and married.
, . "A
Local data for July 29, 1902:
Highest temperaturo 81 degreefl
Lowest temperaturo .., ,, 63 degrees
Relative humidity:
S a. m i,.,. S3'por cenfc
8 p. m, M per cent.
Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p, m
.27. inch.
4- f 4-
( Washington. July 29. Forecast
-f for Wednesday and Thur&day: -V
-f Eastern Pennsylvania Showers -M
-f and thunderstorms Wednesday and -fi
-f Thursday; light variable winds. -
& . t .t.