The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 29, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Bpeclil to the Scranton Tribune.
.HoncEdnio, July 28. Ilov. JatiiDs P.
Iwarc, rector ot Grace church, will be
ftbscnt from his pulpit on his summer
.Vacation during thp month ofAugust.
JTwo weeks will bo spent with his fam
ily at Beech Ltike, the remainder o his
vacation being spent tit Providence, It,
I. Tho first two Sundays of August,
Rev. George 0. Hall, a former rector,
."Will conduct services. Tho remainder
of August the will bo no services.
Two years ago, eight young men of
experience In glass cutting organized
tho Irving Cut aiuss company, of
Honesilalc. At that time they com
posed the working force of the shop;
now tho number Is twenty-six and will
bo further Increased as soon as lloor
cpace can bo secured. They turn out
n. fine lino of cut glass, which finds a
ready market. Their plant Is ono of
the growing Industries of Honcsdalo
und bids fair to rank with tho leading
Ehops of the country.
A largo crowd witnessed the game
between the Taylor Reds and tho
Honcsdalo teams on the Bilk 31111
grounds Saturday. Tho score:
.Taylors 0001000102 G 5
tHonesdale, 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 x G 8 6
Passed Balls Glynn, 1. Base on balls
-Off Sehlolds, 4; off Hessllng, 3. Hit
by Pitcher Schlclds 1, Struck out By
Schlelds, 4; by Hessllng 3. Left on
bases Taylor, 12; Honcsdalo, 7. Um
pire N. B. Spencer.
A. C. Lindsay, of the National bank,
Is taking u two weeks' vacation, which
he will spend at Pleasant Mount, Pa.,
Is'ew York and adjacent pleasure re
torts. Miss Etta Ncllson returned on Satur
day from an extended visit with friends
in Newark, N. J.
Miss Anna Salmon, of Scranton, Is a
nuost at the residence of her uncle, H.
Bcott Salmon, on Upper Main street.
Mrs. Fred Lawyer, daughter, Bessie,
land son, Angus, left on Saturday for
Albany, N. Y., to remain during the
month of August.
Miss Hnttie Beers returned to Scran
ton Monday morning after spending
Borne weeks with her parents In Hones
dale. Miss Cara Connlff, of Port Jervls, Is
spending two weeks at tho residence of
p. A. McCarty, on Upper Main street.
Miss Mae Thorp has returned from
& few weeks' quting at Beech Lake.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Sprlngvlllc, July 28. Last Thursday
night a cow owned by Dyer and
Thomas Taylor was killed by lightning.
Jt was standing under a tree when
Sprlngvlllc band on Tuesday will go
to Montrose to the ball game. August
6 they play for the Bed Men's plcillc
Ht Meshoppen, and on the 14th for the
grangers' picnic at Lake Carey. '
George "M. Lake had a line field of
vheat that was cut on Wednesday,
July 16, and it has rained so much
since then that It has been impossible
to get It In, and now it Is ruined.
Ellas Tltman Is having some work
'done about his house in tho way of
painting and graining.
Miss Armlna Robertson Is staying at
her homo in this village for a few days.
J. B. Avery and family entertained
relatives from Loomls lake over Sun
day. Charley and Ray Culver, of New Mil
ford, will visit relatives hero August
14, and go with the band to Lnko Carey.
Some painting Is being done around
the premises of Dr. H. B. Lathrop by
Painter Culver.
The people are anxiously waiting to
Bee the widening of tho narrow-guago
branch i of tho Lehigh Valley railroad,
as It has been promised before Septem
ber 1.
An excursion will be run from Tunk
hannock to Montrose on Tuesday after
noon, to see tho ball game between
Tunkhannock and Montrose. A num
ber will go from hero.
Oats and potatoes are looking lino,
und If no bad luck attends their further
tnvth the crop of both will bo Im
mense, Oats are beginning to ripen.
The fourth annual reunion of tho sur
vivors of Company C, Two Hundred
find Third regiment, Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, w'll take place at the home of
Comrade Culver In this village, Wed
nesday, September 3.
Theodore Vail has given up his posi
tion over at' Sayre, and Is working for
-.andlord Kclley.
James T. Baker has boon adding a
planer and matcher to his other ma
chinery, and also contemplates nuttlnc
In a shingle mill and hundlo-turning
Mrs. Graco Kellogg, of Dalton. Is vis
iting friends here.
George and John Lathron wont to
Elnghamton, Saturday, to see the big
circus, xney report a pleasant trip and
gooa snow.
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
' I Wlmmers, July 28. Mrs. Josenh
VJckers, of Throop, was tho guest of
airs, ttianaKQ Ainrun recently.
Mrs. P. G. Ward nnd son, James, of
3cranton, were guests ut Hotel Wm-
riers on mo sain inst.
Cora Maddox, nleco of Mrs. John
3etts, Is In Jamestown, N. Y to cele
brate the ninety-second birthday of her
Mrs. Barclay Is tho guest of Mrs.
3enjamln Under, of Providence.
The superintendent of tho bridge at
Tory Remarkable Curo of Diarrhoea.
"About six years ago for the Hist
time in my life I had a sudden and se
vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs,
Mice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got
temporary relief, but It came back again
una ngaln, and for six long years I have
suffered more misery und agony than
I can tell. It was worse than death.
My husband spent hundreds of dollars
tor physicians' prescriptions and treat
ment without avail. Finally wo moved
to Bosque county, our present home,
and one day I happened to see an ad
vertisement of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a
testimonial of a mun who had been
bured by It, The case was so similar to
iy own that I concluded to try tho
remedy. The result was wonderful. I
pould hardly realize that I was well
igaln, or believe It could be so after
baylnB Buttered so long, but that one
bottle of medicine, costing but a few
lents, cured me." For sale by all drus-
Saco, John Burns, nnd several other
bridge builders nro boarding at Hotel
Earl Mitchell, son of Eugene Mitchell,
Is succeeding well In his business course
at the Scranton Business college.
Hev. Mr. Eggo delivered an eloquent
sermon on "Labor and Capital," on tho
27th Inst.
Special to the Scranton Tribune".
Dundaff, July 28. Dundaff Is not
without Its oxcltlnir scones, and It
proved Itself so on Thursday last, when
there was a little commotion among
the stockholders of the. two telephone
lines. Telephone No. 1 has been doing
business here for some little time, und
It seems that some of tho stockhold
ers of this company rather think that
they with their lino can do all tho
business that Is to bo done. Conse
quently, when No. 2 lino inado Its ap
pearance there was blood In the eye of
No. 1. No. 2 did on ono of our streets
place their poles on tho same sldo of
the street ns No. 1, and when the time
came for No. 2 to string their wires,
No. 1 made a kick, or at least one of
their $20 stockholders did, nnd said no
wires should be strung alongside of No.
1 line. Ho ordered from a neighboring
sawmill somo twelve-foot cross-arms to
tack on to tho polls of No. 1, so it
would be Impossible for No. 2 to string
their wires. Ebcr Burns, who has a
controlling Interest, also a trustee in
No. 1 telephone company, heard of the
commotion hero und camo to Dundaff
to see what was going on. When he
arrived ho gave orders that no twelve
foot arms should bo put up; that the
arms already up, which are the regu
lation length, wore sufficient, and all
was calm on. tho troubled wntcrs, and
the $20 stockholder was forced to go
away back and sit down.
William A. Decker, of Hotel Decker,
Is having a serious time tills season to
find accommodation for tho many
guests that are dully coming to I1I3
hotel for a few days to enjoy tho moun
tain air. Mr. Decker has a large, roomy
house, yet at times this season he has
been obliged to get sleeping apartments
outside of his own house to accommo
date tho many that wish to stay.
Tho sunshine service at tho Baptist
church on Sunday morning, July 27,
wus very interesting and very much
enjoyed by those present. It is to bo
repeated in tho near future. The pas
tor, Rev. W. R. Tinker, preached a ser
mon in the evening especially to the
O. A. Skcels, of Carbondale, took din
ner at Hotel Decker on Sunday last.
John R. Jones, of Scranton, is now
occupying his cottage at Crystal lake.
Rev. William R. Tinker goes to For
est City this week to assist Rev.
Spalding -in a series of special meet
ings at the Baptist church at Forest
Mrs. Davis, of Carbondale, who has
been visiting her sister. Mrs. W. I..
Decker, for a few days, has returned
to her home.
Mrs. Olds and daughters, of Allen
town, are visiting Mrs. Olds' mother,
Mrs. William A. Decker.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottoin, July 2S. Mrs. G. W.
Peck, of Harford, visited her daughter,
Mrs. H. E. Bcrtholf, last week.
Eugene Wright is erecting a new
barn on his premises.
Rev. L. L. Lewis starts for his home
in Providence, R. I., today, for a
month's vacation. Sunday school will
be held at 11 o'clock during his absence,
except on Sunday, Aug. 10, when Rev.
O. It. Beardsley, of Sherman, N. Y
will preach.
Mrs. Stark and daughter, Ethel, of
Nicholson, wlslted her mother, Mrs.
Horace Ball, lust week.
Miss, Hortense Allen, of Montrose, was
the guest of Miss Bessie Tiffany tho
past week.
Mrs. Ida Tiffany and son, Elwood, are
enjoying a week's outing at Middle
Mrs. W. A. Wrigloy and daughter,
Dorothy, of Factoryvlllo arc the guests
of Mrs. W. A. Jeffers.
Miss Inola Dunbar Is visiting at Ed.
AIneys in Lathrop, this week.
G. A. Roberts and Miss Daisy Smith
spent Sunday with friends In Lathrop.
Mrs. A. H. Schlngor spent Wednes
day with her aunt, Mrs. D. S. Quick.
Miss Jonnlo M. Robinson, of tho
Hahnemann hospital, Scranton, is
spending her vacation at D. S. Quick's.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, July 28. Prof. Thomas,
of Factoryvlllo, was a caller In town
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Presbyterian
church will glvo a daisy social Tuesday
evening, July 20, in the church parlors.
AH are welcome. Ice cream and cake
will bo served at a small price.
Mrs. A. K. Shennan, of Scrnnton, vis
ited her aunt, Mrs. O. F. Coyle, last
Henry Williams and Harry Goodrich,
of Plttston, spent tho Sunday with their
The meetings In tho tent near Mc
Mllllan's store will be hold all this
week. Morning, afternoon and evening.
'Children's meetings at 2 p. in, Tho
following speakers and singers will bo
present Rev. Junies Lelshman, J, H.
Uullnrd, A, P, McOaugh, Miss Mary
Compton, Miss Sarah ' Halght, Miss
Carrie Joslln. Everybody welcome,
Tho maniago of Miss May Burns nnd
John Brennun will bo solemnized In St.
Mary's church at 7 o'clock this morn
ing, Tho Hod Men will go to Lake Lodore
this morning, Their strcot parade last
evening caused much excitement among
the boys and girls.
M, F, O'Brien, Cornelius Osborne,
Kbenezer Davis and Charles Bellley
will leave today to work 011 an electric
light construction lino between Hall
stead und Susquphanna.
Dr, Bcrge, assisted by Dr, "Watson, of
Mooslc, and Dr. Wehlau, of Scranton,
performed un operation on Saturday on
Miss Julia Reap, of the North End, for
tho replacement of a lloatlng kidney,
Miss Nettlo Druffncr spent Sunday
w(th friends in Wllkes-Barre,
James Ralph left last week for Black
Hills, after several weeks' visit hero.
Misses Blrdella and Viola Delblo
have returned from Albany,
Contractor Thomas Smith la doing
business hero for u few days, '
A movement Is on foot among tho
lovers of tho national gamo Xo begin
a subscription for tho financial support
of our local base ball team, tho Reds.
With such accomplished, tho members
of tho homo team and their many fol
lowers who enjoyed witnessing tho
national sport, Intend engaging somo
Bcnil-professlohuls to play on tho team.
Tho Union band of this town will
fill an engagement at Luke Lodoro to
day. Tho Taylor nnd Pyne mlno locals,
Nos. 1013 und 001 United Mlno Workers
of America will hold a joint session
this afternoon, when npeukers of prom
inence will bo present.
Miss Maud Davis loft yesterday for
a brief visit with friends In Mauch
Mrs. William Powell, of Railroad
street, Is dangerously 111.
Edwin Davis, of We3t Grove, was
stricken with a paralytic stroke on
Sunday and Is now Boriously Hi.
Mrs. Edward Moohun and Miss Mary
Youngblood, of Main street, left yester
day for a visit to Philadelphia.
Mr. und Mrs. John Touhlll, ot Pitts
ton, were tho guests ut tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tubbs, of Main
street on tho Sabbath.
T. L, Jones, Ph. G., a graduate ot
Buffalo Medical college, loft for Phila
delphia yesterday where ho has accept
ed a position at the Galtclath phar
macy. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carter nnd
children, of Prlceburg, spent the Sab
bath with relatives In town.
Wlllluin Andrews, nnd daughter, ot
Washington street, have returned from
their brief trip to Wales.
Mrs. James Walsh, of Union, has
been the guest of relatives In Plttston
for tho past few days.
Master James Dcignan, Francis and
Richard Cummlngs and John Moran, of
this town loft yesterday for Baltimore,
M. D., to enter the College of Brother
hood. Miss Jennie Luxemberger, of Wilkcs
Barro, and tho Misses Luxemberger, of
Scranton, were guests at the Young
blood residence on Main street on Sun
day. Griffith W. Owens, who had his foot
amputated some few months ago, Is
recovering rapidly at tho West Scran
ton hospital where he Is receiving treat
ment. MOSCOW.
Mrs. T. W. Wilson, was pleasantly
surprised at her home last Friday even
ing by a number of her friends to cele
brate her birthday. Refreshments
were served at a seasonable hour, and a
pleasant evening was spent by all. Dur
ing the evening she was presented with
a silver cake dish from her friends and
a silver butter dish. . Among those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Stooky,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Miller, Mr. and'
Mrs. S. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
jamin Rozelle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Pelton, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Van Brunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Posten, Mr. and Mrs. John
Clousc, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis,
Mr. und Mrs. H. S. Watts, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Dunston, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Van Brunt, Mrs. George Bor
trec, MessrSj, William Hinds and Amasa
Bortree, -Misses Maine Borti'oc, Ruth
Gardner, Frances Foote und Miss Wil
Mr. Daniel Gardner is entertaining
his friend, Mr. David Keller, of Phila
delphia. Miss Gertrude Veaux, of Elmira, Is
spending a month's vacation with her
parents here.
Tho proceeds from the lawn social
given lust Wednesday evening wore
Mr. William Pylc, calletfon his for
mer friends here last week.
Mrs. H. G. Frisehkorn, of Forty Fort,
Is visiting friends in town.
Miss May Hornbaker, is the guest
of Scrnnton friends.
The Epworth league will hold a
cabinet meeting, Thursday evclIng af
ter prayer meeting.
Mr. Bardese, Is visiting friends In
New York state.
Miss Lyde Sayre, of Mount Pleasant,
is spending a week with her sister,
Mrs. Aaron Kelly.
Mrs. Enyan, and Miss Maybclle
Swcetser, of Scranton, ure guests at
Hotel Dixon.
Mrs. George Bortreo and son, Amasa,
and Miss Frances Foote are visiting
friends in Taylor.
Miss Annie Pender, of Carbondale,
spent Sunday with her parents on Main
Mrs. Mmlth, of Carbondule, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Marvin Myers, of
Main street.
Mrs. A. J, Campbell and Miss Sarah
Gllroy, spent yesterday In Scranton.
Miss Margaret Cawley, of Pino street,
was a caller in Carbondale, yestorduy.
Mr. James J. Walsh was a business
caller In Scranton, yesterday.
T. A. Gerblg, of Scranton, spent Sun
day with his parents on Main street.
Miss Caroline Battonberg spent Sun
day with relatives In Jermyn.
Mr. M. F. Sweeney was a caller In
Carbondule Sunday.
FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, save thorn until Saturday,
then scud thorn or take them to Tho Tribune oflico In nn envelope addressed to
"l'uzzlo Department." Enclose In tho cnvolopo your nnmo, ago and address. Tho
boys and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing during the wook,
and whoso answers nro llrst received, will havo their names published in Tho
Tribune Monday morning.
1 rwFiii- -. -.... - j ...-,.. f.-t . . . -rrtg-'frf-rVMTjm-
General Arnold dashed ahead of Mor
gan's rllleman going Into battle. Where
ii he?
Excursion Via Now Jersey Central
on August 1, 1002.
Faro for adults, $5,00; faro for chil
dren, $2.C0. Round trip tickets on sale
at stations mentioned below and good
going on npeclal train, schedule of
which followsor on any regular train
on above date, nnd good to return on
regular trains on or before August 11.
Special train loaves Wllkos-Bnrro, S.30
a. m.; Hassle street, 8.32 a. m. South
Wllkos-Uurro, S.34 0. m.j Ashley, 8.38
a. m.i Laurel Run, 0.07 a. m.; Penob
scot, 0.20 a. m.; White Haven, 9.42 a.
m.; Leslie Run, Jl.Gi n, m.; Pcnn Haven
Junction, 10.14 it. m.: Mauch Chunk,
10.30 n. m. W. G. Bailor, uoneral man
ager; C. M. Burt, general passenger
$51.25 to Salt Lnko City and Return
via the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
On account of tho Grand Lodge,
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks mooting at Suit Lake city, Utah,
August 12-14, the Lehigh Valley rail
road will sell round trip tickets nt tho
rate of $31.23 good going August 0th,
7th nnd Sth, good for return passage to
and including September 30th., Tickets
good on all trains except tho Black
Diamond express. Consult Lehigh
Valley ticket agents for further In
formation. Biennial Meetlng,Kntghts of Pythias,
San Francisco, Cal, Aug. 11-22.
For tho above occasion ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
special excursion tickets to cither San
Francisco or Los Angeles and return,
ut rate of $60.25, from Scranton, dates
of sale, August 1 to 0, with final return
limit to reach original starting point,
not later than September 30. See tho
Lackawanna ticket agent In reference
to stop-off, nuthorlzed In either direc
tion; also variable routes and sldo trips.
$66.25 to San Francisco and Los An
geles, Cal., and Return via the Le
high Valley Railroad.
On account of the biennial meeting,
Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco,
August 11-22, the Lelilgh Valley rail
road will sell excursion tickets to San
Francisco nnd Los Angeles, Cal., at
$06.25 good going August 1st to 9th, In
clusive, good for return passage to Sep
tember 30th, good on any train except
the Black Diamond Express. See Le
high Valley ticket agents for further
The Silver Lake Assembly, Silver
Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21.
For tho above occasion special ex
cursion tickets may be purchased via
the Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lake
and return, at rate of $7.20 from Scran
ton. Tickets will be on sale July 15th
to August 21st, Inclusive, going limit
date of sale, with final return limit to
Sept. 1st, 1902, inclusive. Children be
tween the ages of 5 and 12 years at one
half adult rate.
S5.00 Atlantic City S5.0O.
On August 1 the New Jersey Central
will run their eleventh Unnual excur
sion known as the Red Men's excur
sionto Atlantic City. Fare, Ave dol
lars, and tickets good for ten days, ex
clusive of dny of sale. Special train
will leave Scranton at S a. m., stopping
at Taylor, Mooslc, Avoca, Plttston,
Yatesville, Miner's Mills, Parsons and
Wilkes-Barre. Ono hundred and llfty
pounds of baggage checked through to
Atlantic City, free of charge. For list
of hotels, boarding houses, or any ad
ditional Information, apply to ticket
agents, or to J. S. Swisher, district
passenger agent, Scranton, Pa.
Nickel Plate Road
is selling very low-rate one-way and
round trip tickets to points in Colorado,
Utah, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wis
consin, etc. Three splendid fast through
trains each way daily. Finest coaches,
Pullmans and tourist cars. Individual
club meals, Ii3c. to $1.00, also meals a
la carte. See nearest agent or write
R. E. Payne, general agent, No. 201
Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Reduced Rates
to all points through the west via tho
Nickel Plate road. Fast time, finest
equipment, everything for comfort and
convenience of passengers. See nearest
agents, or write R. E. Payne, general
agent, No. 291 Main St., Buffalo, N.
Excursion to Mauch Chunk,
Glen Onoko and tho Switch-Back,
Sunday, August 3, 1002, via New Jersey
Central. Round trip tickets, good only
on special train on above date, will bo
on sale at tho following stations and
rates: Scranton, $1.50; Taylor, $1.40;
Mooslc, $1.33; Avoca, $1.30; Plttston,
$1.25; children, 75 cents. Special train
on above cjato will be run on following
schedule; Leave scranton, 7.30 a. m.;
Taylor, 7.37 a, m.; Mooslc, 7.43 a. m.j
Avoca, 7.46 a. m.j Plttston, 7.51 n. 111.
Returning, train will leave Mauch
Chunk at 3.30 p. m. for above stations.
Special trains will leavo Mauch
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Branch WANT Of to.
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 DP. M.
Central City
berry street und Webster avo.
QtlSTAV PICHEL, 030 Aduma
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avonuo.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Codar
North Scranton
GEO. V. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Green Ridge
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Groon RIdgo
C. LOREN55. corner Washington
avenue and Marlon street.
W.' H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
For Rent.
FOUR nlco front rooms; steam heat and
bath; rent low; G20 Olive.
FOR RENT After September 1, eight
room house, all modern conveniences,
with stenm heat free; good location;
rent moderate. Apply at Tribune ot'llce.
For Sale.
FOR SALE Flue new automobile, value
$923; will sell for $300 cash; can be aeon
nt store of F. R. Smith, 307 Linden stieet,
Hoard of Trade building.
l'OIt SALE A flno Erpiaro piano, in cx
cellent condition. Stleff's make. Ad
dress Mrs. K euro of Tribune.
FOR SALE A first class meat market.
O.t-tir... lll ..n..1. ,.. ......... . 1.1. .
u"-. ,., n ui u Jul JJitllJ. .LUuiL-aj
lul Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa.
Wanted To Rent. "
WANTED TO rent by a gentleman, two
unfurnished rooms, with heat and
uso of bath. Box 300, Tribune office.
WANTED A small house or flat, prefer
ably furnished, In desirable location.
To gain attention, state terms. P. O. Box
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent mo'lorn
improvements; prtvato family; gen
tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenuo.
heat, gas and bath, gentlemen pro
fcrrcd, at 330 Adams avenue.
Real Estate.
FOR SALE At a bargain on easy terms,
tho Leighton farm in Glen burn. Also
growing or harvested crops of grain, hay,
vegetables and fruits; twelve choice cows
and heifers, farm team, singlo driving
horse, wagons, harness, farm imple
ments, etc. Andrew Leighton, Glenburn.
FOR SALE First-class hotel, established
business, good reasons for selling;
writo for further ' particulars. Address
John Miller, 77 East Market street. Corn
ing, N. Y.
LOTS, houses nnd farms for salo.
J. C. ZurfUch.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos in
upper Green RIdgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most doslrablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlao,
1730 Sandorson avenuo.
Money to Loan.
Quick, straight loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to,G per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building.
Agents Wanted.
WANTED General and special agent3
for Scrnnton, Wllkes-Barro, Carbon
dale, Williumsport. Nanticoko and all tho
cities and towns In tho Stato of Penn
sylvania, to represent tho Empire Llfo
liisuranco Company of New York City
(Incorporated 1KS1) to men with ability
and tact, seeking remunerative business
connections a liberal contract is olforcd.
Address C. Zlmmor, Superintendent of
Agencies, 170 Broadway, Now York City.
LOST Purse. Wedncsdnv nvpnlni- onn.
tnining sum of money and phonograph
bill. Liberal reward. Got owner's name
from Tribune.
Chunk for Glen Onoko nt 2, 2.45, 3.30
4.15 p. ni and Glen Onoko for Mauch
Chunk at 2,15, 3, and 3.43 p. m. Switch
Back tickets, 50 cents extra for adults;
children, 23c, and must be purchased on
train before arriving ut Mauch Chunk.
J. S. Swisher,
District Passenger Agent.
Amorican League,
At Philadelphia R.H.E.
St, Louis 100402200-017 1
Philadelphia U 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 2 0
Batteries Powell and Kahoe; Wilson,
Hustings and Sclireckengost. Umpire
At Boston R.H.E.
Detroit 1000000001 7 5
Boston ., 1 00 20 4 10 x- S 13 1
Battoricu Yeager, Mullen und Uuclow;
Young and Crigcr. Umplrc-Shcrldaj,
At Baltimore R.H.E,
Cleveland ....,000101003311 G
llutlmoni ,.,..5 0 3 0 0 2 5 Ox 15 13 I
Batteries Bcrphard and Hemlsj Wiltro
and Yeager. Umpire Joluistono,
At Washington r.u.r.
Chicago ,,, 100 0 0 1000-2 11 3
Washington 1 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 x-12 13 0
Batteries Callahan und McFurlund; Leo
and Clark. Umpires Connolly und Curu
thcra, t
National League,
At Now York-five Innings; rain
, , R.H.E.
Brooklyn ,,....,. 0 0 0 0 002 0
New York 0 0 0 2 023 2
Batteries-Evans and Furrell; Mutthow
son and Bowcrmju. Umpire Emsllo.
Other clubs not scheduled. '
Eastern League
Buffalo, 2; Worcester, 8.
Toronto, 4; Newark, 3,
Montreal, 1; Jersey City, 0.
Rochester, 4; rrovldence, 1,
No Order
Accepted for Less
Tlnin 10 Cents.
Help Wanted Malo.
Mr. A. J, King, Superintendent, with bituminous conl mines In tho town of
Pocahontas, Tnnewoll County, States ot Virginia, on the Norfolk and Western Rail
way, wants somo good, experienced coal miners at once.
I'or pick mining nnd loading entry coal 90 cents per car
For pick mining und loading room coal 7." centH por car
I'or mining nnd loading machine under-cut entry conl ..70 cents per car
For intntmr and loading maehlno under-cut loom nun I ns renin ner enr
IiisIiIh (rude tnvni'H
Ills do lliirk In v it helpers
Inside timber men
Ihsldo limber helpers Jl.00 por day
Parties nt 10 can procure special tickets for $10.7:1 for each person over the
Pennsylvania Itullrond from Philadelphia to Pocahontas, lingular faro for ono
person olono, $11.03. Arrangements can bo tnnUo to iidvunco tho railroad faro to re
sponsible persons.
Good miners will got regular cmphivniont nnd good accommodations, as tho
town of Pocuhnntui) has over I.MX) Inhabitants, v
Holp Wanted.
HOME WORK $00 monthly copying let
ters: cither sex. Send two stamiin for
partlctilnis. ltlclt'n Supply Co., 5031 Hul
sted street, Chicago.
Help Wanted Malo.
WANTED Experienced doublo entry
bookkeeper; good position for right
party. Address In own handwriting, box
133, city.
Situation Wanted.
WANTED - Plain sowing; children's
clothes a specialty. All work done
neat and prompt. Cull at 032 Forest
court, city.
as shipping and Block clerk; lias gon.l
habits nnd has a position at present, but
desires a change for good reason. Cnn
furnish good reference Address II. C,
care of Tribune.
Business Opportunity.
A RARE chance for parties with small
capital. Fine store room for rent,
with small clean stock of general mer
chandise which will bo sold low to nar
Ucs renting room. Has neeti suecessmi
stand for thirty years in ft nest
manufacturing towns In Pennsylvania.
No foreign population. This will pay you
to investigate. Address Business, 123 S.
Front street, Milton, Pa.
out delay. Writo for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Hlbhnrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 44 and 4G
Broadway, Now York. Established 1301.
Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Broad.
$3.00 REWARD Fnckago containtns
bracelet and locket addressed Stephen
D. Engle, Hazleton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn.
Now 'phono DOS.
Boarders Wanted.
mer boarders; three largo airy rooms
and good talilo board. Address O. K
Dalton, Pa.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with
first class tablo board, can bo obtalnsd
at 333 Jefferson avenuo.
launders shirts at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at V,io. each.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened
in the oflico of tho City Recorder by
tho Director of tho Department of Public
Works at i! o'clock p. m. on Monday,
August 4, 1P02, for tho construction of
thrco (3) sower basins In tho Fourteenth
ward, according to plans and suetilica
tions on lllu in tho Bureau or Engineer
ing. Proposal blanks wllb bu furnished
by tho Bureau of Engineering and no
others will bo accepted.
Proposals must bo tiled with tho Citv
Controller nt his oflico in tho City Hall,
Scranton, Pn., not later than 2.30 o'clock
p. m. on Monday, August 4, 1002.
Tho city reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE, Director.
Department of Public Works.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono ISGI.
Real Estato Exchungo Bldg., 12ii Wash
ington avo.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
building, Spruca strcot, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCHLAGER & CO,, Traders Hank Illdg,
Patent Attornoys.
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In tho city. No charge for In.
formation on patentability; over ten years
Replofrlc & Co., rtlcara Bid jr.
Hotels nnd Restaurants.
Un avenuo. Bates reasonable.
P. S51EGLER, Proprietor.
rassenger dopot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor,
and cess pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used, A. I). Brlggs. proprietor,
Leavo orders 1100 North .Main avon 10.
or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams and
Mulberry, Both telephones.
Wiro Screens,
avo., Scranton, infra, of Wire Soroona.
piles, envelopes, paper bugs, twlno.
Warohouso, W Washington uvonuo.
bo had In Scranton nt tho nows stand
of Rclsman Bros., 40-J dpruco and f.KI
Linden; M. Norton, S.'3 Luckawuuua
avo.; I. S. Schutzor, 211 Spruca street.
Erie Railroad Co., Wyoming Division
Trains leavo Scrnnton for llawloy and
local stations nt 8.13 u. m.. 1.33, S.20 ami
7.53 p. m. Sundays, at 9.00 a. in. und 1.33
p. m.
For Now York, Honcsdalo and Inter-
medluta points, at 1.33 p. m.
Trains urilvo ut Scrnnton nt S.30 a. m.i
3.09. 7 23 and 9.15 p. m. Sundays, 1.00 p. m.
and S.13 p. m.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Help Wanted Malo.
..J2.0O to J2.23 per day to $1.73 per day
lu.oo nor day
Delawnro, Lackawanna and Western.
, , In Effect Juno 1, 1D32.
tralna leave Scrnnlim for Now York
At 1.1,0, 3.20. U.03. 7.5U and 10.10 a. m.; i:.40,
3.40, 3 .13 p. m. For Now York and Phlla.-dclphla-7.30,
10.10 11. 111., nnd 12.40 mid 3.33
P. 111. For GotildtOioro At B.10 p. m. For
Hurm lo-l.l3, 0.22 und 0.00 a. m.; 1.33, K.33
and 11.10 p. in. For lllnghamton, Klmlra
and way stations 10.23 a. in., 1.03 p. m.
lMir Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1.13 and
"-", ". .'"'' I'!" !' "' Oswego, Syracuse
and Utlca train at 0.22 a. m. dally, except
Sunday. For Montrose 0.00 a. m.; 1.03
and 0.30 p. in. Nicholson accommodation
1.00 and 0.13 11. in.
nioomsbtiig Ulvliilnn-For Northumber
land, ut G.S5 and 10.10 a. nt.; 1.53 and 0.19
P. m. For Plymouth, nt S.10 a. m.j 3.4f
and 0.03 i. 111.
, Sunday Trains-For New York, 1.30. 3.20,
Ml., mm n. 111.; 3.40 and 3.33 p. m. For
l-ujfnln, and 0.22 n. in.; 1.33. G.3H nnd p. m. For Elmira nnd way stations
in.-.i a. ni. For ninchamton and way sta
tions, n. m. niooniaburg Divlslon
I.oavo Scrnnton, 10.10 a hi. and 0.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Juno 13, 1002.
Trains Leavo Scranton.
For Philadelphia and Nov York via D.
& H. R. R at 7.11. through Parlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondale to Now York
and 0.4, a. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon
ilnlo to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4.33 (Blrtcl:
Diamond Express), and 11.43 p. in. Sun
days, Da H. It. R 1..7S. 0.1T p. m.
I'or V, hito Haven, Hazleton and princi
pal points in tho conl regions, via D. ft
" H-R.. 7.41. 2.1S and 4.35 p. m. For
Pottsvlllp. 7.11 a. m.
For Bethlehem. Easton. Reading, Har
lisburg and pilncipal intermediate sta
'ons. via D. & II. R. R.. 7.41. 9.47 a. m.;
..IS, 4 3.1 (Black Diamond Express), 11.43 p.
!"- Sundays. D. & II. R. R., 9.3S a. in.;, 9.1 1 p. m.
For Tunkhnnnock. Townndn, Elmira,
Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.33 a. m.
and 1.33 p. m.
For Geneva. Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago nnd nil points west 'Via
D. & II. R. R., 12.0:1 p. m.; 3.2S (Black
Diamond Exnrcssl. 1n.11. 11. jn n m Sun.
dove. D. & II. n. R.. 12.03, 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
nl cy Parlor cars nn nil trains between
Wllkes-Barro and New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo nnd Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 20
Cortland street, New York.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 23
Cortland street, Now York.
A. V. MONEMACHER, Dlv. Pas3. Agt.,
South Bethlehem, Pn.
For tickets and Pullmnn reservations
apply to rlty ticket office, 69 Public
Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. -.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In Effect Juno 29. 1902.
Stations in Now York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. II.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkes-Hnrro and Plttston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phil
adelphia with only ono chnngo of cars
for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and
all piincipnl points south and west.
For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre,
1 j). m. and 4 11. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.iS0 and 1 p. m.
For Beading. Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg
via Allcntown nt 7.20 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. 1-Snnday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tnmiuiiin and Pottsvlllo, 7.30 a. m.;
1 11. m. nnd 4 p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to agent at
AV, G. BESSLER. Gen., Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedulo In Effect June Hi, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton: U.1S a. rn weak
days, through vestibule., train from
Willies-Bane. Pullman buffet pnrlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at piincipnl Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Kunbury. Hnr
rlsburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tho West.
0.47 n. m.. week days, for Siiiihury. Har
lisburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West.
1,12 P. 111.. week (lavs, (Sundays. 1.3$ p.
m.), for Siinhury. UarrisbuiR, Philadel
phia, Baltimore. Washington nnd Pitts
burs and tho West.
3.2S p. m., week days, through vestibule
train from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman buffot
pallor car end coaches to Philadelphia vli
I'ottHVlllo. Stops at principal Intermedi
ate stations.
4.33 p. m week days, for HnzlPton, Suh
bury, llarrisburg, Philadelphia and Pitts
burg, J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr.
J. It. WOOD. Gen, Pass. Agt,
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno Hi. 190..
Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton at
fi.41, 7.30, 8.3H, 10.13 n. 111.! 12.03, 1.12, 2.11,
3.3H, 5.29, 0.23, S.2I, 9.13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.1S,
l.i'S a, in.
I ''or, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
5.20 p. in.
For Wllkcs-Bnrre-0.3i. 7.41. 8.11, 9.47.
lo.ra a. m.; l.'.oi, 1.12, 2.1s, 3.2.?, 4.35, 0.10,
7,4. 10.11, 11.19 P. in.
For L. V. R. It. Pnlnt3-7.ll, 9.17 a. m.;
2.1S. 1.35 nnd 11.49 i. m.
For Pennsylvania II. R. Points 0.3S,
9,17 11, 111.; 1.12. 3.2S nnd 4.35 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 7.30 .
m. and 3.3ii p. m. t j j
For Curlotubile-B,,5rtl 11,33 a; m.j 241;
3.3i!. u.52 und 11.17 p. m. -'
For WilkcH-nnrro-9.3S a. m.; 12:03, l.SS;
S.'.'H. 0.32 and 9.17 11. 111, '
For Albany and points north 3.53 p. frTt
For Honcsdalo S.30 a. m.j 11.33 and 3.53
'' W.' L. TRYpR, p. P. A.. Scranpn, Pj,.
New York, Ontario and Western,
Tlmo Tablo in Effect Sunday, Juno 15, 1933
Leavo Leavo Arilva
Tialns. Scranton. Carbondale, Cadosla,
No. 1 , ti. m. ll.ioa.m. l.oup, m.
No. 3 1 00 p.m. B.09 p. m.
No. 7 ,.,,., 0 10 p. m.Ar.c.'uiiiondalo 0.40 p.m
Lenva Leavo Arrlvo
'iiuin3. i,iuuiu, -ui nuuuuiu. Disunion.
No. 0 ,.,,,, - li.riu, in. 7.25a.m.
No. 4 ,8.10a.m. 10.01n.rn, 10.j0a.KJ
Nn. 2 2.15 p. m. 4.00 p. m. 4:4S p. 10,
Lonvo Leavo 'ArrfVb
Trains. Scranton, Cnrbondalo. CHdosftr;
No. 0 ,,,,., soon, m, 0.10 p. nt. 10.l5a.ip.
No. 5 7.'H 11. m.Ar.carbondalo 7,15 p.m
Loavo Leave Arrive
Trains. CudosiaCarbiMidalo', Scrtinton.
No. 1! 0.30a. m, 7.23a. m
Nn. 10 4.30 p. m. 000 p. in. 0. 13 p. u
Trains Nos. 1 un week days, and 9 nn
Sundays connect for Now York city, Mid
dlotown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, 03t
wego and all points west. ;.
Tuila 3 for Poyntclle, Walton, Delhi,
Sidney, Norwich and all Now Berlin
branch points.
Train No. 0, with "Ounkor City Ex-pies-a"
ot Ecrn11to.11, via O. R. R. of N, J
for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore.
Washington und ' Pennsylvania stato
Sco rrme-tnble and consult ticket agent
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. G, P. A.. New York.
J. E. WELSH, T. 1, A., Scranton, Pa.
' ( '
-X.,... ..... '