The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 28, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Tedornl Stnsticltms Toll What De
comes of our Exports of Manufac
turesLocation of tho Principal
Markots for American Manufactur
ed Goods Over Half Go to Europe
Big' Foreign Trado In Tarra Imple
ments Distribution of Exports for
One Hundred Years.
The frequently asked question, '"What
becomes ot our exports of manufac
tures?" Is now definitely answered jy
the treasury bureau of statistics. While
It has been practicable to show the
countries to which any given nrtlclo Is
sent In any Riven year, the figures of
tho bureau have not formerly been so
adjusted as to render It practicable to
determine what share of tho total ex
ports of manufactures was sent to a
given country or grand division of tho
world; or, in other words, the location
of the principal markets for American
These facts are now shown by a
series of tables compiled by the bureau.
They show that during1 the year 1901
B2 per cent, of the manufactures ex
ported went to Kurope, 23 per cent, to
North America, 6,C per cent, to South
America, 8.2 per cent, to Asia, 7 per
cent, to Oceania, and a little less than
3 per cent, to Africa. The total value
of manufactures exported to Europe
was $215,000,000; to North America,
other thnn the United States, $116,000,
000; to South America, $27,000,000; to
Asia. $33,700,000; to Oceania, $23,000,000,
and to Africa, $10,500,000.
Of the total exports of manufactures
to Europe, amounting to $215,000,000,
the largest Item was Iron and frteel
manufactures, to the value of $43,812,
323. the next Items In order of magni
tude being copper manufactures, $41,
454,074; oil refined or manufactured,
S40.735.54S; leather and manufactures
thereof, $21,211,083; agricultural imple
ments, $10,491,530; chemicals, drugs and
dyes, $6,741,068; paraffin, $5,934,471: wood
manufactures, $5,.'.95,256: scientific In
struments, $3,S40,703: cars and car
riages, $3,718,381; cotton manufactures,
$2,737,893; India rubber manufactures,
$2,187,453; paper and manufactures
thereof, $2,290,048; and musical instru
ments, $1,991,002.
To North America the largest Item in
the exports of manufactures ,vas iron
and steel, $13,518,293; other important
items being cotton manufactures, $G,
62S.035; cars and carriages, $3,577,766;
leather and manufactures of, $3,326,321;
and wood manufactures, $3,279,527.
To South America, iron and steel ex
ports were $S,754',S00; oils, refined, $4,
836.106; and cotton manufactures, $3,
321,494. To Asia, oils, refined or manu
factured, formed the largest item, $12,
443,126; the next largest items being
iron and steel manufactures, $8,992,967;
cotton manufactures, $6,355,381; and
tobacco manufactures, $1,000,857.
To Oceania the principal manufac
tures exported were iron and steel
manufactures, $S,S71,602; oils, refined,
$3,019,661; paper and manufactures, $2,
279,601; and leather and manufactures,
To Afiiea, iron and steel manufac
tures formed the largest Item, $2,36S,
635, next In order being oils, refined,
$1,606,957; spirits, distilled, $1,3SS,S01;
wood manufactures, $650,951; and cars
and carriages, $543,674.
Of the agricultural Implements ex
ported, amounting to $16,313,434, the
shipments to Europe were $10,494,530;
to North America, $2,60S,S62; to South
America, $1,726,973, and to Oceania, $1,
010,101. Of the $20,272,418 worth of cot
ton manufactures exported, $6,628,935
vent to North America, $6,355,381 to
Asia, $3,321,494 to South America, $2,
737,898 to Europe, and $S47,7S4 to
Oceania. Of the $117,319,320 worth of
Iron and steel manufactures exported,
$43,812,323 went to Europe, $43,518,993 to
North America, $S,992,967 to Asia, $8,
871,602 to Oceania. $8,754, SU0 to South
America, and $2,368,635 to Africa,
i In conjunction with the tables show
ing the distribution of manufactures by
countries and grand divisions, the
"bureau has prepared a statement which
shows for the first time the exporta
tion of manufactures In each year from
1790 to the present time. In 1790 the
total amounted to n little over $1,000,000
and formed 6 per cent, of the total ex
ports; In tho decade from 1791 to
v 1800. exports of manufactures averaged
about $2,000,000 per annum; in tho de
cades ending with 1810 and 1820, re
spectively, they averaged about $3,000,
000 per annum and formed about 7 per
cent of the total exports; In the decade
1821-30 they averaged about $6,000,000,
and never reached as much as $10,000,
000 prior to IS 10. Ry 1850 the exports
of manufactures hud reached $17,600,000,
and In i860 for tho first time touched
the $40,000,000 mark, hut did not crots
the $50,000,000 lino until 1870, when they
amounted to $6S,279,761, In 1877 they for
the first time crossed the $100,000,000
line, the total for that year being $122,
'577,652, In 1S96 they crossed the $200,
000,000 line, the total for that year be
ing $22S,571,178: in 1899 the total was
$339,532,146, and since 1900 the exporta
tion of manufactures has constantly
exceeded $100,000,000 per annum,
Scrantonlans Get Big Contract.
The Lackawanna Steel company has
awarded to the Lathrop-Shea-Henwood
company, of Scranton, associated with
E, D. Hofeller, proprietor of the Cres
cent Paving company, of Buffalo, the
contract for tho construction of a con
crete reinforcement ore dock, to bo
built on tho .banks of the ranal now
under course of construction nt the
Stony Point Bteel plant, The work In
volves about $800,000, Tho dock, which
Is to be one of tho largest and most
modern In the country, will be entirely
or concrete, reinforced by Iron lathing.
The dock will be three-quarters or a
100 Reward, $100.
The leaders of this paper will bo pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dread
cd disease that sclonce lius been ublo
to euro In all its states and that Is Cu?
tarrh. Hull's Catanh Cure Is the only
posltlvo cun" now known to tho medical
fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
menti Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system, there
by destroying, tho foundation or the ills--case,
and giving the patient strength by
building up tho constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors
have so much faith In Its curqtlvo pow
ers, that thoy otter one Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fall to cure. Send
for Hat or testimonials
Addrew, V. J. CHENEY & CO.,
. . Toledo, O,
Pold by Druggists. 75c.
, '4?U'( family; Jills are the best, "Wp,
mile long and 280 feet wide. Work al
ready has begun, nnd the structure will
be finished within seven months. An
order has been placed with the Reuh
llng Construction company of New
York for 1,387,000 feet of Iron netting
for reinforcing the dock. About 30,000
barrels of cement will be used In the
This Is another Instance of the pro
gress being made in the construction
of the big steel plant nt Stony Point,
Further Instances of the growth of tho
district surrounding the plant arc here
given. Postmnster Orelner has rom
munlcnted with tho postofllce depart
ment In Washington In reference to
postal facilities for Stony Point, and It
Is not unlikely thnt In the nenr future
that fast growing district will have a
postofllce of Its own. Buffalo Times.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western
board for today:
Summits Host 0 a. m., Nichols.
Pushers 7 a. m Murray; 8 a. m.,
Lamping; 11,43 a, m., Morun; 7,30 p. m.,
Lattlmer; 9 p. m., Cae,
Helpers 1,30 a. m McQovcrn; 7 n. m.,
Wldencr; 10 a. m., Coslar; 3.15 p. m., C.
Dotidlcnn will run Nealls' crew Monday,
July 28, nnd until further notice.
William Corless, president of the
Scranton Typographical union, and
delegate from that body to the Cen
tral Labor union, one of the men
named by the street car men to arbit
rate their present trouble with the
Scranton Railway company, Is probably
the best known local labor leader In
Northeastern Pennsylvania.
He has been actively Identified with
trades-unionism In this city for a quar
ter of a century or more, and Is an in
telligent, conservative man in every
sense of the word. For the past eigh
teen years Mr. Corless has been fore
man of Tho Scranton Truth's compos
ing room, and during 'all these years
his relations with the craft have been
most congenial.
One thing which brought him into
prominence lately, was his able and ex
haustive composition on "Compulsory
Arbitration," which was awarded the
chief prize at tho national eisteddfod
held at the Scranton Armory, on Me
morial Day. His letters on the labor
question In answer to Rev. I. J. Lan
sing also attracted widespread atten
tion. Mr. Corless Is also editor of the Labor
Herald, which has gained much prom
inence under his direction. At the re
cent election he was chosen to repre
sent the Scranton Typographical union
at the International convention to be
held In Cincinnati next month.
There is a quiet, unassuming young
man, whose home is on Phelps street,
who is probably doing more this year
to uphold Scranton's reputation as a
producer of great base ball players,
than any one of the numerous skilled
young athletes hailing from this vic
inity. His name is William Coughlln,
and the base ball fanatics of Washing
ton, D. C, consider him one of the most
valuable men on their American league
And that isn't saying a little, when
one considers that the Senators' nine
has on Its payroll such grizzled, time
proven veterans as "Home Run Ed"
Delahanty, "Scrappy Jack" Doyle, and
"Scoop-'em-up George" Carey. Cough
lln has played third and second bases
and shortstop, this season, and his
work has been brilliant In each posi
tion. His batting has been the strong
est of his diamond career, and his gen
tlemanly conduct on and off the field
has made him deservedly popular, with
the capital's base ball enthusiasts.
Coughlln formerly played with the
James Boys' team of this city, and was
later a member of the strong Young
Men's Christian association, on which
GUleran, "Jimmy" Dean and Hoffnor
were other crack members. His first
professional work of any consequence
was with the Pawtucket, R, I team.
He later joined Wllkes-B.irre in the
Eastern league, and also played with
the Luzerne team In the Atlantic
He later was signed by Washington,
but was not playing up to his proper
form at the time and was allowed to
join Jimmy Mannings' Kansas City
nine. He made a splendid record In
the West, and then joined the Senators
again. The fact that he Is making
good, with a vengeance, can be seen
by il perusal of the Washington team's
daily score.
Stella Refused to Marry Suitor
Favored by Parents.
Because she would not marrv Felix
Domldrs, the choice of her parents for
n. husband, Stella Lusczynczka claimed
before Magistrate Millar, Saturday,
that she was brutally beaten by her
futher and mother. John Lusczynczka,
tho girl's father, was urrested Satur
day night, on a warrant sworn out by
Stella, and was fined $10 and the costs.
Domldrs Is a boarder at the home of
the Lusczynczkus, and although mora
than twice the girl's age, Is the suitor
favored by both father and mother.
Last May the girl attended Wallace's
circus, and claims thut on returning
home about 11 o'clock, she mot her
mother. The latter first rebuked and
then chastised hpr with nn Iron Btovo
poker, until she ran from the house,
She spent the night In a shed, and tho
following morning was again beutcn
by her mother,
Since then, Stella has lived with
friends nt 613 Locust street. Friday
night she met her father In tho central
city, and says that ho beat her both
with his fists and a stick, and followed
this up by kicking her, Magistrate
Millar, In disposing of the case, re
marked that he would remove the girl
from her parents' keeping and see to it
that tho law took proper care of her.
Large Crowd Went to Cranberry
Lake Yesterday,
Probably the largest crowd In at
tendance at an excursion out of Scran
ton this season went to Cranberry lake,
on the Lackawanna railroad, yester
day, with Bauer's band.
Thirty-four cars, In three sections,
were required to transport the throng
to and from the lake. The band gave
a concert during the day and the at
tractions at the lake afforded the pleas
ure seekers a day of rare enjoyment.
The first Bectlon of the excursion
trains arrived at 9.25 p. m., the second
at 9.65 p. m., and the third at 10.30 p. m.
No accidents of any kind occurred to
mar the pleasure or the day.
An attempt was made to sell liquid
refreshments on the grounds, which re
sulted In several arrests by the sheriff
and portables of Newton county, New
In a Carefully Prepared Ar
ticle recommends Dr. D.
Kennedy's Favorite
In a recent Issuo of tho Now York
Magazine of Sanitation nnd Hygiene, tho
recognized nuthorlty on all matters per
taining to" health, James II. Montgom
ery, M. D., says editorially;
" After a careful Investigation of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, a
specific for kidney, liver and bladder
troubles, rheumatism, dyspepsia and con
stipatlon with Its attendant Ills, wc are
free to confess that a more meritorious
medicine has never come under the exam
ination of the chemical and medical ex
ports of tho Now York Magazine of Sani
tation and Hygiene. In fact, after the
most searching tests and rigid inquiry in
to the record of Dr. David Kennedy's Fa
vorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to re
commend its use in unequivocal term to
every reader of this journal whose com
plaint comes within the list of ailments
which this remedy is advertised to cure.
We have obtained such overwhelming
proof of the efficacy of this specific havo
so satisfactorily demonstrated its curative
powers through, personal experiments
that a care for the interests qf our readers
leadsus tocall attention to its great value. "
It is for sale by all druggists In the
Now SO Cent Szo and the regular
$1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bet tit-enough for trial, free y mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y.
Br. Davia Kennedy'a Cherry Balaam best for
Colds, Couglii, Consumption. 23c, 60c, $1.00. ,
Jersey. Security was furnished for the
release of the bartenders.
Rev. G. A. Cure, pastor of the Provi
dence Methodist Episcopal church, oc
cupied the pulpit of tho Elm Park Meth
odist Episcopal church last evening,
preaching on tho subject of "Los-lng the
Tho pulpit of tho Embury Meth
odist Episcopal church Was occu
pied yesterday morning by Rev. Henry
A. Pardons, nnd at the evening service
the sermon was preached by Rev. Will
iam Parsons.
Rev. E. B. Singer, assistant pastor, of.
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church,
spoke lust evening at the Providence
Methodist Episcopal church to a largo
Rev. W. A. McKinncy, pastor in chaige
of tho Perm Avenue Baptist church,
preached yesterday morning on tho sub
ject, "A Prescription for Peace."
Tho preaching tcrvlco at tho Jackson
Street Baptist church yesterday morning
was In charge of Rev. Edward Howell.
The pastor, Dr. do Grucy, preached at
Miss Mary Davis, of New York, sang
a solo at tho North Main Avenue Bap
tist church last evening.
Rev. N. F. Stahl, of Delaware City,
Del., formerly pastor of tho Green Ridge
Presbyterian church, occupied the pul
pit of tho First Presbyterian church yes
terday morning.
Rev. J. L. Evans, a Congregational
minister from Cnnaan, Conn., preached
at the Washburn Street Presbyterian
church last evening on the subject,
"Fretting and Grumbling."
Rev. Thomas Payne, of All Souls' Uni
versalis! church yesterday morning choso
for his subject, "Tho Abuses and Uses of
a Vacation." Tho discourso was timely
and appropriate for the season.
Rev. James Bennlnger, pastor of the
Embury Methodist Episcopal church,
preached two excellent sermons yester
day at tho Plymouth Congregational
At tho Gospel tent, corner Adams ave
nue, and Myrtle street, last evening, the
elder in charge, S. S. Shroek, gave a
talk on "Tho Capital and Labor Ques
Hard Times Are Driving Scandina
vians to .the United States.
By Exclusive Wire from The Aociatcd Press,
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 27. The
transport lines here are coping with
the greatest rush of Scandinavian eml
gtatloa to the United States since 1SS0.
Every outgoing vessel is crowded. The
Oscar 11. of the Scandinavian-American
line is taking over 1,000 emigrants
on each trip, and her two sister ships
will be hurried to completion in order
to handle the traffic.
Tho cause of the rush Is unprecedent
edly hard times throughout Scandin
avian, as well as the more stringent
conscription laws In Sweden. Tho emi
grants uiv mostly of an excellent class,
and are bound chlolly for the western
states, where they will settle on farm
lands. The total number of emigrants
which left this port for tho United
States during the nine months ended
March, 1502, was 27,03:), of which there
were from Denmark 3.SS3; Norway,
8,01'j, and Sweden, 15,001.
The Affair at Manila Yesterday
Proved to Bo Unimportant,
By Excluhc Wire from 1 lie Associated Press.
Manila, July 27. The anti-friar de
monstration, which tho municipal gov
ernment had been Informed was to bo
held here today, proved to be unim
portant. Tho police forbade the hold
ing of tho procession and the reserves
were assembled for the purpose of
maintaining order. Tho leaders of the
movement conducted a meeting in tho
Xorllla theater, but no disorder oc
curred, I
At the conclusion or tho meeting,
which was not largely attended, owing
to the storm which prevailed, the
crowd dispersed quietly.
Missive in Charge of Bishop Thomas
Is Couched in Cordial Terms,
l)y KncIusUc Wire from The Associated I'icss.
Rome, July 21, The letter which
Rlshop Thomas O'dorman, of Sioux
Falls, S, P., who left Rome yesterday,
bears from tho pope to President
Roosevelt, thanks the latter for the
congratulations and gifts presented by
Mm to his holiness and begs him to
accept In return a souvenir of the pon
tiff's good-will.
The letter also expresses satisfaction
with tho result of tho negotiations car
ried on by Judge William H. Taft, gov
ernor of the Philippines, which his holi
ness says has augmented his affection
for tho ,Unlted States. Tho entire let
ter is couched In the most cordial
Finding Fault With Him.
She Do you know what I'd do If you
should try to Ulsa mo?
Ho No; why'
She Oh, nothing; only you don't seem
to have any curiosity, Smart Set.
Capital, $200,000
Surplus, $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday
from 7.30 to 8.30.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and WIIkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
The following quotations are furnished
The Tribune by Halght & Frecso Co., 311
315 Mears Building. W. D. Runyon, man
ager. . Oncn.Hisrh.Low.Close.
Amal, Copper iio?i (Wft U314 6J
Am. C. & F 3J)i 3J3; 3J?i 3:,:4
Am. Ice, Pr 3li 36U 3tiU 3Vi
Am. Locomotive ... 52i 32i 3J',i 3L'!i
Am. S. & R. Co .... 4l,'i 4li'.i 46 40
American Sugar ....MSfc 1U' 13J& 133'&
Atchison arjs !! 9JV4 OJVa
Atchison, Pr 10316 103?& 1039 103
Bait. & Ohio HOVi 11014 109 10974
Brook. R. T (,9-s 9Vi C9,4 bO'i
Canadian Pacific ...1387J, 13S7& 13S',4 13S'j
Che.s. & Ohio 5t?a C1H 5394 ulVi
Chicago & Alton ... 42 4274 41'4 41'1
Chic. & G. W 31',4 3U4 31,4 31't,
C, M. & St. P 1SSV4 1SD"8 !S; 1S7
C R. I. & P 197,4 1997& 197',4 10SU
Col. Fuel & Iron.... 9S 98 97 97
Col, & Southern.... 33)4. 334 3514 334
Col. & South,; 2d Pr. 496 49'4 4U!4 49',4
Frio 3S4 3S?a 38 3S
Erie, 1st Pr 60 G9 b9'4 119V4
Krle, 2d Pr D2& 5J14 52?4 52 ft
Illinois Central 169 170V4 1C9 170
Kan. City & South.. 3(S 3i, 3.VJ4 3ii
Louis. & Nnsh 145V6 14574 1444 141
Manhattan 135 J354 VWi 134-4
Met. St. Ry 150V6 350V6 150 150
Mexican Central .... 30'4, 30? 30 30
Mo., K. & Tex 31 314 St 31
Mo., K. & Tex., Pr. S3 C3VS (3 G3
Mo. Pacific 117 118 117 1177s
N. Y. Central 167 li,71S lSGVi 166y2
Norfolk & West .... 6174 6i cn4 iil
Ont. & West 33 34 33 34
Penna. R. R 161 H& 10',S 16074
People's Gas 103V 105', 10516 1K1V6
Pressed Steel Car.... 47Vs 47',6 47'4 47
Reading 67 67 tiiTJi 6G
Reading. 2d Pr 73 73 73 73
Repuhllc Steel 18 19 18 19
Republic Steel, Pr.. 75 75 75,4 75
St. L. & San F 76 79 76 "9
Southern Pacific .... 1.97s 70V 69 70
Southern R. R 39 39 .19 39
Southern R. R.. Pr.. D7 97 97 97
Tenn. Coal & Iron.. (kS4 69V6 6S'i 6S
Texas & Pacific .... 46V4 46 4574 46
Union Pacific U0 110 10976 10976
Union Pncille Pr .. 91 9416 91 91
U. S. Leather 13 13 U 13
T7. S. Steel 3976 40 3976 40
U. S. Steel. Pr S9 90 9 00V4
Wabash 30V4 36 36 Sb
Wabash, Pr 4676 4676 46 467
Western Union .... S6 86 86 Sii'i
Wheel. & L. E .... 23 28 28 2S x
AVheol & L. E 23 23 2.! 23
Wis. Central 2S 2S 28 2S
Total sales, 39J.600 shares.
WHEAT. Oncn. HlEh. Low. Close,
September 71 7176 71 71
December 71 71 70 70
September 60 GOVJ 59 59
December 46 46 43 45
September 2874 29 28 29
December 2S 2S 2S 28
September 17.40 17.45 17.25 17.30
September 10.90 10.90 10.C7 10.77
September 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50
Open. Hltrh. Low. Close,
August 8,20 8.30 8.20 8.30
September 7.87 -7.93 7.87 7.9 i
October 7,71 7.77 7.74 7.77
Reserve, decreaso J 200.875..
Loans, Increase 9,967,201
Specie, Inereaso 967,900
Legal Tender, Increase 1,686,300
Deposit, inereaso 11,404,300
Circulation, increase 188,100
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bld.Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr,,.. 60
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 2u0
First Nat. Bank (Carbondalo). ... 500
Third national Bank 550
Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank 300
Economy L., H. & P. Co w
First National Bank 1300
Lack, Trust & Safe Dep. Co . 195
Clark & Snover Co., Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank Ron
Traders' National Bank 227
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co,.,,;,, 125
People's Bank 135 ...
Scianton Packing Co J3
Scranton Pnssonger Railway,
first mortgage, duo 1920 lis
PeopIe'H Street Railway, first
mortgage, duo 1918 113 ,,,
People's Street Rnllwav, Gen-
ernl mortgage, due 1921 115 .,,
Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. 113
Economy L., II. P. Co 97
N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka, Ave.)
i' lour n.w.
Butter Fresh creamery, 24c; fresh
dairy, 23c.
Cheese ISalSMc
Eggs Nearby, 21c,; western, 20c,
Marrow Beans Per busliel, $2.33a2.40.
Green Peas Per bushel, J2.-3,
Onlons-Ji.OO per bag.
New Potutoes $ per barrel.
Philadelphia Live Stock.
Philadelphia, July 27, Uvo stock o
celpts for tho week: Cattle, 2,742; sheep,
10,272; hogs, 1,934. Market dull and ding
gy, eapeelally on tho commoner grades
which showed a material decline In
prices. Good steers aro not plentiful and
Pennsylvania stall feds aro about cleaned
up. Receipts were from Virginia, Ken
tucky, West Virginia, Ohio, -with n
average quality not very satisfactory.
Steeis, best, J7.37a7.W; choice, J7,25a7.37;
good, 7,!2u7.25; medium, (6a6.5o; common,
a5.&0; stockeis and feeders, 1.50a5;
grasscrs, $5nC; bulls, t:i 50.i4.75; fat cows,
X.JMU4.C.0; thin cows, $2-Ka2.75; milch cows,
?l0a5O; best, $-'0a30; veal calves, easier;
extra choice, "ia7,c.; medium, O'afa; com
mon, 6a6c. Sheep and Lambs closed
quiet with supplier very liberal. Sheep,
clipped, wethers, extra, 4a47o.; choice.
44c; good, 3alc, medium, 3a3e;
common, 2a'2c; ewes, heavy fat, 3a
4c.; lambs, clipped, good to choice, 6u
fic: medium to fair, Sa6c; extra, near
by, tc, uoBs-urrerings wen disposed or,
market ruling firm; western, lO'.iullc, ;
dressed stock, steers, 10ul2e,; sheep, 7a
10c; cows, Su9c: lumba, lOalSa; veul
calves, 9&il0&c.; hogs, Hc.
supply vourt needs op Kvenv
ntlnOlES nd WAGONS of ill kinds: tso
Hi?!.!?. n'1 ""lldlnc boU t barsalns.
Lackawanna Carriage Works.
Homo Office, 20S-20D Mcara Building-.
We arc maturlns 6hatca each month which
snow a net Rain to the Investor ot about 12
fit cent. We loin money. Wa nlao laie
ULti PAID STOCK $100.00 per ihare, Inter
est payable semi-annually.
ALDF.IIT BAM,, Secretary.
rear 611 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer o(
Wire Screens of nil kinds; fully prepared for
the spring; scaion. We mako all kinds of
porch screens, etc.
Oeneral Contractor, Builder and Dealer In
Building Stone, Cementing of cellars a spe
cialty. Telephone 2512,
Office, 327 Washington avenue.
The scranton Vitrified Brick
and tile manupaoturino oompany
Makers of Paving Brick, etc. M. II, Dale,
General Sales Agent, Office 329 Washington
ave. Works at Nay Aug, Pa., K. k W. V.
Good Hay
Prime Hay
If you want good clean
hay, we have it.
h Grain Co,,
Scranton and 01 y pliant.
1 Hearinimrfers
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
233-327 Pcnn Avenue.
A few days can bo pleasantly spent
In a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
from Plot- 20, North Itlver, foot of
Beach street, Now York,
Tickets, including meals and state
room accommodations, $S,00 ono way,
913,00 round trip, and upwards.
Send stamp for Illustrated book,
'81 Beach Street, New York, N. Y,
Trallla Manager. J. J. BROWN,
General Passenger Agent.
i When in Need
Of anything: In the line of
,j, optical goods we can supply It. .
and Eye Glasses!
Properly fitted by an expert, ,j,
4- optician, .
From $1.00 Up
Also all Ictyds of prescript J
, r a.
JlMercereau & Connell,
133 Wyoming Avenue.
i ,i
C 1 Monday News
I '
Black Dress
Goods and Silks
At Quick Selling Prices
To make It interesting
ment to aay we will place on sale extra tine
all wool Serge, Cheviot, Whipcord, Cash
mere, Etamines and Mohair, for today only
at, yard
This occasion in selling high gratis Black Dress
Goods of wanted and .desirabje weaves is unusual.
50 men, an wool Granite
diagonal Suiting; 42 inch, Gold Medal Pop
lin; 54 inch, Kersey Skirting and 48 inch, all
wool Melton. All the above mentioned are
up to the standard in quality. Monday at, yd
You can never miss in buying Black
Silk. This opportunity brings a splendid
value in a 21 inch Black Taffeta Silk
for Monday only at, a yard
Fine quality and fine
town today, step in and
will be a surprise to you
inches wide, a yard
23 inch Silk Gros Grain, durable to
the last. Priced at today's figure will
make friends for it. Monday at, a
Jonas Lods's Sods
S Soecial I
I Shoe
in our ivien s rine root wear, an our ?
$5.00 and $6.00 grades, in Johnson &
Murphy and The Stetson, in all season- J
J able leathers and. lasts. High QQ Efl J
Shoes and Oxfords, reduced to $0.9U J
Men's Tan and
J $4.00 and $5.00 values, at vQ Cfl
this sale
5 Oxfords, $3.00 and $3.50 A Aft j
grades, reduced to. . . . Vfa-UU
Men's Tan Shoes and Ox- 01 AC J
5 fords, $2.50, now selling at Vl-fcw
$ Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola
s Oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00
S grades, reduced to. . .
j Ladies' Patent Leather and Dongola j
$ Oxfords, $2.25,
jv to
Ladies' Dongola
J $1.75, reduced to
j Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy, s
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
A "For Rent" sign
on your house will
only be seen by the
casual passerby.
A "For Rent" ac",
In The Tribune will
be seen by ALL who
may be contemplating
a change of residence.
Only Onc--Ilalf Cent a Word
in our Dress Goods Depart
ib uepaii-
Cloth; 4H inch, all wool
1, all wool
finish if down
notice this item, it
at the price. 2j
Sale 1
1 Jt
T a .. .11 tC i
Russian Calf Shoes,
yv.wv Jf.
Black and Tan Shoes and ?
$3.00 i
Uongoia ;
$1.50 1
$1.25 1
General Agent (or tho Wyomlcg District tot
Dupont's Powder
Mollis, Dlistln;, Sporting, Fmokelcsj and th
Hepauno Chemical Company'
Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploder. Room (91 Con
sell UulMlaj .Scraatou.
JOHN D. SMITH & SON , Plytoout.
E. W. MUtUQAN ........ ,WllkeaUrr
f e;
rfSj i
c '
t i
'.'ilJ&t, .-!.', Jf Xt--tn
M& u-J
i,jJtJ ,
ii -fc t