? mA ;a; X" w n ,t,?j THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. "' I c TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MOKNINC, JULY 28, 1902. TWO CENTS. f.: - .. J ANIHMPERIAHTS PRAISE PRESIDENT rtn Open Letter Adopted at Lake George Gommends His Re view of Smith Gasc. THEY BELIEVE THAT EVILS STILL EXIST ln Assertion Is Made That the De moralization of the Army Is Much More General Than Is Apparent from Surface Indications The Anti-Imperialists Stand Heady to Assist President Roosevelt in Prov ing That the Army Officers Have Violated the Rules of Civilized Warfare and Bringing All Offend ers to Justice Anxious That the Country Shall Be Preserved. Cy Exclushc Wire from The Asoi-t.itcd Prist. ' Lake George, N. Y., July 27. At S meeting of representative anti-imperialists held In Now York city last spring i committee was appointed to Investi gate army conditions In the, Philip pines. That committee has since then been prosecuting Its Inquiries. Presi dent Roosevelt's recent review of the court-martial of General Jacob 11. Smith seemed to the committee to de mand some reply and at a meeting just held at Lake George an open letter to the president was adopted. The letter was signed by Charles Francis Adams, chairman; Carl Schurz, Edwin Burritt Smith, Moorflcld Storey and Herbert 'Welsh. It says: Wo desire to express the gratification, afforded us by your review of the 14th Inst as comundor-in-chlef, of the find ings of the court-martial in the case 6t General J. II. Smith. Taken in connec tion with the previous memorandum of April 15th, the review will, provided it bo followed by corresponding general action, in our opinion, do much towards the rc estublishracnt of the national pi-estlgo 'and the restoration of the morale nf the army. Especially opportune in our judg ment. Is your veo commendable re- .minder to officers In high and responsible positions that, In a warfare with national dependents, such as that recently waged by .us In tile cast. It behooves all such 'Officers to bo "peculiarly careful In their bearing and conduct as to keep a moral chock over any acts of an improper character .by their subordinates." The level hero reached is lofty, and hi healthy contrast with that spirit, far too prevalent, which seeks excuse If not justification, for the excesses of the pres ent, ' In every instance of Inhumanity which can posBlbly bo exhumed either from colonial history, or from the regret table records of our Indian warfare. Demoralization General. While thus, however, expressing our sense of obligation, we wish most re spectfully to call your attention to cer tain conclusions which we have in the course of our own imiulries found our selves compelled to reach. Coining di rectly to the point, ai.d speaking his torically, our Investigations have led us , to conclude that the demoralization of the officers and soldiers of our army in the Philippines, including all branches of the service and all grades of lank, was far mora general, as well as pro- , nounccd, than might bo Inferred from your review of the facts charged In this case, we believe wo havo reason to say, ,were rather notorious than exceptional. 'Demoralising influences, very prejudicial to any high standard of mllitaiy morale, were under tho clicumstunees Inevitable. This led to lamentable results, calling for tho firm hand ami stern correction found) and most fortunately applied, in your' orders of April 13th and July 14th. Meanwhile, wo would respectfully sub mit that tho good of the army, and tho future of our cistern dependencies de mand that investigation should not stop at this point, or with .results nlrcady reached. The Imiulries wo, as a commit tee, havo made, necessarily imperfect, have yet been mifllclent lo satisfy us that General Smith and Major Waller wero not tho sole culprits, not- should thoy suffice in tho character of scapegoats. In your "review" of July llth you say that thebo cases wero exceptional. Your means of Information on this point should unquestionably ho Infinitely bettor thnn ours. Meanwhile it Is always to bo to: ,io In mind that ono sldo only of this painful story lias been heard unit that sldo only In part. Tho testimony of rep rescntutlvo Filipinos has been Jealously and systematically suppressed, Judicial and Impartial examination on tho spot has been denied, or pronounced imprac ticable, In tho present case, occasionally and by accident merely, have fragments of Information como to general knowledge broken glimpses only havo been permit ted to reach the public eye. To our 'minds, thoy Indlcato unmistakably a condition of great and general demoral ization. Of this, the findings of tho court-martial referred to afford conclu sive, evidence as also do the published orders of commanding officers, and tho reports of provincial governors, The "Kill and Burn" Order. Tho letter then discusses the "hill and burn" order and says; As the not unnatural result of military operations so Inspired, an official report Indicates that, out of a total population in u sluglo district of auo.uw not less than lOO.oou perished. The letter then alludes to tho water, cure, saylpg that the first reports of ,lts practice met with denials, while evi dences before tho senate Philippine .committee proved conclusively that this and other forms of tortue had been used, and adds; Where Inquiry revealed tho systematic "se of torture by subordinates, tho offi cer In responsible command Is pronounced l'C'0 from blame on tho ground that his pr'ilsoworthy absorption In other duties of 'tis position was so completo that such i if0' incidents failed to attract his no tice, guci, h. finding is certainly sugges- Flnuv nverv Bovorllv known to tho Bfc eoH0 stateA war nmctkes which have ox clteoKn uoecliil roDrobatlon of tho Amtk n'eoola when recoiled as fea. rT , tures of tho hoi .tj-Aa In Cuba, under tho Spanish resin? 7&J In South Afrlcn, during the Uoer wXJiuivo been of undis puted and frequent' occurrence In tho Philippines, From the early beginning of operations there, It has been the gen et al practice, It not actually the order, to kill those wounded In conflict. In like manner as respects euncentia tlon camps-. These, as a feature in re cent Spanish nnd South African opera tions, were condemned with the most pro found sympathy for those thus unmerci fully dealt with. When resorted to by our officials In tho Philippines, these camps are represented as a species of recrea tion grounds, Into which the Inhabitants of largo districts rejoiced to be drawn and from .which they departed with sor row. Reports to which wo can, on tho other hand refer glvo of them accounts not essentially different fiom tho ac counts received of similar camps estab lished elsewhere. Secretary Root's Communication. The letter than quotes a communica tion to the senate by Secretury Hoot on February 14, In which Mr. Koot said: The war in the Philippines lias been conducted by the Ameiican army with scrupulous regard for the rules of civ ilized warfare, with careful and genuine, restraint and with humanity never sur passed, If ever equalled in any conflict worthy only of piaise, and reflecting credit upon the Ameiican people. These words of sweeping commendation and unqualified endorsement wero writ ten by tho honorable secretary when nil the essential facts since brutish t to light wero within his official cognizance. You have given public, assurance that tho secretary is more desirous than yourself even, if that bo possible, to prolio to tho bottom every responsible allegation of outrage and turture, to the end that nothing be concealed, and no man ho lor any reason lnvored or shielded. Tho draft on our credulity thus presented is large, but wo accept your assurances. Meanwhile, permit us to point out that such very sweeping nnd uncalled for commendation and approval, :o far as wo are advised altogether unprecedented In character, coming directly, and In tho midst of active operations fiom the foun tain head of military authority, is scarce ly calculated "lo keep a moral chuck overt acts of improper character by sub ordinates." It in charitable to assutno that tile pressure of official business, at the time of tho communication referred to. was such that tho. secretary failed to recall what correspondents bad brought to his notice, or fully to advise himself as to what tho Tiles of his department might havo fo disclose. Such are certain of the conclusions reacjied by ua from a3 careful study us It has been in our power to make of facts thus for procurable. Wo have- en deavored to supplement and perfect tho evidence; but our efforts to that end havo encountered obstructive embarrassments. The Anti's Ready to Act. Tho allegations we make are gravo; the condition of affairs wo describe nro serious. As a national record it is dis creditable. Tho good name of the coun try is implicated; us also is tho profes sional character of officers of tho army, some of them retired, many still In high commnnd. Wo stand icady to co-operate directly, and in utmost good faith to the end that nil offenders may bo brought to Justice, and tho guilty pun ished. In this communication wo havo mado references, the personal applica tion of which is obvious and of record. To this referred, courts of military in quiry aro open; and, if demanded would doubtless be by you at onca accorded. Before such courts, if once convened, wo will hold ourselves prepared to sub stantiate any or all charges hero ad vanced. Wo find ourselves, though with deep regret, compelled to take issue with you on ono Important point. In you "review" of July 11 yon say "almost universally tho higher officers havo so borno them selves as to supply the necessary cheek over acts of an improper character by their subordinates." We, on tho con trary, havo found ourselves compelled to tho belief that tho acts referred to wero far more general, tho demoralization more all-pervasivo. We hold ourselves ready to direct your attention to concrcto cases, tho investigation of which would demonstrate tho following criminal acts, contrary to all recognized rules and usages of war, on tho part of ofllcers and soldiers of tho United States: 1. Kidnapping and murder, under cir cumstances of aggravated brutality, 2. Bobbery. 3. Tortiiio, both of men and women, nnd rape of the latter. 4. Tho Infliction of death on other par ties, on tho strength of evidence elicited through torture. ' INSANE WOMAN COMMITS MURDER AND SUICIDE. By Exclusive Wire from TliuAoiiatcil Press. Woodsflold, O,, July 27,-Mrs. Kvcrctt Spcnce, uged 10, this morning killed her husband, uged -I, and then killed herself, Shu shot her husband while ho was asleep and then used tho same, weapon on her self, Thoy had been married less than two months and both wero woll con nected, It Is thought she was temporarily deranged, Mr. Bryan's Cruise. By Exclusive Wlro from Tho Associated Press, Ilrldgeport, Conn,, July '.7. William J. Bryan left llrldgopnrt Into this after noon on board a yacht owned by Lewis Nixon, of Now York, whoso guest ho will bo for tho next two days. The yacht will put Into Now Haven harbor tonight and will cruise to tho eastward through Long Island Sound tomorrow, It Is ox peeted that on Tuesday Mr. Bryan will land at Block Island, where ho will rest for several days, THE DEATH ROLL. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'less. Cincinnati. July 27,-Phlllp H. Kumb. ler, ,aged 03, apromlncnt attorney, died suddenly at his homo hero today from cholera morbus. Ho, had been city so llcitqr, United Slute's district attorney and common pleas Judge for many years. Wlnneconno, Wis., July 27, Matthew Kellelca, tho well, known base ball mag nute, owner of hist year's Mllwnukoo American league club, died hero today, after an Illness of several months. Federation of Labor Adjournal By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. San Francisco, July 27, Tho executive council of tho American Federation of Labor concluded its sessions in this city yesterday and adjourned to 'meet in Washington, D. C, early next, November. NEW GERMAN SHIPYARDS. Plans of Construction of Largo Ves sels to Be Established nt.Coburg. By Exclusive Wire (loin The Associated l'rti. Washington, D. C, July 27. Consul general tit Coburg, O. J. D. Hughes, in a report to the state department, gives Information of u new ship yard building project lit Hint place. In his report tho consul general says: "For a long time the Vulcan Shipbuild ing and Engineering company has been looking for a sultiible place close to the North sea for another yard, as the building of vessels of the largest' di mensions Is becoming Impossible at Stettin, owing to the shallow draught of water In the Hlver Oder, and even In the Baltic Itself. The Hlver Elbe has been chosen as the locality for the new yard, and the Intention Is, at llrst to, build only large vessels here, the engines for which, and as far as possi ble the boilers also, will be supplied by the Stettin works." SEVEN INJURBdIn TROLLEY CAR WRECK Attempt of Five Men to Stop a Car Results in a Rear-End Collision at Rochester. Uy Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Rochester, N. Y'., July 2. An attempt by live men to wreck an incoming trol ley car at the rifle range, a short dis tance north of this city, on the Roches ter and Irondequoit railway late to night, resulted in a rear-end collision, In which seven passengers were seri ously and several others slightly In jured, and twoscore or more passen gers miraculously escaped. The seriously injured all reside In Rochester. Shortly before 10 o'clock car 457 loft SummorvlUe, on Lake Ontario, bound for the city, heavily laden with pas sengers, with orders not to stop at the rifle range, which la a flag station only. As the car approached this point the motorman discovered an obstruction on' the track, and brought his car to a stop just In the nick of time. Tho ob struction, which consisted of several lengths of picket fencing and other material, had been placed on tho track by live men, under the influence, of liquor, because, as they said, they had attempted to flag another inbound car without success, and determined to make sure of the next attempt. While the crow of car 457 was trying to char the track in order to proceed, car 454, also Inbound, came along at a rapid speed and'Ci-aslied Into the reur of the car ahead. The vestibules on both cars were smashed and their interiors were wrecked. Most of those injured were" caught in the wrecked vestibules and between broken ear seats. The police are making every effort to apprehend the live men who placed the obstruc tion on the track. They disappeared Immediately after the wreck and have not yet been captured. suicide ofdrTgrissom The Weil-Known Neurologist, of Washington, Sends a Bullet Through His Brain. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, July 27. Dr. Eugene Grissom, once well known as an alien ist and neurologist, committed suicide here today at his son's home, No. 1227 G street, N. K by sending a bullet through his brain. Dr. Grissom had been long morose, and for some time had become physically and mentally weakened by the use of strong nar cotics. He was a native of Granville, N. C served on tho Confederate sldu until wounded during the Civil war, and afterwards was a member of the state legislature. For twenty-one years ho was superintendent of the North Caro lina Insane asylum at Raleigh, and gained a wide reputation as an alienist and lecturer. Before the American Medical society he delivered a lecture, entitled "The Borderland of Insanity," thut attracted great attention, Ho was the author of "True and False Ex perts," a work devoted to showing the alleged inaccuracies of tho expert tes timony In Insanity cases. Dr. Grissom was ono time Hist vice-president of tho American Medical society, and several times presiding ofllcor of tho Associa tion of Superintendents of American Insane asylums. He was the president of the convention of 1SS6. He was a Mason of high degree. He was "1 years of age. austriaTdTvorce CASE Horsewhipping and Haircutting as Incidents Imprisonment for the Defendant. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated 1'icss, Vienna, July 27. A sensational dl vorco case la before the courts here, Tho petitioner, Heir Pollacsek, la a wealthy commission agent, and the co respondent is Count von Wurmbraud. Both ure well known lu Viennese' so ciety. Tho count had challenged Pollacsek to light a duel, but tho latter ejected the former's seconds and denounced the count for infringing the dueling laws, Various counter stilts were brought for assault, etc., and tho trial occupied many days, Fran Pollacsek had to bo carried out of court on a sofa by six mop at the order of the Judge. Tho evidence showed that Pollacsek avenged himself on another co-respondent, Lous Lacknor, whom he horsewhipped and cut off his hair and half his moustache. Frau Pollacsek and Lackner were each sentenced to two months' Imprisonment. Count von Wurmbraud was acquitted. Cholera at Manila. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated I'rcai. Manila, July 27,-nurlng tho forty-elgit hours ending this morning 150 fresh casea of cholera wero reported In Manila, No reports regarding the disease wero re ceived from tho provinces owing to the, storm- MOB'S ACTION IN PARIS GlerlGal and flntl-Glerlcal Forces Meet on the Ghamps- ' Elusees. MANY FIGHTS OCCUR DURING THE DAY An Imposing Forco of Mounted Police Ha3 Trouble in Keeping the Manifestants Moving Weil Dressed Women in the Crowd Are Particularly Active in Rioting. One Hundred Arrests Are Made. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Paris, July 27. The demonstration made today In connection with the de cree of Premier Combes, ordering the closing of the Congregationlst schools, proved to be quite as much of a mani festation in support of the government as of the opposition to Its antl-clericat measures. The crowd which gathered in the Place De La Concorde numbered 15,000 persons, while as many more thronged the Champs-Elysces. The clerical and antl-clerlcal forces about equally divided the gatherings. Though many lights occurred, they never became general, nor was any person seriously Injured. An imposing force of police and mounted municipal guards had much trouble In keeping the manifestants constantly moving, and at times they were forced to charge to prevent the crowd becoming too dense. On the whole, the crowds were good natured and mainly confined themselves to shouting "Liberty! liberty!" "Long live the Sisters!" and "We want the Sisters!" to which the antl-clerlcals re plied "Vive republique!" and "Down with the priests!" The occasional ap pearance of a priest was the signal for much hooting and several fights were due to their presence A striking feature of the manifesta tions was the large number of women, many, of them well dressed, who ac tively participated. Nor were these all clerical In their sympathies, for tho anti-clerical women were also out. in strong "force and they occasionally made things lively for their clerical sisters; whom the police had some dlfn Qulty in protecting. In one instance a detachment of mounted guards had to rescue three well-dressed ladles from the hands of a group of socialist wo men who were bent on mobbing them. The Clericals made several attempts to reach the Place Beauveau, on which tho Elysee und the ministry of the interior are situated, but were pre vented from doing so by strong cor dons of police und municipal guards, which wero stationed at all the ap proaches in order to prevent demon strations In front of these buildings. The demonstrations culminated when a group of thirty ladies, some In car riages and some on foot, attempted to reach the ministry of the interior, in order to present to Premier Combes a petition on behalf of the sisters. Tho police, however, refused to allow them to pass. .Subsequently, the Clericals made an angry rush on tho cordon guarding the Avenue Abrlello, and the soldiers had lo use the butts of their guns to keep back the crowd. Another violent incident occurred on the Champs-Elysces, where the crowd began throwing the small Iron chairs borderlnir tho sidewalks, among the feet of the horses of tho mounted gur.tds. One horse fell, Injuring Ills lid or. By 7 o'clock this evening tho crowd began to thin out and an hour later the Place de la Concorde and the Champs Elysees had resumed their customary appearance. A slight shower hastened the dis persal of tho manifestants. About 100 c tresis wero made. Tho fact that through the day ve hicular tralllo was not Interrupted, shows -how well the police handled tho great, unruly crowd with which It hud to deal. FATAL FIGHT AT PORTLAND. Fight Between George Baldwin and Frank Carlson Ends in Death. By Inclusive Wlru rum Tho Associated l'lets. Portland, Ore., July 27. Frank Carl son and George Baldwin, each aged 19 years.quurreled over two girls to whom both wero paying attention, Carlson challenged Baldwin to fight. The fight took place with bare knuckles, in tho presence of relatives and friends of both boys In an unfrequented part of the city. Tho tight lasted about twenty min utes. At the end of that time, Carlson received a blow In the stomach and foil to the ground. When picked up ho was dead, Baldwin Is In jail. Steamship Arrivals. Ily Exclusive Wire Horn The .WucUted Press. New York, July 27, Arrived; Astoria, Glasgow and Movllloj Covle, Liverpool; La Gascogne, Havre. Qneenstown Balled; Ktnuia (from Liverpool), Now Yftik, Gibraltar Arrived; Lnliu, Now York for Genoa and Naples (and proceed ed), Sailed; Alter (from Genoa und Naples), Now York. Southampton Sailed; Grosser Kurfnrst, from Bremen, New York. New York, July 28. Arrived; Iceland, Antwerp. Southampton, July 23. Arrived; Bar barosa, Now York (and proceeded for llrcmcu). Lawsuit Provokes Murder. By Kxcluiiie Wire fiom Tho Associated 1'imj. Knoxvlllo, Tcnn., July 27. Borfy Dona hue, a justlco Of thu pcaco, and a well-jp-do fanner, living near Luttrell, Tenn., today shot and killed Sliorman Dyor. Both men attended a danco last night and while thoy wero going homo tho tragedy occurred. Bod feeling had exist ed between them over tho ouecome of u law suit.' Douuhuo escaped, i PRESIDENT'S QUIET SUNDAY. No Visitors of rut Official Character Received at Oyster Bay. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. OyHter Hay, July 27. President Roosevelt passed a quiet Sunday at Sagamore Hill, In the morning, ac companied by Mrs. HooRevelt, Mrs, Em lln Roosevelt, Lieutenant Ferguson, for merly a iriember of the "Hough Riders," and several of the children, he attended tho services at Christ Episcopal church. He passed the afternoon with Secretary Moody, who will be his guest until to morrow. No visitors of an official char acter were received The postolllce at Oyster Bay was opened for rtn hour to day for the first time on Sunday In tho history of the village. The president did not avail himself of the opportun ity of having his mail taken to him. The opening of the olllce created a commotion among some of the people of the village, and the Rev. Alexander G. IRussell, pastor of the First Presby terian church, sharply criticized those who Inaugurated the movement which resulted In tho Sunday opening. Senator Thomas C. Piatt will arrive at Oyster Bay next Wednesday even ing on board the war yacht Mayflower, which will be sent to New York for him. The senator will be accompanied by Colonel George W. Dunn, chairman of the Republican state committee of New York, CONTRACT JUMPERS ARE EXPELLED Prompt Action of the Ball Players' Protective Association at Yes terday's Meeting. By Kxelusive Wire from The Associated Press. New York, July 27. Every man in both the National and American League base ball players who has jumped his contract with his manager was per emptorily expelled from membership In the Players' Protective association, at a meeting held here today. Among those present were: Hugh Jennings, representing the IMtt'sburg, Chicago, Philadelphia and Cincinnati clubs of the National League; Tom Loftus, manager of the Washington club; Frank Dwyer, 'of the Detroit American League club; Alex. Smith, of the Baltimore American'League; Win nie Mercer, of tho Detroit team; Henry Hartsel, of the Philadelphia American team; Charlie Irwin and Harry Dolan, of the Brooklyn National League team; George Kittrldge, of the Boston Na tional; Harry D. Davis, of the Phila delphia American team; Warner, of the Plttsburgs; Clark Griffiths, of the Chicago American League team, who represented tho Boston American League club; Frank L. Donohue, of the St. Louis American team; Tom L. Daly, nf the Chicago American club, and George Bowerman, of the New Yorka. After tho meeting, Frank Donohue, the treasurer, made the fol lowing statement: "Every one of the delegates here to day agreed that there was no use in a man joining this organization, getting all the benefits in the way of procur ing counsel when he was In trouble, und being generally protected In his rights and tho interests of his pocket, and then jumping his contract. There is no one here today that will stand for McGraw, McGinnlty or any other man who has jumped a bon tide con tract. "In our meeting, Hartsel, of the Philadelphia club, made a motion that every man who had jumped his con tract should Jie expelled. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote. That seems to show where the Pro tective association stands." The meeting re-elected Tom Daly president, and made Harry Davis, of the Phlladelphiuns, secretary, while Frank Donohue was retained as treas urer, j LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. The Anthracite Situation Is Practic ally Unchanged. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated I'resj. Philadelphia, July 27. The Ledger, In Its coal aitlcle tomorrow, will say: "Tho anthracite coal trade U prac tically unchanged. The movement of coal Is almost nothing, although a few sporadic attempts are made at wash erles to get a supply. The anxiety to procure coal Is not very great, though the very scanty stocks aro giving food for thought In various localities as to the necessity that may soon come for fuel. The community, however, Is nev er troubled to any extent on the coal question In mid-summer, "The llgures of the coal shipments to the end of May show 18,731,878 tons sent to market, being about 4,000,000 tons less than In the same period of 1901. In June the shipments were stopped by the -strike." WEST POINT HAZING CASE. War Department Receives Papers iu the Case of Cadet Pondloton. By Kscliishe Wire (rum Tho Aioelateil I'livm. Washington, July 27, Tho war de partment has received the papers In the case of Cadet Alexander G, Pendle ton, jr,, who has been tried at West Point and found guilty of hazing, Pendleton was appointed from Arizo na and is a llrst-cluss man. This s tbo first case of hazing that ,1ms occurred since tho law passed near ly it year and a half ago intended to suppress the practice, The hazing took place while tho cadets wero In camp, and consisted of abusive language by Cadet Pendleton to a "plebe" while tho latter was In his tent. Pendleton's de fense was that ho lost his temper and said more than hu Intended. The case Vlll go to the president for Unal re- mi i i CHILDREN FATALLY BURNED. Terrible. Fate of Nellie and William McTague, of Philadelphia. By Exclusive Wire from The .Wociatvd i'resj. Phlidelphla, July 27. Nellie Mc Tague, aged 5 years, und her 3-year-old brother. William, children of Martin MeTuijue, wtre so badly burned today TWELFTH WEEK OF THE COAL STRIKE at their home, No. 1233 Bnlnbrldgo street, that they died in a hospital a few hours later. The children were In bed at tho time I hoy were burned, and no one else was In the room. The mother henrd cries coming from the room und a hurried Investigation resulted lu the finding of the two little ones writhing In agony on their blazing bed. The children wero quickly taken from the room und the flames extinguished, but not be fore the boy nnd girl were fatally In jured. It Is supposed they were play ing with matches while In bed. SENSATIONAL BICYCLE RACES AT VAILSBURG World's Records Go by the Board in Both the Professional and Amateur Events. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Newark, N, J July 27. Probably the most sensational bicycle racing ever seen In this country wus witnessed by about 6,000 people at the Vallsburg track today. World's records went by the board In both the amateur and professional racei. ,; tlM.j'H'iJ Probably the most remarkable race of the day came in the ten-mile pn fesslonal and Handlcapper Wetmore' had so arranged the field that the men were kept moving from the firing of the pistol. Of the forty men who start ed twenty-five were left In at eight miles. The riders were in three bunches after going a mile, and the back mark men did not catch the leaders until five miles had been travelled. The pace did not slacken to the finish where W. S. Fenn won by a length and a half in the fastest time ever made In such a competition. His time wus 21:53 1-u. Both M. L. Hurley, the national ama teur champion, and Walter Smith broke amateur records. Hurley won the quar ter mile race In 28 2-5 seconds. The best previous time wus 29 seconds.made by M. Coffey. Walter Smith then-started In to knock out some more records behind motor pace. He used the" pacing machines belonging to Metz, which made the world's record in Brooklyn of ti mile in 1.10. Smith made one mile In 1.25 2-5, and a little later started again and broke all amateur records from one to five miles. The old records held by Joe Nelson were as follows: 1.28; 3.03 1!-5; 4.36 4-5; 6.111-5, and 7.49. Smith rode the five miles in 7.18 3-5. CASTRO'S SAD PLIGHT Fails to Attack Venezuelan Revolu tionists, and Government Seems to Be Tottering. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wlllemstad, Island of Curacoa, July 27. President Castro of Venezuela has returned from Barcelona to Caracas, owing to the Impossibility of attacking the revolutionists Intrenched at Aragua, capital of the state of Guzman Blanco, President Castro left without firing a shot, notwithstanding his proclamation In which he said he would light ono against ten. The moral effect produced by his re treat Is disastrous for the government, and gives an Idea of the strangest of revolutions, which latterly has spread toward tho centre of Venezuela. The revolutionists ure at Chaguaramas on their way to Crituco, sixty miles from Caracas. President Castro's new plan Is to attack Valencia, where they are assembling from alt directions. Gen eral RIera with 1,800 men being on the way there from Coro. General Solagnle with 700 men is marching to the rendezvous from Sun Felipe, General Mendoza with 1;900 men Is bound there from Barquislmeto, and General Matos, leader of the revolution, accompanied by General Monagas and large forces of revolutionists, Is ulso headed for that vicinity. It Is evident that the government of President Castro cannot hold out much longer. Funds are needed and forced loans ure being resorted to. Trains on the Caracas railroad are being held up dally by the revolutionists, Two Girls Drowned. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Cleveland, July 27, Anna and Rose Glaw, uged G and W years, respectively, wero drowned In Lake Kilo this after noon. Tho two girls, with two other children, wero out sailing with their father and mother when a squall quickly camo and overturned thu boat, throw ing tho t-ntlru party Into tho water. Tho girls went down before help could bo given them. Tho others wero rescued. Emperor William Heeds Warnings. By llxchulve Wire fiom The A-AauUteil Press, Berlin, July 27. Various Berlin news papers assert that tho warning to Kmper or William against going to I'oson., Prus sian Poland, for thu army manoeuvres to bo hold iu September havo had tho ef fect of causing an order to bo Issued that the festivities bo conllned lo a strictly military character, and thut all win dows bo closed along the lino of inurcli of tho procession at 1'osen, Mr, Schwab Convalescent. By llxcludu' Wiie fiom The Atociateit I'.v.-h. New York, July 27. Jndso 1-2, if. Gary, of tho United Slates Steel corporation, received a dispatch from Charles M. Schwab today, dated Atluntlu City, say ing ho was almost fully recovered from his attack of Illness yesterday, Mr, Scliwub udded that ho had not been. very sick. 'Farmer" Burns Wins. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Davenport, la., July 27. "Farmer" Martin Burns won his wrestling match with Charles WIttmer, of Cincinnati, this afternoon. Burns won two falls, cutch-us-catch-can, WIttmer winning tho llrst full, Gracco-Itoman. flu Effort Will Be Mads This Week to Operate Some of the Bio Collieries. MR. MITCHELL SAYS STRIKERS ARE FIRM Claims There Is No Change in the Situation Three Hundred Polish Delegates Will Visit Large Cities and Solicit Aid from Their Country men President Mitchell Has Con sented to Serve on the Board Which' Will Arbitrate Differences Between Scranton Street Railway Company, and Its Employes. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., July 27. The be ginning of the twelfth week of the an thracite miners' strike finds apparently no chunge in the situation, although'tha rumor has been revived that an effort will be made some day this week, upon the part of one of the large companies, to sturt up one of their collieries. The companies have a sufficient number of coal and Iron policemen enlisted now to prevent trouble, should It arise, and all that would be necessary to get a mine In operation would be a sufficient number of miners and laborers to blast the coal and load It on the cars. At strike headquarters the belief Is ns strong as ever that the operators cannot resume and that It is idle talk to even suggest such a thing. Presl. dent Mitchell simply' says that the situ ation is about the same and that the strikers are as lirm as ever. A great deal of telegraphic correspondence passed today between Wllkes-Barre, Indianapolis and the headauarters ,of the United Mine Workers in West Vir ginia, the nature of which Mr. Mitchell would not make public. Three hundred delegates, represent ing the ten thousand Polish and Lithu-, anian residents of the Wyoming valley, met In convention here today and, after endorsing the strike, appointed a committee of ten to visit New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Buffalo and otherlarge cities and solicit aid from the Polish and Lithuanian people for their countrymen now on strike In the anthracite region. President Mitchell has consented to serve on the board which will arbitrate the differences between the Scranton Street Hallway company and Its em ployes. NOT A POLITICAL SOCIETY The American Federation of Catholio Societies to Meet in Cincinnati Next Month. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Cincinnati, July 27. National Secre tary Anthony Maltre, of the American Federation of Catholic societies, re ports the programme complete' for the second national convention at Chicago, August 5, 0 and 7. The business ses sions of the convention will be for mully opened on Tuesday, August 5, when addresses of welcome will be de livered by tho governor of Illinois and the mayor of Chicago. The federation has received letters of approbation from several archbishops and twenty bishops, and the blessing of Pope Leo XIII. These letters will be read nt tbo convention. Secretary Maltre concludes: "In many sections it Is believed the federation Is' a political party. This Is a serious mistake. The objects of the federation, as outlined by the coven tlon und adopted at the Cincinnati con vention, ure the cementing of the bonds of fraternal union among the Catholio societies of the United States, tho fos tering and protecting of Catholic In terests and works of religion, piety, education and charity; the study of conditions In our social life and the dis semination nf the truth. In further lug these objects, the federation does not Interfere In the least with the gov ernment of any society." FATAL EXPLOSION OF GAS. By Kxchuhe Wire from The Associated 1'rrsn. McCurtnln, I. T July 27. Two men wero killed and two 'others Heriousljl burned by an explosion of gas today In ono of tho Sans Bols Coal company's mint's. The dead aro Andrew Dazell am? James Brown. King Edward's Condition, ; By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Cowes, Isle of Wight, July 27,-Kln Kdwnrd Is much bettor, but Is not yet alilo to walk or stand. Yesterday for tho llrst tlmu his majesty used his now In', valid chair, which enables him to mov himself about. YESTERDAY'S WEATHEE, tf , Local data for July 27, 1902 Highest temperature .,, ,,. S3 degreei Lowest temperature .,,,,, 05 degrees Kelatlvo humidity: 8 a. m. ,,,...., ,,.,,,,..,,,.. S7 per cent, 8 p, m, ,, ...,., ,. 71 per cent. Precipitation, 21 hours ended 8 p. m.4 none, , -f 4- f 1 -w 4. 4! 4 4 4i- 4. WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, July 27, Forecast for Monday and Tuesday: Bast cm Pennsylvania Fair and warm Monday and Tue-day;' light south winds. t-f . :. $ N 'ii OS A' I , i .- -91 W&l ... ''."& 'vt:j?m Z" I V h-tmjH r ,J it 7 P;- . ,. -JUT- - 4 iifr , -t ' ? - T v. K ' X. && - - j-
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