. -', 'vJ4 'ft"..!-. THE .SORAN'JCON RIBtJNE--SAURDAY JULY 20, 1902. . . NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. , Honeadnte, July 23. Henry Z. Itus bell was in New York on business the past few days. The indications nro Hint Wnyno coun ty will furnish a good apple crop, this coming lull. Mrs. Parker ond son, Weston, and daug,,;r, Mqlllo.of Patcrson, N. J., nrd Itlng iionosdnlo relatives. 't school directors of Honesdulc, thU morning, selected from the twenty five applicants. H, A. O'Dny as nrln ttpal of the Honesdulc schools. Mr. O'Day sor.vcd as principal of the schools ni Athens, PH., and Is a young man of much promise. MUs Bertha Finn, who has been spending the past month with rela tives In Honcsdalc, returned to her homo In scrnnton, Thursday evening. Saturday will be a field day on the grounds of the Golf club. Mrs. J. D. .Weston and Misses Irene L. Tlbbcts and -Antoinette S. Durlnnd will serve. People areanxiously waiting for Hie Wayne bounty Development company to make developments promised, that thoy mcj know If the Dyborry Valley Is in ths oil belt. The Honcsdalc Llcdorki'nnss will have n parade and open air concert Tuesday evening next. The lrdsic will be fur nished by the Maph-.Clty band and the Black Cat quartette. They will also furnish music for the excursion to Lake Lodore, Wednesday morning. Mlss Mabel Newklrk, of New York c. v. is the guest of Miss Grace A. Coi on Third street. Th: Sday evening, July 31, the Odd FelldwAof Honcsdalc will meet In Freedom hull and celebrate in honor of William Weise, who was made an Odd Follow fifty years ago. Horace T. Monncr Is down by the Iseu, taking a two weeks' vacation. Zenas H. Russell has returned from h. western trip. A cousin, Mrs. James W. Burnliam, of Horneilsvllle, accom panied him here. Editor Henry Wilson, of the Hones-' 'dale1-Citizen, .and daughter, Eva U, arc at Norwich, N. jY., for a week's stay. Base ball'- thfs Saturday afternoon on silk mill ground, Honcsdale vs., Tay lor Reds. I- " . HAWLEY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hawley, ,July 26. Lc'roy R'olllson was a guest of relatives here this week. Mrs. A. L. Sultzman and child, of . New York city, are the guests of Dr. Wand Mrs. Fritz. Alfred W. Walkoy, of Scranton, and Miss Angela Orcc, of Matamoras, are guests at" the home of W. C. KmtDP this week. John Crane is filling the position of William Bea in Snyder's pharmacy, while, the latter is spending his vaca tion at Big nond. , At the Methodist Episcopal church, on Wednesday at noon, occurred one of. the prettiest weddings of the sea son, when Lcona, the daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Kimble, was united in marriage to Cordon II. .Wheeler, of Massllon. O., formerly of this place. .The bridal party was led by Rev. S. C feimpkln and Rev. 11. D. Minch, w' took places on either side of the altar. Then came the groom, followed by his Pest Jnan, Manley Ammermnn, of Honesdale, and the ushers, Russel Walj, Marcus Tuttle, Bert Kimble and Charles Lange, und four bridesmaids, theMlsses Dunn, Mao Geary and Emily Wheeler. The bride entered on the arm of her father, who gave her away. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Simpkins, and prayer was offered by He v. Mlnch. E. P. Varcoe wont to Gettysburg with Company E, of the Thirteenth regi ment. Miss Evans, of Scranton, attended the Wheeler-Kimble wedding, Wednes day. About one hundred friends of little Bessie Boland were entertained at. a birthday party last Saturday. HOPBOTTOA1.. Speclnl to the Scranton Tribune. Hopbottom, July 20. Miss Belle War ren', of Scranton, is the guest of Miss Attn, Finn. Mrs. O. D. Roberts spent Thursduy with her sister, Mrs. E. D. Bell, in Nicholson. Mr ,and Mrs. James Jeftcrs and son, Fred nro enjoying a week's outing at Cozy Nook cottage. Mrs. E. M. Tiffany entertained the following- guesU. Thursday evening: Rev. L. Lewis, Miss Inola Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Loomls, Mr. und .Mrs. Joseph Tiffany, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Loom y.. Miss Daisy Smith entertained at tlio Valley View' house, on Wednesday evening, Miss Alta Finn, Miss Bollo Warren, Miss Myrtle Phillips, G. A. Roberts, x. ji, Kimi and John Blsbee. me Junior union will servo ice cream on Miss Ida Sterling's lawn, Saturday evening. Mrs. V'lltnrd Ballou has returned to her home Jti KIngslund, Maine. Mrs. Warren Whitney, who hat been visiting friends at this place, will leave for rqnnont the first of tho week, ac companied by her husband. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bell are spend ing a few days with relatives In Nichol son. Miss Belle Taylor spent Wednesday In town. , UNIONDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Uniondalo, July 26, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Foster and children are visit ing friends In Thompson, Mrs. Hnyden, of Philadelphia, is vis Itlne nt the home of Frank Huydon. Miss Edith Spoor, of Thompson, was entej-tulncd by her parents, over Sun day, Mrs. S. S, Coloimm Is slowly recov ering' after a severe attack of Illness, Rev. H. J", Crane Is In New Milford, repulrlng his barn, which was badly dumuged by wind, Mr, und Mrs, Brady, of Scranton, are spending their vacation with Mr, and Mrs. I. p, Norton. Mr. and Mrs. F, Z. Carpenter nro entertaining Mr. Berry, of Carbondale. Rev, p. D. Jenkins and daughter, Marjorle, have returned after a visit with relatives in White's Valley, The IJplondale band will hold an ice cream social on Davis' (awn, Saturday && --TTf ,Tjr" tin remedy that cures a cola (u ouo laj evening, July 26. Good music will bo furnished, ii in in tm i i HALLSTEAD. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. Hnllstead, July 23. Miss Winifred Tlngley, of Cohocs, and Miss Ltlllc Tlngley, who have been spending the summer at Harford and Gibson, ar rived at their homo In Hnllstead today. Milliard's Cornet band will give an other of their fine concerts and lee cream festivals this evening at West Side park. Ray Carden, of "Glrard college, Is spending his Vacation with his grand mother, Mrs, James E. Krum. " Mr. and Mrs. Ira B, Preston, who have been visiting relatives ut Nor wich, Schlnevus und Coppcrstown, have returned home. Rev. John A. Davis, of Lestcrshlrc, N.Y., will preach at the Baptist church, Sunday, both morning and evcnlngTHc will also address v the Young Men's, Chrlstinn assoclutlqn meeting, at the rooms at 5.30 p.' in. Miss Hnttlo Tlngley, of Brookdulp, Is visiting at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tlngley. ' , Bert Read, of, New Milford, called on his parents yesterday. Miss Fuller, of Blnghamton, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Decker. Frank Alymer will have charge of the Yoke Fellows' band at the Young Men's Christian association, Sunday monllng at 9.30 o'qlock. D.' W. Hill, of Blnghamton, was a business caller In town, Monday. Miss Lena Brown, of Elmira, Is .visiting- relatives .ahd-frlcnds-ln town. The ladles of the Presbyterian church were entertained by Mrs. L. E. Tiffany and Mrs. William Barnes, at the home of the latter: Ice cream and cake were served. NICHOLSON. Special to tlio Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, July 23. A large number assembled at the laying of- the corner stone of the new Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Rev. Van Cleft, of Waverly; Rev. Austin, of Foster, und the presiding' elder.Rev. Mr. Sweet, of Blnghamton, who made appropriate remarks suitable to the occasion, con ducted tile exercises. Florence Buck, of Blnghamton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. D. Pratf After spending a week with her par ents, Mrs. John- Bailey has returned to her homo at Harrisburg. Mrs.' William Werkheiser, who hud a enncer removed recently, is still in a serious condition. Mrs. F. E. Benjamin's sister irom Ashley is visiting friends here. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Semnton Tribune. Tunkhannock, July a. Tho Triton base ball team will tfo to Montroso on Tues day to play a game with the Montrose team. It is expected mat u large num ber of our citizens will accompany tho team on Its triu. Mr. Eacrun: tho real estate agent of tho iLoliieli Viillev company, was here on AVodnesday and had a talk with somo of our business men concerning tho lo cution of a proposed creamery on tlio company's land near tho depot. The site was selected and the matter will bo dis cussed with tho oillciulsof the company by their representative. If the location is granted, tlio matter of erecting tho necessary buildings will bu taken up at once by the board of trade, and there Is good reason to believe that the project will be successful. Aaron Brown ami family are at At lantic City. Tlio Methodist Sunday school will hold n picnic in Dana's grove, on tho west side of the river, on Friday. Professor William Wood nnd wife, of Southold, L. I., are spending the summer with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Wlntcrmiite. The ball game on Wednesday between the Tritons and tho Stafford and Train men team, of Wllkes-Barrc, was won by tlio last mentioned team by a scoro of 5 to 1. Jesse E. Slckler, of Falls, the. young man who was admitted as mi nttornoy here at tho Juno term of court, was a visitor In town on Wednesday. Since be ing -admitted hero Mr. Slckler has taken an examination beforo tho law exam ining board nt Scranton, tho result of which is yet to ho learned. It is his in tention to open an offli-o at Scranton if successful In passing there. Mrs. Byron Blakcslco and daughter nro visiting friends at Dcckerstnwn, N. J. Mrs. ' Jams I.chr, of Easton, is tho guest of her mother, Mrs. Evallno Gear hart, on South Warren street. Tlio ladles of J. W. 'Reynold's Women's Relief corps held -a picnic nt Lake Wl nolu on Thursday. Assoclato Judgo Frank M. Vaughn, of Mcshoppcn, was transacting -business In town on Wednesday. Squire Sampson, of Baltimore, Is visiting- relatives at this plneo". William E. Stark, of Scranton, was cnlllng on friends in town on Wednesday, All mercantile licenses were duo on July 1, and the law makes It tho duty of tho county to s-40 for all licenses re maining unpald'iiftcr ten days from that date. Quito a number .of dealers oro in arrears in tills county, and the treas urer will soon commence to collect it they uro not paid. x BROOKLYN. Special to tho Scrnnton Tribune. Brooklyn, July 23. O, 51, Doloway, Misses Joblo and Jessie Dolowny and Iiernlco Doran visited Slontroso Wednes day, Sirs. Velmer Lathrop and children, of Philadelphia, are visiting friends in Brooklyn, J. B, Stephens, of Montrose, was a caller In town Tuesday. Mr. Stephens is much Interested In our telephones. Three new 'phones h.ivo been placed during tho' past wcelc at J, J. Austin's, II, W. Boper's and W. A. Stephens,' Tho straw ride last Friday evening was nulla successful notwithstanding the rainy weather. Two Jolly loads drove to tlio homo of Andrew Kent, whero re freshments were sorved and games' in dulged in until about midnight, when thoy again enjoyed (?) a struAV rldo homo In the rain. Miss Daisy Fish will entertain a com pany of young people at her homo to night, Dancing will bo tho chief amuso nient. Mrs. Fraik Fish returned to her home In Blnghumton Sunday after visiting relatives here. Mrs. Eliza Benjamin, of Illinois, is spending somo time with frlonds hero, She expects to make her homo in tho cast. i The Methodist Episcopal Aid meets wth Mrs. Corson this vycek Thursday. I'd signature. 1b on every bos ot the gonuln,- Laxative BroraoQutaineTabieu ANNOUNCEMENTS, OF THE RAILROADS ATLANTIC CITY. Excursion Via New Jersey Central on August 1, 1002. Fare for adults, $5.00j fare for chil dren, $2.30. ItoUnd trip tickets on snlc at stntlons mentioned bctoW and good going on special train, schedule of which follows, or on any regular "trnln on nhovo dntc, nml good to return, on regular trains on or before August 11. Special trnln leaves Wllkes-Barrc, 8.30 it. in. j Hnzlc street, 8.32 n. ,m.j South AVIlkes-ttnrre, 8.34 a. m.j Ashley, 8.38 a, m.j Laurel Run, 0.07 iv m.i Penob scot, 3.20 a. in.; White Haven, 0.42 n. m.; Leslie Run, 0.51a. m.i Ponn Haven Junction, 10.14 ii. in.: Munch Chunk, 10.30 ii. in. W. G. Dealer, general man ager; C. M. Burt, general passenger agent. 951.25 to Salt Lake City and Return via the Lehigh Valley Bollroad.- On account of . the Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective' Order of Elks meeting at, Salt Lake city, Utah, August 12-14, "the Lehigh Valley rail road will sell round trip tickets 'at the rate of $31.23 good going August 6th, 7lh and 8th, good for return passage to and Including September 30th. Tickets goqd on all trains except the Black Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further In formation. ' Biennial Meeting,Knights of Pythlasf San Francisco, Cnl, Aug. 11-22. For tho nbovc occuslon ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will', sell special excursion tickets to cither Ran Francisco or Los Angeles and return, at rate of $G(5.25, from Scrnnton, dates of sale, August 1 to 9, with final return limit to reach orlglnnl starting point, not later than September 30. See the Lackawanna ticket agent In reference to stop-off, authorized in either direc tion; also variable routes and side trips. Sunday Excursion to Glen Onoko and Mauch Chunk, via the Lehigh Val ley Bailroad, July 27. j Special train will leave Wllkes-Barre at S.25 a. m. Fare -for tho round trip: Adults, $1; children, 75 cents. Switch back tickets will be sold on the train. Consult agents for particulars. S66.25 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Cal., and He turn via the Le high Valley Bollroad. On account of the biennial meeting, Knights of Pythias, at San Francisco, August 11-22, tho Lehigh Valley rail road will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal at $65.23 good goingAugust 1st to 9th, In clusive, good for return passage to Sep tember 30th, good on any train except the Black Diamond Express. See Le high Valley ticket agents for further information. ' The Silver Lake Assembly, silver Lake, N. Y., July 29-Aug. 21. For tho above occasion special ex cursion tickets may bo purchased via the Lackawanna railroad to Silver Lake and return, at rate of $7.l!0 from Scran ton. Tickets will be on sale July 15th to August 21st, inclusive, going limit date of sale, with linal return limit to Sept.1 1st, 1002, Inclusive. Children be tween the ages of 5 and 12 years at one half adult rate. $5.00 Atlantic City $5.00. On August 1 tho New Jersey Central will run their eleventh annual excur sionknown ns tho Bed Men's excur sionto Atlantic City. Fare, rive dol lars, and tickets good for ten days, ex clusive of day or sale. Special train, will leave Scranton at S a. in., stopping nt Taylor, Moosle, Avoca, Pittston, Yatesvillo, Miner's Mills, Parsons and Wllkes-Barrc. One hundred and flfty pounds of baggage checked through to Atlantic City, free of charge. For list oChotels, boarding houses, or any ad ditional information, apply to ticket agents, or to J. S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. Knights of Pythias Meeting-, San Francisco. The Nickel Plato railroad will sell August 1st. to 10th. Inclusive, special excursion tickets, Buffalo, N. y. to San Francisco and return at rate $62.00, good returning to Sept. 30th., account above meeting. Best accommodations, fast time, lowest rates. See nearest agent or write n. E, Payne, general agent, 201 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Homeaeekers' Excursion. To points all through tho West xn Nickel Plato railroad. Lowest rates, best accommodations. Through tourist car service, lluest coaches. Club meals 35c to J1.00, also meals a la carte. See nearest agent or write It. 12. Payne, general agent, 2S1 Main, street, Buffalo, N. Y. HISTORICAL PUZZLE. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Cut out tho pictures appearing on this pago each day, draw a pencil murk around tho hidden object, bhvo them until Saturday, then send them, or tnlco them to Tho Tribiino ofllco In an envelope, uddrcsaed to "PiizbIq Department." Enclose In tho envelope your iinmo, ago and address. Tho hoys and girls who correctly murk tho six pictures appearing during tho week, nnd whore answers nro first received, will havo their names published .in The Tribune Monduy morning. ""- i '" nim-j.-.. t.? ..-,.H General Mercer receives his mortal wound, Find Major Jewls, In whoso arms he died, and the Quaker maiden who nursed him. 4 SICK MADE WELL WEAK MADE STRONG Marvelous Elixir of Lire Discover ed by Famous Doctor-Scientist That Curc'sEvcry Known Ailment. Wonderful Cures Arc Effected That Seem Like Miracles Per formed The Secret of Long Life or Olden Times Revived. The Remedy Is Free to All Who Send Name und Address. After CJr nt patient etuii-, and nelvlnx into tho dusty record nf'tlic p.ut, bi well as follow, hilt luotletn experiments in tlic realms' of ineilt cnl science, Dr. .TamcA W. Kidd, 1C7.1 Il.illcs building, Fort U'n.uic, Ind., makes tlio startling announcement that he Ins surely dls- Dlt. JAMES WILI.IASi KIDD. covered the elixir of life. That lie Is able with tho aid of a mysterious compound, known only to hlmsell, produced as a result of tho vears he has spent in Benching for this precious lllc-glvlng boon, to cure uny and every dUeao that is known to the human body. There Is no doubt of the doctor's earnestness In making his claim and the remarkable cures that he is dally elTectlng 'seems to bear him out very strongly. Ills theory which he tidwim-es Is uno or reason and based on sound experience in a medical prac tice of many years. It rosts nothing- to try his remarkable "KlKIr of l.ilc," as he calls it, for he sends it tree to aiijonu who rs a auftcier, in uHlcUnt quantities to convince ot its ability to cine, to there is absolutely no risk to run. Some of the cures cited are very remarkable, and but loi reliable witnesses would hardly l.e credit ed. The lame have thrown auay crutches and walked about alter two or three, trials of the lemedv. The sick, irlven 'up by hoiiie doctors, have been iestoti;d to their families and friends in pcrtect health. llhcuiii.itiin, Hemaltfla, stom ach heart, liver, kidney, b'-'Ul and skin diseases and' bladder troubles til" -as by magic, ltcadjches, backaches, nt. . ,Cs, levers, con slicnptlun, coughs, colds, asthma, cltnirli, bion chitis and all uffeetluus of the throat, lungs or any vital uigaus aie easily overcome in a space of time that is simply marvelous. Partial paraljsis, locomotar ataxia, dropsy, gout, sciofula and piles aie quickly und perma nently icmovcd. It purifies the entire system, blood and tissues, restores normal nerve power, ciiciilation and a state of perfect health is pio duced at once. To the doctor all systems aie alike and equally affected by this great "Ulltir of Lite." Send for the lemcdy today. It is fuo to every surtoier. State what you want to be cured of and the suie remedy for it will be sent you tree by return mail, BASE BALL. American League. At Baltimore first game It.H.E. Chicago 0 1 001 55 2 1-15 IS 4 Baltimore 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 0-4 (i 7 Batteries Patterson and Sullivan; Howell nnd Yeager. Umpire Johnstone. Second game B.H.E. Chicago 0 0 00 1300 0-4 0 2 Baltimore 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 x 5 0 1 Batteries Grimtli. Gnrvln and McFar rell; Wiltso and Yeager. Umpire John stone. At Washington- B.H.E. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 5-0 7 1 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 0 2 Batteries Jos;s and Beniis; Orth and Drill. Umpires Caruthcrs and Connolly. At Boston R.H.E. St. Louts 0 0 0030 0 00-'3 4 3 Boston 01140000X 6 9 2 Batteries Harper and SiiKdenj Sparks and Warner. Umpire Sheridan. At rain. Philadelphia-Dotrolt-Phliadelphla; National League. At "Boston- 11.H.E. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 4 Boston 1003 0000X 4 9 0 Butteries Dpggleby and Doqln; Plttln gor nnd Moran. Umpires Eason und White. At New York- R.II.E. Brooklyn 0 0 10 0 0 0 10-2 7 1 New York OOOfl.OOOOO 0 9 2 Kltson and Fiirrcll: Cronln and Bres- nahan. Umpire Emsllc. At Chicago R.II.E. Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 3 1 o o 2- 6 10 2 Chicago 0 0 00100001 5 3 Batteries Phillips and Bergen; Mene fce and Kllng. Umpire O'Day. St. Louls-Plttsburg; not scheduled. Eastern League.. Jersey City. 10; Toronto, 0. BufTulo, 3; Providence, 2. Newark, G; Montreal, 1. Rochester, 4; Worcester, 0. 'Vf SJ$&i WWPJ whj THE TRIBUNE'S "WMF , FOR B Fl SUES. Only Half a Ont a Word. BranoTi WANt OfflcH. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of tho follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHUI.TZ. comer Mul ' berry street and Webster avo.i OU8TAV PICIIEL, ISO Adnnw avenue. West Side GEO. V. JENKJNS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton i t FRED L. TERPPE. 720 Cedar avenue. ' , North Scranton ' GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mnln avenue and Market street. - , Green Bldge CHARLES P. JONES, 1537 Dick son avenue, F. J. JOHNS. 020 Green Rldgo street. C. LOnWJ55. corner Washington avenue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFEL, ion Irving avenue. . , Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. ' Tor Bent. FOlTR nlco front rooms;- steam heat and bath; rent low; D2i Olive. FOR RENT After September 1. eight room house, till modern conveniences, with steam heat free; good location; rent moderate. Apply nt-Trlbuno ofllco, For Sale. FOR SALE A lino square piano. In ex cellent condition. Stleff's make. Ad dress Mrs. K., cai-o of Tribune. FOR SALE 200 mineral specimens and samples of rock carrying minerals; also mineral deposit curiosities; must be seen to lie appreciated. Reasonable. It. Hughes, Carbondale, Pa. FOR SALE A first class meat market. Owner will work fou party. Address 131 vChcstnut street, Dunmore, Pa. FOR SALE Parrots that talk, sing, and danco; also a new lot of Cuban Par rots; .all fine healthy male birds; three montfis' guarantee. Bird and cape, $3. Fox, 49 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia. Wanted To Eent. WANTED TO rent by a gentleman, two unfurnished rooms, with heat and use of bath. Box 500, Tribune ofllco. A FAMILY of throo ndufts wants to rent on October 1st a furnished or un furnished houso of about seven rooms; guarantee best possible caro of property; references furnished. Address Lynd, caro Tribune. WANTED A small houso or flat, prefer ably furnished, in desirable location. To gain attention, stato terms. P, O. Eox 327. Furnished Booms for Bent. FURNISHED ROOMSoTcnraodorn Improvements; privato family; gon tlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenuo. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlomon pre ferred, at 539 Adams avenuo. . Beal Estate. LOTS, houses nnd farms for sale. J. C. Ztirflloh, Sco FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Green Rldgo; choice neighbor hood; most dcshablrf locality for homo in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvltio, 1738 Sanderson avenuo. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Quick, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to C per cont. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connell building. Lost. LOST Brlndle Boston bull terrier dog with screw tall. Sultablo reward for its return to 818 Jefferson avenue. LOST Purse, Wednesday evening, con taining sum of money and phonograph bill. Liberal toward. Get owner's name from Tribune SEA LEg Ug7? OPOSALS. SEALED PBOPOSALS will bo received by tho excursion committee of Flro men's Relief association at-their rooms, 221 Spruco street. Monday, July 2S, 11)32, for furnishing refreshments for tho ex cursion to Cranberry Lake, Aug. 17, 190.'. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened in tho ofllco of tho City Recorder by tlio Director of tho Department of Public Works ut 3 o'clock p. m. on Mbnday. August 4, 1902, for tho construction of three (3) sewer basins In tho Fourteenth ward, according to plans and sneclllcu tlona on lilo In tho Bureau or Engineer ing, Proposal blanks will bu furnished by tho Bureau of Engineering and no otlurs will bo accepted. Proposals must bo liled'with tho City Controller at" his ofllco In the City Hull, Scranton, Pu,, not later than 2.3U o'clock p. in. on Monday. Auptust 4, 19U2. Tho city resorves tho right to reject any or nil bids. JOHN K. ROCHE, Director, Department of Publlo Works. DIMOCK. EptcUl fo the Scranton Tribune. Dlinock, July 23. Mrs. Dr, Struppler nnd two daughters, of Scranton, urn spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wurlclf. Dr. Struppler, of Scranton, spent Sunday with his family at this place, The Lehigh Valley company Is chang-! Ing their narrow gaugo Into a wide gauge. Thoy have n, gang of men hustling It right nlong. They nro put ting the third rail down at present, und raising and flllliig'lu the track. Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Wanlck and Mrs. Dr. Struppler and two daughters went to Montroso to the, hag sule and sup per, on Wednesday, ' Mr. and Mrs, John Struppler arc entertaining- Mrs. Delanwter, of Elmlru. DURYEA. Spoelalto tho Scranton Tribune, Duryeu, July 23. Mrs. John Johns and duughter, Mary, and son, John, are spending a few days with friends in Wllkes-Barre. Miss Sarah Brown spent Sunday with friends in Scranton. Interesting games of base bull are being plave'd on th& Lawreneavllle grounds tirVse days. .Miss Vannle Atkinson Is in, Phlla-delphlu. No Order Accepted Tor Less Than to Cents. Help Wanted Male. COAL- MINERS THE POCAHONTAS COUUIERICS COMPANY air. A. J. King, Superintendent, with bituminous ,coal mines In tlio town of. Pocnhontns, Tazewell County, States of Virginia, on the Norfolk and Wcsturtf Ball way, wants somo good, experienced coal miners at once. WAOES: For pick mining nnd loading entry coal ,, no cents per car I'or pick mining and loading room conl ...,,,. 75 cents per .car For mining and loading miiclilno inulor-cilt entry coal .;70 cents per car For mining nnd loading mnehlno under-cut room coal,...6S cents .per car 1 Inside ti'itcu hivm-s ,....:.!: ri In l2.'- nor ilnv l Insltln track layer helpers it. Ml to (1.75 per day IiirMo timber men ' J-'.CHl per day '"- Inside timber helpers ., -........;.... U.W) per day Parties of-10 run procure speclnl tickets for JIO.7.1 for each person over th Pennsylvania Railroad from Philadelphia to Pocahontas. Regular fnro for one person alone, J1I.33. Arrangements can bo mado to advance tlio railroad faro to r4 Bponslblo persons. Good miners will get regular cmployinent nnd good accommodations, as thai, town ,of PocahontaH bus over 4,000 Inhabitants, , , POCAHONTAS CUI.L.I I'iUl i J . - YOUNG men wanted any distance, copy letters, homo evenings and return to lis. Wo pay $10 per thousand send ad dressed envelope, particulars and copy. F. M. C. Dept 68, Box 1411, Philadelphia - CIVIL Service Government .Positions 7,972 appointment mnilo botween July 1, 1001, and April 13. IMC. Only common school education tcciulred for examina tion. Cntuloguo of Information 'free Col umbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. ' WANTED At Flnley's. throo experi enced dry goods salesmen. WANTED Young man who understands either bookkeeping br short-hand. Ap ply by letter only, stating experlrnre. references and Balnry expected. Footo & Fuller Co, Help Wanted Female. YOUNG ladles wanted any distance, copy letters, home evenings and return to us. We pay $10 per thousand send ad dressed envelope, particulars and copy. F. M. C. Dept. 58, .Box 1111, Philadelphia. Help Wanted. HOSfB WORK-JGO monthly copying lot tors; either sex. Send two stamps for particulars. . Itlck's Supply Co., 5051 Halsteud Bt., Chicago. Situation Wanted. SITUATION 'WANTED-By ft young wo man In dining room; best of refer ences. Address Kplia Blockberger, Oly phant, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-By a young man as shipping and stock clerk; has good habits and has a position at present, but desires a change for good reason. Can furnish good reference. Address H. C, caro of Tribune. Beward. $3,00 REWARD Package containing bracelet and locket addressed Stephen D. Engle, Hazleton, Pa. Georgo W. Finn, rew 'phono 90S. Business Opportunity. A RARE chnnco for parties with small capital. Flno store room for rent, with small clean stock of. general mer chandise which will bo sold low to par ties' renting room. Has been successful stand for thirty years In one of best manufacturing, towns In Pennsylvania. No foreign population. This will pay you to Investigate. Address Business, 125 S. Front street, Milton, Pa. STOCK AND WHEAT' TRADERS with out delay. Write for our speciul mar ket letter. Frco on application! S. M. Hlbbnrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchancc. 41 nnd 4li -Broadway, Now York. Established ,1801. ijong uismnco -t'nono ssss urona. Boarders Wanted. BOARDERS WANTED Will tako sum mer boarders;- threo large airy roonis and good tablo board. Address O. K., Dalton, Pa. Board and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with first class tablo board, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenuo. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, launders shirts nt Sc. each and collars and cuffs at l!c. each. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD'C. SPAUI.DING. C. P. A.. 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B R(fnl Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash ington avo. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI . building, Spruco streot, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII. 115 WYOMING nvc. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS!,' In nil f.ni,ntrli.s Of tlicGlnhc. 1'Vin nnlt. llr.mia.wl nml nnnlnnnil n-.tnn. solicitor In the city. No charge for In formation on patentability: over ten years experience. Itcploglc & Co.. fllcars Bldfc. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANK Hit avenuo. Rates reasonable, P. HIKGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRtaOS CLEANS PRIVV VAULTS and cess pools: no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Utiggs. pioprlotnr, Leave orders UOO North Main nvoivao. or Elcko's drug Btore, corner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUKTTEIi. REAR 511 LACKA, nvo Scranton, mfrs.. of Wlro. Screens, Miscellaneous. MEGARGEH BROS., PRINTERS' SUP pllo3, envelopes, 'paper bags, twins. Warohoufcc, Vi Washington uvenue. THE WILKEti-BARRB RECORD CAN bo had in Scrnnton at tl.o nows stand of Rclsman Bros., 4W Spruco and 503 Linden; M. Norton, 3.'S Lnckuwanua ave.i I. B, Schutzcr, 211 Sprucu struct, x RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Erie Bailroad Co., Wyoming Division Trains leavo Scranton for Hawley und local stations at 8.13 u. in., 1.3, &.2i) lllui 7,53 p. m. Sundays, at 9.00 u. in. nnd i:jr, p. m. For New York. Honesdule and Inter mediate points, at 1.35 p. in. Trains urrive at Scranton ut S.30 a. m.i 3.09. 7.23 and 9.15 ji. n). Sundays, 1,00 p. m. and S.15 p; m'. ' iRECl$W '(.uuvyuiuiiijibuo Only Half a Cent a Word, f - - i :L Help Wanted Male. WANTED - - a tJuail'AWI, Mil Arcado Bldg.,,,Plilia, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. ' , In -Effect Jund 1, '1902. i , Trains lenvo Scranton tor Now York At 1.50. 3.20, .03, 7.50 mid 30.10 u. m.: li.40, , J.40r 3 35 p. m; For Now York nnd Phlla-j dolphln-7.50. 10.1(1 d. iii.,-' and 12.40 and 3.3T p. m. For Gotildsboro At 6.10 p. m. For' Buffnld-1.13, 0-22 ami 9.M) a. m.: 1.53, ti.30 und 11.10 p. in. For Blnglmmton, Khnlra. and-way stiitlons-10.25 S. m.. 1.03 p. m; For Oswego, Syrrtcuso and Utlcn 1.15 and' 0.22 it. m.; 1.33 p, in. Oswego, Syracuse nnd Utlca train nt (1.22 n. m. dally, except Sunday.' For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; 1.03 and 0.50 i). m. Nicholson accommodation -1.no nnd (U3'ii. in. Blooinsburg Division For Northumber land at 0.35 nnd 10.10 ..m.: 1.53 nnd 6.10 p. 'ni: For' Plymouth, at 8,10 a. m.i 3.4u and i9.05 ,i. iii. Sunday Trains For New York, 1.50, 3.20, 0.05, 10.10 'u. niii 3.40 nnd 3.33 n. m. For-Burnlo-1.13 nnd 6.22 ni m;; 1.53, 0.50 and ll.io.p, m. For Elmira and way stations io.2j a. m. For BInnhumton and wny sta tions. 9.00 n. m., Blnomsbtirg Division LcaVo'BcrUntoh, 10.10 a ,m. and 6.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bailrbad. In Effect June 13. 1902. Trains Leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and Now York via D. &, H. It. R ut 7.41." through Parlor Car and Day Coach .Carbondale. to Now Yprk. and 9.47 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Carbon dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.18, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun days, D. &. H. n, R 1.3S. 9.17 p. m. For White Haven. Hazlcton and princi pal points In the coal regions, via Vi & II. R. R., 7.11, 2.1S and 4.35 p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7.41 n. m. ' For, Bethlehem. Enston, Rending. Har- . rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta- tlons. via D..& H. R. R.. 7,U.-9.47 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.35 (Black Dlnmond Express). 11,49 p. m. Sundays. D. & H. R. It., 9.3S a. mt! 1.58. 9.17 p. in. For Ttiukliannnck, Towonda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermedial stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & ii. r. r 12.0.1 p. m.: 3.28 (Black Dlnmond Express), 10.41. 11.49 n. m. Sun days. D. & H. R. R 12.03, 9.17 p. in. Pullman -parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains hetweon Wilkes-I'arro and Now York. Philadel phia, Buffalo-and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. AVILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. T.EE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cortland street,- New York. A. W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office,' 69 -Publlo -Square, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Bailro'ad of New Jersey. Ill- Effect Juno .29, 1902. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. IX. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Fasten, Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley. Wllkes-Bnrro and Pittston at 7.30' a. m., 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30' a. m., through solid vcsttbulo train with 'Pullman Btlfret;Paror Car for Phil adelphia with only Tone change of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D: C and all principal points south and west. For Avoca. Pittston and Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. ' For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 and 1 p. m. , For Reading, Lebanon nnd Harrisburg via Allcntown at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m. and '4 p. m. Sundny, 2.10 p. m. . For Tamnqua. and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager., C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule in Effect Juno 16, 1902. K - Trains leave Scranton: 0."S n. m., week days, through vestibule train from Wllkcs-Bane, Pullmnn buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, Via Potts vllloi stops at principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects.- for Sunbury, Har risburg; Philadelphia, Baltimore'; Wash ington and for ritlshurg and tho West. 9.47 a. m.. week clays, for Sunbury. Har risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 1.12 n. m., week days, (Suiiduys. 1.5$ p. m.), for Sunbury. Harrisburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore. Washington and Pltts burB and tho West. 3.2S p. in., week days, thrmigh vestibule train from AVilkes-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor car end coaches to Philadelphia via I'ottsvnie. aiops at principal intermedi ate stations. 4.35 p. m., week d-iys. for Hazloton, Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pitts- K' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.' J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. .Agt. Delaware nncL Hudson. Ill Effect Juno 10, ,1902. Trains for Carbondale leave Scranton at 0.44. 7.31!, 8.30, 10,13 a. m.; 12.03, 1,12, 2.11, 3.311, 5.29, Oi'5, 8.21. 0.13, 10.01 p. m.; 12.1S, 1.3S a. m. For lloncsdale-0.4l, 10.13 u. m.; 2.11 and 5.20 p. m. ' For Wllkcs-Barrc0.3S. 7.41. S.41. 9.47, 10.53 n. 111.: 12.U). 1,4.', 2.18, 3.28, 4.33, 6,10, 7. IS. 10.11, 11.40 i in. v For L. V. It. It. Polnts-7.41, 9.17 a. m.i mi! lor .....1 if .n .. ... .n, -,,( i,,i, it,irf ., .... P. "i, .I, . t, -.t,i W. L. PRY.Oll, p. P. A), Scrarton, Pa; Now Y.orh, pntarto' and Weistprn Time Table In Effect Sunday, June 13, 1JM NORTH HOUND TRAINS, i! Leave Leavo Arrro Trains. Bcrautnu. Carbondale. Cadnsta.. No. i , Ki.30 u. in. li.ioa.m. i.unp. m. For Pennsylvania It. R. Points 63 9.47 U. 111.; 1.42, 3.2S and 4.33 p. in. For Albany.-nud-nlljpuuits ,nprJJv-7.3a3u m. and 3,0iJ.im iMiiw 'WsJiiU 2? SUNDAi' TRAINS. -2- For Corhoiidalo S.5ii, n.33 a, m.; 2,11, 3.50. 5.52 and 11.17 JI. m. , ' ' , . ; For wiikes-B.-irro-9.as a, m.:, 12.03, 1JE, 3.28: (i.S2 and' 9.17 n. tn.. ... ' .. For Albany and points uqr,t)i-3,Sf 'p. .W. For Houcsd.ilQ-rS.50 a. ,m.;.ll.S3 and 3.83 No. :i 4.MJi,.m ,?:-np.m, .u.i'jp.4n. No, 7 G.l0p..in.A'',Carbondalefl.4t)n.m SOUTH BOUND. ' I . Leavo Leave r ArrJya Trains. CadoaldfiCiiiuoiidnlo. SJUntdJf: No, U ,.,.,, u.oif;m. -i.ia'u.in. No. 4 ,,.... 8.40a. in, lO.ot a.m. I0.i0n,4tji No. 2 ....'.. 2.15 p. 111. 4.IX) p. ni.'Jl 4.'43 p.Jni SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTIPBOUNl ' Leavo Leavo .ArrB'o Trains. .Scranton. Carbondale. Cadnstn: No. o ,..,,. 8.BOU. mi 4,uii.ni. 10.45 u., to; No, 5 ,.,,,, 7.00 p. m.Ar.CnrbonJal9'7iO pjrn Leavo LcavH Arrtye Trains, Cadosla. Curbriudalo. Scranton. No. ,,.,,. '.&0 a, m. 7:2.1 a.Si, No. 10 4.30 p.m. O.Oii-fi. in. 6.43p.Jm7 Trains Nos. 1 on week days, nnd' 9 jb'ij Sundays connect for New York city, &Ii?t diet own. Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Oa. wego ami all points west. -J- Train 3 for Poyntello, Walton, Delhi. Sidney, Norwich and all s'ow Berlin brunclr;poliits. . . TraliK No. U,. with "Quaker City Ex. presfc-'Sit Scrujltoii.'vlft C. B.'R. of N.-J., for PhlladelpliIwUlar" City. Baltimore! Wpldtigtou unU IJermsyltfaola state See time-table and consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. J.. C. ANDERSON, a, R A,, .New, York.' J. IS. WELSH. T. l;-X,"8crJn(on. ?" ' fl il i m h.i .9i . .r.l- & .SEM .' ?! . - ii. SAW. -" w. ifil - .' t. 4