.-' lit $? h'V. I THE SCRANTOST TRIBUNE-SATtTRDAY, JUL1C 20 1002. ' m w ss Mi!' ; iS v , m sasr ? 1... !''.&t r J. 15 r i ') ir I". h i V :"V.i-a If' Ftf , LW x' i? a) r t t ir" 2. f t I,. il tHj J? I ' iMaaBBHaaaaH si 5 IV w XfiflKa New fcitlRene rtulldltlff find "Loan Association will loan 11,000 at juj a.'tnonin i-nyH o per com. dn gjock'pttymonts." Fines arti only 1 per cent. , y a HEkltY J. ZIEOLErt, President. ' 501 Ccdnr Avciuie. - T. J. SNOWDEN, Vlco President, , ,, Mason & Snowdon dumber Co. WENHY'F. BlEGLHtt. Secretary, ZlcBlcr fit Schumnchor. iH. T. lIATtDElCTrciiHUrcr, rj JOHN SCIlEtTEll, JR., , , . Penrni. BaUlnB Co., 310 Elm Bt 'WILLIAM DEI.KE. , k 1214 Mulberry Streot. JACOB V. Mit.LUR, , , Ins. Ast, 414 Hoard of Trado Bids. HENRY SCUUUERT, , it .,. . 419 Ninth Street. ROBERT P. KORHLKn. . C37 Linden Street JACOB IUJPPKNTllAL. SIX) S. Irving Avenue. GEORC31 SMITH. , , Aldermnn Meyer's Offtco. R. A. ZIMMERMAN, , ,, Attorney, 414 Tloard of Trade Bldg. HENRY J, SPRUKS. i Of Spruks Brothers. OlOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'They Draw Well." Morris' Mapdt Cigars Th best value for 5 cents. Try ono and you will smoke ,no other. . ' AH tho loading brands of Be. clpars nt $1.75 per box, or for 25o. Tho largest variety ol Pipes and .Tobacicos In town. ' E. C. MORRIS, X The Cigar Man ' A 325 Washington Avenue oooooooooooooooo In and About The City MMM Baces at the Speedway. A programme of Interesting horses races bus been arranged for- this after noon at SuO o'clock on the Speedway. Church Excursion. - The Simdiiy school and congregation of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Petois burs. will hold their annual excursion to Lake Ariel August 13. Petition in Bankruptcy. William H. Pnstlan, of Sunbury, yes iterduy llled a voluntary petition In bank ruptcy In tho United States court. Ills liabilities uro Ji,ai.10, and his assets, MW.71. Will Heceive Camp Pay. Members of Company K. Thirteenth cglment, who have qualified and turned .n their state property can receive their ramp pay at the armory this evening at 8 o'clock. - Union's Second Meeeting. The Hod Carrleis' union will hold its second meeting at 2 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon In Melvln's hall, 4JI Lackawanna avenue. A permanent organization will ba effected. Band Concert Last Night. A largo crowd gathcied on Washington avenue last night to hear Bauer's band give a concert nt the Bicycle club. An excellent programme was rendered in ex emplary style. Soldiers Beceive Pay. Tho members of the Thirteenth reg iment p3terd,iy received pay for their week's work at tho Gettysburg encamp ment. The men tu the companies wore paid through their captnlns, nnd the stuff fnrougu .njutnnt l). . Athortnn. Children's Delightful Trip. Through the Ulndnots of Manager Sll llman tho Rev. James Hughes was nblo to tako a good number of tho llttlo chil dren belonging to the Junior Endeavor soqloty of tho Adams Avenue chapel ,up to Nay Aug park on Thursday. There wore about ouo hundred chlidien who en joyed this outing. Mr. Hughes and somo .of his young lieutenants did much to mnko tho trip to the paik delightful to 'the llttlo Endeavoreia. CLAM BAKE AND SHORE DINNER Ninth Annual at Lake Poyntelle, Thursday, August 31. The G, W. West division, No. 468, Brotherhood of LqcomotJvo Engineers, has. juadq arrangements with tho On tario mid Western Railroad company for holding their ninth annual claim hake and shore dinner nt Lake Poyn telle, on Thursday, Aug. 21. This event Is looked forward tb as one of the most enjoyable of the bea sori at Poyntelle, and this year a larger crowd than ever Is expected to attend. .Special excursions will he run from Scranton unci Norwich. N. Y stop ping at ull stations between these points. f Awful! "Smoot" hap a second-hand Dens- more, which he will bell for $80 tush, lis Is "awful," cheap for that nui ejhlne. Guernsey building, city, B, . . XFancy Georgia ueachca. 30c. haskot; Tjforth 60c. , K, G, Courscn. ' JtRet "Tho Luckawunna Finish" on jour Juwn:U&udmIred wherever seen. -308 Penn avenue, gt - l i . Are You Going to the Seaside 1 i'J Or to DIf so, have1 The Trihnnp follow o.l onH aan iLSSrtli?111 yur frnds- rncnriu uSi "TromribUn BbU,W,,ff ComP,any; Old Address , j - , New Addtess 1 1 J!ff':Lu.- Vou promptThe VSKuTciT? a" "32 ""M? '.. juu ttio not a-iuniiPrinAi- vnit no a peit ft month. vr CONTEST ABOUT WATER PIPES CITY MADE DEPENDANT EQUITY SUIT. IN Scranton Gas and Water Company Ignores' Director Roche'a Notice to , Oet Its Pipes Out of the Way of the New Sewer In South Scranton, and Goes Into Court for an Injunc tion to Restrain Work on the Sewer Joseph Zop Is, Adjudged Guiltless. The Scranlon Gns and Wntcr com pany, through exvJudgo K. N. Wlllnrd. of Wlllard, Warren & Knapp, yester day secured from Judgo John P., Kelly a preliminary Injunction restraining Coon & Sons, contractors; Director of Public Works 'Hocho and the city of Scranton from proceeding with the work of the South Side Bewer, at tho corner of JTront street nnd Stone nve nue, in any way In which said work will interfere with the plaintiff's pipes. The rule to make the injunction per manent was made returnable July .10 at 10 ,n. mr Appended Is' the bill of complaint filed by the company: To the Honorable, tho Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas of Luckawanna County, Sitting in Equity: Your orator complains und says: First That Is Is a corporation of the stnto qf Pennsylvania, duly Incorporated by uil act of tho general assembly of suld commonwealth, approved tho 10th day of Murch, A. D. 1854, entitled, "An Act to Incorporate tho Scranton Gns and Water Company"; and said act and its fcupplmcnts your orator prays may be taken and considered as a part of this bill."" Second That by tho second section of tho said net, tho said plaintiff has the right "to provide, erect and maintain all works, muehinery, fixture or engines necessary or proper for making, raising und Introducing Into tho village of Scranton, Iluzerpo county, a sulllclent supply of gas and pure water; and for that purpose may provide, erect and maintain all proper buildings! cisterns and reservoirs for the reception of tho gas and water to bo Introduced, nnd for this purpose they are authorized and empowered by themselves, their agents, engineers and workmen to take water from any stream and with their tools, carts, wagons and horses along and upon lands and enclosures, streets, lanes und alleys, roads, highways and bridges, as may be nooessary, to occupy or to ob tain necessary material for tho construc tion of said works, and to occupy, ditch and lay pipes, and from time to tlmo to repair tho game." HAS LAID PIPES. Third That In pursuance of said au thority so vested In your orator, as afore said. It entered upon Stone avenue and Front streot, In the city of Scranton, and laid down pipes, some twelve inches In diameter, and others six inches lit diameter, nnd properly and eaiefully io en ted the same, bo as to furnish the said city of Scranton and tho citizens thereof with puio water. That said pipes, so laid as aforesaid, have been maintained and kept In good order for tho purposes aforesaid from the tlmo of t)ie laying theieof until the present time. Fourth That on or about the 2;th dav of July, 1002, the said A. II. Coon and his ton, Bolton G. Coon, tinder a contract or pretended contuiet -with tho tlty of Scranton, and under the supervision and direction of the said John E. Roche, director of public works, commenced in-j tcrferlng with said pipes and endanger ing the same by exploding dynamite In the vicinity thereof and under the same and by digging and trenching adjacent thereto and under tho s'ame nnd along tho same. Fifth That your orator is informed and believes that the said defendants, A. H. Coon and Bolton G. Coon, are con structing a sower on the paid Front street and on the suld fetone .avenue, un der the authority of tho city of Scran ton, nnd In their construction of suld bewer they pay no attention to the water pipes there laid, and tho said John E. Roche, by letter addressed to the Scran ton Gas and Water company, under date July 10, 1902. ordered tho said eompnay to remove its said pipes on Front street, opposite the easterly alley between South Wcb'ter nnd Prospect avenues. Sixth Your orator Is wilting and has so notified the authorties of the city of Scranton, that it Is reun; to do nnythlng by way of relocating ol- moving tho pipes In question, providing It Is Indemni fied for the damngo it may sustain by so doing. But notwithstanding Its said will ingness so to act, tho sn(d vlty In the construction of Its sewer Is threatening to destroy your orator's pipes and to render them dangerous to tho city and useless to your orator; that no Indemnifying bond has been given or offored to your orator, directly or Indirectly, by the said city or by tho said director of public works, or by tho said A. II. Coon & Son.. Seventh That if tho defendants nbovo named are allowed to proceed with their work, it reparable lnlury will bo done to your orator's property, for which there Is no adequate remedy nt law. PRAYER. First That a preliminary injunction may Issue, directed to tho defendants nbovo naniod, restraining thonj nnd each and every ono of them, and their em ployes, woikmen and laborers, from fur ther Interfering with yqur orator's water pipes on tho said Stone avonuo and tho said Front street, and at tho Intersection of the said Stone avenuo and Front street. Second That, upon final Hearing, tho bald Injunction may be mudo perpetual. Third For such other and further re lief as to your honors may soem meet. The Scranton Gas and Water Co. By Wlllard, Warren & Knapp, Solicitor. Zop Was Discharged. Tile habeas corpus proceedings brought by Attorneys C. E. Daniels and W. M, Bunnell to secure the re leabo of Joseph Zop, of Wlnton, proved successful. Judge Neweomb yesterday discharged Hop as being falsely ac cused. The commonwealth in'ude no objection to tho discharge, Hop was accused by some of his the Country ? Fill out this coupon and Scranton, Pa., change my paper to "(tfMl tin ..i. il. ..... DREADFUL A VERY COMMON COMPLAINT, BUT IT CAN BE CUBED. Mrs. Carter A. Roberts, of Augusta, Me., Tells of Her Experlenca and How She Found Por- manent Relief. Sleeplessness has always something: of disease or undue escitement In it. Tho excessive use of ten, coffee, tobac ,co, pr any narcotic, may brlnn It on. In such cases, if the patient stop the use of, or use more moderately, those stimulants, he can overcome tho trouble. It may come, too, from dys pepsia, n general run down condition of the system, from disease or Insuffic ient nutrition, feverish excitement, too much blood In the head, etc, In these latter cases u medicine that will feed the nerves and build Up and purify tho blood, like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, Is recommended. That tills medicine will accomplish a cure In Buch cases has been' proven In thous ands of Instances, Ono of them Is .that of Mrs. Carrie A', Roberts, of No. G Melville street, Augusta, Ale., who wiib nt one tlmo a sufferer from Insomnia and nervousness but wns permanently cured by Dr; Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. She says: "I was very nervous and,, could not sleep. 'I had headache a great deal and my health was run down In general. For three months I was not able to do any work. "I tried other remedies but they guvc me no benefit. But one day one of my neighbors recommended me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People and I began using them. I took part of a box nnd saw I was receiving bqne tlt and, after tnklng four boxes, en joyed better health than I had for a long time. I found the pills wore all that they were recommended to be nnd now I am sleeping well and feeling well." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People are sold only In boxes at llfty cents a box or six boxe"s for two dollars and fifty cents, nnd may be had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec tady, N. Y. neighbors In Wlnton of criminally as saulting his 9-year-old daughter. He denied the charge and alleged It was brought at tho Instance of hl3 neigh bors to prevent hlpi from carrying out his expressed Intention to return to work In the mines. Whether or not the latter allegation Is true did not de velop, but the evidence was such as to thoroughly satisfy not only Judge Neweomb but District Attorney Lewis, that the crime alleged against Zop was without foundation. Constable John Lally, of Wlnton, ap peared as prosecutor. Audit in the Ryan Estate. Judge- A. A. Vosburg, In Orphans' court, yesterday, handed down his audit of the exceptions to tho partial account of P. J. Hor'an, trustee, of the estate of Bridget Ryan, deceased. The exceptions relating to trustee's commissions and counsel fees are over ruled, and the others are put over until the trustee files his final account. Awarded $1 Damages. Martin O'Mailey, of Old Forge, brought suit against the Scranton Rail way company fcfr $3,000 for damages done his property by the oompany's grading operations. Yesterday he was awarded a verdict of $1 by Arbitrators C. E. Daniels, C. B. Gardner and L. P. Wedeman. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Charles Peers ; Scranton Mary Ferris Scranton Anthony Jowaskl . Scranton Josofu Luberncka Scranton Martin Martin Sherman Mary Gerrlty Scranton Isaac Newton Scra'nton Cora Spangenberg Scranton DETECTIVES AT WAR. Arrests and Counter-Arrests by Chiefs and Employes. Tho Scranton Detective agency, Jo seph Greenberger, Morris Fagenbaum, Barney Cobb, Frank Cobb, et al., have a peck of trouble on their hands, which will be alted in court during tho next session. It seems that Fagenbaum obtained a detective's license from court, and entered Into a partnership with Green berger, who Is a deputy constable In the Kighth ward, and they created what was known ns tho Scranton De tective agency. v Barney and Frank Cobb, of 410 Crist court, were commissioned ns detec tives by Fagenbaum and Greenburger, and they proceeded to round up saloon keepers, keepers of disorderly houses and the like, for alleged violations of the law. The scheme was working prosperous ly for all concerned, until tho "chief" of the agency, who was Fagenbaum, and the others became Involved over tho distribution of tho spoils. Then Fagenbaum and areenberger had the Cobbs arrested for Impersonating ofll ceis and extortion. After a hearing before Alderman Ruddy tho defendants were committed to jail In default of ball. When they obtained their release on bull, the Cobbs wenfbeforo Alderman Kellow and had warrants issued for Fagenbaum" and Greenberger, charging them with conspiracy and perjury, Tho hearing was sot for last evening, but tho agency promoters waived a hear ing and entered ball yesterday after noon, m READY TO MAKE THE ROUNDS. Assessors Will Soon Get Started on Their Annual Tour. Tho city assessors are now prepar ing to mako their annual tour of in spection, and expect to sally forth In tho early part of next month, to make tho city valuation for tho coming year. They argue that they will have to begin early, us they must be through with this work by Jan, 1, Last yeur the work of assessslng property and occupations took four months, The- cntlro board bus to bo present at the viewing and assessing of real estate, but to facilitate, mat ters, they are allowod to divide among themselves the task of assessing per tonul property and occupations. SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Day and evening sessions of the Scranton Business Collego will, reopen Tuesday, September 3. Write, call or 'phono (S62) for Information. Buck & J Whltmorc, corner Adams and Linden, PLANS FOR ALMSHOUSE FOUR NEW BRICK BUILDINGS ARE TO BE ERECTED. Everything Will Be Arranged with a View to the Health and Safety of the Inmates Separate Buildings for Males and Females Ono Wing Will Bo Devoted to Kitchen and Dining Room Administration Building Planned as Fart of the New Institution Will Not Be Con structed Until Later. At tho next mectlntr of the poor board, tho secretary will be Instructed to ndvertlso for bids for tho construc tion of the new almshouses at the Hill side farm, provided for in Architect E. II. Davis' plans, which were recently submitted to and approved by tho hoard. Provision Is made for four brick buildings, connected by covered pass ageways. Tho plans provide for a cross-like construction, ns two of the buildings are situated between the two main structures, extending a considerable dlstnncc in front nnd back of them. Tho buildings are to bo used solely for tho housing nnd accommodation of tho pauper Inmates of the home. It is desired to separate them from the Insane Inmates, and this Idea was heartily approved by tho Stnto Board or Charities, when the matter was brought to Its notice some months ago, and tho preliminary plnns submitted. Tho sot of buildings to be erected will consist of a two-story structure, with accommodations for 225 men, a similar building capable of housing 150 women and about fifteen children, a largo kitchen and dining room, nnd an ad ministration building. Brick will bo used in this structure, and what little ornamental work will adorn the outside of the buildings will be also done In this matcrlul. The "hot blast" system will be employed In heat ing and ventllntiornnd electricity will be used In Illuminating the buildings. uveryiiiiiiK win oe arranged witn a view to tho safety and health of tho Inmates. The buildings will be guar anteed fireproof from top to bottom, una great caro will be taken in finish ing the Interior to round off all corners and do away with every sharp edge by meanB of which the Infirm and aged patients might possibly Injure them selves. SEPARATE BUILDINGS. The buildings for male and females will be at the onnosite mils nf tvm suite of structures, 112 feet being be tween them. The home will he two stories high, with a basement, and 170 feet in length and 132 feet wide. On the ground floor will be a large, light and airy room, In which the Inmates can spend their time amusing them selves during the day. Six dormitories will be. found on the first and second floors, and a large sick ward Is also called for by Architect Davis' .plans. Various smaller rooms are provided for noisy or disagreeable boarders at the farm, whose actions necessitate their removal from the main throng. The sick ward will have nurses' rooms adjoining; also linen rooms, toil ets and baths. On each floor there will be additional ample bathing accommo dations, lavatories, storerooms, and a steam drying room. A reception room 3 1 FREE TRADING STAMPS 30 TRADING STAHPS FREE A Repetition Sale 3 The Last Opportunity to Get 30 Stamps Free. 9 This is 30 Extra Stamps FREE, and does not S' include the regular stamps tion, xvxtra stamps are customers to collect stamps tomers to nmsu tlieir collection. Saturday and ilonday, July 26th and 28th Cut the Coupon Out and Present at Our Office New Wash Goods 9 Our buyers are in New York, opeu entire new lines of Wash Goods, White Goods, Table Linens, Notions, Hosiery and Underwear. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 We bought the goods our prices will be the lowest COME AND SEE. Purchase $1.00 worth of goods or more and present this coupon at SV&HW our office July ,50, you win Stamps free. Mears & A M mm . -. v .. 3 3 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. immmMmmmmmmmmmmm will be furnished, In which Inmates may rocclVo relatives and friends. Tho kitchen and dining room form a wing In tho renter of tho set of build ings, and extending to the rear of tho men nnd women's buildings. This Is to be ono story In height, nnd ISO feet long by 40 wide. A Johg court leads up to It, nnd In this the Inmates will be al lowed to walk, when the weather per mits, a high Iron fence separating the men and women, Tho kitchen proper will be 30 feet by 40, nnd In addition tho structure will Include two sculleries, two storerooms, and two dining rooms for the men and women. Each of these will be 35 feet wide by 60 long, They, will bo built at opposite ends of the building. Most of tho cooking will bo done by steam. Covered passageways from the male and female buildings lead to this room, and will be tho route pursued by the Inmates when tho dinner bell sounds. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Tho administration building, located Irt front of the others, will bo two stories In height nnd contain living rooms for the superintendent, a suite of reception rooms and a business office. It Is Intended to leave the con struction of this for the future, nnd to merely work on the other three, build ings now. Tho entire length of the buildings Is 458 feet, nnd the administration build ing and kitchen furnish n depth of 250 feet. Tho building for women will not be qutto as large as tho section used by the male paupers. Its structure other wise will be very similar. It will con tain a large 'day room, like tnat pro vided for tho men, a sick ward and four dormitories, Arrangements will be made for a small number of chil dren, and a nursery supplied for .the llttlo ones. Tho present almshouses will be added to thctnsnuc asylum departments nnd will be connected by covered corridors, like those of the new buildings. BAD EFFECTS OF STORM. City Sewer Basins Choked to Over flowing Yesterday. Director of Publlo Works John 'E. Roche had an unusually large number of men on the streets yesterdny, work ing at cleaning city sewer basins; as a result of Thursday's severe rnln storm. The heavy rain hud particularly dis astrous results on streets which have been only recently repaired as paved, and on which-the paving material hns not had time to take sufficiently firm ,hoId. Sewers throughout the city were stuffed with debris, many complaints being received In particular regarding the condition of the basins at Prescott avenue and Mulberry street, on Cedar and Plttston -avenues, and In North Scranton. As a result there were twenty-one men doing the work -yesterday, which 'pn an Ordinary day Is taken care of by six. Director Roche says that there has been an unusually large amount of trouble of this nature recently, and numerous damage claims against the city have resulted. COMING CAMP MEETING. Will Be Held at Carmel Grove and Dimmick. The Carmel Grove assembly camp meeting will be held July 31-Aug. 10 Inclusive, and the Dimmick camp meet ing Aug. 20-28 Inclusive. These meetings always attract large crowds of Methodists from all over Northeastern Pennsylvania. Get "The" Lackawanna Finish on your collars, cuffs and shirts. It's dif ferent. 308 Penn avenue. & 30! & & that are given in addi given to euconraga new and to help old cus- p Friday we will 5; 0. at a big reduction and "' of the season, & ' 25, 26 and receive 30 HEARS & HAGEN. & Hagen, & & I -J--v,vv s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Borrow $ $ $ $ VV you will havo $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ NEW 'PHONE, $ XXXMXXXXtUXHHXXKXHXUXXX II Saturday Bargains At the New Store M A new store, a new stock, unlimited selection and real rj bargain prices. You cannot do better than that, no matter Jx how earnestly you may try. " YOU'LL MAKE A MISTAKE If you fall to participate In the clearance sale of Wash Goods. No need to tell you why here. A lo ok through the department will explain nil at a glance. THE SALE OE WASH SUITS AT 1.69 Must end this week. They're worth twice or three times the price we nsk. The demand is great and as we cannot duplicate them, they can't last longer. LADIES' SHIRT WAIST INDUCEMENTS. Our Waists havo a "get up" to them that Is not found elsewhere in town. They'ro smart looking, dainty In style, well made and nt well. One-nuartcr to one-half under regular prices jrn COOL, SHAPELY DRESSING SACQUES. "Klmonas" and other styles, In three-quarters ' and full lengths. Beautifully finished and mostly exclusivo styles. Prices, now begin at 23c. Tflce running throughout tho cntlro line has been unusually'heavy. THE MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is a llttlo store by Itself to the right as you enter. Try it for your summer needs, gentlemen, then compare our prices and qualities with what you havo bought elsewhere. LADIES' FASHIONABLE HOSIERY, ETC. All the conceits, fads and fa ncles of the hour are horo, at sneclal value prices. Also staple styles In clal offering at Ladies' Jeisey nibbed Under vests. trimming, with shield. An elegant THESE FOR MEN ONLY. Low-necked Night Shirts, In Muslin. well-mado and cut right, and Extra values Our completo lino of "5c. Silk Neckwear, In all styles, on Sat- Qf. urday v PARASOL PRICES CUT IN HALF. No last year's styles here. Tho new store has nono but new goods to offer. Anything In Parasols fo r ladles at half former figures. I (r Children's Patatols from w. McConnell & Co., The Satisfactory Store. MMKlAI!AkfiMiiiAjniAtfkA pXMFMWM9JMJpjm.mWJIM.i Munster Beer Is brewed from malt, strictly for family use and contains but 5 per cent, of alcohol. Order a Case Delivered Today. Two Dozen Bottles (or One Dollar. ?i evBtOK New 'phone 2074 T2i6 Lackawanna Av&,5cramonV 'S TO Cranberry Lake, N.J. Sunday, July 27 Adults, $1; Children, 75c Train leaves L, L. & V, station nt 8 a, m. $ $ $ $ $' MONEY 171 MONEY FOR m. FOR YOU! 1 YOU! THE QUICKEST WAY to got money when you can not afford to wait for It, Is to come hero nnd get a ldan on jour housohold furniture. Wo will hand you the amount you want within on hour or two after you ask. The easiest way Is to Money' On YourJ Household Furniture WHY7 Becauso you can pay us Just whenever ymi know tho money to pato. You pay In small,. easy installments, oiiuer wecisiy or montniy. xou may havo tho loun for ono month or for n wholo year. THE CHEAPEST WAY to got out of financial trouble Is to get a smnll loan from us. We will tell you nt Jlrst ex. octly what a loan for uny amount for any length of tlmo will cost. Wo chnrgo only a moderato rate for, tho use of tho money, nnd you will bo surprised to find' how very low our charges arc. You pay only for tho actual time you keep tho money. This company docs not chargo compound Interest at nil, nor tire there nny extra charges 'of any kind. NO PUBLICITY. No questions nro asked among your friends or neighbors. No endorsement of papers here. Everything fair and square. From SI0 to $300 Loaned If you want to keep your friends and neighbors. from knowinjr that you are hard - up we cairhclpyou. - Private Rooms for Free Consultation. 3 Remember that there is no compound interest to pay and tliat you pay us whenever it is most convenient. CALL, 'RHONE:, WRITE SCRANTON LOAN GUARANTY CO,, 207 Wyoming Avenue. night' in tho heart of tho shopping district. Convenient for tho ladles. Plenty of private offlccs. 2826. P. O. BOX. 94. now. abundance. Seo Saturday's spe- TCP Full silk taped and lace 25c garment for. Cambric or Madras. Roomy, Saturday at 75 cents CQg 400-402 Lackawanna Ave, Kg1iM0iL0jftU( 0 Old 'Phone 2162 S. J, Fuhrman & Bro Manufacturers of ? Store and Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Holler fto Awnings a Specialy 328 Lackawanna Aye., Scranton, Pa, J' lllim m 4 it .' J. i' h 4' . mt fmm. A Jifc,-, 2 JW, n g& 4-J: . P-Jj! .. !-. -fct ifef