fMvl 'r4&' TS- & 1 if" W ' i- ? ", v4 y ac nl ,' Q, fj THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, JULY 25, 190i?. I k P w r i ' y s jr ft. I; r 1 5, IF I' I J? r t 19 ' mw . m.-k WEST SCRANT0N Funeral of Miss Gertrude Decker Yesterday Afternoon Accident to Mrs. Ashleman. Other News Notes and Personals. The funeral services over the remains if the late Miss Gertrude Deekcr were jonductod ytHterduy afternoon from the home, at 122 North Sumner avenue. The Iioubc wus niletf wltn weeping friends ,of the deceased who came to pay the' Intd tribute to the or.c who by her noble Christian life nnd loving dis position hnd won their varnict uf ftcllun. Itev. John V. Woffatt' ha J shiivic of the services and delivered an eloquent eulogy on the past useful life of the deceased. Banked nround the casket vcrc beautiful (lowers which In all their muteness spoke of the loving es teem and' affection In which she was held. At the close of the services the friends were permitted for the last time to look upon the face, which though marked by pain In life, hail assumed a sweet, tranquil expression in' death. The parting was sad In the extreme. The funeial cortege moved to the "orest Hill cemetery where the re mains were laid at rest, and the ties of friendship severed until the reunion In the home above. 'i,;c pall-bearers were. Messrs. It. .1. Williams, Prof. I). Phillips. T. Fellows Mason, V. C. Williams. Clarence Shryer, and Frank Phillips. Severely Injured. Mrn. C. P. -shelman, of iiock street, was the victim of a serious accident cstcrday morning. While preparing n. descend the stalls with an Infant "litld In her arms her foot caught in the carpet ami she was precipitated to the bottom with much foice. Mi'inbets nf the family hearing her fall ran to n-r assistance and she was tcmoved to her room, and a physician was called, who found the unfortunate woman to be suffering from several cuts and possibly Internal Injuries. She will be confined to her bed for some time. It is rather surprising to note that the child which she had In ct urms escaped all injury. The Power of Heat. People who have been passing up and down South Main avenue, in the vlcin ty of the new pave, have been von ering why the trolley company was .o particular In having the rails cov rcd over with bricks and sand. As joon as the concrete was laid, a man vnuld cover over the rails with biicks Hid then put sand over these. The ap parent waste of one man's time was ihe cause of much comment, and an explanation being sought, it was found , Ths Best Family Cough Hemcdy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sal by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. M id-Summer 9 Bargain Attractions 1 A Lovely New Wash Fabric Javanese Crepe, deservedly this season's Wasli Weaves. beauiilii!. It has never before Beautiful Tissue Ginghams By far the most serviceable of warm weather weaves, because it is always new when it comss from the laundry. Fuji range ol beautiful styles. The yard 1 5C .'-A a 2 45Inch Spider Cloths 3 One of the season's distinctive novelties and therefore very dressy. Made from silk and cotton nnH pv,Arllnnrlr nz-miilnr If w.cIiap ettlansJ.'sil.. The yard 3 Annual Parasol 3, a Began yesterday morning! l'arasel, Coaching or Sun id The Sale of New Laces ? ' Goes on with unabated vigor. And why not? You never before saw such a wealth ot beautifui Laces for so tt- very little money. 1 a -a a a a a. a a a Hammocks Are As a department, but we have done well with them. The styles are right, the values were exceptioual and how could they help but sell fast, New Clearance Prico List on Hammocks: $1.00 Hammocks are now..,! 79c $1,75 Hammock's ars now... $1.39 $2.25 Hammocks are now..,. 1.75 $2,75 Hammocks are now.,.. 2,19 $3.25 Hammocks are now.... 2,49 $6,00 Hammocks are now.... 4.19 1 Globe Warehouse. I a mmmmwwwimmmmmmmmmm s & m 'H that the rails were covered to protect them Irom the sun. The rails on other Btrects are Just even with the roadbed, so that the sun touches only the too. On South Main avenue, however, the rolls will be al most entirely exposed until the bricks nro put In place, nnd It lias been found that the sun will twist the strel rails so completely out of shape that they cannot be used. When the contractor started to dig the dirt awuy from the rails, he left them exposed for several days, with the result that the heat from the sun broke two sixty-foot steel rails," and badly twisted almost all the rest from the end of the old pave to Luzerne street. Coming' Entertainment. Next Thursday, the Enwortli league of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will hold an entertainment and Ice cream social. Miss Julia Cruscr, elocutionist, of Montrose, and Miss Edna Saxe, pianist, of this city, will tnke leading parts In the entertain ment, and those who have had the pleasure In the, past of hearing these gifted artists will not miss this oppor tunltv to again hear them. At the close of the entertainment the young ladles of the church will serve ice cream and cake in the assembly room. Sunday School Picnic. The members of the ChestnutStreet German Presbyterian Sunday Reboot will enjoy their annual outing at Nay Aug park on Wednesday, July 30. The children will be taken to the park In two special cars, which will leave the corner of Main avenue and Jackson street promptly at 9.30 o'clock. The officers and teachers of the school are making great preparations for the event, nnd a most enjoyable time Is assured all. The Sunday school of the First Bap tist church will picnic at Nay Aug park on Thursday, August 7. The little folks of the school will be taken to the park In special cars, which will leave the church at 9 o'clock. Repetition Sale. 30 extra stamps given. See. our ad vertisement in this paper. " MEARS & HAGEN. Mountain Park Excursion. All arrangements have been com pleted for the excursion to Mountain Park on Saturday, to be given by Washington camp. No. ITS, Patriotic Order Sons of America. The excursion train will leave the Jersey Central station at 8.15 o'clock a. m. The excursion tickets are also good on the regular 1 o'clock p. in. train. A large number of prizes will be offered fcr races, base ball and other games. Judging by the large number of tickets sold by the boys of the, camp, ranks ns Queen of It IsliglU.dressy.and i been offered at.yard 1 9C 3 35C g. Sale The assortment is great, and everv Umbrella has a new price on It. s iri & New to Us fi vtH M: tf.MAt a J' this excursion will be one of the largest yet to leave the West Side. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The subject of Rov. James Schocttlo'n third English scrnion to tho membors of the Chestnut Street German Presbyterian church on Sunday ovenlng will bo "A OrcRt Quesllon-What Must 1 Do to Ho Bavcd?" An Infant child of Mr. arid Mrs. Thomas J, Williams, of 10 Kynon street, died on Tuesday. John Uonotc, of Scinnton slice t, is homo from Buffalo. Mrs. George B. Reynolds, ot North Main avenue, Is at Lako Wlnola, as tho guest of Miss Kmma l.owls. Tho many friends of Marvin G. Kro mer, sr of Lafayette street, a machinist for tho Imperial Underwear company, will bo sorry to hear that ho Is seriously III at his homo. Mrs. Hattlo Docker, of Washburn Htrect, underwent nn operation at tho Lackawanna hospital ytBterday. Tho members of Local (37, are requested to meet In Co-opoiatlvo hull at 2 o'clock this afternoon. ' The ofllccrM of nil the West Side locnls arc requested to meet In Jayno'rt hall at 10 o'clock tomorrow motnlng as business of much Importance well bo taken up for consideration. Misses Mnbtc and Myrtle Katzburp, ot North Main avenue, nro vlsItliiB ut Shen andoah. Mrs. Frank Gibbons, of South Sumner avenue, Is honlo from l'lttston. Misses Bertha and Florence Crawford, of North Hyde Park avenue, arc enjoy ing a three weeks' visit -with their broth er, Itev. William if. Crawford, at North Sanford, N. Y. The Misses Mullcy, Flemmlng, Cooper, Ilaggcrty and McGroff,, of Clark Bros.' store, entertained a number ot their friends at Nay Aug park on Monday evening. The event wan In honor of Miss Mamie Duffy, of Mulberry street, who leaves today for the west. N Messis. Thomas McDonough. David Richards, Albert Thomas, William Kcl let, all of this side, have gone to Buffalo, whole they hnve secured good positions. Mrs. William Rymer and daughters, Ar llno and Camilla, have returned from a trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The maniago of Miss Kate Sweeney, of Twenty-first street, to Mylcs Morgan, of 2703 Jackson street, has been announced for the Intter part of the month. Considerable excitement -was caused last evening by an Arab living on Scran ton street who called "scab" after Deputy Constable Charles Jacobs and some other gentlemen who were passing. They chased the Arab but were unable to ruteh him. so Jacobs appeared before Alderman Kellow and swore out a war rant for his arrest. It was placed in tho hands of n constable but he was unable to locate him man last night. Frank Cobb, of 410 Christ court, hail Michael Coyne, of Mlnookn. arrested and taken before Alderman Noone on the charge of selling beer on Sunday. At tho hearing held Inst evening the alderman did not deem tho evidence snflicicnt to hold Coyne so he was discharged. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. John Berghauser Pleasantly Serenad edHouse Struck by Lightning. Other News Items in Brief. A most pleasant affair tool: place at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Berg hauser, 2G1 Kim street, last evening, when u I.ugc gathering of friends and neigh bors to serenade their son, John, It being his thirty-fourth birthday. The lawn 'was prettily decorated with colored lanterns and flowers, and there tho guests tendered their congratulations to Mr. Berghauser. Bauer's band, of which he Is n member, attended In a body, and entered heartily Into tho spirit of tho occasion. They rendered an Inspiring programme which delighted hundreds of delightful hearers, both inside and outside tho grounds, for several hours. After the re ception, a number of presents appropriate to the occasion were given, for which Mr. Berghauser returned thanks. Re freshments were served at a seasonable hour, and after a most enjoyable even ing the guests dispersed at midnight. Those present were: ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Berghauser, air. and Mrs. G. F. Schwenkcr, .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holderly, of Buffnlo, N. Y.J Mr. and Mrs. John Kicsllng. Mr. and Mrs. William Rclsig, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armbrust. Mrs. Rell Ing, Miss Cmollnc Berghauser, Miss Anna Berghauser. Miss Minnie Berghaus er, Amelia Armbrust, Ruth Rclsig. Fdna Armbi'ii't, Anna Kicsllng, John Berghaus er, Charles Berghauser, J. Henry Schwen kcr, F. Herman Schwenkcr, John Hnhn, J. Wesley Relslg, Henry Armbrust, jr., William Berghauser. Lightning Strikes a House. The frame dwelling at SIS Willow street, was struck by lightning dm lug the lain storm yctiteiday, but fortunately no one was Injured; In fact tho lirst Intimation of the visitation was a strong odor of sulphur, which remained for some time after tho bolt hail passed. The houso Is owned by Philip Khrhardt. The bolt struck a corner of tho chimney, glanced oft and went down through tno roof. It made a zlg zag course through sever al. rooms and finally passed out through the summer kitchen. Only slight damage to tho slate toof and brick chimney was done, and several siding boards were splintered on the kitchen wall, where the bolt mudc Its exit, A Unique Walking Cane, Fred AV. Schwenkcr. foreman of The Tribune bindery department, received a curiosity from friends in Germany, yes terday, which H much udmlred. The curio is In the shape of a walking stick, and is in reality u cane, a cigar holder, a short brier pipe, a cigarette holder, and when theso various parts are combined they nlso form tho familiar long stem pipe, so dear to tho heart of every Ger man. The smoking apparatus Is made of puro wcichhcl wood, and Is supplied with an amber mouth piece, Tho donor was gen erous, nnd sent a bundle of tlio combina tion sticks, whloh Mr, Schwenkcr will distribute among his Intimate friends. A Surprise Party, A pleasant birthday surprise parly was tendered Mrs. Joseph Duley, at her homo on Hickory street, Wednesday ovenlng. Games, ilunclug and singing wcru Indulged In until midnight, when rcficsliiucutu wero served, Present were; Mr, and Mrs. William Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Olto Wrenz, Mr. and Mrs. Murtln Golden, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brier, Air, und Mrs. Joseph Duley, Mr. and Mrs, August Klrlgle, Misses Mabel Wrenz, Flora Wrenz, Tlllle lliimm, Kdlth Wrenz, and Georgo Miller, Charles ZiU'ck, Wil liam Smith, Herbert Duley. NUBS OF NEWS. Christian Flckus, who nttemrcd tho Sun day school picnic ut Lake Ariel, on Tues day, won the masslvo cake, a lino crea tion of the confectioner's art, which wus chuueed oh on the grounds. Dr. Schloy's Lung Healing Balsam Is guaranteed to cuie all coughs. "No euro, no pay," For sale by all dealers, The excursion committee of tho Four teen Friends met in special session In Best's hall last evening. A surprise party was tendered to Otto Schmidt, at tho home of his uurcnta on Protpect uvenue, laBt evening. RISPUTITION BALK-SO extra stamps given. vSee our udYcrtlscment In this paper, Menrs & Hagen. The funeral of Miss Margaret Roland will tako place tomonaw morning at 8.30 .o'clock. Services will bo held in St. Jo seph's church, Mluooka, and Interment will be mudo In the Cathedral cemetery. Jacob Berghauser, jr of 239 Elm street, U spending a two weeks' vacation in Newark, N. J., and New York city, &s& :n?&fc jggSmmsSS NORTH SCRANTON r AN EXCITING BOWLINO GAME FLAYED .LAST NIOHT. ' Thomas' Team Outplayed Eoderlck's Indians Thomas Davis Had High Score Father Whltty Boys Enjoy ing Themselves in Camp at Lake Lodore Y. W. 0. A. Notes of In terestOther Notes of Interest. One of the most exciting bowling games of tho season wns rolled on the North Scrnnton bowling nlleys InBt evening:, between Roderick's Indians and Thomas' Cowboys, which teams are composed of some clever bowlers. Tho game wns full of sensational plays, but Thomas' team outrolled the op ponents nnd succeeded In capturing tho game. The feature of the contost was Ihe rolling of Thomas Davis, for the Cow boys. He made both high score und high avernge. The following was the line-up of 'both teuins nnd the scores: INDIANS. 13. Roderick IKS I. Jones 7:!, Jehu lis llukhcs 112 James 7.1 Owens IU IIS I,:) 107 1-.M 110 80 G37 tiOO-lL'10 COWBOYS. Thomas lot lot Rlchnrds 105 ISO Davis 170 10ii Reese 101 117 Jenkins lot 'HI R. Roderick 1:J8 121 72. sai li."G High man Thomas Davis, 130. v High average Thomas Davis, 183. Whitty Boys in Camp. The members of the Father Whlfty society, Company C, First Regiment of Lancers, nre having nn excellent time at CaniD Hoban, Lake Lodore. Not withstanding all the rain, the bovs have endured since they opened camp, they continue to enloy themselves. Company C street is situated in the center of the cump, and here the boys play nil kinds of tricks In ennin life. The boys nre noted for having the best drilled and quietest company of the regiment. They are a crowd of gentle manly young men. The camp was visited yesterday by a number of North Scranton young ladies, who were given a delightful re ception by the boys. Father Moylan, the boys' friend, Is always busy, try ing to make the camp more enjoyable for them. A base ball team has been organized by Captain Lawrence Burns, and during the past week they have defeated every team in camp. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Regardless of the heavy shower yes terday afternoon, the children's party at the association parlors w,is an en tire success. A large number of little folks responded to the invitation and spent the hours between 3 and 6, having a most delightful time. During the afternoon a reading club was formed. The club is to meet every Monday and Thursday afternoons, from 4 to 5, to listen to the reading of stoiles. Next Mondny afternoon they will begin "Little Lord Fauntleroy." All children who are fond of stories arc invited to join the circle. The president of the Outing club will accompany the gills on the plqnic to Scranton lake, tomorrow afternoon. They will start from the rooms at 1,30 p. m. Beginning next Monday, the rooms will be open at the noon hour to all young women who carry luncheons. Tables will be spread and Ice cream served. A most cordial welcome is in store for all young women who go to the rooms to eat their luncheon. Repetition Sale. 30 extra stamps given. See our adver tisement In this paper. Mcars & Hagen. OTHER NOTES OF INTEREST. L A mass meeting of all locals of tho United Mine Workers of America will bo held In St. Mary's hall this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All members arc earnestly requested to bo piescnt as business of Impoitanco Is to bo transacted. Robert Thomas, an cmployo ot tho Providence Register, Is spending his va cation with his brother in New Yoik state. Miss Annlo Golden, of Oak street, is spending her vacation at Waymart. Thomas Hltchlngs, of Spring street, has returned homo after a month's visit with relatives in Sharon anil Now Castle, Miss B. Kelly and her guest, Miss Te resa Cronln, of Archbald, circulated among nttston friends Wednesday. Miss Teresa Cronln, of Archbald, is vis iting her friend, Miss II. Kelly, of Gilbert street. GREEN RIDGE. TTntt'nrH Wnlfnra rt Riwnn niilnn ,.., ..w....... ,,.....-, ... ..(.w. ttwl- Etllll'l, who was operated upon for appendicitis recently, is improving. RKPKT1TION SALK-S0 extra 'stamps given. See our advertisement In t Ilia, Mcurs & Hagen, Miss Mabol Green, of Tioga county, Is a guest at tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. W, G. Lent, of Sanderson aveiuie. Mis. Alary Fromer, of Dickson nvenue, will leavo today for a stay at Lako Ariel. Harry Seward and a friend from llar ford, will leavo In n few days for a AN OLD AWD WEIX-TRIED REMEDY, for children toothing, Is the prescription ot one of the best female physicians and hurses In the United States, nnd has been used sixty years with nevor.falllng mci cess by ml lions of mothers for their chlu dren. During the process of teething its Uilue is Incalculable, It reliovos the chill from pain, cures diarrhoea, rlplng In ths bowels, and wlnd-collc. By giving honlth to tho child It rests t in mothor. Trice twenty-nve cents a bottla. ' , I When in Need I Of anything in the line of optical goods we can supply it. J Spectacles and Eve Glasses ,j, Properly fitted by an expert' 1 From $1.00 Up Also all kinds of prescript tion work and repairing. Ale r cere a u & Connell, 138 Wyoming Avenue, mmMmrmmamim nmmmmmmwwmrm mmM-WWfrTiXirii WMifr tn 1 WiffnrWi geHii nitilftMiii 1 tftii nlT"" Wr 1 1 w camping trip along tho Susnuohanna river, OBITUARY. MARCUS N. B. K1LLAM, of FftU pack, Pike county, who was well known by the older residents of this city nnd throughout the Lackawanna and Wyo ming valleys generally, died ,nt liln homo yesterday afternoon at ,1.30 o'clock, He was born at Pnupack, Feb ruary G, 1815, and engaged In the lum ber business during the greater part of his life. In 1848 ho was married, and his wife. Mrs. Nancy Bennett Klllam, Is among his survivors. He Is nlso sur vived by ills sons, H. F. Klllam, who formerly lived in this city, nnd A. 1C. Klllam, and ono daughter, Ksthcr B. Klllam, the two latter of Pauoack. Mrs, Sylvester Tlllson, ot Rochester, N. Y., and Mnrk K. Edgar, of this city, are grandchildren of the deceased. Mr. Klllam was a man possessed of all those sterling, strong attributes of character, which tend to mako one honored and respected, and his death will be sincerely mourned by countless friends. MRS. BRIDGET GIBBONS, nn es teemed resident of the South Side, passed away 'at the family residence, 1910 Prospect avenue, early yesterday morning, nfter a long illness. The de ceased, who Is survived by three grown-up children, was CO years of age. Funeral will be held Saturday. An Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred Reldcnbach died yesterday morning at 518 Stone avenue. The funeral will tako place this afternoon. The funeral of Patrick McDonald, which takes place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, will bo attended by St. John's Total Abstinence society and Division No, 7. Ancient Order of Hiber nians, to which societies tho deceased was affiliated, It's the Third Week of This Sale The business done during the past thoee weeks of this Clearing Sale has considerably lpwered stocks in this store. There's very few lots that have a com plete line of sizes, but there are small lots of different kinds and qualities that make it possible to fit you and suit you at prices that only occur in this house twice every year. These reduced prices are low; when looking down this list bear in mind the good quality of every item. Men's Suits $10 and $12 Suits now reduced to $8.25 $15 and $18 Suits now reduced to $9-75 $18 and $20 Suits now reduced to $11.75 $30 and $28 "Atterbury Suits," the fashionable clothes that have created such favorable comment among the best dressers $18.50 Boys' Shoes $2.50 and $2 Boys' Shoes, In sizes 2 to 5j4,in Patent Leather, Box Calf and VIci Kid. Clearing 4 - Price $1.5U The Little Qont $1.50 qualities, sizes 8 to 13, t Reduced to p 1 ,)) You'll find in our hat and Furnishing Depart ment things that you need that are seasonable; the regular prices have been lowered to clear out small lots- that will accumulate in a large and busy store. Samter Brothers, ' Complete Outfitters. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Light Dressings of Cuticura. ' This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates hair folli cles, supplies the roots with energy and nourish ment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. MILLIONS USE CUTICURA SOAP Assisted by Cuticuiu Ointment for preserving, purifying, and beautifying ' tho skin, for cleansing tho scalp' of crusts, scales, and dnndrufT, and tho stopping of fulling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and soro hands, for baby rashes, Itching?, and dialings, in tho form of baths ' for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too f rco or offensive persplr- i ation, by women in tho form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many . sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, aud for all tho purposes of tho toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion, can induce those who have ouco used theso great skin purifiers and benutiflers to uso any others, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, scalp, and liulr of Infants and children. COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR, $1.00. ! ' Consisting of CUTICCKA SOA1-, S.1e., to clcanno tho skin of crusts .- vanilftn nna ecaies nnnsoucn me tmcKcneu cimcio ; uuticura ointsient. A0c to Instantly annlki. nml f.nnl . uuumu mum iivw, l0 caj. fi i onucicinso tno ww wa ino mosi torturing, lUsUKtirinf?, ncni Scalp, nnd blood humours, with loss of hair, wlion nil clso falls RrltlehDcnot: 27-23. ChnrterhoiiBO So.. London. French Dc Potter Dnuo and Cuem. Corp.. Sole CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS . liquid CUTICURA RESOLVENT, as well ns forn Put up In screw-capped pocket Tints, containing 60 doses, prico 25c. Cutiuura Pills are alterative, antlsoptlc, tonic, nnd tllzcBtlvc, and tho purest, sweetest, most successful and economical of blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonlcdigcstivcs. i X &lllllllllllllllf Iff , M M m Men's Trousers $3,50 and $3 Trousers reduced to. $2.50 $4 and $3.50 Trousers reduced to. $2.75 $5,00 Trousers now reduced to : . $3-50 $6.00 Trousers now reduced to. . . $4.00 $8.50 and $6,50 Trousers reduced to ' $4.75 Hen's Shoes,Oxfords The Hanan'' Shoe Is the best shoe made at $5.00 a pair! Small lots have accu mulated In our Shoe Depart ment. So they are reduced to ; allay Itching, iuflmnmntlon, and Irritation, and nml f ..'W,.',.... . tlwon, ..K.tiH ,,.. n. A , u( jui,.ua rtMUU.wii t Jbkt, XtH,, IU UUU1 uiooci. a inglk hetia ottcn sumclent to euro tho most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and srnly skin, 3, with loss of Imlr, wlion nil clso falls. Sold throughout tho world, nrterhoiiBO Sq., London. French Depot: 5 Uuo do In l'alx, Paris. Props., Boston. U. 8. A. (Chocolate Coated) nro n now, tasteless, odor. Iosk. economical substitute l'or tho celebrated rail other blood nuriflcrs'nml humour cures. $3.75